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Reporter the alleged attack was as bad as she says it was, Christine Blasey ford would have filed charges. I thought that the president s tweet was completely inappropriate and wrong. Good saturday morning to you. Top of the hour. I am victor blackwell. Im Diane Gallagher in this saturday for christi paul. So was it a plan to remove the president from office, or just a sarcastic comment that was taken the wrong way . Deputy attorney general Rod Rosenstein is denying reports that he discussed wearing a wire to record conversations with President Trump last year. Cnn sources have confirmed the story first reported by the New York Times that in the days after james comey was fired as fbi director, rosenstein reportedly talked about recruiting cabinet members to help remove President Trump by invoking the 25th amendment. First he issued a statement denying the report calling it factually incorrect. Then sources say that rosenstein went to the white house, spoke with top aides, and issued another statement saying, quote, i never pursued or authorized recording the president and any suggestion that i have ever advocated for  the removal of the president is absolutely false. Two statements. According to the washington post, President Trump asked advisers yesterday whether he should fire rosenstein. They talked him out of making any decision last night. Yeah. Hes at his golf club in bedminster after a rally in missouri. Cnn White House Correspondent Boris Sanchez joining us live from berkeley heights, new jersey. Anything from President Trump so far on this . Reporter not directly. At least not yet. Were watching twitter to see if the president has announcements as far as personnel changes to his department of justice. Look, its no secret that President Trump has been angry at the doj publicly. Previously some of his grievances include the department of justice not shielding certain republicans from investigations, not prosecuting some of his political enemies, and specifically what the Deputy Attorney general, the president according to sources, has voiced displeasure about the fact that Rod Rosenstein has given Robert Mueller free rein over the russia investigation which, as you know, the president describes as a witch hunt. The president , again, is not directly addressing this. He was asked about it on the tarmac as he was walking to an event in springfield, missouri, yesterday. Though at that event he did send a message that could be perceived as a foreshadowing of the Deputy Attorney generals future. Listen to this we have great people in the department of justice. We have great people, these are people i really believe you take a poll, i got to be at 95 . But youve got real bad wupz. Youve seen what happened at the fbi. Theyre all gone. Theyre all gone. Theyre all gone. [ cheers ] but theres a lingering stenchings and were going to get rid of that, too. Reporter perhaps foreshadowing there. There have long been calls from conservatives for the president to fire the Deputy Attorney general dating back to some of the previous grievances that i mentioned. This report about rosenstein talking about the 25th amendment and potentially wiretapping of the president is ramping that up. We actually saw a tweet from donald trump jr. Last night saying that this was shocking, he was being sarcastic, of course, because the news plays into the nortive weve heard from the president and some of his allies that theres a deep state out there looking to undo his agenda and to impeach the president. Victor and diane . Boris sanchez for us in new jersey. Thank you very much. Joining me, contributor walter schwab, former director of the government of ethics, former district for georgia, and phillip mudd, former fbi Senior Intelligence advise oar. Gentlemen, welcome back. Michael, ill start with. Listen to two people to whom we know President Trump listens sean hannity, laura ingram. The president tonight should seriously consider whether Rod Rosenstein should remain on the job. We just cannot have this plotting at the highest levels of the Justice Department against the chief executive of this executive branch. I have a message for the president tonight under zero circumstances should the president fire anybody. They are hoping and praying the immedia president gets mad, sick and tired of it, and they can turn into their into their equivalent of a friday night massacre. The president needs to know it is all a setup. Judge Jeanine Pirro from fox tweeted that the president should fire Rod Rosenstein. Michael, what to do, what to do . The fox box are telling him he should fire rosenstein. Theyre conflicted if they should or not actually. Is his job any more in jeopardy than it was 24 hours ago . Theres clear dissension amongst the fox cabinet there. Apparently thats where the president goes oftentimes to get advice. My guess at the end of the day is that youll find out this may be an inside plant from the administration to create chaos as the investigates tightens up the Mueller Investigation tightens up around the president. I know Rod Rosenstein. Hes a careful guy. Hes deliberate, and my guess is that if comments like this were made, they were clearly made in jest. And now thats being turned into something else. Think about the chaos