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Credit for the vaccine. Were at war with the virus, not with one another. Iran has now accused israel of being behind the assassination of the top nuclear scientist. It is a twofold effect. One is to slow down the program. The other is to make it impossible for the United States to engage iran after january 20th. This is new day weekend with Victor Blackwell and christi paul. Sun coming up in the city. 7 01. Good morning to you. Thank you for being with us. Next couple of days will be crucial in the fight against the coronavirus. The most populus county in the country is taking action to slow the spread. For People Living in los angeles county, if youre not in the same household, you cannot get together. Thats the new stay at home order. That goes into effect. It doesnt include Church Services or protests. It goes into effect monday due to what officials are calling an alarming new level of covid cases. Paulo sandoval is following this. Tell us how long these restrictions are supposed to last and the enforcement of them. Reporter these are temporary but authorities making it clear they will potentially be in place as long as it takes to keep the threshold numbers down. In l. A. County its quite the opposite. Those numbers continue to rise. The average fiveday infection rate, thats already exceeded the threshold that l. A. County had set for itself. Thats triggering, as you described, the new restrictions that are in place. Basically restricting those gatherings, both public and private for any members outside of the household, those are now prohibited. As you point out though, those religious gatherings and protests are certainly not included there. Multiple factors here not only are infections up in l. A. County but also hospitalizations. Almost twice what weve seen in the last few weeks. The climbing death rate as well. As of today, more than 19,000 californians have lost their lives to the coronavirus. Until yesterday, only two states, new york and texas, had reached that sobering milestone. Were in the most dangerous Public Health crisis this nation has faced, at least for the last 100 years. Were going easily to 200,000 new cases per day. It will be accelerated because of the thanksgiving day holiday. It will be accelerated again over christmas and im so upset over the deaths. Those deaths rates, along with the number of infections and hospitalizations continue to climb throughout the country with Front Line Health Care workers putting their lives on the line to save patients. It is disheartening. You can see colleagues or nurses or respiratory therapists falling ill and looking them in the eyes, too, and see how this is impacting them. This is as real as it can be and we have to, we have to follow all the things that we know work. Reporter including mask wearing, social distancing, and following post thanksgiving advice to quarantine when in doubt about possible exposure. Say ahhhh. Reporter Health Officials say thats especially important if you attended a Holiday Gathering with folks outside the household or folks not taking precautions. If youve expanded your bubble, the cdc asks us to stay guaranteed for 14 days. Well do everything we can to get as close to that as possible. Multiple Health Experts warns the latest spike hasnt even peaked and its putting a bigger strain on hospitals across the country. People cant get serious surgeries if theres no icu beds available because of covid. This is really becoming a tragedy within a tragedy. Reporter in the race to secure a safe covid vaccine, a Cdc Advisory Committee will hold an emergency meeting on tuesday voting on who would be among the first to be vaccinated. Front Line Health Care workers, those at high risk of infection likely to be prioritized. The World Health Organization calling for more research of a vaccine candidate being developed by astrazeneca. Dosing mishap gave a small amount of study subjects less dosage but was more effective in the planned dose leading to questions about their trial. Its important to mention that not all hospitals across the country are caught in a crisis. Some are able to keep their head well above water. The chief medical officer expressing optimism, the number of covid cases certainly on the rise but still well within their ability to handle the cases. Guys. Paulo sandoval, thank you. We know the Holiday Shopping season is one of those things were in the thick of right now. It doesnt look the same. Yes. Certainly doesnt feel the same because of the pandemic, victor. Really. There are some, a few busier shopping centers. These are the few we saw yesterday. Deloitte survey found almost half of shoppers feeling anxiety about shopping in stores but theres still plenty of people who they say its pretty safe heading to stores and malls. Feel good. I feel safe. I feel comfortable. I like it. Theres nobody out here. Perfect. Perfect for shoppers like me. Were wearing our masks as we should be. We decided to come early so we dont catch it at a packed time. Thats the main reason we got up as early as we did. I figured the earlier you go the less crowd you have to face. I dont know about you, but i think im right in terms of crowds. Theres very few crowds here. In a few minutes we will have a medical analyst here to talk about what to do after the Holiday Weekend and with the impact the holidays will have on