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Will leave their royal lives almost completely. The shock announcement from Buckingham Palace. Good to see you on a sunday morning early 6 00 a. M. Im christi paul. Im martin savidge. It is the framers nightmare. Thats how House Democrats are making their case for removing President Trump from office. The president s legal team has until noon tomorrow that layout their arguments. But theyre already on the defense calling the impeachment charges constitutionally invalid. His impeachment trial two days away. A source tells cnn the president appears distracted and cant understand why he is impeached. Cnn Kristen Holmes is live for us in washington. We are getting a look at what this trial is going to look like. Help us walk through it. Good morning. Reporter good morning, these are the first briefs filed in the senate ahead of this hearing, which will begin in earnest on tuesday. It really shows you how politically charged this trial is going to be overall. Just to break down for our viewers, i want to talk about what this s. When we talk about the house managers. Those are essentially the prosecutors. We talk about the senators. Those are the jurors. They are the ones who are going to decide whether or not President Trump should be removed from office so this is what we saw yesterday. The house managers, the prosecutors, putting forward their case over 100 pages of why exactly they believe President Trump should be removed from office. Just to give you one quote here, it says they are calling on the senate to quote eliminate the threat the president poses to National Security so you can hear, politically charged. The charges are as follows. The House Democrats laying out that they believe President Trump abused his power when he withheld not only the 400 billion of security aid to ukraine, also the white house meeting while President Trump and his associates on another thread were pressuring ukraine to open an investigation into President Trumps political rivals. Ie, joe biden. Of course, we know this now, moving forward, they say that there the another charge, another article of impeachment here, which is obstruction of congress, that the president , the white house moved to Block Congress from their investigation by stopping these subpoenas for witnesses and documents. So what we saw last night, the legal team putting out a response just to the articles of impeachment. This is not their response to the charges here. This is not the response to the actual filing, to the charges, to the articles of impeachment. They say that there is no basis for either of the articles of impeachment and that the president did nothing wrong. So again, these are basically the outline for what those Opening Statements are going to look like here. What happens next . Well, on tuesday, the senate is supposed to argue whether or not the rules will have, what the rules will look like. Think of this of scheduling, what hours theyre actually going to work. But the big point of contention is over those witnesses, mcconnell says he wants to follow the clinton modem, which means they will not vote on those witnesses until after Opening Statements. He says he has the votes to do so. Democrats say they want a commitment of witnesses. Now, were obviously going to watch how this plays out. There are some republican senators we are watching closely saying they have two witnesses. They still kind of want to wait until after they hear those Opening Statements. Take a listen to what pam bondi, a member of the president s legal team said about those republicans last night. I think that theyre going to see, especially after opening arguments, maybe before that when they see truly the lack of evidence that has been brought to them. I think theyre all going to go the right thing. Theyre ready to get back to work, too, and do the business of the senate instead of sitting there every day listening to this trash. Okay. So, i just want to note one very important thing and this is to all of our viewers, you hear pam bondi there calling this trash. Youve seen President Trump and his allies saying this the a hoax, is this a big joke. Make no mistake that this is not a joke. America is about to enter a trial to potentially remove the president of the united states. The president , one of only three who have ever been impeached. It is a very serious time for this country. It is, indeed, Kristen Holmes, thank you for outlining the legal battle lines as they are drawn. Thank you. I want to bring in cnn political analyst as well as michael moore, a former u. S. Attorney for the district of georgia. Good morning. Julian or michael rather, i want to start with you real quickly and get your response to what pam bondi saying this truly they lack, there is a lack of evidence thats been brought to them so when we look at treason, bribery, high crimes and misdemeanors, there are questions that have been put out there about what exactly that means. Does this really come down to, no, there is not enough evidence or does this come down to zievg whether that evidence is actually impeachable . I think its about deciphering. What you have to realize, this