Thank you. Tried again to muck around in our elections this last month, and we are seeing a continued effort along those lines. And battle sometimes make great friendships, so its really terrific. Thank you. Announcer this is new day weekend with Victor Blackwell and christi paul. Good morning. President trump has returned to the u. S. He is home now as the nation, of course, preparing to mourn his predecessor george h. W. Bush. This morning, the president returned with news of a ceasefire. At least a pause in the trade war with china. According to the white house, 200 billion in tariffs on chinese goods are on hold after President Trump met with the chinese president xi jinping on the sidelines of the g20 summit and hold it to 20 rather than 25 that was discussed easterly. And remembering president george h. W. Bush. Tomorrow begins a week of ceremonies and services to honor the late president george h. W. Bush. The 41st president died friday night at his home in houston. Now, he will be flown to washington where there will be ab arrival ceremony at the u. S. Capitol and the president will lie in state until wednesday. Cnns Kaylee Hartung is with us now. What are you learning about what is coming in the days ahead . Reporter well, the bush family is working in partnership with the department of defense to carry out george h. W. Bushs wishes for a state funeral. The family saying they dont want his life to be mourned. They want his life so welllived to be celebrated. So the with that perspective that we are learning of the official schedule. It essentially happens in three stages, which begins, as victor mentioned, with the president s remains being brought to washington, d. C. Tomorrow. That arrival ceremony will be held at the capitol as announced by congressional leadership. And then he will lie in state there in the rotunda until wednesday morning. Then National Cathedral service will be held. That service invitation only and the white house has announced that President Trump and the first lady will be among those in attendance. The second stage of these events then returns here to houston. The president s body will lie in repose in st. Martins episcopal church. Same church where barbara bush, her life was celebrated just seven months ago. Then another service by invitation only opinion the third stage of this, the president s remains will be taken by train to college station. That will be his final resting place. Home of his president ial library where barbara was laid to rest and their daughter robin when she was just 3 years old was buried, that on the library grounds. Points of life organization, the nonprofit that president bush founded, that organization has asked to celebrate the president s life. Youre asked to offer up a day of service in his memory. Thank you. Lets get analysis now. Joining us is president ial historian and distinguished professor of history at american university, allen ludwig and gentlemen, welcome. Allen, had this conversation in the context of what we saw this weekend in the discussions of u. S. russia relations. Many saying the lowest point since the cold war and president bush ushered the world through the ending of the war. How does the new world order that he talked about in 0e and 91, how is that holding up today in the Trump Administration and the context of what we are seeing with the u. S. And russia . Holding up like a house of cards has clapped. Understand that george h. W. Bush was a pivotal figure in american history. He mocked a transition between a republican tradition that extended back to eisenhower and throughout his administration, a tradition that was welcoming to immigrants that cared deeply about promoting American Values around the world, that wanted to promote multilateral relationships and shore up american alliances, a tradition that was deeply respectful, conservatively of american institutions that had stood us so well over time. Then you transition to the era of trump to reactionary America First and it could not be more different. Today, the Republican Party is more like the Republican Party of the 1920s. Doesnt care about American Values. Doesnt care about our standing of the world. Makes hostility to immigrants a key element of its policy, trashes institutions, isnt humble in walking softly, instead, lashing out. Things have fundamentally changed from the era of h. B. Bush. It has involved in building walls around the United States. Tim, i know a lot of who are democrats and a lot of people who are republicans and dont fall into the characterizations you just gave, allen. But irright different these day. Tim, has to be people like george h. W. Bush or other president s that come through elements of their presidency of them that linger somewhere. Can you identify any . Well, i think allen is absolutely right that the Republican Party has changed. But im not convinced yet that the institutions that president s actually going back to truman but president s reagan, bush, and clinton put in place at the end of the world car and the early postcold war that those institutions are falling apart. Its not clear to me that the most americans, for example, are against multilateralism or no clear to me that most americans are against free flow of goods and services. I think right now, we are in the middle of a national debate. President trump does represent a very passionate minority of americans but im not convinced that the National