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Their life. Attention all nuntunits, get information on a shooter in room 107. 107. Reporter emergency crews arriving to stem school in colorado after reports of a school shooting. Police say the attackers split up to target two different locations as officers were arriving at the school they could still hear gunshots and as they were entering the school sprks police. Reporter Police Arrested two suspects. One Devon Erickson and the other a juvenile, both students at the school we struggled with the suspects to take them into custody. Reporter one 18yearold student was killed and other other s injured. Brendan biraly and two friends saw the shooters we could see people running out of the building. We knew it was not a drill. We went to hide inside of a classroom. Reporter some students running for their lives, others hiding until help arrived. I heard two gunshots. I was inside my classroom. Someone said, i have a gun, get down on the ground. I started crying because i was so scared. Reporter Young Children seen leaving with their hands on their heads. She said, mom, i love you. Its not just a drill. Its a real lockdown, mom. Reporter an agonizing wait for parents. She said, mommy, theres gunshots at the school. I stopped what i was doing and i just ran to my car. Reporter packing into a nearby recreation center, hoping for the best. Its the worst phone call or text message you could ever get. Reporter emotional reunions for families. Some like Fernando Montoya not as fortunate saying his daughter is safe, but his son is one of the injured. I talked to him. Thank god hes okay. He told me he was shot three times. He saw shots from everywhere. Ryan, parents in this area were already on high alert after a scare just weeks ago. Isnt that right . Reporter you think about it two weeks ago you had the columbine university and a florida woman threatening harm on schools. So they put everyone on lockdown. Something that stood out was the voice of the children in the story talking about crying and being scared as the shooting was going on. You can understand that sheer pain right there. On top of that, hopefully today at 8 00 well learn more information. There will be another News Conference here. Maybe well learn more about the motive. So far, a lot of Unanswered Questions bring that to us when you have it. Obviously everybody wants to know what would drive kids to show up at their school. This is madness. Its madness. We dont have to live this way. Lets bring in joe lockhart. You were in the white house during columbine in this same area basically. Before that, 20 years ago i was traveling in south korea of all places. The question that the kids there all had for me is why do the kids in your country shoot each other at schools . That was 20 years ago. We are better than this. We dont have to live this way you were the one who walked in and told bill clinton about columbine. I will never forget the day. Before columbine, these things were seen as aberrations. They have now become something that are the norm. It was late in the afternoon. Someone from the Justice Department called me and gave me a headsup they had just heard that the fbi was involved. For some reason the chief of staff wasnt around. I went into the oval office and told the president. I will never forget the look on his face. It was absolute diswlebelief. He looked at me and i watched the process. President s have to then go and try to heal the wounds. Some of the toughest times, whether it was in columbine, in the shooting in oregon, were going around with the president as he talked to each individual family in a gym, set up in a gym 20, 25 families spending five or ten minutes with them. Tears, hugs. Hed come out of the room, the president and emotionally wrecked it was such a big deal there was the sense this could never happen in america. This shooting yesterday, the second in a week. The second in a week. It is remarkable that now we are relying on the other students to have to take down the gunman. Like the synagogue shooting, the congre g con gre gants have to take them down. We may have to at our workplace, synagogue, school tackle a gunman. Thank you very much, joe. Now to whats happening in washington. There is a lot of news. In hours the House Judiciary Committee will vote to hold attorney general william barr in contempt. That was the plan. However, the Justice Department is pushing back. Last night they sent a letter to the Committee Chairman saying if that contempt vote happens, President Trump would invoke or could at least executive privilege on everything involving the Mueller Report. Lauren fox is live on capitol hill with whats next. Lauren . Thats right, alisyn. In a couple of hours we expect at this point at least for the House Judiciary Committee to move forward with the contempt vote in the Judiciary Committee. But that comes, as you said, last night the Justice Department sent a dramatic letter to the House Judiciary Committee chairman arguing that he may be forced to ask the white house to invoke executive privilege over the Mueller Report and underlying evidence, writing in the letter the department of justice said in the face of the committees threatened contempt vote the attorney general will be compelled to request that the president invoke executive privilege with respect to the materials subject to the subpoena. Thats the Mueller Report, unredacted