the ongoing coronavirus surge. President elect joe biden is now working on his plan to distribute a vaccine when its proved. Cnns rebecca buck is reporting. They are holding this emergency meeting tuesday. What are we hearing that we expect to hear from them and how will the biden team collaborate if they do . Joe biden said he intended to listen to the scientists and experts when it comes to dealing with the coronavirus pandemic. It looks like thats what he intends to do in this case when it comes to decide who go will get the vaccine first. Dr. Celine gounder who is part of joe bidens coronavirus advisory board, she expects biden to take the cdcs recommendation on this issue. She predicts the people who will be getting the vaccine first include the elderly, Health Care Workers, people with preexisting conditions, the people you would expect to get priority for a vaccine of this nature. But the key here when it comes to bidens approach to this, dr. Gounder says she thinks its just taking the politics out of the equation. They dont want to politicize this anymore than it has been already. They want to take a new approach and look at where the data and where the experts are leading them. Obviously its a stark contrast to what we have seen over the course of the past year with the current administration, how starkly political this has come. Already though the biden team in this transition has overcome one key challenge when it comes to planning for this coronavirus pandemic and their response this week. The gsa, the General Services administration finally ascertained bidens victory as president elect, which enabled him to start coordinating with federal officials, getting access to Government Data and information that can help them plan for their response to the pandemic and also this vaccine rollout. So now their planning is well underway. Of course, this is going to be the first big test of joe biden as president when he takes office next year. Not only his response to the pandemic broadly but the logistics of this vaccine rollout. Current administration has put a lot of pieces in place. Its going to be incumbent on biden to finish the process, close the deal, and get those vaccines to the public. So we see that process starting this week with the cdcs recommendation and bidens response to that recommendation as well. Kristie, victor . Rebecca buck, thank you so much. Wisconsins largest county certified its Election Results yesterday. After the recount that the Trump Campaign requested and paid for, president elect joe biden picked up even more votes. Cnns kevin liptak is with us from the white house. Any comment from the white house, kevin, about that recount . Reporter no official comment but there are indications that the Trump Campaign will appeal the decision. Theyre essentially trying to invalidate tens of thousands of absentee votes in wisconsin. Timing is running short. The deadline to certify the results in wisconsin is tuesday. Remember, the Trump Campaign requested this recount. They paid 3 million for it. When the results came in from Milwaukee County yesterday joe biden ended up with 132 more votes than he did before, so this is all the Trump Campaigns legal pathways are crumbling. The president is continuing to issue false claims about the election, even after he said he would leave the white house if the Electoral College affirms joe bidens win. Hes now seeming to put some conditions on that. He wrote on twitter, biden can only enter the white house as president if he can prove his ridiculous 80 million votes were not fraudulently or illegally obtained. The proof that the president is looking for there has come in statements from the federal government, from republican and Democratic State Election Officials who all say there is no widespread voting fraud in this election. The only person who seems to be having any trouble proving anything in all of this is the president himself facing legal set back after legal set back. The latest came in pennsylvania yesterday. A judge at a federal Appeals Court rejecting the Trump Campaigns request to block certification in the state. The judge who was appointed by President Trump saying that calling an election affair does not make it so. Now the Trump Campaign has signaled they will appealing this decision to the supreme court. The high court has said it has no interest in taking these cases up. All this have is an attempt by the president to sew doubts about the election among his supporters, but if you needed any indication that the president realizes that his term is come to go a close, it is thrash of new rules, thrash of pardons that were expected in the next several weeks. All of this a sign that the president is fully aware that he will not be president after january 20th. Dozens of losses. Thank you. Still ahead, the new covid19 struggle in americas rural hospitals. In the spring the concern was the equipment and the ppe. Thats not where were at now. What one hospital worker says is her teams biggest concern about covid now. Ce. Find your breaking point. Then break it. Every emergenc gives you a potent blend of nutrients so you can emerge your best with emergenc. Shingles doesnt care. I logged 10,000 steps today. Shingles doesnt care. I get as much fresh air as possible. Good for you, but shingles doesnt care. Because 1 in 3 people will get shingles, you need protection. But no matter how healthy you feel, your immune system declines as you age, increasing your risk for getting shingles. So what can protect you . Shingrix protects. For the first time ever, you can protect yourself from shingles with a vaccine proven to be over 90 effective. Shingrix is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older. Shingrix does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose. The most common side effects are pain, redness, and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever, and upset stomach. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist about protecting yourself with shingrix. Shingles doesnt care. Shingrix protects. Shingles doesnt care. children laughing music swells music fades exhales experience the power of sanctuary at the lincoln wish list sales event. Sign and drive off in a new lincoln with zero down, zero due at signing, and a complimentary first months payment. Its 16 minutes past the hour and doctors are predicting a post thanksgiving surge in coronavirus cases. Dr. Peter hotez says without a national program, hospitals will continue to be overwhelmed. Were going to be regularly hitting 2,000 deaths per day but then going up to 3,000 deaths and 4,000 deaths. More lives than the u. S. Lost in terms of gis in world war ii. These are the kinds of numbers were talking about. Numbers that are approaching what we experienced in the 1918 flu pandemic except its happening over a much shorter period of time. So this is this is going to be very destabilizing for the country, not only in terms of health but also our economy as well as our Homeland Security is under threat. Lets bring in now cnn medical analyst dr. Lena when. Lets start here. Tomorrow is expected to be another heavy travel day. All the people who left on monday, tuesday, wednesday, many of them will be coming back to their homes in one day. Whats the advice once people return. Should they quarantine . Does it depend on the mode of france sit transit . If they flew, drove, transmission rate that they visit snd whats your advice . So im actually less concerned about the travel itself than i am about what people did during the time that they were spending time with their loved ones. If you were truly outdoors only, spaced six feet apart at all times, you dont need to quarantine because your risk exposure is low. I think many people who traveled did get together with loved ones indoors who are not part of their immediate family in which case because there is such a high level of coronavirus all over the country, essentially the entire america is a hot spot, you dont wab to be seeding Coronavirus Infection into the community youre traveling to. I would recommend everyone to quarantine for at least seven days and get a test. If you cannot get a test quarantine for 14 days. By that i mean a true quarantine. Dont go into work. Pull your kids out of school for that period of time because you do not want to be spreading coronavirus inadvertently to people around you. Thats especially hard for people who took the time off to travel, then to get an extra two weeks plus to stay at home. I understand and i know that this is such a challenging time for everyone, but i am also certain that none of us want to be the super spreaders in our community p and there is so Much Community transmission that is occurring, hospitals are already so overwhelmed, we dont want to be the reason why a colleagues parent ends up in the icu or dying because we didnt quarantine. So lets look ahead. Theres this Advisory Committee on immunization practices emergency meeting called for december 1st, which is tuesday. Cdc Advisory Committee. Members expected to vote on recommendations for who should receive the vaccine first. Health care workers have long been at the expected top of that risk. Cdc counts 18 million Health Care Workers across the country. How far down this hierarchy do you expect this vote to go . Who receives it first, second, third . Moderate expectations for whats expected to come out of this meeting. Well, the cdc, i think its a good thing that theyre establishing a National Framework that states can follow. Ultimately the decision is going to be the states in terms of how they decide to allocate within their populations. Each state is goings to look different and who is the highest risk and who can be reached differently is different. I do expect Health Care Workers on the front lines are going to be prioritized. Thats because if we run out of Health Care Workers, we are not going to be able to treat patients and these are individuals who are at the highest risk of contracting covid19. Then i would expect nursing home residents would be very high on the list as well. There are more than 100,000 deaths that have already occurred among nursing home residents and staff. For those who are the most susceptible, if our goal is to prevent the most number of deaths, then be we have to look at populations like that. I this i well get a general framework but ultimately we need to trust the decisions to states which, by the way, also desperately need funding because state and local Health Departments are the ones that have to execute on these plans and they dont have the funding to stand up and establish these vaccination programs. The New York Times is reporting that brittain is moving potentially ahead of the u. S. To prove astrazeneca and Pfizer Vaccine