Now. This is new day with chris cuomo, kate baldwin, and michaela pereira. Good morning. Welcome to new day. Tuesday, june 10th. 6 00 in the east, miss Brooke Baldwin is here. I came back. In for kate baldwin. We didnt scare her away. We are following two breaking stories overseas. The deadliest day in months for the troops in afghanistan. Five americans killed along with one afghan soldier and kals of friend case of friendly fire. The Pakistani Taliban now claiming responsibility. We are going to track developments on both of these stores. First, to Cnns Barbara Starr at the pentagon. What do we know, barbara . Reporter good morning, chris. We are just getting confirmation from a u. S. Military official that five u. S. Forces were killed in southern afghanistan in a place called the argendone, a very violent area. Apparently they came into contact somehow with enemy forces but what the u. S. Believes happened is that when they called in support, somehow a helicopter, a friendly helicopter fired on their position. Let me read you just the very scarce details that we are getting from the military at this hour. Let me read you a short quote. The casualties occurred during a security operation when their unit came into contact with enemy forces and tragically there is the possibility that fratricide may have been involved. The incident is under investigation. It looked like this tragic incident happened. U. S. Forces in contact with enemy forces and they called for help and, somehow, they were fired upon by friendly forces. Brooke . Barbara starr, thank you. The Pakistani Taliban is now claiming responsibility for this attack on the airport in karachi and they camped near the International Airport in karachi this morning. Todays assault coming just one day after 36 people were killed when militants stormed the airports cargo area. Cnns simon mosha joins me this morning from karachi. We will try to get her back here in a moment as we pick up that signal. Chris, toss it to you. We will get the details on that story right away. We have details this morning about that deranged couple that viciously gunned down two cops and a walmart shopper in las vegas. The married couple had a history of antigovernment activism. Recently they were prominent faces in the clyde bundy nevada ranch. For the latest get to dan simon live in las vegas. Dan . Reporter chris, these people were not shy about making their beliefs known, not to neighbors and not to their friends on facebook but apparently no one thought they would embark on this deadly rampage. We are going to vegas, baby. Reporter they moved here about six months ago from indiana. Documenting their journey from the road. Were approaching indianapolis and its our last time going through this awful city, hopefully. Reporter the couple made lots of video into their twisted world. I love you so much, baby reporter 31yearold jared miller declaring his love for his 22yearold wife before he was to head to jail. Had he a lengthy rap sheet that included a felony for stealing cars. Im, like, brag about you in jail tell you about how awesome you are. Reporter nevada would not be a fresh start. They were attracted to the antigovernment, antilaw of clyde bundy and jared miller appearing at a local newscast. I feel sorry for any federal agents that want to push us around or anything like that. I really dont want Violence Toward them but if they are going to come and bring violence to us if that is the language they want to speak, we will learn it. Reporter apparently the millers were too radical for the group. They were as tra siostracized ao go home. The message not well received. Jared miller writing the following. How dare you ask for help and shut us dedicated patriots. Whether the Bundy Movement or being shunned from it sparked some kind of deep anger and fueled a desire to Kill Police Officers isnt known. Authorities say they are investigating all aspects of millers past. A past that amandas father is all too familiar with. In an interview with the l. A. Times, says, quote, i begged her not to marry him and move to las vegas. He was into this patriot nation and Conspiracy Theory stuff and the whole world was just against him. And he was just he was just nuts. We are learning more about that victim who was killed at the walmart. Police tell us that Joseph Wilcox was carrying a concealed weapon and tried to intervene but what he doesnt realize is that miller has a wife and sees what is going on and she shoots wilcox before he can take any action. Brooke . Dan simon, thank you. We will have a bigger conversation on that story coming up later on new day. In the meantime, breaking overnight. Donald sterling now says hang on a second the l. A. Clippers are not for sale according to multiple media reports he is now withdrawing his support of the deal negotiated by his wife Shelly Sterling to sell the team to former microsoft ceo steve ballmer. He is moving forward with a billion dollar lawsuit against the league against the nba and jean casarez is here with the details. Woke up this morning and thought, what happened . On. Reporter what a difference a day makes. From the onset, i did not want to sell the clippers says Donald Sterling in a onepage Statement Released monday. Sterling suddenly pulling out of a 2 billion agreement to sell the clippers and pursuing a lawsuit against the nba. The deal is off. Says an attorney for clippers owner Donald Sterling. Sterling suddenly withdrawing support for the teams 2 billion sale to former microsoft ceo steve ballmer. The controversial coowner issued a onepage statement on monday titled the team is not for selling, writing i have decided i must protect my rights. While my position may not be popular i believe my rights to privacy when the preservation of my rights to due process should not be trampled. I intend to fight to keep the team. Sterling, now pursuing a 1 billion lawsuit against the nba, alleging the league violated his Constitutional Rights and relied upon information from an illegal recording. Yeah, it bothers me a lot that you want to broadcast that youre associating with black people. Reporter the sale agreed to weeks after the owners racist remarks were posted by tmz was negotiated by his estranged wife and team coowner Shelly Sterling and in the beginning mr. Sterling was seemingly on board. Settling sometimes is better than fighting and maybe i have to settle for whatever they want to do. Reporter just last week, the clippers owner said he felt very good about the sale. I feel fabulous. Im okay. Im okay is the nba okay . Im not sure about them. Is adam silver okay . Im sure he is okay. Reporter in a recent exclusive interview with cnns Rachel Nichols adam silver who moved quickly to oust the owner. Im banning mr. Sterling for life. Reporter questioned sterlings commitment to sell. There is wellknown incidents in the league when he was right there at the closing and at the last minute decided not to sell and until he signs that document, we still have a pending litigation with him. Reporter and sterling directly mentioned silver in his statement writing, i believe that adam silver acted in haste by illegally ordering the forced sell of the clippers and banning me from life from the nba and imposing the fine. Without conducting any real investigation was wrong. The action taken by adam silver and the nba constitutes a violation of my rights and fly in the face of the freedoms that are afforded to all americans. To be continued. That is what i was going to say. Jean, thank you. Thanks, brooke. Lets take a look at more headlines. More young Nigerian Women abducted by suspected boko haram militants and they were kidnapped from a town of chibok. Some of those girls escape but many in captivity. It follows a series of kidnappings and attacks on villages in nigerias northeast. V. A. Acting Inspector General say some of supervisors could Face Criminal Charges for faking records. Richard griffin telling a late night congressional hearing they are now reviewing 69 facilities across the nation and comes after an internal audit revealed more than 57,000 veterans have waited at least three months for their first medical appointments. Another 64,000 vets never got appointments. A tragic accident for one of americas greatest swimmers. Sixtime olympic Gold Medalist Amy Van Dyken severed her spinal cord in an atv accident. According to a Police Report, she hit a curb while riding on an atv and flew some five to seven feet off the edge of a parking lot. The 46yearold had emergency Spine Surgery to try and repair her spine. She is said to be in Good Condition but, right now, its not clear if she is going to be able to walk again. You think about the plsht. 96 Olympic Games in atlanta she was the first female athlete to win four gold medals. I remember her. In single games so sending our best thoughts for a speedy recovery to be sure. Lets talk about the weather. They have gotten some rain in the south. Indra is taking a look at the forecast for us. Take a look at these numbers. 9 inches of rain in a week is double the amount they should see in the entire month in jackson and jonesboro. 4 inches. Last seven days the amount they see in a month and we are still talking about rain today. The flooding concern is high thanks to the low. Keep in mind we are talking about rain for the midwest into the northeast. Day after day. We are taking you to wednesday. Showers still on the map but not a lot of happy campers out here. By thursday we are talkin about the exact same system out there. So lets take a look at it maybe just a little bit of a different way. Look at a low. You see this guy spinning around. Winds go counterclockwise around a low and the moisture out of the gulf. What are you talking about . All of this moisture is going up into the northeast. Why do you care . Its been so muggy. Here is the starting point in the morning hours. Humidity 70 to 80 but by the time through the afternoon, even when you see the highest temperature of the day 70 humidity out towards new york city. This is not comfortable, guys and here to stay the next couple of days. 90, new york city 81 and you combine that with the 70 humidity, again, i say, welcome, brooke. Thanks for that atlanta weather. You are very welcome. I bring the heat and humidity with me. Thank you, indra, very much. Coming up next here on new day, read all about her. Hillary clinton memoir lands in book stores today and a round of speculation would she, could she, might she come 2016 . What she is saying in this major tv interview. Members of the house get a classified briefing on the Bowe Bergdahl prisoner swap and why many emerge from the meeting, wait for it, as angry as ever. A live report just ahead. It aint the heat, its the humidity. [announcer] play closegood and close. Help keep teeth clean and breath fresh with beneful healthy smile snacks. With soft meaty centers and teeth cleaning texture,its dental that tastes so good. Beneful healthy smile food and snacks. [ girl ] my mom, she makes underwater fans that are powered by the moon. She can print amazing things, right from her computer. [ whirring ] [ train whistle blows ] she makes trains that are friends with trees. My mom works at ge. My mom w rks at ge. train horn vo wherever our trains go, the economy comes to life. Norfolk southern. One line, infinite possibilities. Conversation here started before the commercial even ended. We can now stop talking about it. We will still talk about it but also read it. What am i talking about . Hillary clinton long awaited memoir hit shelves today. The rollout went off without a hitch so far. Brianna keilar has more. Reporter Hillary Clinton in an interview with abc news found hears herself position of defending her wealth. We came out of the white house dead broke and we had no money when we got there and we struggled to, you know, piece together the resources for mortgages for houses, for chelseas education. Reporter houses plural. Clintons opponents jumped on that. Shame leslie out of touch the rnc declared America Rising the Hillary Clinton superpact tweeted their 2 million homes and their hamps vacation rental. That mistake aside clintons first big interview as her new memoir goes on sale showed a more personal side as she spoke about Monica Lewinsky who resurfaced last month writing an interview with the vanity fair. I hope she is able to think about her future and construct a life that she finds meaning and satisfaction in. Reporter she talked about moving beyond the toughest time in her life. Somebody said forgiveness is releasing a prisoner and discovering the prisoner was yourself. I am 100 in the camp that says forgiveness is mostly about the forgiver. I know too many people having now lived as long as i have who can never get over it. Reporter the softer side of Hillary Clinton. One we havent seen since the 2008 campaign. This is very personal for me. Its not just political. Its not just public. Reporter that appeal, though convincing, came too late. Not this time. When youre in the spotlight as a woman, you know youre being judged constantly. I mean, it is just never ending. And you get a little, you know, worried about, okay well, you know, people over on this side are loving what im wearing looking like and saying. People on this side arent. Your natural tendency is how do you bring people together so you can better communicate . Im done with that. I mean, im just done. Reporter brianna keilar, cnn, washington. Just done but maybe getting warmed up. Lets bring in maggie haberam, a Political Writer for politico. The big interview teeing it. What did you think . I think she handled the interview extremely well except with the houses interview. I think it was meaningless in a couple of weeks. This was a very well done rollout and if her first interview she seemed more relaxed and she seemed open and genuine and the line how she is not worrying about people judging from her from this side or that side she sounded convincing and we will see if that is true but certainly this is a much more relaxed at ease Hillary Clinton than we have seen in a long time in terms of politics. On the issue of paying for the houses, mortgages, how does rnc jumping on it out of touch with middle class americans and is there any validity to that she does sort of roam in another circle and how does she fight that in the coming months . She certainly roams in another circle but its how she frames the policy issues and i have to think the way the policy fights have gone, i think the person who is the democratic nominee is probably going to be in a position in terms of policy where its going to be harder for the republicans to define her this way. These gaffes that mitt romney made to some of the errors that romney made but romney was an existing narrative. That is how republicans are trying to define her. She can easily get around that but she has to be weary of that. One thing, i think, that she will be taking a task on is legitimate basis for criticism and its emerging, we are seeing, with more