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North and South Carolina. Likely to continue off and on as these outer bands continue to push onshore. So please keep that in mind. The National Weather service also this is the map of where we expect the best chance for tornados and water spouts. Now an enhanced threat here. So you can see that threat has actually increased in just the last hour. This does include cities as wilmington as well as myrtle beach. Rainfall is going to be one of the big concerns as well as storm surge. And probably the biggest concern for a lot of the low lying coastal communities here. You see these colors here the reds and even the pinks, this is where were talking 10, 12 if not even as much as 15 inches of rain before this system is finally able to exit the area. Yeah, i dont know need to see the red to know were getting a lot of rain here in charleston. You can see the winds picking up as well. I want to give one update which is now understand more than 200,000 people are without power in georgia and South Carolina and i do expect that number to go up over the coming hours. As we said as bad as it is here, nothing, nothing compared to what happened in the bahamas. And the recovery effort there with so much need still on the ground lets go to Patrick Oppmann whos in freeport, been there for days now. And patrick, i know youve been able to see more of the island now in situations in some cases even more dire than you expected. Reporter every time we get out, john, every time we are able to go into a new part of this island, places that were blocked off just a few days ago, the picture is worse. Yesterday we went to where peoples homes were flooded, hundreds of them. And to see people coming back to see how destroyed their homes were, they were all submerged under water for days or to go to the homes of the missing and realize the relatives, their friends, their neighbors were not there was absolutely heart wrenching. We got to the airport as you know. It was destroyed. One terminal was completely torn apart, other terminals we were not allowed to go in and film, had been under water for days and completely unusable. One update residents told me thrpg the airport runway is clear but still no idea when the airport will reopen. As you know that is so vital to getting in aid. There are people with broken bones, people who have been hurt during the storm. By and large those people have not been medevaced out. We need to start seeing aid pour in. And behind me its a beautiful view of an ocean. For me its incredibly frustrating to see an ocean with no boats on it. It is now possible for the first time to bring in boats full of aid, water, full of food. All the things were running out of here, and weve not seen that happen yet. We tried to hire a private boat to bring things in for us and we were told private boats were not allowed onto the island for a safety reasons. Its unclear on day two why more boats arent coming to the island with things people so desperately need here. I can give you two quick updates on that. Theyre going to send in a cutter to the harbor there to make sure its clear. They just dont know they say that the harbor is clear enough to land vessels and they point out air force engineers were on the ground at the freeport airport at grand bahama island to try to make sure that runway was clear. What about food and water, patrick . I know you say you guys are close to running out. What about the other people in freeport . You know how well we prepare for these storms, john, but tomorrow will be a week. Ive got a great team here. We are sourcing stuff as best we can. We had a lovely breakfast this morning of Peanut Butter and crackers, were going to be okay. But for the average bahamian its a dire situation. We saw a line yesterday at kentucky fried chicken, the only restaurant open when we were doing a tour. But theres no food coming to the island so whatever food there is is going to quickly run out. Patrick oppmann, hang in there. You and your team have been doing fantastic work and hopefully that aid does get to you. I want to go now to ken graham, the director of the National Hurricane center to get the latest on the forecast for Hurricane Dorian. Ken, thanks for being with us. Still a category 3 storm but our Allison Chinchar told us it has begun to make that turn to the northeast. What more can you tell us . Just starting to turn and see that movement. That means right along the coast still seeing the potential for those Hurricane Force winds. Look at these areas for tornados all the way up to North Carolina, all those rain bands producing tornados. But along the way were going to keep moving but look how close we are to the coastline. Anywhere in that hurricane warning area you can still see Hurricane Force winds. I know a lot of these areas, dealing with charleston, when you start getting up to wilmington and those parts of North Carolina, those are areas that dealt with so much flooding just one year ago for hurricane florence. Whats your concern for storm surge there . Storm surge always the leading system for fatalities. Along the areas that got hit before 4 to 7 foot, and thats water up your pant leg. That is above ground and significant. Its not just your Barrier Islands here, it can stretch well inland, too. And in some places, that water gets in early. But on the sound side when the winds turn to the north and northwest some of that water comes in late, fast and could be there even 5 to 10 hours later. And theres the threat too of all the rainfall here in charleston. We could get 10 inches. That doesnt help