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Whats your message to gm this morning . Thank you. We have outstanding issues that we still need to resolve, and we are committed to do that. We are hopeful that this morning General Motors is also committed to sit down and bridge that gap and address all the issues that are still currently on the bar beginning table. General motors put out a statement, and its unusual for them by the way to reveal what they have offered, but their statement said, we presented a strong offer that improves wages, benefits and grows u. S. Jobs in substantive ways and its disappointing the uaw leadership has chosen to strike. We have negotiated in good faith and our goal remains to build a strong future for our employees and our businesses. They say theyve offered new money, they said they have made some offers having to do with some of the plants that theyve closed. What more do you want from them . So let me just state for the record that only 2 of our proposals have been tentatively agreed to. Let me make a comment on details regarding negotiations. We in the union do not negotiate in the press and i think most people that are in the press that are reporters respect that. I have been asked numerous times about details specific to negotiations. In all my years, i have never disclosed those details outside the bargaining table. That is an issue that when we meet this morning, that were going to have continued conversation amongst each other about that type of tactic. That is not something we do in the union. That is not something we will do. So i am not here to disclose any details or specifics of that contract. Talk about lordstown, this is the plant, the cruz plant that was shut down. Do you want gm to reopen that plant . Well, we are focused on job security for some 50,000 members and their families. There are several plants that are unallocated but the theme of job security and secured employment is what we have been talking about time and time again after and during these negotiations. One of the plants right behind me where you see the marching uaw members is the hamtramck plant. They are on that list to potentially not have product for years to come. So there are four and there may be additional, but in november 26, 2018, four of them were announced. Specific details on each one, i will not get into. What i will tell you is that it has always within a priority for the uaw to sustain job security in any one of our agreements and we are going to continue to have those discussions. As far as specific details on lordstown or any of the others, im not at liberty to talk about them. We will continue to talk about job security as we get back to the bar beginning table. So the president , President Trump, put out a statement overnight, he said here we go again with General Motors and the united auto workers. Get together and make a deal. How does that help in your negotiations . So i am not sure how it helps, but heres what i do know. We are committed to reach a tentative agreement. When we start back in negotiations, i am sure that we will be refocused to do so, just that. I didnt read the quote from the president and, quite frankly, were very focused on these negotiations, the people behind us, their families, the communities, and quite frankly these american jobs because for every autoworker here, there are seven additional jobs attached to what they do. That is the big picture. Terry, let me ask you this we plan to roll up our sleeves and get back at it. Yes, sir . There is an investigation into some members of the uaw leadership and allegations of corruption. What do you want uaw members to know about how that is affecting these negotiations . So that is not affecting these negotiations whatsoever. We remain focused. I have met with the staff as a part of our negotiating team several times. They are focused on the end result. They are focused on the people behind me and in plants all over the country. Our focus is not on those things. Those things will take care of themselves. They will be sorted out. That has not affected our negotiations one bit. Not a single bit. We are there to negotiate. I am focused on it as is all the uaw gm staff and the top negotiators around the country. Terry dittes thank you for joining us this morning and keeping us posted. Its loud there. We wish you the best as you head back to negotiate this morning in two hours. A lot of people have their jobs on the line. Thank you very much. Thank you, sir. President trump is hinting at military action after saturdays attack on Saudi Oil Fields saying the u. S. Is, quote, locked and loaded. Several in the Trump Administration blaming iran. Tehran denies any involvement. Joining us is chief International Anchor christiane amanpour. The president saying locked and loaded, Lindsey Graham saying its time to put attacks on iranian Oil Refineries on the table. The president was clear we need to wait for the saudi assessment of what they believe actually happened here. Once we have that, what could we see in terms of action . Look, its very, very difficult to know because this is a very high stakes, highprofile, dramatic negotiating table if i can say that in that region. As you know, the iranians and the americans have been in this headlock of each trying to get their way for many, many months, especially since the sanctions have started