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King be abdullah on thursday. He will also meet with xi jinping on thursday at maralago. A key point of convention, north Koreas Nuclear ambitions. President trump offering a vague, but head turning assessment to the Financial Times saying he may act unilater unilaterally, quote, if china doesnt act, we will. He expects the high profile meeting with china to be difficult. Particularly after all of the tough talk after the campaign. We cannot continue to allow china to rape our country. Thats what theyre doing. China is responsible for nearly half of our entire trade deficit. Reporter the president s soninlaw and Senior Adviser Jared Kushner expected to play a key role. All of these diplomatic meetings come as the cloud of russia is hanging over the Trump Administration. The president continuing to stand behind his unfounded wiretapping claim. Insisting he does not regret any of his tweets. Attempting to downplay the connection with Campaign Advisers and russia as fake news. I would tell people whenever they see the president use the word fake it ought to setoff alarm bells. Reporter the House Democrat says he is seeing Michael Flynn issues as skepticism. He continues to push for a special information. Every time we turn around, another shoe drops from the centipede. Reporter the white house sending signals that the president will not press issues related to Human Rights Violations in the meetings with china and egypt. That would be a huge departure from the obama administration. Joe, so President Trump is going to put china on notice over north Koreas Nuclear weapons program. How will tough talk ahead of the meeting with chinas president go this week . We have will ripley joining us now from beijing with reaction. We are told the meeting will be at maralago later this week, but will not involve golf. Not for chinas president , right . Reporter thats right. He is actually banned all government officials from playing golf and shutdown a number of golf courses. He waged a war against the sport. Interesting they have a lot on the agenda. This interview with President Trump where he says the United States will take care of north korea with or without china. Chinese officials not taking the bait on that. At least in the public stationary fro statements overnight. The ministry of Foreign Affairs says there was a conversation with secretary of state rex tillerson. Not mentioning the subject of north korea. China blames the United States fore escalating tensions on the peninsula. What could the u. S. Actually do in north korea . It is limited without china action. China would need to enforce sanctioning. If there is engagement, as President Trump hinted on the campaign trail, that would be unprecedented. The president s comments cryptic. That would cause a lot of problems for china and not something they want to see happen. A lot of problems for lots of people. Will, thank you very much. Lets discuss with the panel. We have errol louis and David Drucker and jackie kucinich. Lets read more from the financialinterview. He says china will decide to work with us or they wont. That would be good for china and if they dont, it wont be good for anyone. Errol . It is a characteristically bold statement from the president. Of course, the reality is not simple. It is not just about whether or not china wants to help the United States. China has a 900mile border with north korea. 70 of the economy is related to china. They dont have the option of walking away and letting the u. S. Do whatever it wants. They are deeply invested. They dont want a refugee crisis. They dont want a failed state. They will prop up north korea no matter what. Nothing the president says changes that. This Financial Times interview that the president did is getting talk about what he said. We havent heard him talk about Foreign Affairs this way. Still early in the administration. This is about economic activity. 7 billion between north korea and china. Significant. It is about what happens if china doesnt like what you say. Americans have to remember they hold more paper and debt, Financial Instruments from the u. S. Government than anyone in the world. What is the plus minus here . It is all about politics. They are trying to carve out a atmosphere of interest. This is true under president obama. That gets us to the north korea issue. Why does china want to solve a problem that keeps us off balance and keeps us needing them. Especially when they dont want to make our life easier especially not to focus on them building the south china seas and displace us. China has no motivation. Our military options are complicated that seoul is over the border from north korea. We have to worry about a military strike in response to hit tens of millions of civilians in south korea. That is a major problem. This strikes me as the president is trying to do Something Different because his three predecessors failed to win on the north korea issue. I dont think we should dismiss a change of strategy out of hand. His options are limited. As errol mentioned, he found out it is easy to talk tough and assume that everybody in washington was stupid until he got there. These are issues with no easy answers. Go ahead, jackie. They long had smart people trying to solve them from both sides of the political aisle and many Foreign Policy backgrounds. I dont disagree with david or errol on this one in terms of the president. He has a habit of talking tough and we have to see him pull back later. I wonder if this is another case. First time we have seen him deal with somebody stronger than he is . You cannot under estimate the chinese. Lets float the paper. Lets see