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And in the past the president has not been shy about putting himself in the middle of the brexit chaos. Well hear from both leaders later this morning at a joint press conference well carry live. Protesters are taking to the streets in london right now. I feel like the banner is delicately placed for discretion. Youre right. Because otherwise this would be one obscene baby balloon. The baby balloon is back, soaring above Parliament Square. Thousands are expected to protest the president s visit to the uk. We have a recap of the state dinner at Bucking Ham Palace. The president toasting the queen and all four of trumps children were in the spotlight. We have just learned what gift the president gave to the queen. We have it covered for you. Lets begin with max foster live in london with more. Whats the latest, max . Reporter the gift from the president to the queen was a tiffany brooch. Also Prince Philip receiving a personalized air force one jacket and a book. Trump about to arrive in downing street and the Prime Minister will be presenting him with a gift. One of the first steps toward the formation of the united nations. Another nod toward those post war institutions. Another reminder to President Trump. He had one yesterday from the queen as well during her speech at Bucking Ham Palace. The gifts are doing the rounds today. Also for the first lady, a tea set. Its been a very british visit. President trump begins a politically packed second day at his uk state visit alongside Prime Minister theresa may as her tenure comes to a close. Stick around. Lets do this deal. Okay . The two leaders starting with a business round table meeting before having substantial bilateral discussions alongside delegations from the United States and the united kingdom. I think well have a very very substantial trade deal. Mr. Trumps etourage, his daughter, ivanka. They will highlight how economic ties will become more critical in the wake of brexit. The president tweeting on monday, a big trade deal is possible once uk gets rid of the shackles. Before landing in the uk, President Trump providing his own commentary on british politics slamming mays handling of brexit negotiations. In an interview saying they didnt give the European Union anything to lose. Trump also praising two of the main critics. Hopeful Boris Johnson. I may meet with him. And brexit enthusiast, nigel farage. I have a very Good Relationship with nigel farage and many people over there. Well see what happens. Reporter between the tweets and diplomacy, the hosts treating him to the pomp and circumstance fit for the queen. President trump and the first lady taking part in a jam packed tour on their first day including viewing artifacts in the Royal Collection at Buckingham Palace. Attending a wreath laying ceremony at westminster abbey. Tea with the prince and duchess, and ending again at Bucking Ham Palace where the trump family brushed shoulders with princes and princesses. Tonight we celebrate an alliance that has helped to ensure the safety and prosperity of both our peoples for decades. President trump thanking the queen for her hospitality at the state white tie banquet. I offer a toast to the vitality of our nations and the long cherished and truly remarkable reign of her imagines imaginesimagine majesty, the queen. Reporter about business round table, its in james palace. The president getting positive signs about a possible trade deal with the uk after brexit which is exactly what the British Government is looking for. Downing street, hes probably going to be pushing for movement on huawei. He doesnt want them involved in 5g networks. Thats something the government can give back to him. If yesterday was about pomp and pa pageantry, today is about politics and protests. Thousands of antitrump protesters will take to the streets of london as President Trump meets with the british Prime Minister. The baby is back. Its a familiar site soaring above the protesters. Nick paton walsh is live in Parliament Square with more. What are you seeing there, nick . Reporter well, just a bit of an explanation. If you havent seen it before, its a a giant inflatable donald trump in a diaper. I spoke about the decision to bring it back. He said its an insult in his words because donald trump is an idi idiot. The occasional trump supporter walks in, but there are some things not able to show you on morning television. The London Museum has asked for it to become a relic there and supporters of President Trump had an inflatable sadiq khan. They put a version of him up in a bikini. Today were expected to see tens of thousands of protesters gathering here and gufurther up the square where theres a robotic donald trump on a toilet. Up here theres a donald trump as a gorilla in a cage. He was earlier joined by a version of Boris Johnson who was one of the potential running candidates here for Prime Minister in the united kingdom, and the very environments donald trump has walked into. This sense of hostility here i think is amplified by the fact