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One small step for man, one giants leap for mankind. This is new day weekend with Victor Blackwell and christi paul. So grateful to have you with us here, although im sad to have to tell you that we have to start with the latest death in this blistering heat wave thats affecting so much of the mideast. Arizona an ac technician appears to have died from excessive heat while working in an attic. In addition to that there are 150 Million People across 30 states who are under heat alerts. Temperatures feel like theyre over 110 degrees in some cities that are not used to this. Consider this in michigan more than 230,000 people, they dont have power. That means no ac. Cnns Miguel Marquez has more. Reporter from new mexico to new england, intense heat. Im getting too old for this heat. Reporter nearly 200 million americans sweating it out. Ice cold. Ice cold. Reporter roads buckling from the heat in shawnee, oklahoma and hayes, kansas, in chicago. A thermometer inside a car hit 129. 6 degrees. In washington, d. C. , tourists wilting in the hot air. The real stuff. Deadly heat. 32yearold former offensive lineman mitch petris dead from heatstroke. Yuvng, elderly and those acceptable to heat gathering in new york city. With this kind of heat, we want people to stay inside. To stay in air conditioning if at all possible. If youre not in an air conditioned space, find one. Reporter heat and humidity prompting threat of tornadoes across parts of the midwest. Heat waves like this becoming more common. Spring starting earlier and earlier over the last three decades compared to the previous decade, says noaa. More troubling, the number of heat waves have tripled in the nations largest city. The length of the heat wave season tripling as well. New york citys main supplier of electricity coned on alert. After power was knocked out this week. In madison, wisconsin, two stations catching fire. Not the day for it. Animals feeling the effect, too. From pets to overheated to take another step on new yorks fifth avenue. To this emu taking cool at zoo new england. At illinois brookville zoo, the tigers and bears staying close to their ice cold treats. Its absolutely brutal here. Cancelling a triathlon. People in new york city being asked to try to keep cool like these kids are doing now. This brutal heat, this is not the last well see of it. Were likely to see much more in the years ahead. Miguel marquez, thank you for that. Lets go to cnns Allison Chinchar from the weather center. Before we get to the years ahead, how about the days ahead . Yes, its going to be a couple more days. Some areas are peaking today. But theres a lot more cities that are arent going to peak tomorrow until monday. Were talking about the cities that are impacted. Its not that were ignoring the rural areas but the cities have a little more impact. Obviously, both of these places when the hot out, they both heat up in the afternoon. The overnight time line, the rural areas that heat can be released back into the atmosphere. But in the city environment that pavement that concrete that is much more prevalent in cities ends up absorbing that heat and preventing that heat from being released back in the air. Keeping those cities much warmer during the overnight time line. And that overnight time line is key because thats what helps your body cool down at night. We can all tolerate the heat in the afternoon, as long as at night your body is able to cool down. Youre talking about as much as 22 degrees warmer in those environments. Its already warm enough. You dont need to be 22 degrees warmer than some of the surrounding areas. Look at this map showing all of the excessive heat alerts out there, not just for today, but through the west of the weektdz. Again, it stretches basically from new mexico all the way up towards maine. Heres a look at temperatures. 96 in chicago. 97 in st. Louis. 100 for the actual temperature in washington, d. C. This is a bit of different heat. Normally when we get the huge heat domes its a dry heat. Yes, you have the high temperatures but the humidity is not that bad. Thats not the case for this particular heat wave. Its very high humidity. The feels like temperature in chicago, 105, st. Louis, 104. Washington, d. C. , around 108. And thats going to have big impacts on the body. The good news, probably the best news i have for this entire hit here is its going to be shortlived. Once we get to next week, guys, we finally are going to see the temperatures below average. Take washington, d. C. , yes they will be in triple digits today and tomorrow. By the time we get to tuesday the temperature finally does come back into the 70s. Thankness. Allison chinchar, thank you so much. Another big story were watching, the ka las vegas of tensions between iran and the west. The British Government warning there will be serious consequences if iran doesnt release a British Oil Tanker captured in the straight of hormuz. Iran said it was in contact with an iranian fishing boat after reportedly missing a distress call. This morning, britain joins with the u. S. In condemning their actions. Clarissa ward joins us now. What more are we hearing . Well, essentially what were hearing, victor, as you