and more leaders. I take responsibility but i want no accountability. How do you think that balance played off in the interview . Diane sawyer wasnt joking around. This is an issue Hillary Clinton will get asked about repeatedly and the answers will not satisfy owner critics who do not think benghazi is an issue and think this is enough to move on. The accountability piece is important one, being responsible piece is an important one. In terms of the specifics of benghazi and i think what this gets to, i do not think that is a definitional issue in terms of what voters base their decision on if she runs. It will be an issue that people can use to hit her. I think it is something that voters may find confusing. They want more answers on. But at the end of the day, i think that she laid out and she was clear in her book on this i am done talking about this. Critics turning this into a partisan football and now any question asked about is in that time left or right. She could be, maybe, maybe, our first female president and just as a woman, she was saying, listen, i didnt address womens issues and sex iissues as i should have. I know youve written not at all in 2008 and now sitting with these different situation with rounds of interview. I was reading one woman interview saying im drowning in estrogen how does she find that balance . I dont think she needs to find that balance. I think youre seeing she is swinging for the fences for this one. She really didnt address it at all in the 2008 race. She did not run a genderbased candidatesy. They were concerned about her projection of weakness. The demographics shifted enough about a female president she knows this is essentially she would be carrying the mantle as first female president that is going to be very meaningful for a lot of women and significant. She not shying away from it. Its just hard to deal with, as a male candidate. You know . Whatever hillary or any female candidate wants to put forward as a female agenda, right . Not even feminist agenda, just female agenda what is the guy supposed to say . Im taking issue with that . I want to be that also . I just think they cant. Its just smart politics and you can very much argue its come to be that time, you know . Women are not a niche focus group. More than half. I think this was something that was an issue in 2012. You saw this come up between mitt romney and barack obama. You are not seeing Hillary Clinton shy away from this at all. In the book she casts a lot of things in the frame of gender including talking about her race with obama and how offended she was at some of the sexism she saw. She did not talk about it again but she is speaking about it now. Enjoy fighting the crowds. Wish me luck. Good luck. First signing today . 9 00 this morning. Great to have you come back and tell us who was in this crowd. I will be keeping you posted. Is there a man who was the first person in line and interviewed all over the place but ill see who else is there in a little bit. Interesting. Maggie, thank you for dropping by. Coming up next on new day, the bow bee bergdahl prisoner s. We will tell you what the lawmakers are saying after a closed door briefing at the white house. A guy gets into an elevator and guess what happens . It goes out of control. Not down. Up. Starts flying up faster and faster and faster what happens . We got the video and the story ahead. You need to see this. Show em the curve. Do you know what this means . The greater the curvature, the bigger the difference. [scifi tractor beam sound]. Sucked me right in. Its beautiful. Gotta admit one thing. Cant beat the view. Introducing the worlds first curved Ultra High Definition Television from samsung. Good to have you back with us here at new day. Breaking news this morning. Five u. S. Service members have been killed in afghanistan in a case of friendly fire. A u. S. Official telling cnn that these troops were killed by an air strike that they had called in for support. It happened in southern Zabul Providence near kandahar and marks the deadliest day for American Forces in months. A main attack on the main airport in karachi, pakistani, killing dozens. The Pakistani Taliban claimed responsibility for both attacks. The military there is has now launched an air assault on militants along the border with afghanistan. Got to show you this crazy video. Wild ride in an elevator happened in chile. This elevator malfunctioned carrying this man straight up. Up 31 floors in 15 seconds the doors open and Surveillance Video shows the runway elevator shooting up before the doors close and the man is desperately trying to press buttons to stop the elevator but to no avail. The elevator slammed into the roof of the building and seriously injuring this man. The building is only eight months old. What would you do . Nothing to do pushing the buttons as well. You think about it dropping but ive never considered the notion of it rocketing up. I would prefer not. Lets not think about it. So sorry. Not think about it . Its too bad. Right in front of my face. The guy is looking at the floors passing faster and faster. They say it was going 50 miles an hour. 50 miles an hour . Some estimates report that. The only solace you would take in that situation, one, he made it out and he is hurt but he is okay. The only thing worse than that, dropping. Youre going against gravity. At least there is something more intuitive. You fear like falling up. Thank you. Thank god he is okay but that was very scary and we cant unsee it now. I feel responsible. Sorry. Dont think about it, chris. But you put it in there. More political fallout over the release of sergeant Bowe Bergdahl. Yesterdays classified briefing on capitol hill about the prisoner swap seems to have done little to soothe congress. Meanwhile, a new poll find most americans disapprove of the deal to swap bergdahl for five taliban prisoners. Only onethird say it was the right move. Pentagon correspondent Barbara Starr is here with the latest. Reporter good morning, chris. Well, just over 24 hours from now, defense secretary chuck hagel will walk into a political buzz saw on capitol hill when he testifies tomorrow morning about all of this. Congress wants the details and the questions about what is going on keep coming. After getting a closed door briefing on the deal to get Bowe Bergdahl back, many house members continue to be dug in for or against the administration, worried about how five released taliban prisoners will be monitored and kept off the battlefield. Its going to be very hard to attract them, to trace them, and the fact is that there is no way to eliminate the risk. Reporter members still angry they werent even notified about the bergdahl swap. Im concerned with the administration telling 80 or 90 people within the administration and not one member of congress. Reporter for now, the pentagon isnt giving Sergeant Bergdahl his back pay after being keled captive by the taliban for five years and several defense officials tell cnn it could total nearly 200,000. The worry . Giving bergdahl his pay and potentially charging him with misconduct. First, the army has to investigate exactly what happened. Desertion at its core involves an intent to remain away permanently from your duty station. Reporter one official tells cnn, we need to learn more about his disappearance. The pentagon, the official insisted, hasnt rejected the idea of giving him his salary. He says there just has been no decision to go ahead and pay him. We need to know what the precise conditions were that he was held in. We need to know what, if anything, he was forced to do. Reporter now still recovering at a Military Hospital in germany, Sergeant Bergdahl has been asked to be called private first class, his rank when he was captured. He is in stable condition but not yet telephoned his parents. Now, the Administration Still will not publicly say publicly how it is monitoring those five taliban released detainees in qatar. Its not clear that information is ever going to be made public. They may give congress more details but, still, not coming out publicly and talking about it. Brooke . Barbara starr, thank you so much. Border agents say they are simply overwhelmed as hundreds of undocumented minors from Central America are shipped to the Holding Centers in arizona by the federal government. In fact, just last week, nearly 1,000 children had already arrived in tucson and in phoenix and conditions are growing increasingly dire. Pamela brown is in washington with the latest. Reporter Administration Officials are calling this a humanitarian crisis. A flood of children pouring into the border right now. They prepared for more the numbers the past weeks were much larger than anticipated. These disturbing leaked images show undocumented children cramped inside a border troll holding cell sleeping on the floor under blanket. U. S. Officials say basic necessities such as food and showers are scarce. Beginning on tuesday, we started seeing families dropped off, including, you know, children, most under the age of 5 and some as young as 3 and 6 months old. Reporter senior obama officials telling cnn the children are trying to cross the southwest border in droves and trekking from guatemala, honduras and el salvador. Tens of thousands posteriuring the United States they are particularlily going to texas. Three military bases they say will handle some of the overflow. The last week, buses of immigrant family groups arrived in arizona in record numbers. About 1,000 were children. Processing facilities were at capacity so the federal government was forced to find other options for the immigrants. A move that is outraged Arizona Governor jan brewer who released a statement saying dhs was transporting thousands of illegal people. Once undocumented families are put on the buses they have 15 days to make it to the facility at a specific location. The concern some wont show up there and end up living in the u. S. Illegally. This is a very difficult situation. The politics of it seem more clear than the practicality sometimes. Our thanks very much to pamela for giving us the reporting. We are going to have representative steve king who is very big on this issue of immigration specifically regarding what should be done with these kids. He is going to be on the show this morning later on and we hope you listen in to that because this is an important conversation to have. All right. So the bleacher report. Michaela pereira looks like she is winning another one but im hold out open. The kings last night took another one in the stanley cup final and looked easy to them. The rangers 03 hole. Andy scholes has this mornings bleacher report. He is about to Say Something very depressing about how nobody has ever come back except one team and nobody remembers who they were is there any good news . No good news for you this morning, chris or hockey fans in new york city. Youve been waiting about 20 years to get back to the stanley final but if your rangers dont figure something out pretty soon this is going to be a quick series. Madison square garden was rocking for game three last night but the air was let out of the building in the first period. Time winding down. Jeff carter is going to score with just one second left on the clock that goal was all kings goalie Jonathan Quick needed. He made some amazing saves on his way to a shutout. The kings, they win this one 30 to take a 30 lead in the series. That one team that has come back from an 03 deficit ever done it and that was the 1942 Toronto Maple Leafs so history not on the rangers side. Turning to bleacher report. Com reports that Derrick Fisher is retiring as a player in order to team up with phil jackson and coach the New York Knicks fisher, a fivetime champ as a player all of those coming back with the lakers and jackson. The knicks expected to hold a press conference later today for, quote, a major announcement where they are expected to confirm fishers hire. The nba finals will continue tonight with the always pivotal game three spurs and heat tied up at one game apiece. Tipoff 9 00 eastern in miami. Brooke, its tough for the spurs to get a win in miami. Right now, the heat a perfect 80 so far in this years playoffs. Andy scholes, thank you so much. Coming up on new day new details this morning in the fatal crash that left comedian tracy morgan in Critical Condition. The truckdriver who caused the accident faces multiple charges but the big question we are looking into was sleep deprivation to blame . That conversation coming up next. Now printing is so affordable and convenient, you can print all you want. Hp instant ink. Save on ink and never run out again. Plans start at just 2. 99 a month. Welcome to the future of printing. So safely whiten your smile with listerine whitening®. Other mouthwashes just whiten teeth. But only listerine whitening® both whitens and restores enamel. New listerine whitening vibrant®. Power to your mouth. Hooking up the country whelping business run trains they haul everything, safely and on time. Tracks they connect the factories built along the lines. And that means jobs, lots of people, making lots and lots of things. Lets get your business rolling now, everybody sing. Norfolk southern whats your function . Helping this big country move ahead as one Norfolk Southern hows that function . Dont just visit new york visit tripadvisor new york with millions of reviews, tripadvisor makes any destination better. Welcome back to new day. Im Brooke Baldwin. Comedian tracy morgan remains in Critical Condition this morning as we are learning more about what caused that deadly crash that landed morgan and three others in the hospital. Take a look at the new video what we have from tmz and shows the utter panic in the desperate moments after the crash. Prosecutors now say the truckdriver who slammed into morgans vehicle had been awake for more than 24 hours before that accident. Mary, a former Inspector General for the u. S. Transportation department, good morning to you. Good morning. I read a whole article you had written based on a harvard studied 2012. We talk a lot about drivers, truckers, lack of sleep versus how that equates almost driving drunk and you say you know what . Its actually worse. Right. In many cases, both harvard and stanford Researchers Show being sleepy has effects on the body worse than being drunk. The neurons you need in your brain, lets you sense what youre seeing and react shut down first. Like your brain decides on im tired and had enough and shut it down. Truckers they found would see, for example, traffic obstruction and literally the brains wouldnt register it so it was worse in some cases than being drunk. That is frightening. You drive along on the highways we aware of the massive trucks out there. They have to be out there but talking about the wake in this particular accident but how widespread is this issue of sleep deprivation . Its terribly widespread. Americans, more than 35 of americans have reported that they regularly get less than