what happens. Again, people will argue they need the u. S. Economy stronger than anybody because they hold all this paper. This is the first time we see him talk to something using muscle who is muscular. The u. S. Is the dominant super power. It is interesting and disappointing to hear that the u. S. May be discarding one of the stronger cards in our hand which is human rights. He will not talk about it. Even as a point of leverage, one would hope he would go in and not discarding the major strength sitting down with the chinese leader. The go it alone strategy perked up ears. Ash carter was on the sunday shows this weekend and tried to layout a scenario of what that would look like or mean. Watch this. If it comes to the necessity to protect ourselves, we always had all options on the table. I wouldnt take any off. Preemptive strike. In 1994, i worked on preemptive strike plan which we did not need to carry out at that time on the beyond research facility. We have those options. We shouldnt take those off the table. How would north korea respond . To a preemptive strike on a launch pad. It is quite possible as the consequence of that launch attempted invasion of south korea. Okay. Dire. If you play it all out. And north korean regime is unpredictable. They dont follow the normal course of international diplomacy. I think ash carter laid out our risks there. What we can say is we tried to go through china and have them sort of be part of a multilateral effort. We tried to payoff the North Koreans for years. None of it has worked. They keep building up the nuclear program. They keep threatening the United States. We have to explore the options and we have to try to send a message to them this may not be a survival event for them. In that respect, i think the Trump Administration has to be given latitude to try to do Something Different. Nothing else has worked under republicans and democrats. Ash carter laid out the dilemma of this kid running this country the wrong way. You think the meeting this week will politically shift off the russia or is the senate intel carrying the ball . You have representative schiff saying everything going on in the white house is distract. What is the practical effect . It would be a great thing for the white house and country if russia investigations could proceed on their separate track and white house conduct the public business. Specifically making good on whatever he is going to do as far as china policy. The sabre rattling is alarminal. You hope to get focused on it and not tweet about it. Congress is moving forward with that. When we see the president spending as much time as he has to spend on the old allegations. The problems he made with the reckless tweet about the former president. You cant have in a world where you have a crazy person. You have what could be a failed state. What could be a refugee crisis. That is the great fear in north korea. Tens of thousands of people streaming in china destabilizing the peninsula. You cannot have all of this stuff. This is why it is important for the administration to announce policies clearly and resolve the russia issue as quickly as possible and bring stability. Jackie. I was going to say it is not like this is an old problem that keeps being old. There is new information about the russia issue every week. Be it what nunes did. It may be a week ago or two weeks ago at this point. Last week you had Michael Flynn disclosure report. He failed to disclose payments from Russian Television and speeches he gave for russian companies. This new information keeps coming forward, why are they not being transparent . I hear you on the disclosure thing. That was a preliminary report. I dont know they have flynn on hiding information. Trump brought it up again with the tweet. Its the same Fake News Media that said there is no path to victory for trump that is pushing the phony russia story. A scam. He just put gas on the fire by classifying it in a way that is false. How much of it is just on him . On trump himself . It is not about the flynn disclosure. It is the tweet. If this was the first time flynn had concealed something, i would give that to you. The whole issue with him saying he talked about sanctions. He didnt talk about sanctions. This is another thing that another log on the fire. This is trumps fault. It is a problem of his own making that has continued to spiral into the larger issue. Panel, thank you very much. We will have more questions for you. It will be a busy newsweek. The senate is heading to a Nuclear Showdown before the full vote this week. Senate committee will vote in a matter of hours. Will they advance the nomination of neil gorsuch for the Supreme Court . Probably so. Then what . We have Suzanne Malveaux live from capitol hill with more. Answer, please. Reporter good morning, chris. Answers, answers, answers. Not many answers here. A lot of suspension. The showdown in full swing here over what could be Donald Trumps most significant achievement. Getting neil gorsuch to the Supreme Court and on the Supreme Court. Both side jockeying for power as we approach the Committee Hearing in four hours. This is going to set the stage for three days of debate on the senate floor. How and when that debate ends is critical. Democrats are ready for endless debate. Republicans need 60 to cut off filibuster. They need eight democrats to join on that. We have heard from Senate Majority leader who says they are ready for the Nuclear Option to change the threshold to get the up or down vote for gorsuch. Neil gorsuch will be confirmed this week. How that happens depends on our democrats. How many are willing to invoke closure. After there were doubts about them. It