the white house is in with the kavanaugh nomination that is teetering. Youve got grassley tweeting. You got trump trying to decide if hes going to talk to mueller, do a takehome test. So it looks to me like the classic case of trying to create a diversion. I think that at the end of the day, rod is probably safe because of there will be so much discussion on capitol hill about what would happen to them in the midterms if hes fired. But what we need to see is some states men and women stand up in the congress and push back and say we wont let it happen, this is what were going to do. These are odd times. Who would have imagined Something Like this crazy would go on . Yeah. I think it hes probably safe. Lets stick with rosensteins job and then the specifics of the reporting. Walter, you have in of the past given some strong guidance and warnings to the president about firing rosenstein, firing sessions. Does this reporting make it any easier for the president to do that andoff said there would be dire consequences. I guess would those be as dire in context of what the New York Times is reporting . I think the bottom line on all this is we should be very concerned about a pet who wants to turn the department of justice into the imperial guard. He tweeted this week that he doesnt are v an attorney general. Of course he doesnt have an attorney general. America has an attorney general. The job of the department of justice is to objectively and independently pursue criminal investigations and other litigation and intelligence matters, not to be the personal servants of a politician to wreak havoc on his enemies. So thats the context you have to view this, not the latest allegations, but that the president has been trying to warp the criminal justice process to his own ends. In terms of the these allegations, well talk about them more. But remember that talking about the 25th amendment is constitutionally protect ed activi activity. Its salt lake what the 25th amendment calls on cabinet members to do, to to confer and figure out if something has to happen. I dont think that happened, but the point is, its its provided for in the constitution. Phil, lets get to the accusations here. Rod rosenstein has denied all of them. To you, phil, just put into context the gravity of the suggestion of wearation wire to record the president of the United States and then to what end i mean, he was recording the chaos and incoherence that many analysts were seeing at the time was public, that we all saw. Count me skeptical, and ill tell you why in a moment. To answer your question, when i first saw the report and talked to my friends, i thought i couldnt be surprised anymore. But to have somebody whos a deputy cabinet official suggest that they dont trust the president enough to the point where they want to wear a wire and a conversation, presumably a reference to the coachy issues last year when comey was writing memos, and there are obviously differing stories about what happened in the conversations. I couldnt believe it. My point when i started by saying im skeptical is context is everything. Say theres a comment about wearing a wire and shrine was laughing. That one word, laughing, tells you its not a serious conversation. Say somebody said there were conversations on capitol hill about invoking the 25th amendment and rosenstein says, well, that could potentially be a federal legal issue, we might want to look at that. That context tells me hes just trying to research an amendment. Context here is everything. And i think were seeing maybe 20 of the story, 30 . Count me skeptical. Michael, back to you. Rosenstein said early on that if at some point in this investigation it was appropriate to recuse himself, that he would do so. Lets remember as mentioned in the reporting of the last 12 or so hours that he wrote the letter on which the white house relied, at least said they did, to fire james comey back in may of 2017. Is it time to recuse himself from the investigation . I dont think so. I think that basically he was used as a tool when he wrote the letter and trump was trying to set him up or sessions wanted to set him up for documentation to concerns about cocoa and expressed by both about comey and expressed by both sides after the election. I dont think he has to recuse himself. He was overseeing the russia investigation. The letter had nothing to do with russia, nothing to do with the interference of the election. Robert mueller is operating a special docounsel now and is moving forward. Rods job is to oversee that. To do approvals, make sure things come through, warrant applications. Im sure he reviews charges before they come out, budget matters, that type of thing. The man in charge of this investigation on the ground is bob mueller. And i think we can have total confidence there. And we can have confidence in rosenstein because hes withstood the pressure to hes not shut the investigation down. He said im going to let it run forward. Hes done that no matter which side its tended to favor through the different trials and indictments and charges and things that have come out. I have 90 seconds. I want to get to both of you one more time. Phil, to you. Let me say this, short of firing rosenstein, whats the impact of this reporting on the investigation, on the department of on the