Several Senior Administration officials including the attorney general, including the director of National Intelligence and a couple of others, this weird refusal to discuss the nature of their conversations with the president about whether the president tried to stop this investigation which, of course, is something that points to the question, and i do say the question of obstruction of justice. You dont get to refuse to answer a question to the United States Congress Unless youre claiming your fifth amendment rights or if youre claiming executive privilege. Those are the two excuses by which you dont get to answer questions. They say the white house put them in a jam because they asked whether or not the white house wanted to exercise its immunity and they didnt hear back. If they didnt hear back, that means the white house is not exerting executive privilege. Thats the way its got to be. This idea that came up last week, im going to say nothing because i want to preserve the right of the president to invoke executive privilege, that means no one will answer a question around here again. My point is, they have to answer those questions so we can come to understand how intense the president s effort was to stop or slow the russia investigation. Congressman, appreciate your take on these issues. They all matter. Thank you very much. Thanks, chris. Thanks to our International Viewers for watching. For you, cnn newsroom is next. For our u. S. Viewers, we have new reporting and it is time to get after it i think its important that the Senate Moves Forward and passes health care reform. I cant imagine, quite honestly, id have the information to justify a yes vote within just a week. If we went and got the single greatest Health Care Plan in the history of the world, we would not get one democrat vote. Let us improve obamacare, but were in the going to destroy it. Theres great cause for concern in terms of Jared Kushner continuing to have a security clearance. Were a country of laws. Lets go through the due process. We attributed the hacking directly to the russian government. One individual in america to not accept this basic fact is the president of the United States. This is nude wiis nudnew da well soon know whats in the Senate Republican plan to repeal obamacare. Not even the president says he knows whats in it yet. Meanwhile, President Trump is back in Campaign Mode. He was on the trail, for lack of a better word, touting accomplishments and announcing new priorities. The president also making an eyebrow raising comment about his wealthy cabinet and advisers. We have it all covered for you. Lets begin with cnns Suzanne Malveaux live on capitol hill. Whats the latest there, suzanne . Reporter good morning, alisyn. The Senate Health care legislation has been shrouded in secrecy to the frustration of many republicans, even the key votes needed for it to pass. That will change at 9 30 this morning. Theyll get a chance to take a look at the legislation and have it unfold. Cnn has gotten an early look at some of the plan which, of course, is subject to change. I hope were going to surprise you with a really good plan. Reporter Senate Leadership hoping to appeal to both moderate and conservative republicans with a bill that is expected to phase out Medicaid Expansion starting in 2021, a year later than the house bill, and defund planned parenthood for one year which could be a deal breaker for two key republican senators. Republicans can only afford to lose two votes since no democrat is expected to support the bill. They made it clear theyre not interested in helping. This bill is mean, very mean. Reporter the bill is not expected to include the controversial house proposal that would allow states to decide on protections for people with preexisting conditions. But the senate may allow for a new set of waivers that could eliminate essential health benefits. There are still details we dont know about the bill that could decide its fate, including when obamacare taxes will be repealed, how much money will be allocated for highrisk pools and how the senate will calculate the distribution of tax credits, expected to be more generous than the house plan. Already some republicans are expressing frustrations. I cant imagine, quite honestly, id have the information to evaluate within a week. Reporter whatever the final draft, senate aides say the Republican Leaders want President Trump to stay far away from the negotiating, describing an earlier meeting as kind of a disaster. The president sounded hopeful at last nights rally in iowa. Ive been talking about a plan with heart. I said add some money to it. A plan with heart. Obamacare is dead. Reporter the Congressional Budget Office score is expected as soon as tomorrow, followed by senate debate. There are lots of changes that will be made. Senate Majority Leader Mitch Mcconnell wants a vote on the legislation by the july 4th recess which gives little time for lawmakers or even the public to read or amend this bill. Thats