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Unconventional white house quickly shaping up to be a family affair. Trumps three eldest children all sitting in on a meeting with the nations top tech executives wednesday. Some who openly supported hillary clinton. We want you to keep going with the incredible innovation. Theres nobody like you in the world. In the world. Nobody like the people in this room. And anything we can do to help this go along and well be there for you. Reporter kushner helped organize the meeting which the group says will happen quarterly. He will get an office in the west wing and an advisory role similar to the one he held throughout trumps campaign. Ivanka is also expected to take on an active role, including some duties for the first lady. With aides planning to overhaul the Traditional Office of the first lady turning it into the office of the first family. Shes so strong and child care and so many things nobody could do better than her. Reporter as both donald jr. And eric take hands on roles in their fathers transition, he was heavily involved in vetting candidates for the interior secretary position while eric was included in on one meeting with mitt romney about the secretary of state job. The brothers also set to lead trumps businesses. Raising red flags over potential conflicts of interest. But trumps camp argues its all about transparency. Conflicts of interest arise when youre not, when youre sneaky about it and not transparent about it. If you tell everyone, heres whats going on. Heres the process and here are the people playing a role, thats being transparent. Reporter all of this as House Democrats call into question trumps Lease Agreement with the u. S. Government for his new hotel just blocks from the white house. As soon as hes sworn in on january the 20th, he will have violated the law. Reporter citing trumps lease which says no member of the government can share in any part of the agreement. Now, the gsa says its still premature to determine whether trump he is not in the white house yet. We hoped to learn today how trump was going to separate his business interest from his interest in the oval office, but now that press conference that was originally slated for today has been kicked to january. Chris . All right, sara, thank you very much. Lets bring in the chief strategist for the rnc sean spicer. Good to see you. Good morning, chris. Lets keep on your theme of transparency. Do you believe that you will be the press secretary for the administration . Heres what i believe, that every single decision is made by donald trump and until he makes it and announces it, its not final. So, theres nothing to announce on that front. Do you have reason to believe that you could be the next press secretary of the administration . Like i said, ill refer to my first comment, but thank you. Whats the point . The point is that i wish you well, but also that transparency is very subjective. That gets us into the discussion of the conflicts. You had a very interesting interview with kate baldwin yesterday. At one moment you said heres how conflicts of interest arise when youre sneaky. Thats not true. A conflict of interest exists all on its own. Donald trump has conflicts of interest because he has Business Concerns and now public duty. His kids same analysis. The question is what will you do about the conflicts of interest . Theyre not potential, theyre real. The answer isnt transparency, do you believe we had enough transparency . Thank you. So, number one, lets take these in order. Number one, the president by law cant have a conflict of interest. Number two is that the reason you know about the children being involved are two things. One, theyre on the website and they were publicly named being part of the transition and, two, we brought the press in to show who was at the meeting. Not like anything nefarious going on or sneaky or transparent. Weve been very clear about the role of his family and the role that they play and the advice that they give him. I think theres a difference if youre not being sneaky and telling people what is going on. We brought the press in and showed everybody who is there. Theyre close and their father appreciates their counsel and their advice. As we work through these remaining 36 days to the inauguration, mr. Trump and his lawyers and accountants will go through a process to make sure that there is a clear delineation between his business and his desire and commitment to serve the American People. A conflict of interest, as you know, as much an ethical standard as much as a legal one. The idea that there isnt a specific law governing this idea does not end the responsibility. This is ethical. Correct. But, sean, heres the question. The kids are going to be running the business. Theyre also sitting in on government meetings and selection processes. That is conflict of interest. What would help understand the impact of that conflict is knowing more about the businesses. Knowing whats in the tax returns. Knowing what is being done here. We dont know any of that. Is that fair . Well, look, i think donald trump filed 170 some odd pages of a financial discloser firm laid out by law who he owes debts to and what he has in terms of assets. Thats required by law. I get what the press wants. But the American People have understood exactly what they are getting and they voted overwhelmingly about him. He was very clear about what he owns and his family since he announced he was running for president. And they overwhelminglyly eelecd him with that on the table. The American People are clearly satisfied with what they