department . Is it rhetorical, or will there be more . There will be impact. Let me cut to the chase. When there are further indictments, and i suspect there will be, the president will use it to his advantage and walk to the American People and line this up with Everything Else thats happened including jim co comey and say none of the indictments are accurate. People like Rod Rosenstein are the deep state, im going to pardon everybody. To you, walter, finally here, i want you to listen to President Trump last night at his rally in missouri and saying who is on the ballot in november for republicans. A poll came out, they said everybodys going out in 2020 because they want to vote for you, they want to vote for the president. Theyre not maybe coming out in 2018. Get out in twa2018 because you voting for me in 2018. Youre voting for me. Thats not what some vulnerable republicans who are trying to create some distance want to hear. Walter, to you, in november, are the persuadable voters, whomevers left, they voting for the president who says that he is against a rigged witch hunt or the deep state as he puts it, or against the person that for eve every couple of weeks, invoking the 25th amendment comes up . Im not ail political analyst so i dont think im not a political analyst so i dont think i have the expertise to see who the voters will vote for. I think its important that in terms of the daytoday operations of the government we stay focused on the concerns about a president trying to interfere with the department of justice. He bought that into the discussion there. And i think that it sounded a little bit to me like hes asking people to ratify his interference with the department of justice. I think thats a job for congress to step in here and told him accountable and tell him that they are a coequal branch of government under the constitution and tell him to leave stay out of the investigation that hes the subject of. Walter schwab, michael moore, phil mudd, thank you all. U. S. Ambassador to the United Nations nikki haley and senator mazy hirono join jake tapper tomorrow on cnn, 9 00 p. M. , and former governor bloomberg joins Fareed Zakaria gps at 10 00 a. M. More coming upped to on the woman accusing coming up on the woman accusing Brett Kavanaugh of Sexual Assault. And ted cruz and beto on, rush hour hit the main stage k. They block it from a second term . Half the story . At t. Rowe price our experts go beyond the numbers to examine Investment Opportunities firsthand. Like ecommerce spurring cardboard demand. 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Christine blasey ford says that kavanaugh sexually assaulted her at a party back when they were in high school. As cnns congressional correspondent, Phil Mattingly explains, theres no guarantee that lawmakers are going to get the answer that they want today. Deadlines have been set, negotiations have been ongoing. Fits and starts. But actually happening, and deadlines have been blow past. The real question will republicans move forward with a vote on Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh without hearing from the individual who alleges he sexually assaulted her back in high school . It remains an open question, one driven by high drama throughout the course of friday as Senate Republicans responded to initial conditions laid out by debra katz, attorney for Christine Blasey ford, on thursday night. Those conditions were not only laid out but also given a deadline. First 5 00 a. P. M. , then 10 00 p. M. , then Chuck Grassley made the statement that that was it. There needed to be an agreement by 10 00 p. M. , not a he got a response. He was accused of bullying Christine Blasey ford, saying they werent given enough time to respond in detail given the stakes and scope of the allegations and the lifechanging potential testimony that she would have to give. Where does that leave things . It leaves things as an open question. As it currently stands, the Senate Judiciary committee is scheduled to vote on Brett Kavanaughs nomination on monday. Will that change at some point over the course . Well have to wait and see. Phil mattingly, cnn, capitol hill. Joining me now to break all of this down, lynn sweet, Washington Bureau chief for the suntimes. Phil was saying that weve seep three deadlines set the past 24 hours. What is the rush, first of all, here . I mean, between the death of just staly and the nomination of neil gore such, it was two weeks gorsuch, it was two weeks to the dlieeadline. Was there a rush . Theres a rush on the part of republicans because they want to get it done by the Midterm Election wheres theres a slight but a chance of Senate Democrats taking over the chamber and also its always better to have this settle the before an election than after letting this after and letting this become closer to the midterms than weeks away. When you mention the timeline of the replacement for just scalia, remember it includes more than 200 days where the republicans refused to give judge makerrick garland even a hearing. When senator grassley puts deadlines on it does seem absurd because clearly they were in no hurry during the last year of president obamas administration. This is to try and, i guess, force action while at the same time giving senator grassley the look of being reasonable