right. That could be a deal breaker for some of them. Suzanne, thank you very much. President trump back in Campaign Mode last night celebrating election victories and making news with comments about hits cabinet and advisers. Cnns joe johns is live at the white house with more. Reporter its been eight months since the wleks night victory that sent dram here to the white house. Last night republicans were celebrating a pair of house seat victories and elections just this week, putting the president back into Campaign Mode, able to celebrate at least for one night on the road. All we do is win, win, win. We won last night. Reporter an energized President Trump returning to the environment he loves the most, a Campaign Rally. Its always terrific to be able to leave that washington swamp. Reporter going after his favorite targets, the media and democrats. And theyve been unbelievably nasty, really nasty. I am making it a little bit hard to get their support, but who cares . Reporter while touting his promised border wall. Were thinking about building the wall as a solar wall, therefore, mexico will have to pay much less money. Thats good, right . Reporter President Trump rallying his loyal supporters with this immigration proposal. Those seeking admission into our country should not use welfare for a period of at least five years. Reporter a rule that is already the law of the land and reiterating this rather vague concern about chinas influence on north korea. I do like president xi. I wish we would have more help with respect to north korea from china, but that doesnt seem to be working out. Reporter the president also touting his wealthy cabinet picks before making this eyebrow raising statement. I love all people, rich or poor. But in those particular positions, i just dont want a poor person. Does that make sense . Reporter only briefly mentioning the russia investigations hanging over his administration. They have phony witch hunts going against me. Reporter but mr. Trump is silent about russias interference in the 2016 election, an issue the white house continues to dodge when pressed for the president s position. I have not salt down and talked to him about that specific thing. Reporter a former Homeland Security secretary testifying tuesday that evidence of russian meddling is undeniable. In 2016 the russian government at the direction of Vladimir Putin himself orchestrated cyberattacks on our nation for the purpose of influencing our election. That is a fact plain and simple. Reporter one of the president s lawyers has suggested this might be the week the president would reveal whether there are recordings of his conversations with the now fired fbi director james comey. So far no word on that. The president has suggested journalists will be disappointed with the answer to that question. Chris and alisyn . Joe, appreciate it. Lets discuss. We have political analysts David Gregory and john avlon and cnn chief Political Correspondent dana bash. Well get to that in a second. We get the procession was secretive and we get that was opportunistic because they want to deliver on their promise to repeal and replace. Mitch mcconnell believes this is the best way. What does today bring . I think it starts to sharpen the debate, both within the Republican Party and then the senate overall. I think its really interesting to try to understand, as i think some of the reporting and the discussion on the program this morning has gotten into, what is the strategy of leader mcconnell in terms of how he gets the votes and how he sells the plan . One big takeaway for me is there seenls to be a conflict on what the president says has got to be Health Care Without a heart. Hes described the house bill as mean. How is he going to square that with what the senate wants to do, which has been described this morning on the program as obamacare light, rolling back provisions that are in obamacare while retaining some of the more popular provisions. How is that going to work . Thats that conflict between i think the president s reticents about the partys desire to move forward and do just that to please a conservative base that thought it was too much Government Intervention to begin with. Dana, help explain the math here of this bill. They can only afford to lose two votes and there are already three senators who publicly expressed being on the fence. So whats going to happen here . Well, one of those three has said no way, no how, rand paul of kentucky. And a couple of others are getting close to that. The math is what it is which is what makes this such a cliffhang cliffhanger. I was up on capitol hill talking to some sources this week and noting senator Mitch Mcconnell is really the ultimate tactician. The years of covering him i was saying to sources i have a lot of faith that he may have a series of rabbits in his hat that hes going to figure out. I was told maybe this time maybe not. Maybe he doesnt know exactly how this game is going to end, how this game of cles is going