Consensus is so antiwhat George Herbert walker bush and clinton built. We saw that george h. W. Bush, in part, because he had a Democratic House and senate to contend with, passed environmental legislation during his administration. Is there a place for that type of, at least philosophy in this current Republican Party . Is there an element of that that is still current from the bush era to today . Ill start with you, allen. That is the big test, isnt it, with democrats now controlling the house . Are there enough voices within the Republican Party to move towards bipartisanship on issues where there is some bipartisan agreement like infrastructure or prison reform. That is the big test the next two years. The problem with democrats sweeping so many suburban districts and ousting more modern republicans, today, the Republican House minority is even more conservative and more trumplike than it has been before. Whether we will have the legacy of hw bush who reached across party aisles for one of the signature achievements of the 20th century, and that, of course, is the americans with disabilities act, which has benefited so many tens of millions of people in this country. Tim, same question to you. Well, one of the someone of george h. W. Bushs generation, world war ii generation, many of them, like the former president , they were uncomfortable with ideology and uncomfortable with the flexibility of ideology. They remembered ideology was communism or fascism. The two negative influences that pushed the world to war in the 1940s. So for many of them, they were much less committed to this world view that an mates many politicians today and like george h. W. Bush was capable of not only reaching across the aisle to achieve the ada but to reach across the aisle to achieve a budget deal that involved raising taxes with democrats. Its because in the end, country mattered more than party for that generation. The real question is, you know, as allan has made clear can we move past the 25 years of tribalism that, partly, i would say, was the product of republicans wanting to punish george bush for signing the budget deal and raising taxes with the democrats. The Newt Gingrich is more than an antiroosevelt and new deal attack. We have to ask ourselves now, can we in the light of the passing of george h. W. Bush take some of that legacy of pragmatic deal making and do it again for the country . Claims to be the deal maker. Lets see. We have to end it there. Tim and allan, thank you. Thank you. Former george h. W. Bush joint chief of staff chairman general colin powell and james baker, the president bushs best friend, joined jake tapper on state of the union at 9 00 a. M. On cnn this morning. President trump returning from the g20 summit arthgentina bringing him with the trade war with china. Stay close. [upbeat music] you wouldnt feel good not knowing the price here. Dont let it happen when you buy your diabetes test strips. With the accuchek® guide simplepay program, you pay the same low price. All without having to go through insurance. Plus, they come in a spillresistant vial along with a free meter. Skip the guessing game and focus on your health. Not the cost. Make saving simple today at simplepaysaves. Com. Thiuninterrupted streaminglogy Brilliant Sound clarity and lifelike color. Experience dell cinema on the xps 13. Shop the biggest cyber week ever at dell. Com intel chime the white house is striking an optimistic tone after this weekends g20 meeting in alternate. Announcing overnight that the president agreed to temporarily halt a substantial increase in tariffs on chinese imports into the United States. Sarah westwood is live from the white house. What are you learning from this meeting . Reporter after that it would have that meeting, the two are signaling optimism about the future of trade talks at time has turned contentious. The president basically saying they have agreed to a delay in the escalation of the trade war saying that he would delay raising tariffs on 200 worgethf chinese goods. He was scheduled to raise the tariffs to 25 come january 1st. That has been delayed because china has agreed to increase significantly its purchase of agoal and energy goods and other products to try to ross that trade imbalance that trump has been fixated on for several months now. The president telling reporters aboard air force one if it happens, it goes down as one of the largest deals ever made. He goes on to say so perhaps creating some breathing room so the talks could continue so the leaders could get to some of the stickistick ier points. Even though President Trump says he cancelled a formal meeting with russian president Vladimir Putin at the g20 summit in argentina, both acknowledged they had an informal conversation on the sideline for a dinner on friday night. The white house describing it at one of several informal conversations that the president had with various World Leaders but the kremlin is saying that putin took the opportunity to speak to the president with the incident that happened last week when russians seized three Ukrainian Naval vessels and seized their sailors and have not returned the ships or sailors to ukraine and the reason trump gave for cancelling that formal bilateral meeting with putin. Putin said he had his views and putin had his views. A potential breakthrough in the relationship with china. Sarah westwood, thank you so much. Lets does you this with