hes walked into the peak of the brexit crisis. Theresa may leaving on friday and many not wanting to see the u. S. Commander in chief here at all. Well come back as the protests develop. Thank you. Breaking news. A brand new cnn polls weeks ahead of the first debate in the democratic race. David chalian live in washington with the breaking numbers. David, what do you see . Take a look at this latest race. Brand new cnn numbers in a poll conducted by ssrs. Biden 32 . Bernie sanders in a second place tier by himself, 18 . Harris at 8 . Warren at 7 . Buttigieg and oroarke round it out at 5 . Last month, its a remarkably stable race. Joe biden lost a little bit of altitude from 39 to 32. This was the post announcement glow. Still a big front runner. Otherwise you see a stable race. Harris up three. Warren about the same. Buttigieg and oroarke down a point or two. A stable race. One factor biden should be a little bit concerned about or a warning sign. Democratic voters under 45. The youth vote in this primary, this is one place that we see a real drop. 31 in april. Now its 19. For biden. Under 45. Sanders is the winner. Hes at 26 among young voters and you see the rest are all in single digits. We also wanted to show you about the strength of support. If you are with a candidate, are you going to be with the candidate all the way through . 44 of democratic voters say theyre going to support the candidate theyre with now. That number is up about 8 points from last month. More people feeling more solid in their choices. This is another reason i want to show you as to why you may not hear a lot of Donald Trumps name on the campaign trail if youre paying attention to a lot of these town halls. Democrats say by a huge majority, 81 of them. I want the candidate to unify the party around policy positions, not around dissatisfaction with donald trump. Only 15 of democrats want to hear that. Then, of course, you know weve got 23 Democratic Candidates in this race. Is that a good thing or bad thing we asked democrats. 53 say its a good thing. 45 say that is not a good thing for the party. 44 already feel strongly about their candidates before the debates . Thats incredible. Yeah. And i dont buy it. Ive got to imagine the campaigns are going to matter as the months move forward. We must believe that. Yes, david. Thank you very much. Also new joe biden releasing a plan to fight Climate Change. We are live in New Hampshire with the details. I know his critics have been clamoring for this. What does it say . Reporter thats right. Joe biden is releasing his climate plan after weeks of promising this proposal. This comes as some in his party have criticized him saying his plan wont go far enough. But this morning biden is releasing that proposal along with a video talking about Climate Change. And biden says that the Green New Deal which has become a litmus test for democrats, that is a critical framework when it comes to combatting climate challenges in this country. But then he goes onto lay out some of the details of his own plan. Lets get into that. His plan aims to eliminate greenhouse fas gas emissions by 2050. He would Push Congress to enact legislation that would establish an enforcement mechanism to make sure the goals are reached. He wants to get the bill within his first year of office. Biden would also push to reenter the paris climate agreement trump withdrew from. It has a price tag of 1 . 7 trillion. They say theyll roll back some of the tax cuts implemented by the trump administration. This comes following a report that suggested biden would take a middle ground approach when it comes to Climate Change to appeal to both democrats and general electorate, potential trump voters as well. I had the chance to ask biden about some of the criticism, including some he faced from alexandria ocasiocortez. When we were in New Hampshire three weeks ago, biden insisted he has never been middle of the road on the environment and that his plan would be bold enough. Well be hearing from biden later today in New Hampshire. Well see if this plan satisfies some of his critics. All right. Well digest the plan and have more on it as the show develops. Thank you. Also breaking this morning. Sources tell cnn exclusively the north korean diplomat reportedly executed by a firing squad is actually alive and in state custody. Will riply has been doing terrific reporting on this. Live from hong kong with a cnn exclusive. This is developing in an interesting way. Reporter it is. John, these are the people who were sitting side by side with President Trump and members of the administration in hanoi and even in the oval office. I want to show you this picture sitting next to President Trump listening as they were talking about denuclearization. We know the talks are stalled and council was furious after the summit in hanoi fell apart without a deal. The North Koreans were shocked when the president walked out and after they learned in pyongya pyongyang, we are learning the punishments were dealt. This man is in custody right now. He was reported executed by a firing