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Attacking you on twitter. What effect do you think that has on other witness willingness to come forward and expose wrongdoing. Its very intimidating. So you believe these words can be intimidating . I dont think so at all. We have learned significant new information perfect this closeddoor testimony and impeachment inquiry. For the first time a witness says he personally heard President Trump demand ukraine investigating the bidens. And on top of that the state Department Official said he was told the president didnt real lir care about ukraine. That he only cared about the big stuff. Democrats are accusing the president of witness intimidation, after he insulted the former ambassador to ukraine on twitter and he did this as she was testifying. The president slammed her and her Job Performance and then said he had a right to defend himself. We could learn more today about the Congress Approved military aid to ukraine, specifically when it was put on hold and when and why it was released. A senior budget official has been subpoenaed to talk about that. Were covering this from all angles, crystal hmz on capitol hill and Sarah Westwood at the white house. We want to start with crystal holmes. We know several closed doors meetings have been pretty significant. Talk to us about what youre learning this morning. Good morning. Many democrats are saying this impactful and they believe it moves President Trump closer to the ukraine Pressure Campaign. I want to take a step back and talk about who is david holmes and how did we get here . Holmes is a u. S. Staffer in ukraine and earlier in week it was revealed he overheard a conversation with President Trump and ambassador to the Ukraine Union Gordon Sondland in which President Trump talked specifically about the investigations into the bidens. I want to set the scene here as holmes did in his closeddoor testimony. He said the reason he was able to hear this call is they were having a meal together, him, sondland and two other staffers. They were outside and quiet and sondland policed this call to President Trump. Holmes said while it wasnt often speaker that President Trump was so loud that you could hear him distinctly, what he was saying and hear his voice. So loud, in fact, sondland had to move the phone away from his ear at one point. And he said he heard then i heard President Trump ask hes going to do the investigation . And ambassador sondland said he will do it. President zelensky will do anything you ask him to. The phone conversation ends there but the conversation between sondland and holmes does not. He then asked sondland is it true the president doesnt care about ukraine . And heres what sondland said back President Trump only, quote, cares about big stuff that involves the president like the biden investigation mr. Giuliani was pushing. Again, this is President Trump closer to that Pressure Campaign but what it also does is raise questions about President Trump and Gordon Sondland, who will testify about this next week. Lets go to the white house now and cnn reporter Sarah Westwood. Sarah, what is the white house saying about this . Victor, President Trump and white house allies are continuing to attack the impeachment inquiry bros ses and to try to undermine the credibility of some of the witnesses weve seen testimony so testify so far. That pattern continued yesterday, with President Trump tweeting an attack on Marie Yovanovitch while she was sitting in the chair testing before the intelligence committee. They asked her about it in realtime after hearing what he said and she said she did feel intimidated. Some said the president was only talking about his baext with the proceeding but some republicans, said she did not agree with the president s decision to tweet. Nonetheless how democrats are now accusing the president of witness intimidation and saying potentially this could be a new article of impeachment if they can gather more evidence of this. Meanwhile, President Trump yesterday defending himself as simply exercising his free speech rights. Take a listen. Were you trying to intimidate ambassador yovanovitch . I just want to have a total i want freedom of speech. Thats a political process. The republicans have been treated very badly. Sir, do you think your tweets were intimidating . Quiet, please. Sir, do you believe your recent words to be intimidating . I dont think so at all. Campaign sources tell cnn they believe it was a mistake for the president to attack yovanovitch during her testimony. One source telling cnn they believed it was even idiotic for the president to just give democrats an advantage in the emotional narrative surrounding the hearing yesterday. Sarah westwood, thank you. Cnn political analyst lisa lair, shes also the National Reporter with the new york times, as well as a white house adviser to president clinton. He was a special adviser to the president during his impeachment. Thank you very much for being here. Lisa, i want to read we havent done this yet this morning a statement from stephanie grisham, White House Press secretary, after ambassador yovanovitchs testimony saying in fact ambassador yovanovitch testified under oath she was unaware of any criminal activity