seven hours of sleep a night and approximately 4,000 highway, traffic highway deaths caused every year by tired truckers and the entire drivers in addition to tired truckers, bring that number up to 7,800 a year so its a very widespread problem and probably about a third of the accidents are caused by being tired. Here is the issue and it just so happens that recently, you know, there are laws on the books for how long truckers can go before they have that mandatory break. But this Senate Committee, a couple of days ago, voted to ease the restrictions, right, to lute truckers to cut the maximum workweek to 70 hours from 82. You know, the Trucking Industry says, listen, if you tighten these things up on us, youll create more traffic, not to mention your shipping costs will go up. What do you say to that . First of all, it will create more traffic and actually probably create less because you go back to regular normal schedules. But time is money and that is what truckers say and what trucker companies say. Working 80 hours a week means youre working double jobs and if youre doing that and you dont get the critical time period of sleep, i know you at new day probably dont get it open. Not at all. From 1 00 to 5 00, if you dont get those hours you have a problem with functioning normally and truckers if they are working, you know, literally 80 hours a week, you cant make that up in the afternoon or evening because youre working so that is the problem with the schedule that has them working double hours. Its impossible to make up for that sleep. And having a day and a half off just wont do it. You just cant catch up for that punishing schedule. Congress and the senate are going to do something very bad in rolling back these safety regulations and the number of deaths will go up. Its proven. They did a study in new england where they showed they increased decreased the rate and the deaths went up. This trucker was driving for walmart. Walmart says, listen, if its found that the truck was responsible, we will take full responsibility. But technology today, these companies can monitor their truckers to see if they are sleeping exactly. The companies can monitor their truckers and the issue that many say, is you cant monitor the truckers and his or off offduty hours and found it with pilots and Nuclear Plant operateses, et cetera, et cetera. They are supposed to be home sleeping and they are not and the company says you want us to be nanny and monitor them at all times . You solve that by saying you got to make sure you have behind the door time. In your time off you have to be in a place where you can sleep behind the door eight hours so you can refresh your body and you cant be the nanny but you can schedule them to make sure that happens. Technical by law walmart probably did to that and they should have done it, its the law but remain to be seen what the facts are. We will wait to see the facts. Also wait to see if there are any changes on thrill. Mary sciavo, thank you very much. Youre on a road trip and you see the truckers around, are they sleeping . Is this safe . Things to think about. Mary is dead right. Safety issues are clear. The question is who wins this situation about leverage. Is it the industry who wins or Public Safety . We will be following this story. Thanks for doing that for us, brooke. Come on back to the desk. We will take a break on new day. When we come back, she somehow survived this brutal attack. Remember, 12yearold girl allegedly stabbed 19 times by two friends. Well, the good news, there actually is good news. She is home and back in wisconsin. We are talking to a family friend about a stunning survival. The outpouring support this young girl is receiving and what is going to happen next. 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Now, priceline is piling on even more savings with its summer sale. So grab your giant beach towel and enter code summer14. Look at me enjoying the deals. They lived. They lived. They lived. dad we lived. Thanks to our subaru. announcer love. Its what makes a subaru, a subaru. Less than two weeks after allegedly stabbed 19 times by two friends and left for dead, a 12yearold girl is actually back home. Support for the girl has been overwhelming. Including a campaign called hearts for healing and its helping cover her sizeable medical bills. That campaign is so far raised more than 40,000 but a lot more is needed. Joining us to discuss that in this amazing recovery so far, family, friend, and spokesperson dana hoffman and kristen natarelli a family friend. Thank you both for joining us this morning to let us know what is going on. Tell us, lets start with you, chris take. What is going on with the family and how are they coping with this and how is this special little girl feeling now she is back home . She is definitely happy to be at home with her family and her pets. You know, its relief to be in a family environment versus being in the hospital with doctors and nurses in and out of her room, you know, constantly. So she is resting at home and improving every day. Obviously, they are trying to figure out what normal means now. But, dane rah, are they surprised pleasantly after such injury she was able to leave so relatively quickly . Yes, they are. Her injuries and her wounds are healing more quickly than they anticipated, which is fantastic news. For both the girl and her family. But, at the same time, theres still a long road of recovery that is in front of them. Both from a physical and emotional standpoint. Obviously, we are saying the little girl. There is no reason to use her name. No use of images obviously. We want on keep this as sprist on th private on that level as they figure out what this always means. Dana, why this happened . What is the family doing in terms of explaining this to a 12yearold . Well, they have had some conversations with her about what happened and, really, they focus some of those conversations around how she found that will to crawl out of the woods and this little girl, shes extremely strong. She has a very strong character and will to live, and with those conversations with her parents, she told them that, i crawled out of the woods because i wanted to live. When i heard those words, i got instant goose bumps. I got tears in my eyes. I was i was taken aback by the strength that this little girl has. I think sometimes we underestimate children and we dont think that they necessarily have that strength and they have that those feelings inside of them and they have that will to live. I know theres probably many adults who wouldnt have been able to do what she did and she found the strength inside her to crawl and to get and to get to a place where she could be found and, you know, by a miracle that cyclist was passing bain had by and had a cell phone on him and able to dial 911 and get help in a timely manner for this little girl. Very often in these terrible situations, we wind up seeing both realities of humanity. What is the worse and what is the best that is possible on. You are talking about this little girls ability to overcome just the Emotional Trauma alone in a setting like that could have left you frozen right where you fell, but not her. Then on the other side, krista, dealing with these other girls involved. I got an 11yearold at home. Its unfathomable to think what confusion and death is and to hurt people and what allowances you want to make for their age. What is you all and family that love them that kids this age were capable of this type of horror . I mean, i dont think anybody can understand that. Im a parent myself and i just when i heard the news, my friend called me on tell me what had happened, i had to have her repeat it because it is so shocking and so unusual. We just lowell, we dont have this type of thing happen. So i dont know how you reconcile that honestly. I mean, its such a awful event, but were trying to look forward and trying to, you know, move past the pain and just make sure that we are focusing on the positives that this little girl can continue her pretty long road of recovery she has ahead of her. A big part of the positive here is, obviously, specific to this family and what they can do for their little girl. Tell us about that. How can we help . Then there is a bigger concern they have and certainly we should all share what the heck do we do about this type of influence on kids on the internet and making sure that kids arent getting down these wayward paths. Dana, you take the first one. What does the family need . We know the people are sending the purple hearts but a lot more is needed. Tell us about it. Yep. So we created a campaign called hearts for healing. Hearts, because they are that International Symbol of love and hope and carrying and compassion. Those are the emotions that little girl and her family need right now. They need, like you said, chris, they need to see that there is good in humanity and they need to do that the community is rallying around them and that beyond friends and family, that they have people that are praying for them, that are thinking about them on a daily basis, that are sending them their blessings. So with the campaign, with the hearts for healing campaign, we are asking people to create home made purple hearts. Purple happens to be the little girls favorite color, so people have started to send in homemade hearts and other things that are purple. They are writing notes, they are writing her letters, they are putting prayers, well wishes, blessings on these hearts and sending them in. We have set up a p. O. Box that people can send these here to waukesha to get them over to the little girl. We are picking up the packages from the mailbox on a regular basis. We got an extremely large shipment yesterday which was very exciting and i know when i saw the photos and started looking through some of these hearts, it was i almost dont have words. The messages that people are including in their hearts, in the time and effort that they are putting into some of these projects was it was absolutely incredible. This is one of those stores, ladies, that touches people in a very, very deep way. Not just because of how wrong it is but because of who it involved and what is really supposed to be going on in the life of a 12yearold kid. So we are all on the right page right now. Lets keep the numt going with the purple hearts. We know they need money also and we will put the information on the new day website at cnn and there is a larger conversation about what we are doing with our kids as well and let the family know we are going to continue that conversation because its the only good that can come out of a situation like this. Try and somehow get better with our kids. Dana, krista, thank you for talking with us here on new day. Send our regards to the little girl at home. The hearts are coming, i promise you that. She is going to get sick of purple because there is going to be so much of it. Thats right. We would love that. We do have breaking news to get to this morning for you. If youre just joining us, welcome back to new day. Breaking this morning. Five american troops in afghanistan are dead and an official says it was a case of friendly fire. That makes it the deadliest day for american troops in months. Lets get to Cnns Barbara Starr with the latest. Friendly fire makes the loss even more difficult to understand. How did it happen. Reporter the details are sketchy. The president is wrapping up the mission in afghanistan in the coming months but for military families still the ultimate price, the ultimate sacrifice being made. What we do know is five u. S. Troops killed in southern afghanistan. They were out on a mission. According to our sources, they came into contact with enemy fire and called in air support. The belief at this point and its all very preliminary, somehow that air support when it launched its air strike, it hit the friendly forces, it hit the u. S. Troops. The incident, of course, under investigation, but now this fratricide incident makes this one of the deadliest days of afghanistan in months. Brooke . Barbara starr at the pentagon for us, thank you. Also new we are learning new details about the deadly rampage in las vegas. The married couple who gunned down two Police Officers in and a shopper at walmart had a history of extremist views seen in multiple videos, all posted online. Then there is this. They apparently had spent some time at Cliven Bundys ranch. Daryl johnson, bring you in, from the department of homeland security. He is the author of right wing resurgence. Mr. Johnson, good morning. Good morning, brooke. You have spent multiple years studying these domestic terrorist groups and while we cant ling a to b with this specific group or these two individuals in las vegas, when you hear these details, when you hear the shooters left a yellow dont tread on me flag and a swastika on one of the Police Officers they shot and killed and a note apparently they pinned warning about the beginning of the revolution, what does that tell you . Yeah, this is not shocking to me. These are classic symbols for the far right extremists that we have in the country. Its interesting to note that a lot of people when they think of terrorism they think about hamas or hezbollah that operate like groups. Here in america the extremists dopt adopted a lone wolf tactic. I know that you say there should be more done on the federal level and we will get to that. You said its not shocking. That jumped out at me. In the years you studied individuals or groups like this, appeal as you point out after our first africanamerican president and tougher Economic Times a couple of years ago, have these instances of extremists increased . Oh, they have increased dramatically. In 2007, when i was at homeland security, the Militia Movement was on its last legs. We had less than a hundred groups their operating throughout the country. In 2008, that number grew to 150 and over 300 years later. With the possible of connection here to cliven bundy who was really the symbol of antigovernment, you know, didnt want to pay the federal government for his cattle grazing on their land, apparently this couple did go. Thousands of people went, right . As part of that whole movement. Cliven bundy says he doesnt remember meeting them but he believes someone did ask them to leave. Curious at that time when that whole scene was percolating on a national stage, did you fear that maybe some sort of movement or as a guest said yesterday, a war of extremist would morph out of that . Yes. The cliven Bundy Standoff is reminiscent of one that brought stripes together in one common cause and caused people not only to recruit and expand these groups and movements, but also it served as a radicalization of people saw the heavy hand of the government and, therefore, may pursue criminal or violent action as a result. So what do you do about it . What does the federal government do about it . How do they watch for these people . The first thing we need to do is raise Public Awareness. A lot of people might think two cops getting shot at a pizza place is just the result of a crazed gunman who went in there and just did it as a common criminal act. But its the belief system that was behind that act that makes it terrorism. Just increasing Public Awareness these are public terrorist i think goes a long way. Thank you for spending time with us, daryl johnson. Youre welcome. A tense day in detroit because General Motors is Holding Annual Shareholder Meeting there. The company is doing well. Not the problem. Families of People Killed in those recalled vehicles and inside shareholders have tough questions about gms mishandling of the recall. Cnns poppy harlow is live in detroit with more. Hey, poppy. Reporter hey, good morning, chris. No doubt, this will be a unique and tense Shareholder Meeting inside General Motors headquarters. Only a few days from the damming investigation came out showing 11 years what they are calling neglect and incompetence that led to at least 13 deaths. 