Mueller Report and the underlying evidence. They said the subpoena was unreasonable and that this contempt vote today is meant to provoke an unnecessary conflict between congress and the executive branch. Jerry nadler, chairman of the Judiciary Committee was furious. He fired back, quote, the white house waived these privileges long ago. The department seemed open to sharing materials with us earlier today. The committee will proceed with consideration of the contempt citation as planned. I hope the department will think better of the lastminute outbursts and return to negotiations. This all comes after yesterday when the white house stepped in to say that don mcgahn, former white house counsel, could not turn over documents to the Judiciary Committee. This is an escalation between the executive branch and the House Democrats as they seek information on everything from the president s tax returns to documents related to immigration to, of course, the Mueller Report. Thank you very much. Joining us to talk about this and more we have john avlon, joe lock hart, and laura coats, cnn legal analyst and former federal prosecutor. Help us explain where we are. If the House Judiciary Committee holds bill barr in contempt, the house will respond by asking President Trump to hold executive privilege on everything they want to see documents, people, records. Then what . Protracted litigation. It doesnt add up, alisyn. The reason they are asking for bill barr to comply with what the request is relates to the rule 6e material in the Mueller Report. They want to see it. He said he doesnt want to give over the grand jury material. They say, you can apply for a court order for a judge to release the information which hes not inclined to do. Unrelated to the rule 6e and grand jury material you have the president of the United States administration to the executive gran branch saying we are going to cover the information about rule 6e and say we dont want anything said because it may undermine the candor people are able to speak with the president of the United States about which is why you have the executive privilege. You see an unmatched reason and unmatched request here. Particularly given that barr and the doj said is there a more narrow request you can make to accommodate our interests . Its the escalation of tension between the executive privilege and the legislative branch of government. Ultimately this game of chicken will have to be resolved with at least one branch of government going to the third and making it a tripod to figure out what kind of weight a proceeding will have. You used the word game and thats important. This is game on this morning. The letter from the Justice Department to congress said, okay, this is our last set of cards. Then it is up to jerry nadler. I think we are first to speak to him. It will be interesting to hear how he responds to the letter the other thing thats interesting is laura is arguing about facts and law. Yeah. The actual facts and law here. I dont think this is about winning or losing for the administration. This is about the game. It is about making the game last as long as possible. Its just about the delay exactly right. If you look at the trump Team Strategy and a total stonewall trump is pursuing, this is about suing for time. This is push it to the courts. Well keep appealing and maybe we can get it passed the next election. They are going in the face of subtle caselaw, but if they demonize the opposition, sue for time. They are seeing it as a win now. John avlon often told us we are living through a constitutional stress test right now. Do you see a constitutional crisis on the horizont . It is unless cooler heads prevail. Politics are driving this. John accurately described what the president is trying to do. Lets not pretend the department of justice is threatening congress. This is coming from the white house right. This is coming from the president. Only he can exert executive privilege. Its his and his teams strategy. Lets look at what nancy pelosi is trying to do. She understands howdy v divisivd politically risky fullon impeachment is. Shes saying, we are going to be reasonable. We are going to give you every chance to cooperate and if we have to go to impeachment its because you have given us no other choice. That is the strategy. Both sides pointing to the public. We talk about a constitutional crisis. The constitution doesnt lay out what happens in congressional investigations. Its not explicit there. Yes, it lays out whos got Power Congress or the executive do they talk about twitter in the constitution . Alexander hamilton wrote extensively on twitter and thats why burr shot him. Laura, what have they said about privilege and congressional investigation . Where is the line . Do we know for sure when it comes to things like these documents . First of all, thats why burr shot hamilton, it was a twitter feud. You think about what the courts talked about. Executive privilege needs to be even more developed in the Supreme Court in particular. We know it harkens back to nixon when they said you cant use executive privilege as a sword and a shield when it comes to corruption and criminality. There are parameters in place. Really this is a Battle Royale about the boundaries of the separation of powers. While it talks about no one is above the law, unless congress has teeth they will essentially elevate the executive branch above the legislative