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Let the fbi do an investigation. The fbi investigation has to be very thorough, complete. This is ripping the country apart. This is new day weekend with Victor Blackwell and christi paul. Good morning to you. Just when republicans were feeling better about voting Brett Kavanaugh into the Supreme Court, maybe by the end of next week, he and they will now have to wait along with the rest of the country as the fbi conducts a new background check ordered by President Trump. It has a scope, a timeline. It happened when senator jeff flake had second thoughts and joined several senators in saying they would not vote yes on kavanaugh without the fbi. The president said hes still backing his nominee. He will be in West Virginia today for a reelection rally. Hes starting his mornings at the white house. Thats where we start with cnn correspondent ryan nobles. Ryan, good morning to you. Reporter good morning. And make no mistake, this is not the position that President Trump expected to be in on saturday morning. He expected the confirmation of judge Brett Kavanaugh to sail through after kavanaughs performance in front of the Senate Judiciary committee. Unfortunately was turned for a line when senator jeff flake suggested an fbi move forward. President trump is not backing away in any way, shape, or form from his nominee tweeting, just started tonight, our seventh fbi investigation of judge Brett Kavanaugh. He will someday be recognized as a truly great justice of the United States Supreme Court. The president showing that he believes kavanaugh will be confirmed and pointing out that kavanaughs background has been thoroughly vetted and that he expects this weeklong fbi investigation wont reveal any new information that could derail this confirmation. Still the president is very upset about this process. In particular he is upset with jeff flake, an irritant to the president since shortly before he was inaugurated. The president expected after watching the hearing on thursday that fridays vote would be an easy one. That the votes were in place and that he would be able to celebrate the con firmsz of his new justice and was surprised to see flake throw this curve ball. The question now is how does President Trump respond over the next week after this investigation is fully launched. We could get that first indication in this rally that hes holding in West Virginia in support, we should say, of a Senate Candidate whos challenging joe mnuchin, a redstate democrat who could be one of the diabetic a democratic vote that could support judge kavanaugh. Hes been muted in those attacking Brett Kavanaugh and bringing up suggestions about past indecisions. Perhaps that changes tonight in this rally. The president heading to West Virginia tonight after starting this morning at the white house. Important, important day. The next few days ahead. Ryan noeban nobles at the white. Thank you. One of the Big Questions people have is how did jeff flake from a new conclusion here. This started yesterday at 9 30 in the morning when he said, yes, i am going to vote to confirm. Hours later then, demanding an fbi investigation before the final vote. What happened in between this confrontation in an elevator. Take a look. I was sexually assaulted. Nobody believes me. I didnt tell anyone, and youre telling all women that they dont matter. That they should just stay quiet because if they tell you what happened to them, youre going to ignore them. You have power, and so many women are powerless. Can you not give them an answer, senator . You just released a press statement. You dont have the courage please, please to give them an answer . The future of our country, sir. You can be a hero today. A lifetime appointment in the Supreme Court. Be a hero. You just hear her voice there. But Anderson Cooper spoke with one of those protesters who confronted him in the elevator. Senator flake there, of course. Heres what she said was going through her mind at the time i felt like he really needed to hear. Like he needed to understand that women feel incredibly enraged about the thought of our stories, of our experiences of surviving Sexual Violence being dismissed, laughed at, disbelieved. And i just. A great sense of urgency. I saw in his face that he could not escape the emotion. I wanted of him to really stay there and be present and think of the peoplely lov lhe loves, f his children. And i wanted him to be a hero. Joining me to talk about this , errol lewis, joey jackson, criminal defense attorney, and Kelly Jane Torrance Deputy Managing Editor for the weekly standard. Welcome back, everyone. Joey, let me start with you and a statement from Senate Judiciary where they say the supplemental fbi investigation or Background Investigation will be limited to current credible allegations against the nominee, must be completed no later than one week from today. Now how do they get to the working definition of credible here . Because there