candidates. Would that impact availability in the u. S. If they are approved overseas first . Thats a good question. There are differential rates of vaccine approval in history. We see that too in russia and china, they are already, it seems like, distributing vaccines in large doses. Maybe not in the best way, but they are doing this. The u. S. Has already established a supply of vaccines. Theyve contracted with pfizer, with moderna as an example to produce a certain amount already and so just because its approved somewhere else first wont limit our supply. We need to now trust the fda to do their job, to make sure that we are following the most rigorous scientific protocols, that there are no short cuts taken in this process, because ultimately the vaccine needs to be safe and effective but it also needs to be trusted by the american people. Dr. Lena wen, thanks so much. Thank you. So the covid19 numbers i know feel numbing at times. Think about it this way, the number of covid cases in the u. S. Is equivalent to the entire population of the state of illinois. The number of people who have died in the u. S. Could fill the largest stadium in the country, what you see there, michigan stadium, almost three times. Theyre not just numbers, theyre people. Covid is ravaging the rural hospitals trying to save them. People who just care about making sure that patients are taken care of, its difficult because we are so small that we only have a handful of staff to pull from really. If i lose or if we lose two or three nurses or workers from other departments, that can quickly become 10 to 25 of the team in that department. Thats sara brokaw, director of nursing in bellevue, ohio. Its my hometown. It mirrors thousands of rural districts in our country. Theres been a shift in the struggle, sara told me the problem isnt ppe now as it was in the spring, the struggle is the alarming rate at which the virus is spreading. For us to go from where we would only have two or three potentially positive Covid Patients in house to now 75 , i cant begin to imagine what what our front line teams are feeling. I see it on the faces, and i see it in their tears. Before covid gloves were standard protection, right . Add masks and eye protection now. You heard her right. Yes, 75 of patients at Bellevue Hospital there are there because theyre covid positive which means the protective equipment is much more cumbersome. Now theyre wearing an n95 or a paper which is a personal air purifying device and theyre wearing gowns, gloves, eye protection. Its like getting dressed to go sledding every day for them. I mean, its its a lot. Now they do collaborate with other rural and higher capacity hospitals such as toledo and cleveland. Sara says right now theyre close to that point. We have a limited number of staff that we can pull from and staff can only cross train to so many different places and be trained to do so many different roles and its its an emotional thing for them. Its hard. Sara says they have incredible support from the community and the board, but there are still a lot of people who dont understand the severity of the situation and thats one of their greatest concerns and really most dangerous obstacles to taking care of people. In Different Things that ive read, one thing ive always found interesting is the studies around how facts, once somebody has made their mind up about something or has a perception about something, that facts cant change their mind, that really the only thing that can change their mind is experience, and thats a scary thought because we dont want people to have to experience this to be able to truly understand how significant this is. I know that ive seen people who were questioning it and then they got sick and their mind did change, and we hope, we hope that that is not going to be the case for people who think that this isnt real or that this isnt problematic because at the end of the day we have record numbers of people dying from this pandemic. And its going to be up to us doing what we can so try to take some pressure off those front line responders because theyre doing everything they can. More fallout after the killing of irans top nuclear scientist. Well talk about how the countrys reacting and what this could mean for the incoming biden administration. Heres to one more, the lexus december to remember sales event. Lease the 2021 is 300 for 339 a month for 36 months and well make your first months payment. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. And well make your first months payment. Did you know prilosec otc can stop frequent heartburn before it begins . Prilosec otc uses a unique delayedrelease formula that works to turn down acid production, blocking heartburn at the source. With just one pill a day, you get 24hour heartburn protection. Take the prilosec otc twoweek challenge. And see the difference for yourself. Prilosec otc, 1 pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn. Thats why weve merged with sprint. Get more. Now its about to get even better. And as we work to integrate sprints network, our nationwide 5g keeps getting stronger. With the capacity and coverage to reach more people and places across the country. 