branch and make the president above the law by their own strategy. One of the key things for the courts to resolve is whether as everyone has been talking about if there is a truly political matter they dont want to wade into or one that can rely on their constitutional interpretation. In the wild, wild west we have a couple of things to point to for analogies but nothing precisely on par. Donald trump just seated two Supreme Court justices luckily. He has two seats at the wild west saloon. The nixon was case unanimous. One of the justices has a skeptical view of it and his name is brett kavanaugh. When you are looking at whether this is a constitutional case, the courts will look seriously at this letter. And this threat to cover everything. They havent made a legal case for this or that. They said everything. That makes it clear for the courts okay. Joe, john, laura, thank you very much. Coming up, House Judiciary Committee chairman jerry nadler joins us to talk about the letter he received last night. Is he going to continue with the contempt vote and the threat of executive privilege . By the way, i made the joke about burr shooting hamilton. You got credit for it. I like that. New this morning, how is this headline . Donald trump lost more money than nearly any other individual taxpayer. At least in some years. Thats one of the explosive new details in a New York Times investigation. The times obtained details from tax returns from 1985 to 1994 showing losses of more than a billion dollars. Joe johns at the white house with much more on this. Im not sure the president will enjoy reading that overnight. Probably not. The significance of the issue is it advances the issue of the tax returns and may indicate at least partly why the president has been reluctant to give up his tax returns. Important to say the New York Times didnt report it got ahold of the tax returns. They say they got transcripts, summaries of the tax returns from the middle of the 1980s to the middle of the 1990s. Those transcripts show massive losses for the president. 1. 1 17 billion dollars that the president didnt pay income taxes during that period for eight of the ten years. He was able to get writeoffs, had a lot of business in mortgages and real estate interests. Some of the interest has been called into question. The president s tax lawyer contacted by the newspaper said this information is incorrect, inaccurate and questioned whether transcripts dating from the period are as reliable as they are today. That fight continues. Also important to point out this is very different from the fight between the white house and the house of representatives over the president s tax returns. They have asked for tax returns from a completely different period. Now to breaking news. Iran will stop complying with some parts of the nuclear deal one year after President Trump with drew the u. S. From that historic accord. We have breaking details here. Whats happening . Reporter the u. S. Has been putting this intense pressure on iran. Trying to renegotiate the deal. Now we are seeing one more angry reaction from iran. They are saying this morning, well, well give the original signatories of the deal 60 days to get this thing back on track. If not, then we are not going to comply with parts of the deal. We are going back to sales of enriched uranium and heavy water. So the u. S. s closest allies, the europeans, have been trying to hold together shreds of whats left of the nuclear deal, trying to facilitate trade with iran, trying to keep it going. It hasnt been easy. Even now we are hearing rumbling from europeans that if iran does this then they, too, are going to have to put sanctions back on iran. That could see this entire thing fall apart. The u. S. Would be happy with that because, again, they want a new and better deal. Another reaction we have been seeing from iran is this increased threat posture. According to barbara starrs reporting on cnn, iran has been moving Ballistic Missiles around in the gulf. Thats seen as a threat to u. S. Assets in the region and al ryes. That precipitated a strange secret trip secretary of state pompeo did to iraq. He meets face to face with the president and prime minister. He took it a step further and called the iranian threat imminent to u. S. Assets and said he wanted to meet face to face with the iraqi leadership to make sure they could protect u. S. Troops and assets and make sure that relationship is strong. Again, to counter the influence of iran. We are watching this closely to see how the white house responsibilities this morning. Thanks. Other news as a New York Times reporter put it the reason the president doesnt want us to see his taxes has become abundantly clear. Strange accounting, staggering losses. The times reports the president lost more money than almost anybody. We have experts who know the president s taxes inside and out. Thats next. California walnuts. Ng, hy so simple, so good. Get the recipes at walnuts. Org. Forget about vacuuming for weeks. The new roomba i7 with Clean Base Automatic dirt disposal empties the roomba bin for you. So dirt is off your hands. If its not from irobot, its not a roomba. Next on the agenda. 