cnn political commentator errol louis. Lets start with the white house characterization of this president s meeting with xi. They have 90 days to deal with the Property Protection and cybertheft and other issues. They were supposed to have these conversations in september when the chinese cancelled their visit to the u. S. If they havent done that at this point thus far, what is the likelihood they will solve this in 90 days and were the meetings highly successful . They are successful fountain white house says they are. As far as the white house is concerned, but i see what youre getting at, victor, is exactly right, which is that hoping to do a 90 days what they could not negotiate over the last two years, is a very optimistic read of the situation. The white house has not indicated what has changed to make it more likely that this will get done in the next 90 days as opposed to what they have been struggling with the last two years. I dont think farmers in the midwest or companies concerned about the steel that they buy from china should get their hopes up any time soon. The tariffs are set to go up or at least stay where they are and its led to record trade deficits. The white house is currently dealing with the exact opposite of what their strategy was supposed to yield. So trump and xi agreed according to a white house statement great progress made as it relates to north korea. They point to nuclear and missile tests and return of korean war dead and remains to the u. S. And prisoners returned. But there is also the reporting first the New York Times 13 traditional undeclared mission Others Centers across north korea. Is this great progress made considering there is another summit in january or february, according to the president . Its interesting. The bilateral side of this the different achievements you listed are, indeed, to the credit of the white house. On the other hand, to flip back for a minute to what we err just talking about, relationships with china also include the fact that china is right on the north korean border, is their Major Trading partner and has the ability to almost like a faucet, turn on or off the economy or the economic relationship with north korea. To the extent that china is engaged with a trade war with the u. S. , they have to be factored in into this entire equati equation. The white house can continue to sort of play the game back and forth bilaterally with north korea around missiles and testing, but the reality is they are not going to put maximum pressure on the north korean regime without the assistance of china. Do we have the sound bite from Vice President pence ready to go . Lets talk about mbs. Typically, at these multilateral summits, its typically President Trump who is the leader who attracts the most attention. He had some competition this time with muhammad bin salman. What did you green from his reception there at the g20 as it relates to or in the context of the killing of jamal cha showin khashoggi . We heard that saudi arabia has to extradite the suspects to turkey. What did you glean from his reception there . Its interesting, victor, because the g20 is made of democracies and countries that are democracies that are open societies and then you have china, russia, saudi arabia. So they have the upper hand in a lot of cases and they could be forceful and decisive and rely on in saudi arabias case, the immense oil wealth and the control of Energy Resources to the western world. And so, yeah, he is doing what he has set himself up to do which is to control a lot of that region, to be a major player, to frustrate the designs of the democracies, including at this point the United States. So its always been sort of a difficult act. The president , by siding at times more with the despites than the democracies i think left hick exposed. I look at salman who is playing a dangerous and disgusting game that takes peoples lives and fermented this disaster in yemen and the United States who unwilling or able to control him. We have seeing the relationship between salman and putin there and another one between french president Emmanuel Macron confronted muhammad bin salman and talk about the khashoggi murder and saudiled offensive in yemen, we are seeing this massive humanitarian crisis and people starving there. But what is the value of maa ma. It w he lived in the United States. France has a proud tradition as many of the western societies of fighting for human rights. Its frustration. Ive been about this a few times. An important tool and leverage that administration of this United States has discarded, the fact you have on one side despites are importing fentanyl and creating humanitarian crises. If you stick to human rights, democracy, it gives you leverage and an argument to bring to them and something to bring to the trade table that both enhances the general wellbeing of the world, but also sort of helps with strategic interest of the United States. France seems to have figured that out. This white house has chosen not to. Every story from the g20 requires work to be done and see how much of that work is done during the deadlines that are set. Errol louis, thank you. Thank you. Unique insight coming up from Albert Gonzalez who was bush 43s attorney general and white House Counsel. He has some things hed like to say about george h. W. Bush. Plus, bush 41 went sky diving on his birthday even when he hit 90. We will talk about hlns robin