either. What happened overnight when the storm went from category 2 to category 3, actually picking up speed. Explain how that happened. Right when youre on the border of those categories 1 or 2 miles an hour can make the different of the categories but the impact is still the same. Youre still going to have the rain, the storm surge and the winds right along the coast. So either way, big impact. This is life threatening situation when it comes to the water. So many people in automobiles and we have to remember turn around, dont drown. Yeah, please, that is an important reminder. Ken, joking here a little bit but i can hardly remember a time we werent talking about Hurricane Dorian. Its been around for so long. When will it finally be no more a concern to people on the east coast. John, weve been all hands on deck here for ten days and continue to watch this. You think about puerto rico through the bahamas and now the northeast. So look what the timing is here. We have this morning 2 00 a. M. Friday off the carolina coast and by friday afternoon we start to see it pull away from the outer banks. So we still have today, tomorrow and eventually getting this system back out to the atlantic. Thatll be good riddance to say the least. Ken graham, thank you for everything youve done for us. I really appreciate it. Joining me now is josh who rode out the storm on abacos island, rode out dorian where it hit as a category 5, made it to nassau and has since gone back to visit abacos to get a sense on the situation on the ground there. Now that youve gone and assessed the damage again, what did you see . It was really eye opening. After i rode out the storm i was just in survival mode for a few days, just kind of sleeping in my car, living on bread and Peanut Butter. And i got off the island and came back to assess it further and the twoairs i looked at one was the commercial strip of marsh harbor which is the main town of abacos, and it is just wiped out. The combination the storm surge just flattened it and the other really heavily affected area the whole island is affected but this other devastated area is lowlying area a tremendous storm surge came in and just wiped the place clean. Youre seeing the footage that i sent. Josh, any aid . Whats your sense of what is reaching the people in need there . I think its slow in coming, but i think its starting to. I felt the first couple of days there was a feeling like the government complex, the big sturdy building that with stood the storm well and people sleeping in Office Cubicles and that kind of thing, and i didnt sense there was anyone in charge. But i started to feel yesterday when i went back that maybe a little order was coming in. But i do think people are desperate. People are hungry and thirsty. Theres a Medical Clinic on the island. They dont have a whole hospital, theyve got a big Medical Clinic. And theyre unable to treat the most traumatic injuries and the staff are heroic working around the clock, not sleeping to deal with broken bones and get the most urgent cases evacuated out via helicopter, but its a tough scene right now and they need. They really need help. Thats why its important when you get the pictures out, when you see a whole section of the city flattened like my footage shows then people on the outside understand how serious this is and how much people need help there. I couldnt agree more. The one combination of words an official used was generational devastation which i think may be the only way to describe whats going on there. You talk about had helicopters reaching the island. Patrick oppmann was saying how frustrated tay were in freeport not seeing any boats yet to arrive. Right now is it just helicopters reaching the abacos . You see a lot of helicopters buzzing around, an occasion small plane. I dont know that the airports are open yet. I definitely see a desperation for help from the outside. Im having a little bit of a hard time hearing you. I think its me in this case which is new because i have so much water all around me now. Josh, you talk about the food, you talk about the water. Where are People Living on these islands right now . Well, the bahamas government complex is this huge building in the center of marsh harbor and during the eye of the hurricane it was so violent and then most people, myself included to the only building that was pretty solid which was the government building. So everyone went into that building during the eye and that has become a home for many people, so days later that government complex and Office Building is just a home for hundreds of refugees. So people are cooped up inside these hot uncomfortable conditions. Yesterday the sun was out. People were sort of camped out on the hill, hanging their clothes on tree branches to dry stuff and wash up a little. It is tough conditions but my sense is the government complex has become like a hub. Thank you for joining us again this morning. Thank you for providing us this video, this window into whats going on in the abacos. Hopefully it helps get the aid there as quickly as possible. As we let you go i want to tell people they can stream the latest episode of your show, hurricane man for free online to get a real sense of the dire situation there on the ground. We really appreciate it, josh. My pleasure. As i go back to you, alisyn, again the winds here have been fairly consistent over 50 miles an hour all morning long and it has been raining so hard. You can see the rain coming off the ground where its bouncing. So you have the rain falling, the storm surge coming in. The next four hours here will be crucial. Yes, john, your