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Rated pg. Breaking news overnight. Iran promising to respond, quote, like lightning to the assassination of its top nuclear scientist. U. S. Officials say they are closely watching this situation. The timing of the death could complicate diplomacy for the biden administration. Cnns Barbara Starr has more from the pentagon. Reporter even with no official word from the government of israel or the Trump Administration behind the scenes, u. S. Officials are calling the assassination of this Iranian Nuclear scientist a big deal. The man is said to have been involved for decades in the development of Irans Nuclear weapons program. No one can say yet who carried out the a sasz si nation. Iran very clearly pointing the public finger at israel. Israel not responding. Reporter staying calm, iran not retaliating for this assassination even though theyre threatening to do so. For the part of the u. S. , they are moving the Aircraft Carrier nemetz back into the persian gulf region. Defense Officials Say it has nothing to do with the assassination. This move had been planned. This Aircraft Carrier and its fighter jets on board are going to provide air cover and defense for the withdrawal of u. S. Troops from iraq and afghanistan that President Trump had ordered to be completed five days before he leaves office in january. So all of this putting more fire power into the region, more tension, if you will, with president elect joe biden coming into office having to decide what to do about it all and everyone is wondering if the iranians are getting the message that the u. S. Is after deterrent. They want to deter iran, as one general said, we are not looking for war. Barbara starr, cnn, the pentagon. With me now, Lieutenant General mark hertling. General, good morning to you. The movement of the nemetz back into the persian gulf. Youve heard the exma nation that barbara relayed there. Is that commensurate with getting troops out of afghanistan or do you believe there could be some connection to what happened in tehran . Yeah, i believe, victor, good morning, this is in connection with the assassination of moshen fakhrizadeh. There usually isnt a carrier standing by. Were talking about 2500 people leaving iraq right now. That doesnt require an Aircraft Carrier and support. What that carrier may be there to do is to react to any situation as a result of this assassination. That tells me that some people in the u. S. Government knew about it. We dont know who conducted the operation. There are some suspicions that it was israel. Truthfully, we also have secretary of state pompeo in the region during the period of 13 to 23 november talking to israel, to the uae, to saudi arabia, so i think what were talking about is the potential for some coordination for this kind of attack. So a u. S. Official tells our National Security team that they do not expect iran to strike out against the u. S. Specifically in the last few weeks of the Trump Administration. Do you agree with that . I dont, victor. Weve already seen some strikes within iraq where some of the militia groups have lobbed missiles and mortar rounds into the green zone targeting not just the Iraqi Government but also the u. S. Personnel that are there. Thats been happening over the last several weeks as a direct reaction to President Trumps announcement that forces would be moving out of iraq. So i think we could see maybe not iran but certainly proxies of iran throughout the middle east striking out at both israel and the United States. So ill ask this from a military perspective, and weve got jason coming up the next hour, ill talk to him about it from a geopolitical perspective. But whats the relevant specifically to this of the lame duck status distinction of the president , that this would happen in the last couple of months . If israel is responsible for this that it would happen now . Yeah. From my perspective, its disruptive in any strategy that president elect biden might be considering for the region, not just the middle east but also for europe. Remember, victor, europe was participants in the Iran Nuclear Deal and they were quite upset when President Trump withdrew from that deal. So were talking about the requirement for if president elect biden wants to reestablish some of the norms of diplomacy and military activity from both a nato perspective and middle east perspective, this will certainly disrupt any of those actions. The other thing i think is important is when youre seeing a complete withdrawal or a large withdrawal from iraq and afghanistan without the coordination that sometimes is needed with the nations that are hosting those military forces, you also have the potential for affecting the trust between allies and partners. And i think thats something that president elect biden is also going to have to face with this rapid withdrawal of forces. All right. We heard from the military advisor to the Ayatollah Khamenei that there would be response like lightning for those responsible for this killing. Well see what that means after the killing of soleimani in january, there was the strike that gave 100 plus u. S. Troops brain damage but no one was killed in iraq. Well see what, if anything, happens now. Lieutenant general, always good to have you as part of the conversation. Thank you so much. Thank you, victor. Christi . Thank you so much. So i know were all trying to reconcile what doesnt seem to make sense to us. Stocks are rising. But there are millions of people who dont have work, who are barely making ends meet. How is this happening . Well take a look at where the economy stands next. Im kalvin, and theres more to me than hiv. Im a peer educator,. A fitness buff,. And a champion for my own health. I talked with my doctor. And switched to. Fewer medicines with. Dovato. Prescription dovato is for some adults who are starting hiv1 treatment or replacing their current hiv1 regimen. With. Just 2 medicines. In 1 pill, dovato is as effective as a 3drug regimen to help you reach and stay undetectable. Research shows people who take hiv treatment as prescribed. And get to and stay undetectable. Can no longer transmit hiv through sex. Dont take dovato if youre allergic to any of its ingredients. Or if you take dofetilide. Hepatitis b can become harder to treat while taking dovato. 