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0 we are starting with breaking news out of russia. another deadly explosion, the second in as many days. this morning, a bus was blown up killing 14 people, just a day after 17 people died if a plast at the main train station there. this raises concerns for the security of the upcoming winter games. in is why. look at the map. sochi is a few hundred miles away from those bombings. diana. >> reporter: that's right. it's 39 days and counting until the winter olympics. now the russian president ordered a massive height of security after a massive terror onslaught on that southern russian city. the terror attacks in the city less than 24 hours. this morning in morning rush hour. more than a dozen killed. authorities say the blast if work after a suicide bomber. possibly detonateing his device towards the back end of the bus where the damage seems worse. many on board were students. this is exam time if russia. among the injured, a baby if serious condition. >> that follows another attack sunday on the main railway station. 17 people were killed in that blast. authorities say that was also the work of a suicide bomber. these attacks come less tan six weeks before the start of the winter games if sochi, which is around 400 miles southwest of the city. president putin ordered the highest amount of security around the games. have been fighting an islamist insurgency not far from sochi. in july, russia's most wanted man a czechist extremist threatened to unleash maximum force. the u.s. state department has a $5 million reward out for him. they believe other attacks are entirely possible. >> i think if we don't see an attempt on the olympics, i'd will surprised. >> reporter: terrorists may not be able to strike there, they are proving themselves more than capable of spreading maximum fear ahead of the games, themself, targeting other cities in the region with deadly results. and, john, we've just had an update from the health ministry of the 27 people injured in today's blast, three are in extremely serious condition, one of which is that little baby boy, who we are hearing is in a coma with multiple skull injuries. >> a huge concern weeks away from the olympics. we will be speaking about this in a little bit. meanwhile, in the northeast, you may want to stay indoors. i have a sobering map to look at here, this is an arctic blast that is set to blanket a huge part of the region for new year's eve. that's like over half the country, it's really, really cold, temperatures could take a huge tumble and snow may even be in the picture. jennifer grey is in for indra petersen, jennifer, it looks cold. >> oh, yeah, it is very cold. in fact, there are wind chill advisories in effect across the northern plains. look at the, international falls feeling like 36 degrees below zero. this is the wind chill. when you have the temperature, you factor in the wind. so folks are urged to stay indoors. this is a dangerous cold where frostbite could set in, just in a matter of minutes. so very cold across the north. >> that cold air isn't going to go anywhere any time soon. we will see temperatures at 15 to 16 degrees below formal even if chicago with a high temperature today of 17 degrees. new york city at 37 today. only about 2 degrees below normal. then as we get into the sec half of the week, that very cold air is going to push into the nor northeast. so if you are ringing in the new year, here in new york city, temperatures will be around 36 degrees by 9:30. 32 by mid-night. stand figure time's square with the wind chill it will feel like 14 degrees here in the city. so a very, very cold few year for not only the north but also the northeast. . >> you can snugle up to a million of your closest friends. white christmas.ways want a - . we are particular about not having a white new year's eve. an interesting conundrum. right now, we turn to insurance cover o coverage for those of you who signed up. officials are offering a welcome surge, still good news but a way away from where they feed to be. athena jones is up late in honolulu, up very early or very late i can't decide. >> reporter: good morning, health officials say this welcome surge was possible because the federal exchange, is now working a lot better after that disastrous rollout in october. health cac may be finding its stride. with nearly a million of those coming this month alone. >> it changes my life. >> reporter: people like lauren ricin, a 27-year-old marketing director from mcclain, virginia who suffers from crohn's disease, she ran into trouble on the website. starting january 1st, her premium is dropping from there are 1,300 a month to $400. >> it gives me the option to possibly finally move out of my parent's house at age 27. >> the government will release more complete number, including for medicaid an state-run markets next month this latest activity puts overall enrollment on pace for this bold prediction before christmas. >> i now have a couple million people, maybe more, who will have health care on january 1st. and that is a big deal. >> reporter: what is not clear is how many people may not have coverage january 1st due to problems with the site the government has worked overtime to fix. not everyone is celebrating the numbers. california republicans darrisiss too many people will be getting subsidized care. >> 1 million on subsidized health care in many case, probably another million getting on medicaid as a result of obamacare and 6 million people who had plans they liked were thrown off of it, i don't think there is anything to celebrate. >> reporter: while the surge if enrollment is good news for the obama administration, it will likely fall short of the goal to sign up 3.3 million people by january 1st. those who missed last week's deadline have until january 15th to start for plans that start february 1st. open enrollment ends march 31st. now this week the white house will be working with democratics from outside organizations to collect and share the stories of people who are going to be getting health coverage because of obamacare. we are also going to be hearing from high profile supporters like health and human services like kathleen sebelius. they will be tweeting about the benefits of the health care law. back to you, john. >> ocean front in hawaii, i appreciate it. mile meanwhile, lawmakers are fighting back over benghazi in a block buster new report the new york times says al qaeda was not behind the