live shot is giving us all a real sense of the situation on the ground in charleston. Its incredible just how much its changed since the beginning of new day. We want to give viewers information how you can support the nonprofits. Please go to cnn. Com impact. Theres a list there how you can help. Also there was an unprecedented event here on cnn, ten democratic candidates, south bend indiana mayor Pete Buttigieg will be here next to talk about his plan and how faith plays a role. in dutch tell him we need this merger. in dutch its happening. just ok is not ok. Especially when it comes to your network. At t is americas best Wireless Network according to americas biggest test. Now with 5g evolution. The first step to 5g. More for your thing. Thats our thing. alarm beeping welcome to our busy world. Where we all want more energy. But with less carbon footprint. Thats why, at bp, were working to make energy thats cleaner and better. 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Does anyone really think were going to reach that goal if between now and 2050 we are still at each others throats . Its not going to happen. That was mayor Pete Buttigieg last night on cnns town hall on the Climate Crisis. What is his plan . Joining us now is Pete Buttigieg. Mayor, great to have you here in the studio. The Climate Crisis, is that the very first thing if you were elected president you would tackle . It needs immediate attention on day one because this is a threat to our entire way of life. Hundreds of millions of lives are on the line. Usually the way we talk about it is save the planet. And there are lives in danger every time we see more frequent and more severe storms, every time there are droughts. This is no longer some distant theoretical thing. This is happening to our country right now. Its getting worse, and weve got to act. I think it makes a lot of people feel very helpless because, yes, we can all do away with our Plastic Straws and i havent drank out of a straw for the past six months because im so worried about whats happening in the ocean but people feel helpless when its that existential. Thats one of the things, the down side to fosing just how colossal of a challenge of this is, is it can feel paralyzing but we can rise to meet this. Thats what my climate plan is all about. Its not just about all the things we can do tech logically and so on but summoning the energies of this country to do something unbelievably hard. When you look at this country rose to a great challenge, overcoming the great depression, going to the moon, i think where he could be standing taller. Right now were in a mode i think were thinking about it mostly through the perspective of guilt. Using a straw, eating a burger am i part of the problem . Yes, but we could all be part of the solution. Not only calling on the powers of our government to ensure industry is held accountable for their pollution, we cleanup our electricity grid, we have more electric vehicles on the road but also bring out something in all of us in terms of how Rural America can actually pioneer the solutions to capture arbon in the soil, how america can lead the way on bio fuels. And this is something that will require the public and private and social sectors to unite and rally. And then instead of being built on guilt, it could be pride. But on all those things you just laid out what can you really do on day one . So much. First of all, youve got to have someone in charge of Environmental Protection who actually cares about protecting the environment not a former coal company lobbyist. So first of all its who do you put in charge. Also specific policies. The queen power plan had the Obama Administration was implementing and this administration has killed. Our role overseas, establishing the u. S. As the leading nation in climate diplomacy. As a matter of fact, it may be just what we need to restore u. S. Credibility by leading on this major world issue at a moment when our credibility is very much in tatters around the world. Speaking of credibility i just want to show you a moment that happened yesterday at the oval office. President trump was trying to prove that alabama was in harms way, that Hurricane Dorian was heading to alabama, so he held this event in the oval office which shows the official National Weather service projection, and i dont know if right there perhaps you can see with the untrained eye that someone has drawn in black magic marker alabama because since the projection didnt really include alabama, the president wanted to make his point and so someone just drew it on there. So what is your reaction to that . Im really worried about i feel sorry for the president. And that is not the way we should feel about the most powerful figure in this country. I dont know if he felt it necessary to pull out a sharpy and change his map, i dont know if one of his aides believed they had to do that in order to protect his ego. No matter how you cut it, this is an unbelievably sad state of affairs for our country. If our presidency isnt in good shape then our countrysent isn good shape. And by the way i also think its why youre seeing a lot of independents and people who have voted republican over the years saying you know what, this has become something weve all got to pull together and create an alternative to because we just as a country cannot go on with these. This is humiliating, this is an embarrassing moment for our country and we seem to see a new National Embarrassment every day. So when you say you feel sad, you feel sad for the president or for the country . Both. Look, when the presidency