squad in south korea. Several sources told me thats not true, but he is not out of the woods. His punishment could be severe. Were also learning about the lead negotiator, north koreas exspy master. He was one of the most powerful people in north korea. Im told his power has been almost completely stripped even though he did appear in a photo over the weekend sitting at an art performance with kim jongun. Im told that was more to show hes still alive and not in a labor camp which is what south korean media reported. He was out of the public eye for nearly two months. Im told he had to sit in his office in silence and write repeatedly what he did wrong. Sentences of selfcriticism. Thats how it works in north korea. Giving time out a whole new level. Absolutely. What a window into how it works there in north korea. We have live pictures we want to show you. This is downing street in london. And the president and theresa may are arriving as we speak. This is part of their daylong series of meetings. Theyve just finished up a meeting on trade and business development. Thats the first lady and the president arriving there. Obviously the first lady was a big part of the ceremonies yesterday. Interacting with the prince of wales and the duchess of cornwall. This is the there we go. Theres the Prime Minister greeting the president and first lady. And its going to be a very interesting meeting that they have about policy, because they are not on the same page. No. To say the at least least. Theyve had the meeting on trade and the president joked with theresa may, basically said why dont you stick around and we can get a good deal done. Shes announced shes on the way out. And many ask what can be accomplished given that shes a lame duck this week. Theyre negotiating with theresa may, but shes on her way out, but her side has made it sound as though this is a real negotiation. This is not just protocol. This is not just a lame duck session, that they are really going to try to cement things in this relationship. I believe we have Matthew Chance outside. What do you see, matthew . Okay, we dont have him. Max foster, max foster is there. Max, what do you see . Reporter its interesting this meeting. Obviously you described theresa may as a lame duck. She is resigning going to Buckingham Palace to resign as Prime Minister. Shes not getting a one on one with President Trump within downing street. What shes going to have is a round table involving many members of government. Many of whom are running to replace her. Jeremy hunt among them. Also theyll get a tour of downing street. There will be drinks in the backyard. Another history moment in there. Its a bit of a cabin. Its like you go in and it looks like a quaint little lobby there, and then it goes the corridors go on and on and on. I think hell be fascinated to see what he finds in there. Also i think whats going to be interesting is where i am. Later on theres a gap between his westminster meetings and his banquets at the embassy or the residence behind me later on. Theres a fourhour gap. Were wondering whats going to be happening in that private time as it were. And lots of speculation about whether or not hell be meeting farage, Boris Johnson and potentially michael goeb. Thats another of the front runners. Could be having meetings here later. In the meetings there are distinctions between the characters there. Boris johnson seen as a possible successor to theresa may. It wouldnt be out of the ordinary for a u. S. President to meet with someone who could be the next Prime Minister. Nigel farage is seen as a divisive figure. A meeting with him might make a statement that would rile up british politics. Explain. Well, nigel farage is pushing to be involved in the brexit negotiations. He pushed what led to the referendum. But his party doesnt have any members of parliament. It did pretty well in the european actions but thats irrelevant considering they wont have any parliamentary members in the uk anyway. He wants to get involved in the brexit negotiations. All the contenders in the conservative party are key to keep him out. President trump also is supporting farage getting involved in the negotiations. So it will be very interesting if President Trump meets Boris Johnson, for example. And says a condition of my support would be that you need to bring nigel farage into negotiations. Its a huge step into british politics. We cant put it past President Trump. We were watching other guests arriving. I think we saw ivanka trump and maybe sarah sanders. We know the president is traveling with his four adult children. Weve seen them last night at the state dinner. Abbey phillip is there as well. She is also joining us. So, whats the word from the white house and what they expect . Reporter well, the president is trying to set the tone by really down playing the sense since hes been here that he has in some ways snubbed tree ma say, and hes on the verge of potentially embarrassing her by having the meetings you were discussing. He was emphasizing how strong their relationship is. But we all know