54 crashes. Many injuries. Because of this faulty ignition switch that no one took responsibility for. You know, it has cost the company 1. 7 billion so far and cost them a lot more than that with all of these lawsuits and litigation. More important than the money here are the people. The victims. At least 13 deaths. We had a chance last night to speak to some of the people who are outside here protesting. They want more answers and more action from General Motors. One of them a father who lost his daughter Natasha Weigel sitting in the back seat of one of those cars because of this faulty ignition switch. Here is what he wants. We just want to make sure, okay, here is the face of the victims. People died because of their inaction and we got to make sure that doesnt happen again. Reporter i want to read you a quote from this report that really stood out to all of us talking about this defective ignition switch. Here it is. The switch was so plagued with problems that the designer labeled it the switch from hell. They talked about a gm nod, acknowledgment by gm executives in meetings they would do something, a plan of action and no one followed through. Just showing what the Corporate Culture was like at this company a long time and they insist this is a new General Motors and things have changed but they are in the middle of a congressional investigation and criminal probe by the department of justice so a big day ahead for General Motors when the people who want answers. We will watch to see how the new gm handles all of this. Poppy, we appreciate it. Take a look at more headlines. Breaking overnight the deal to sell the l. A. Clippers is office according to multiple media reports. Donald sterling is now withdrawing his consent for the sale of the team and going ahead about 1 billion lawsuit against the nba. This comes after the league refused to lift sterlings lifetime ban or rescind 2. 5 Million Dollar fine for his racist comments. Pakistani taliban is claiming responsibility for another attack on the karachi airport. They say its retribution for the government shelling of its fighters. Todays attack comes a day after 36 people were killed when militants stormed the airports cargo area. An embarrassing moment for a university of connecticut Womens Basketball star. What was supposed to be celebration for the Championship Team quickly turned into slight panic after a 65 center Stephanie Dolson lost her footing and almost fell off the risers. The president sprung into action reaching out his hand to help her. Morived and hiding her face in embarrassment the president assured her with a little hug. Its okay. I got you. She must have had some heels on have you ever done that . You got heels on and standing on a riser saying, do not fall and what do you do . You fall and it happens every time and you swear that the next time youll make a smarter choice and youll account for it and then you make the same mistake again because your legs look amazing in that particular pair of shoes and you just made the same mistake again. Apparently he has experience in this endeavor we will not ask any more. Next story. We are all on alert this morning. An olympic champion is recovering this morning after a terrible accident. Sixtime gold medal swimmer Amy Van Dyken severed her spinal cord after an injury from an atv. Jean casarez is here with more. Reporter we are just getting this information in right now. We are learning this olympic champion was airlifted after an atv acket in arizona. Her husband former Denver Broncos Football Player tom rohan was at her side at the time. Reporter she is one of americas greatest swimmers. Sixtime olympic Gold Medalist Amy Van Dyken rohan, hairlifted to a local hospital after a terrifying accident. She severed her spinal cord during an atv outing with her husband and friends. According to a Police Report her atv hit a curb and launching her over a seven to eightfeet dropoff and found next to the atv unresponsive. Despite the extent of the injuries she is in good spirits. According to a statement from her family amys spinal cord was completely severed at the t11 vertebrae but miraclely a broken vertebrae stopped within millimeters of rupturing her aorta. She made a splash at the 1996 Olympic Games as she became the first u. S. Female athlete to win four gold medals in a single olympics. She went on to win two more in the 2000 games in sydney. Usa swimming released a statement saying amy is a champion who has proch throughout her life she is a fighter who takes on challenges and comes out on top. We know amy will tackle her rehabilitation with vigor and be back on her feet sooner rather than later. In a statement by amys family on her verified twitter account they state that doctors say she did not suffer any head trauma. They also say that amy has conquered many obstacles before, including battling lifelong asthma shand she is a six gold medal champion. Millimeters from rupturing her vertebrae. She is strong of character and hopefully get her through this. That is what her family was saying. Everybody is thinking about her and we will stay on the story and let you know. Hopefully, another tremendously recover to tell you about. 80 to 90 people within the administration knew about the Bowe Bergdahl swap before it happened. None of them, therefore, republican lawmakers. One of the congressman that we are going to have on the show here today isnt happy about it. Steve king will join us and tell us what they were told in this meeting and why it wasnt enough. Presentation. And when steve is perfectly prepped, ya know what he brings . And thats how youll increase market share. 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[ thud ] visit tripadvisor rome. With millions of reviews, tripadvisor makes any destination better. Welcome welcome back to new day. New developments overnight as the white house plays damage control over the prisoner swap that freed sergeant Bowe Bergdahl from the taliban. House lawmakers received a closed door briefing explaining why the swap happened and why congress was not informed in advance. Remember the 30day notification that they believe they were due . All of this as a new poll shows that nearly half of americans believe that bergdahl exchange was the wrong thing to do. Iowa republican congressman steve king was one of those briefed last night by the administration. He has strong opinions on the matter and joining us from washington. Congressman, always a pleasure. Thank you for joining us on new day. My pleasure. Thanks for having me on, chris. So give me the skinny, congressman. What happened at the meeting and what did you learn and what did you think of it . Well, within the limits that i can discuss, chris, and i think we should have fairly broad limits so we asked him them to announce to us those classified things and make sure none of that goes back out into the press. And there really wasnt an announcement like that although there was a question specifically in that fashion. So here is what we had. We had a panel of people whose titles almost started with either vice or deputy. These werent cabinet members and second and thirdtier people and came to give us the party line. If you read through the media reports and some you have given find most of that was sent back to us after white house had a week or so to polish you will their talking points. That was most of the substance of it. What what we did learn there was a number of people in the executive branch that knew about this but not one person in the United States congress knew about this even though the law says that thou shall inform congress 30 days before any prisoners out of release of gitmo. Do you think that any of this, to the extent, lets accept everything you say as true. Do you think any of this is the poor working relationship coming back to haunt both the administration and lawmakers on your side of the aisle, that you guys dont get along well and, as a result, dysfunction everywhere . Well, you would think the president would consult with democrats when the law says you shall, then you think harry reid over there in the senate, Something Else we learned, werent able to confirm that harry reid knew about this in advance even though it seems he said so into the press. If the president is not consulting with democrats or republicans, the thing that is very, very disturbing is why would the president not think that the United States congress is useful in coming to a decision and consulting with the congress . And, instead, he had his scores of people inside the white house, this time nothing leaked, which might not be the first time but they have had leaks out there and they commadmit that. I think it should have come to congress and creates more friction between the congress and the white house. Really the friction is created on the white house side, chris. How many times does the president decide to do ignore the law and violate the law and this is an excuse. The timing didnt work out for us to consult with congress. How long does it take to pick up the house to call the minority leader in the house. I take your point. I take your point on the timing issue and points of criticism there and definitely going on down there. And why we are following it. You speak about the friction. Youve created friction yourself, congressman. You tweeted out it looks like both sides are working for al qaeda. Now, i assume that is an exaggeration but it certainly is going to create friction, right . You dont think they are working for al qaeda on the u. S. Government side, right . Well, they released the five five of the top i mean, at least five in the top ten. They didnt release Khalid Sheikh mohammed. What would bring that about . We never in our history negotiated trades like that. They said that there was most consideration made about the status of bergdahl walking off a base. That it was about getting an american back and we will worry about that later. Hold on. Wait. Lets unpack it. Its a terrible trade. Lets unpack it. The first thing i get youre upset who is doing it, but you cant say that you believe that our negotiators were working for al qaeda. I have to assume you dont believe that. Chris, just a second. I said it looks like. I know but come on. Its a transsackaction and what it looks like. Congressman, you know where that kind of talk gets us and nowhere productive and why i bring it up so we can move past it. The second part is what matters. Looking at the analysis as you see it. Bowe bergdahl, we do not know unless you learned something in one of these meetings or something classified the rest of us dob not know in the media we do not know he deserted, fair statement . We know he walked off base. We know it is likely he walked off. Do you believe that is the same as desertion for sure . I think that is something that should be should be brought to court and i think that should be examined by a court with all of the evidence that we have. But the evidence that we have, theres nothing to the contrary out there, chris. And you listen to the people that served with him. Those on the line and risked their lives and lost their lives cant speak, they are almost of one one person, one voice that he walked off. Right. So that makes didnt they cancel the homecoming ceremony in his hometown . They must have had evidence there. They cancelled it because they were worried about protest and violence and may not be able to handle it in a small municipality. Not because they dont believe in Bowe Bergdahl. That would be misleading. Youre not suggesting that, are you . Thats a new definition for me. Perhaps i should dig in a little deeper. I think that there had to be a component of this that they didnt want to do a homecoming ceremony for someone such in question. Do you think we shouldnt have done the deal . Im happy his family is getting him back but i cant defend him. Hold on a second. You cant say both either, right, congressman . Youre happy for his family but youre not really happy at all because you dont think they they should have traded wim. If it were up to you Bowe Bergdahl would still be with the taliban . I wouldnt have traded for him with the information i know. They should have told us in a classified briefing. They did not. We have lied to in classified briefings in the past so my level of confidence isnt high. Lets not forget susan rice did lie to us and said he was taken in battle so it looks as though she is the person that the white house rolls out when someone has to burnish their reputation, in her case, tarnish her represent station. The entire congress should be angry about that. This has been misrepresented by this white house. It is a bad deal. And you dont trade you dont trade terrorists of the highest level brass terrorists and trade them off in a situation like this. It encourages more and is a bad thing. Even if bergdahl were a hero. I would say interview some vietnam p. O. W. S. They say return with honor or i will not return. I dont know that these soldiers would have accepted that trade if they had been of that caliber. All right. So we are going to leave that part of the discussion there for now. Because we need more information on it. We have to know from Bowe Bergdahl and more information how he came to be taken captive so we can assess that part and the deal, obviously, will keep Going Forward. The timing is legitimate for criticism and why we are following that story as well. One quick take from you before we let you go. Immigration. How do you balance humanity with rule of law and dealing with this influx of kids . We dont know where their families are in a lot of these cases. Sometimes they get together. Mostly they are not. The conditions are being held in is not good. How do you balance humanity with shoring up the border and following the rule of law . That is a really tough question under these circumstances that we have. Chris, first i have to back up say the president has sent the message out he is not going to enforce the law. That