involving President Trump. She wasnt on the july 25th phone call. She had no knowledge about the paws on aid to ukraine, trying to make a point that her testimony was not signature. Of what value did she bring to the inquiry . I think its really important to remember when we talk about impeachment, it is i political process. This is something heavily determined by politics that depends on congressional votes. So these emotional moments, like the one that was created when the president tweeted while she was testifying, can have a big influence on how Public Opinions shapes and the kinds of arguments both parties are able to make. I think the particular weakness with the president tweeting about yovanovitch while she was on the stand is that it raised questions about witness tampering, potentially opened other avenues for investigation, but also played into what democrats say is one of their strongest political arguments going into 2020 is one of mismanagement. The president is not up to doing the job. He hurts himself with selfinflicted wounds. And thats really what we saw. Even some republicans were saying on and off the record yesterday. Im wondering did you see that tweet as she was testifying, the tweet from the president as President Trump kind of sabotaging himself . I think what it is, and the media missed this because he does outrageous things and its a distraction. But what happens is when he does this, it distrats the republicans from their strategy of the day, which was also distraction, but it shifted. Even fox news in realtime reported it shifted the mood, the tone of the yovanovitch hearing, and now what we have from holmes is yet one more of the republican talking points isis removed. And this only was day two of the hearings. I mean, go back when the whistleblower, nobody knew about ukraine, and here we are day one, we get this big revelation about this phone call with the president s actual voice and the republicans kept saying, oh, its hearsay, its hearsay. Its no longer hearsay. Its the real thing. Imagine where were gonna be next week. We have eight more witnesses, fact witnesses, and sondlands coming back and hes in just a world of trouble. President clinton spoke with jake tapper earlier this week on thursday talking about what his message to President Trump would be in this case. Lets listen to that. My message was would be, look, you got hired to do a job. You dont get the days back people have lost. Every day is an opportunity to make something good happen. And i would say ive got lawyers and staff people handling this impeachment inquiry and they should just have at it. Meanwhile, im going to work for the American People. Thats what i would do. The stark difference is bill clinton was not out there talking about impeachment a lot. What do you say, if you could advise President Trump right now . Should he be defending himself . Be quiet. And run the country. And let the staff and lawyers and political people run the impeachment. President clinton actually ran the government. At the end of the day he would say to me or joe lockhart or some of the other guys on the Impeachment Team, well, what happened today . He didnt talk to the media about impeachment unless it was very planned. It was a highly disciplined operation, where there was an Impeachment Team separate. And then there was everybody else was told run the government. People were not even in the white house. Staff wasnt even allowed to talk about impeachment in Staff Meetings unless it was the Impeachment Team. That was the except of the discipline. And we see no discipline and now what we are seeing is a lot of things are coming out that are more and more damning and were going to see more things come out. Wondering where the democrats stand as we look ahead to 2020. We have michael bloomberg, who last week jumped into this race at a time people think we should be narrowing down this race, lisa. I know president obama spoke yesterday to the Democratic Alliance with a group of very wealthy donors last night. Heres what he had to say about the democratic party. Lisa, you were there. What is the strength of his influence still . President obama is extremely influential when it comes to democratic voters and donors and strategists. Part of his message last night was really to tell the establishment democrat types, the Party Officials and big donors, to calm down. Its going to be fine. Tough primaries are okay, and in fact, he argued, they can make the nominee stronger. But what was so interesting about his remarks is while he was trying to deliver that message, he really revealed some concerns he has of his own. He started talking about how president obamas concerned maybe some in the party are moving too far to the left on policies Like Health Care and like immigration and putting democrats in a place where they will it will be hard for them to win certain areas of the country in a general election. And while he didnt name any candidates specifically, it was pretty clear his remarks were aimed at senator warren and senator sanders. Even as he was trying to tell people to calm down, he was really revealing some of his own concerns at this event. Lisa, guy smith, thank you both. Were grateful you both were able to be here with us today. Thank