to really bite. Now, according to the u. S. Officials who have seen the satellite pictures that were released by the administration, there was some 19 highly accurate, pinpick strikes according to u. S. Officials and analysts who know how to read these things, on this very important saudi infrastructure. It has hit a very, very important and very public element of not just the saudi economy, oil, but also the u. S. Economy, oil. And i have been talking to my sources who say that this is part of a strategy where they dont know who actually did this and nobody is saying who did it because the u. S. Isnt saying it yet defunnitively, saudis have said nothing, europeans are not blaming iran at the moment. What is the strategy . According to my sources it is to show the United States that, quote, maximum pressure isnt working and that until the u. S. Takes the iranian demands seriously to ease or lift sanctions, iran wont get serious about deescalating. According to the french officials who, as you know, have been in touch with the iranians trying to broker some kind of deescalation with the United States thats what iran is looking for, deescalation and not necessarily a meeting with President Trump. These are all the bits that are floating around in this very, very as i said high stakes, dramatic and possible miscalculation over how the iran u. S. Relationship is going to go forward. Erica . I think all the words youre using are dead on, high stakes and dramatic, to attack a facility like this in the heart of saudi arabia is not something we have seen. Mike pompeo, the u. S. Secretary of state, has basically said he blames iran from this. How unusual would it be, christian, for iran to launch this kind of strike directly . This isnt how they usually operate. Thats exactly right. I went back into the ar kivgs and asked someone to look it up, it wasnt you know, 1984 when iranian jets breached saudi air space and were shot down, so nothing actually happened. This was in the height of the postrevolutionary antagonism between iran and saudi arabia. Nothing like this has happened since. Iran was blamed for the 1995 attacks against a u. S. Military installation inside saudi arabia, but since then nothing like this has happened. What you have, though, is the houthis, occasionally backed by iran, taking responsibility and various sides believing that because the houthis have successfully pen tratsds saudi air space and saudi territory over the years that the saudi has been launching with the u. S. Help this war on yemen. If the satellite images are correct and this came from the north and it was either iran, unlikely, more likely potentially from iraq, then that is, according to my sources, an additional message to the United States that their economy is vulnerable and that they want to be taken seriously and its not all about a meeting in fact, apparently according to my source, the Supreme Leader of iran doesnt want a meeting even though the treasury secretary Steve Mnuchin said President Trump was willing to have a meeting no conditions with the iranian president. You have a lot of sort of mixed signals in terms of, you know, verbally from the u. S. , but you have at the heart of it, what to do and people are pointing again at the strikes that took place, limited strikes, remember, on those tankers in the persian gulf over july. That again was a message and according to my sources with plausible deniability, but those were aimed at breaking the uae, the emirates, from their position with the Saudi Arabians and the u. S. That seems to have been successful. Christiane amanpour for us, we should point out in terms of mixed messaging, Steve Mnuchin and mike pompeo saying no conditions, the president pushing back on that which he has said in the past as well. Thank you. Is President Trump afraid of a little competition . The three republicans challenging President Trump in 2020, now suggesting he is and one of them joins us next. beep the ups and downs of frequent mood swings can plummet you to extreme lows. crying lift you to intense highs. muffled arguing or, make you feel both at once. Overwhelmed by bipolar i symptoms . Ask about vraylar. Some medications only treat the lows or the highs. Vraylar effectively treats depression, acute manic and mixed episodes of bipolar i. Fullspectrum relief of all symptoms. 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We should point out it has been done before, as you know, by both parties. Why do you say its different now in 2019 . Because its never been done when theres been primary challengers. Look, we cant be numb to this. I know its difficult because this president seemingly every day attacks our democracy, but we have to be outraged. I always want to pinch myself and remind myself that this isnt russia. I do not live in russia. I refuse to live in russia. We cant just cancel elections in this country. Thats what donald trump is doing. Hes literally canceling elections, and its very easy to be pissed off at trump, but were used to this with trump. He is a wouldbe dictator. He would like this to be russia. Ive got to tell you, im blown away in my disappointment with the Republican Party who is in cahoots with this president , and again, literally eliminating elections. As you know some of the states have said listen theres no reason to bear this cost when there is no real contest at stake. In the