is highly unlikely he will get 60. Reporter here is the state of play. All republicans so far, of course, going for gorsuch. You have three democrats who also say they will support him. This happened on sunday. One of those coming on board is senator joe donnelly of indiana. Joining manchin and Heidi Heitkamp of north dakota. We will look at the filibuster. Suzanne, thank you. Coming up, we will have more on the gorsuch confirmation. Which senators should we keep a close eye on. Our experts tell us next. In my johnsonville commercial we open up in the forest. Hi. Im jeff. Im eating my breakfast and all of a sudden a raccoon come up and ask me, what are you eating . I told him johnsonville breakfast sausage, fully cooked. Porcupine comes in and he says, does that come in patties . I said yup wolf comes in and says, howd you learn to talk to animals . And i said books and we had a good laugh about that. [laughter] thats a commercial made the johnsonville way. Does your makeup remover every kissproof,ff . Cryproof, stayproof look . Neutrogena® makeup remover does. It erases 99 of your most stubborn makeup with one towelette. Need any more proof than that . Neutrogena. All right. Somethings going to happen with judge gorsuch today. The Senate Judiciary committee is going to a vote. Likelihood they will advance the nomination of the Supreme Court pick neil gorsuch to the senate. The list of democrats to filibuster is continuing to grow. You have democrats and republicans preparing for what is being called the Nuclear Showdown. Lets bring back the panel to discuss this nuclearity. I make fun of the word,errol, because it has too much hype. That is the state of play. If this happens, you change the fu filibuster culture. They will be just like the nasty house. It is a possibility. This is book ends to what was already a radical action when it comes to Supreme Court nominees. The refusal to give a hearing to Merrick Garland was without precedent. Having taken that step, the republican majority looks like they will take the next step which is to change the rules possibly forever and have a narrow partisan vote to confirm Supreme Court nominees. Something that hasnt been done before or traditionalists see happen. David, this does lead back to Merrick Garland. When we have democrats on the program, we say this is political pay back. They said as much. They said now, no, no, this is not political payback. This is gorsuch is just too corporate friendly. His policies are off base. Thats the new talking point. Look, they can try to paint this any way they want. This all gets back to republicans who run the chamber. Harry reid breaking the rules to change the rule to Nuclear Option. I was there when they did it. Republicans were very angry about it. Democrats say they dont have a right to be angry. They held up bahamobamasnomine. When you look at mitch mcconnell, what you need to understand is he is not prone to political hiyperbole. He immediately upon antonin scalias death, Merrick Garland would not get a hearing. He would not follow that up by not making sure that neil gorsuch ends up on the court. When he says one way or the other, neil gorsuch will be on the Supreme Court. You can be sure the votes are there for the republicans to finish the job with the Nuclear Option and get him there. Tat is what will happen. You talk about political payback. It was mcconnell who said you will rue the day you did this. Now there is a little bit of a larger debate. This is not another law. You put somebody on the Supreme Court, they are there for a long time. Especially if it is gorsuch. He is a young, vibrant man. Thats why they say that in the senate, they had a higher standard. You used to need 60. It wasnt enough to get a thin majority. This is too big a deal. Does that theory still have legs, jackie . Im sorry. The theory of too big . You need to have 60. This has to be more of a slim majority vote. Supreme Court Matters too much to get rid of that tradition. This is not necessarily mcconnell would do if he wasnt pressed to. There is a larger question if this is the right fight for democrats. They might have another vacancy on the Supreme Court coming up. This is replacing someone who was a conservative justice. Conservative for a conservative. The next person who might retire from the Supreme Court would be a liberal, most likely. That would change the balance of the court. That is the fight that democrats thats going to be a very big deal should that happen during Donald Trumps term. The fact they are going after neil gorsuch is raising concern even within the democratic party. You see Michael Bennett have to weigh this and try to make that argument behind closed doors that maybe this is not the fight they want right now. Errol, lets talk about health care. The president vowed to fight another day on this. He told the Financial Times. I dont lose. I dont like to lose. We will have Great Health Care in this country. On his side, you could say that was just the opening. What happened in those days where the Health Care Bill quickly went down, he does see that as an opening salvo. It is very like trump to keep playing until he wins. When he says i dont lose, okay, fine. The game is over and it looks like a big l up there. The republicans say they will go back to the drawing board. Democrats will live to fight another day. Some of this is the president pushing the republicans in congress to come up with something quickly as opposed to moving at light speed that could take two years. He went faster than light speed. There are two possibilities. One, he takes the easy route and calls it a win. Even if all they do is defund a lot of programs and shrink the Medicaid