to end which is usually what he plays. And the reason s p because of the math, that he can only afford to lose two republicans, both sides of the republicans who have problems with a lot of the substance of what theyre doing. But also, just on the pure politics of this, he has concluded that win, lose or draw, this has got to be dealt with, that the senate has to deal with it, much like we saw earlier in the year on the house side, that paul ryan said we just have to do it and he gave up for a short time. That that is the calculous of Mitch Mcconnell, that even if it doesn doesnt, it will be bad, but worse would be not trying. Another big headline, trump has a rally last night. Trump taking a victory lap. Hes done well. You can see these are republican districts, but they won and the democrat made a hard push and fell short. He said something last night that was met with applause that requires your consideration. Listen to this. Somebody said why did you appoint a rich person to be in charge of the economy . Its true. And wilbur is a very rich person in charge of commerce. I love all people, rich or poor. But in those particular positions i just dont want a poor person. This i feel should bother a lot of people, not in that room where they were applauding, that wilbur ross, know him, covered him, smart guy, competent choice. Nice loafers. Nice loafers. He made a point last night that seemed to appoint some type of significance to weld that goes to competency that poor people wouldnt have. I was thinking, boy, i wonder what young, scrappy and hungry would think . Alexander hamilton revolutionized Government Spending and never had two nickels to rub together. Being wealthy is not bad. Its a virtue in america that should be applauded when done the right way. Hes done the opposite. They rolled back doddfrank and now hes saying i dont want poor people in certain positions. Hes got the wealthiest cabinet in history. Certainly a lot of the prospect of a populous billionaire is always tough to believe. But then youve got to go beyond the rhetoric to what policies hes implementing. There hasnt been a lot to try to shrink the gap between the rich and poor. As much as i wanted to hear you rap and i thought you were going there. Hes going there. Let me see if i can stoke the fire. What donald trump basically said is Alexander Hamilton need not apply for a job in my cabinet. The man who invented americas finance system, our first treasury secretary was an immigrant who was dirt poor, hadnt had any financial success. I think that goes to show thats the wrong criteria for the cabinet, wrong criteria you guys are being awfully quaint with this notion. No. In our cap lift society wealth equals success. It just does. Not always. It equals opportunity, advantage. It could have been handed to you. Someone could have a check written to get into college. Im saying that is the goal. That means these people have been im telling you im channelling how some of Donald Trumps voters feel, and that is these guys obviously have some sort of secret sauce and they want a part of it from somebody who has been wildly wealthy. Its the equating of that with insight, expertise, virtue. If someone has been economically successful on their own, i. E. , they havent been given to them. The crowd in cedar rapids is eating it up. Partly because its a tribal environment. Dana, my point is this you talk to different people and get lots of different opinions about it. But it was a big thrust, when trump was campaigning, what would he say to these people, the working class in general, i know these guys, i know how they make their money, they cant do that to me, ill take care of it. Instead hes surrounded himself with. Now hes saying, poor people, i love them, but theyre not as good as rich people when it comes to certain jobs. I went to trump rally after trump rally, definitely theyre not monolithic, but i did hear over and over again one of the things that were drawing trump voters to him was the fact that he made a lot of money or at least he says he made a lot of money. Alisyn is exactly right, it was aspirational and that he didnt care, he was going to bust this place up, this place being washington and all of the above. That was a part of it. The president knows that and he was completely playing into that by talking about wilbur ross. I would bet that, if he were to do it over again, if you would put truth serum in his wheatitys and say, would you say it just like that, i dont need poor people . Probably not. He was trying to make the flip side of that argument about the fact that he thinks that people who know how to make money, who have made money can be there. But i also think that Alexander Hamilton and others who are intellectually capable of understanding the economic process. You have all kind of people designing your economic opportunity. The rich doesnt necessarily mean theyre all one people. Let me add one other point. I do think this is an example of overly interpreting trump. Weve been around