you for having me. Thanks. Just getting these in from paris. Just a few minutes ago here. Take a look at your screen. We will give you two shots. Police have been firing tear gas to scatter protesters after they started lighting fires. This is the anniversary of those socalled yellow vest antigovernment movement. You can see a few there. They got their name from the highly visible Yellow Jackets they were during a week of rioting. At the height of this movement, there were more than 300,000 people on the streets of paris. You see the fires here. Reuters is reporting more than 30 people have been arrested today so far. We will continue to watch this and get you any updates. Gunshots at a High School Football game left two people seriously injured last night. It was a chaotic moment, and weve got it for you. It was all caught on camera. Plus, he was set to be executed in just a few days. But after more than 20 years on death row, rodney reeds case is getting a second look. What happens now in a case to fight his innocence . Those are the ones that show up and change everything. Those even though i find you so captivating and im done with hesitating lets see where this goes . Save on a gift that says it all. Jared heres the story of Green Mountain Coffee Roasters sumatra reserve. Lets go to sumatra. 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There is no camouflaging that corrupt intent. Were adjourned. Mr. Speaker, may i speak on condition. Please allow the witness to leave. Mr. Chairman, we should have a chance to respond to your discretion remarks. Mr. Chairman, i demand to speak. Mr. Chairman, mr. Chairman thats how the public testimony of ambassador Marie Yovanovitch ended yesterday. A round of applause from the folks there after nearly seven hours before lawmakers. And still the white house is calling the second day of hearings in the impeachment inquiry useless and inconsequential. There was also the deposition of david holmes. We got his Opening Statement. He said that he personally heard President Trump demand ukraine investigate the bidens. Holmes also said they were surprised by how specific the request was that the ukraine president personally committed to an investigation of the bidens on a cable news channel. Joining me to discuss is colorado senator Michael Bennet. Also a candidate for president , running for the democratic nomination. Also sits on Senate Committee on intelligence. Senator, good morning to you. Good morning, victor. How are you . Very well, thank you. I want to read for you a portion of the david holmes opening state to get your reaction to it and for folks who have not heard this. This is what he said he overheard good the conversation, u. S. Ambassador to the european union, Gordon Sondland, speaking to President Trump after the july trump zelensky call. This is from his Opening Statement i heard President Trump ask so hes going to do the investigation . Ambassador sondland replied hes going to do it, that president zelensky will do anything you ask him to do. He goes on in the statement to say i asked sondland if it was true the president did not give a blank about ukraine. Ambassador sondland agreed that the president did not give a blank about the ukraine. Ambassador sondland stated, the president only cared about big stuff. I noted there was big stuff in ukraine like a war with russia, and ambassador sondland replies he meant big stuff that benefits the president like the biden investigation that mr. Giuliani was pushing. Your reaction to that. Its entirely consistent with all of the evidence weve seen and the whistleblower complaint first came out and its entirely consistent with who we know donald trump is. He doesnt give a blank about anybody but himself. The idea we have a president of the United States whos asking foreign leaders or demanding foreign leaders to investigate his political rivals and withholding aid to in this case ukraine that congress has approved to allow ukraine to defend itself against russia is unfathomable. And we cannot allow it to become the new normal of our policies. So weve only seen two days of hearings, three witnesses thus far. Have you seen anything that you expect will shift or convince any of your republican colleagues in the senate . I hope so. I mean, i think yesterday was a good day for america because it reminded people of, among other things, of the incredible patriots that work for the Foreign Service. I was born overseas because my parents were working for the United States embassy in new delhi. To see people standing up for the nonpartisan work that the men and women of our Foreign Service agencies, our intelligence agencies, our defense department, are doing every day, no with standing the insanity of this president in the white house, i hope the republicans will stand up as patriots as well and defend the constitution. And defend people who are trying to do their jobs under incredibly difficult circumstances. Circumstances President Trump has only made more difficult. Should the house consider an additional article of impeachment considering the tweet that the president sent out while ambassador yovanovitch was testifying . I absolutely believe that. It was outrageous for the president. Heres a career ambassador with an