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History of the Kentucky Derby the horse who crossed the line first has been disqualified announcer this is new day weekend with Victor Blackwell and christi paul. Good sunday to you. This morning we are getting the latest ow north korea. Good morning to you. State News Agency Says kim jong unpersonally oversaw saturdays strike drill as they call it. They say longrange rocket launch answers tactical guided protectors were launched. President trump saying, in part, im with him. Could the North Koreans be trying to gain leverage over the u. S. After the failed summit last year . That is the question. In florida the ntsb does not know what caused a plane to run off the runway at jacksonvilles air station. Natasha chen is in florida with more. Reporter flight data recorder has been recovered but investigators will come back to the site today of that plane sitting in water because there is another crucial piece of evidence still in the tail of the plane submerged. A live report is coming up. Oh, the drama at the derby the first horse to cross the finish line at the Kentucky Derby wasnt crowned the winner. Cnns coy wire is following all of that chaos for us. Good morning. 145 years of racing the derby the crown jewel of the sport but what happened at Churchill Downs yesterday unprecedented. A controversial disqualification impact the riders and fans and flow of millions of dollar. The details is coming up on new day. Coy, thank you. We begin with new weapons testing in flnorth korea. North Korean Agency calling it a strike drill and saying the drills were overseen by their leader kim jongun. That does not seem to be putting relations with the u. S. In jeopardy. President trump says he is with kim jongun. Hours after north korea testfired the multiple projectiles on saturday. Cnn White House Reporter Sarah Westwood has the latest for us. Good morning. Reporter good morning. Yeah, what we saw from President Trump was a relatively measured response to north koreas what could be described as provocative actions on friday night but the president has worked to maintain the perception his relationship with north Korean Leader kim jongun remains on solid footing, despite this new development. The president has been pursuing a denuclearization deal with north korea and he believes his personal relationship with kim jongun is key to getting that agreement even though north korea has shown no signs of abandoning its nuclear ambitions. Here is what President Trump wrote yesterday about the launches. So, obviously, we are a long way from the days of rocket man and fire and fury. The president not looking to escalate the situation. Again, he has held out hope he will reach some kind of denuclearization agreement with north korea even after leaving talks with kim jongun in hanoi earlier this year emptyhanded without making any more progress toward that deal. The president has used the fact that north korea has stopped missile launches and Nuclear Testing as the marker of his decision to engage north korea but with the resummion of those launches this weekend could complicate the president s strategy toward north korea. Thank you, Sarah Westwood at the white house. Ladies, so good to have you with us to discuss this. Good morning to you. Juliet i want to ask you about your opinion on this because if youve got the Central News Agency in korea saying this was a strike drill and saying that kim jongun personally oversaw this, in your opinion, based on what we know, do any of these seem to be missiles that might have been launched and, if so, how does that change the game, if at all . Just from public reporting it doesnt seem like they are missiles that this was just a provocation, a sort of an alarm bell from north korea, you know, call it a projectile, all call it what you will, but it was not a longrange missile test and not anything that was immediately threatening to allies or neighbors of north korea. So then if you just view it as a sort of kim wanting to sort of get donald trump to pay attention, then the question is whether the strategy that donald trump has used to get to the consistent and common goal of dend denuclearization a strategy that was transactional but between the two men, we are friends, what you read in the tweet, whether its working, and i think its just safe to say right now that that approach isnt because north korea continues to build after that meeting earlier this year and the United States or at least donald trump views that in the realm of a sort of transactional personal relationship rather than enforcing the United States interest which may be different from, you know, having a Good Relationship between trump and kim. Here is the thing. All president s have had issues trying to deal with north korea, right . We just heard bob bair says he thinks north korea is taking advantage of the u. S. Others are saying the diplomatic approach they see trump taking the right thing to do. What do you make of that . Well, i think this has always been the scrutiny around the news that trump is making. Look. People are