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0 your "new day" starts right now. >> announcer: this is "new day" with chris cuomo, kate bolduan and michaela pereira. welcome to "new day," you're looking at auckland, new zealand, where it is about to be new years day. >> there it is! >> happy new year! >> happy new year, new zealand. the fireworks came out of the top of that famous sky tower. they've got an l.e.d. clock around so people all around the city could participate in the countdown. we wanted to start out our show with a happy new year from the other side of the world. we thought it would be fun and also gave john berman a chance to wear his special glasses. 55 degrees we're told in auckland. >> 4.4 million people in new zealand. we don't know how many hobbits but hobbits also. they're celebrating all over the shire. as we all know, gandolf is an expert with the fireworks. >> he's a bit of an expert from many years back, if you will. we'll take a look at some of the celebrations throughout the morning because we thought this would be the best way to end 013. >> they apparently play the same music there we do here. >> it's a small world after all. >> midnight in new zealand. >> it's always drinking time somewhere john berman says. >> at this early hour sometimes it feels like it's the middle of the night. >> it certainly does. >> michaela pereira, john berman and anna cabrera here. kate and chris both have the day off. we wish them a happy new year. we start with this discussion of bitter, bitter cold and dangerous cold, right here in the u.s. people in the eastern half of the country now feeling the coldest air of the season so far. parts of the midwest and the upper midwest are enduring subzero temperatures. check out minneapolis. where it will feel like 18 below 0 tonight. it will feel like 7 degrees in chicago, 11 in boston and 21 in new york city where lots of people, including our jennifer grey, who's in for indra petersons, will be watching. the weather and new years begin from a cold times square. you're there before all of the party kicks off. it's still very cold. >> let me just tell you, i can tell you, it is cold out here. it feels like the teens, actual temperatures in the low 20s. we are about 18 hours away from all the excitement here in times square when that ball will drop. it will be packed. let me just give you one key word, layers is what you will need. we were here yesterday and talking to the folks and they are getting excited. they're not letting the weather stop them. a brutal freeze is gripping the eastern half of the country in the final hours of 2013. >> it's a cold day but a fun day. >> revelers are bundled up and ready to watch the ball drop in new york's times square where temperatures will feel like they're in the teens tonight. >> it's freezing. i've learned layers. i'm all layered up. >> reporter: bitter cold temps won't keep people away from the excitement. >> we have lots of layers and we'll keep together and we'll have a good time. >> reporter: new york is not alone. the midwest is contending with even colder temps for their festivities. parts of minnesota, iowa, illinois, wisconsin and michigan are under wind chill warnings and advisories. the extreme bitter temps are hard to fathom in some parts. this landmark waterfall in minneapolis, frozen slold with wind chills in northern minnesota monday plummeting to 50 below zero. the windy city will mark the new year with temps in the teens and wind chills that feel like 10 below. winds gusting up to 50 miles per hour created dangerous conditions for drivers in minnesota and north dakota saturday. the arctic blast is also triggering heavy lake-effect snow for parts of the great lakes. and the new year is expected to get off to a snowy start. >> two weather systems converge on the first day of 2014. one model suggests that new england and parts of the i-95 corridor could get hit by a powerful nor'easter, packing heavy snow and bone-chilling temps that could be the cold nest years. some estimates have the storm dumping as much as 6 inches in new york and 10 inches in the boston area. >> why it will be cold in times square, this is not going to be the coldest spot. a lot of areas in the country feeling temperatures 20 and 30 degrees below zero with the wind chill. it will be very cold, the cold air that's in the north will move to the northeast over the next couple of days. and you can see temperatures are just going to plummet. we'll be in the single digits across much of the north as we go through the next couple of days, as that cold air makes its way to the northeast, we'll see temperatures in the teens by friday. they do recover a little bit by the weekend. if you are ringing in the new year anywhere across the country, chances are you are going to be cold. look at minneapolis. happy new year with 18 degrees below 0. wow. >> jennifer grey, to make you feel better, take you back at least in your mined to new zealand where it's 55 degrees and already new years. doesn't that make you feel better? >> this has been going off for five minutes. they know how to party in auckland. >> can you imagine sittin on the beach and enjoying the new year? >> i wouldn't say i'd rather be there. >> you wouldn't hurt my feelings. >> it would be nice to be there, i'll say that. >> that's okay. i'll let is slide at this point. >> jennifer grey, stay warm, bundled up. i'll have to send hot chocolate down for her. it will be cold at times square tonight. be sure to tune in from the warmth of your own home at 9:00 p.m. eastern, we send anderson cooper and kathy griffin back for more fun. i