has been a part of the administrations talk. As we move forward in the impeachment process. The house is the one who decides the articles of impeachment. Its like an indictment in a garage. If are you the grand jury, you dont bring forth all the witnesses, you bring in maybe an investigating officer, he or she talks about the underlying crime. Then you move to a trial jury. Thats when you put the meat on the bones of the case. Thats essentially what is here, that is the reason the white house is so insistent the witnesses and the republicans in the senate want to block witnesses in the senate. The meat on the bones will come out during the trial. So to talk about it being trash, to talk about it being not proven or the weakness of the articles being brought is an effort to skew the process going in. And really has no merit at this point. Again, there are two functions going on. The senate now will undertake the in depth part of the trial. There the a reason that caused the deliberate bodies will, they need to flesh out ultimately what this case is about, hear the witnesses, let the jury, the trial jury, the senator, hear evidence and make a decision on the articles. Okay. So, julian, i want to get to a piece that you wrote on a way to of course for part of the defense team here and you took offense to some of the things that he said apparently in the last 48 hours, particularly regarding whether abuse of power is an impeachable offense. You wrote, the dound founders check every Single Branch of government from accumulating every power, spelled out in the constitution, which imposed restraints on the executive branch by giving the congress the power of the press as well as the ability to declare war. Is dershowitz arguing you think its not impeachable because its from a sitting president and the president s powers are in his view perhaps omni potent . Almost. Dershowitz is tapping into a line of argument. We heard from trumps supporters and from conservative itself now for several decades that the restraints on the president are few. Theyve challenged a lot of the notions of checks and balances that are put into place and they have a very bold view of president ial power. Around i think thats going to be at the heart of their defense and the impeachment. Not that we dont know what the president did. But to argue that the president has the ability to make these kind of decisions and use Foreign Policy in this way. And i think there will be many people watching who might be surprised at just how strong trumps legal team argues the president can be. Okay. So here is to that point, to some degree, ken starr spoke to politico in 2018 during the mueller investigation. Heres what he said, part of what he said, he said youre not above the law. Speaking about the presidency, anybody in the presidency. He said you think youve got a timeout based upon your service as president. We respect you. You are occupying the presidency. You have a very important job, starr said, but there is no timeout. You have to respond when you are summoned to the boar of justice. Thats the way i respond to all this. Have you to be a rule of law person if youre going to occupy a position of trust f. This is the foundation, michael, of from which ken starr practices, we would expect cooperation then from the president , which is something we havent seen if he is being advised by ken star senior especially think ken starr is in a unique position. Lawyers are trained to argue both side of the facts in the case. Therefore you can argue for a plaintiff in one day or a defendant and a state on another time, depending on your job. What we dont do is shift around hypocritically about the process. Remember ken starr had bill clinton testify. They had witnesses in there. He went from a financial investigation down to finding body fluids on a dress. His entire background as it to that is not congruent with the position hes put forward now. They will argue against witnesses, for ken starr to come in today and argue against witnesses is sort of like an elephant saying you dont need a trunk. He is so whetted to the position of an indepth investigation of putting evidence forward at the time. Again he had clinton testify. He did. He suspend clinton and clinton agreed to come and testify and the subpoena was withdrawn. So hes taken positions which were contrary. The problem with na is it causes you to lose credibility usually with the trier of fact. I think ultimately this time remember while the senators are jurors, the trial of fact, the people that were talking to and i think you will see much of this trial focused on are the American People. Right. And hes taken positions to me that may be called into question the sincerity of the positions hell be putting forward. This has only happened three times in history. This is important and the American People are certainly watching. I appreciate both of you. Thank you. Thank you. Our impeachment special coverage continues tonight. By the way, be sure to watch the impeachment trial of president donald j. Trump. It airs at 8 00 p. M. Eastern right here on cnn. Another storm that swept through parts of the u. S. Is making its way out to sea this