unblemished record as far as we know, testifying she had basically been intimidated and thrown out of her job by a president who had complained to a foreign leader who doesnt have the best interest of the United States at heart. And in the middle of her testimony, he tries to intimidate her with tweets giving further evidence of what she said to begin with. And victor, you know, this isnt just about this moment. Last weekend the guy spent the entire weekend on twitter. I guess watching cable television, because thats prompted his twitter. If anybody else in america had put the stuff out that he put out on twitter last week, he would have been in the Hr Department of his law firm or his insurance company, and they would have said if you keep doing this, youre going to be fired. And if his answer to that was, dont worry about it. Im a stable genius. Or i have unmatched wisdom, he would be fired. But, you know, the tragedy is this guy is our president , which meant while he was on twitter all weekend, iran was doubling the number of centrifuges theyre using to enrich uranium and china was signing a trade deal with enough other countries that it represented half the gdp of the world and america was nowhere. Thats the cost of this. Senator, i want to talk about 2020. We dont have much time left. Sure. You have been critical of senator warrens medical for all plan, her approach to implementing that. Yesterday she published on medium a plan, about 35 pages not 35 pages, a 35minute read there that she says she will pass between the first 100 days an expansion that will cover all children and families that maxed out at two times the poverty rate but she will get medicare for all passed by the third year of her administration. Does this transition now make this more plausible for you . What do you think . I dont think a transition of two years is any transition at all. Not more the American People who want to have the choice for their families, whether to have private insurance or public insurance. Sometimes you hear bernie or elizabeth say that people like me are protecting the insurance companies. Far from it. I can care less about the insurance companies. The question is who should make the choice about what Peoples Insurance is. Should it be bernie and elizabeth . Or should it be the American People . Dleerly the American People think it should be the American People because only a third of democrats support elizabeths plan and im with president obama. We should not be going into this election nominating somebody whos genu he flecting to the twitter base of the party and not focused on living human beings and all they want to know is their kids education is not defined by the income their family has, that if you work hard, you can make a decent living and you can retire with security. This stuff is never going to pass. I dont know if elizabeth knows that or not, but i as a progressive democrat, i do not want us to spend the next ten years in a losing battle for medicare for at when what we need to be focused on is driving Economic Growth for everybody in this economy, ed case and health care. Senator, youre in New Hampshire. You said youre going to stay in this rate no matter what, until the New Hampshire primary. We know form governor of massachusetts, he filed in the New Hampshire primary. He agrees with a few of the elements you talk about, medicare for uall. He said he doesnt appreciate the way potentially, and im paraphrasing here, senator warren wants to implement. Does he buy you out in a crowded second place cluster . How does he complicate your plan to get a foothold there in New Hampshire . I actually dont think he does. I think it reflects how unsettled the polling is and how unsettled the field is. Thats what im getting from New Hampshire. They said by now we usually have People Living in our houses, campaigns we decided to support, and we just havent made those decisions yet. The way i look at this, victor, im the only candidate in the race whos won two National Races in a swing state. No one else has done that. If were going to win the presidency and senate, were going to have to win purple states. To do that, we have to galvanize the Democratic Base and win back some of the 9 Million People that voted for barack obama twice and for donald trump. I think i put forward an jand that can unify those folks. Senator Michael Bennet of colorado, thank you very much. Thank you, victor. Thanks. Were hearing from Prince Andrews the First Time Since associating with convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein. What he says in his own words. And im done with hesitating lets see where this goes . Save on a gift that says it all. Jared hi. Maria ramirez mom maria Maria Ramirez. Mcdonalds is committing 150 Million Dollars in tuition assistance, education, and career advising programs. Prof Maria Ramirez mom and dad Maria Ramirez to help more employees achieve their dreams. Mom and dad Maria Ramirez oh, wow. You two are going to have such a great trip. Thanks to you, we will. This is why voya helps reach todays goals. All while helping you to and through retirement. Can you help with these . 