mentioned from the foreign minister here jeremy hunt is that theyre vowing that there will be a robust but considered response. They have said that they favor a diplomatic option over a military option. And in a series of tweets, the foreign minister jeremy hunt also conceded that they would potentially be having a discussion with regards to an iranian vessel that the british navy seized earlier this month off the coast of gibraltar. That was a very different scenario, of course, because that was illegally smuggling oil, according to the british navy, to syria, as opposed to this vessel which will has been seized which was lawfully crossing through the strait of hormuz. As you mentioned the iranians saying there was some kind of an incident or accident with a fishing vessel. But really what you have here is the keim impasse, where the brits would like to resolve this in the most diplomatic way that they can. But at the same time, its difficult to do that because what the iranians really want to see here, victor and christi, is some kind of an improvement to their economic situation. This, of course, on the heels of the essentially collapse of the iran deal, after the u. S. Pulled out of it last year. The collapse, of course, the iranian economy on the heels of u. S. Sanctions. And while the europeans have said that they still honor the deal, that they still want to be part of it and uphold it, the reality is, in the face of overwhelming pressure, from the u. S. , in the face of the u. S. incredible economic power, they have not been able to fulfill that and keep the deal going. So, essentially, what you have here is a very dangerous imflexion moment where potentially many fear this could divulge into an allout military conflict. Its important for our viewers to remember, victor and christi, this is just the latest in a series of sniincidents in the persian gulf. One wellknown shipping magazine calling this the most serious security incident since the late 1980s. So, a lot of people in the region and here in europe, and indeed, in the u. S. , very concerned that the tensions are only going to escalate further. Victor and christi. Clarissa ward for us in london. Thank you. She brings to light somethinging that we have to be mindful of. The straight of hormuz is so crucial because its the most crucial waterway in the oil supply chain. Look at this. This is realtime. This is whats happening right now, moving the track ffic goin through the channel. Its 22. 5 Million Barrels that pass through the strait every day. Actually a quarter of the global oil production. If the strait were to be closed because of the threat of ongoing case that will be massive. And the editor of the new york website is with us via phone. David, thank you for being with us. With every moment that this goes by. The clock is ticking. The ship is not being returned. What does that mean to you . That means that i think theres a strategy. Im not sure were at war yet, but i think theres an effort to drive up oil prices. Youre exactly right, the point victor was making how important this area is. Per month, 1,000 tanker ships go through the strait. And the u. S. Has left gent depe on this oil thanks to the lack of natural gas inside the u. S. But the amount has grown and india has risen sharply and that oil is coming from the gulf. So thats where you would start seeing the impact, would be the oil prices around the world. And it would impact other countries. And weve seen this in the past, though. If the chinese economy sos, as europes economy slows that will come back to the American Economy as well. David, lets listen to our own jim sciutto who talked to the defense director Robert Ashleigh about what is it, what is the intention of iran. Lets listen. Does iran want war . No, iran doesnt want war. China doesnt want war. Russia doesnt want war. I think everybody has a good rationalization i cant remember who said it in one of the panels it might have been Ricky Sherman that the outcome would have great outfall. Theres a great quote from president eisenhower who said the best way to win world war iii is to prevent it. This only goes to show what i said about iran. Trouble, nothing but trouble. So director ashley is saying iran doesnt want war. The president saying they are trouble. Trouble didnt equate to war, we know that much. But with the iran provocations that weve seen in the last three months here, what option whats happening, without front escalating the situation . So from the iranian perspective, its the u. S. That has flared the situation. They feel they have negotiated this agreement with the u. S. And the worlds other major powers and they were abiding by it. There was a consensus among u. S. Intelligence agencies that they were abiding by it. The Trump Administration has pulled out of the deal which caused the economy to collapse. First thing, iran is not looking for war. Theyre looking for easing of sanctions. There have been signals that the iranians are interested in talk. There are signal from the president that tu. S. That the president is willing to talk. Just this morning, the brits are telling them to not go through the strait of hormuz. Its to try to get these other countries, the brits and others to pressure the Trump