meade who joined him for one of those jumps. Fe brewer is so eas, it makes any house a coffee house. Rinskys coffee house is open pop that in for a coffee or brew a shot and froth fresh milk for a latte or cappuccino. Easy peasy. Now shes a barista weve got the best coffee in the world being made by an underskilled staff excellent. Its so frothy. A little piece of heaven. Thank you. But hows the coffee . Latte for no one . Nelson. Sorry . Thats for nelson. Latte for nelson. Thats not what it says here. Xfinity mobile is a designed to save you money. Latte for nelson. Even when youve got serious binging to do. Wherever your phone takes you, your wireless bill is about to cost a whole lot less. Use less data with a network that automatically connects you to the most wifi hotspots in millions of places and the best 4g lte everywhere else. Saving you hundreds of dollars a year. And ask how you get Xfinity Mobile included with your internet. Plus, get 200 back when you when you buy a new smartphone. Xfinity mobile. Its simple. Easy. Awesome. Click, call or visit a store today. 30 minutes past the hour. Thank you so much for sharing your time with us. Im christi paul. Im Victor Blackwell. We are learning Funeral Services for former president george h. W. Bush set to begin tomorrow. Hell be flown to washington where there will be an arrival ceremony at the u. S. Capitol and the president will lie in state until wednesday. That is when the public will be allowed to pay tribute. Then family and friends hold a service at the National Cathedral. President trump that declared that a national day of mourning. The president bush will be flown back to houston for a second memory Yacht Service on thursday, 9 motorcade will then take mr. Bush to his final resting place his president ial library in college station, texas. The former first lady died in april and their daughter robin who died of leukemia as a child are also laid to rest there. The points of life, nonprofit organization, is asking people to celebrate the president by giving a day of service in his memory. Alberto gonzalez is with us now. Mr. Gonzalez, thank you so much for being with us. I know that you knew this family. Our condolences certainly to you. We have heard so much about george h. W. Bush the last couple of days. Im wondering if you have a story we have not heard yet, something about him that maybe we dont know . Well, he was a remarkable man. What i remember he was president of the United States and held so many other positions. In 2004, on the day of the election, as i recall, from time to time, he would come by the west wing and he came by my office. I was white House Counsel at the time and sat down on the couch and he was worried. He was very worried about the reelection of his son. And so here was a man who had had all of these wonderful titles but on that day and thinking like any father would about the future of his son. I remember that. We had a very good conversation about the election, about his sons vision for a second term and, of course, everything worked out well. But its just one of many examples of the kind of person that he was and i had the opportunity to meet him in 1986, first of all. In 1988 when he was first elected president of the United States, i was offered a job with the administration but i turned it down because i wanted to stay at my lawmaker and make partner and thinking there was plenty of time to work for him in washington. That second term didnt happen and i really thought there goes my opportunity to work in washington for bush. Of course, in 2000 that changed when his son was elected president of the United States. We talked about cia director and ambassador and others. But is there a word that has been used several times and that is humility about this former president , and in the late 90s when most former president s would write an auto biography, he didnt do that. He published a collection of letters, all the best. Talk to us about the humility, if you recognize that in the former president. Well, i think yes, i did. He had the ability to laugh at himself. And we saw that reflect i saw it reflected often with his son. I think his children all received, you know, learned that from his father, not to take yourself so seriously and understand youre not perfect and will make mistakes. I think whoever spent time around his family, really remarkable person. Youre right about his letter writing. From time to time, i would send him a card or note and he would always respond back. I think he really appreciated hearing from folks and i think he valued the opportunity to respond back and teach people will service and devotion of family and nation. So how are you left . What resonates with you about your time with him most . And how perhaps has this president and your interaction with him shaped any decisions youve made moving forward . Well, i think that what i value most about george h. W. Bush and barbara is the way they raised their family. Its because of the way they raised george h. W. Bush and the values and his vision for america that gave me the opportunity to go to washington and serve. I once told barbara and this is really true for george h. W. Bush, that their son fundamentally changed the trajectory of my life and its because of the way that they raised him. Im sure there are thousands of americans who, in one way or another, their lives were affected. The trajectory of their lives was affected by an incident, a decision, a statement, something by the bush family but certainly george h. W. Bush. Alberto gonzales, we appreciate you taking the time to share your memories with us. Thank you. Thanks for having me. Absolutely. Special Counsel Robert Mueller is revealing new findings in the russia probe. We will take a look at the trump tower moscow deal next. The greatest wish of all. Is one that brings us together. The lincoln wish list event is here. Sign and drive off in a new lincoln with 0 down, 0 due at signing, and a complimentary first months payment. 