that the president has repeatedly embarrassed theresa may in public, including by criticizing her for her handling of brexit which he did the last time he was here in london just before he was supposed to meet with her. And so theres been a long history of the president really doing things to put her in a tough spot. But as we stand here sort of on the vernal ge of her stepping d the president is trying to make progress of major issues. They have topics of conversation they need to get the brits on the same page on. Some of these are going to be really tough for them. For example, the Iran Nuclear Deal which the u. S. Has basically withdrawn itself from. The british and the europeans are not there with them on that. They still believe that iran has more or less remained within the constraints of that particular deal. Theres also the issue of huawei and 5 g here in the united kingdom. And then theres brexit and then theres trade. Trade might be the one area where they are the most likely to make progress. Its the one area where it seems that both sides are on the same page about absolutely wanting to get a deal done. How much progress they can make on that, its not clear at the moment. But President Trump is trying to put a positive spin on all of this. Well see what happens not only in this meeting which is going to be with a delegation of other u. S. Officials and british officials. But its also going to be after when they stand before the press and take questions. What will President Trump do then and what will he say then . As it relates to some of the domestic politics issues. I think thats really the big question. Probably people are holding their breath. The last time around, that was where the president really threw some curveballs at her when he was standing before the u. S. Press and taking questions. Abbey, thank you for that preview. Obviously well cover all of that on new day. Were watching the president s state visit in the uk. Well be right back. You try hard, you eat right. Mostly. You make time. When you can. But sometimes life gets in the way, and that stubborn fat just wont go away. Coolsculpting takes you further. A nonsurgical treatment that targets, freezes, and eliminates treated fat cells, for good. Discuss coolsculpting with your doctor. Some common sideeffects include temporary numbness, discomfort, and swelling. Dont imagine results, see them. Coolsculpting, take yourself further. If you have moderate to Little Things can be a big deal. Thats why theres otezla. Otezla is not a cream. Its a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. With otezla, 75 clearer skin is achievable. Dont use if youre allergic to otezla. It may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. Otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. Tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts or if these feelings develop. 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No surprises on your bill. Taxes and fees included. Still think you have a better deal . Bring in your discount, and well match it. Thats right. Tmobile will match your discount. President trump and theresa may beginning their meeting. We have a picture of the room where it happens. Thats the wrong continent. Im sending the wrong message. That is, though, a copy of the declaration of independence. It was sent to london. We have it somewhere also. I think we have our own copy. What is interesting about this is the symbolism. Were told the Prime Minister will be showing President Trump this copy of the declaration of once we settle our cameras shot down and the copy of the Atlantic Charter signed by Winston Churchill and fdr. Theres a lot of messaging about the unions and the underpinnings of global and european alliances that the u. S. And the british have been having. When we split and officially joined back together again for the betterment of the world. I want to bring in abbey phillips, max foster, and kate bennett. Kate, we have not yet heard from you. Youre outside that door, and inside were getting a live picture. You cant see it. The room were about to see, the president and the british Prime Minister. Today is a decidedly different day than yesterday. Yesterday was the royal treatment. Today is the business of government. What did you see as they walked in . Well, we were waiting here for quite some time. We knew they were arriving soon because the door opened and a red carpet was rolled out anticipating the arrival of the trumps. They walked up and they were greeted by the mays. Lots of smiles, chitchat, hellos. Everything seemed nice and polite. They faced the press. They posed for photographs. And then they went inside. They were followed after, after they went inside we saw ivanka trump go in and Steven Mnuchin and jared kushner. Certainly all the white house delegation, the administration are inside downing street right now. And again, like you said, this is a day thats a bit more serious and focussed. Yesterday was all the thrills and the royals and all the pomp and circumstance. Today could be a very different day. Melania