Expansion and rebrand it. If he wants to do something real, i think the option he has is to change the politics of how he governs. In other words, not let the Freedom Caucus dictate everything. Not doing it without any help from democrats. He has to figure out his governing coalition. If he tries that, that is a harder task politically and economically than the health care. One of the two things could get him a win. Just for the sake of reality for a second, donald trump doesnt lose. He does lose. He has lost in personal life and political life. He also has comeback. That is probably a better point for him to make. Nobody has lost in finance and real estate than he did twice in his career. He came back. I think that is what we will see now. How does he come back from what happened . That trumpcare was a failure. Here is the solution. They are more dug in and they were before. They feel good about themselves. You know. You talk to them all the time. They dont need a quick fix. They took the plunge. The thinking was the Freedom Caucus members come from districts that like trump the most. They do, but these guys took the plunge and live to tell about it. There is no reason for them to back off now. Now you have the president threatening to work with democrats which would not be a bad threat, except democrats will never help him govern. If he wants to reverse course and gamble to get republican votes to keep and fix and strengthen the Affordable Care act, good luck. One reason nothing has been done is republicans could not go to voters and explain why they helped obamacare live. Thats been a big problem in fixing health care. One side refuses to repeal it. The other side refuses to do anything but. We will leave it there. Jackie, we owe you one. Thank you very much. We have to get to the other news. There are massive mudslides and flash flooding which led to death and destruction in colombia. We have the latest on the rescue and the devastation there for you. That covers you part w so when it comes to pain relievers, why put up with just part of a day . Aleve, live whole not part. Tell you what, ill give it to you for half off. de p breath phone ringing theyll call back. No one knows your ford better than ford and ford service. Right now, during the big tire event, get a 140 rebate by mail, on four select tires. The president of colombia declaring a state of emergency as the death toll from mudslides surpasses 250 people. That number is expected to rise. Rescuers, you can see them working here, frantically searching for survivors as more than 100 people are missing at this hour. The mudslides tearing through communities in Southern Colombia after three rivers overflowed. A mother and daughter killed after the tornado tears through indiana flipping their mobile home. The twister leveling communities. Officials say the tornado packed winds of more than 100 miles an hour. Is that threat of Severe Weather over . Lets get to meteorologist jennifer gray. It is not quite over. We will see more Severe Weather today. 35 hail reports. 10 tornado reports. Two in texas. Eight in louisiana. Here are the storms now. Southeast louisiana through tennessee, kentucky. We have a tornado watch and severe thunderstorm watch in place. This should get out of the new orleans area before the rush hour. These storms are still powerful and have the potential to produce isolated tornadoes and damaging winds as well as large hail. Here is the risk area for today. You see the areas shaded in orange. That will be where we see the highest risk for possible tornadoes just on the south side of atlanta. Including mobile as well. As these storms continue to march east, chris, we are on high alert has they head east. Thank you very much. Big story with political and legal implications. Lawyers for President Trumps fired National Security adviser Michael Flynn says he has a story to tell, but he needs to get immunity. What does immunity mean politically and legally . More than you think. Jeffery toobin has the answers next. But first things first timcall trugreen,ed. Americas 1 professional lawn care company. Millions of homeowners like you trust us to give them a lawn they can live on. Start your trugreen lawn plan today for only 29. 95. Neutrogena® hydro boost hydrating tint. Wake up skin. The first water Gel Foundation with hyaluronic acid it plumps, quenches. Delivers a natural, flawless look. This is what makeups been missing. Neutrogena® [bullfighting music] [burke] billygoat ruffians. Seen it. Covered it. We know a thing or two because weve seen a thing or two. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum all right. Heres the big question for you. Will President Trumps fired National Security adviser Michael Flynn get what hes asking for . He says he wants immunity. Thats what his lawyer says to protect him from prosecution to tell his story. How does that work . What does it mean politically . Lets ask somebody who knows all of the issues. We have Senior Analyst and former prosecutor jeffery toobin. Lets reach across the wall for a magic shake. Lets start the beginning. This is what we heard from kelner. The lawyer for flynn. Flynn has a story to tell. Wants to tell it. Should circumstances permit . No reasonable person with the benefit of advice to counsel would submit to questioning in a highly publicized witch hunt against prosecution. This is a mixed message. Politics and law. Asking for immunity before you speak. Where does that fit in . Everybody knows under the nith fi fifth you can refuse to answer questions. But this immunity statement, if congress, a committee or department of justice gives you immunity, you no longer have your fifth amendment right. You