got but since hes been elected his Approval Rating has gone up 20 some odd points. I thought you guys didnt like polls. But if we want to play with them, we know that more people are concerned about his business dealings than those who are not. We know that his Approval Rating is low compared to where other president elects have been at this point. But lets dismiss the polls. You said they overwhelmingly voted for him. There is no definition of overwhelming. Its one of the lowest electoral margins we had. 46 out of 50 something. One of the lowest in the last few cycles we had. He won. He is the president elect and he will be the next president of the United States. But if you want to be straight about it and transparent, it wasnt overwhelming. Hold on. Chris, there is nobody on your network and the rest of the media that gave him a chance going into election day. None. The headlines how . To say he was going to get crushed. Hillary clinton was planning fireworks on the hudson. He wins with 306 electoral votes and 9 of 13 battleground states, 2,300 counties and youre saying you doubt whether thats overwhelming. Its about 100,000 votes, its one of the smallest electoral margins we had and he lost the popular vote by millions. But he won. Im not disputing that and i know you like that as a distraction. Im not giving it to you today. Its not a distraction. It is a fact. Of course it is. You are assuming the is a premise involved that is absent from this discussion. There is no suggestion of delegitimizing the victory. What im saying transparency that you were touting yesterday is woefully lacking where it matters most. We do not know what the business dealings are for the kids or for trump and you were supposed to tell us today and you delayed it. First of l we have been unbelievably transparent. We literally brought the press into meetings. Weve listed the kids and jared on websites. Weve been very clear since day one whos on the transition, whos on the landing team. Youre letting us know what you want us to know and we appreciate it. What about what youre hiding. Thats what news is. What you dont want us to see. No, because its all about what you want. Weve been unbelievably transparent. The American People are unbelievably supportive. I get what you and some of the media want. But at the end of the day everything that is happening is happening you can see every Single Person go up and down trump tower. There is a camera, for Goodness Sake who is coming up and going down. Are any of those people in business with donald trump right now now . I dont know the answer to it. But thats the question. Mr. Trump has some of the most Iconic Properties throughout the world. He has put his entire focus on building a cabinet, which youve seen and which you would note he is almost finished with. Very active. Not just by naming people. Not just active but world class people. Every single one of them, boom, boom, boom from the epa to the department of state to the department of interior. These are the best and brightest. He put his focus there and said i will have a press conference but he realized with talking to lawyers and accountants it would take more time because he put his focus on the American People and having a government upright. He will get it done and it will happen in january. Well all be good, i promise you on that. Look, i appreciate your promise, sean. I always take you at your word. What im saying is the conflicts are real. The only way you know what happens. Two main ways. One is you know what you have going into it, which we do not. The federal disclosure is what he wants to put out. It is not an exacting review of his business dealings. And you know that because its not put through any filter except his own. The second way is to wait for something terrible to happen and the concern politically is youre setting yourself up for that. Youre creating an agenda for those who oppose him in government and for journalists to have to dig because youre not giving them the answers and are you worried that this will become a distraction to motivating your own agenda . No. Im not. Frankly, as i said, in january he will lay out in detail how he is going to separate himself from his company and who is going to run it and how he can make sure his entire focus is on making the country better again. But he will lay that all out and he will take questions and it will all be answered. But it takes a lot more than a few weeks because he chose to put his focus on building a cabin cabinet and filling key positions and to make sure his agenda was ready to go on day one. Sean spicer, always appreciate the robust dialogue. Good luck to you going forward. Fastmoving developments in syria. Evaciogs are finally getting under way in eastern aleppo, but under very challenging conditions. A new ceasefire barely holding as activists say that Regime Forces fired upon ambulance convoys that were trying to evacuate civilians. Cnns Senior International correspondent Frederick Pleitgen has the latest in beirut for us. Tell thus situation there, fred. Yeah, alisyn, were watching this very closely. When the progovernment forces fired on that first convoy that at least one person was killed and several others were wounded and that, of course, stopped this process for a while. But as you say, it is now on, once again. Now at the end of this process what is going to happen is that all the civilians and all the rebels in that little enclave are going to be evacuated. Go through government territory and back through another part of syria that is held by the rebels. The first people getting out are the ones that need