skeptical when he first said he would meet kim facetoface. It was too early that the North Koreans are not made any gestures that would merit that sort of meeting with the leader of the free world and went ahead with it any way even though his critics said we hope it works. He was cheered by republicans taking a line when there was no deal on the table. Now since then everybody has been a little bit of disarray. Its not clear exactly where the negotiations are going. There has been talk of the third one from the north korean side and clearly though something is struck here, even though there is, you know, people in congress say there is good people in charge of everything. And there seems to be a lot of dedication toward not letting go of the north korea issue you havent seen any sort of development on that front. You see kim rattling the way he with these projectiles it throws the whole strategy up into question which was never something anybody who was ever watching the trump administrations moves ever felt completely comfortable with even if they were hopeful for the best possible outcome so back to the question do they keep going this way or are we pitching back to 2017 when the main claim that the president has been able to make the whole time at least no more missile launches and that as juliet was saying is still the case but tip toeing toward saying we could, you know . Here is the thing. Not only do we have this potential provocation as its being called but what about him meeting with russia a week and a half ago . What is the u. S. To do with Something Like that . And could that meeting with president putin be determining how the president is dealing with this today . It keldefinitely is. To say the meeting doesnt result for much in north korea other than a gesture that north korea was embracing russia as sort of slight to this idea that trump and kim can forge a relationship in the future. I want to pick up on something important karen said about diplomacy. This idea. We have a Mission Conception about diplomacy when we look at relationships like this its only can be like lets just be friends and move forward. That is actually not true. Sophisticated diplomacy we have seen in all sorts of negotiations tend to involve multiple parties and a series of carrots and sticks. What youre trying to avoid is, of course, some sort of military response or military action. So the problem is that trump with north korea only sweep through the lens what can we give kim to make him happy . Rather than does the United States have an interest in not making kim happy . Right . In other words, an increasing sanctions in soisolating him an those who have economic interest in north korea and we havent taken that side of the diplomacy. Thank you both for your time. Thank you. Thank you. Former Vice President joe biden says he is not going to get into the mud with President Trump, but coming up, how he responded to a voter who wanted him to use the nicknames like the president does. Riley howe, the student credited for stopping a campus gunman will be laid to rest with muscle military honors and his family is sharing their thoughts on his actions. At first we didnt know he had done what he did and we knew he had been shot. When we got told that a huge wake lifted off our shoulders and you thought everything is right now. He did what he was supposed to do. Unprecedented decision to strip a Kentucky Derby crown. The first horse across the finish line didnt go home with the roses. The derby has been run since 1875 and never has this happened before. Coming up we will show you what happened and wait until you hear the reaction of the fans. I landed. I saw my leg did not look right. I was just finishing a ride. I felt this awful pain in my chest. I had a pe blood clot in my lung. I was scared. I had a dvt blood clot. Having one really puts you in danger of having another. My doctor and i chose xarelto®. Xarelto®. To help keep me protected. Xarelto® is a latestgeneration blood thinner thats proven to treat and reduce the risk of dvt or pe blood clots from happening again. In clinical studies, almost 98 of patients on xarelto® did not experience another dvt or pe. Dont stop taking xarelto® without talking to your doctor, as this may increase risk of blood clots. While taking, you may bruise more easily, or take longer for bleeding to stop. Xarelto® can cause serious, and in rare cases, fatal bleeding. 