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whitney houston could have filled the stadium with a public memorial. instead she'd have a private funeral in newark. her body was flown home yesterday. from a plane to the golden hearse to the funeral home. we're told houston's mother was waiting inside. jason, you just had a chance to speak to the pastor there. what did he tell you about the funeral arrangements? >> reporter: right. that would be pastor joe carter, john. pastor carter was very gracious. he allowed us inside the very same sanctuary, inside the church where the services will be held on saturday. when i asked him about the service, he told me he would be officiating over the particular service on saturday. i asked him what are the words that he's going to use to try to bring comfort to those who are going to come here to pay their respects. he said i'm going to have to find a way to acknowledge the pain and acknowledge the pain that everyone is dealing with here but also to celebrate the life of whitney houston. want you to listen to what he had to say a little while ago. >> well, to ignore the pain of this would be erroneous. we have to acknowledge the fact that we're all hurting. and this is a painful, painful thing that we're going through. that voice is silenced. but she left us with so much. amazingly so. how she was able to leave us with so many wonderful memories of that god-given gift. and so that's what we're celebrating on saturday. >> reporter: and one of those memories, john that, he talked about is the memory of whitney houston singing as a child at the church. one of her favorite songs was called "he would not climb down from the cross." that may be what they'll be hearing on saturday. >> you hear the pastor talking about her gifts. childhood ties to the church. her family is said to be very upset at the focus in the media on on her history of drug use. what are they telling you? >> reporter: very upset about that. in fact, pastor carter has spoken to cissy, whitney houston's mother over and over during this particular time. i think john what they want is they want the drive here to be about whitney houston's life, about her music, about the joy that she brought to millions of her fans. and i think that they're upis the about what they're hearing and seeing in some of the reports. in some ways they're just tuning it out, not watching some of the reports that are out there. the celebration of whitney houston's life, the music that she brought to so many people as well. john? >> jason, thank you. more on this story a bit later in the program. shifting to politics now, new cnn polling tonight demonstrates the volatility of the presidential bid. plus the bruising gop campaign playing to president obama's advantage. check this out. the new cnn orc international poll former pennsylvania senator rorz error slightly a -- rick santorum ahead of mitt romney. that's among republican voters nationally. the former house speaker newt gingrich has dropped dramatically. these brand-new numbers are fascinating. among all americans our new polling shows president obama with a 53% favorable rating. republican candidate ron paul is viewed favorably by 42% of americans. only one in three americans view governor romney or senator santorum favorably. look again at the bottom. speaker gingrich viewed favorably by just 25%. let's dissect these new numbers with time magazine's deputy washington bureau chief michael crowley. if you look at the favorability two leading republican candidates now, romney and santorum, 32, 34% favorably ratings, president back above 53. talking in february. not know. but if you're team obama you have to be pretty happy this republican campaign seems to be taking a toll on their leading guys. >> looks like whoever the republican nominee ends up being will have to do some healing for the general election. the unfavorable numbers. newt gingrich practically radioactive. mitt romney is over 50. the president is not over 50 infavorably. a lot of republicans were concerned that the drawn out primary calendar, proportional delegate rules and power of superpacs where candidates can raise a lot of money fast if they have wealthy ben factors would draw out the primary, make this bridier, bang up the nom knee. looks like that might be happening. >> you mention the unfavorables. ask people a poll at home, pretty predictable question. unfavorable. 63% of all americans view speaker gingrich unfavorably. a majority view governor romney unfavorable. president is 45%. his -- then santorum and ron paul. is this because of all the attacks in the republican campaign? is it because of the general dissatisfaction with politics? and while he's doing a lot of campaign style things obama is not in the thick of this right now. in a sense he has a pass in these early months. >> that's true. and the fire has become more intraparty. i think in the earlier going all those debates it was go after obama, go after obama. now the candidates are hitting each other, intramurl republican fight. i think it's not over yet. rick santorum is up at 38%. not a terrible number but he has not yet suffered the full brnt of the romney artillery barrage. we saw what it did to newt gingrich. i think that 38% number even if santorum hangs in there is going to rise. whoever the nominee on the republican side is going to have to go to the e.r. for some medical attention. >> that's a great way to put it. let's go back to the horse race numbers there. senator santorum 34, governor romney 32, ron paul stays pretty consistent, 15, 16 right there and newt