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Here is cristina alesci. Good morning to you. Stocks keep rising to records surpassing 30,000 a couple of days ago and so many people are just struggling to buy food and pay the rent. Reporter thats right, victor. The stock market is yet another example of the two economic realities that have existed throughout this pandemic. Now what investors are looking at is they are looking past the next couple of months of pain and suffering in the real economy. Theyre looking at Vaccine Distribution and the peaceful transition of power. Thats why the dow hit that 30,000 milestone this week, and its part of the reason that it may have it is on track to have its best month since november 1987. But those benefits, the benefits of a stock market rally, will flow disproportionately to the higher income people in this country and the wealthy, and that means that well continue to have this housing boom. Retailers are looking forward to three between 3 and 5 more in terms of retail spending. Meanwhile, the stock market rally will not help feed the 50 million americans in 2020 that may go hungry. Its also not going to help the 778,000 additional people who filed for Unemployment Benefits this week. Initial Unemployment Benefits i should say last week. That is the second week in a row that the number of claims has gone up. And as you mentioned, 12 Million People are at risk for losing Unemployment Benefits. These are gig workers and people on unemployment for a longer term if congress does not act. That is the harsh economic reality for millions of people in this country, victor. We cant forget about that, cristina. We do know, too, President Trump took credit for the dow reaching the 30,000 milestone this week. Is he correct to claim it . Reporter well, theres no doubt that operation warp speed definitely helped and supported the vaccines record development. It was developed in record time. Theres no doubt about that and thats why investors are cheering, but this milestone was hit on a week that it became abundantly clear that trump is on the way out and biden is on the way in. Biden spent the week nominating his cabinet, and investors were paying particular attention to his nomination for treasury secretary, janet yellen, who is crisis tested. She was the chair of the Federal Reserve during the 2000 actually after 2008 when the economy was recovering from that economic crisis, that economic and financial crisis, and investors see that as a positive sign. Additionally, the peaceful transition of power, which they were very concerned about, heading into the 2020 election. Christi, victor. Cristina alesci, really appreciate the walk through there. Thank you so much. Every saturday were highlighting cities across the u. S. With resources to aid those of you who need it. Grab your phone or a pen and a piece of paper right now so you can write this information down, either for yourself or for someone you may know. Lets go to montana first. If you are concerned about the ability to make your mortgage, rent your monthly rent or your mortgage payments, the states asking residents to contact montana housing. Although their Emergency Housing Program has ended, they are providing Additional Resources to you to help tenants and homeowners there. In nebraska the Lincoln Food Bank has made it easy to find Food Distribution pickups statewide with an online calendar. The next food give away is in two days, monday, november 30th at the Lancaster Event Center in lincoln from 3 to 4 p. M. In nevada state officials are working hard to ensure anyone who needs a covid test can get one. To find the nearest Testing Center near you go to nevadas site or call 211. Call each location before you go to confirm service hours. We want to make sure if you are in need there are places to go. We want you all to be safe and healthy. Rough weather coming for some folks, from strong to severe storms from texas to the carolinas possible this weekend. Cnn meteorologist Allison Chinchar is with us to tell us how much rain people can see. Since pioneering the suv in 1935, the chevy suburban has carried many things. Nothing more important than family. Introducing the most versatile and advanced chevy suburban and tahoe ever. You power through chronic migraine 15 or more headache days a month,. Each lasting 4 hours or more. Botox® prevents headaches in adults with chronic migraine. So, if you havent tried botox® for your chronic migraine,. Check with your doctor if botox® is right for you, and if samples are available. Effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after injection. Causing serious symptoms. Alert your doctor right away, as difficulty swallowing,. Speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness. Can be signs of a lifethreatening condition. Side effects may include allergic reactions. Neck and injection site pain. Fatigue, and headache. Dont receive botox® if theres a skin infection. Tell your doctor your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions. And medications, including botulinum toxins, as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. 