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Several players described the scene to a cnn affiliate saying, gunshots were fired towards the end of the game. Some initially thought they were fireworks. But players and people in the crowd there just took off trying to avoid everything. According to police, two people were taken to a hospital but that incident is still being investigated. A Texas Appeals Court is blocking the execution of a death row inmate whose case united lawmakers and celebrities and millions of people who signed an online petition asking the states governor to spare his life. His name is rodney reed and hes been on death row more than 20 years. He was set to be executed wednesday. He was sentenced for raping and strangling 19yearold stacey stites. This means they believe theres false testimony and theres new evidence that can exonerate him. Kim kardashianwest visited him last night in prison, and she tweeted so grateful for the commitment and passion for everyone who voiced their support, texas board of pardons and paroles for their recommending to issue a 123day reprieve and for the costs of issuing a state. While his wife was meeting with rodney reed, look at that, kanye west meeting with and performing for inmates at the Harris County jail. He attends the mega Church Tomorrow and will be performing there. Later today former quarterback Colin Kaepernick will take to the practice field, hoping to show teams hes ready to get back in the league. But critics are saying the nfl is just trying to clear away a problem. Well talk about it next. S my c. My cause. And creating my dream home. Im a work in progress. So much goes into who i am. Hiv medicine is one part of it. Prescription dovato is for adults who are starting hiv1 treatment and who arent resistant to either of the medicines dolutegravir or lamivudine. 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Kaepernick began his protest in the 2016 preseason, kneeling for the first time for the anthem september 1, 2016. In march of 2016 he became a free agent, opting out of his contract with the 49ers. In october 2017 he filed a grievance against the nfl, accusing the league of collusion. Last february informer teammate eric reid settled their suits with the nfl, and tuesday of this week the league announced there would be a private workout today here in atlanta. And guess who showed up . This really isnt something that happens often or maybe its happened before. Reportedly caught Team Officials and kaepernick by surprise and there are questions about the nfls motives in offering this workout. With us now to talk about this is cnn sports analyst and usa today columnist christine renan. Christine, welcome back. Thank you. Great to be with both of you. Lets start here with just how unusual, the day of the week, how its organized, who can and cannot be there, that this workout is. It is very strange and yet its a ray of hope for those who would like to see kaepernick have a chance to play in the nfl once again. Saturday afternoon is not the best time for nfl teams. They play on sundays. Its in atlanta at the falcons practice facility, so i guess you can fly through atlanta, stop in. It will be videotaped, so thats a positive. If teams are not there. We hearing various numbers of teams but quite a few will show up or send a representative. Who will it be, something who can make an instant decision or just a scout that shows up . Either way, the fact teams will be represented, the fact it will be videotaped, i see this as a positive. Maybe im too optimistic for those who would like to see kaepernick have another chance, maybe its a publicity stunt. Combust but we heard and my colleague reported from usa today the team is getting inquiries from other team. We might be interested in kaepernick. This has been going on during the season. And then you also have jayz, of all people, part of the nfl social justice initiative, whos also been talking to roger goodell, the commissioner, saying hey why not try to do this . Hes speaking to others as well. I think it looks like its legit. Obviously we will find out if kaepernick ends up signing with a team. We want to listen to kaepernicks former teammate, what he had to say about it. You highlight some of the questions people have. Apparently, so does he. My good feeling is, is this disingenuous . They want the appearance of theyre giving him a chance but they give him two hours notice and tell him it has to be on a saturday when they know Decision Makers on teams are traveling. So is in real . Well see. How expansive is that thought maybe among the lead and beyond that maybe this is the nfl just trying to clear away a problem . Chrissy, that certainly is a viable and valid thought, obviously. Players have that thought. Its clearly valid. When you look at the history over the last three years, kaepernick not being signed. Of course, hes been kneeling. He did the kneel back in 2016 during the National Anthem to focus and protest Police Brutality and social injustice. Very controversial. We know that. And was he black listed by nfl teams . Certainly looks like he was. Because consider this, there have been 51 men who played quarterback this season alone in the National Football league. 