the most attention. The wounded and the ones who need immediate medical attention. Thats why the first convoy that were seeing is ambulances and not, for instance, buses or people carriers. Now, of course, all of this happened after some of the worst fighting we have seen in aleppo at all and to see the scene with an orphanage in eastern aleppo subject to some of these bombings that have taken place. Some posted goodbye messages. Lets listen to some of those. To everyone who can hear me. We are here exposed to a genocide in the besieged city of aleppo. This may be my last video. I am going to be killed. Thats whats going to happen. Im going to be killed. We didnt want anything else but freedom. I hope you can remember us. I dont know. Thank you very much. All right. Fred is frozen there. Fred pleitgen, thank you very much for the reporting. He has been taking us through the desperate attempt to get the stranded civilians out of aleppo. Also developing this morning yahoo says hackers stole information from more than 1 billion user accounts. Thats with a b. Alison kosik is here with the latest. Alison, so this isnt the first time. No. You cant protect yourself from hacking. It is just when. For many people it is bound to happen. For yahoo things cant get any worse. This hack seems to really take the cake because its separate from the one that yahoo revealed in september where 500 million or more accounts were hacked into. No, no. This one eclipses it because it involves more than 1 billion accounts and heres the rub. It happened back in 2013 and yahoo is only learning about it now. You can only imagine what the crooks have been doing with that information for more than three years. Up on the screen there you see what they got. They got names, emails, passwords and dates of birth. It did not include credit card data or Bank Account Information and you almost wish it could. You cant change your name but you can change your credit card information. What can you do . There are steps to protect yourself. Obviously, changing your password. One thing i would definitely recommend is that twofactor authentication that yahoo does offer. Because when you put in your password, you can also get a text to put in that text code to make sure you are the only one trying to get into your account. Good tip. Easy to say. It seems to be increasingly tough to do. No, i just did it. But will it work . I sure hope so. Me, too. Get back to us on that. Thanks so much. Democratic senator chris coons joins us next. The long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. The east and the west are mine. The north and the south are mine. All seems beautiful to me. Wont replace the full value of your totaled new car. The guy says you picked the wrong insurance plan. No, i picked the wrong insurance company. With Liberty Mutual new car replacement™, you wont have to worry about replacing your car because youll get the full value back including depreciation. 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It was a relatively brief and positive meeting. Senator john bozeman and i went as the partisan cochairs as the 2017 National Prayer breakfast and our goal was to explain to him the long history of this big National Event where we have representatives from more than 70 countries around the world. More than 3,000 people come and attend this breakfast. It is a nonpartisan, nonsectarian, inclusive breakfast where frankly we pray for our country and its leaders and reflect on the year ahead. We typically have an aspiring keynote speaker and mr. Trump was gracious and welcoming. I assume he said yes that he will go to the National Prayer breakfast. Yes . He expressed very strong interest and will get back to us on a specific commitment, but seemed nearly certain that he would come and he would continue this longstanding bipartisan tradition. So, senator, what were your impressions of the president elect . The reason that i ask is because you were quite vocal during the campaign. Ill just remind people of what you said about him then. You famously called him a thin skinned reality tv star and cheat cheaty face i regret some sharpness of some of those comments. I didnt bring it, he didnt bring it. We had a conversation about the National Prayer breakfast and a lot of other things i would have brought up if this was a partisan meeting i would have demanded that he release his taxes and urged him to hold the press conference that was scheduled for today to discuss his conflict of interest. But the point of the Prayer Breakfast every wednesday morning in the senate is that we dont talk partisan politics and we get to know each other as people and reflect our common interests. It is frankly pretty tough to throw a punch on the floor of the senate if you held hands with prayer with them in the morning. Some of my best relationships come from the Prayer Breakfast. That doesnt mean that ill step back from raising legitimate questions about his nominees. Whether its the complicating relationship with Vladimir Putin and Rex Tillerson or scott pruitt who has been nominated to head the epa. You are on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that will be holding the hearings. So, what are your questions about Rex Tillerson . What are your reservations and do you think its possible that he will not be confirmed . Well, my questions about Rex Tillersons close and long relationship with Vladimir Putin and with russia really derive from the fact that we dont know enough about president elect trumps relationships with russia. Hes the only president elect in the modern era who hasnt released his taxes. We dont