message echoed out through mexico and Central America and now they are pouring people across the border. How they are getting into the United States is one question not resolved. We have thousands of youth on our hands and as young as 3 that are unaccompanied minors and we have to take care of them and we have to figure out how to repatriate them back to their owns. This administration is trying to repatriate them into the United States of america. I would be negotiating with the donor countries, the Central American countries and mexico. Id be looking at the foreign aid we send to them and id be slowing that down if we didnt get cooperation. But i believe that they can be repate rey rriated in their own countries and send them back to take care of their own. People if we dont we will see endless flood from Central America and mexico. This is the tip of the iceberg. It will get a lot greater if we dont shut this down but lets do it with a gentle hand because these are kids and some of the kids its not their fault and some are old enough it is their fault, however, chris. Most of them are kids and they got sent here by their families. I understand everything youre saying this but the last part deserves some reiteration here because you have to make sure, congressman, that you dont let the politics carry you away from the humanity dealing with these kids. You cant let them sit in facilities like sitting in the southwest right now. That has to be the priority. But we need to have is we need to have the principle of the rule of law. If we had held that in place, if the president hadnt sent the wrong message and previous president s we wouldnt have this happen. We have to restore the rule of law with regard to to immigration in this country and if we do not do that it will not be restored in the lifetime of this republican. It is being chiseled away because of the lackluster approach of the president. He wants this to happen because its a Political Tool for them and that is cruel. Fair basis for debate and criticism how this happened in the first place. But dont let the kids pay the price, congressman, because, you know, we all know that that is is not deserved in this situation. We are going to follow that one very closely as well. Appreciate you being here as always. Thanks for joining us on new day. Good luck down there. Thanks, chris. Brooke, over to you. Chris, great interview. Thank you so much. Coming up next on new day, Hillary Clinton any revelation and she talks benghazi and Monica Lewinsky and being dead broke. Take a look. Live pictures of manhattan. Folks already lining up to buy that book. She is doing her First Official book signing at the barnes and noble this morning. We will talk Hillary Clinton inside politics coming up next. Er, crook and nuisance in the world. 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Lets get to the hillary rollout. A huge event. Media blitz including questions about her record at the state department. Remember she was the secretary of state when four americans were killed in benghazi, libya. Republicans say they gordon ign didnt get to her desk and here is Hillary Clinton talking about that. What i do not appreciate is politicizing this at the expense of four dead americans. That is not what we used to do in this country. With 258 americans were killed in beirut in two separate attacks. People were mourned and people shocked. Decisions were made. Bring them out and strengthen the embassy. Is that another reason not to run . Actually, its more after reason to run because i do not believe our great country should be playing minor league ball. We ought to be in the majors and i view this as really apart from even a diversion from the hard work that the congress should be doing about the problems facing our country and the world. Julie pace, strong pushback on the policy. Essentially saying look, bad things happen and see what you can do so they dont happen again and leaning very forward on the politics. Its a reason to run. I think the one thing that is Crystal Clear from the book and everything she said in these interviews she is running. Absolutely. I dont think that benghazi in the end is going to be the reason she says, okay, im definitely jumping in now because of benghazi. I think it shows on this issue they will try to take the offensive position. They are going to be aggressive on it and she will not shirk aware from this and take this on everything from the rollout has shown us that. I think that is a smart move knowing that this is going to be at the forefront of the republican pushback against her. If you know what your opposition is coming at you with, take it first and get ahead of them but the republicans wont back off benghazi. She is trying to portray this as a partisan she believes is her best line of attack and white house making a similar argument. She has a difficult balancing act here because four americans were killed on her watch and she did acknowledge some level of responsibility in that interview last night. But she also said that, look, im not the american who does the security. Im not the person who knows all of the ins and out of the security of the compound so trying to show, yes, im responsible but, at the same time, you cant really hold me accountable for this. We will see how that works and how that plays to voters. I think the question republicans will try to get out is the culture of management. Why did not these dozens of warnings get to her desk . Yes, she doesnt do the security. We will see if that plays out. If there a weakness in the rollout so far its her answer, i think, to the question diane sawyer asked her about the big speaking fee. Made 5 million since leaving the state department. She is making this money in two years. Talking about bill and hillary left the white house in 1 00 how broke they were in debt they were. It tells you i think they is rusty as a politician and tells you how the republicans we have talked about the democratic consultants, the money all going to hillary land America Rising is one of the many groups that fired out immediately on this showing pictures from a website of the two houses. Talked about her two mansions. What should she have handled that part better betsy . She teams a little detached. She could have said we are fortunate for the position we are in financially. Diane sawyer asking do you think americans would take this seriously that you, one, speaking you have 200,000 is four times Median Income in this country and she probably could have had a better answer to that. Maybe she is rusty. Anything she says right on now is under the microphone if had he she not running for president. She seemed a little flatfooted there. This is an issue that comes up in every president ial election because you have a lot of wealthy people that run for office. Candidates should just be prepared with an answer and i think to say look back when we were in debt. A lot of americans end up in debt but a lot of americans arent in the position to have big speaking fees and sign multiMillion Dollar book contracts. She toot money and needs to own it and say its crazy what the market pays for these speeches but im in the market and ill take the money and i give a lot to charity and a better answer than saying i was broke 15 years ago, i think. Lets move on to the Bowe Bergdahl political fallout. Officials are trying to calm the political furor but backfiring so far. Listen to buck mckeon last night how they sent up people there and he says administration seems to be trying to pass the buck from the white house to the pentagon. It was the president of the United States that came out with the bergdahls and took all of the credit. And now there has been a little pushback, he is moving away from it and secretary hagel. I dont think so. I think this is the president s decision. How are they handling this . Youre at the white house every day. By law, secretary hagel has to certify if youre going to release prisoners from guantanamo but no question the final call here made by the chief. Absolutely. No way this was signed off on without obamas approval. I think what mckeon is talking about is the Legal Process where chuck hagel has to sign off and say they have mitigated these risks. I think that is hagels role in this. More broadly an understanding at the staff level at the white house right now this is a political problem and say in the spotlight and answering questions for weeks on this. But when you listen to the president , he spoke as recently as friday on this. He is defiant and i dont think youll see him moving off on that any time soon. In politico this morning Alison Grimes is a challenger to Mitchell Mcconnell in kentucky. A couple of weeks i gave her credit. I thought she struck the right tone for someone trying to convince a red state to on send a democrat to dysfunctional washington. Here is the ad. It is going to take a nation to help kentucky rise up to do this and allisons army. As i look out today amongst the quality that is here, i know this is the army that will help to get it done. That is not the ad. We got that backwards. That is the politico recording you obtained of this fundraiser. She says im going to washington and send a message to democratic leads. And does not mention her concerns about a policy she had promised to do. You say in your store and she talks how close she is to the democratic leader harry reid. This could be a huge problem for her back home. It is. Republicans jumping all over this saying that, you know, she says one thing in kentucky and does another thing in d. C. And as we have seen all these red state democrats who are running right now, are trying to show distance from the president. Show sdadistance from the Democratic National committee. When she comes to washington and shows Something Different it shows maybe she is not what she says she is and this is a problem for her Going Forward. You can see the Mcconnell Campaign using this quickly to say she is just another politician. Expect a distained ad by it. Great story in politico. Thank you both for coming in. Lets end with late night funnies. Because Hillary Clinton is in the news she has a book tour and signing this morning. Guess what . She is also a star of late night funnies. New interview Hillary Clinton said that she wants to travel this year and wont make any announcements about her plans to run for president until 2015. When asked where she will travel, she said, new hampshire, iowa, maybe spend a few months in florida. Love this country so much. Im talking about a vacation here. See that . Late night Political Correspondent jimmy fallon. I cant imagine what the states have in common. Its funny because its true. Thank you so much, john king. Take a break. When we come back new video from the scene of the deadly crash that left comedian accuracy morgan seriously injured and new evidence about the driver charged with the accident. Can you believe 20 years ago this week . Nicole simpson and ron goldman found dead. Today, pris fascinating new poll number showing exactly how attitudes have shifted and evolved the last two decades. Stick around. So nice, so nice sweet, sweet, st. Thomas nice so nice, so nice st. Croix full of pure vibes so nice, so nice st. John a real paradise so nice, so nice proud to be from the Virgin Islands and the whole place nice [ female announcer ] to experience your Virgin Islands nice, book one of our summer packages today. New questions this morning in that highway crash that critical injure comedian tracy morgan and left another man dead. Police say the 35yearold truckdriver facing charges of vehicular homicide had been awake for 24 consecutive hours before the crash. Also this morning, take a look for yourself. This is our first look at video that tmz obtained from the crash scene. Cnns Nischelle Turner joins us with much more. The screams and people being carried in that video, ew. In our cell phone video age, it was a matter of time before we would see this video from the crash scene and it depicts the horror and the chaos of the night. Reporter startling video obtained by tmz shows actor tracy morgan pulled from the mercedes limo van night he was critically injured. A publicist for morgan says morgan a father of four is in critical, but stable, condition dispelling amputation rumors on a broken leg saying those rumors are completely fabricated. New details from a criminal complaint say the driver of the truck that hit morgan and others hadnt slept in a period in excess of 24 hours, possibly the cause of the crash. There are very strict federal laws that that dictate what drivers can do and what they cant do and they just went into effect. You dont drive for more than eight hours in a row. You got to take a 30minute break and in a 14hour day of working, you cant be behind the wheel for more than 11 hours. Reporter 35yearold kevin roper is being charged with vehicular homicide for operating a vehicle recklessly and charged with assault by auto on those injured in the accident including morgan. Limo driver described the chaos after the crash by phone to abc. I climbed around and heard tracy screaming for help. But i couldnt reach him and pull him. I dont know if we flipped several times or one time. Reporter the van was overturned and crush you should by the impact from the truck. Morgans friend james mcnair was killed in the wreck. Live from new york, its saturday night reporter morgan shot to fame as a long time cast member on snl. His cast mate seth myers spoke to jake tapper about his friend. Certainly our thoughts and prayers from everybody on the staff. Tracy was a vet at snl when i started and always looked out for me so im definitely thinking of him now. Kevin roper, the trucker, did turn himself into police on saturday. He was released on 50,000 bail but he will be in court on wednesday to answer the charges and be arraigned and with what he is being charged with, one count of similar homicide and four counts of injury by auto, if convicted, he could face up to 13 years in jail. Just a couple of days the Senate Committee voting to loosen rules on sleep deprivation and truckers. Renee marsh was reporting on that saen saying thand saying t central tauopic on this debate. We will update Tracy Morgans condition as we get information. Since the o. J. Simpson trial was mustsee tv. Today a fascinating new poll shows how opinions have changed and how they may have stayed the same in some ways. So who says o. J. Simpson was guilty . We will break it down for you by the numbers. And, uh, i just cant fight it anymore its bundle time bundle mm, feel those savings, baby and thats how a home and auto bundle is made. Better he learns it here than on the streets. The miracle of bundling now, thats progressive. vo cars for crash survival,ning subaru has developed our most revolutionary feature yet. A car that can see trouble. And stop itself to avoid it. When the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety tested front crash prevention nobody beat subaru models with eyesight. Not honda. Not ford or any other brand. Subaru eyesight. An extra set of eyes, every time you drive. Welcome back to new day. Good to have you with us. This mark, if you can believe it, marks two decades before the start of one of the most infamous murder cases in the last century, o. J. Simpson, accused of ill canni inning his exwife and her friend. The trial watched live on tv exposing raw racial tensions in los angeles and around the nation, and even though a jury eventually acquitted o. J. Simpson of murder, attitudes him changed, especially the africanamerican community. We want to look at this. Bringing in don lemon, bright and early in the morning. Good to be here. We know, of course, this trial so highlight add racial divide in the country, but theres this poll. I want to show you the numbers. 