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For the first time in the history of the Kentucky Derby the horse who crossed the line first has been disqualified. After the objection, Country House wins the Kentucky Derby. I dont know what id do in that moment. Well, you check your ticket. But i know my ticket and i knew i just won hopefully, you had 5 or 10 on Country House because that was the 651. The story everybody is talking about, at least most people, and actually this is the second time in the 145year history of the Kentucky Derby back in the 60s i believe it was that there was a horse for some i guess doping of horses . Essentially, yes. That happens, i guess . The horse who crossed the finish line first did not win. Coy wire is here to talk about this. You had to be stunned. Yeah. Jaw dropping. Its like being miss colombia and just crowned miss universe, remember that . Yes is this a huge mistake and the crown jewel of the sport, the Kentucky Derby and never had the winner than stripped of the wine due to ontrack violation. The prerace favorite maximum security led the entire race. The rider youll see in pink. Pay attention how close he is to the rail. They make the final turn it doesnt look like much but you can see the horse drifts wide farther from the rail but nobody thought anything of it and thinking maximum security just won his first Kentucky Derby. The joique luis saez had he ever placed higher than seventh there. The owner gary and mary west in the sport 40 years never won the derby and neither did the trainer Jason Service but they are excited. Objection other riders claim their path was impeded and outcome of the race was altered and they watched the replay and would determine would they disqualify maximum security . Excruciating 22 minutes for the riders and fans. Well, you know, the horse, he got scared. When he started leaving the ground the ground screaming and he a baby and he come out and grab it right away. Well, we had a pretty good trip and when i came around the turn, you know, i was outside and then, all of a sudden, there was a real move from the inside to the outside. Think about this. 150,000 people waiting in the rain at Churchill Downs and millions watching on television. Millions of bets on the line and then the decision came. Listen to what the fans there who thought they had a winning ticket. [ screaming ] i didnt like it because i had 50 on the horse, 7 to win and i didnt really agree with it. Random tip from a lady reserve. I did a bourbon tour. She said, oh, i like Country House, the 20yearold. I said why . A friend of mines dad trains the horse and think they will do great in the derby. So do a 2 dollar win place show for me, so okay, i will. There is the ticket. Country house the second biggest long shot to ever win the Kentucky Derby and talking about a 2 million purse that went to the eventual winner. More than 20 Million People are under a Flash Flood Watch in the atlantic today. They are getting hammered with huge rain and floods. Another round of storms pushing into davenport and st. Louis which are already partly under water. Cnn meteorologist Allison Chinchar ask in Severe Weather center with the forecast. You had yesterday which was your one day break for areas in the midwest and now youve got a couple of different systems that will be coming in the next few days adding more rain to an area that simply doesnt need to see it. We have two storms to talk about here. This first low pressure system is the one impacting the extreme eastern portion of the u. S. We have got strong to severe thunderstorms expected in this region basically from upstate new york to florida. There is also the potential for some flooding there. Out to the west this is the next system and this is the one that folks in the midwest are watching very closely because that is the one that is likely going to bring them a significant amount of rain in the coming days. Youve got people under a Flash Flood Watch under the areas of the midatlantic but flood warnings basically up and down the mississippi river. That Second System we talked about, that is the one that is going to be pushing in. The first system begins to exit by the time we get to this evening. If you have plans outside d. C. , baltimore, its going to be soggy the first half of the day. The second half of the day see all of these storms beginning to fire up here . Unfortunately, places like iowa and missouri and states dont need to see any more rain is the concern. Now take a look at the next five days. Youre talking 3 to 5 inches of rain in a place that simply does not not to see more rain. Look at the numbers. Over 200 river gauges still above flood stage and they are going to stay that way likely for the remainder of the week. Wow. Thanks for watching it for us Allison Chinchar. We want to talk about the 2020 race. Check in on the democratic side because protesters are interrupting town halls. Bernie sanders taking a shot at bill barr and what joe biden said about President Trump after the former Vice President said he wasnt getting into the mud with him. Last years ad campaign was a success for choicehotels. Com badda book. Badda boom. This year, were taking it up a notch. So in this commercial we see two travelers at a comfort inn with a glow around them, so people watching will be like, wow, maybe ill glow too if i book direct at choicehotels. Com. Who glows . Just say, badda book. Badda boom. Nobody glows. He gets it. Always the lowest price, guaranteed. Book now at choicehotels. Com its our best sale of the season semiannual sale. Featuring 20 off select diamonds. Dare to be devoted. Only at jared. Former Vice President joe biden has vowed not to, as he calls it, get into a mud wrestling match with President Trump. Offcamera fundraiser he had last night