know whether they have invested in his Development Properties around the world to the tune of tens of hundreds of millions of dollars. We dont know who he owes. For Rex Tillerson, im simply quo going to ask whether hes clear between being the big ceo of an oil company and being secretary of state where you have to fight for human rights and for free press and for democracy. Vladimir putins record makes it clear. Hes murdered journalists. Hes made his political opponents disappear and invaded neighboring countries and theres real bipartisan concern about this, particularly when john bolton who still thinks the iraq war was a great idea is supposedly going to be nominated to be his deputy secretary. We heard some of your republicans, senate colleagues, talk about their concerns about ties to russia. So, do you think its possible that Rex Tillerson will not be confirmed . Yes, i think its quite possible. When you have senators like marco rubio and john mccain raising real questions about russias actions to try and hack our election. Im calling for a bipartisan hearings into the question of russian influence on our elections and then challenging trumps view that putin is someone with whom we can do business. If you nominate someone who has done business with vVladimir Putin for years and, in fact, received the medal of friendship from putin. We have questions whether we should be cozying up to a strongman of a country and not our business partner. I want to end on a troubling note that is what is going on in aleppo, syria, this morning. It is catastrophic but it seems to be at a real tipping point. Civilians are caught in aleppo. Theyre trying to be evacuated and theyre trying to escape and sending goodbye messages via social media. I know you have been a vocal critic of president obamas policy or lack there of as i think you would say on syria. What can the u. S. Do today . Well, we are the largest humanitarian contributor to provide relief for refugee and support for their humanitarian needs. But, frankly, the ongoing suffering in syria is tragic and while i understand that president obama and secretary kerry confronted a very complex situation and there was a real risk of our getting pulled in further, i think we need to be more actively engaged. We are actively engaged in fighting isis now. There is an ongoing assault against mosul and soon raqqa and the American Military is now much more actively engaged in the fight against isis. But i think we need to hold firm against assad. Hes committed crimes against humanity and the russians and the iranians have actively participated now for years in the torture, in the murder of thousands of civilians in just unspeakable crimes against people on the ground. Innocent syrians and i think we can and should do more for Syrian Refugees to make sure were part of the solution to this tragic situation in syria. Senator chris coons, thanks so much for being on new day. Thank you. President elect donald trump meeting with tech titans. Now, a lot of them were coming after trump during the campaign. So, what was the agenda . Was there progress . We have news, next. What makes this simple salad the best simple salad ever . Heart healthy california walnuts. The best simple veggie dish ever . Heart healthy california walnuts. The best simple dinner ever . Heart healthy california walnuts. Great tasting, heart healthy california walnuts. So simple. Get the recipes at walnuts. Org. Donald trumps Adult Children could very well be involved in his presidency at a level never seen before. Ivanka trump and her husband could have roles in the white house and have already taken part in transition meetings. Is this legal, is it appropriate . Does it even matter. Lets bring in mark preston and cnn contributor and Washington Examiner reporter selena zito. You talk to Trump Supporters all the time, why would this not matter to them . The fact that the children and he run this Global Enterprise worth billions, if you believe him, dollars. If they were in the white house and in meetings with foreign leaders, why wouldnt people care about this . Oh, i think people would care if that is the end result. But were in the transition process. I get the impression that the trump family has not figured out how to divest all of their sort of dealings and holdings and daytoday it doesnt seem like a plan to divest. They are going to continue, it sounds like, from what has come out, that the sons will be in charge of the trump organization. Right. And if that ends up being the case, i think he tweeted that the other day, right. If that ends up being the case, they cant have anything to do with whats going on in the white house. Thats just incredibly inappropriate because theres so many things that they could benefit from. You know, its the same sort of argument that people made against hillary clinton. Absolutely. So you cant do that. So youre saying at some point we will hear some human cries from people who say this is too far. I think thats why they delayed the announcement. The announcement was supposed to be today, i think thats why they delayed the announcement. I think theyre still figuring this out. I like it. I like the optimism, but i dont see the basis for it in reality. We just talked to sean spicer and he said only you and the media care about this. And that lefty liberal, toxic base. The people support trump. They know hes a businessman. They love his kids. And theyre good with all this. Well show you when were ready how he is going to separate himself, but its all good. I dont see this expectation that theyre going to find an answer to having the kids be on only