1994. A large majority if whites thought simpson was guilty. 6 in 10 americans believed the charges against simpson were not true. Fast forward, 20 years late perp look at the numbers now. Look at that. A majority of africanamericans now say the murder charges against simpson were true. What do you think, and we have evolved as a culture, what has happened, what is the shift . I think weve come to realize thats true and whats not over time, when you get to know someone personally. Right . We have seen lots of o. J. Simpson, and i think that people looked at the whites whites and blacks looked at the evidence, the facts and came up with different conclusions because of preconceived notions. We all come to life with different felters. Many looked at it objectively and found o. J. Simpson guilty or not guilty, but i also think impeople looked at it and said, okay, this is a beautiful blond white woman and this guy ill canned by this black guy. The black guy is guilty. Many africanamericans are looked upon suspiciously and saw o. J. Simpson set up by the system, by the man and therefore drew their own conclusions as well. What do you think when you look specifically at the number of africanamericans . This is what i find interesting. A huge jump to over a half that now believe the charges are true . Ive had conversations with people and watched their attitudes change, all of us have changed. What do they say . How is it only 53 think hes guilty . Im spriurprised its nohigher. Many africanamericans have a different take what its like to walk around as a person in america. Its not about the evidence, about the feelings, system, how the evidence was collected, and thought the evidence was tainted. You had mark fuhrman and the n word, all that race played into it, but you also had the Los Angeles Police department, which we all know there are issues with race in the Los Angeles Police department and then we dont lets not forget. Not too long before that we had rodney king, out there as well. So that played into the it was a very different time. Los angeles. Not the los angeles part, but the country. Thats true. We saw rodney king throughout the country and the world and then saw o. J. Simpson, same thing, throughout the country and the world. But i think people realize now after seeing o. J. And some of his antics what he might have been capable of, but its no different. I dont think its any different now than the way people see George Zimmerman. I was in orlando. Yes. See George Zimmerman, he is innocent, representing something, but how can you not see lets just say how can you not see that George Zimmer sman guilty of killing someone . He killed them. The person is dead. He admits it. I think its the same thing. Then also whats interesting, theres another poll i found interesting, that overall attitudes on Race Relations, i think we can pull this up, have obviously also changed. If you look at this in 1994 an nbc wall street journal poll found less than half the country thought Race Relations in the u. S. Were in fairly good, or good shape, now the numbers are far more optimistic. Weve evolved as a society . We should evolve. As time goes by we should evolve. I hate this example, giving an extreme. Look at the person in the white house as an africanamerican. I always say the most popular person in the country, the wealthiest person in television, as a personality is this. Oprah. This africanamerican woman with some hips who Everybody Loves. Shes not what we consider to be perfection. Right . So i think the country is changing, and what we want to know more about people, not necessarily if theyre black or white, or their hair color but who they are. Thats why people love oprah. Thats why people are beginning to know their neighbors more, because of who they are, not for what they look like. The fact is we see more people of color, you know, highpro friel, as youve mentioned. The president , oprah. Other people doing i dont think well change as a country and not when its until its people who are not extremes like we are. People who are successful. Where its the average, everyday person you see walking down the street you accept and dont draw preconceived notions. Dons doing interesting things tonight at 10 00 p. M. Here on cnn. Talking all aspects of the trial, the simpson trial, and looking where the key players are now. Thats an interesting look. Right after a special cnn report, o. J. s wild ride 20 years after the chase. The bronco. Remember that . Debuts at 9 00 p. M. Viewing to do, people. Back 20 years, think about where we are today. And talk to Nicole Brown Simpsons sister. And work with domestic violence. They carried the legacy forward. Good to see you guys. Have a great one. Always a pleasure. Good to have you here. Thank you. Coming up on new day, the latest details on the las vegas shooters. Could their past have given hints on what they were planning . Were going to tell you what organization they were kicked out of for being too radical. I dbefore i dosearch any projects on my home. I love my contractor, and i am so thankful to angies list for bringing us together. Find out why more than two million members count on angies list. Angies list reviews you can trust. Help keep teeth clean and breath fresh. With beneful healthy smile snacks. With soft meaty centers and teeth cleaning texture,its dental that tastes so good. Beneful healthy smile food and snacks. When laquinta. Com sends him a ready for you alert the second his room is ready, ya know what salesman alan ames becomes . I think the numbers speak for themselves. Im sold a selling machine ready for you alert, only at lq. 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Troops in afghanistan. Lets get to Cnns Barbara Starr at the pentagon with the latest. Barbara, what do we know . Reporter good morning, chris. Details are still sketchy. It is all under investigation, but officials are telling us to the best of their understanding right now u. S. Troops on the ground in southern afghanistan with Afghan Forces on a security mission. They came into contact with enemy forces. They called for air support. There was a b1 bomber overhead. They are looking at the possibility now when that b1 bomber launched an air strike it incorrectly, inadvertently, of course, hit the troops on the ground. Five killed. No word on how many may have been wounded. Of course, the deadliest incident of friendly fire in some time now. One of the deadliest days in afghanistan and a very long time. For many, people noticed the president is winding up the war, troops are going home, but for five American Military families this Tragedy Strikes so deep. Brooke . Our hearts and thoughts, of course, with their families and loved one this morning. Barbara, thank you very much for that update. Also today, some pretty stunning revelations about that couple who took the lives of those two Police Officers in s weekend a walmart shopper vegas. That couple, prominent faces during the conflict at clive bundys ranch and packing for apparently being too radical. Dan simon, go to you live in las vegas with more. Good morning. Reporter good morning, brooke. Well, these people were very overt in spresing their beliefs, expressed them to neighbors on facebook pages but apparently no one thought they would carry out this deadly rampage. While in vegas, baby. Reporter they moved here about six months ago from indiana. Documenting their journey from the road. Approaching indianapolis, and it will be our last time going through this awful city. Reporter the couple made lots of videos. A window, perhaps, into their twisted world. I love you so much, baby. Reporter 31yearold jerad miller declaring his wife before heading to jail. A lengthy rap sheet for stealing cars. I like going to brag about you in jail, and tell you about how awesome you are. Reporter nevada would certainly not be a fresh start. They were attracted to the antigovernment, antilaw enforcement rhetoric of rancher cliven bundy. Jerad miller even appearing at a local news cast. I feel sorry for any federal agents that want to come in here and push us around or anything like that. I really dont want Violence Towards them, but if theyre going to come, bring violence to us, well, if thats language they want to speak, well learn it. Reporter apparently they were too radical for the group, including state militia. They were ostracized, told to go home according to bundys son. The message, not well received. Jerad writing, we sold everything to quit our jobsened and be there 24 7. How dare you ask for help and shun us dedicated pa ed patriot. Whether they were rejected spawned some reason to Kill Police Officers isnt known. Authorities say theyre investigating all areas of his past. A past this man is well familiar with. In an interview with the New York Times he said, i begged her not to marry him and not to move to las vegas. He was into all of this conspiracy stuff and the whole world watt just against him, and he was just he was just nuts. Were learning more about that additional victim at the walmart. Joseph wilcox. He was carrying a concealed weapon. He sees whats going on, but he doesnt realize that mill hear a wife whos watching what hes doing, and she shoots him before he can do anything. Chris . Dan, thank you for following that story for us. Its important to track the bigger ideas going on there. Now, another story we want to tell you about deserves our attention very much. Undocumented kids flooding across the southern border by the thousands. Authorities are overwhelmed. They have no idea what to do with them. Remember, these kids are as young as 3, 6 months old, moved into Holding Centers in arizona after facilities in texas got too full. The conditions theyre being held in are described as dire. So why are so many kids, many alone, risking everything to enter wh enter . What can be done to help them . The questions we face this morning. Joining us to help answer them, the mayor, mayor, thank you for joining us. This is a different type of immigration situation. Even if its illegal, even if its wrong. These are kids. Many of them very young. What can you tell us about the conditions where theyre being held . Well, first of all, thank you very much for having me, and the conditions are a lot better than expected. I visited the center yesterday, and they have theyve already created cafeterias for them inside. Theyve also created an area for medical assistance, an area for telephone banks, computer banks for the processing of the children. Yes, theres quite a few of them right now. Anywhere from 800 to 900 of them, but what i was told by Border Patrol is that its basically a Transition Center here and what theyre going to be doing could take anywhere from four to five days per child. Theres a rotation of about 200 to 300 daily after they process them, theyre being sent to other locations. Were trying to locate the parents of the children so they can be reunited with them in the United States. The three consulates, they can communicate with them. I looked at everything, because i was concerned. Im very comfortable. Very comfortable with what i saw. Very comfortable. What are your concerns Going Forward here . I mean, how are they going to find families in these other countries . That cant be easy. How long will they be kept in a situation thats called transitional, and then what happens when you cant find someone back home who will take them back . What do you do with these kids . Well, at this point, the nogales area, when brought here, there are three different locations within the United States. California, texas and i believe oklahoma, where theyre going to be sent to, and if they dont find somebody, most likely they will get deported back to their point of origin. Right now whats happening is something that has never happened. Especially not in nogales or the state of arizona, and as you know, these children are not crossing through our borders here in arizona. Theyre coming through texas, and the arizonas basically helping process the system. So the best Case Scenario for these kids is that they just get sent back to their country of origin, and youll let them sort them out . Well, you know, i guess. You know, ive asked some questions, and almost nobody can really answer what was the reason for them to be here. Is it Immigration Reform . Is it, you know, some type of political issues in their country . Or is it that they want to come be with their parents . Theres a lot of different ideas floating out there that, why this is happening, but this has never had never been seen to this to this level, and especially with children. This is the concern that we have as citizens here in nogales. Thats why we even started friday a clothing drive to assist Border Patrol, because what these children have, what theyre wearing is the only thing that they have with them in their possession. So we have gone tried to get the humanitarian aspect of this as citizens to help border patr patrol, because theyre great partners of us here in arizona and we work closely with them. To be honest, mr. Mayor, thats why were having you on. This is not your fault. Youre not lehere to be blamed r a creation you created, but i have to tell you, theres a lot of concern about how youre going to manage this situation. I knee governor brewer has been very critical of president obama for the deferred action for childhood arrivals program, that somehow incentivized people to send their kids here, because the thought is that the u. S. Will be lenient on kids. Is that what you think led to a little change in disposition here, accounting for this influx . Well, yeah, that could be it, but, you know, one of the things that i can say is that nobody from the Governors Office has been here. None of the congressmen, no senators from the federal level have been here in nogales. Most of this is being managed by us here at the city, and some state representatives, and representatives senator, and two representatives from the district were here in the past few days, but we we have to find ways of how to manage this, and if it gets to a point, because theyre saying that it could be anywhere from all of the summer or up to september that