in south carolina. Biden said that is what trump wants him to do. He was respond to go a supporter who told biden he wanted him to fight trump and nickname for nickname. Biden said too many nicknames he would like to use for the president but, quote, just start with clown. Youre selling your progressive values to dairy. Elizabeth warren was interrupted by two protesters one after another at a town hall yesterday in iowa. You see them there. They were from an Animal Rights group and protesting warrens support for the dairy pride act which would stop companies from putting the word milk on nondairy products. Fellow 2020 candidate Bernie Sanders also in iowa to campaign in ft. Bother and continue to criticize william barr for cancelling his appearance before the house after he agreed to testify in the Mueller Report. He refused to come. And this is a very dangerous attack on our democratic institutions. That is the houses job to provide oversight, to demand that the American People get answers, and i will support the house if they hold the attorney general in contempt. Joining me to talk about how democrats can win in 2020 up and down the ballot, cnn political analyst is a congressional reporter at the Washington Post and kelly. Kelly, lets talk economy first. If the academic boom continues, how does a democrat, what is the argument against the strongest job numbers we have seen in five decades here . The lowest unemployment and this level of growth. How do you make the case . Well, look. The president s numbers on job approval the economy may be coming up but he is still under water overall. What a majority of americans, what we are seeing on the ground in all 50 states people are very concerned about their Economic Security and not seeing the wage growth and they are not seeing security around their health care. They are worried about the price of college for their kids and paying down student loans. These are the issues that matter to Everyday Americans and its what the Democratic Candidates need to address. That is the message that 1 in 18, i think see it again in 20. His Approval Rating on the economy is going up. For the president as we saw in 2018, there was a good economic story there as well but the president spent the last final months making an immigration case. He stepped on his message on friday with the putin phone call and his characterization of that. Can he, you know, he calls himself the best salesman. Can he make the sale . If he can stay focused on the sale, potentially. Look. A wide democratic field of a lot of different candidates competing against each other a while which gives him time to establish the message that can draw more people towards him but we have never seen the president focus solely on the numbers going well for him and people around him think can be a winning message. He plays the winning messages that work for his case and not the ones that work for drawing in more people to that tent which is why when he focuses on immigration and russia issue doesnt work with him so well with the broader swath of the electorate. The growing list of investigations from House Democrats on judicialary, intelligence, ways and means, oversight and Financial Intelligence and oversight. And foreign affair committees are there. How do you make the case the democrats are working as hard to get progress on health care and gun control as they are to get the unredacted Mueller Report and to get don mcgahn to testify . How do you make the case that democrats are focused on those issues that supporters sent them to washington to focus on in 2018 . Oddly enough, we can do more than one thing at a time. Congress has an obligation. It has our checks and balances require it to investigate when there is criminal activity. The investigations, the special counsel has found and indicted more than 34 people including the president s own personal attorney general, his campaign chairman. One thing i think the Republican Party does very well is that trump is a bold leader. Whether or not you agree with him, whether or not you like him, he plays to his base. What democrats need to do we need to find our leader. They are looking for someone to step up, be bold, take action, and show that democrats can make a change here. What is your take on that . The comparison between the passion we are seeing as it relates to the Mueller Report and everything since the release and going after advances for health care for a Climate Change which we know is an important issue for democrats as much as we are seeing for the investigations . I think we have seen the numbers before. They are looking what voters care about and not as heavily focused on the Mueller Report and aftermath as everybody is in d. C. And this is a balancing act that democrats have been trying to strike the whole time. How much do they do . How far do they go in terms of this line of do they go to impeachment and still not lose the message that they are trying communicate and have their entire 2020 strategy be defined by that one thing. When it seems like voters do care about the issues that hit them a little bit