like to see how many times kathy can make anderson blush. >> that's a party, folks. we turn to a situation that is very serious and scary in north dakota. many people being forced to leave their homes after a fiery train collision, two trains, smashing into each other about 25 miles west of fargo. one of these trains was carrying crude oil, the other apparently derailed. the impact triggered a series of explosions and now officials fear the smoke from the burning wreck may make people nearby sick. look at that fireball, folks. we're joined now by cass county sheriff paul laney on the phone from casselton. i do understand you advised people nearby that it would be a good idea to evacuate. >> last night we issued an evacuation order, it was in the a mandatory order but we strongly, strongly recommended that people recognize the order and evacuate the community. i would say we're guessing, it's a rough guess at this point but probably 65% of the community has evacuated, especially those closest to the scene. >> what is the current situation? are the flames still burning? have you been able to do any tests on the air to find out if it in fact is toxic? >> actually the testing crews are here. we met with them a short time ago. they have two or three crews taking readings from different areas, up near as close as they can get to the area and the additional housing that's nearby the scene. and they're starting to spread their way out into the community and getting the readings. the next few hours will tell us a lot, as far as the current situation, within we can start bringing people back. right now we're going to hold the line. the area is safe, people are out. everybody's accounted for and at this point we're going to let the experts tell us what kind of readings they're getting, the railroad crews are responding and getting set up throughout the night here and ready to attack the fire at daylight. so things are definitely happening and everybody's safe. right now, no fatalities or injuries. we're thankful for that. >> you say no fatalities, no injuries. we've been looking at the dramatic pictures of the fireball and a huge explosion. no one was even hurt on board these trains as it happened? and i should also ask, no reports of any sickness in the surrounding areas from the air? >> as of now, no. what we've been advised by the railroad companies is that their crews are accounted for. there's been mixed stories that there may have been an injury from one of the train crews. that's not what's being reported to us at this point. but the crews are accounted for. you see the fireball and you see the damage and the aftermath, that's amazing that nobody was hurt. and the closest house was about a quarter to half mile away. there were people inside their homes that could feel the heat from the explosion in their homes. probably three-quarter mile away i had an officer setting up a perimeter. when one of the explosions went in her squad car, she could feel the blast inside her car. >> amazing pictures. the great news, as you say, no one injured at all, no fatalities here. we hope you can have a happy new year and everyone in that community gets back to their homes as soon as and as safely as possible. >> thank you for thinking of us. to russia where the olympic focus is squarely on security after two terror attacks this week in volgograd. authorities found a link between the bombings monday on a bus and sunday at a train station. new video of that attack is sending shock waves through russia with the death toll now rising and the countdown to the games now at 38 days. diana magnay is in moscow this morning to bring us up to date. we know some of those injured succumbed to their injuries, thus the death toll is rising there. >> reporter: that's right. a couple people dying overnight of their injuries. there's a huge anti-terror operation going on in volgograd right now. michaela, there's something like 5,000 police and security officials there. that's including the regular police there and they're detaining people, searching their documents. there have already been just under 90 people detained, apparently mostly because they don't have documentation for weapons they were carrying. you can get a sense of how deeply and thoroughly investigators are trying to look into this. they're also assessing the debris from both attacks, they say they have body fragments and they're trying to find edward snowden samples to identify who the bombers were and they've already reached some other conclusions. russian authorities have discovered a link between the two deadly suicide bombings in volgograd. monday morning's attack on a crowded trolley killed 16 and on sunday, a massive explosion rocked the city's railway station. this chilling surveillance video captures the horrific incident. at the security checkpoint where a suicide bomber detonated 22 pounds of tnt, killing 18. authorities say both bombs contained similar shrapnel, a soon they originated from the same region. the attacks highlight the terrorist threat that russia faces. the olympic games are just 400 miles south of the devastation. >> all of the olympic sites have physical security, electronic security. everybody will be screened. i think it will be difficult for a terrorist to set off a bomb inside a village or venue. >> reporter: russia's president vladimir putin is personally involved in security plans and promising maximum security in sochi. russian authorities say they will not change security measures they already have in place, confident they're well prepared. u.s. authorities have offered full support to the russian