most recent cnn polling we should point out among republicans, an 88 Approval Rating for the president , approve of the job hes doing, 84 want to see the president reelected. How do you respond to those numbers . What cost go ahead. Yeah. No, i was going to say, what costs do we put on disenfranchising voters . We continue to put up that number, 88 of republicans support trump. Look that support has softened and wants an alternative and is sick and tired of this president s daily assault on our democracy. I guarantee you that if you polled Republican Voters in those four states, South Carolina, arizona, nevada, and kansas, and you told them that the president of the United States just took away their right to vote in 2020, i guarantee you most republicans would be against that. Kevin mccarthy, my former colleague, this weekend in baltimore, he said and i quote, the Republican Party has never been this strong and this united. Does a strong, united party cancel elections . So let me ask you then, beyond writing this oped, what is your plan . How do you plan to challenge it . To go right to the voters. Ive given up on the Republican Party. The Republican Party is a cult, right. They no longer stand for ideas. The Republican Party right now is all about washing their leaders feet every day. Thats what they do. Were going to take our campaign directly to Republican Voters and ill add, in all 50 states, were going to campaign in all 50 states. Were going to campaign in South Carolina, arizona, nevada, and kansas, because i believe if we let these Republican Voters know that the president of the United States just took away their right to vote theyll march on the headquarters of their state parties to get that right to vote back. Were going to go right to Republican Voters. As youre going right to Republican Voters i know you have been had recent meetings with George Conway, no fan of the president s, mark sanford also hinting he had been speaking with George Conway. He is an adviser as i understand for you, does not have a formal role in your campaign. How much are all three of you in conversations with George Conway . How much is he helping each one of you as candidates . Look, all i can do is speak for myself and all i can do is speak to George Conway. Hes a great american, a great patriot. It takes courage for George Conway to say right now about what this president that he says. Look, i would be honored to have George Conways support. I would be honored to have any influential concerned americans support right now who will join me in acknowledging that this president is unfit. George conway believes that this president is unfit and i do as well. I think and george thinks, most republicans deep down believe that as well. As part of this oped, you write, cowards run from fights. Warriors stand and fight for what they believe. The United States respects warriors only the weak fear competition. Who specifically are the cowards that youre referring to . The Republican Party and the president of the United States. Look, donald trump is a bully. You and i know that bullies are cowards. Therefore, donald trump is a coward. And all of these republicans in the Republican Party who have abandoned everything they believe in, right, free and fair competition, the marketplace of ideas, they have abandoned all of that, again, to wash this president s feet every day, theyre cowards as well. Joe walsh, good to talk to you. Thank you. Thank you. John . All right. The big debate in College Sports, should student athletes be compensated when their schools are profiting off of them . Well speak with a proponent of a new law that would get these students some money, thats next. Touchdown, texas. The time. 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Now you can know whos on your network and control who shouldnt be, only with xfinity xfi. Simple. Easy. Awesome. It is a debate that has embroiled College Athletics for years. Should student athletes be allowed to receive some compensation for their efforts . California Senate Passed the fair pay to play act which would allow College Athletes to earn money for endorsements. This is in direct violation of ncaa rules and now other states could follow suit. Joining me is the executive director of the National College players association, which cosponsored the california bill. Thank you so much for being with us. I think this is such an important discussion and i think people need to understand the issues at play here, but first off, you call it dehumanizing for the ncaa to deny students the freedom to benefit from their sports. Explain this, dehumanizing. I think the notion that caused athletes name, likeness, can be owned by sports is dehumanizing. College athletes are people not University Property and in addition to, that they should not be denied the rights and liberties afforded to other students on campus, other california residents or citizens in this country. My background, one of my teammates was suspended over groceries that he ate and the ncaa said well you used your name, image and likeness, talking on the Radio Station about how you were broke. The store was selling his jersey in the student store capitalizing off of him. Thats one of many that makes it dehumanizing. That is the quintessential example of how a school will profit by selling a jersey with the name of a player and the player gets