Administration to negotiate. David rohde, thank you. The eagle has landed. Rachel crane in houston. Reporter thats right, victor . In just a few moments well bring you in the epicenter of that historic landing. Apollo mission control, coming to you after the break. Cosentyx treats more than just the joint pain of active psoriatic arthritis. It even helps stop further joint damage. Dont use if youre allergic to cosentyx. Before starting, get checked for tuberculosis. An increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur. Tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms, if your inflammatory bowel disease symptoms develop or worsen, or if youve had a vaccine or plan to. Serious allergic reactions may occur. Get real relief, with cosentyx. burke at farmers insurance, weve seen almost everything, so we know how to cover almost anything. Even a parking splat. Flyby ballooning. man dont. 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Control, command override off. Arm off. 413 is end. We copy it down, eagle. Houston, Tranquility Base here, the eagle has landed. Roger, 20, tranquility, we copy you on the ground. You got a bunch of guys about to turn blue. Were breathing again. Thanks a lot. Big celebration there. But another reason theyre about to turn blue. Neil armstrong, the eagle landed down on the moon just in time. Nasa said later it was just 30 seconds of fuel left in the tank. Can you imagine . Its been 50 years now since apollo landed on the moon. To celebrate, theres a projection. Look at this on the washington monument. Back in 1969, more than 500,000 million watched on tv as Neil Armstrong stepped down that ladder and said that line that we all know so well. Its one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind. I want to go to the nerve center of that mission and so many others, rachel crane at the Johnson Space center in houston. That has got to be something to be there today, rachel. Reporter victor and christi, im coming to you live from probably the coolest location i personally have ever been to. This is Apollo Mission control. The historic landmark here. I was here a couple years ago. It didnt quite look at this. To be honest, it was a little rundown. But there has been an incredible restoration that has been going on for six years now. And the funds, 3. 5 million were donated from a neighboring town, webster, texas, the rest of the funds raised from a private donation and kickstarter fund. You see the apollo 11 flight panel. You see an rc cola here. You even see the ashtrays, cigar ashtrays because they were smoking so much at the time. This room truly feels like a time capsule. Of course, it was the epicenter of the moon landing nearly 50 years ago today that Neil Armstrong and buzz aldrin took those historic steps. Yesterday, victor and christi, i had the great mortgage tune of meeting scott milliken, he was an automatic tro nstronaut trai. I asked him where he sat . He sat in the chair and he was overcome with emotion, back 50 years. He was reliving those moments when he was in this room when this incredible event took place. He said it really was like a time capsule. He couldnt believe the attention to detail. Really it looked like they had stepped back in time. They even have a rocket coffee maker here. This week has been flooded with celebrations, galas, all kind of events to celebrate this historic landing, victor, christi. Such a great place to be. Im sure that was a fascinating conversation you had yesterday. Reporter oh, it was, i was overcome with emotion. I was welling up with tears when i spoke with scott. Rachel crane, great to have you there this morning. Weve been talked about the storied history of nasa. The Moon Missions were originally intended to be a steppingstone for other manned missions deeper into space. Cnns Paul Vercammen went to nasas propulsion laboratory, and he took a look at what is next for nasa, where do we go from here. Reporter 1957, the russians launched the first satellite into space. And it rattled john casani, a young air tro spaerospace engin. Walking out of work, 5 30. We saw the sputnik going across the sky. That was sort of a devastating blow. We realized we where nowhere near that. Reporter so the United States began its ambitious quest to put a men on the moon. They leaped to the unmanned surveyor. Surveyor did land on the moon and worked. Reporter they wanted answers on the surface. Were the astronauts in 14 feet of talcum powder or on the surface . That was the difference between the ranger or surveyor to demonstrate a reasonable space to put a spacecraft down. Reporter and the manned Apollo Program would follow. Now kpl is riveted on the red planet. We looked at the Ranger Mission and we learned from the reconnaissance of the moon. We applied those lessons from reconning mars. Understanding it. Reporter eight times jpl has landed on mars including insight and curiosity rover. Theyre working on a new sixwheel drive wonder the 2020 rover. So, these missions to mars, they have a science focus. The robotic mission, were learning about mars and the past. Each one of these missions makes a small contribution towards the goal of getting to mars. Reporter and the 2020 rover including sherlock that will search