morning. But the lingering conditions are still dangerous. Strong winds and lake effect snow are impacting millions across the great lakes and northeast. No travel advisers. That is no travel advisories have been issued for parts of south dakota and minnesota. There is an arctic cold blast starting today as well, which means florida, are you not exempt here. You are going to get hit with temperatures well below normal. Cnn meteorologist Allison Chinchar has the forecast in the cnn weather center. There is another aspect thats quite interesting you might not know about. This is an equal opportunity cold snap. Not ones necessarily impacted. But its coming off the heels of snow. A lot of that snow is likely going to stay there for a while. Were talking a lot of snow. Take a look at this three states picked up a foot of snow in the last 48 hours. Wisconsin, minnesota and even michigan, just some of those three. The thing is there is actually more snow on the way. You still have Winter Weather advisories, winter storm warnings and some lake effect snow warnings for lake effect enhancement bands set up through the day today. Look at some of this, upstate new york, portions of pennsylvania, ohio, could pick up an additional seven inches of snow. Behind that system, though, a lot of cold air and windy conditions. When you combine the two of those, you set up dangerous wind chill numbers, this area up here, 30 to 40 degrees below zero is what it will feel like. Even a little farther south, 20 to 30 degrees below zero is what it will feel like. Heres the thing, this cold air is going to sped east and south, yes, even as far south as florida, take, for example, a city like miami, waking up tuesday night, that temperature could drop down to 43, it may not sound that bad of a cold morning. It is for down there, not just for people, also these critters. This is an iguana, it looks like its dead, its actually not. Heres the thing they become cold stunned or go dormant once the temperature drops below 45 degrees. This gentleman picked them up, because they think theyre dead. Theyre not folks, once they warm up, they can get very aggressive, cautionary warning, dont touch them, let them warm up on their own, which should ap once the temperature gets back to 50 degrees. Thank you for the morning. Im very much the same way. Ha, ha, ha. Allison, thanks very much. Very nice. Oh, i dont know if you have seen these pictures. Do you know what you are looking at here . This isnt puerto rico. When residents found a warehouse full of emergency supplies. This is the been there more than two years. There is a lot of shock that goes around with it. Meanwhile, across the pond, speaking of shock, prince harry and Meghan Markle are giving up their royal titles. Details of the deal they made with the queen ahead. Plus the controversial mma star, Conner Mcgregor made his return to sports last night and got a convincing win. Coy wire will join us with the details. Queens on the team in real life not just on the internet all strength, we aint stoppin believe me go straight till the morning look like we wont wait, were taking everything we wanted we can do it all strength, no sweat all strength, no sweat rowithout the Commission Fees and account minimums. So, you can start investing wherever you are even on the bus. Download now and get your first stock on us. Robinhood. Necessarily great for your teeth. 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And then theres a husband, and then theres me. Thats a lot of clothes. Jury growing in ponce, puerto rico, they found a supply house of aid since Hurricane Maria two years ago. They were found during a building inspection. People came to the worry house yesterday, you see ponc ze one of the many cities of the island damaged by recent earthquakes. Can you believe these pictures . Puerto ricos emergency director was firebird after the aid was reveal. He denies mishandling the supplies. He claims the water wasnt passed out because it had expired. The governor says the situation is unacceptable and is investigating. The remains of the ukrainian passed down by iran are back if their home country this morning. The caskets were received in a somber ceremony in kiev a short time ago. Ukrainian president zelensky and his cabinet were in attendance. All people were killed when the ukrainian said they mistook a plane for a Cruise Missile earlier this month. Eastern is currently examining the planes black box. They reject reports it will be returned to ukraine for analysis. They havent decided to send them to another country. The department of Homeland Security updated their Terror Threat advisory systems. Its warning iran maintains a robust Cyber Program and can execute Cyber Attacks against the u. S. The original advisory detailed the missile attack as a potential threat from iran including previous plots and cyber targets. Currently, there are no specific threats, but Officials Say they are operating with an enhanced posture. Well, cnn has been given exclusive access to a phone call. A u. S. Navy veteran Michael Whites mother recorded. White you will remember is serving a ten year sentence in iran on charges he insulted irans ayatollahco