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Reporter the trump has always been about his business, his brand, his profits. People ask me what does trump stand for, more than anything else . If i use one word its vault. Everything is going to be the best and that is what its all about. Reporter it was trump that Property Developer who campaigned to be a republican president ial candidate, juggling his business and political ambitions which inevitably overlapped. But by how much is only now coming to light. His former lawyer revealing negotiations to build a trump tower in moscow went on much longer than previously admitted, until at least june 2016 after essentially he secured the nomination. Nothing wrong with that, trump insisted, before leaving for the g20. A wellknown project and during the early part of 16. I didnt do the project. I decided not to do the project so i didnt do it. We are not talking about doing a project. Reporter it was in this location the outskirts of moscow near a business and Entertainment Complex that the Trump World Tower moscow as it was called was meant to be built, part of a 14tower project according to the developers which would have stood across this whole area. You can see here, as we look through this wire fence, some of the towers have already started to be constructed but the trump tower is not amongst them. One of the ideas for that trump building, according to one of his business associates, was to give the top floor, the pent house apartments, 250 apartment block to Vladimir Putin, the russian president , as a way of attracting buyers. The Trump Organization likes to be ahead of the curve. We are always ahead of the curve and there would be another example. Reporter ivanka trump and her spa fitness brand were also an integral part of the moscow proposal. A letter obtained by cnn, trump daughter would be given sole and absolute discretion to approve the spa designs. This was a trump family affair. But how much was the kremlin also involved . Until this week it insisted attempts by trump associations to make contact over the moscow tower that had been ignored. The kremlin spokesman now admits his office called and asked why they wanted to have meetings with the president ial administration and explained that we have nothing to do with construction issues in the city of moscow. It may be an important change. The russianbased owners of the city where trump tower moscow was meant to be built have been embroiled with questions. Did the Russian Administration give your family to pass on to the trump ghings . Take this son who set up a meeting between donald trump jr. And dishing issues on hillary clinton. They coorganized the 2013 Miss Universe in moscow. Matthew chance, cnn moscow. We continue to remember the life and work of president george h. W. Bush. Boy, did he live up to things on his birthdays. Someone would that. That is not my thoughts. Im sure had he a great birth. We will talk to Hln Robin Meade who got to go sky diving for the former president on his 85th birthday. Transparency, folks, transparency. Going to extremes for perfect skin . Where does it end . New olay whips. While not equal to cosmetic procedures, our b3 complex hydrates to smooth skin. Injections . Rejected. Beautiful skin . Accepted olay. Whenshe was pregnant,ter failed, inlaws were coming, a little bit of water, it really it rocked our world. I had no idea the amount of damage that water could do. We called usaa. And they greeted me as they always do. Sergeant baker, how are you . They were on it. It was unbelievable. Having insurance is something everyone needs, but having usaa now thats a privilege. Were the bakers and were usaa members for life. Usaa. Get your insurance quote today. A great exhilarating feeling. I dont feel a day over 84. Former u. S. President george h. W. Bush back in 2009 there. He had just made a parachute jump to celebrated his 85th birthday and that would not be the last time he did so. Just because youre an old guy you dont have to sit around drooling in the corner. Get out and do something. Get out and enjoy life. For his 85th birthday, president bush had one specific request. He wanted to be sky diving as usual, but he wanted hlns robin meade to go with him. Just because youre old, that doesnt mean you cant do fun stuff. And you dont want to sit around drooling in the corner, and so its a ruffle release. The scariest moment you look out. Get ready to jump. You get out the door and you look down and no feeling of support. That is what the heck am i doing . Robin meade, host of the first few seconds of the freefall are awful. Im not feign of coasters. I dont know if you are. Your stomach doesnt catch up with you for a few seconds and then i remembered the cameras were on me and went oh, yeah. But what an opportunity to get to do that with him. What happened was i