long enough in the Trump Presidency to watch him make these eye rolling statements that seem to be so offensive to people if they took it literally and some people will be offended on the merits of it. What hes basically saying is were going to come in from the outside, we want to win. Im going to get people who are winners from the private sector and theyre going to bust up government and finally do that right. Thats, a, not necessarily the case, and b, can probably turn a lot of people off. Can we just for a Second Square the circle on this literal dichotomy. We can square the circle on that now that hes governing, now that hes actually president. Where the rubber meets the road is what hes doing in terms of policy. And where his policies keep sidestepping that rhetoric about taking it to the rich and powerful and special interest and instead feeding them and creating loopholes they can drive through, thats where we need to keep our actions focused. Chriss point, because hes been surrounded by folks with a certain perspective, the rules and policies seem to cater to their interest. Thats a good point. John, are you tired of winning . Apparently he doesnt want to win anymore. Thats my problem with avalon. Understood. Were all exhausted from it. I feel that. Thank you all very much. Meanwhile, Senate Republicans are about to unveil their secret health care bill. What are democrats planning in response . Senator ron wyden tells us next. T summer deals up to 40 off. Visit booking. Com. Booking. Yeah tech when you schedule with safelite autoglass, you get time for more life. This family wanted to keep the game going. Son hey mom, one more game . Tech with safelite, you get a text when were on our way. You can see exactly when well arrive. Mom sure. Bring it tech im micah with safelite. Mom thanks for coming, its right over here. Tech giving you a few more minutes for what matters most. 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I think i hope, i hope the Republican Senate if we went and got the single greatest Health Care Plan in the history of the world, we would not get one democrat vote because theyre obstructionists. Theyre obstructionists. Joining us now is democratic senator ron wyden of oregon. Good morning, senator. Good morning. Have you any sense of the meat of whats in this plan . Look, here is what were dealing with. Senate republicans are playing with numbers, forgetting those numbers are peoples lives. Were talking about, for example, a baby boomer who has had a stroke and needs nursing home care, special needs kids, disabled folks. What we know is this is going to look a lot like the house bill and is going to mean a lot of pain for millions of americans. Are you democrats in that case preparing some sort of Rapid Response team to react to this . Whats your plan once its unveiled today . Yes, we are all in. Our big job as i just indicated, is to actually make clear what this means for peoples lives. For example, tomorrow a number of Democratic Senators are going to have a day of action in their home states. Were going to do it on the floor of the United States senate. Were talking to provider groups, particularly those in places like rural america. The house bill, well have to see what the senate does has something called an age tax which would mean if youre between 55 and 64, you would pay hundreds of dollars more in premiums for your health care. Were going to make clear what this means for peoples lives. Are you leaning on your senate colleagues, the republicans who have publicly stated that they may be on the fence about this. Im talking about murkowski and collins and rand paul. Are you talking to them . Yes. The fact is the Senate Republicans have now put themselves in a real vice. Some of the Senate Republican conservatives who want to actually be meaner than what the house is talking about. Then you have a number of republican senators who say that they care about medicaid. I worked with them. I worked with them on a bipartisan basis on health care and i sure hope they havent ended up changing. Senator, here is the confusing thing. If the plan is as bad as you foresee it, it doesnt make political sense. I mean it is political suicide for republicans to hang their hats on something that would hurt their constituents. Their constituents voted to replace obamacare. They werent happy with their choices. So it doesnt make sense theyre going to deliver something the way you describe it as being so pure any shows. Remember, their constituency is especially the fortunate few. This legislation, again, based on the house, is likely to deliver hundreds of billions of dollars in tax cuts to the very fortunate. Were going to have to see the details, but when you talk about their constituency, certainly the fortunate few, the 1 based on the house bill would benefit tremendously. You know thats not President Trumps base. You see all the big stadiumstyle events and rallies that he has. Theyre not what youre calling the fortunate few. That shows