brazen attack. this report contradicts what many have claimed about the attack, both in congress and at the white house. cnn's jill dori is at the white house. what's the latest, jill? >> reporter: now this new york time's report has sparked another round of accusations from the gop. the new york times investigation calls into question claims made by both republicans and the white house about what happened in libya on september 11th a year ago. the newspaper finds fault with the republican case saying, there is no evidence that al qaeda had any role. >> that the local militias and looters were to blame, that an anti-muslim video did play role motivating the attackers, at least in part and that the attack was not meticulously planned but neither was it spontaneous nor without warning signs. a top republican insists the intelligence shows al qaeda was involved. >> there was aspiration to conduct an attack by al qaeda and their affiliates in libya. we know that. the individuals on the ground talked about a planned tactical movement on the compound. >> reporter: the top democrat on the house intelligence committee agrees but says it's a complex picture. >> intelligence indicates al qaeda was involved, but there were also plenty of people and militias that were unaffiliated with al qaeda that were involved. >> reporter: the "time's" also says, however, it was not a copycat of street protests in egypt against the maern american-made anti-muslim video as then ambassador susan rice suggested on sunday talk shows. >> our current assessment is what happened in benghazi was, in fact, initially a spontaneous reaction to what had just transpired hours before in cairo. >> reporter: the obama white house isn't commenting or disputeing the "time's" report which doesn't mention then secretary of state hillary clinton. >> what does it make? >> reporter: the spokesman blasted republican demands for a benghazi hearings in for clear claims the obama administration were lying, they were wrong and we could have avoided months of disgusting demagoguery. this report says it's murky, it's not the black and white picture by the white house. >> that guarantees this controversy is just going to keep going. >> jill, thank you so much for that. we appreciate it. well, there are certainly many other stories making headlines. anika is here this morning. >> good morning, guys. lots going on this morning, making news right now, the fsa reportedly using a specialized team of hackers to break into computer hardware and exploit loopholes in the software. now, this is according to a news magazine t. report says tailored operation apparently used james bond like data to collect the source of the doults. they did not release the report based on documents leaked by edward snowden. a serial police officer shooter, 48-year-old mario edward garnett was gunned down by plain clothes officers after he robbed a bank there in phoenix. officials say garnett shot and killed sergeant gail stopper last week in mississippi. incredible pictures out of mexico this morning. a picturesque highway used by tourists to travel between insonata and tijuana collapsed. it fell apart t. ground started to give way and tumbled into the ocean t. driver of that truck managed to get out. what caused that collapse? still unclear. for ted cruz has started the legal process to officially renounce his canadian citizenship. now, cruz says he hopes to complete the process sometime next year t. freshman senator was born if calgary to an american mother and cuban father. cruz denied that this decision to renounce his citizenship has any implications for his political future. of course, a lot of speculation about 2016. we know the rollout of has been a bit rocky to say the least. here's something you may not heard. now many doctors are worried another change could mean they don't get paid. new billing coulds will take effect next fall. they are so specific they even include being jurld by a spacecraft or hurt by an orca whale. you never know, right? guess what, using the wrong code could mean insurance companies don't pay the doctor. so those new corrodes set to take place in october. doctors are saying can we take a step back, what if i type in the wrong code? i didn't know some existed. >> what could possibly go wrong with this? >> i'm trying to imagine the meet wrg they came up with the codes. >> it's so simple. right? >> so simple. >> what if you are riding an orca whale and get hit by a spacecraft? >> we don't have a code for that. that won't happen. we will talk about this deep freeze for few year's, jennifer grey is back. i want you to foe what you can expect today as you walk out the door. >> the big story really the temperatures in the north. we are going to have a couple clipper systems roll through. most of the snow today will be lake effect snow around the great lakes. this low will continue to pushoff shore. it's going to roll through the northeast as quick as new year's eve and be out of here by new year's day. most of the snow will be in the interior section. this will be the main front. this is the main event, it's going to be pushing to the east coast as we go to the second half of the week. so that's going to really drop temperatures in the northeast. for new year's eve, new year's day, snow accumulations where we could see a white new year's eve is going to be in the north. could see three to six inches of snow. we will see possibly about two to four inches of snow around chicago for new year's eve. so you could be looking at that as we go through the northeast. two to four inches of lake effect snow primarily for new year's eve through new year's day. really not much happening besides very cold temperatures. most of the country very, very quiet. it will be cold. >> there is a good time for it to happen. we are snowed in for the holiday. we will have dock lats. >> now i see how your new year's is going to be. we have been talking about the ice around this country. what about being stuck in ice if antarctica? they have been stuck there for days. now another rescue ship has had to turn back him we'll have the very latest on the scientist the tourists and the crew forced to spend another day stranded. and marijuana is about to become legal in colorado, but it's not quite as simple as you might think. those who want to sell it and use it are running into a little thing called "the government." we'll have more when we come back. 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