95 of patients may pay as little as zero dollars for botox®. So, text to see how you can save. Botox® has been preventing headaches and migraines before they even start for 10 years. So, ask your doctor about botox® today. Teeth sensitivity as well as gum issues. Does it worry me . Absolutely. Sensodyne sensitivity gum gives us the dual action effect that really takes care of both our teeth sensitivity as well as our gum issues. Theres no question its something that i would recommend. A storm creeping from texas to the carolinas could cause some flooding problems. Yes, cnn meteorologist Allison Chinchar has the latest. What are you seeing, allison . Good morning, guys. A lot of heavy rain is out there. Its actually been there 24 hours. The main focus is right hell here along the gulf region. For example, where is that rain starting . Initially in texas and spread east, as you mentioned all the way to the carolinas in the next 48 hours. Houston, for example, has picked up 24 inches in the last 24 hours. And another 2 to 4 inches in what they have. Its not just houston, again, the whole area from Corpus Christi to new orleans has the potential for very heavy rainfall, at least through the weekend. Now that one system that we have in the southeast is actually going to combine with another system thats coming down from canada. And theyre going to meet up right around the midatlantic and northeast region. And when they do, they have a chance of dumping not only heavy rain but snow. On the southern system by the time we get to monday, this is when you really start to see the system rampup. The heaviest rain from the two of them combined will be along the western seaboard, especially the north arent seaboard where we could get a couple inches. But the snow will be focused in the back side, from detroit to cincinnati. Thats where we could get heaviest snow. In those places, 6 inches of snow, if not potentially higher. Most of the rainfall, as we mentioned the northeastern seaboard region, thats 2 to 4 inches of snow total. Temperatures are cooling down not just in the Northern Tier of the u. S. Where we normally see the temperatures cool down. Even into the south, youre going to see that cold air spread down. Southern cities, take, for example, atlanta, likely to see their temperatures dip. Almost high of 70 today. Dipping from a high, victor and christi, only a high of 40 for tuesday. If you do have plants to bring in. No, the mums are long gone up the road. Long dead. I water my mums, dont start that rumor. Allison chinchar. I think thats the line of the day. I water my mums. All right, listen, theres a woman in missouri using chalk and her imagination, to try to make us more hopeful right now in this pandemic. We, of course, need that. First, this is life with lisa ling is back. Youll watch Prep School Students visit prisons and form unlikely bonds. Reporter guiding hudson and other students through the security gates is the boys english and physiologifizphysi teacher. Do you talk about it . We want it to be a healthy shock. Geography, getting kids out in the community matters. I always tell students dont let school get in the way of education. A lot is tough to see out there. Backtoback episodes of this is life with lisa ling premieres tonight on cnn. You empty as little as once a month. And unlike standard robots that bounce around it cleans row by row. If its not a shark, its just a robot. All closer together. For over 30 years, lexus has been celebrating driveway moments. Heres to one more. The lexus december to remember sales event. 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Get started with a powerful internet and voice solution for just 64. 90 a month. Plus, for a limited time, ask how to get a 500 prepaid card when you upgrade. Switch today. Before the break, i want to correct something i said. Sorry. Yes, that this is life with lisa ling is actually on tomorrow night at 9 00. I said tonight. Wed love for you to be here tonight at 9 00. But the show is actually on tomorrow night right here on cnn. Wanted to clear that up, sorry, christi. Go ahead. No, thats good. Lets talk about this woman in missouri, shes found a way to spread positive messaging while maintaining social distance. Shes leaving messages of hopes and hugs in st. Louis since april. Shes gone through 50 boxes of chalk and written nearly 70 messages. My Mental Health was a little wacky. So, just hearing the positive messages or reinforcing them again, it made me feel really good. Do what makes you feel good. You can read some of the messages on her instagram on chalk in the loop, thats her handle. After a thanksgiving like no other, america headed into a black friday like no other. I am so worried about everything thats happening over thanksgiving. Because we have a massive surge on top of another massive surge. Feels

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