closer to home and affect their daily lives. This is what youre going to see the Democratic Candidates argue out and what youre going to see them have to get specific about. Its going to be much more between those candidates, a battle whose Health Care Policies and Climate Change and that is the thing people are listening to right now as the stage of the campaign. Speaker pelosi told the New York Times this weekend, own the center left and own the mainstre mainstream. We will see how that turns out during the primary. Kelly and karoun, thank you both. Thank you. A couple of democratic president ial candidates will weigh on this today on state of the union. Senator krcory booker and senat Amy Klobuchar whiill chime in o that at 9 00 a. M. Eastern on cnn. A student credited with stopping a campus gunman will be laid to rest with full military honors. We will hear from riley howells family next. Plaque psoriasis can be relentless. Tremfya® is for adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. Im ready. 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The most common side effect is bone and muscle ache. If youd rather be home ask your doctor about neulasta® onpro. Pay no more than 5 per dose with copay card. Plane that skidded off a runway into florida. It has been sent to washington for analysis but the cockpit voice recorder is still und under water in the tail of that plane and another piece of crucial evidence as they work to find out what caused that hard landing. Natasha chen, cnn correspondent, is with here with the latest with us what are you learning today . The investigation will come back where the plane is sitting in Shallow Water in the st. John water. They are looking at issues with weather and the actual tarmac from friday night. So this tarmac here at the Naval Air Station in jacksonville is not grooved and that means that there could be a little bit more difficulty for water to flow off the sides in the event of heavy rain, so they are taking a look at really what the weather was like when that plane was coming in at about 9 40 p. M. Friday night. So the good news is, like you said, they have the flight data recorder which shows you the technical kadetails of the angl of the speed and what is left in the tail that you mentioned and submerged is the voice recorder and that gives them more clues about about what was being said amongst the crew members on board. It was a frightening moment for the people who were on that plane. The more than 130 passengers who were mostly civilians and military working at guantanamo bay. Here is one person describing that scary moment and how he helped to get people out. Saw the moment of impact. I went forward. Had my seat belt on. I i hit my head on the top of the roof. I kind of landed and i just remember feeling water falling from above and i had water on like my feet at ankle high or what not. And somebody yelled out the fuel or somebody yelled out gas or something. I looked over to my left and the lady was kind of crouched down and i kind of moved her over to the side and i opened the emergency door. I was the first one out. I went on the wing. Reporter there were a lot of people gathered on that wing for a period of time before they were rescued with inflatable rafts. Everyone feeling lucky they made it out relatively safely. The ntsb investigators continue their work today before figuring out the time line for getting that plane back on land. Back to you. Natasha chen for us there in jacksonville, thank you. Officials say two people were killed and three others injure inside that massive chem plant explosion in illinois. Look what is left there. This happened 40 miles north of chicago at a plant that manufactures silicone chemicals. Authorities are working to determine the cause. Two people are still unaccounted for. The damage is estimated at more thanized million. 1 million dollars. Riley howell is the university of north carolinacharlotte student was in reserve Officers Training corps. He will be buried with muscle filth honors. Cnn affiliate wlos spoke with his family. Here is what they are saying. At first we didnt know that he had done what he did and with the gunman. We just knew he had been shot. It was a huge lift off your shoulders when we learned that and everything is right now. He did what he was supposed to do. Im an educator and we talk about these things frequently how we try to keep our kids safe. And you think about it but you dont think about it, if that makes any sense, and all of the measures were in place to try to prevent this, but it just took one. The investigators say he certainly saved some lives last week. Hopeful that brings that family comfort, at least that part of it. Still to come, two new cases of the measles confirmed in california. Among the new patients . A baby. Its n the baby is not even a year old yet. But weve always used brita. Its two stagefilter. Doesnt compare to zerowaters 5stage. This meter shows how much stuff, or dissolved solids, gets left behind. Our tap water is 220. Brita . 