the gap between what he says at those rallies and what he supports. Again, if you look at the house bill which he welcomed on the white house grounds, that had hundreds of billions of dollars in tax cuts for the wealthy paid for by hundreds of billions of dollars in cuts, for example, in medicaid which accounts for two out of three nursing home beds. Theres a big gap between his rhetoric out on the stump and the bills he talks about on the white house lawn. Before i let you go, i want to ask you about President Trumps top adviser and soninlaw, Jared Kushner. Theres some call for him to have his security clearance revoked because of the on going russia investigation. Do you want to see his security clearance revoked . Im following up on those questions. Look, there are a lot of unanswered questions. Ive asked, for example, the cia director, mike pompeo, about matters relating to what mike flynn learned in secret briefings. We have a lot of questions to get resolved. Youre not taking a position yet on whether Jared Kushners security clearance should be revoked . We dont talk about committee deliberations. Ill tell you im digging into the area. Senator ron wyden, thanks very much for being on new day. Up next, what are Senate Republicans going to do with this health plan bill . Once they find out whats in it, how are they going to get together within their own party . Were hearing something unusual. Gop senators, other lawmakers are saying they dont like whats going on. How do they get together next . 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Bexsero should not be given if you had a severe allergic reaction after a previous dose. Most common side effects are pain, redness or hardness at the injection site; muscle pain; fatigue; headache; nausea; and joint pain. Bexsero may not protect all individuals. Tell your healthcare professional if youre pregnant or if you have received any other meningitis b vaccines. Ask your healthcare professional about the risks and benefits of bexsero and if vaccination with bexsero is right for your teen. Moms, we cant wait. If we came to you and said, heres your plan. Youre going to have the greatest plan in history and youre going to pay nothing, theyd vote against it, folks. I hope were going to surprise you with a really good plan. Ive been talking about a plan with heart. I said add some money to it. A plan with heart, but obamacare is dead. Interesting choice of words from President Trump after he originally celebrated the house gops plan in the white house rose garden last month. Do you remember that . So what changed . Joining us, republican congressman Chris Collins from new york. Good to have you with us. Always good to be with you. Whats the answer to that, the plan was great, its the best when he was in the rose garden. Now he says its mean, it notes heart. What changed . Im not focused on that as well as i am with the problems with obamacare, its failed. I was with the chamber of commerce last week, they lost 25 of members because they could no longer offer membersin to the membership. Its all about jobs and the economy. The fact is, chris, we promised to deliver on the repeal and replacement of obamacare. I do think the senate is getting very close. I understand everyone says its going to be a nail biter next week, but we made that promise to america. They are suffering tremendously under obamacare with deductibles they cant afford. Insurance rates going up in my district. 50 was just announced. So we have to do something, to use an adjective here or there, i was certainly somewhat disappointed in senator wyden using words like mean. No one goes to work and says today im going to be mean. Why are you putting it on senator wyden . Thats what the president said. He said its mean, it needs heart. How do you not focus on what the president is telling you about your own bill . Because we are delivering to america on a promise me made to help, amongst other things, get the economy moving, deliver Affordable Health insurance that has deductibles where you can afford to fill your prescription and go to the doctor. I would not use those particular words, but we made a promise and it sounds like Mitch Mcconnell and the senators are about to deliver on that promise, and what weve said is, when en that bill comes to the house, thats what were going to vote on. Theres no question there are problems with the aca. I think theres fair room for criticism with the democrats they ladd time to fix it. Yes, you guys were in obstruction mode and its hard to Work Together in d. C. And everyone plays to advantage. Even now theres a lot of opportunities to get ideas out there because this process has been so constipated. When you say this is going to deliver on our promise, i did some digging into your district. Ill never know it as well as you do and your people there find you popular for a reason. If you pull the money out of the system the way youre planning to, its going to hit your constituents really hard. You have a lot of people depending on that medicaid delivery money, and you know the state is not going to be able to match it with its own funds. What are you going to tell them . I dont want to on your show mall line your brother. Go ahead. I do it all the time. In a 160 billion budget, what were talking about doing, with mine and john fasos proposal that the counties will no longer pick up the tab thats about 2. 