and accommodating, but the only thing missing now is a countdown clock at the bottom of our screen. Dont count that out yet. Look, youre talking about that because the longer the accusations hang over judge kavanaughs head, arguably the harder it is going to be for republicans to get him confirmed. Now, Christine Blasey fords attorneys have come back each time with demands that vary here. Listen real quick to what Susan Collins who is seen as a key in all of this, what she had to say about some of those demands and what she thinks they mean for example it does not make sense for her to insist that judge kavanaugh go before her because otherwise how can he respond . On the other hand, her request for a hearing later in the week, her requests for security, her requests to not have the judge in the room, i think, are requests that should be accommodated. So lynn, if her attorneys are kind of coming back with these different requests, some of them make sense, some of them not so much, do they have the upper hand in this situation . For the moment because if senator grassley forces a vote on monday, he will likely win it, the committee vote, and you know, even if she testifies, by the way, it is still she will have to be a compelling witness to change his trajectory. The upper hand in the moment is with her because theres a sense that her story should be out for the republicans and the white house to truly want the story out and then give judge kavanaugh a chance to respond. But the true upper hand is with Mitch Mcconnell who has the power to call the vote. Lynn sweet, thank you very much. Mitch mcconnell sounding very confident at the voters conference this weekend. And now the ramifications of Hurricane Florence getting wars. Getting worse from conway. Reporter good morning. The water is starting to creep into these neighborhoods, and its only going to get worse. Coming up after the break, well tell you how high the water is expected to rise. You typing in the coordinates . 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South carolina is still feeling the effects of Hurricane Florence this morning. The town of nichols almost completely under water. You see there are some highways still closed, and the local roads are almost impasse animal. More waters expected to rise today. Cnn correspondent nick valencia is in country way, South Carolina conway, South Carolina, where you can see how the conditions are there. What are you seeing this morning . Whats coming . Reporter yeah, good morning. We all knew that this was going to happen. All week long officials have been warning residents that the water, overflow from the waccamaw river, its here. It was going to overflow into the community. This is a community that had already been hit hard by flash flooding from Hurricane Florence. That water receded long enough for the president to make his visit here this week, this is the same neighborhood that he walked around in. Residents hard hit after Hurricane Florence, and now getting it for a second time in about ten days here. We have been here most of the week, watching the water group up water creep up from the waccamaw record. And now a new record. More than 18 feet at the waccamaw river. The last was set at 17. 9 after Hurricane Management we. Its only matthew. Its only going to get worse. Check out sherwood here in conway b. Three blocks of flooding. It just goes back and back, two miles from the waccamaw river. This is an area not under mandatory evacuation. Most residents have gotten out of here, though. There are several we spoke to that said they were going to keep an eye on the water levels, theyve been coming out every morning to check. Its been inching closer and closer into this community. I talked to the city administrator, they are anxious and nervous, they believe water rescues will take place sometime this weekend as that water is expected to crest from the waccamaw river. Its not expected to crest until tuesday, perhaps wednesday. Its at 18 feet now, expected to crest at 22 feet. You can only imagine what the neighborhood will look like in the coming days, guys. Nick valencia, trouble still ahead. Thank you very much. Meteorologist Allison Chinchar in the Weather Center with the forecast. Nick painted a pretty grim picture. Yeah. So the good news is there is no rain expected today in that general area. But that changes starting coming up this week, monday and tuesday specifically around the conway area. Thats a concern because look at the areas you still have under flood warnings as we speak right now. And to look at all of the rivers, all those dots you see there, those are minor, moderate, even major flood stage for a lot of those locations. Were still keeping an eye around conway. At least for the next week its expected to stay in major flood stage. We actually dont expect to get back normal levels for a while because of all of the water. Each as florence exited even as florence exited, it was still able to pull the moisture. The concern is going to be additional rain chances once we get to monday and tuesday. This isnt the only spot that were concerned about for flooding. Believe it or not, weve had other areas including texas and oklahoma. Look at the amount of rain that has fallen in the last 36 hours, 14, even 15 inches in portions of South