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Joining us is michael dantonio, cnn contributor and donald trump biographer and david k. Johnson, author of its even worse than you think what the Trump Administration is doing to america. David received pages of Donald Trumps 2005 return. I want to throw up a chart as reported by the times. Thats a ton of red. More than a billion dollars worth of red at a time when donald trump was bragging about being this big dealmaker. I get the sense this doesnt surprise you this morning. No. Notice that five of the 11 years the times got his tax transcripts are the gogo 80s when lots of people were making lots of money. As we can see, donald trump who pushed himself right in the front of the pantheon through Smart Marketing efforts was in the opposite direction, in fact. I calculated this morning every time donald trump took a breath for 11 years he lost more than 3. Thats a funny way to do math, david. I like it. Michael, its the opposite of the midas touch is. Whatever the opposite of everything you touch turning to gold is, thats the opposite of what donald trump had for these ten years. As john said, it appears he lost more than any other american during that time. Everything from his casinos, hotels, retail space, airline. All were bad bets. Well, the marvel of this is that time and again donald trump could go back to lenders, go back to the markets and find cash to pour into the enterprises because he was proving he was a bad operator of big businesses. We now see the emperor had no dough. People thought he was very rich. They thought he carried this vast portfolio that was really an illusion. In the american tradition, you sort of marvel at a guy who can build up his image so fully all on illusion and make that his construction project. He talks about, im a great builder. He was really a great builder of an image that made him president of the United States. You have a word for that. You have a word for someone who can build up an image despite the facts, correct . Con artist. Donald is without question the greatest con artist in the history of the world. He conned his way into the white house. Whether his supporters are going to begin to accept that they were conned that hes a fraud, we dont know yet. They certainly should question whats going on now that its very clear from irs records that the times obtained from someone, they say, who properly had them. I dont know if people will recognize the reality. Donald trump has always been a con artist and hes been exposed i think theyll see the fact that he had these losses and didnt have to pay taxes for years as a badge of honor. He got to claim losses and the fact that he wasnt contributing to the United States tax base, i think theyll see as him winning. People are good at rationalzation. All the Small Businesses donald trump destroyed, all the people he cheated out of their money, all the bank losses that occurred. This didnt take place without a lot of damage to other people. The other side, the records stop in the mid 90s. The record david obtained showed net income for 2005. I cant remember what it was. 35 million . 153 million. 153 million. So his business, michael, after this in the 2000s, once he started doing the apprentice and licensing, the business changed after the taxes we are seeing this morning. It really did. The irony of this is he became more successful and more stable financially once he abandoned the idea that he was a great builder and actually embraced being a promoter. There is a grand tradition of salesmanship. He is a magnificent salesman on television. In a big hall he can move a crowd with his stories that turn out to not be true. But they are often a good story about how he vanquished some enemy and prevailed. This is the evolution of the man we see. Its fascinating. One of the interesting things is to see what he was telling himself and what he was thinking while he was losing a billion dollars in all of these businesses. Here is the window into that. This is from his memoir, the art of the deal, in 1987 in the middle of these huge losses. The final key to the way i promote is bravado. I play to peoples fantasies. People may not think big themselves but they can get very excited by those who do. Thats why a littler hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular. I call it truthful hyperbole. Its an innocent form of exaggeration and a very effective form of promotion. Just a fascinating window into the psychology, david, we all continue to see. Well, donald understands clearly if you are going to tell a story. Dont tell some little point. Come up with a really huge whopper. Because people will be fascinated by it. Even if its false. Claim youre so rich you paid cash for the maralago property down in florida he calls the southern white house, even though in fact every dollar and more was borrowed from a bank and you persuaded the bank not to record the mortgage can i ask quickly, do the taxes tell us anything about what we may see if Congress Gets its hands on the last six years of the tax returns . They raise serious questions about whether there is fraud here. There is a 53 million Interest Income one year when he didnt own any bonds or stocks that would justify that kind of money. I wonder if it is a coverup for another source, whether benign or sinister thank you very much this morning. The fbi director with a dramatic split from the attorney general over whether agents spied on the trump campaign. Could it cost him his job . Overnight, one of the president s closest allies and chief strategists suggests that Christopher Wray could be in trouble. 