main. He is believed to be the First American imprisoned by the Trump Administration. His family obvious worried the hard line approach to iran is not helping. Cnns nick valencia has the story. Reporter in july, 20 each, Michael White took a trip from california to iran and never came back. His mother says he was going to visit a woman he called his girlfriend, according to his attorney on that trip, white, a u. S. Navy veteran was detained on charges he publicly posed a photograph. Details are slim. The then 46yearold was convicted of insulting the supreme leader. According to his attorney he was sentenced to ten years in prison. His family says the last time they heard from him was a phone call just after christmas. Reporter this is the first time we are hearing whites voice from behind bars. The audio was recorded by his mother with his content. It was given exclusively to c n n. Reporter according to hills family, white has reoccurring cancer around other undisclosed Chronic Health problems. Reporter cnn reached out to iran about whites allegations, they did not respond. In a statement year ago called similar claims untrue. Its like you are having a nightmare at night but you never wake up from that nightmare. Reporter his mother is overcome with grief and worry. What michael told me is they took a whip to his raw feet, now he has problems with his feet. He also had a gun held to his head. I want my son brought home before its too late. Reporter white is believed to be the First American imprisoned by iran by the Trump Administration. Earlier this month, on meet the press secretary of state mike pompeo was asked to bring home americans . We continue to work on that process, including by the cleptocrats in iran. We will never give up on that mission. Reporter maybe. The hard line approach to iran they worry isnt helping. The irony his mother says is his son is a trump supporter. In his last phone call home he defended trump against impeachment saying its making him harder to bring him home. He is a negotiator, tell them to get my son out of there then. Reporter the state Department Said this, we are aware of press reports a u. S. Citizen was charged and convicted in the northeast iran. They went on to say we condemn irans secret abuse of sham trials. We call on the Iranian Regime to conduct open, transparent trials before a fair and impartial judge in all criminal cases. They went on to say they have no further comment because of privacy considerations. Thank you so much. We appreciate that. Theres a blockbuster announcement out of Buckingham Palace. Megan and harry no longer a part of the royal family. When we come back, what their life is expected to look like . We are live for you in london. Robin hood and little john runnin through the forest laughin back and forth at what the otherne has to say theres a booking for every resolution. Book yours at booking. Com seaonly abreva cany to help sget rid of it in. As little as 2 1 2 days when used at the first sign. Abreva starts to work immediately to block the virus and protect healthy cells. Abreva acts on it. So you can too. This melting pot of impacted species. Everywhere is going to get touched by climate change. I feelbusiness cards. New logo. Outdoor sign. You always get me. Now, get free 1 hour instore pick up. At Office Depot Officemax and officedepot. Com. Same time next week. Yes oh no, here comes gthe neighbor probably to brag about how amazing his Xfinity Customer Service is. Im mike, im so busy. Good thing xfinity has twohour appointment windows. They have night and weekend appointments too. Hes here. Bill . Karolyn . Nope no, just a couple of rocks. Download the my account app to manage your appointments making todays Xfinity Customer Service simple, easy, awesome. Ill pass. You are looking at some of the thousands of people marching around the white house, despite the cold, wet weather, though you can see it cleared up by then. Demonstrators turned out for the Fourth Annual womens march. The main event took place in washington. But sisters marches were held across the country and the world, really, in fact. We can show you what it looked like in new york. They heard speeches advocating for reproduction rights, environment am justice. A similar scene where supporters marched to city hall. Harry and megan are getting out of a Family Business as you know, Buckingham Palace made a huge announcement the duke and duchess of sussex are quote no longer working members of the royal family. What does that mean . The couple will no longer use the titles his and her royal highness. They are also stepping back from royal duties. No longer officially representing the queen. Theyre expected to pay back british taxpayer mo infor their official residence and will now spend the majority of their time in north america. Most londoners are supporting a declaration of independence. Its not the best pr call for the royal family, especially megan. What is there . As much as theyre embracing to whats out there, its mostly britain that are tormenting her and telling her, so i feel like its she appears to give all of harry, shes an american and can do what she wants. I think its race it, its quite different