for signs of life. This is a replica of moxie. Reporter and moxie testing how to turn vital atmosphere into astronauts breathing. Thats one small step for man and one giant leap for mankind. Reporter but the plan is to put people on the moon. People have said, weve already done that. But not more than a day or two. Whats important, sustainability, can we get to mars or anywhere on the moon and get there for a sustained basis. The Unmanned Missions will lead to putting an astro not na mars. And when that happens, they want to remind everyone that they think they are, indeed, the center of the universe. Back to you, christi, victor. Paul vercammen, thanks so much. President trump will not back down against the racest attacks against four democratic congresswomen. Now hes saying he does not care if theyre good or bad politically. Well discuss that next. Have a discount with another wireless carrier . Tmobile will match it. Need a few more reasons to switch . 1. Do you like netflix . Sure you do. Thats why its on us. 2. Unlimited data. Use as much as you want, when you want. 3. No surprises on your bill. Taxes and fees included. So, if you have a discount, bring it to tmobile. Well match it and give you great benefits. Eh, not enough fiber. Chocolate would be good. Snacking should be sweet and simple. The delicious taste of glucerna gives you the sweetness you crave while helping you manage your blood sugar. Glucerna. Everyday progress mno kidding. Rd. 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I want to get to cnn White House Reporter Sarah Westwood this morning. Sarah, what are you hearing from the president this morning . Hes been quite active already, lets say, on twitter. Reporter thats right, gorng, chrisgornod morning, President Trump is not backs down ton the four Congressional Democrats known as the squad. But he is trying to distance himself from the racist channels that broke out at his North Carolina rally tweeting as you can see, i did nothing to lead people on, nor was i particularly happy with their chant, but a big and patriot crowd. They love the usa. I want you to hear that rally wednesday night. Listen how long President Trump waited before speaking before that chant brought momentum. Send her back, send her back, send her back, send her back. Reporter now, trump on thursday said that he spoke quickly after that chant began to interrupted. Obviously, you can see for yourself, that took about 13 seconds for the president to start speaking after that chant broke out. He said that he disavowed the channe chant. Then on friday meant to commemorate the apollo 11 anniversary, the president called those people making that send her back chant incredible patriots. Cnn reported that President Trump faced pressure from allied aides even his own daughter ivanka trump Senior Adviser to perhaps consider disavowing those chants. There was some among republicans who struggled to defend that chant being indulged at the rally. President trump said on his way to bedminster, said he wasnt quite sure if the attacks on the four progressive democrats are helping him politically, but its something he believes in. Take a listen. I dont know if its good or bad politically. I dont care. But when people are speaking so badly. When they call our country garbage, think of that, thats worse than deplorable. When they call our country garbage, i dont care about politics. I dont care if its good or bad about politics. Reporter now, we should note that none of the Democratic House freshmen that the president has been attacking has referred to america or americans as garbage. But the president has sought to tie those progressive house members to the larger dem craftic party in an attempt to paint all democrats as radical. Thats something that we could see emerge as a theme of his reelection race. That certainly was a theme wednesday night at that rally. The president clearly, though, victor and christi, not abandoning what people call racist attacks on the four democrats. Sarah westwood. We appreciate it. Lets talk about this and more with david graham a staff writer for the atlantic and recently published a title called an oral history of trumps bigotry. David, good morning to you. Good morning. This reaches back decades. I first want your response what the president tweeted out, when you saw this tweet addressing the four congresswomen did you think this was an offthecuff remark or a search to be strategy, to be part of a pattern . I think it was a little bit of both. One thing that we found is that trump has a long history dividing the world into racial ethnic tweets. He uses it that way. But hes also discovered over time, starting in 2011 how to use Race Ethnicity as a political wedge. So were seeing both a reflex and also a use of leverage in a political way that he understands will work with a certain segment of the population. So, you talk about this could work with the population. I wonder is it theres ever been any consequence, in the runup to the 2016 election. He called for a shutdown of muslims coming into the country. Told a group of jewish republicans that i dont want your money, so, i know you wont support me. And just turned to the black community and said, you know, living in poverty, your schools