trump while the two leaders meet is going to be at a garden party at downing street with mr. May and having a tea and getting a tour. Shes still enjoying the softer side of british hospitality while the president is with theresa may. Max, i feel like Queen Elizabeth and Prime Minister may are doing not so subtle messa messaging to the president. The queen gave him a First Edition book, world war ii written we Winston Churchill last night, and then today as weve said, the Prime Minister will be walking him into this room this show him a copy of this atlantic treaty or charter with Winston Church hill and fdr. There seems to be messaging about the wrong relationship and the Global Alliance and how important things like id say nato or the u. N. , things like a are. I am outside the u. S. Ambassadors residence where the president sestaying. That road is normally free for traffic to travel down. Completely closed off because of the concern about the protests. Youre right to point out the messaging. Its everywhere. Theresa may is going to take the president to the war rooms. A reminder about what churchill achieve affidavit the war but referencing what the queen talked about in her speech, the institutions that emerged out of wartime to promote global peace. Those institutions are the u. N. , they are the world trade organization. They are nato. All organizations which President Trump has criticized and thats created a huge amount of unsettled feeling in europe where we rely on a lot of those organizations and perhaps at a slightly different perspective from President Trump. Angela merkel very much speaks to this as well. Hell be meeting her on wednesday in the uk. She speaks about how the eu is actually a peace project. Its not an economic project. So we and some in washington come from completely different perspectives on these institutions. And i think very subtly or not so osubtle by both the Prime Minister and the queen are coming together on that message. And as this week progresses, the institutions will come more into the forefront with the dday commemoration on the beaches of normandy which will be on thursday. Thats the world coming together to remember what happens when the United States acts in concert to battle tyranny. Abbey, as were waiting the president and the Prime Minister will enter the room shortly and view what i believe to be a copy of the declaration of independence. Theres unknown today about what the president will do with a bit of downtown. Has the white house told us whether he will wade into british politics and meet with Boris Johnson or nigel farage or the figures involved with the brexit discussions . We dont know yet. The white house has not said what the president is doing in this time. If hes going to have the meetings. But we were told in a source yesterday that nothing had been set in stone yet, and there wasnt any indication that the president had directed his staff to organize such a meeting. Its clear that the president is open to the meeting and that Boris Johnson and nigel farage want to meet with him, but i think theyre also mindful of the fact that downing street probably doesnt want to meet with them. Theres already been so much talk about President Trump sort of not treating theresa may with as much respect as perhaps he would like to be treated with. I think here in the uk you get a greater sense of her being perhaps snubbed. The white house has really denied that. They say all these plans, the bilateral meeting versus a one on one, they were set in stone before. But there is a perception that she is not being listened to even in these final days of her tenure as party leader. But at the same time President Trump really wants to meet with the individuals who talked repeatedly about how he likes them and theyre friends of his. Well see what happens. As of yesterday afternoon, london time, weve been told that nothing had been set in stone. On a lighter note, in terms of the optics of this, we know the first lady puts a lot of thought before she goes on these trips into the optics. Particularly the wardrobe which is part of the optics and yesterday we saw this sort of unified front in terms of the color palette. She had chosen cream ivanka did and Prince Charles wife did and then last night at the heres the picture of them with the queen. Last night there was also this beautiful picture of all of them. Tell us how shes been preparing for this. Well, Melania Trump has been preparing for many weeks im told by her staff to attending protocol meetings and making sure the gifts are appropriate. They gifted the queen a tiffany and Company Piece of jewelry inside of a wooden box made from white house wood. Were trying to determine if it was the white house tree that the queen planted on the lawn with george bush when he was president. Were trying to determine whether that was the white house wood the box is made out of. Those thoughtful things are Melania Trump. The outfits yesterday have been many weeks in the making. The custom hat does not happen quickly overnight. That has been in the works