gingrich down to 15%. that's -- to decide if his growing strength or is it more a sign of governor romney's persistent weakness or softness? >> i think it's some of both. it's been clear for awhile now that romney has a problem with sealing the deal here. he just can't convince republican voters to just throw their hands up and as much of the washington establishment would like them to do and just say, get on with it, already. focus your fire on president obama. at the same time i would caution we have seen the first half of this movie before. we may be seeing the second half where a challenger rises up against romney. and again he trains his artillery on them and they go back down. santorum has not suffered a romney negative ad barrage yet like newt gingrich did. i think for instance on our swampland blog today my colleague reported a video of santorum saying he disagrees with contraception. doesn't think it's appropriate, a good idea. we'll be hearing more and more factoids and rick santorum that may be problematic for him. >> get to the top of the polling a thicker scrubbing if you will. two weeks to arizona and michigan. we'll watch the romney ads as well. the treasury secretary tim geithner says higher taxes for the rich must be part of the budget. he says it's the only way to boost the economy and tackle the deficit without making the middle class suffer. here he is defending president obama's 2013 budget plan to the senate finance committee. >> we don't see a way to do that that's fair and consistent with our other obligations as official toss do that without some modest increase in revenues. and we want to make sure those revenues come from the people that are in the best position to to bear that burden. >> the president's $3.8 trillion budget plan includes several tax hikes on the rich. at least 40 more people killed today in syria. residents now say they're bracing for a full-blower war. too afraid of snipers, too afraid of shellings to go go buy bread. these are images of life in a damascus suburb. the man who posted this video said troops are now using civilians as human shields. you can see two tanks with civilians walking between, apparently insurance against rebel attacks. foreign reporters are forbidden inside syria. our arwa damon has managed to get inside. she's at awn disclosed location for her safety. other was, you were in syria a few weeks ago. what strikes you most about the deterioration now that you're you're back? >> reporter: what we've really been able to see is how far -- even though the government is still in a position of power it's important to note that but how far the situation is really beginning to fray. there are huge parts of this country that do not seem to be in full government control or at the very least where people are broken that barrier of fear to a degree where the free syrian army is setting up checkpoints especially on the dirt roads and the fields and farm lands that we're having to travel through because we also need to avoid government forces just like the activists and members of the opposition and full syrian army as well. we've also been able to gaen a greater appreciation for the details of what the opposition has to go through just to achieve basic things. they have an entire network set up to try to disseminate information about government -- entire networks set up to get things like bread delivered into neighborhood where there are shortages. more critically, of course, medical aid and an entire process to try to get injured evacuated from these various areas under siege into the secret underground clinics for basic medical care before moving them onto private hospitals where they're perhaps sympathetic doctors who are can treat them or in some cases even getting them out of the country. >> well, what is the sense of what the outside world is doing? is there a sense of outrage they're not getting more help? or is there a sense of just despair that they're going to have to do this on their own? >> reporter: a lot of people that we've been talking to and reluctantly saying that they do want military intervention. but they fear what it is going to do to the country. but they say they have no choice at this stage. with or without military intervention, at some point in time they do believe the assad regime is going to fall. but they also believe and know that it is going to be an incredibly bloody process. they realize that military intervention is potentially going to cost a lot of lives, but they say that military intervention will at least end the crisis a lot quicker than a lack of military intervention would. because they say if there is no intervention this is just going to drag on for who knows how long. and it is only going to further split and polarize the country. this is a nation that already at this stage is dangerously splitting, is dangerously seeing its social fabric disintegrate. and that at the end of the day is going to be the next challenge, the next chapter in syria. not something that the activists, opposition are very well of wear of at this stage. >> breathtakingly brave reporting from arwa damon. stay safe. almost 2 million voters legally on the rolls are dead. how does this happen? we'll have details later this hour. but first former presidential candidate and former u.s. ambassador to china jon huntsman tells us what china's next leader is really like. >> he's confident. he's well briefed. he's soft spoken. he's able to connect human being to human being. ew. seriously? so gross. ew. seriously? that is so gross. ew. seriously? dude that is so totally gross. so gross...i know. there's an easier way to save. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. vacations are always wasn'ta good ideaa ♪ priceline negoti - - no time. out quickly. you're miles from your destination. you'll need a hotel tonight we don't have time to bid you don't have to bid. at priceline you can choose from thousands of hotels on sale every day. save yourself... some money the world needs more energy. where's it going to come from? ♪ that's why right here, in australia, chevron is building one of the biggest natural gas projects in the world. enough power for a city the size of singapore for 50 years. what's it going to do to the planet? natural gas is the cleanest conventional fuel there is. we've got to be smart about this. it's a smart way to go. ♪ the china challenge is present today. the china's vice-president is here for a tour. in addition to high level meetings at the white house and pentagon and more getting a sense of the challenges ahead. president obama for example raised some specific human rights cases in private and made this gentle nudge in public. >> on critical issues like human rights, we will continue to emphasize what we believe is the importance of recognizing the aspirations and rights of all people. and we expect that china will continue to have a growing role in world affairs. >> a top army official discussed the escalating cyber war between washington and beijing. >> i believe someone in china is hacking into our systems and stealing technology and intellectual property which at this point is a crime. i can't tribute it directly to the p lkz a. >> who is he and how different is he from the -- governor it's good to see you. you have met the vice-president. you know him better than most americans. what don't we know about the man who will become china's next president? >> we don't know what kind of leader he's going to be. you've got to be in strict conformity in the two years running up to leadership changes. so if you stop to reflect on this orkts the 18th party congress, sweeping changes in chinese leadership, i'd say that 70% of the top 200 lead rrs going to turn over, including seven members of the all important standing committee the politburo, the board of directors for the country. so for two years before you're in conformity, for a year after or thereabout you're in conformity. we don't know what he's like to be in 2013 and beyond. >> some people would ask this question. certainly a lot of disdance and activists in china. does it matter? even if he is a reformer, in personally in favor of more openness could he do that or be too beholden to the powerful interests? >> he will be dealing with a new slate of characters. he has an opening in terms of fresh faces and new leaders who are going to occupy some of these position. he has an opening himself because i think he is more of a reform-minded leader. we'll see what the years ahead prove him out to be. if you combine new leadership in beijing which we'll have in october combined with a new head of state a little more reform-minded than in years past, we're likely to see a very real coming together of new leadership in beijing with the dissident community and the activist community those seeking greater reforms either politically or beyond. having a conversation. they haven't done that in a very long time. i think chi is smart enough to realize he's going to have to make accommodations in the years ahead or they could see a serious train wreck. >> we see the public presence. at the white house, pictures in beijing. in private meetings what's he like? >> confident, well briefed, soft spoken, able to connect human being to human being. he doesn't always read from his talking points which is what we've seen in years past coming from chinese leaders. i think there's an opportunity in the years to come to forge the kind of relationship where we can take the u.s.-china relationship now 40 years old and move it beyond just a relationship based on shared interests, trade, economics, and just the perfunctory things to a relationship based on shared values. i think if we're going to give the u.s.-china relationship long-term durability you've got to start infusing values into that relationship. >> so then what's the political responsibility on this end? you hear for example during the republican campaign with which you're quite familiar governor romney says they're cheating i'll punish them. president obama has talked a little tougher with china and sanctions of late. the vice-president raised his concerns about why in the united nations security council wouldn't they go along with a tougher resolution. what's the right approach? >> those are all mechanical parts of the relationship. they'll be here year in and year out. the longer term play is whether or not woe can sit down at a table and talk about values, political reform, human right rights -- these are all very difficult issues to have discussions about yet they're going to have to be part of our future relationship. and we'll see in the next few years if this is actually becomes a reality in our dialogue. >> and so if you were president of the united states, how would you test this new leader of china to see what do we have here? someone willing to think and act outside the box? open up. >> i would recognize the reality of him being fairly restrained for the first year or so with the mantle of power and then a newer dial -- level of dialogue. head of state interaction that allows us to have the kind of discussions we haven't been able to have in the past. we talk about