seems to be no overwhelming amount of corroborating evidence for any of the accusations. Whats credible here, and what isnt . Good morning, victor. What a difference a day makes needless to say. Heres the point i think credible could be parsed. We could argue as to whether or not the other accusers are credible, theyre not credible. At the end of the day you need an investigation that satisfies senator flake in addition to the swing votes that they need. I think the fbi certainly having heard, right, as we have heard about not only the fined doctor ford but the other accuser has an obligation to do a thorough and complete investigation. I think what you see in terms of the limitations means theyre not going to go and redo every other investigation theyve done concerning the six different times theyve done so. But theyre going to focus in and hone in on allegations relative to, as we look at the parameters there, what were talking about now. And so i think they have a duty to at least interview the other women involved in addition to, you know, did ford and anyone who may corroborate what she has to say. They have to put together information that satisfies those senators who have to vote. Mindful of the fact that if they dont do so and its not satisfactory, they risk losing this nominee. Joey says that they have a duty to they may also have a duty to follow the leads, and if it takes more than seven days to do that, there still is a limited window here. There are some who are cynical about this choice from jeff flake. Although we saw that exchange with the woman at the elevator who say this was not just some effort to bring the country together but that this was a pretty clever way to try to hollow out one of the concerns from democrats that theres no fbi investigation. Give them the week to do that, and then he can defensively vote for kavanaugh and then bring along collins and murkowski and other who are on the others who are on the line. I have to say, i tend to take a cynical view of things. Of course jeff flake has been one of the big critics of trump, and people have thought he does so partly out of a need to present himself as a possible challenger to trump in 2020. In this case, i dont think it was cynicism. You could see the look on jeff flakes face when the women confronted him, as your cameras caught. And then his discussions in the senate with friends, people he calls friends, like senator koonz on the democratic side. I think he is someone who takes his job seriously. This guys not facing reelection, as we know. Hes not running again. I mean, there might be that hes not facing reelection. I think more than most people wat he is thinking of is what is right for his conscience. This guy wrote a book called the conscience of a conservative recently talking about whats going on in our politics and how he feels about it. I think he takes this very seriously. You know, i admittedly, this is a big win for the democrats. The whole time on thursday when democrats were questioning judge kavanaugh, they asked him, will you ask for an fbi investigatio investigation, why dont you want to clear your native american a lot of people thought judge kavanaugh looked bad resisting that. There is no question this is a win for the democrats. I dont think jeff flake would have given them one for no reason. I think he feels the country is being torn apart, as he told his friend senator koonz, and he is trying to bring an end to the the unreal partisan wrangling over this. Errol, even if this is a win for the democrats, if this investigation after a week brings no corroboration to support dr. Ford or ms. Ramirez or swetnicks accusations, theres no indication that there will be a flood of democrats to support judge kavanaugh anyway. Not necessarily. But you got to keep in minds, victor, you dont know whats going to happen in the course of the investigation. That while they may be asking questions about things that happened 30plus years ago, what happens in the course of an investigation is it starts to take different turns. People start talking, witnesses come forward. They contradict themselves, introduce a possible possible questions that werent considered before about truthfulness and about voracity. Its natural in those kind of cases, and the fbi is well known for this, to try and catch you in a lie. You know, to say, well, look, maybe i cant be sure about what happened 35 years ago, but i know what you told me 20 minutes ago. Does it square with the facts that we have in front of us. We shouldnt be too quick to assume that this is going to yield nothing. The questions that everybody wants answered about whose version of the event in 1982 is true, yeah, wed all love to know that. Theres a lot more that could be yielded by this. I think the democrats are taking that long shot that somethings going to come out that will bolster their sort of negative feelings toward judge kavanaugh. Joey, to you, this is not a criminal investigation. There are no subpoenas. There