have to answer questions, but the answers to those questions cannot be used against you. As a practical matter, if you are given immunity, it is impossible to be prosecuted. On the basis of those things of what you say that can get dicey. Ollie north. You were in that case. Just to be clear, im in congress, fine. Toobin, you want immunitimmunit. Or doesnt the doj have to weigh in and say whether or not they like the idea . They can weigh in, but they dont have control. There are two separate jurisdiction to give immunity. Congress can give immunity and department of justice can give immunity. The problem can arise. In the north case, when Congress Gives immunity, but the department of justice doesnt. Then what happened . The department of justice or the independent counsel as in my case, i was on the staff of welsh who prosecuted north, we can try to prosecute, and he was convicted of three counts, but the Appeals Court said because of his congressional immunity that case had to be thrown out. The conventional wisdom since the north case in the 90s, you cannot prosecute someone who received congressional immunity. You ordinarily want to weigh that. This is run by donald trump people. One other thing. A good step to come. The proffer. What is the proffer and how big a deal . Basically, congress or anybody that gives immunity doesnt want to by a pig in a poke. You want to know what youre getting in return for immunity. The way that works usually is the lawyer or the client or both go in a less formal session and go to the Congressional Staff and say if i get immunity, this is what i will testify to. It is sometimes called a queen for a day agreement. That on the basis of that, they decide whether to give who is they . The members of the committee. You will still have republican advantage in doing it. The lawyer and people around flynn suggested he will talk about who leaked on him. Thats not going to be enough for immunity deal. A lot of people want to know about the sum and substance. The Committee Also doesnt want to give immunity to someone who doesnt have information of use and may be the most caulpabe person. Congress is waiting and say lets look at the emails and intercepts. Lets see what the other evidence shows. Before they cut a deal. These three men have not asked for immunity. They said they will talk. Testifying. I dont know if that is the case for all three. I dont know if they will raise their hand and take oath. Now to politics here. Flynn didnt help himself when he said this. He said nothing. He wanted to change his mind about it. What flynn said, you have the obama people. They asked for immunity. When you ask for immunity, it means you probably committed a crime. That is a prejudice that we try to avoid when talking about it. It hurt him politically. This did not help him having the president say he should have asked for immunity and this is a witch hunt. He loaded the deck in terms of immunity. How big a deal . You know, i dont know how big a deal they are. Ultimately congress is trying to get facts. If they want mike flynns testimony at this point, there is one way, to give him immunity. If they think flynn is important enough, they will give him immunity although it would be embarrassing of what trump said here and flynn said as well. I dont know if you meant it. One of the greatest. Did you just say testiphony. I did. That is a strong mistake. Thats a good one. Testiphony. That is camerota eveninesque. Thank you, gentlemen. A tiny school with a hard to say name. Gonzaga owon to get to the ncaa tournament title game. We have more in the Bleacher Report and that is not testiphony. You do all this research on a perfect car, then smash it into a tree. Your Insurance Company raises your rates. Maybe you shouldve done more research on them. For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. And if you do have an accident, our claims centers are available to assist you 24 7. Call for a free quote today. Liberty stands with you™. Liberty mutual insurance. Does your makeup remover every kissproof,ff . Cryproof, stayproof look . Neutrogena® makeup remover does. It erases 99 of your most stubborn makeup with one towelette. Need any more proof than that . Neutrogena. Started with 68 times and comes down to tonight. Who do you have . Gonzaga or North Carolina . That determines the National Choi championship on the line. Andy scholes . We have to go with the veterans, North Carolina. Tonights game really is david versus goliath. Gonzaga never played in the championship game before. North carolina have been in it ten times and winning five. The tar heels have the much bigger fan base. The enrollment is 29,000 compared to 7,000 for the zags. The underdog role is something gonzaga embraces. Coach spoke with coy wire. We are not on a oneyear mission. Were on a 20year mission. We are trying to build it up to get it done. You did it last year and turned around and done it again. I did. I tried to congratulate them. I get cold chills about an achievement they already have. You know, somebodys going to win. Why not let it be us. Tipoff from arizona late at 9 20 eastern. Oddsmakers call it near even. North carolina 1. 