interviewed him first at their home in kennebunkport, maine. So i was concentrating on the questions and trying to get to the essence of the man and after the interview was when i realized, oh, yeah, that jump. There, im all smiles. When the plane started to take o off, there was no need for me to need oxygen except i needstarte panic. Such the compassion of the man. At some point you can see me go where is the oxygen . He shows me how to put the oxygen mask on. But out of compassion and empathy for me, you also see him put on the oxygen mask. This a world war ii hero, a man who jumped before. He doesnt need oxygen. He does not need oxygen. I saw behind the scenes the authentic him that was amplified on the world stage that we all saw. Everything matched up with what i knew of mr. Bush. I asked him on the interview about legacy and he referred to it as the l word. He wasnt about the l word. Let everyone else decide it. My view on it is let the historians figure out what i screwed up and what i got right and we had great people in the administration. Let one person govern at a time. Let the next guy do it and not to speak out. He taught his son that as well. And for better or worse, im not going to write any biography. We had such a great team around us, im confident that will be favorable. That was many year. That was 85, so that was 2009. I sue sau an interview where he said im not concerned about my legacy. I just want my sons legacy that was so important to him. Yes, a parent. He had the ability, he really did, to open up their home and family to you. After the live shots that day he actually invited me and my husband to come to their house. He did not have to do that. There we are, the next morning. When we walk up to the estate, what i noticed was there were two golf carts. One said property of 41, hands off. The other said property of 43. Hands off. And i asked him that morning. We had a nice brunch with mrs. Bush and him and i was like, whats up with that . He goes, oh, those grandchildren, they will just jump in there. So to us, he is a world leader, a diplomat, a statesman. To him, he was grandpa, but he had the ability to make you feel, for whatever moment you had with him and them that you two were part of the family. The same morning now back in the plane, he asked them, even though the weather was terrible and we were trying to find a spot to jump live on the air, he asked them if they would tilt the plane, he would like to show me his boat and he remarked about the horsepower that the boat had and it was some astronomical amount, 900 horsepower or whatever it was. I was like, why do you need that and he was like, to be the guy that doesnt have it. The next day he took us for a ride in his boat, he says this is his sense of humor, right . Watch this i have more horsepower than the secret service boat thats supposed to follow us. He blows them out of the water. Its apparent to me that he did this before because there was another secret service boat waiting out in the bay. Moments like that, you really saw the essence of the man. His sense of humor. My husband was with me and he had his phone on. Here we are with mrs. Bush, mr. Bush and my husband leaves his phone on. Who do you think calls . You know her. My mother. My mother calls. She doesnt know that we stayed over an extra day. And i was like, tim he goes, thats your mother and mr. Bush, mr. President says, let me have the phone. He pranks my mother. He talked to my mother on the phone. She thought she was being funny because she thought she was talking to her daughter. Are you all bushed out yet . Oh, no. And he acted like it was the funniest thing. So his sense of humor was there. But he also my mother said to him, i saw you in person when you campaigned for reelection in cleveland and you could almost see the hurt in his face when he said oh, yes, but the winds had changed and the people didnt want me. All those years later, that still hurt him. Yeah. We were talking about that earlier, that that lingers. You just saw on an old mans face that that still impacted him. It didnt stop him, of course, from going on to work with former president bill clinton, working for other causes. But my thoughts to the family and im comforted and hope theyre comforted by the thought that he is now with mrs. Bush and their daughter, robin. What an experience for you. Thank you for letting me share. Thank you for shayour though hope you make good memories today. Inside politics starts with john king after a quick break. What makes this simple salad the best simple salad ever . Great tasting, hearthealthy california walnuts. So simple, so good. Get the recipes at walnuts. Org. 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Use less data with a network that automatically connects you to the most wifi hotspots in millions of places and the best 4g lte everywhere else. Saving you hundreds of dollars a year. And ask how you get Xfinity Mobile included with your internet. Plus, get 200 back when you when you buy a new smartphone. Xfinity mobile. Its simple. Easy. Awesome. Click, call or visit a store today. Welcome to inside politics. Im john king. Farewell to 41. President george h. W. Bush is remembered for his remarkable life of service. America is never wholly herself unless she is engaged in high, moral principle. We, as a people, have such a purpose today. It is to make kinder the

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