one side or trump even only on one side. This is from a gentleman who talked about going to washington to drain the swamp. Which we all agree. It does need to be drained. Certainly a little bit. I dont know how his family, how he removes himself from his family. Not necessarily his family removing himself from their businesses and then being able to talk with him or to speak with him about major issues. They grew up together at the Kitchen Table talking about business. I dont think they know anything else. Quite frankly, donald trump himself has said, look, theres no laws that prevent us from doing anything, but dont worry, i will take care of it. Thats the issue. The fact that we actually dont have real laws on the book that would prevent Something Like this from happening. Im surprised and shocked and, look, clearly Congress Needs to do something about it. Yesterday donald trump invited all these tech titans to the white house. They had a big meeting around a big board table. And these are people who had not necessarily supported donald trump. Many of them were quite vocal for hillary clinton. But donald trump seems to have won them over on some level. So, let me play for you a moment of where he was making his case to them. I want to add that im here to help you folks do well. And youre doing well right now and im very honored by the bounce, theyre all talking about the bounce. Everybody in this room has to like me, at least a little bit. Anything we can do to help this go along and were going to be there for you. And you call my people, you call me. It doesnt make any difference. We have no formal chain of command around here. The stock market has had a rise since the election. But that is vintage trump right there. I mean, saying theres no chain of command. You can call me. People have his own cell phone number. Just interesting to get a little window on how he does business with these folks. I always suggested that reporters read ort of the deal because everything about him is in there. Thats how he talks. Thats how he uses words. He doesnt have the same sort of regard for them and what they mean in the way that reporters and people do. And, you know, thats a good meeting that he had. Because the jobs of the future, especially the blue collar jobs of the future in technology. Technology and automation are robbing jobs of middle america. Technology. I forget the numbers. Like 2,000 jobs a month. Automation and innovation are, by most economic estimates and a lot of these numbers are soft. Lets be honest. You cant put a number to reality all the time. About 08 . But there is a step missing. You go to carrier and say dont take the jobs away and some sort of meddling success but how do you get the workers who are working with their hands right now into the automation business, into the innovator businesses like the people around that table . Thats retraining and education and a lot of things he hasnt spoken to yet and thats a big variable. Hes talking about bringing manufacturing jobs back to the United States. Thats not necessarily going to happen on the level that would get us back to people thats why they talked about the visa yesterday. He asked the people around the table yesterday, what do you want . Some of the voices say we want what you were talking against. We want more access to Foreign Workers and that type of academia. Can you help us . Supposedly he back tracked. For us to sit around the table and we talk about retraining and jobs program and what have you, very easy for us to talk about it, but very hard for someone to swallow. It is. Hillary clinton talked about that, as well. But not as satisfying a message. Thank you. President elect donald trump vowing to repeal obama care. Big part of his candidacy. Is it going to happen right away . If so, what about the million of People Racing to sign up before the deadline . Could they change anything right away . Well talk to Health Secretary Sylvia Mathews birwell. Answers ahead. 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All right. Some new stats are going to shed light on Health Care Situation in the battle thats going to happen in government. As of today more than 4 Million People signed up obama care ahead of the enrollment deadline. You got to get it in for the new year. Even with president elect trump and the gop planning to repeal the law in 2017 hhs secretary Sylvia Mathews burwell has been traveling the country encouraging people to register. That could be a recipe for collapse. Thats what she says agent Sylvia Mathews burwell joins us now. Now, this is complicated stuff. Lets try to boil down some of the main concerns. The complaint that drove the dialogue in the election was, this is too expensive for too many of us. We couldnt keep our doctor. We couldnt keep our plan. Fix it. How do you do it . I think we need to move from the rhetoric to the reality. For the 150 million americans who have their insurance through their job. Since the Affordable Care act in the last six years we have seen five of the slowest years of growth in their premiums. For those people in the marketplace what we know is for those folks right now we see 4 million folks that have already come in and we see our numbers moving and people coming in before the december 15th deadline for coverage on january 1st. Its a product people want and need and for the majority of the people in the marketplace which, remember, 11 million. 