nothing for it. Now, the ncaa has a different take on this. They wrote a letter to gavin newsom who will have to sign the bill in california for it to become law and say that bill would erase the critical distinction between college and professional athletics and because it gives those schools an unfair recruiting advantage would result in them being unable eventually to compete in ncaa competitions. How do you respond to that . First and foremost when it talks about professionalizing College Sports, ncaa amateurism is a fraud. The notion that this is just, you know, a High School Basketball or little league, its not. This is a 14 billion a year industry with millionaire coaches, ucla has an under armour deal worth 280 million and in turn require players to wear the under armour logo to basically serve as walking billboards for this company. Its not amateur athletics and to use that as a justification is ridiculous. In terms of the level Playing Field, multiple Court Rulings have shown that there is not a level Playing Field currently in ncaa sports with the current restrictions. You have 99 of the top recruits going to the power five conferences which in turn win 90 of the championships. Neither is any justification valid to strip players of equal rights and protections. There could be an interstate commerce standpoint if california has one law, typically the court have ruled that one state cant dictate commerce for the entire country. Well, that does not apply in certain matters. When that rule does not have to be universal aform, and in this its not uniform. In the same division, division one, Ivy League Players who get zero dollars, versus the fiveyear athletes getting 300,000 over five years. Players on the same team in some cases have no scholarship, full scholarship or partial scholarship on the same team. Already it does not apply and doesnt have to be uniform and in matters of local public interests in the state of california, working to protect their players civil rights, that all trumps any kind of notion that ncaa can control california. What about the title 9 implications . Most of the proposals deal with compensation having to deal with endorsements and likeness . If male athletes are receiving more money because its their jerseys that are being sold at a higher rate, does that raise questions about fairness for some of the female athletes . Well, actually, i think this is going to be a big step forward for female athletes. Anything that the schools do, they have to do for female Athletes First of all. Title 9, thats the law if thats the case. Any outside money is fair game for anybody. One of the best examples is Katie Ledecky a fivetime Gold Medalist swimmer for stanford, basically had to leave College Sports to get any endorsement money which deprives female athletes in their platforms to actually grow the sport. I think its going to be a big step forward. Also the ncaa, if you look at title 9, one of the things that this bill does is to allow College Athletes to get sports agents, have legal representation. The ncaa recently made moves to allow only male athletes, some of the male athletes for college basketball, to have sports agents and denies every female athlete the same right. We cant follow the ncaa. The ncaa has been a bad actor with players. Thats a walking title 9 violation in itself. The state of california should be taking the lead on this. The other argument you will hear referred to for generations, this is not the way its supposed to be, this is not amateur athletics and tim tebow who played College Football and is a commentator on tv had this to say about that over the weekend. We live in a selfish culture where its all about us, but were just adding and piling it on to that. It changes whats special about College Football and we turned night the nfl, who has the most money, thats where you go. How do you respond to tebow . Well, first, i have a lot of respect for tim tebow but couldnt disagree with him more on this issue. Colleges are set up in order for regular students to set themselves up economically. Theyre searching for economic prosperity, to have a double standard where you say College Athletes shouldnt do the same doesnt hold water. Im hoping tim changes his mind opt this. At the end of the day thankfully tim is not the governor or a lawmaker that will vote on this. I do think there should not be a double standard for College Athletes. Everyone in america should have every right, economic liberty afforded to every citizen in america. I have to say thank you so much for coming in and having this discussion. Its a lot more complicated than i think people realize and it raises a whole bunch of side issues that we had a chance to talk about this morning, and its something people ought to think about and think about hard. Thank you very much. Thank you for having me. All right. President trump has good reason to doubt many of the National Polls coming out his way. After all, most polls showed his 2016 victory a long shot, but dig deeper into the numbers and there are real alarm bells the president would be unwise to ignore. John joining us with todays reality check. Good morning. President trumps been hate tweeting a lot lately about polls, calling them all fake news. Which means theyre probably not looking too good for him. But thats despite a cnn poll from june that found a majority of americans