are no good, you have no jobs, what the hell do you have to lose . And he won the Electoral College vote. Has there ever been a consequence to race . Well, there has. He won the minority of the popular vote. Hes been labeled a racist widely. Hes been reviled. Fined, scolded by the government. Hes had to sign consent decrees for discriminating against black tenants. But on the other hand, hes found with a Certain Group of people this works very well. Weve seen theres widespread revulsion of the comments but also people who are cheering him on. You know, one of the elements that you pointed out that i had not seen before, this was back in 1993, in which he was testifying before congress about what he called unfair advantages for nativeamericans for their casinos. Watch this explaininchange. This is then private citizen donald trump. I will tell you right now, they dont look like indians to me. And they dont look like indians maybe he way politically correct or not politically correct. They dont look like indians to me. And they dont look like indians to indians. A lot of people are laughing about it. You talk about how rough it is to get approved. You go up to connecticut, now, they dont look like indians to me, sir. The congressman then pointed out in american history, the examples they dont look like jews to me. They dont look like italians too many. Too black, not black enough. How much have we learned about race connected to his business interests, fighting for his casinos, for his housing complexes . You see a ton of this. At the time he would couch this as a business, you know. He would say, well, maybe were just discriminating against black tenants but its Good Business because white people dont want to live next to them. He attacked the tribes of casinos because he was trying to protect his own casinos. You see the extent of getting at people this way, by their looks, and to his benefit because he thinks he can make more money from it. There are other examples of this. He reportedly wanted to keep black employees off the casino floors in Atlantic City because he was afraid white patrons wouldnt want to see them. Theres a long record of that. You point out in his business life, and there are people who probably argue it has not overlapped into policy. But you point out the disparity between the president s treatment rhetorically and otherwise. Hurricane Harvey Victims in texas and Hurricane Maria in puerto rico. How does this overlap with the policy . I think weve seen in many places where we does this. You can look at the hurricane response, in houston which is a city thats both white and black, but a domestic city, mainland city, he views that as an important issue. But when it comes to puerto rico, hes slow to respond. Hes consistently dismissed the deaths there and said puerto rico does not deserve money. Its hard to see him coming out against hispanic citizens. We see this on the question of census targeting hispanics. Over and over again, we see him dividing people in these ways. Full circle here, cnn is reporting his attack on these congresswomen is part of, at least from his perspective, maybe not much broader in his circle, a 2020 play towards reelection. I want you to listen to White Nationalist Richard Spencer here in which hes unsatisfied with how far the president is going. Watch. Many White Nationalists will eat up this red meat that donald trump is throwing out there. I am not one of them. I recognize the con game that is going on. He gives us nothing. Outside of racist tweets. And by racist tweets, i mean tweets that are meaningless and cheap. And express the kind of sentiment you might hear from your drunk uncle while hes watching hannity. First, lets point out this is a White Nationalist acknowledging, yes, those tweets are racist, but saying they are not going far enough. Based on your reporting and investigating decades of his history, whats the like liehood hell ratchet it up to get men like Richard Spencer, or others, back into the fold . I think its interesting that spencer uses that term uncle comparison. We heard people saying that trump is like archie bunker, old school mentality. I think trump doesnt need to appeal to Richard Spencer so much. Spencer is extremely marginal. What he wants to appeal to are people who are not considered racist. Bit holds views that are prejudice and willing to espouse this sort of thing. These counterattacks may resonate even though they say theyre not racist. Those are the kind of people think trump is targeting with those sustained efforts. David graham, its a fascinating election of the president s history. And views of race in the atlantic. David graham, thank you so much. Well, puerto ricos governor says he can still run the island. But the people of puerto rico are saying theyve had enough. And now there are lawmakers calling on him to resign as well. Well tell you whats happening. Of savings and service. Whoa. Travis in it made it. Its amazing. Oh is that traviss app . Its pretty cool, isnt it . Theres two of them. Theyre multiplying. No, guys, its me. See, im real. Im real he thinks hes real. Geico. Over 75 years of savings and service. Iand grew it toy i 36 billion dollars. 