has been reduced to this, all of us are diminished because the presidency is something to be looked up to. What were seeing there is literally pathetic. It makes you feel a kind of pity for everybody involved, and thats now how i want to feel about a president whether its for my party or the other. President trump doesnt believe in Climate Change. I mean hes on the record saying weather changes, he doesnt believe in it. So what hes focused on is building a wall, building his promised wall. And hes going to be basically syphoning off some military Construction Funds in order to build the waulg. And now the pentagon has come out what will be lost with that. So ill read it to you. This is from the new york times. The pentagon plans to divert funds from military Construction Projects in nearly half of the 50 states, three territories and 19 countries. The cuts involve projects such as rainfall ranges, aircraft similators, hangers, port repairs and Cyber Operations center. We all know theres a lot of pork in military budgets. Cant some of those things be done away with . Is that a big loss to be losing money from those projects . Yeah, lets look at our priorities. Look, a Cyber Operations center sounds to me exactly the sort of thing we need more of in the 21st century because we know 21st century threats include things like Cyber Threats as well as dealing with cyber security. And here you have a president focusing on what aamounts to a 17th century Security Solution which is putting up a wall. At a moment when the biggest threats to this country arent things stopped by walls but things like hurricanes and cyber attacks. I would rather have the rifle ranges, the hangers and the Cyber Operations center because thats involved in keeping america safe. Theres no question the pentagon budget can be bloated, and its also extremely important we have the best equipped military in the world. And when i i was in the military i knew we had the advantage of the resources this country puts into our national defense. The idea you would divert that and gut that at a time like this and especially taking it out of things relevant today shows you how things are upside down and how antique. The pentagon has talked about the effect of the Climate Crisis on the military. Absolutely. Look at a shockingly large proportion of our military assets and bases are endangered by Climate Change. Needless to say especially from a Navy Perspective a lot of that is on the coastlines from the Sea Level Rise to the frequent and severe storms. But also were seeing more and more instability around the world. Theres evidence that drauts that might have been partly worsened by climate clachg contributed to everything from the Syrian Civil War and this is the very beginning. We could see climate wars in the future. Lets not let that happen. Theres a reason why some of the most soberminded and unsentimental people in this country, Insurance Companies that are in the business of just determining risk and military officers and leaders who are in the business of keeping this country safe are saying, hey, weve got a problem here. And the bottom line is the president of the United States cannot keep us safe. And the reason he cannot keep us safe is he doesnt even want to admit theres a problem. The last you talked about this is being a matter of faith, maybe thats an approach you would take as president to address it through peoples religion and faith. Have you tried that in south bend, indiana, and what has the response been. Its very important to me never to impose my religious views on anyone else because i know what can happen when people in government decide to do that, but were having a national conversation, and i think its absolutely appropriate for us to speak to people whose moral and political choices are guided by faith. And i think that very much comes into play when were talking about the climate. First of all the faith tradition im part of and a lot of others, too, emphasize the way were responsible for creation, that were just passing through, and we have a responsibility to make sure that the world is in better shape when we leave than it was when we got here. But theres also a much mer immediate dimension which is climate really is about harm coming to people. This isnt just about saving the planet, its about saving the people. The younger you are and the longer youre planning to be here the more you have to lose. Certainly my religious justice calls on us to be exceptionally concerned with the marginalized, the poor, the endangered. And theres disproportionate harm with communities of color, and then overseas happening to countries who can least afford another drought or another flood. That has moral weight. And i do think the believerers need to ask if whats going on in washington is compatible to what their moral calling tells them to do when the comes to the climate. Thank you very much for being here on now day. Of course were watching to see where Hurricane Dorian heads next. Theres a new advisory out. So coming up we speak with a Hurricane Hunter. Hi mrs. Patterson. Wrinkles send the wrong message. Sorry. Help prevent them before they start with new downy wrinkleguard. Heres the story of Green Mountain Coffee Roasters costa rica paraiso. Meet sergio. And his daughter, maria. Sergios coffee tastes spectacular. Because costa rica is spectacular. 