are no search warrants. To what degrees does that limit their ability to get to the truth here . You know, not at all. I think that that question certainly would be more probative and relevant in the event that it was a more recent investigation where you youre looking for recent evidence, et cetera. I think here where youre looking at allegations of 36 years ago, the fbi has their duties and responsibilities. They know that theyre going to speak to one witness that may lead them to an additional witness that might lead them to an additional witness. So while youre not having subpoenas and search warrants, you have a very wellseasoned fbi. They are skilled in the process of getting to information. Theyve been tasked with limiting it to determining whether or not any type of sexual abuse occurred as it relates to dr. Ford or the other two accusers. And i think even absent it not being a criminal investigation, they certainly, you know, will do the task if history is any guide and if their track record is any guide, if my dealings with them are any guide, i think theyll do a thorough enough job to satisfy the senators inquiries. Kelly, the context of the president s criticisms, his relationship with the department of justice and the fbi and these accusations of deep state, those are part of this conversation, too. Is it realistic to expect that the president would put any confidence in any report that comes back to him that doesnt do anything or let me switch that, if it shows that there is some element that corroborates dr. Fords claims . Yeah. Thats a great question. I have to say as joey was talking, you know, talking about how track record, the fbi, theyre serious back of my head was, well, you know, the republicans, especially the president , have spent the last couple of years trying to undermine the fbi. So, you know it is funny that now theyre saying, lets let the fbi look at it, and well see what they have to say. Yeah, i hope that if the fbi does find corroborating evidence that its clear what that is and who gave it to them and how it was presented. I think theyre going to be careful. Im sure they have in mind that the entire country if not the world, of course, is looking at this investigation, and i assume theyre going to be even more careful than usual if thats possible. Kelly jane torrance, joey jackson, errol lewis, thank you all. Thank you. Deputy attorney general Rod Rosenstein has agreed to meet with House Republicans in the next few weeks. Hell talk to them about his reported comments where sources say he discussed wearing a wire while talking to President Trump. Also talked about recruiting cabinet members to invoke the 25th amendment to remove him from office nthey say. House Republican Leaders struck an agreement to hold a hearing to avoid a possible Impeachment Vote against rosenstein. As we said, the president is asking the fbi to investigate the allegations against judge Brett Kavanaugh. We speak with a former fbi official about how the agency might investigate those claims. Also, im telling you, it is a devastating scene in indonesia, here are some of the pictures coming in this hour after a powerful earthquake triggers a tsunami. Nearly 400 people are already dead. 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So theyre going to have to start i think back with the witness, ford, and try to see who she can say can corroborate her story which was not reported to anybody for 20 years after the occurrence apparently. So theyre going to try to find out was there a party, was kavanaugh at the party, was sunny par was she at the part did kavanaugh assault her at the party, and little things. Shes 15, he was 17. How did she get to the party . Who drove her to the party, or was it walking distance from her home . All of those things will be beginning to try to determine what happened, if it happened, if they can. If they dont find ape sing sin witness that can verify this took place or that kavanaugh and ford were together in this situation, its going to be theyre going to be no further ahead a week from now than they are today if thats what comes up. Tom, some of the details that were discussed in this hearing on thursday may not go directly to the question of that event. Elements like the yearbook and some of the reports of drinking, will those be investigated to try to understand his state of mind at the time, what his activities were when he was 17, or those seemingly secondary tertiary issues . No. I think they are important issues, particularly the drinking. I not thats what i focussed in on when i was watching the hearing and he began describing how much he liked beer, and they always got together to watch games at friends house, drinking beer. He still likes drinking beer. I thought that was a little bit over the top for a 17yearold. On the other hand, if ford as a 15yearold is at a party where these guys are all drinking, whats she doing there in that circumstance where she would be vulnerable . You