51 players have actually played quarterback for teams this year. And kaepernick, who just six years ago took a team to the super bowl, only 32 years old, and hes said throughout this process that hes staying in shape. That hes ready to go. And he proved it because within a couple hours notice he said yes, he would show up to this kind of bizarre request. It is strange, it is weird and may well be a publicity stunt. But what if its not . What 23 a team, chicago bears, seattle seahawks, other teams, carolina might need a quarterback. I dont think anyone is expecting he will start tomorrow or start next week, i think the idea is bring him on if you do, if a team does bring him in, and have him as a backup or the idea may be starting next season. I would have him there towards the end of this season and next. And you know, i think the chances are either or. Theres a chance kaepernick can play is actually progress in a threemonthlong stalemate or threeyearlong stalemate. Christine brennan, always grateful to see you. Thank you very much. Appreciate it. Still ahead Prince Andrew, hes speaking publicly for the first time about his friendship with convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein. And about the woman who claims she was forced to have sex with the royals. How the prince explains it all next. Of nowhere. Those are the ones that show up and change everything. Laso you can enjoy it even ifst youre sensitive. Se. Those are the ones that show up yet some say it isnt real milk. I guess those cows must actually be big dogs. Sit i said sit . 6, 7, 8 big dreams start with small steps. But dedication can get you there. So just start small. Start saving. Easily set, track and control your goals right from the chase mobile® app. Chase. Make more of whats yours®. For the first time britains Prince Andrew is talking about his friendship with convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein. He tells the bbc that he let the royal family down. Epstein died by suicide while awaiting trial for accusations of sex traffic and abusing underage girls. The duke of york found himself with serious allegations from an accuser. She said epstein forced her to have sex with the prince while she was underage. The prince denied the claims but heres how Prince Andrews, first time in his own words, recounts his relationship with the convicted sex offender. The problem is once he had been convicted, i stayed with him. And thats the bit that that as it were i kick myself for on a daily basis. Because it was not something that was becoming of the royal family. And we try to uphold the highest standards of practices, and i leapt aside them, simple as that. Prince andrew said he has no recollection of meeting the woman that accused him of sexual assault. She spoke with vicky ward just last month. Heres what she said about coming forward with the allegations. Epstein always told me he will never go to jail for this, he owns the Palm Beach Police department. Hes blackmailed tons of his very wealthy friends. And in terms of Prince Andrew, he hides under mommys skirt. So will there ever be a day hes held accountable . Probably not. But it doesnt stop me from saying the truth. For almost two decades now, vicky ward has been reporting on Jeffrey Epstein. Go beyond the headlines to hear a one of a kind account of epstein. The Jeffrey Epstein i knew is a new podcast from cnn. New episodes start november 26th. It is ults miimate tailgate time. And big weekend. Who do they send . There he goes. Good morning. Were here at florida a m, the spanish moss and smiling faces. Well tell you more about that after the break. The nfl has issued some severe penalties as a result of that Browns Steelers maley. Cory has that and more in the Bleacher Report live from tal lasy. Cory, good zblorngs good morning, victor and christy. Nine years i played. This is one of the most ridiculous awful sequences ive seen at any nfl game ever. Miles garret of the grounz ripping the helmet off of Mason Rudolph and hitting him on the head with it. The nfl has suspected him indefinitely without pay. Hes not going to be able to reapply until after this season, a minimum of six games, thats the longest in history for a single incident. There are no plans to file criminal charges. Two others were suspended approximately both teams find a quarter of a Million Dollars. Theyre bitter rivals. It will be interesting to see how much bad blood will dare carry over to that. It is College Football saturday. Its going to be a huge saturday right here in tallahassee. You have fourthranked georgia going against 12thranked you have the matchup between baylor and oklahoma. I am here at Florida University where the rattlers are right in the fcs calls for the first time in a decade. This is a special place. They bring good energy, good enthusiasm. We have a broadcast journalism here. What do you love . I love is that the experience, its nothing but the experience, its one youll never forget. I love that experience. They always talk about something here, family, they say. I have to say it is you can feel it, right . When you come back, the alums, they say welcome home victor christy, its going to be a great day here in tallahassee. Thank you. Sending a lot of love. Im sorry hearts going to be broken by howard bison. Were back in one hour with cnn newsroom. 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