government in ramping up security measures. in a statement, the united states olympic committee says in part, we're always concerned with the safety of our delegation and the sochi games are no different in that regard. an effort by the committee to avoid a repeat occurrence of the bombing that killed two at the 1996 olympic games in atlanta. >> what concerns me is when you harden targets, you often force the terrorists to select softer targets. so that makes everything else in sochi and the surrounding area vulnerable. >> reporter: targets like transportation hubs, where tourists and athletes will travel to and from the games. two issues here, can president putin keep the games safe and does he, as he claims, have the north caucuses under control? those two attacks would suggest he doesn't. back to you. >> thanks to diana magnay in moscow, following the story going on in volgograd. 13 minutes after the hour. a top obamacare official suddenly calling it quits as actual coverage starts kicking in at midnight. michelle snyder was at the wheel when the website sputtered to a start in october and now she's the second high ranking health official to leave, retiring at this critical moment. cnn's athena jones is in honolulu with the latest. athena? >> reporter: good morning, john. michelle snyder was the chief operating officer for the centers for medicare and medicaid services, responsible for supervising the rollout of she's retiring for personal reasons after 41 years as a public servant. she was called a key member of the agency's leadership team and said that snyder had planned to leave last year but stayed on to help with the rollout. this comes as health care providers, insurance companies and pharmacies prepare to deal with thousands of people who could find themselves in a health care coverage limbo, starting tomorrow, thinking they've successfully signed up for coverage only to find out they haven't. this could be due to incomplete applications or errors in transmitting their information from the health exchanges to insurers. those folks who have paid their premiums should bring their insurance i.d. cards with them when seeking treatment or medicines. some providers have said they'll be flexible with people who can prove they've signed up for coverage but still a lot of other people may find if they don't have their insurance i.d. cards or customer i.d.s when it comes to pharmacies they'll have to pay out of pocket for the time being. john? >> athena jones in honolulu where they will be among the last to celebrate new years. >> it will happen. >> hang in there all day, athena. appreciate it. let's go to anna cabrera. making news right now, a california judge extended his own order to keep a brain dead girl on life support. jahi mcmath will be kept alive until january 7th. the original order was set to expire last night. her family says a facility in new york has agreed to take her but the california hospital won't help. that hospital says it's not had any serious talks with any facility about transferring jahi and the girl had complications after a tonsillectomy. the state department is reis suring the family of al qaeda hostage, warren weinstein, saying a lot of people are working behind the scenes to secure his release. he was a consultant, helping with community projects in pakistan when gunmen stormed into his apartment and took him captive more than two years ago. it's believed al qaeda leader aymanal zawahiri is holding him. a worker at boston's logan international airport is dead. this happened near the airport's cargo terminal near a parked plane. police say the truck's driver will be tested for drugs and alcohol, though he did not show any obvious signs of impairment. gun owners in connecticut are racing to meet a deadline to register their assault weapons and their high capacity imagine zoo -- magazines. this new law widens the definition of assault weapons and bans the sale or purchase of magazines that hold more than ten rounds of ammunition. okay. listen up netflix users, some of your favorite movies, tv shows, they're set to disappear from the site come new years day. more than 80 movies and a handful of tv shows will expire, no longer be available for instant streaming. among those being purged are "titanic," "top gun," the classics and "being john malkovich." some seasons of "saturday night live" even are set to expire. the company says it frequently narrows its list of available items and say these have to go. while it brings other new items in. i have netflix. i have the hardest finding the new hits. maybe this will help. >> they have to make room. >> last day they took away "downton abbey." >> next up on "new day," it turns out helicopters may be the only way out for dozens of people still trapped aboard that ship in the antarctic ice. we'll have the latest on what is being done to get them out. and we have the information you need to know to stay on the right side of the law in 2014. a lot of new laws taking effect at midnight. if you're not careful, they could land you in some serious trouble. retirements and protect financial futures. to help communities recover and rebuild. for companies going from garage to global. on the ground, in the air, even into space. we repaid every dollar america lent us. and gave america back a profit. we're here to keep our promises. to help you realize a better tomorrow. from the families of aig, happy holidays. i've quit for 75 days. 15 days, but not in a row. for the first time, you can use nicorette... even if you slip up... so you can reach your goal. 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