trade, north korea, iran, and all of the transactional types of issues. but lost in all of this are the broader themes of values. and the values will cement the relationship longer term if we can get it right. >> governor huntsman, good to see you. thank you, sir. coming up, the price of some whitney houston albums jumps on itunes just hours after the singer died. somebody says it was a mistake. but fans aren't happy. plus we'll meet the cover girl for "sports illustrated" swimsuit issue. her name kate upton. her uncle is a congressman. [ woman ] my boyfriend and i were going on vacation, so i used my citi thank you card to pick up some accessories. a new belt. some nylons. and what girl wouldn't need new shoes? we talked about getting a diamond. but with all the thank you points i've been earning... ♪ ...i flew us to the rock i really had in mind. ♪ [ male announcer ] the citi thank you card. earn points you can use for travel on any airline, with no blackout dates. pretty shocking, nearly 2 million dead people are still recommendstered to vote according to a new pew study. that's just the tip of the iceberg. the study says one in eight registrations are either too valid or too wrong to use. it points out a quarter of a million americans who are eligible to vote aren't signed up. hiking prices of whitney houston hours after her death. a few houston records on itunes in the united kingdom got more expensive overnight saturday. sony says that was a mistake. they release add statement today saying the items were mistakenly mispriced and apologized for any offense caused. have you seen the new "sports illustrated" swimsuit issue? pretty racy and not surprisingly, trending online right now. this 19-year-old model, kate upton, has an uncle in politics. republican fred upton represents the sixth district of michigan. he chairs the energy and commerce committee in the house of representatives, john, i think for today he might be better known as kate upton's uncle. >> i'm wondering why she didn't show a picture of fred up there? >> reporter: can't imagine. >> how would that have happened? fred upton is a soft-spoken guy from michigan. involved in sensitive investigations at the moment. we'll see how that one plays out. i bet he's getting a pretty good ribbing in congress tonight. a series of explosions in bangkok, thailand and israel blames iran. we'll explain the connection after the break. also whitney houston acknowledged battling addictions throughout her life. we'll speak to an expert about her struggles next. in the works package, we change the oil we change the filter... tire rotation, suspension, we make suspension checks... what we have here is the multi-point inspection. every time a vehicle comes into a ford dealership you'll be presented with one of these. we check the belts, hoses... brakes. tires and the pressures... battery, all your fluids... exhaust system, transmission... we inspect your air filter... it gets done,it gets done quickly and it gets done correctly. the works. oil change, tire rotation and more: $29.95 or less after rebate - at your ford dealer. you're a doctor... you're a car doctor. maybe a car doctor... will be giving away passafree copies of the alcoholism & addiction cure. to get yours, go to friends insist whitney houston had let go of hard drugs. but her very public struggles with addiction are raising questions about pro description drug use in president. with the republican tight race, why is mitt romney. oprah's in trouble asking viewers to sign up for her network. others say it's not fair. it will be weeks before the los angeles corner's office gets the toxicology report and finds out what really killed whitney houston. one thing is certain. accidental overdoses from prescription medications are a serious problem. dr. sanjay gupta is with us now. you've investigated deaths by prescription drugs for quite awhile now. how big a problem is this? >> the cdc calls this a silent epidemic. they say that, john, because if you look at the numbers across the country there's a person that dice about every 19 minutes in this country from the drug overdosing you've just described. prescription drugs. it causes more deaths than cocaine and heroin combined but there's a lot of attention on these illicit drugs. it's a pretty significant concern. about one in 20 americans misuses prescription drug in some way. that might mean that they're taking too many of them. they may be mixing them. may be using them inappropriately. as a result, this has become this huge problem. john, there's a perception if a doctor prescribes it to you it's not going to kill you. it's safe. it's certainly safer at least the perception is than illicit drugs. as we're seeing and as we've been investigating for some time that's not true. this is a huge problem. >> when you say it's a huge problem, where's the safety net or is there a safety net if you're going to one doctor for one drug, another dru for another drug and deliberately abusing them is there any way the system can catch you? >> you're deliberately abusing them drug seekers, they can beat the system. we've seen this over and over again in some of the reports we've done. the problem is sort of two-fold. one is there's probably an overprescription of these medications. do the math and we found looking at the amount of opiates or pain medications, they could get enough to take the pills every four hours for a month. every american. but in terms of beating the system, go to one pharmacy, get a prescription, a second pharmacy, third pharmacy the same thing. for someone who says i take