3 billion a little over 1. 5 of the budget. On the rollback on the expansion, depending on where the senate bill ends up, that could be another 1. 5 . Our governor would have two years to figure out how to cut 3 out of a 160 billion budget for 20 million people. Youre pulling a lot more money out than that, congressman. Again, well see where it winds up. Thats a fair point, it hasnt made it through reconciliation yet. The way youre doing it, through reconciliation there are certain rules. Really all you can do effectively is suck money out. Theres money coming out. Theres a lot of money coming out thats going to hit the level of Income Participation that you have in your district. State is not going to be able to fix it. I dont think any state could. It would be very easy for new york. Lets face it. Florida has the same number of people of new york with an 80 billion budget. We have 160. I could argue we could cut our budget by 50 if we follow the florida model. Lets be careful about the numbers because it gets so muddy so fast and we dont really know what they are yet. Conceptually, if youre cutting the tax credit someone gets who is already struggling to make ends meet and youre cutting the amount of money that their state will get to help deliver them health care, how are you helping them . Well, in fact, we are going to be giving them refundable advanced refundable tax credits. Which is less than what theyre getting now. To go to the market and perhaps buy the insurance from their local chamber of commerce. Thats all im saying, its less. Any way you look at it, its less. Tell me how less will be more for your constituents. Amongst other things, i believe youre going to see premiums coming down. Theres significant problems with the way obamacare was structured. But im not agreeing with you that its going to be less. Arent the tax credits going to be less than the current allotment of the subsidy . Its going to depend on an individuals age, the size of their family, their income. Arizona you get older and make less money, youre going to get less. In new york we have a onetoone age rating. Theres no problem on the older side in new york state. You cannot charge an older person anymore than you can charge an 18yearold. The cbo said, as you get up into the 50s, those people because their Health Care Costs get more expensive not in new york. That the reckoning is going to be that way. Not in new york. We have a onetoone age rating. You cant charge a 64yearold anymore than an 18yearold in the state of new york. An older person in new york is probably better off than anybody else in the United States of america. In my district and in new york state, it simply doesnt apply. You want to keep that protection, right . Theres no question the onetoone rating will stay in new york. Thats a decision by our legislature, the governor and the head of our department of health. And you favor it . Im in favor of it, yes. As we get the details of what is in the bill, please congressman come back on. Id like to do that. Always appreciate you being on. Important conversation. Good to be with you. Chris, capitol hill coming together again for a ball game. This time women took the field including one bona fide hero. The details next. New mass transit. New business friendly environment. New lower taxes. And new University Partnerships to grow the businesses of tomorrow today. Learn more at esd. Ny. Gov a mihappy birthday, sweetie oh, millies. Trick or treat were so glad to have you here. What if we treated great female scientists like they were stars . Yasss queen what if millie dresselhaus, the first woman to win the National Medal of science in engineering, were as famous as any celebrity . [millie dresselhaus was seen having lunch today. ] [. Rumors of the new discovery. ] what if we lived in a world like that . crowd applauding we know a place thats already working on it. Times up, insufficient were on prenatal care. Es. And administrative paperwork. Your days of drowning people are numbered. Same goes for you, budget overruns. And rising costs, wipe that smile off your face. Were coming for you, too. For those who wont rest until the world is healthier, neither will we. Optum. How well gets done. Yeah as they should. Our own deign noo bash served as a game announcer. Meanwhile, house gop when Steve Scalise continues to improve. Upgraded to fair condition. And we will stay on scalises improvement. Its important and we wish him and his family the best. So hoop dreams realized tonight for many young men. Their lives are about to change. Why . The nba draft is going to take place in new york, andy scholes has more in the bleacher report. What are you anticipating . Oh, chris, im anticipating a lot of drama. Draft night usuall has plenty. This year seems like another level. So many trade rumors out there. Teams trying to bolster lineups to catch up to the warriors and cavs. And an earlier trade. 