the way they treat william and kate compared to megan and harry. So to help us understand what this means really at the royal family at the end of the day, cnn correspondent max foster and richard williams, a cnn royal commentator so good to have both of you go we us. Max, despite no longer being working royals, as its been dubbed, theyre clearly still a part of the family, of course, so what does that mean, really at the end of the day . Reporter well, it means that the couple wanted to have a hybrid role they outlined in a statement where they will be earning private money and the same time retaining some of the gts they carried out representing the queen. That went into discussion with a wider family of paris authorities, government authorities as well and the outcome from the queen is you cant have that. You either need to be in or you are out and the couple kholies out. So theyve left their royal positions, which is seismic for the royal family, also has an impact on the remaining members. You have to pick up the work load or decide to do less. Right. What was interesting with all of the rumors going around about what the relationship is between harry and megan and the queen, the queen put out a statement and she made a point to praise megan. She wrote this. Quote, particularly how megan has so quickly become one of the family. So the queen seems to be defending megan from the tabloid rumors that megan has blamed for splitting up the family. Do we have a better sense of that relationship between the queen and harry and megan now . Reporter you can certainly look at the statement as a peace treaty to a tern certain extent. Its clear that she is an essential part of the family. When i know behind the scenes they havent felt supported by the palaces and the family. A massive breakdown across the board, which is why all this exploded out to the public. Some in the palace feel the institution should have done more earlier on, its too little too late. Whilst the language is very soft and speaking as a grandmother, what she is saying is extremely firm, this is where i am drawing the line. You are out. You cant use your titles anymore. You are not getting more public funding and you have to pay back the cost of the renovation to the cottage. If you take it in its complete form, its actually a dramatic, hard, firm line from the queen and we seen her out today, actually at church, shes with prince andrew, thats interesting. We got the scandal earlier in the year. She did the same thing, she tried to close it down. He spoke about his situation with epstein. She asked him to step pack from public duties altogether. This shows how she is very much still in charge of the monarchy and she is the one that decides things, behind the scenes, shes the boss. At the end of the day, hes the son. There is that. As many people can put themselves in that position in terms of how they react in terms of something that might have been seen obviously as very wrong. I want to go to you, richard, because a lot of people look at this situation with harry and megan and think could they have not done everything they want to do with all the causes that they want to support in even a more high profile position had they stayed in the royal family in their roles . Reporter i think that this would have been a very considerable problem. This is why the statement from the queen was necessary and has just been pointed out, it was pretty broil, i dont know the wording, it was very emollient, what it actually states not using titles, on stepping back from royal roles and so forth. Had they continued on a parttime basis, so that they would on the one hand be doing roles of power and attempting to balance duties and path of the queen with same endorsements and commercial products, possibly megan could have gone back to acting. We simply dont know, certainly disney might be considered and harry take on certain roles and jobs. The problem is that every single thing they do or would have done and remember their hatred of past intrusion would have been scrutinized by the press in its minutia and who would have been there to say if they endorse something that turned out to be a bad buy or commercially undesirable in the opinion of some, there is no one to adjudicate. This really could have caused endless problems over years. I think its very important the queen has drawn a line, very, very strongly on this, in a statement i have to say took me by surprise, because it was extremely blunt in the facts that the effect it will have on their lives. And i fear that harry will feel somewhat past adrift. We have to wait and see. Max foster, richard fitswilliams, we appreciate both of your respectives. Thank you very much. Trumps team will be doing double duty. Coming up, a high profile team of lawyers expected to argue the president s case on television. . Actually, you do. Harmful bacteria lurk just below the gum line, and if youre not taking care of your gums, youre not taking care of your mouth. So now i use this. Crest gum detoxify. Crest gum detoxify, voted product of the year. It works below the gum line and is clinically proven to neutralize harmful plaque bacteria and help reverse early gum damage. Gum detoxify, from crest. Gums are good. So is my check up crest. Healthy, beautiful smiles for life. 