this transitioning is going to be going through in nogales. If there need be, were going to have to reach out to some of the federal officials to see what we can do to help this out or to solve this issue, but i think the point of origin is where they need to ask and find out what is happening . Why is this happening . Why are they coming here . Is it because of the obama issue, or but we have this with us right now and what we need to do is solve the problem, not create a problem. So we have it with us. So were going to have to work on it. I hear you, mr. Mayor. You make a strong point. A lot of lawmakers arguing about this havent visited you in nogales are not on the ground to help. Thats what you need most. Well check in. Touch. This could be months. This isnt mexico. Its not as easy for proximity and policy to repatriate and send them back. They could be there a while and these are kids, not adults. Theyre have specific needs. Let us know how to help and to keep the word out, mr. Mayor. Thank you for joining us. Thank you very much, and we will be trying very hard to help out and, like i said, this is more humanitarian than anything for our citizens here in nogales and we are concerned with this. So lets just hope that theyre treated as well as theyre being treated here right now in the other locations that theyre going to while they find their parents. Mr. Mayor, youre touching on the right issue, too. Moved. Who knows what happens next. Thank you very much for joining us and, again, well check in with you. Thank you for being with us on new day. Thank you. We argue an immigration, rights and wrongs but this is a really bad situation. These kids could be there for months. Who knows if you find their families. Policies in mexico we dont have with other countries. Well have to stay on it for sure. Some as old and 10 years old. A real issue for sure. A look at your headlines. We begin with news breaking this morning. Iraqs Prime Minister is asking for International Help now and demanding that parliament declare a state of emergency after militants took over mosul, iraqs second largest city. Hundreds of men equipped with rocked propelled grenades overtaking offices there. They have been battling separatists for months. And in pakistan, the ptalibn taking aim at karachis airport, second time in ten days. Retribution for shelling of its fighters, they say. Todays attack, a day after 36 people were stormed when militants stormed the airports cargo area. Breaking overnight, basketball news again. Donald sterling saying, no deal. According to multiple media reports, the l. A. Clippers owner is withdrawing his consent for the asset team and will go ahead with a 1 billion lawsuit against the nba. This after the league refused to lift sterlings lifetime ban, or rescind a 2 million fine for his racist comments. Watch the bouncing ball, pun intended on this story. Seems quiet, then a question. Quiet, then yore question. Just the latest on the ongoing saga. Just when we thought it was over. Delaying the inevitable. What chris says. Coming up next on new day, Hillary Clinton under fire. She is taking heat for saying she and her husband were, to quote her, broke, when they left the white house. Is he potential president ial campaign suddenly off message as her book goes on sale . Take a live look outside with me there in new york. Hundreds are already in line to get a chance to say hello, to buy their copy. Well discuss that, coming up next. Look at this. Video, comes from a College Professor who took a nasty fall. Had to climb his way out. How did he do it . How did he get out . First national tv interview, coming up. You know that dream. On my count. The one where you step up and save the day . Make it happen. crowd oh no. Introducing verizon xlte. Hey guys, i got it right here weve doubled our 4g lte bandwidth in cities coast to coast. So take on more. With xlte. 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Clinton kicked off the book tour with an interview dealing with personal and political issues. Lets bring them back in for morning number two, political commentator, paul begala and ana navarro, republican strategist, chair for the 2012 huntsman campaign. Good morning again and now actual interviews to chew on. First well run through a couple different sound bites. First this whole, shall we call it the first gaffe of potential Hillary Campaign 2016 . Who knows. The original sound bite, sitting down talking to dine sawyane s followed up with remarks on Good Morning America this morning. Take a look. We came out of the white house not only dead broke but in debt. We had no money when we got there and struggled to piece together the resources for mortgages for houses, for chelseas education. You know, it was not easy. Let me just clarify that i fully appreciate how hard life is for so Many Americans today. Its an issue that ive worked on and cared about my entire adult life. Bill and i were obviously blessed. We worked hard for everything we got in our lives, and we have continued to work hard. Paul begala, first atbat here. Listen, we all know that very wealthy people run for Office Especially potentially president , but, dead broke . Doesnt that show shes a little rusty . Its simply a statement of fact. Hasnt retransitioned back into a politician. Talking about a human being. S 12 million in debt. Right wing investigations, will to hire lawyers. A fact. Where she got to this morning, modified or clarified it, as she said. The problem with being rich is, if you are seen as supporting policies that will help the rich. We democrats, oddly, have a great tradition of very wealthy leaders, franklin roosevelt, john f. Kennedy. Thats not the problem. The problem is, you can tie it up to you have policies that thats what hurt mitt romney. What croaked romney, he was also for policies that would help the rich. What hillary says is not nearly as important as what she said about yours. Thats what well see if she runs. What about pauls point . Reminds us of comments romney made. Just being real. What do you say . It did remind me of some of those comments. In fact, i was very reminded of the comments ann romney said when she said they were eating tuna fish in college to get by. Getting huge attacks. I think it is a problem. A couple months ago telling us shed never driven a car in 20 years. I think she does have a relatability problem. The truth of the matter is she has been jetting around, around the world, talking lofty issues with international leaders, which is very differ than doing retail politics. And she is going to put her foot in her mouth every now and then, and weve seen it, and i do think it is about being politically rusty. Which is why i go back to the point that she needs the practice of a primary, because shes going to continue saying these things. Im glad she clarified it today. What she should not do, double down on, oh, this is what i meant, and, yes, i was in debt and yes, i was broke. Sure, sure. She left the white house with an 8 million book contract. That she got as 3 s 3 million advance after leaving the white house. You leave the white house with bill clinton as your white house, you leave the white house, she might have been in dead but had a lottery niticketn her pocket. And speaking of diane sawyer, move off that. Plenty of practice in upcoming interviews. Move to Something Else. She addressed benghazi, yes, i take responsibility for it, sort of. Here she was. We had a system, and that system, of course, ended with me, but i take responsibility, but i was not making security decisions. I think it would be a mistake for a secretary of state to sit and say, okay. Lets go through all 270 posts and let me decide what should be done. Now, i know republicans can say, listen, she should have known more to havent prevented, been more aware of Security Issues there at that post in benghazi, but there is a difference between responsibility here, her word, and accountability. You know, i thought this exchange was very interesting, because she was very defensive throughout it. I think its something that she she should look at the tape. She was defensive. Her body language. The way she reacted. She interrupted diane sawyer midsentence as diane sawyer was doing a followup question. She is defensive about benghazi and it is contradictory for her to say in one second, i take responsibility, and then say, follow it up with saying, but i had no decisionmaking authority. Thats a little strange. But clearly, she knew this issue would be brought up, paul, shes almost like getting ahead of it, trying to be on the offensive knowing this will be an issue if she decides to run. Well, absolutely. Heres the difference. As the responsible officer of the government, she took steps to correct the situation. She brought in independent review panel. Chaired by a fourstar admiral and distinguished career diplomat. They issued a scathing report, very critical of hillarys only state department. Instead of beal defensive, she enacted all 29 reforms. Thats taking responsibility. Took responsibility, made changes. Hopefully were protecting our diplomats more. What i thought was interesting, as i said, i think anas right, could use a primary to get back in practice. Yeah. I think ive been these attacks on her, so political. To politicized deaths of four diplomats working for her, four americans, its outrageous and its going to i think entice her to run, make her want to run, to defend her record and frankly to try to protect the reputations of the people that are being dragged into this for political reasons. You know, one other issue that she really addressed, and listen, lets be frank. She could be if she decides to run, could bes first female president of the United States and addressing the fact as a woman, maybe a couple years ago in 08, was she too stiff . Was she too scripted . Not address issues of sexism . What she said about that. I understand why some people might have seen that, or certainly attributed that, because when youre in the spotlight as a woman, you know youre being jumped constantly. I mean it is just never ending. As a woman, ana navarro, i find it fascinating you say, hang on a second, im drowning in estrogen. What do you mean by that . I think shes overdoing it this tile. Look, i think you were right, the way you posed this question. In my eyes, she has already broken the glass ceiling. Hillary clinton is the first woman in u. S. History we can all say we know, can be the nominee and can be elected president. That has not happened before. So i think she has got to be careful from not going from avoiding it like the plague in 2008, to now wrapping herself in a big pink bow. Shes got to, somewhere in the middle, find the comfort zone and be natural about it. Be natural. Be herself. Be genuine. Paul begala, final word, my friend. I do think as a guy, but ive had women clients, women have it harder. No two ways about it, the great ann richards, everything ginger and fred astaire did, just had the to do it backwards and in high heels. Appearance, her hair, far more than any man would. Thank you both very much, on all things hillary, and people already, chris cuomo, lining up in manhattan to see her and get that book signed. Too true. Too true. Coming up on new day, a College Professor is doing research in the himalayas. He falls, plunges 70 feet into an icy crevasse. Videotape and lives to tell us about it. Hes going to join us. Wait until you hear what it took him to escape. Im mary and i have copd. 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A near fatal plunge and an incredible fight for survival all caught on tape. A kentucky College Professor on a Research Trip, out for a walk, took a terrible fall in the worst possible place to take a fall. He was down, but certainly not out. Were going to hear from him in just a moment. First, lets take a look at his incredible story. Reporter fell in a hole thankfully i didnt keep falling that way. Reporter Professor John all was climbing alone on a Himalayan Mountain when the worst Case Scenario happened. Ah. Reporter he plunged 70 feet below the ice. Trapped and alone breaking several ribs and fracturing his arm in the fall. My right arm is seizing up. I cant use it anymore. Reporter all was conducting Climate Research when he suddenly fell into a hidden icy crevasse, landing on a threefoot wide ledge that likely saved him. Ah ah. Reporter like in the film 127 hours the professor had a small camera with him. Filming his ordeal helped give him the will to survive. For more than five agonizing hours, professor all made his way slowly to the surface using an ice ax. That hurt bad. But i got to get out. Reporter it was the fight of his life. But all eventually reached his camp, and was brought to safety. Dr. John all joins us now from kentucky. His very First National tv interview, and my friend, you sure are a sight for sore eyes. Youre looking good. Thanks. Trying to heal as fast as i can. I would say you are a healer, because the last time we saw you, all of us remarked what a terrible piece of video seeing you so badly bruised and broken. You look like you have been recovering. How are you feeling . Better. Better. I go in for surgery tomorrow and, to repair my shoulder, but every day is a little bit better and thats all you can ask for that is all you can ask for, considering how bad it could have been. We both know you escaped death on a number of levels here. Well talk about that in a second. Interesting to me, you had the presence of mind, dr. All, to pull out that camera rand film it. What was the purpose jp why did you want to record that . Well, im a scientist. So we record everything we do. I take the reason i had that camera so readily available, every time i take an ice sample or a snow sample, i take pictures of everything im doing with my gps and Everything Else and so that sort of is second nature. Then when i was thinking about how i was going to explain what happened to my family and friends and everyone else, i realized that showing them a video would explain it a lot better, because me talking about falling into a crevasse is one thing, but theyve never been in a crevasse, never seen a crevasse, taking that video was affirmation i was going to get back out and i could show them the video and explain to them what happened. Powerful statement. At any point were you feeling this might be it for you . Were you feeling afraid for your life . I knew from the beginning, the second i felt the vertigo of falling, i knew i was dead. You just dont start falling down a crevasse and live, and somehow i stopped, and then once i got up, and saw how difficult it was going to be to get out, same thing. I knew i was dead, but it was one of those things that, as long as there was a chance, i was going to keep moving forward and if everything worked out right, i knew i could potentially get out, and so its one of those things where you know youre dead, but at the same time, you just dont stop. You keep going. What an interesting dichotomy. You know youre dead but just keep going. This is also what i have to marvel at. You have one arm thats not functioning. Several broken ribs. Your face is smashed up, but you do have this ice pick and you decide to just give it a shot and try and get yourself out of there. It took you five hours to get out of that crevasse . Yeah. And to be honest, i was super lucky, because i went in so early. I fell in the crevasse at probably 9 30. So the entire time i had daylight. One of those things where, theres no reason to stop. You know . Its a bright day. Its, you know why would you stop when the sunlight is so close . If it had been dark and the temperature had plunged, i would have been a totally different matter, but, yeah. I had the time. So why not keep Going Forward. What else were you doing . But, wait, folks. Its gets worse. Five hours to get out of the crevasse and another three hours to reach the tent where you were able to send communication that you needed help. Once that message was received by your research team, the helicopter didnt get to you for another 24 hours . 