for some time. And she wore a dior dress. Dior is not a british label and oftentimes first ladies wear a designer from the country theyre visiting or wearing an american designer as Michelle Obama did when she had a state banquet at the palace. She wore american sidesigners a did laura bush. Melania didnt. She usually doesnt. Tonight is a big deal for Melania Trump. Shes hosting and has been prepping a dinner back from washington for many weeks. That will be very interesting. I certainly hope they didnt cut down the queens tree to make that box. Please report back as soon as you find that out, kate. All right. Were going to come back as soon as we see the president and the Prime Minister. In the meantime a historic run ends on jeopardy. How James Holzhauer finally got tripped up. Thats next. [farmers bell] driver relax, its just a bug. Thats not a bug, thats not a bug burke hit and drone. Seen it, covered it. At farmers, we know a thing or two because weve seen a thing or two. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum so chantix can help you quit slow turkey. Rkey. Along with support, chantix is proven to help you quit. With chantix you can keep smoking at first and ease into quitting. Chantix reduces the urge so when the day arrives, youll be more ready to kiss cigarettes goodbye. 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He met his match after 32 straight wins leaving him just shy of the all time jeopardy earnings record. Holzhauer looked unbeatable. How did he fall . We explain. Reporter what is too small of a wager, alex . Closest its been in a while. Reporter if youre James Holzhauer, the answer is 1,399. A modest one for the first time. Reporter yep, holzhauer, king to the massive wager. All the chips reporter put up only a fraction of his 23,400 pot when he entered in second place. Emma, its up to you. If you came up with the correct response, youre going to be the new jeopardy champion. Reporter all three contestants got the answer right. But emma becher took a page out of holzhauers book and wagered a hefty bet. His only hope of winning hinged on her getting the question wrong. What did you wager . Oh, gosh. 20,000. Reporter oholzhauer immediately gave the new champ a high five. Fans have been waiting to see if he would break the jeopardy record amassed by ken jennings in 2004. James. Right. What is new york. Thats the state. Reporter the chatter of the loss hit the internet sunday night as video at the end of the game was leaked online. He seemed to confirm the loss. In response to Brian Stelter about jeopardy reruns playing at a bar. He tweeted if its a rerun, i probably got this. Were going to say goodbye to james. Reporter its not like holzhauer is leaving empty handed. He solidified his place in the jeopardy hall of fame with single game earnings records and raked in a total of 2,462,216. About his loss, holzhauer said i know i played my best and did everything i could, so i will hold my head high. If anything holzhauer is happy about his loss, it might be his daughter. He tweeted my kid cried about the possibility of her dad losing so i told her we could have a party the day after it inevitably happens. Now she cries when i win. Time to party. To be clear, he got beat. Emma, the woman who won was fantastic and played a brilliant game. She got the double jeopardies . It wasnt just that he was tame in his final bet . No. He was in second place. He can still be proud. What a run. It captivated everybody. The massacre was 30 years ago today is being remembered everywhere around the world exempt for china. How the communist nation is making sure scenes like this could be forgotten. Award winning interface. Award winning design. Award winning engine. The volvo xc90. The most awarded luxury suv of the century. Who used expedia to book the Vacation Rental which led to the discovery that sometimes a little down time can lift you right up. Expedia. Everything you need to go. Our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy whoohoo greattasting ensure. With nine grams of protein and twentysix vitamins and minerals. Ensure, for strength and energy. Years since the tenman square massacre. Troops cracked down on protesters in beijing. Any coverage or discussion about the event is censored in china. We have more from china. Reporter this is the only place in modern day china where people can talk about the massacre that happened 30 years ago in downtown beijing. Its strictly censored. You cant even reference the dates in mainland china. Its censored on social media. Here in hong kong because its a former british colony with more democratic freedoms, people can remember those killed when the tanks stormed in and crushed democratic protests that occupied downtown beijing for weeks. Now, u. S. Secretary of state mike pompeo has chimed in on this calling on china in a statement to help account for those people who were killed on that bloody day. And also saying, quote, china is a oneparty state that tolerates no dissent and abuses human rights. The Chinese Embassy in the u. S. Responded, accusing