can have a pretty difficulttodiscern situation on both their parts. I think the drinking could come out. He was definitive that he never passed out. Well, if they come up with a witness who said, yeah, i know times when he drank so much he did pass out or drank so much he got angry or had anger management problems during a drinking episode, that could be devastating to his side. To his story. And when youre dealing with alcohol, how do you filter through any truth that might be connect dodd that . Were talking connected to that . Were talking about parties where the witnesses were drinking. All of the witnesses could have been drunk. Thats true. And 36 years later youre not going to have forensic evidence to back up anybodys good memory or bad memory. Thats where the problem also is in this story and has been all along the past couple of weeks is that if everybody at this party was drinking heavily, you know, thats going to be problematic. In trying to determine the credibility of both witnesses, you know, this could also backfire other way. What if the fbi finds out that in those days ford had an alcohol problem or did drugs or was promiscuous and was a party girl and liked to go to these parties and come on to older boys and that type of thing . She could have a lot to lose in terms of her credibility, but so could kavanaugh if it comes up that he drank to excess on a regular basis. At the time it was illegal for him to drink. Hes 17 years old. Its not legal. Torjs let me ask you about the reports. The 302s tom, let me ask you about the reports. The 302s, generated after the interviews. Does the white house determine how they will be information will be disseminated, or would they go to the members of the Judiciary Committee . You know, who gets the information . I think at this point its going to end up with Judiciary Committee. Formally Background Investigations are not what we would call predicated criminal investigations. In other words, the fbi is not trying to prove, gather evidence on a specific crime. In this case theyre trying to corroborate the sides of the story. And Background Investigations are commissioned by the white house. They have thousands of these ongoing across the country and around the world all the time. The white house and president makes how many nominations, u. S. Attorneys, judges, Supreme Court justices, cabinet officers, and their deputies, head of the executive branch agencies, whether fbi, cia, nasa so all of these positions require fbi Background Investigations. In the Washington Field office of the fbi, you have several squads that do that full time. Then you have additional squads at almost every Field Division of the fbi around the country that are continuously engaged in background checks. The white house orders the backgrounds, the backgrounds go back to the white house, the 302s. Theyre not going to tulg be trying to say definitively, okay, kavanaughs lying, ford is lying. Theyll say what theyve been related. What they learned. How they learned it. Who gave them the information, and pry that back. And then presuming in this provide that back. And then presuming that the white house will turn it over to the committee for their final evaluation. This will be the reports that go back to the white house. But we would expect the point at which were in the process that the white house will give those to the Judiciary Committee . But thats not typically how this works. Well see how it works this time around. Were a week out now from the conclusion of the investigation. Tom fuentes, thanks as always. Thank you, tomb. Thank you, tom. A federal judge has cleared the way for democrats to sue President Trump over the running of his businesses. At the center of the lawsuit is the provision of the constitution, the emolmeants clause, that states that officeholders cannot do business with foreign governments without getting approval from congress. 200 democrats in congress sued the president saying the president is violating the emolum emolum emoluments clause by not seeking permission for hotels to receive payments from foreign governments. When he took office he removed himself from the daytoday operations but remains an owner. This is the second lawsuit against the president regarding his businesses to move forward. A frightening scene in South Carolina. A u. S. Marine forced to eject midair after the u. S. Militarys newest and most expensive aircraft crashes. I get it all the time. Have you lost weight . Of course i have ever since i started renting from national. Because national lets me lose the wait at the counter. And choose any car in the aisle. And i dont wait when i return, thanks to drop go. 