6 in 2010, i signed the giving pledge to fund good causes. Then i left my business to combat climate change, fix our democracy, and hold President Trump accountable. Last year, we ran the largest youth Voter Mobilization in history helping double turnout and win back the house. Im tom steyer and i approve this message. Lets make change happen cant imagine doing it any other way. This is Caitlin Dickerson from the new york times. This isnt the only case. 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Protesters in puerto rico are calling for the police to join their cause as Governor Ricardo Rossello is refusing to step down, despite several days of large protests on the island. Now, members of congress are also starting to call role see yo rossello, including tulsi gabbard. On the streets as well. Cnns Nick Paton Walsh was there last night with the crowd. Heres his report. Reporter thats the sound puerto rico canada Governor Ricardo Rossello is going to have to get used to. For the second time, central san juan, the old town, has extraordinary protests. Met the other night as we saw a few nights ago, but really further down the way we saw thousands of people made their way place that up along the shore front here where weve seen an intensely noisy and quite organized protest standing off with police, now separated by barricade. But the momentum really building. The question many people are asking is, will the planned march for monday, 3potentially, theyre hoping hundreds of thousands of people fall out on the streets from the morning until the end of the day, will that increase the sense that the governor has. And weve heard from the secretary, the voice of the government, offer her resignation that she felt shame with the corruption and could that longer carry on in that public role. And the house of representatives here is beginning to debate the impeachment, to look at that. The sense of the time is changing, the governor himself on instagram sounding like hes going about his normal business and not really addressing the calls to resign. The question, well see, of course, will be brought to the streets on monday and will the growing sense retain around the governor. Nick paton walsh, cnn, san juan, puerto rico. Beautiful day at the open championship today but some of golfs biggest names already gone home. This is live from portrush in ireland. Good morning to you. Reporter victor, glorious weather here on irelands north coast for the penultimate day for the british open. Well tell you who champions are who are cheering for and while one has had live conversations with his caddie that hes never had before. Live from portrush in just a moment. We gotta get to the show. I was looking for a sign. Get on the bus. I need something to believe in. Throw my hands up to the ceiling. Oh sky wont you give me a sign. Tell me will the world one day ever be mine . Jeep wrangler. Freedom to do it all. O ozempic® oh oh announcer people with type 2 diabetes are excited about the potential of onceweekly ozempic®. In a study with ozempic®, a majority of adults lowered their blood sugar and reached an a1c of less than 7 and maintained it. Oh under 7 . announcer and you may lose weight. In the same oneyear study, adults lost on average up to 12 pounds. 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Reporter not tiger woods or rory mcilroy, im afraid victor and christi, thats because both have missed the halfway cut here. There are recordbreaking crowds for the opens return to ireland for the first time in 68 years, and they will be making a huge noise when the leaders tee off in a couple hours time. Americas j. B. Holmes, 8 under par. Alongside irelands shane lowry. Yes, hes from the republic. Not from the north. But hes already been telling us how impressed hes been by the support here. You know, there have been four irish winners in 150 years in golf history. Hes a veteran player but said hes been more nervous than ever before on thursdays 1st round. Hes loving the atmosphere. Big names lurking a few shots off including Brooks Koepka who has dominated mens golf over the last couple of years. Winning two of the four majors, becoming runnerup. And another interesting status, no english winner since sir nick faldo won it way back there. Theres a veteran called lee westwood. Hes a former world number one. He revealed hes having conversations with his cadcaddyd before. Because its his girlfriend. Youd be surprised. The first one was den narcotimd. Heres walking by a divot like this, and i set whats wrong . She said, i hope theres not a worm in this one. Makes me smile. Its a big advantage. Reporter the life of a touring pro can be difficult. One conclusion is bring your loved ones with you on tour. Victor and christi, back to you. Very good point. Alex, thank you. An iowa offers a lifechanging gift, not one, but 33 times. Why he helped 33 strangers hell never get to meet, go to college for free. And be sure to watch tomorrow night for the new cnn original series the movies. Thats tomorrow night at 9 00 eastern, only on cnn. And most of that debt is actually from credit cards. Its just not right. But with sofi, you can get your credit cards right by consolidating your Credit Card Debt into one monthly payment. 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