76ers own the top pick in the draft. Expected to pick a young james harden out of washington. Picking second, lakers are expected to select a guy from their own backyard, lonzo ball. Lamar kwis outspo lamar, his dad, quite outspoken. Getting old. Somebody got to carry the nba. And you can see more of him tonight. The draft tips user at 7 00 eastern. Finally, proof the ohio state rivalry never take as break, even for the summer. Next to a big wolverines fan. While a neighbor was on vacation, he decided to mow ohio into his neighbors lawn. Pretty creative as he did the same style at the buckeyes band forms at halftime of their game. Higgins better hope his neighbor is a good sport ob hell come home from work and his house will be painted in maze and blue. At least he cut his lawn the ohio part is great. Andy, thanks. So President Trump made a lot of bold statements at his Campaign Rally last night. We will fact check those statements. Next. The ford summer sales event is on. Ill jump out and guide you back. Easy, son. This is gonna blow your mind. Whoa. Awesome. That is really cool. Take on summer right with ford, americas bestselling brand. Now with summers hottest offer. Get zero percent for sixty months plus an additional thousand on top of your tradein. During the ford summer sales event get zero percent for sixty months plus an additional thousand on top of your tradein. Offer ends july 5th. Mmmm. Mmmm. Mmmm. Ugh. Nothing spoils a moment like heartburn. Try new alkaseltzer ultra strength heartburn relief chews. Its fast, powerful relief with no chalky taste. [ sings high note ] ultra strength, new from alkaseltzer. Enjoy the relief. Wont replace the full value of your totaled new car. The guy says you picked the wrong insurance plan. No, i picked the wrong Insurance Company. With Liberty Mutual new car replacement™, you wont have to worry about replacing your car because youll get the full value back including depreciation. Switch and you could save 782 on home and auto insurance. Call for a free quote today. Liberty stands with you™. Liberty mutual insurance. Weve ended the war on clean, beautiful coal, and were putting our miners back to work were. In fact, you read about it last week. A brand new coal mine just opened in the state of pennsylvania. First time in decades. 33,000 mining jobs have been added since my inauguration. That was President Trump touting some of his accomplishments at a campaignstyle rally in iowa last night. Lets dig deeper into some of the president s plans and fact check them. Great to see you both this morning. Okay. Lets start with coal. Because thats the much hyped issue whether or not the president can bring bab coal mining jobs and whether thats even the right idea. He says that he has helped add 33,000 mining jobs, but, in fact, its been 1,300. Jason, according to the department of labor, 1,300 coal mining jobs have been added. Why does the president say 33,000 . You look at the mining jobs created and the mining jobs announced coming up, i think the president s pretty close to the pin in. I dont think so. It has to do, i think, also with oil and gas extraction. Thats different. That they add 21,000 of the new positions were in oil and gas extraction industries. Thats like fracking and stuff. Thats different than coal mining, but hes lumping it all together. There are a lot of energy jobs created. Again, thats part of, i think, the spirit and enthusiasm in this presidency of what we see sure, but energy jobs are different. Thats the whole point. That energy job, different than coal jobs. Coal jobs are the ones people felt we should be moving away from to newer energy jobs. But hes putting them all together. Its false, basically. That is a false plan. Alisyn, the president believes in energy. Going back to the package you had there. One of the things we saw last night, enthusiasm that we saw with the crowd. We see with these jobs being created and the point he made about the war on war on coal being stopped is exact. Its a big deal in the administration and good for the economy. Bakari what could you see in this . They are new jobs, they are in the energy sector. The president is making the point that we shouldnt run away from oil, gas, coal, we should run towards it. Thats why hes using this big number. Does it matter its not all coal mining jobs . Well, it doesnt really matter that its not all coal mining jobs. The fact is, the president lied about the numbers, he lies about numbers all the time. Were used to that over the campaign trail and will be used to that throughout his presidency. 54,000 coal mining jobs in the entire country. 