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Confusion in congress over Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaughs nomination, chaos outside with two women protesters. Face it, theres talk that these women may have possibly helped change republican senator jeff flakes mind into demanding that fbi investigation and a delay in the Senate Confirmation vote itself. This week there have been strong partisan politics with republicans digging their heels in in their support for kavanaugh. Democrats crying foul. Maria cardona, political commentator and democratic strategist, with us, as well as scott jennings, cnn political commentator and former special assistant to president george w. Bush. Thank you both for being here. Good morning. Good morning to you. Scott, i want to go to you first. Did jeff flake save the republicans in a sense . He saved them tactically in that they need 50 votes, and Vice President mike pence would break a tie, to get kavanaugh confirmed did he save them from a public standpoint from not having this vote when they wanted to have it . Look, i think the only thing that matters is whether they get to 51 votes. They werent going to get there without this. Flake put them in a position to have an investigation for a week to put them to where they get 50 or 51 votes a week from yesterday. Thats all that matters to the white house and the Senate Leadership is tactically speaking, we have to have enough votes to clear the guy. And we dont have them. What do we do to get there . Maria, if the fbi investigation produces nothing definitive, will democrats accept it . I mean, if what you mean is will democrats vote yes on kavanaugh . I think that majority of them will still vote no. You might have a couple of redstate democrats vote yes given what the fbi investigation shows. We dont know what the fbi investigation will show. I still hold very strong that actually the most important thing here is not that republicans get to 51 votes. Most important thing here is that we ensure that one of nine Supreme Court justices dont go on to the highest court in the land with this kind of cloud, with this kind of uncertainty to confirm someone with the suspicion that they could be an attempted rapist. I mean, do republicans have no other choices . Are there no other judges or expert experienced legal minds that they have to go into this with this cloud of uncertainty that makes women wonder whether republicans have their best interests at heart . Thats my question to the Republican Party s. This how badly they want this guy . Why this guy . You have to have other choices. This is what baffles me to no end. Scott, is there another choice . Maria has laid out the entire strategy. No democrats are going to vote for kavanaugh. They want the white house to pull down kavanaugh and restart the process because the strategy is to delay this past the election, try to win the election, and hold the seat open for two years thats not true, scott. Maria is being honest about the strategy. Thats all thats at play. Thats not true. The majority of the country dont want kavanaugh to be confirmed. That wasnt the case with go gorsu gorsuch. None of this came one gorsuch. You cant tell me that there arent others that you could choose from that would never have these kind of allegations come up against them i think anybody the republicans put up at this point, maria, you would create allegations and make the same argument because the strategy did it happen with gorsuch . Did it happen with gorsuch . It didnt. Which means that there are people out in, men out there, women out there, with such impeccable resumes beyond reproach, which is what a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court should be about. If you were ceo of a company, scott, and you were hiring for your highest legal position in a company that had majority women and you are these kind of allegations, you would not hire that person. Listen here, we have the bar should be even higher than that for the Supreme Court. Liz swisher is a College Friend of Brett Kavanaugh. Heres what he told chris cuomo she, rather. Theres no problem with drinking beer in college. The problem is lying about it. He drank heavily. He was a partier. He liked to do beer bongs. He played drinking games. He was a sloppy drunk. He was more concerned with impressing boys than girls. I never saw him sexually aggressive, but he was slos sl drunk. She helped republicans. But he in the hearing said i never got so drunk they was inebria inebriated. Thats not true. He said he never blake cked outd never drank to the point that he didnt remember anything. He never said he wasnt a drinker. If this investigation by the fbi can confirm that anything happened on a sexual nature, but can in some way confirm based on what shes saying, sloppy drunk, can confirm that he lied in the hearing, did he still be confirmed . I dont think Brett Kavanaugh lied in the hearing. I think Brett Kavanaugh said i did drink beer and said, i didnt drink beer so much that i ever blacked out. If the fbi in one week can prove that someone blacked out 35 years ago, 34 years ago, i have a hard time believing that is going to be the case. Kavanaugh i think has told the truth we dont know. Put up his hand under oath and told the truth about his college