think trump will win reelection and theres a lot of confidence coming from the white house. They point to the power of incumbency, a huge money advantage and at least to date strong economy. But go back to the data and youll see that there is real reason for trump to be nervous. First, hes the only president in the history of the gallup poll never to hit 50 approval. Thats despite the lowest Unemployment Rate in nearly 50 years. Thats not all. A new cnn poll shows a stunning six in ten voters say that trump doesnt deserve a second term, with a dismal 39 Approval Rating. Dig deeper and you will see a stark enthusiasm gap. A recent Washington Post abc poll found 27 of folks strongly approval of trumps performance, while 48 strongly disapprove. Another poll, 53 of registered voters say they would definitely vote against him. We should know that National Numbers dont mean a whole lot, right . Lets look at trumps Approval Rating in key swing states. Florida, trumps got a 44 Approval Rating, despite 54 of folks saying theyre financially better off than in 2016. How about pennsylvania . 42 of keystone state voters say trump is doing a great job. Michigan, where trump won by 10,000 votes, his approval rate down to 44 . Wisconsin, where september poll showed that trump at 45 . Trumps under water in states he easily won like ohio where only 43 of voters approach of the job hes doing. North carolina the most recent gallup numbers put trump at 45 and 45 in iowa, a state he won by almost ten points. Under water in texas, 45 . Poll last week showing that 48 of lone star voters say they definitely vote against him. Yes, polls are just snapshots in time, but these trends are definitely not Donald Trumps friends. No wonder the president keeps insisting that internal polling looks great, best ever. But there is, of course, still plenty of time for democrats to screw this up. Polls show that trumps strongest reelection argument is to run against a social in which trump wins by a sixpoint spread. Republicans are trying to label democrats as radical socialists and folks on the far left could be doing his work for him. Might explain why joe biden has the biggest lead over trump in head to head matchups, florida 9 points, pennsylvania 11 points, wisconsin 9, ohio 8 points. Other democrats often beat trump in states like this, sanders and warren, but by consistently smaller margins. Were still more than 13 months out from election day but right now the numbers show that President Trump is in an objective and possibly unprecedented position of weakness. And thats your reality check. You dont like the polls, john, when they consistently show bad things for you. I think thats a fair statement. Doesnt make them fake though. Appreciate it. Former Vice President joe biden giving an impassioned speech on race and the rise of hate in america. How black voters are helping to boost the democratic frontrunner next. At verizon, were building the most powerful 5g experience for america. Thats why the nfl chose verizon. Because they need the massive capacity of 5g with ultra wideband, so more screaming, streaming, posting fans. Can experience 5g all at once. This is happening in 13 stadiums all across the country. Now if verizon 5g can do this for the nfl. Imagine what it can do for you. Welcome to fowler, indiana. One of the windiest places in america. And home to three bp wind farms. In the offchance the wind ever stops blowing here. The lights can keep on shining. Thanks to our natural gas. A smart partner to renewable energy. Its always ready when needed. Or. Not. At bp, we see possibilities everywhere. To help the world keep advancing. When you have diabetes, dietary choices are crucial to help manage blood sugar, but it can be difficult to find a balanced solution. Try greattasting boost glucose control. 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A lot of talk this morning about a speech from former Vice President joe biden. An emotional address about hate at an anniversary memorial for the 1963 Birmingham Church bombing as the 2020 democratic frontrunner is under new scrutiny for his past record and more recent statements on racial issues. Cnn is live in South Carolina this morning where biden and others are stumping today. This was an interesting address. It really was, john. It was a powerful speech. The former Vice President joe biden warning and talking about forces of hatred that still exist in this country decades after that Church Bombing killed four young girls. Trips to states like alabama and here in South Carolina are all part of bidens push to court the black vote. Thats going to be a key component for any democrat seeking the nomination and right now black voters make up a key component of bidens support. Hate is on the rise again, and were at a defining moment again in american history. Reporter joe biden, at the pulpit of 16th Street Baptist Church in birmingham. 