150 in the job market and then 50 million in medicare and another 70 in medicaid. For that 11 million the majority of those people can find a plan for 75 or less in premiums a month with the financial assistance. I want to throw out a few other numbers that i think are relevant here. 700,000 people have signed up this week for health care. There seems to be a run on Health Insurance right now. And there are Something Like 1. 1 million new people have signed up for next year. So, does this signal to you that people are feeling very anxious that they might be losing this ability. We are getting a lot of questions and a lot of confusions on whether people should sign up. We want to encourage everyone to do that. This is insurance for 2017 and this deadline of december 15th means you can get your coverage january 1st, which is a lot of those numbers are people working towards that deadline. And, so, weve heard from everyone from the president elect, members of congress to the insurers saying that for that coverage for 2017 that it wont be disrupted. Now, the issue of repeal could affect many other things whether thats coverage beyond 2017 and for those who are in the employerbased market things like preexisting conditions. Your child on your policy up to 26 or Preventative Services like contraception at no extra charge. That ps for people who have insurance in the job market. There is always a rush at the end of the signin period. Is it necessarily an anxiety or an anxiety based on the specific need and not wanting to miss the deadline . Hard to tell. But as youre reflecting, were seeing what we usually see at this time and what we have seen for the last three years. Correct me if im wrong, a quarter million more than you saw last year or previous years. Thats right in terms of the signps. That 4 million number that we put out yesterday which is the first 40 days we do see a quarter million more folks coming in. Im just saying if we want to make sure were not mischaracterizing the urgency. It could be anxiety that it is going to change and people are going to get stuck but so much politics involved in this. The rate of increase is kind of what you expected. The big question is going to be repealing is easy. Thats a sign away. What they do with it. What is your head in where you think the plan winds up three years from now . I think right now the conversation in washington and everywhere across the country is shifting, as i said, from slogans and rhetoric and the reality. The reality is that many of the benefits. Many people dont know theyre from the Affordable Care act. We heard the president elect keeping up to 26, your children on your policy up to 26. Preexisting conditions and many of the benefits that are occurring in the Affordable Care act are now in the fabric of health care in the u. S. No longer can women be discriminated against because of their gender and no annual limits or lifetime limits for people who have cancer or other diseases. I think those are the things that are here to stay. Secretary burwell, thanks so much for being on new day. Thanks for having me. An American Family is caught in the middle, was caught in the middle of the brussels terror attack. The brigfrightening scene. An exclusive report for you ahead. 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Reporter for 18yearold kiani martinez, her brother and sisters, there is utter devastation beyond the pain of burns, shrapnel and broken bones. Their mother gail was killed. All four children and their father, air force Lieutenant Colonel Cato Martinez were among the americans critically wounded in the march isis suicide bomber attack on the brussels airport. Lieutenant colonel martinez was just back from afghanistan. Theyd been waiting to check in for a flight to go on vacation. Local media are reporting an exchange of gunfire and theyre reporting that this is a bomb blast. Reporter 35 people were killed. 300 wounded. When the isis attackers detonated bombs hidden in suitcases at the airport departure area. In their first interview ever, the family wants the world to know what isis took from them when gail died that day. Tell me about your mom. What do you want people to know about her . I live every day because of her. I live every day for her. And to remember her. And to honor her. Reporter she says her mother was everything to the family. This young teenager is unflinching. I think its important for me to talk about this. At 18, when youre supposed to be going to college. Becoming independent. Having been prepared for everything by your parents, and then trying to learn for yourself what the real world is like. The real world slapped me in the face on march 22nd. Im not going to forget that. Reporter kianni was supposed to be in college by now. When i heard news that i was awarded an air force scholarship the first person i told was momma. And she was so proud. Its tough. Reporter Lieutenant Colonel martinez now raising four children on his own, grieving his wife and recovering from his own injuries. Photos of happier times with gail in europe while Lieutenant Colonel martinez held a nato job. I later learned that i took most of the shrapnel, because my son took the second air wave, and he got the burn, the flame. I didnt lose consciousness, i was blasted forward, i knew i was bleeding because i felt blood coming from my ears. Reporter he instantly feared the worse. My first instinct was to look for my children and my wife. I couldnt find my son or my two youngest. I heard screaming and i found kianni. The fact that she was screaming, she was alive, she was coherent, and i went to look for her mom. I said ill be right back. I went to look for her mom. I knew i was bleeding out. And my body was going into shock. So i closed my eyes, and welcomed it. And figured id join my wife and my three