pompeo of intervening in internal affairs and claims human rights are in a better state than ever in china. In hong kong many people are concerned their democratic freedoms are being chipped away at by the Central Government in china. Thats why people are here commemorating the people who died 30 years ago. And they say fighting for their democratic freedoms theyre afraid will be taken away. Such an important day. One thats vivid in your memory from having worked on this. This was my first huge news event. I worked for ted copple. We did a whole prime time special and just watching everyone remembers that image of the one sole guy trying to take on the tanks. The david and goliath story and that he sort of represented defiance and the attempt of democracy that day. More on that later. A new poll on the 2020 race. Joe biden still ahead of the democratic field, but slipping a little bit. Whats underneath the numbers that maybe should give the former Vice President pause . Thats next. Plants capture co2. What if other kinds of plants captured it too . 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So ditch the old way of selling your car, and say hello to the new way at carvana. Okay. New this hour. Cnn out with a fresh poll on the 2020 race. Joe biden remains at the top of the crowded democratic field. But his support has dipped slightly in the past month while Bernie Sanders is seeing a small gain. Joining us now is cnn political director david chalian. What do you see . I do see that joe biden is still in a league of his own in this race. But theres no doubt that 7 point drop is something to note. And you have to raise the question is that the beginning of a slide that were going to see in polls coming out in the months to come, or was that just losing some altitude after the post announcement glow that april poll was taken right as he was bursting out of the gate and so i dont think we need the answer to that yet. We know hes still in a frontrunning position in the race in a league of his own. If youre north of 30 in a field of 23 candidates, youre doing well. Its the next poll that tells us whether or not the slide continues. If you look at where the former Vice President has lost, a little bit of support, it does seem to be with people younger than 45 years old. Walk us through the numbers a little bit. I think this is really key. We see sanders giving biden a run for his money among independents, but its this youth category that i think if i were in the biden camp, i would be like oh, we need to Pay Attention to this a bit more. Look here. Under 45, sanders is actually beating him there. 26 to 19 . Obviously biden is dominating older than 45. Thats one of his best categories. That under 45 crowd is critical if they become a turnout machine. If we see increase in the younger vote turnout, that disadvantage for biden could be significant. Its something he wants to Pay Attention to and Something Like rolling out his green new day policy, his environmental policy will be aimed as a messaging factor toward the Younger Group as well. Zblex plain the calendar. Why has the under 45 contingency soured on him since april. In april they liked him 31 and now just 19 . Its one of the biggest drops weve seen. Perhaps its in response to what theyve seen from him on the campaign trail. Also this was always a category that sanders had resonance with. I dont think its terribly surprising to see sanders having strength against biden but it is what is underneath that overall 7 point slide that were seeing. And again, one other notable thing in the poll. The high number of democrats saying they will definitely support the candidate theyre backing right now. It looks high to me. Some 44 . Yeah. It looks high to me too. That jumped out at me when i saw the numbers. First, im skeptical because we havent had debates yet. Its hard to believe that something who answers today is locked in, remains so if real events occur in the campaign. 44 saying theyre definitely going to support their candidate theyre with today, thats a big number. It doesnt leave it only leaves half the electorate to woo as the Campaign Goes forward. Biden and sanders are doing well among the voters who say they will definitely support the candidate theyre backing now. David, thank you very much. Sure. Clarissa ward sat down with londons mayor about his escalating feud with President Trump. Well tell you what he is cautioning about when the president meets with the Prime Minister. Thats next. A competition for the talent. Employees need more than just a paycheck. You definitely want to take advantage of all the benefits you can get. 2 3 of employees said that the workplace is an important source for personal savings and protection solutions. The workplace should be a source of financial security. Keeping your people happy is what keeps your people. Thats Financial Wellness. Put your employees on a path to Financial Wellness with prudential. I get to select my room from the floor plan. Free wifi. And the price match guarantee. 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