56 years after a bombing by the kkk killed four young girls. Their murders lay beare the lie that a child can be free in america while long shadow darkened our cities ann day hatefilled massacres like the shootings in el paso and charleston. This violence does not live in the past. We have not relegated racism and White Supremacy to the pages of history. Reporter bidens trip to the super tuesday state of alabama comes as hes courting black vote, which is critical in the path to the democratic nomination. Nearly five months after entering the 2020 race, biden is still leading the democratic field, fueled largely by his consistent support from black voters. My mind has been made up pretty much from the beginning. Who is that . Joe biden. Reporter a poll found 42 of democratic black voters back biden. I watched my buddy barack stand up there. Reporter for many black voters bidens service alongside president obama is a strong credential. The first black president was president obama, and he chose him, president obama chose him for a reason. Reporter for some considering biden in 2020 those issues arent impacting their Decision Just yet. While i think Vice President biden is an amazing public servant, i dont think that should make him the automatic democratic nominee. Reporter bidens history with racerelated issues has come under scrutiny in the 2020 race from his opposition to School Bussing to his role in crafting the 1994 crime bill. This answer at last weeks debate after he was asked about the legacy of slavery drawing some criticism. We bring social workers in to homes and parents to help them deal with how to raise their children. Its not that they dont want to help, they dont they dont know quite what to do. Reporter for some considering biden in 2020 those issues arent impacting their support just yet. He makes you feel like he knows you and we know he really cant, but he makes you feel good. Im like everyone else, were looking. He will probably be one of the more stronger candidates that could take on the Trump Administration and actually win. Were interested in winning, not just running. Reporter now here in South Carolina black voters make up 61 of the democratic primary electorate. Joe biden has been building relationships in the state for decades. The question Going Forward is, can he turn those relationships with black voters into actual support at the ballot box . So far with the polls the answer is yes. The question is how long can or will that last . Terrific reporting, thanks very much. Time for the five things to know. Number one, President Trump hosts bahrains crown prince today. Theyre expected to discuss iran, security in the persian gulf and counterterrorism. Later this afternoon President Trump will honor new york yankees great Mariano Rivera with the highest civilian honor the president ial medal of freedom. He was the first player unanimously elected to the Baseball Hall of fame for his 19year career with the yankees. Purdue pharma that made billions selling oxycontin is filing for bankruptcy part of the framework to settle thousands of opioidrelated lawsuits by state and local and tribal governments. Humberto strengthening to category 1 hurricane. Luckily it is forecast to turn away from the u. S. Mainland. If it stays on track it could threaten bermuda by midweek. The bahamas, recovering from dorians devastation, were spared the worst of humberto over the weekend. Ric ocasek founder and front man of the cars died sunday in his new york apartment. The cars had a string of hits including my best friends girl and drive. They were inducted into the rock and roll hall of fame in 2018. Ric ocasek was 75. The cause of his death has not been released. One of the great boston bands. Thats right. For more on the five things to know, just go to cnn. Com newday for the latest. Just ahead, a samesex couple is suing the Trump Administration after their daughter was denied birth right citizenship. Well speak with them about their fight with the state department. Five things to know for your new day brought to you by principle, investments, requirement, insurance, we can help you plan for that. Were you going to tell me about this . I know i cant afford to go. I still have this car so you can afford to go. I am so proud of you. Thanks. Principal. We can help you plan for that. Start today at principal. Com. beep the ups and downs of frequent mood swings can plummet you to extreme lows. crying lift you to intense highs. muffled arguing or, make you feel both at once. Overwhelmed by bipolar i symptoms . Ask about vraylar. Some medications only treat the lows or the highs. 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For a lot of folks this is probably confusing to them and it was to you because you went through the same process with your son in 2016. No hiccup, no hurdle. What changed . Yeah. We are not sure. We were pretty shocked when submitting our application and getting the refusal. As you mentioned, we were we went through this process before with no issues. It was in the previous under the previous state department. We were very confused and very devastated as well. And the law, its our understanding, has not changed in that time. Initially, though, your application for your daughter was approved. Well, our daughter applied for passport, we applied for her, right after she was born. We went into the passport office. We submitted ourp application. Immediate this, this did not happen with our son, they wrote on the application surrogacy because we were two men and then we were forced to sit there for an hour after different sex couple after different sex couple walked up to the same procedure and walked away. We had to sit there through that sort of humiliation, if you will, and that was really frustrating. And then when we got the rejection letter, it was sort of the punch in the gut if you will. You