and high school experience. The fbi needs to rejuvthe witnesses that came rejuvt rejuvtrejuvthe reinterview the witness thats came forward, and put it forward to the committee. Everyone thats given sworn statements to the committee will give the same to the fbi we dont know that the question is will the democrats accept the outcome, and maria said they will not. I have ten seconds. Allegations alone do not equate to guilt. How do we balance believing a victim, which weve seen power in, with due process to an alleged perpetrator . Heres the thing this is not a due process kind of moment. This is a job interview. Hes not on criminal trial. Nobody is saying he needs to be jailed for these allegations. Nobody is saying that. What we are saying is that this is one of nine Lifetime Appointments to the Supreme Court and the bar has got to be the highest bar in the land for the highest court in the land. These kind of allegations are not things that come up for everybody everybody. Is there not another choice where republicans dont have to go into this with this uncertainty where youre going to lose the womens vote in a way that you never have before . Maria and scott, thank you both so much for being here. Thank you very much. Appreciate it. The u. S. Militarys most expensive fighter jet, the f35b, an aircraft like this one, crashed for the first time in South Carolina near the Marine Corps Air station. This was on friday. In a statement, the marines say the pilot ejected safely and is being evaekted. There were evaluated. There were no civilian injured. The f35b that costs about 115 milli million, is the only aircraft capable of taking short takeoffs andvert landings like a and vertical landings like a helicopter. Hundreds have died after an earthquake and tsunami devastate indonesia overnight. Rescuers are scrambling to reach survivors. Well show you the latest. People tell me all the time i have the craziest job, the riskiest job. The consequences underwater can escalate quickly. The next thing i know, she swam off with the camera. Its like, hey, thats mine i want to keep doing what i love. Thats the retirement plan. 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This is the destruction of a cancer cell by the bodys own immune system, thanks to medicine that didnt exist until now. And today can save your life. Breaking news now. Devastation in indonesia after a powerful quake hit and thin trigger earthquake hit and then triggered a tsunami. Watch this. Wow, you see when the affect . Strikes the coast and sweeps through a neighborhood. At last count, 384 people have been killed. Now rescuers are desperately searching for survivors. Matt rivers is following the story. What are you learning this hour . Reporter we know for sure that that the death toll is going to go up. This is very much an ongoing story. 384 is the number now. Over 500 people injured. There are still many more missing and unaccounted for. We do expect the death toll to go up. The earthquake happened friday evening in indonesia. And then the tsunami happened shortly thereafter. Rescuers of course went to work. You saw in the video how powerful the water is. Just think, thats just one section of this part of indonesia. Thats just one video. That kind of scene repeated all along the coast. So rescuers certainly have their work cut out for them moving forward. The city of dongala is near palu where the tsunami happened. That city is not in communication with rescuers. Theres 300,000 people in the city. We dont know the extent of the damage. That gives you an idea of how much worse this might get. What do you know about palu . What can you tell us about that part of indonesia . Reporter its an eastern part of indonesia, a poor area. No other way to put it. The infrastructure there does not stand up well to natural disasters like this. Start with the fact that you had an earthquake. Then you top that with the tsunami. A lot of the houses, the structures that are along the coastline there are nothing more than wooden shacks. They stand no chance against an earthquake or tsunami and certainly not both. Thats what rescue verse working against them, trying to find people buried, roads weare clos. The airport has a crack in the runway. This situation is probably pollen going probably only going to get worse. Thank you very much for bringing us the latest there. Have you heard the one about the mvp candidate and the marine . Victor, whats this about . One of the Better Stories from all of baseball this year. Coming up well tell you about a first pitch several years and thousands of miles in the making. Cal we saved our money and now, we get to spend it our way. Valerie but we worry if we have enough to last. Cal ellen, our certified financial planner™ professional, helps us manage our cash flow and plan for the unexpected. Valerie her experience and training gave us the courage to go for it. Its our confident forever plan. Cal . And its all possible with a cfp® professional. Find your certified financial planner™ professional at letsmakeaplan. Org. 