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The president s team is in place. They are ready to argue their case when the senate trial begins tuesday. The president doesnt want to defend him on the senate floor, though. No, sources tell cnn one of the roster of high profile lawyers who could perform well on television. Listen to pam bondi, a member of his legal team last night. Theyre sending this basic trash over to the u. S. Senate, the senate is a lot smarter than that, especially with adam schiff presenting, bring it on, because were ready to go. And joining us to talk about all of this is Brian Stelzer cnn media correspondent of reliable sources. Good morning. Good morning. We know the president has been obsessed in his presidency and even before of coverage on television, so should it really surprise us he would want a made for tv defense team . This does make perfect sense for the president. He is doing it with an eye towards november, his reelection and the general election campaign. Even though its the primary season. Were at the threeyear mark. This weekend is the threeyear anniversary of the trump presidency. This is the logical outgrowth defind by his Television Watching and his perception of whats going on that come through fox news, so, yes, he is going after Alan Dershowitz who reportedly wasnt very interested in joining his legal time. Our colleague jim acosta saying there is some reluctance to be involved. He was pressured to be on board or at least have his name attached to the legal team. Dershowitz is a regular on fox news, a regular in the president s orbit as a result. It makes sense the president would want him there, bondi, we filled in on one of the fox talk shows a while back. Every member is a familiar face to fox viewers. Let me ask you this, ken starr spoke to politico back in december of 2018, talking about the mueller investigation. But he said at the time that he didnt want to take on representation with foreseeable the advice would not be followed. That is one of the biggest questions in this, brian, will President Trump follow the advice of the defense team he set up . Do you see anybody on that team that you think could keep the president somewhat not so distracted on impeachment and not talking about it on twitter . I can give you a long detailed answer. Ill give you the short answer. No, i do not. The number one person in the company is a stable genius, the authored book coming out on tuesday, number one selling book on annualson, the president has been complaining about it. Its clear, 400 page long, erratic sometimes dangerously misinformed president who will not take advice from anyone. We have seen this portrait filled in, three years ago this weekend. The story remains the same, the players around the president sometimes change, but the president remains the same and that is just to go back to the original point, partly due to fox news and what he is hearing all the time from his favorite channel. Brian stelzer, thanks very much for that input. Remember you can bach brian later today, reliable sources at 11 00 a. M. Eastern. Of course, its only here on cnn. Less fruits and veggies, more pizza . Ahead why School Lunches in the u. S. Could soon become less healthy for your kids. Device a. Severe cold or flu . Take control with theraflu. Powerful, soothing relief to defeat your worst cold and flu symptoms fast. Device sneezes theraflu. The power is in your hands. Because the tempurbreeze™makes stransfers heat. Away from your body. So you feel cool, night after night. And now tempurpedic is ranked number one by jd power in Customer Satisfaction with retail mattresses. When our daughter and her kids moved in with us. Kids, bedtime . She was worried we wouldnt be able to keep up. Course we can. What couldnt keep up was our bargain detergent. Turns out its mostly water, and water doesnt get out all the stains. So, we switched back to tide. One wash, stains are gone. Kind of like our quiet time. [slurping] what are you doing . Dont pay for water. Tide gives you three times the active cleaning ingredients. If its got to be clean, its got to be tide. There are millions of kids who eat at least one meal at School Every Day and sometimes its the only meal they get. Well, the Trump Administration wants to allow quote more flexibility with the menu. Interesting word, while it would give children more lunch options, some worry they will get more broccoli. Reporter well, the department of agriculture tells the New York Times it was a coincidence and it did not intend to propose this roll back of Michelle Obamas signature Lunch Program on her birthday on friday. The usda says theyre all about reducing food wastes but giving students meal options that may be more appealing to them that can mean less fruits and vegetables and more burgers and fries. One former First Lady Michelle Obama launched her lets move initiative in 2010, her foley was to fight childhood obesity. We have improved the quality of food in our schools. Thats where kids are eating many of their meals. We have to do a good job making