went up and this didnt happen with your son, they wrote surrogacy on your daughters application and then you mentioned other couples came up after you. Did they also have a child born via surrogate . It wasnt clear to us at the passport office. Im saying other couples came up after us and it took two minutes and they left. Youre part of a lawsuit, we know that this is the fourth lawsuit as i understand it, against the state Department Policy, a federal judge ruled in favor of another samesex couple in february and then the state department appealed. Where do things stand for you right now . Well, so we submitted our lawsuit last week and were basically in a state of waiting, hearing what state department has to say. You know, we are trying to keep on living our daily life and trying to deal with two kids under 3 in a house thats no small feat. Its challenging and its just like another layer of anxiety which is really unnecessary. I mean its very upsetting, its very nerveracking to be in a scenario where we need to fight for our family, we need to fight for our marriage, for this. I mean we are parents, weve been married for six years, and the last thing that would have imagined to do is being here on tv and not like, you know, taking those kids to the playground and like enjoying being parents. I want to say, you know, we were there the moment she was born. We were the first people who held her. She first cried in our arms. We gave her her first feeding, bath, she first slept on our chest, skin to skin. We are the only parents shes ever know. We know what a family is. The law is clear on what a family is. We filed this suit on my parents 52nd wedding anniversary. They raised five kids and taught us what family is. Its clear to everyone, apparently except for the state department, and i would urge secretary pompeo to fix this in a second. It can be fixed. What else have you been told besides the fact that shes born out of wedlock . Is that the only reason theyre giving you . Essentially yeah. This is the reason. They dont recognize us as a family. They dont recognize our children as born to us. They are not recognized each of us as the parent of both of our children. Even though, you know, those children were born into this marriage. Those children have two parents. We are the only parents they have had since they were born. On birth certificate, we are family and parents and were both u. S. Citizens. This scenario is just cruel. The Supreme Court has already ruled on samesex marriage that were supposed to get all of the benefits. Whats the point of giving us, recognizing our right to marry if youre not going to recognize the families we create with that marriage. So as we mentioned, we know she was born in canada via surrogate, shes here sitting on your lap but here on a tourist visa and thats set to expire pretty soon. What happens at that point . It is. And you know thats really unsettling. Every parent wants to give their child security for today and assurances for tomorrow and this policy isnt letting us do that. You know, we have to explain to our kids their story. Were very confident of all of the people that were involved to bring them into this world, all of the people who in a loving way helped us build this family, and this is going to be part of their story. Were confident that the law is on our side and that we will, indeed, win this, not just on behalf of our daughter and family, but on behalf of all American Families across the country. We will continue to follow the case. We appreciate you joining us this morning. Thank you. Thank you. Look at those kids. Adorable. They have their hands full to say the least. Also two kids under 3. We remember those days. Right. We are following breaking news on many fronts, including the largest strike among auto workers in more than a decade. Cnns breaking News Coverage continues right after this. Standard of care. Ther its how we bring real hope to our Cancer Patients like viola. 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Because national lets me lose the wait at the counter. And choose any car in the aisle. And i dont wait when i return, thanks to drop go. At national, i can lose the wait. And keep it off. Looking good, patrick. I know. vo go national. Go like a pro. Award winning interface. Award winning design. Award winning engine. The volvo xc90. Our most awarded luxury suv. Play it cool and escape heartburn fast with new tums chewy bites cooling sensation. Tum tum tum tums. Good monday morning. Im jim sciutto. Im poppy harlow. It is monday morning but for nearly 50,000 members of the uaw the work week will have to wait. As of midnight last night theyre on strike against General Motors. Next hour the two sides will meet for talks to try to stop what is the largest strike by any union against any u. S. Business since the last uaw strike and that was back in 2007. Meantime here in new york, a really significant bankruptcy filing from purdue pharma, that is the drugmaker that makes oxycontin. It is the next step in a plan to pay billions of dollars in restitution over the accusations that company helped fuel the opioid crisis. In the settlement, though, purdue still maintains it did nothing wrong. Billions of barrels of oil up in smoke. This after a strike on a Saudi Arabian oil field. President trump says the u. S

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