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All four Early Morning pairings were in rally mode on a chilly morning near paris including tiger and patrick reed facing the European Team which beat them in friday morning four ball or better ball. Francesco molinari and tommy fleetwood. Three up for 14. All of this on the heels of a European Team that posted the firstever seep in foursomes to take the lead. The euros won friday, 63. The course is la golf nationale. The americans defending. They need 14 points to keep the trophy to 14. 5 to take it back. Baseball, and it was lit in denver. Is that what they say, christie, lit . I guess. Using champagne like super soakers. Dance clublike, smashing music blaring, after clinching the to the in the playoffs beating the nationals 52. Colorado has work to do before october. Reeks need a win or a dodger loss to earn the n. L. West title or face a winnertakeall wild card game. As and yankees, the a. L. Wild card game coming to the bronx. The yankees bomb their way to the 99th season against the hated rivals the rocks, 96. Lighting up the scoreboard with four home runs. The final off the bat of aaron judge. The yankees tying the alltime record. Finally, check out this incredible moment before the brewers game. Thats Cameron Yelich tossing out the first pitch to his older brother, mvp candidate christian. Cameron was honorably discharged from the marines. Hed never seen his brother play in a bigleague game in person the last four years until last night. Big bro didnt let him down, driving in two rouns. They get two rounds. Brew crew get it 65. Thats the end of lit. Great round. Well put that on the wall next to blingbling and off the hook. Thank you. Listen to this one yes . Facebook hacked. It may have compromised nearly 50 million users private information. Take a look. If you logged in to other Services Like tender, instagram, spotify with your facebook account, ouch. Those may be affected, as well. What happened . 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Dont use fasenra™ for sudden breathing problems or other problems caused by eosinophils. Fasenra™ may cause headache, sore throat, and allergic reactions. Get help right away if you have swelling of your face, mouth, and tongue, or trouble breathing. Dont stop your asthma treatments unless your doctor tells you to. Tell your doctor if your asthma worsens or if you have a parasitic infection. Fasenra™ is a targeted treatment for eosinophilic asthma. Thats important. Ask an asthma specialist about fasenra™. Doespeninsula trail . He you wont find that on a map. Ill take you there. Take this left. If you listen real hard you can hear the whales. Oop. You hear that . vo our Subaru Outback lets us see the world. Sometimes in ways we never imagined. In the United States minors are abused and sold into sex trafficking every day. This weeks cnn hero was once a victim trafficked at the age of 16. Now shes offering safety to other female survivors. Meet susan muncie. Nobody wakes up and just decides one day im going to go sell my body and give the money away. Traffickers or pimps know exactly what theyre doing. Theyre on the internet now. Theyre going on websites, gaming, looking for young, vulnerable women, anywhere where young women might hang out. My vision was to have a home where women could come and find safety and find themselves. To hear susans personal story and the stories of courageous women who have survived sex trafficking, go to cnnheroes. Com. A massive hack at facebook. Arguably the companys biggest Security Breach to date. Were talking about 50 million accounts compromised in an attack that allowed look force take over accounts along with other sites, apps they logged into using facebook. Were talking did instagram and tinder and spotify. The company says it does not know definitively if the affected accounts were misused or if user information was accessed. They know that no credit card information was accessed. Not clear whos responsible for the attack. But Facebook Says theyve already fixed the issue and informed the fbi and other Law Enforcement agencies. Media mogul and founder of cnn, ted turner, revealed in an interview set to air tomorrow that hes battling a breaking news disease known as a form of dementia. Its not like alzheimers, but turner it says leaves him feeling tired, exhausted, mainly forgetful. He still doesnt watch news much anymore, still checks in on cnn. He launched the turner broadcast system before launching Senior Citizen e in 1980. He stepped down in 2003, but his legacy continues to resonate certainly here at cnn. Hey, hey, ho, ho, kavanaugh has got to go. Judge kavanaugh has unequivocally denied the allegations. Judge kavanaughs qualifications have been put forward by renowned scholars. Youre allowing someone who actually violated a woman to sit in the court. I think it would be

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