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You better make sure its smart enough to back it all up. Go where my baby lives b[ growl ]olle s good boy. Hey. Hey. You must be stevens phone. Know whos on your network and control who shouldnt be with xfinity xfi. Simple. Easy. Awesome. Welcome back. Im john berman in charleston, South Carolina. Its a major hurricane, a category 3 storm. It regained strength overnight and now has top speeds 115 miles an hour. Even if it doesnt make landfall in South Carolina, the impact absolutely being felt. Not just the wind which you can see here but an enormous amount of rain. 15 to 20 inches forecasted in some places. And also concern about the storm surge, not to mention the high tides, the winds picking up right here. The real concern in charleston where i am is the flooding. Theres an emergency Flash Flood Warning in effect for this entire city as we speak. I want to go to athena jones whos in different part of town from where i am where she can see the flooding. Thats exactly right. You see the flooding on the street behind me. That water has been steadily rising. Weve had to back up or pull forward i should say to make sure were in a dry area. Were only a few blocks from where Charleston Harbor is. Were surrounded by three sides by water. Forecasters saying youre saying 15, 20 inches with rain, forecasters saying with that amount of high tide and rain coming later in the afternoon we could see waters reaching almost as high as hurricane hugo in 1989. That is the Highwater Mark so to speak, so we could get very close there hence that Flash Flood Warning in effect and all the warnings were hearing from officials saying, look, stay where you are. If you dont need to go anywhere, dont go anywhere. If you do need to go places, make sure you dont drive through standing water. It only takes a foot of water to wash away a small car. So officials really want people to stay put. I think you mentioned the power outages. We saw the power going out just in the blocks around earlier this morning. This is how its going to be the for the next several hours and weve been watching as the water levels rise and we get more reports of flooding in several streets. The Charleston Police department is sending out alert after alert every minute or so about one more intersection thats ben closed in the city of charleston. Athena, were speaking to the mayor of charleston, South Carolina, who says he wants this city to be a ghost town. He doesnt want anyone out. The streets will keep closing as the flooding will probaby get worse throughout the day. One update on the power outages, more than 200,000 homes without power in georgia and South Carolina. And i think that number will go up as well. Athena, thank you very much. All right, joining me now is air force Hurricane Hunter garret black who has flown in and out of this storm several times, the last time on tuesday. I know youve been in contact with people who have been in the storm more recently. Whats the latest view from inside Hurricane Dorian . Yes, sir. From what i hear the eye is continuing to the storm is strengthening a bit over the last 12 to 24 hours, now back to major hurricane strength. And the National Hurricane center has done a fantastic job with this very challenging forecast. It looks like all the carolinas, even up to virginia needs to be very wary of this storm as it continues to skirt right along the coast. It seems like weve been talking about Hurricane Dorian forever. I mean, have you ever tracked a storm for this long that has had such an impact in so many places . Its been a long time here. We started flying missions from wae out in the atlantic. Its been well over a week and a half now. Really were scheduled to fly it over the next few days as well. So its been very challenging and a lot of work not only for us aircrew, but theres a lot of different pieces going on behind the scenes. A lot of people putting in a lot of work to continue to provide and i do want to point out how important that work is because it helps save lives. Just explain sow everyone fully understands how the work you do, which seems so dangerous, crazy to fly into a hurricane, how that can help inform people on the ground. Cuply. Were able to actually go into the storm and find the specific center to be able to help forecasters determine where the exact center is and they can ingest that into the models to get better outcomes. As everyone knows weather a very challenging to have a good initial condition is very important to make that as accurate as possible. Were also able to sample the wind fields and see how far the winds stretch from the center to see where the greatest impacts are going to be affected. Were going to get a good picture three dimensionally. And it is so important i know for the forecasters on the ground so they can tell the people where i am exactly what they need to know to stay safe. Thank you very much for the work you do. And good luck, safe travels as you head back up into Hurricane Dorian the next several days. Thank you. Appreciate it. All right, alisyn, as we go back to you in new york the key time here in charleston is around 1 00 p. M. Thats when the tide comes back in. And the number theyre looking for is anything over 7, 7 1 2 feet can lead to major flooding. Their concern, it could reach 10 feet. So you can see how much of a problem that would be. I mean they have been telling us since last night it is the life threatening storm surge that Everyone Needs to be most concerned with. And if theyre putting out the warning, john, i kind of feel like its time for you to come home now. This has all been great and know you like these larks you go on, but i feel now its maybe time for you to come home. It is interesting, though. And weve been chasing this storm forever and its not done yet. Because after charleston, tomorrow morning itll be hitting wilmington North Carolina that felt the impact last year. Its well pastime to get out and get to safe ground. Obviously well check back with you. Theres other news we do need to cover because President Trump got the hurricane forecast wrong repeatedly over the past week including this bizarre scene in the oval Office Yesterday. So the president is not relenting on alabama and whether Hurricane Dorian was ever headed to alabama. Theres the, well, graphic i guess that someone drew on the official map. Well discuss that next. Are we supposed to dance . Boy bands without dancing are just ok. Get a better than just ok unlimited plan with spotify premium included on americas best network. Only from at t more for your thing. Thats our thing. Sleep this amazing . Thats a zzzquilpure zzzs sleep. 