54,000. Thats it. More people work at whole foods than in coal mines jobs. I think the president has the wrong focus. I am more concerned about his poor policy focus than i am the fact that he lies about the numbers. We should be moving to a Clean Energy Solution narrative. We should be moving to funding jobs that are in solar, in these Clean Energy Alternatives that are glowing at a rate of 51, that will put these people who were in coal mines who no longer have jobs back to work. Re reinvesting in policy points that dont work, moving away from as a country, as a world, no longer will be effective. Jobs. Talked about jobs how hes been able to appreciate jobs from going overseas. Listen to this. Unemployment is at 16year low, and manufacturing is doing phenomenally and we have Companies Moving back. s theyre coming back. Back. Back. Back. Jason, unemployment is about a 16year low. That is true. Lowest 4. 3. That is fantastic this has happened on his watch. In temples jobs moving overseas, ford announced it will ship manufacturing of the ford folk toys china. Other places still manufactures lots of things overseas. That doesnt seem to have changed. Go back to what we saw after the president was elected when we saw the carrier deal he and Vice President pence were able to put together. Keeping those jobs, 700 jobs or so right there in indianapolis. What the president was speaking to last night, the fact were seeing additional investment brought into the country and saw announcement after announceme during the transition and since the president took office, talking about foreign investment, jobs coming back in. You brought up the ford example. Yes. Also ford scamps, weve seen the president help influence marketplace behavior keeping jobs here in the u. S. Why cant he keep the ford focus from staying here in the yuz . She didnt have a magic wanted. If we want to keep jobs here and recruit additional jobs we have to get the Corporate Tax cut done. A big deal. Why you see secretary mnuchin and ross and the president working so hard on this. Thats critical. They already pay a low effective tax rate here in the country. The nominal rate is one thing. What they pay, much less than you hear from companies, two reasons were sending jobs overseas. Biggest is innovation. Jobs are disappearing. Right . About 80 of the reason. The rest, labor costs. And regulation. Why youve seen the president take an aggressive focus on the executive order front on eliminating a number of these regulations. Look what the president did teaming up in the Auto Industry executive orders signed in michigan a few weeks back. We have to say the u. S. Is open for business and if we cut that Corporate Tax well see countries redomiciling into the u. S. All around, from all over the world. Bakari, a point of economic debate. Right . What the relationship is between tax cuts and job creation. What is your point on this . Well, i think this conversation is a bit absurd, all due respect. Start with jasons first point. Carrier deal. In the first part of the segment i said the president lied. The fact, there were 1,100 jobs the president touted he saves to carrier. 300plus can jobs not moving to mexico. Administrative job s rest are moving to mexico. Its not true theyre not staying in the United States. Half move before july the rest before christmas. The president lied to the carrier employees and the country. Were touting the bred for gpre going to michigan and signing executives orders that wont bring back jobs. When the 44th president of the United States actually saved the Auto Industry and kept 2. 4 million jobs. Not 600 here or 1,000 there. I mean, the fooct is weact is g up a the Unemployment Rate split in half. Stock market going from 6,000 to the precipice of 20,000 and the president lambasted those numbers as fake . And im supposed to clab when he sahe clap when he saves 6,000 jobs . Gentlemen, quickly. And very quick, the reason why President Trump was able to win is because he was able to tap in to those voters who said you know what . Finally theres somebody fighting for me. And so you might go and debate whether its 700 or 1,100 jobs. For every job he saved those folks are thankful and the families thankful. Obviously voters wouldnt have voted for inflating numbers . Theyre happy what theyre seeing so far. Thank you, gentlemen, very much. Following a lot of news this morning. Including a preview of the Senate Health care bill. So lets get right to it. Obamacare is a disaster. Its over. If you have a good bill, you dont need to keep it secret. A workingraph ining graph Re Health Care is personal. Its not political. The russian government orchestrated Cyber Attacks for the purpose of influencing our election. Its not clear that President Trump takes this seriously as the assault on america that it is. They have phony witchhunts going against me, and you know what . All we do is win, win, win. Announcer this is new day with chris cuomo and alisyn camerota. Good morning, everybody. Welcome to your new day. Thursday, june 22nd,

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