kids. But as i was slipping away, i heard this little girl call out to me. Daddy, dont you go. Dont you leave me. And just when i thought, you know, i was enveloped by a darkness and ready to go to sleep, i heard her voice and decided to come back. Reporter then the unimaginable, gail, the love of his life, was gone. The story i got from one of the First Responders regarding my baby, the youngest one, was that they found her in gails arms. When they got to her, they told shes going to be okay. And thats when she looked up to them, and smiled, and closed her eyes. For the last time. Reporter Lieutenant Colonel martinez would not lesh the rest of his family survived until he woke up in a belgian hospital. Initially he could not be moved out of bed to even see them. Military buddies came to the hospital to make sure the children were never alone. They did shifts around the clock making sure my children were taken care of, and they were always a friendly face there. Reporter now, home is texas. The family is very slowly getting through its days. The two youngest, 7yearold kilani and her 9yearold sister nolani recovering from their injuries. Now, tiny master chefs in the kitchen. And were waiting so we can put it on top, smush it down. Reporter at physical therapy, 13yearold kimo loosens his burned scar tissue that covers his lower body so he can play sports again. This American Military family griefstricken by honoring their mother, killed by terrorists, by recovering and regaining the lives they know she wanted for them. I see her in the faces of my children. I see her in this house. I see her in the people that come to help us. I see her in all the things that are done for us to support us, to help us. All the good things that have happened. Reporter its more than just physical therapy to climb this wall. For the martinez family, total determination to get to the mountaintop, and ring that bell. Thats what im talking about. Reporter Barbara Starr, cnn, san antonio. Boy, barbara, what a beautiful, but heartwrenching story. God, those last moments that he recounts. Are so intense. Did you get a sense from them of how they plan to move forward . Well, there is still a reality for all four children. They are all in grief counseling for their mother. But, look, they are moving ahead. Kianni, the young lady you saw there, she is sticking with her college plan. She wants to get in to that rotc scholarship and she wants to study artificial intelligence, and robotics. I asked 13yearold kimo if hes now thinking about college. He informed me hed been thinking about College Since he was 6 years old. His plan is to go to m. I. T. And study Mechanical Engineering so he can begin to design highend sports cars. I hope someone from m. I. T. Is listening this morning because i suspect this young man is coming their way. It was nice to hear all of the littlist kids there giggling together on the sofa. You know, obviously we pray for them and hope that they can preserve all of that during these next months and years. Barbara thanks so much for sharing their story. Were following a lot of news this morning. Hes made it very clear how much he values the input of his family. Jared kushner will have a place in the west wing. President elect trump should divest himself of any and all conflicts of interest. As of january 20th, he doesnt represent trump inc. , he represents the United States of america. An unmitigated humanitarian disaster. We are here exposed to a genocide in the city of aleppo. Evacuations finally resuming. We didnt want anything else. But freedom. They have battled infections, fevers, and seizures to get here. For the mcdonald twins. This is new day with chris cuomo, and alisyn camerota. Good morning. Welcome to your new day. Its thursday, december 15th, 8 00 in the east. It looks like the white house is going to be occupied by more than one trump. When the president elect takes office. Cnn has learned ivanka trump may get an office in the east wing space thats usually reserved for the first lady. And her husband, soninlaw Jared Kushner is on track to occupy an office in the west wing. And the line between business and family already blurring, mr. Trump, his three grown children, and his soninlaw were all at the table as they met with Silicon Valley ceos yesterday. 36 days until donald trump is inaugurated, and weve got the transition covered for you starting with cnns sara murray. Good morning, sara. Good morning, alisyn. Well a spokesman for the transition says ivanka trumps role is not finalized but sources are telling us while it is true that Jared Kushner and ivanka trump do not have official titles yet they certainly are poised to take on big roles in the white house. Youll call me, it doesnt make any difference. We have no formal chain of command around here. Reporter Donald Trumps unconventional white house quickly shaping up to be a family affair. Trumps three eldest children, donald jr. , eric, and ivanka, and soninlaw Jared Kushner, all sitting in on a meeting with the nations top tech executives wednesday. Some who openly supported hillary clinton. They wouldnt want me to keep going with the incredible innovation, theres nobody like you in the world. Theres nobody like the people in this room. And, anything we can do to help this along, and were going to be there for you. Kushner helped organize the meeting. Which the group says will happen quarterly. Sources saying he will likely get an office in the west wing. And an advisory role, similar to the one he held throughout trumps campaign. Ivankas also expected to take on an

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