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But this time with our own eyes we could see the black magic marker drawn on the map, the official map in order to prove his false claim. What are we who does the white house think theyre kidding, david . Its so absurd and so dangerous at the same time because what it reveals and were almost numb to it, right, its pathetic in and of itself that we have that reaction is that the president , first of all, why is he even in the oval office showing pictures of the hurricane projection . Why is he anywhere near that kind of discussion . He has fema, theres the National Hurricane center. Hes not an expert. Why would you as president of the United States even get into that business of tracking the storm from the oval office. You should be worried about all of the governments resources being there for preparedness and ultimately for the aftermath and helping, you know, important countries like the bahamas with whom we have interests as the United States is now doing. So that part of it is absurd. And also lying about something that doesnt matter. If at one point it was going in the direction of the South Alabama and georgia, it obviously changed. Everyone knows that. Weve been talking about that every day how the models have changed. Leave that to the forecasters. It doesnt matter whether you were wrong about that. You shouldnt have been asserting it in the first place. Whether its the crowds or inauguration his insecurity and his own questions about his legitimacy, thats what Takes Center Stage over the fact that people are dying because of this storm. And thats whats so awful. There are hilarious memes going about of all the things President Trump could fix with a black magic marker if he so chose. But we just had mayor Pete Buttigieg on, and he had a decidedly different take on what we saw yesterday in the oval office, so let me play that for you. Im really worried about i feel sorry for the president , and that is not the way we should feel about the most powerful figure in this country. Somebody on whose wisdom and judgment our lives literally depend. I dont know if you felt it necessary to pull out sharpy and change the map, i dont know if one of his aides felt it needed to do that, no matter how you cut it this is an unbelievably sad state of affairs. Whats your reaction to that . It marks for me a turn. Rather than being outraged and angry about it, this is new tact from mayor pete struggling to stay relevant at this juncture in the polls to say im worried about him losing it in effect. But the larger point is we have a president determined to be the center of everything in his administration, and its really a point of his own isolation because he wants to run foreign policy. He wants to predict the storms path. Everything has to come through him. I think it becomes dangerous particularly for any administration, particularly when your so insecure and so impulsive as he is and he uses social media as he does, it diminishes the impact of what a president says when a president deliberately lies or misleads or speaks so much, tries to overwhelm the circuits as it were to be the center of every story. It means the president s word doesnt matter as much, and that has implications for some of the bigger issues for of course emergency preparation is one. Aftermath in a storm, issues like the Climate Change on the world stage, trade disputes with china or National Security disputes with china and various leaders around the country, all of these things matter. The importance is not to focus on the issue in and of itself, its to understand the broader implications. David, thank you very much for the analysis. So coastal communities and carolinas are already getting slammed by Hurricane Dorian. Could we see landfall in the u. S. Today and what time . We heard back to john berman live in charleston right after this. More towers. More coverage its a network that gives you freedom from big cities, to small towns, were with you. Because life can take you almost anywhere, tmobile is with you. No signal goes farther or is more reliable in keeping you connected. We really pride ourselves on temaking it easy for youass, to get your windshield fixed. Teacher lets turn in your science papers. Tech vo this teacher always puts her students first. Student i did mine on volcanoes. Teacher you did . oh, i cant wait to read it. Tech vo so when she had auto glass damage. She chose safelite. With safelite, she could see exactly when wed be there. Teacher you must be pascal. Tech yes maam. Tech vo saving her time. [honk, honk] kids bye tech vo . So she can save the science project. Kids whoa kids vo safelite repair, safelite replace thats ensure max protein, with high protein and 1 gram sugar. 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