Central oklahoma. Thats not the only area, though. Weve also had arkansas pick up areas of very heavy rainfall. The concern Going Forward is look at where we have all of these flood watches, flood warnings, even flash flood warnings in effect because of the amount of rain. Dallasfort worth, by the way, seven inches they picked up yesterday actually pushed them over the threshold to be the wettest september on record. And diane, when you look at the numbers, they still have more to come. Still likely to pick up perhaps an additional two to five inches of rain again today. Allison chinchar, thank you very much. Fema head brock long will have to reimburse the federal government after an internal report found he misused government vehicles. According to the report, long used the cars for his commute to and from work without permission. A sixhour drive from North Carolina to washington. This is a statement from long as the leader of this agency, i accept full responsibility for any mistakes that were made by me or the agency. Homeland security secretary Kirstjen Nielsen says she still has full confidence in longs ability to perform the job. Earlier reports were that she had asked for longs resignation. It could be the midterms hottest contest, and its n texas. The race between ted cruz and beto orourke. The two met face to fate last night in their first debate. Well get you caught up. President trump calls them violent animals. Americas most feared and violent street gang is making headlines again with a series of killings on the east coast. 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Your doctor should perform blood tests before you start and while taking xeljanz xr, and monitor certain liver tests. Tell you doctor if you were in a region where fungal infections are common and if you have had tb, hepatitis b or c, or are prone to infections. Needles. Fine for some things. But for you, one pill a day may provide symptom relief. Ask your doctor about xeljanz xr. An unjection™. Senator ted cruz and representative beto orourke held their first debate of their senate race last night. Yeah, look, the two, they traded barbs over, of course, the president , policy, and who was the most texan. This was something that trended all night on twitter. People in texas and around the country have been waiting for it. National correspondent ed lavandera was there and has the story. Imi innot going to repeat islander reporter the texas debate isnt the kind of moment that generates political inteague. 2018 in texas is intrigue. 2018 in texas is different. T ted cruz and beto orourke wasted no time scrapping it out over who is more texan. I have an idea of values and interests of what being texas are. Within months of being sworn to be your texas, ted cruz wasnt in texas, he was in iowa. Congressman orourke doesnt understand that being in office is about barbs. Reporter beto orourke wondering if he can topple the republican senator, ted cruz. He has on his agenda, universal health care, education reform, granting dreamers citizenship status, as well as criminal justice remember and legalizing marijuana. God bless texas. Reporter cruz is on a mission to paint orourke as a dangerous leftist. One, two, three reporter and is fully embracing donald trump, a strong economy, and increased border securit security. Even in this debate, escaping the shadow of thank you very much was impossible. Cruz was asked if he had lost his dignity by praising the president after trump insulted his father and wife. Ive got a responsibility which is to fight for every person here and every person in this state. And so i have worked hand in hand with the president on substance, and we have delivered remarkable victories. Listen, if the president attacks you personally, your wife, your father, how you respond is your business. Thank you. When the president attacks our institutions, this country, allows a foreign power to invade our democracy, that is our business. We need a u. S. Senator who will stand up to this president reporter some polls have shown orourke within striking distance of cruz. However, the latest poll released this week from quinnipiac shows cruz with a ninepoint lead. On the campaign trail, cruz has been sounding the alarm that this race is indeed closer than most would expect in this red state. The first debate ended with a hint of perhaps whats to come in the final weeks of the campaign. Bernie sanders believes in what hes fighting for. Believes in socialism. Now i think what hes fighting for doesnt work. But i think you are absolutely sincere, like bernie, that you believe in expanding government and higher taxes, and i commend you for fighting for what you believe in. True to form. Reporter the question is, will the Texas Senate Race play out true to form where the history of democrats trying to unseat a republican in texas have ended in unceremonious flailings. Secretary of state mike pompeo has a warning for iran, and the u. S. Military could be involved. His interview with cnn straight ahead. What makes this simple salad the best simple salad ever . Great tasting, hearthealthy california walnuts. So simple, so good. Get the recipes at walnuts. Org. But prevagen helps your brain with an ingredient originally discovered. In jellyfish. In clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve shortterm memory. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. When we switched our auto and home insurance. 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Secretary of state mike pompeo has a warning for iran saying the country will be held accountable for any attacks on u. S. Forces even by proxy forces. He sat down with cnns elise labbot. We have told the Islamic Republic of iran that using a proxy force to attack an American Interest will not prevent us from responding against the prime actor. Reporter a direct threat from the secretary of state against iran after a pair of rocket attacks hit u. S. Facilities in iraq allegedly by iranianbacked initial as. We will not initimilitias. We will not let iran using a proxy force to attack American Interests. Iran will be held accountable for those incidents. Reporter even military . Theyll be held accountable. If theyre responsible for the arming and training of these militias, were going to go to the source. Reporter pompeo doubled down on his for meeting with iranian officials and counseling them on a strategy. Until President Trump pulled out of a nuclear teal with aran. How is this jeopardizing your efforts right now . No american and no former secretary of state should be actively seeking to undermine the Foreign Policy of the United States of america and frankly, thats secretary kaer as problem. Pompeo said he will begin negotiations with north korea this week. But conceded the fate of any agreement hinges on the bond between President Trump and kim jongun. Is the president allowing kim jongun to set the pace and scope knowing he made these commitments and trust hell make that decision ultimately . The pace would be uneven but the progress each and every day was important. We think were getting that. Remember sanctions remane in place. U. N. Security counsel resolutions demand chairman kim make the decision to denuclearization and the sanctions will continue until such time as that occurs. Bob woodward details measures the closest aids have done to curb what they describe as president s a cabinet that is moving things around to save the country from the president s national security. Have you seen that and do you do that . I find that absolutely ludicrous. There arent men a members of the cabinet that spend as much time as i have. I see and talk to him every day now. This is a president full ey informed, well briefed, listens, asks hard questions and looking towards solving so men of of the problems plaguing this world. It was left to us. Well get it right. And iran will be a major focus next week at the United Nations. Pompeo will also be meeting with members oof the iranian opposition, all part of an administrationwide effort to rally the world to counter iran. Cnn, washington. Frighting now video show thing moment a man comes face to face with a tornado. Oh, my god. Oh, my goodness. When your blankets freshness fades before the bingewatching begins. 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Simple. Easy. Awesome. Stay connected while you move with the best wifi experience and twohour appointment windows. Click, call or visit a store today. But he has plans today. Ain. Hey dad. So he took aleve. If hed taken tylenol, hed be stopping for more pills right now. Only aleve has the strength to stop tough pain for up to 12 hours with just one pill. Aleve. All day strong. In this weeks staying well we take a look at how the arts program is helping everyone learn new skills and see the big picture. There are 4,000 work oz of public art in this city. We use art to transform vujs too, provide people with a moment of hope too, build resiliency. Its the nations largest communitybased art program, making art impact individuals in need because they are called on to be creative. They start to see themselves in terms of potential and self worth. The artists are lead thing vision. And once you land on a design and everyones on board with it, its amazing to see it come to life. Im a former sergeant in the army. I have ptsd. If we worked with people painting. Can represents every setven. We work with with people behind the walls of prison. Today was the air brush work shop and today we showed the Young Brothers how you make money every five minutes. It is to be independent in the real world. Im turning into an artist. It took just moments for a tornado in canada to rip off roofs. As one storm victim caught this video. This was in the town near ottawa. The man who took that video says he did get the warning but just minutes later the tornado was right in front of him as we can see there. The mayor says Emergency Personnel are goinger to to door to check on people now. Want to fwifb you a live look at conway, South Carolina. Seeing water rise again in neighborhoods. Officials say by the time the river crests in just a couple days, it is going to set a new flood record. Reporter dep outy attorney general Rod Rosenstein floated the idea to secretly wear a wire to tape President Trump last year. Just take a look at whats now being exposed in our department of justice and the fbi. Theres a lingering sterch and were going to get rid of that too. Brett kavanaugh, he was born for the u. S. Supreme court, he was born for it. I thought that the

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