5 point favorite. Big upset over the weekend. South carolina winning 6755. The first ever championship. That game kicking off one of the greatest weeks in all of sports, alisyn. The masters this week. National championship game tonight and opening of baseball for majority of teams today. Where will i find time . Andy, thank you. New concerns of laptops on airplanes. The Terror Threat that may change the way we all fly. And what Law Enforcement is doing about it. Next. When heartburn hits, fight back fast with tums smoothies. It starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue. And neutralizes stomach acid at the source. Tum tum tum tum smoothies only from tums in my johnsonville commercial we open up in the forest. Hi. Im jeff. Im eating my breakfast and all of a sudden a raccoon come up and ask me, what are you eating . I told him johnsonville breakfast sausage, fully cooked. Porcupine comes in and he says, does that come in patties . I said yup wolf comes in and says, howd you learn to talk to animals . And i said books and we had a good laugh about that. [laughter] thats a commercial made the johnsonville way. We are not here to observe, to sit idly by, or watch from the stands. We are here. For one reason. To leave. A mark. Lexus high performance. With 5. 0liter v8s and sport directshift transmissions. Experience a shift in the natural order. Experience amazing. Actually making your body feel better. Im heather thomson, and thats exactly what tommie copper does for me and my whole family. They call it wearable wellness. And tommie copper has infused it into everything they do. [ male announcer ] experience the difference wearable wellness can make in your life. Go to tommiecopper. Com, enter your email to become part of the tommie copper community, and get 15 off your entire order, plus free shipping. Life hurts. Feel better. The Trump Administration banning laptopis comes from airports. Terrorists have found ways to plant explosives in electronic devices. Lets discuss this with Paul Cruickshank and phillip mudd. Phil, do we know what the impetus is for how alarm bells with setoff for laptops . We have seen intelligence in the Law Enforcement committee about progress and bomb making by isis and al qaeda for a few years now. I have to believe the intel guys have specific information. They understand the implications for travelers and airports and airlines asking for these restrictions. You are not looking at general warning saying were kind ever worried. You are looking at individual bombmakers with isis or al qaeda hollowing out a laptop and enabling those laptops to be turned on if an Airport Security guy wants them open to get through security. A lot of progress by al qaeda and isis. Paul, you have reporting on what the wakeup call was for airport screeners. The big concern is from al qaeda in yemen. This group has had isis when it comes to the sophisticated devices. There is an expert bombmaker experimenting with shoe bombs and underwear bombs and surgi l surgically implanting bombs on humans. He has been sharing that intelligence. Al qaeda in syria in 2014, were planning a similar laptop bomb. That group in yemen is richer now. Better than 2009 and 2010 when it put together the printer bomb plot and underwear bomb throplo. They stole mother from a source to get more r d. Have they got hands on the airport screening machines to test it before they send it off on a plane. That is right. There is concern that the terror groups have got hold of the equipment so they can refine methods of getting bombs on plans. We need to put the threat in perspective. There has been quality concern for some time that advanced xray systems may miss a laptop bomb, there is other technology explosive trace detection that really is good at detecting a laptop bomb that al qaeda may put together. Even a bomb maker finds it difficult to work so cleanly, that he will not have explosive residue on the surface of the laptop. As we know from travelers, not every laptop is screened. That is the problem. Phil, that is fascinating. The explosive trace detection is so lowtech. They run that cotton swap over your hand at the airport. Why arent all of our laptops swabbed at airports. Is that next . A couple of things. I think we are heading to an age since the shoe bomber years ago. After the liquids plot in 2005. We cant bring liquids on airports. We are heading to stricter restrictions on laptops and kindles and ipads. That may mean you have to go through special screening. One thing as someone who sat on risk on cia and fbi, you are depending on every one of the screeners to have the right training to ensure nothing gets on the aircraft. That is a huge risk. I would think of going in the other direction. Requiring travelers put a laptop into the belly of an aircraft so you dont have a system that requires every screener to be perfect every time. Thats a lot of risk. Cant you just blow it up from the belly of the aircraft . Thats right. You could. It could be on a timer device. How does that solve the problem . A couple ofs things make it difficult for the terrorist exploet in the belly. You need higher sophistication. Nobody at the keyboard. The second is technical. If you put it in the belly of the aircraft, you cant even sh ensure it is at the skin of the aircraft. The idea you cannot bring your camera or laptops or ipad or gaming devices on a plane. Those game changers. Alisyn, buy a book. I dont know. Phil. I remember we used to read. That does ring a bell. Thank you, gentlemen, for letting us know where we are. Thanks. Thanks to our International Viewers for watching. For you cnn newsroom is next. For u. S. Viewers, new day is next. President trump facing the most critical week of international diplomacy. We need definitive action condemning north korea. It is hard not to interpret President Trumps statements as a warning. If it comes to the necessity to protect ourselves, we always had all options on table. Wherever the russian evidence takes us in terms of the Trump Campaign is where we go. I will tell people when they see the president use the word fake it ought to setoff alarm bells. Mitch calls it a filibuster. We

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