sure that food is quality. Reporter as part of lets move, she often promoted the white house vegetable garden and played a key role in bringing healthier food to the 30 Million Students who get their meals through the National School Lunch Program. The healthy free kids act caused more sodium served and cutting sugar and fat out of meals. Now they want to roll back these standards. On friday the u. S. Agriculture department announced proposals that would reduce the amount of fruits and types of vegetables in school meals, according to washington post. Giving the schools the flexibility to decide which meals would be appealing to their students. The usda says its about reducing food waste especially if students are throwing out whats being offered. In a statement, agriculture secretary sonny purdue said schools and School Districts continue to tell us there is more food waste and that common sense flexibility is needed to provide students nutritious and ap advertising meals. We listened, now we are getting to work. Under the current standard, schools that participate in the School Breakfast program must provide a half to one cup of food during breakfast from pre school to high school. The new meal will allow providers to customize meal patterns. It would allow schools to offer entrees ala carte to reduce food wastes, contradiction argue it could result in children eating less fruits and vegetables, instead, getting foods greecier and higher in saturated fats and calories. Mrs. Obama hoped the vegetable planted will live on for a healthier nation for children that remains for now. A harvard study in 2014 reported under obamas Lunch Program, kids ate 16 more vegetables and fruit. This would be the second move by the Trump Administration to cut back on federal nutrition standard, in 2018, a if you rule allowed low fast chocolate milk and lowered the amounts of whole grains that had to be served. I dont know if you saw it, but it took about 15 months for ufc star Conor Mcgregor to return to fighting. It was a lot shorter in the fight. Let me tell you about it after this. Zplmpblt never settle for 25 . Always go for 100. Bring out the bold™ conditions are protected. Vo a broken promise. Trump repeatedly tried to undermine coverage for 134 million americans with preexisting conditions. Mike he just doesnt care if you have a preexisting condition he wants to deny you access to coverage. If he is reelected, hell keep trying to do that and i think we cant let that happen. Vo as president , mike will lower costs, and protect americans with preexisting conditions. 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Well, it didnt even take one minute, less than a new york minute for a dynamic and controversial star show to come to a very precise event. Yeah, 60 for 40 cents. Yeah, pay per view. 15 months away from the sport, there were legal issues. There were you know some were doukt whether or not Conor Mcgregor could win this fight. He was fighting upper weight class as well. Some doubt he could ever be the same. What took 40 seconds as you mentioned, tom brady was there, the biggest names in sports to watch this 246 in vegas. In 40 second, mcgregor reminds everyone why hes the sports biggest star, a kick to the head, tko, mcgregors 22nd career win, 19th by knockout, mcgregor, he fell to his 83s afterwards, emotional about the journey back. The win got everyones attention online, including lebron james. He tweeted welcome back after his lakers victory over houston last night. Now, lets turn to baseball, Houston Astros stars were peppered with questions yesterday about the sign stealing scandal that rocked major league baseball. They responded to the latest allegations that batters were wearing Electronic Devices under their jerseys, tipping them off to pitches. I want to talk about buzzers, did that ever occur . No. Mlb did their investigation. At the end of the year, everything will be fine. We will be in the world series of the game. People deliver. We will. Mlbs ongoing report found no evidence of devices under the jersey found houston used cameras to cheat during the world series run, the astros mets and they are looking for new managers. More fallout could still come. It is championship sunday in the nfl. The 49erspackers rivalry is getting the blood pumping more than ever for the packers head coach mat le fleur little brother who is a coach for the 49ers. First of all what said he is a good coach . His parents said the parents dont care who win disgame, either way, they will get a trip to the super bowl. Whoever decides it, kickoff at 3 05, temperature will be about 19 degrees there. Great football weather. Thank you. The First Official look at how President Trumps newly assembled legal team plans to attack the charges that led to his impeachment. There is absolutely nothing there in the articles of impeachment. Its an insult to the American People. He gave us no choice. The president was self impeaching almost every single day. With his march 2020 aimed at a target date. November. I this i the most important thing is to get out to vote and whatever you do, vote. After expressing a desire to

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