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I believe the fbi is engaged in investigative activity and part of that is surveillance. Joining me is fbi Senior Intelligence adviser and counter terrorist. Are you on team barr or team wray team wray. I didnt realize how the fbi viewed the cia. Fbi agents would look across the river and say those guys dont have many rules. They dont always have to apply laws overseas and they ask people to be traitors to violate the laws of their own countries to give the u. S. Government information. You cross the river to the fbi and people there say spying is a lawless land. We have regulations, a phone booksized group of regulations about how we handle informants and do wiretaps. We have to go to judges, lawyers and the department of justice to conduct investigations. You can say wray might be in trouble but he didnt have an option. He had to say that i have heard you say the fbi considers it investigating, not spying. You say he had no option. He had to say it. Why . Doesnt it necessarily give you pause to Say Something that contradicts your boss . Barr is his boss no. Its like going to the department of defense and saying you guys murder people. We conduct acts of war under the laws of war and under the laws and regulations we apply in this country and at the department of defense. Some of this is something thats hard for me to explain, john. Thats the philosophy, psychology of how the fbi thinks. Somebody enters the fbi with a blue suit, black tie, black socks and say we are hear to protect American People. When someone walks in with credible information that says an individual is violating the law we have to follow rules and procedures to abide by the law to investigate. Then you say, no, you spy. Let me close with this. If you walked in the office with a bagel and somebody said there is investigations going on in new york city. I presume you would say, yawn, give me another bagel. If you walk in and somebody said the fbi in new york is spying on a hundred u. S. Citizens in new york you would say, maybe we have news. Barr is dead wrong. By the way, he knows it. Is it important, do you think, to the rank and file in the fbi to have the director say what he said yesterday . How do they view it . Its not important. Its critical. If you have the fbi director using the same language and, remember, barr served at both the department of justice and the cia. He knows. If you have the fbi director using the same language that the cia uses to suggest the fbi doesnt follow the rule of law i can tell you the fbi Agent Association and they are powerful, im guessing theyll say you cant do that. Dont put us in the same basket he pleased them with the basket. Yes. Senior president ial adviser lou dobbs sees it vastly differently. Let me play what he said overnight. The fbi director is a twit. He is precious. He seems to be filled with an immense sense of self and highly flattering sense of self. To actually contradict his boss, the attorney general and the president of the United States is arrogance that i dont think should be tolerated for even a minute. Anything you want to say to mr. Dobbs . Have you ever served at the fbi . How about you tell Middle America the fbi is spying on the american citizens . When the American People think about spying they think of james bond stealing stuff. The fbi doesnt steal, break the law or ask people to be traitors. They go in, look at what the u. S. Constitution says, process investigations through the department of justice and they do what the cia doesnt. I would defend the cia. I was a spy. It is not the same thing. Dobbs doesnt know what hes talking about what about the use of the word twit . A twit . The fbi director . If you talk to the fbi officers you have somebody who served in the u. S. Government for years loyally whos been quiet in the face of attacks by the president of the United States and who continues to serve despite being picked on by the media and the white house. Hes been great phil mudd, thank you. Senator cory booker gave a big presentation this week. Did it make the grade . Chris cillizzas midweek grades next time for midweek grades . It is. I had a heart problem. I was told to begin my aspirin regimen, and i just didnt listen. Until i almost lost my life. My doctors again ordered me to take aspirin, and i do. Be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. Listen to the doctor. Take it seriously. Its wednesday. Time to check the 2020 candidate grades. Lets check in with Chris Cillizza. Professor . Hello. Great to see you. You were up burning the midnight oil. You were grading some of the papers at, like, 3 00 in the morning yeah. It was not good. Lets start at the beginning. The person you give an a this week is joe biden. The reason is the former Vice President really cant have asked for this first couple weeks of his candidacy to go better. He has a nice big lead over the rest of the field. It looks like the runup to his campaign which took a long time in which i and other people were critical of, is going to work out okay. Hes where he wants to be in a tier by himself with the 19 other, 20 other candidates chasing him. Two weeks on the campaign trail without a major gaffe and hes someone known for it you were up all night because you gave the first ever downgrade in the midweek grades. I went to sleep last night while trump was getting an a. Now its different. I woke up. This is not a joke. Check with the producers. I woke up