18 hours, but, yeah. Had to wait overnight. The weather in nepal, as the monsoon approaches is horrible. Theres clouds, and obviously, if youre flying a helicopter through the himalayas, you dont want to smack into a mountain. So if theres cloud cover, you just cant fly. So they had to wait until early in the morning, when the sun is, before the sun is sort of creating a lot of the cloud cover thats going to block everything. It was a long, difficult wait. You are a warrior as far as im concerned. By the way, hes 65 and over 200 pounds. Not an easy haul up the side of that crevasse. Headed out on another Research Trip to peru. We hope your injuries heal so youre fully capable to make that trip i believe its next month. Is it not . Yes. Its about three weeks from now. Yes, thank you. Appreciate it. You better heal, dr. All. Ill try. All right. Thanks so much for sharing your story with us. Ive got to tell you guy, i am just so moved by this. This guy had a desire to live. He said, i thought i was going to die, but i might as well just keep fighting. That, right there, incredible. Thats what kicks in. I wouldnt know, and i hope not to, but in a situation like that, something just gets going, and you are just got to get outta here. Rare to see that many stages of challenge, though. You know . Falls down the crevasse. That would have been enough. Helicopter now to the tent. The waiting. Amazing. Coming up next on new day, it was 20 years ago this week, o. J. Simpsons fame grew from the worst imaginable. Well take a look back at her wild ride. Do you remember where you were when up were watching this as he was accused for murder. Immortalized him forever. And the hidden camera, here on new day. Where did the idea come from and wait until you hear the plans Going Forward. Rep Steve Hatfield the ready for you alert, the second his room is ready. You know what he brings . Any questions . Can i get an a, steve . Yes three as he brings his agame the ready for you alert, only at laquinta. Com help keep teeth clean and breath fresh. With beneful healthy smile snacks. With soft meaty centers and teeth cleaning texture,its dental that tastes so good. Beneful healthy smile food and snacks. The Clean Air Act stops polluters from. Poisoning his air with arsenic, lead and mercury. Now the loop hole that lets them pump unlimited carbon. Pollution into his air is closing too. If polluters and their friends in washington dont interfere. Dont let polluters weaken our clean air protections. ; you need to see this. Show em the curve. Do you know what this means . The greater the curvature, the bigger the difference. [scifi tractor beam sound]. Sucked me right in. Its beautiful. Gotta admit one thing. Cant beat the view. Introducing the worlds first curved Ultra High Definition Television from samsung. Welcome back to new day. Do you believe it was 20 years ago this week that o. J. Simpson went from actor and celebrity to murder suspect. After the slayings of his exwife are and her friend, the strange turn of events capped days later. We all watched, right . Estimated 95 million tv viewers watching this scene play out. The long ride in a white bronco holding a gun to his head. It is possibly the most famous car chase ever film and the subject of a new cnn special. Take a look. At this point we can only pray that theyll be able to pull this off in a safe measure. Reporter distraught, with a gun to his head, o. J. Simpson is on the run, and threatening to end his emotional pain with a bullet. Just throw it out the window. Ah and nobodys going to get hurt. I deserve it. You do not deserve. Im going to get hurt. You do not deserve to get hurt. Reporter detective tom lang is on the phone hoping to prevent o. J. From committing suicide. Was that gun loaded . Oh, yeah. It was a real gun. Real bullets. This is now a Public Safety issue. I love everybody. Im trying to show everybody my whole life that i love everybody. We know that. And Everybody Loves you. Ah. Especially your family. Your mother, your kids. All of your friends. A. C. Oh. Everybody does. Dont do this. Reporter lang is doing all he can to try and keep things from escalating. What if he shoots himself . Cowlings . One of these dummies running up to the car, what he said really doesnt matter. What i say doesnt matter. As long as he doesnt shoot somebody. Reporter how did you know what to say . I didnt. Reporter just you and your gut. Yeah, basically. Some people kept putting little notes in front of me, but i didnt have time to read all of that crap. Just whatever kind of came up and i figured, family. The biggest sociopath in the world, doesnt mean he hates his family. You saw just there, that interview. Joining us now, he never holds back. Never years ago, tom lang didnt hold back. He tells me things now i thought he would never tell me. Doesnt hold back with regard to hatred for o. J. For sure. Here on the floor asking, ac could youings, what happened to him . Why did he never talk . I went back to sources. By chance, do you still have a number for him . Hold on a second. I get a text message. I call up his cell phone. He answers the phone. A. C. , kyra phillips, what do you want . I didnt tauct to you 0 years ago i dont want to talk to you now. Gave it to me. He wanted to make it clear. Hes not going to talk. Hes an old man. Wants people to leave him alone, but he holds so much. He was the one in that car, driving the car. 9,000 in his pocket. A bag with a loaded gun. A mustache, a disguise, o. J. s passport. I mean, that man holds so many secrets. I tried to crack that nut, but i just couldnt. Kyra phillips, covered the story 20 years ago. Do you guys remember where you were . Sitting with my family in my basement of my house. Absolutely glued. Ill never forget it. You were just starting out i just started out my career in television in canada, and i was in the newsroom, about to go out on shoots scheduled for the day, but kept coming back to the newsroom to watch. Because it went on and on. Went on for hours. Interesting thing, ten years ago almost to the month i moved to l. A. And to see the story from inside ten years later. So fascinating. What could have changed history, its called the trying of the century. Right . That s. W. A. T. Team was in place. If he would have wielded that gun out that window, they were ready to take him out. We were watch tonight, 9 00 here on cnn. 9 00 eastern, the special report. O. J. s wild ride 20 years after the chase. On cnn, 9 00. Kyra phillips. Even the bronco was immortalized forever. Like the entire line of that vehicle. Do you know you can still rent that car . That actual car . That is a whole other story in itself. Tell me that one in the break. Coming up here on new day, were e have the man behind a very different california story. The hidden cash craze. Well, its not a secret anymore. Youre going to meet him right here on new day. Hell talk about why he started leaving cash with clues across the state and where hes going next. Good stuff. Coming up. Nobody told us to expect it. 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Estrogen should not be used to prevent heart disease, heart attack, stroke or dementia. Ask your doctor about premarin vaginal cream. And go to premarinvaginalcream. Com this is worth talking about. [ squeaking ] [ water dripping ] visit tripadvisor hawaii. [ whistling ] with millions of reviews, tripadvisor makes any destination better. Well, a lot of people do need the money and it kind of is about the money but we like the song. Not just the good stuff, its the better stuff. Hiding cash in the San Francisco bay area and giving clue where is to find it on twitter. The handle was, hidden cash. The amounts kept rising. 15,000 given away over two weeks. The person behind the donations, a anonymous. Until recently. Hidden cash, better known as Real Estate Developer mr. Jason buzi. Joining us now. Look at him. Mr. Buzi its great to meet you. So tell us in a bundle of questions, why did you do it . Why did you decide to come forward, and what are you going to do next . Well, you know, a couple weeks ago i got together with some friends and we were talking about our desire to give back and do it in a fun way. And we looked at a bunch of different ideas. Of how to do that, and most of them wed dismiss as being too complex. Said, well, what if we just leave cash around, and do a website and kind of tell people, give them clues where it is . My friend said, well, you know, that could work, but lets do twitter instead of a website. I had never used twitter. Now i have half a million followers and i never even used twitter a couple weeks ago. Thats a the money. It kind of taps into our taps into our desire, you know, as a kid, always so excited if you found a nickel or a treasure. Did it grow out of Something Like that that you had as a child . Definitely, thats i think part of it, and i think the other part is people are just saying theyre enjoying getting out and, of course, it works for us that the weathers been so nice. And especially here in california. Well, seeing how you did it going out to the beach, the park and finding money. You did it on twitter. That raises an obvious question. Who doesnt like it . Any haters on there . Its hard to hate on free money, but it is twitter. Lets take a stab. Any negative reaction that youre a bad guy somehow for doing this . Its not so Much Negative reaction for doing this, although theres a little bit of that with people saying, well, why are you doing this instead of giving to charities . Weve said from the beginning, were not doing this in stead of charity. 24 is in addition to charity. But a lot of people dont trust the motive. Thinking its a business scheme or something were trying to get out of it and were really not. Were really doing it to give back in a fun way. Theres a negative inside of each of us. Not only are you revealed, you are still going to give away money. You are still going to do this in multiple other cities. Tell us where . Well, so far weve only been in california. Weve been in San Francisco, bay area, and los angeles. But the interesting thing thats happened in the last couple weeks, since we started, is now we have several hundred copycats in different states and cities around the country. Thats a great copycat. Yeah. But we are, ourselves, going this weekend to be in new york city. Oh hello. Two locations. Yeah. Manhattan and brooklyn. Chicago, houston, las vegas and actually mexico city, through a friend of ours. Very cool. I love this. A good way to payforward. I like t. I love it. Some silver dollars coming. Silver dollars in new york city. I like it. Look forward to the clues, mr. Buzi. Its always nice to find someone whos thinking about how to be nice. So thank you for doing it. Thank you. We look forward to seeing where the trail leads. Yes hiddencash. Follow on twitter. Well be watching. Bye, mr. Buzi. Anonymous no more. I know. Coming up, microof dirty jobs fame, has a new mission. That story is next. Good guy, too. Doesnt leave any cash. No. Replace your laptop . Start with the best writing experience. Make it incredibly thin. Add an adjustable kickstand, a keyboard, a usb port, and the freedom of touch. And, of course, make it run microsoft office, with the power and speed to do real work. Introducing surface pro 3. The tablet that can replace your laptop. Co until youre sure you do. You need a hotel room bartender thanks, captain obvious. Co which is why i put the hotels. Com mobile app on my mobile phone. Hotels. Com i dont need it right now. Thebut in the case of the s to thlexus ls. Which eyes . Eyes that pivot with the road. That can see what light misses. Eyes designed to warn when yours wander. Or ones that can automatically bring the ls to a complete stop. All help make the unseen. Seen. And make the ls perhaps the most visionary vehicle on the road. This is the pursuit of perfection. All right. Now time for this weeks impact your world. One of ow newest colleagues a man known at mike rowe made a name for himself by getting dirty. Off camera rowe son an entirely differ and decidedly clean mission. Take a look. During his eight seasons as host of discovery channels dirty jobs mike rowe learned all about the hard working men and women keeping america running. But he found there was a disconnect between unemployment and available jobs. Everywhere i was going i saw help wanted signs and everybody are i talked to said how hard it was to find people who were willing to retool, retrain, learn a truly useful skill and apply it. Microworks evolved to shine a light on a lot of jobs for whatever reason were going unloved, and then we set up a foundation and began to award work ethic scholarships. Its really, really great to be here. Reporter rowe travels the country to get his message out. This is the biggest stem event in the country. People love acronyms and science, technology, engineering and math are, in fact, the careers that are going to keep the country competitive. It ought to be s. T. E. M. S, right . Take the skill out of any of those disciplines, then what do you have . You cant promote careers in s. T. E. M. At the expense of skill and you shouldnt promote Higher Education at the expense of trade schools. Impactful. You got that . He is a good plan and he raises a good issue there. Skills. Science. Also the nickname a lot of news this morning. Lets get you to someone who is a scientist of news. California chrome. Awful segue, by the way. How did you know i was known as the scientist of news . You know every, chris cuomo. Spoton. Thank you. Good morning, carol. Have a great day. Professor could steal stello newsroom starts now. And good morning. Im California Chrome im carol costello. A socalled friendly fire mistake in the southern part of afghanistan. Sources tell cnn five American Forces died along with an afghan soldier when a Coalition Air strike mistakenly hit the ally

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