110. Seriously . But zerowater let me guess. Zero . Yup, thats how i know it is the puresttasting water. I need to find the receipt for that. Oh yeah, you do. The matters. Ar. Introducing the allnew 2019 ford ranger, its the right gear. With a terrain Management System for. This. A bash plate for. That. An electronic locking Rear Differential for. Yeah. This. Heading to the supermarket . Get any truck. Heading out here . Get the ford ranger. The only adventure gear built ford tough. At a comfort inn with a glow taround them, so people watching will be like, wow, maybe ill glow too if i book direct at choicehotels. Com. Who glows . Just say, badda book. Badda boom. Book now at choicehotels. Com. Heres the story of Green Mountain Coffee Roasters costa rica paraiso. Meet sergio. And his daughter, maria. Sergios coffee tastes spectacular. Because costa rica is spectacular. So we support farmers who use natural compost. To help keep the soil healthy. And the coffee delicious. For future generations. All for a smoother tasting cup. Green mountain Coffee Roasters. Were family. Wed do anytbut this time. Her. Those bonds were definitely tested. Frog leg, for my baby brother dont frogs have like, two legs . So they should have two of these . Since im active duty and shes family, i was able to set my sister up with a sweet membership from navy federal. If you hold it closer, it looks bigger. Eat your food my big sis likes to make tiny food. And im okay with that. Navy federal credit union. Our members, are the mission. There are two new cases of the measles now confirmed in southern california. One of those cases is a baby. Health Officials Say the baby is younger than 1yearold. Too young to be vaccinated. The second case is a graduate student at the university of californiawe californiairvine. That man had been vaccinated but he had measles on campus and exposing other tepeople to the measles. A new study showing a shocking rise in the number of attempted suicides by poisoning. Over 19year period 1. 6 million cases of poisoning in the United States and 71 of those cases involved girls or young women. Pediatrician dr. Edith sanchez is with us. When we say poisonings, what do we mean by that . Are we talking about pills . We have talked about overdoses. We have talked about teen suicide but poisoning . We are talking about young people taking anything that requires a phone call to poison control and what they were measuring in the study. This they take any pills or substances around the home that prompted a call to poison control . It was an intentional suicidal poisoning of either it would be precipitation drugs. Are they drinking bleach . I dont understand what they are doing. All of these things. Any harmful substance in the home or any pills around the home they found. The next step they called poison control and the kids were asked about you intend to kill yourself and they said yes and how they were counted in the study. They didnt all we are talking about attempted suicides. We are not talking about these kids didnt all die . Right. These were kids who attempted suicide but it is consistent what we know about suicide and completed suicides in this country and that is that the rates are going up and it is one of the leading causes of death for young people in this country. I want to read this because this statistically is frightening. Rates were up for both sexes but the rates of suicide jumped 338 for girls between 2010 and 2018. Thats right. What sdriis driving that . I wish one thing we could point to and say this is it. I think the thing that usually gets blamed is social media and it is absolutely playing a role, right . We know kids are connected at all times. You and i used to go home and unplug. We didnt have to keep performing, right . Now kids are going home and they are constantly being judged by their peers and constantly having to perform and they are opening up to cyberbullying at home. But its not just simocial medi. We know we have a qualified of children and Health Providers in this country and we have a long way to go when it comes to access, when it comes to giving everyone insurance and then Insurance Companies actually covering some of the Mental Health access. I think when we look at this, the important thing is literally are there many factors that are contributing but what do we do about it . We have to have to have talking about communication. Its early communication. Its being there, its being present and saying to your kids, no communication is off limits, no conversation is off bounds here. You can come to me. We are going to get through whatever it is together and unfortunately, christi when we do our best to prevent these things, some of the times they will happen regardless of our best efforts and that is when parents have to be watching for the warning signs. Some of those include kids getting isolated and sort of withdrawing themselves and whose grades are declining. What i want the parents to do ask your kids. Have you ever thought of hurting yourself . Is it possible youre depressed . Have you ever thought of killing yourself . How do we normalize feeling depressed . How do we normalize not being happy who