around 2 45 in a cold sweat because i realized sunday, monday donald trump was quite good. 46 in gallup polling. Highest job Approval Rating in his entire presidency. Economy numbers looking good. 21 democrats beating each other up to run against him. Then the New York Times publishes a really deep dive into Donald Trumps taxes which says, hey, fyi, this great businessman wasnt a great businessman at all. So that, to me, plus a 500point drop in the stock market. You cant do that. Sometimes you have to reconsider. I work hard on these things. Im not messing around, man we can tell. This keeps Chris Cillizza up at night it literally woke me up in the middle of the night. In a sweat that our producers somehow know about. What are you giving cory booker . Also a b minus. Thats not a terrible grade. I have plenty of b minuses in high school and college. I think for folks not familiar wit, go and read the details of the gun control plan. He put together a very comprehensive plan on how to address gun violence in the country, how to get more guns out of the hands of people who should not have them. Yeah. Why not a b, b plus . Because, alisyn, he raised just barely crested 65,000 donors late last week. Thats later than tulsi gabbard, later than andrew yang, later than people who candid di haly much less chance of being a nominee. There are worrying signs in the fundraising that hes not able to match the Kamala Harrises or pete buttigieges, the broadness of the fundraising base whos at the bottom . Bill de blasio. He hasnt announced hes running yet but is likely to make a decision by the end of the month. I have one simple question. Why . Why would you think that your polling numbers and your record in new york city would make you a viable president ial candidate . He does this, he did it last time around. He wants to be a major player and a major voice on the liberal side of the democratic party. I dont see it happening. Hes not running yet. Hell make a decision. But it just seems to me there is not a lot of there there of people wanting him to run. Well have the mayor on to refute what you are saying at some point soon, im sure, when he makes an announcement, if he does. Thank you, professor. Appreciate it youre welcome. Americas first reality tv president , is he now considered among the biggest losers . Get it . More on what the New York Times uncovered in Donald Trumps tax documents next is that a new reality show . The water. The exercise. The fiber. Month after month, and i still have belly pain and recurring constipation. So i asked my doctor what else i could do, and i said yesss to linzess. Linzess treats adults with ibs with constipation or chronic constipation. Linzess is not a laxative, it works differently. It helps relieve belly pain and lets you have more frequent and complete bowel movements. Do not give linzess to children less than 6, and it should not be given to children 6 to less than 18, it may harm them. Do not take linzess if you have a bowel blockage. Get immediate help if you develop unusual or severe stomach pain, especially with bloody or black stools. The most common side effect is diarrhea, sometimes severe. If its severe, stop taking linzess and call your doctor right away. Other side effects include gas, stomach area pain, and swelling. Im still doing it all. The water. The exercise. The fiber. And i said yesss to linzess for help with belly pain and recurring constipation. Ask your doctor. Our new, hot, fresh breakfast will get you the readiest. buzzer sound holiday inn express. Be the readiest. The New York Times reports donald trump lost a ton of money and here are the late night laughs. Year after year trump appears to have lost more money than nearly any other taxpayer in america. So i guess we finally found something that trump really is the best at. Trump is goading us to impeach us. Thats what hes doing. Every single day hes just taunting, taunting, taunting. Hey, fancy nancy, what is Grossy Pelosi too scared to make a speechy about impeachy . Nanny nanny booboo, you wont defend the constitootoo technically he could get arrested. I know thats extremely unlikely but, man, that would be exciting if the whole thing ends up in a standoff at the white house. The Capitol Police storming the oval office. Trump and his people taking a final stand and pulls out Jeff Sessions like scarface, say hello to my little friend that took a dark turn. Selling off the shelves. All right. The world is waiting to see the new royal baby. Will we learn his name today . Will we see him . Yes, we will. Much more on new day. We have to be able to repair the enamel on a daily basis. With the new pronamel repair toothpaste we can help actively repair enamel in its weakened state. Its innovative. My goto toothpaste is going to be pronamel repair. I got it what . What . L. A. Bookers book apartments and vacation homes as easy as hotels. Ridin scooter l. A. Baby l. A. Baby be a booker youre welcome. At booking. Com two individuals walked into the stem school. A number of students were shot and injured almost immediately she said, mom, i love you. I said whats going on. She said its not a drill. Its a real lockdown im happy to have my daughter and praying for the families in this school. Everything we looked at he lost must oney. We have to look at trump. He never did anything illegal. If it ends up in the public domain, thats fine this

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