you are and giving them hope there is another way . That is such a good question and it starts with congratulating your kids when they come to you and say im angry, im feeling kind of sad today. And realizing that depression in young kids is not always going to show up as sadness. We as adults expect that depression is going to look like sadness. That is true. But a lot of times it looked like anger and knowing that some of that might be depression and congratulating your kids for coming to you with that. And also the rest of us, families who are fortunate enough not to be going through this showing compassion and say how do we help you if your family is going through this . Thank you. That is such Important Information and i think the other takeaway making sure you know what is in your home and available for to your kids. We have run out of time. You have to make sure some of the products are not easily accessible or known by other family members that perhaps will help. Thank you, doctor, for your time. Thank you. If you or someone you know is thinking about suicide, do not hesitate to get help. You can call the National Suicide prevention lifeline at 18002738255, 1800273talk. We will be right back. We humans are strange creatures. Other species avoid pain and struggle. We actually. Seek it out. Other species do difficult things because they have to. We do difficult things. Because we like to. We think its. Fun. Introducing the allnew 2019 ford ranger built for the strangest of all creatures. Lets talk leftovers. How do you know when to let them go . Cnn Health Writer Jacqueline Howard shows us how to make that decision in todays food as fuel. The first step is to take a close look at the ingredients, and the smell test doesnt always work. For sweet treats, most pies should be refrigerated, especially if they have an egg, milk or custard filling. Dont let it sit out for more than two hours. Once in the fridge, you can keep them cool for about two days, says the usda. When it comes to cakes, the big factor is trofting. If the frosting is dairybased, it must be refrigerated. It can generally last for about a week. Outside of the fridge, its good for about a day or two. What about seafood . The u. S. Food and Drug Administration says when buying fresh fish, make sure to refrigerate immediately and consume it within the next two days. Once cooked, wrap it up tightly, keep it in the fridge the next three or four days. When it comes to takeout food, chinese food or pizza, keep it in airtight containers in the refrigerator. That way it can last about three or four days. I have surpassed all of those guidelines. So have we. I have kept seafood for three or four days. You lang on to it because you think, tomorrow. When france rebuilds the notre dame cathedral, it wont look quite the same as it used to, obviously. A competition is happening right now to design redesign parts of this iconic building. Its attracting hopeful architects from around the world including a group of american students. Ben wedeman has their story. Pencil on paper, its very old school. Yet perhaps its the best way to capture the scorched magistery of paris 80yearold notre dame cathedral. The french Prime Minister announced an International Competition to redesign the roof and 300foot spire that flames destroyed. A task the government, flush with around 1 billion in donations, hopes to finish in five years. Architecture students from notre dame, the university in the u. S. State of indiana, are here to draw and study this medieval marvel and plan to join the competition. Texas native ethan scott hasnt come up with a specific idea just yet, but hes thinking gothic. It could be bigger. It could be gilded. It could be stone. It could be marble, but i think something that reflects whats still there. Reporter a balance between old and new is whats new says classmate jessica most from san diego, california. I think its also important to stay relevant to whats there as well as keeping it modern. Reporter keeping it modern, however, has its limits. Already some designers have posted their ideas online. Some are interesting. Notre dame architecture student mary ripzinski from boston, massachusetts, puts it this way. Horrifying. Reporter some are confident sober heads will prevail, a masterpiece like notre dame which took 100 years to be built, wont be rebuilt in a rush. Its not a train station. Its not a museum, she tells me. Its a special place and i believe we should provide this special place all the means necessary to express itself with genius and audacity. The outlines of genius have long been there. It will just take a brilliant mind to fill in whats the fire erased. Ben wedeman, cnn, paris. Thanks for watching. Inside politics is up next. Ua. Its our best sale of the season featuring 20 off select diamonds. Dare to be devoted. Only at jared. Essential for the cactus, but maybe not for people with rheumatoid arthritis. Because there are options. Like an unjection™. Xeljanz xr. 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I helped lead the f

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