medications but i want to be safe, they need to talk to their pharmacists, talk to their doctors and be transparent about all medications they're taking. >> we need to be careful. we don't know how whitney houston died. but what can happen to the human body when a small amount of prescription drugs are mixed together perhaps inopenly and when you add alcohol to the mix? >> in the umbrella we call them central nervous system depressants. they depress all the thints that the central nervous system you count on it doing for you. regulating how you breath, blood pressure an heart rate. you don't think about all that stuff. in isolation if they are depressing the central nervous system they can make you sleepy. synergistically it's not a one plus one equals two scenario. these in combinations can greatly inhibit the central nervous system. blunting someone's drive to breathe. for example if someone takes a xanax for anxiety, business travel, maybe they had a drink later on in the night and before bed they're taking a sleeping pill that, may be something that sound familiar to a lot of people out there. but that combination of these three things, alcohol as you mentioned and those two pills can prove problematic and even deadly sometimes, john. >> important context. dr. gupta, thank you. >> thank you. specifically on whitney houston's struggle with substance abuse, our reporter from palm desert, california. let me start with the basic questions. what are the warning signs? if you're somebody who's been around whitney houston over the last couple of weeks or last couple of years, what should you be looking for if you know the person you are with, your friend, your colleague, associate, has a track record of addiction? >> the bottom line is if they're using. if they're using any form of mind-altering substance, that's a sign to look for. and then take immediate action. we see it all the time. it's heart-breaking to watch so many people as the doctor just mentioned, every 19 minutes in this country somebody's dying. we see the signs. we need to take the action. >> and so listen here. this is kelly price, a friend of whitney houston who was with her in the final days and final hours. she's talking to anderson cooper. she says sure whitney was having a couple of glasses of champagne but it wasn't something that was a problem. >> i wasn't worried about it. i didn't see where it was excessive. i didn't see -- i saw her with a couple of glasses of champagne. and then our interactions were normal. there was nothing that seemed that it was over the top. she didn't seem to be intoxicated to me. again, i know intoxicated when i see it. >> what does that tell you right there? this is a friend, someone who knows her history or addiction. do we as a culture, as a society just deny that a drink or two is the gateway? >> yeah. and that's the problem here is that everybody that's out there watching a loved one die from this addiction is they see that one glass of wine. they're doing much better now and it's not as bad as it used to be. but the bottom line is, when you're diagnosed as an addict with any form of addiction you can in the do those things. you cannot have one glass of champagne, besides a bottle of champagne. you just can't do it. you can't take one xanax. you need to find other things to help you with your anxiety. but you cannot take medication. >> i want to be careful. because we need to wait for the toxicology reports. and we note family isn't happy with a lot of the media speculation about what might have been. but you have a friend saying, whitney houston was at a party and having some champagne. in host room we know lower razz pam, valium, xanax, alcohol found in that room. what does that tell you? >> that just tells me that the people surrounding her need to really -- should have really looked at that and say, listen, we know her past. she was diagnosed with an addiction. and we can't allow people that were diagnosed this way to have anything, any -- not even a glass of wine. so for all that stuff that was found, and who knows if she even used it like you said. but the reality is if she was those are the things you have to take action and fight this. because the disease will always win. the addiction will always win unless you have the people surrounding you, love you enough to say, i'm sorry. you cannot do this. we love you too much. and as we've seen her mother do in that oprah interview, she showed up there and said, you know, no more. i am not going to let you die from this. and she fought. i feel like the public, us as professionals, didn't educate the public to let them know that treatment is not about just going away for 60, 90 days. we have proven statistics with the aversion programs, the pilots programs that this is three, five, to ten years of accountability that they have to be accountable in some kind of program. >> and it works. >> i appreciate your help and insights tonight, ken, thank you very much. >> thank you. heading overseas now, a string of bombs erupts in downtown bangkok. in israel says it's iran's fault. thai police say a group of men blew up a home and tried to get away. one hurled bombs at a taxi driver, one police. one exploded early blowing off the suspect's leg. chris, this comes just a day last night attacks on diplomats. >> reporter: you take india, georgia and thailand and it adds up to a coordinated effort by iran to sponsor terror attacks around the world. the u.s. is a bit more nuanced, but just barely. the official line is that, look, we're going to wait for the investigation. we're not going to prejudge. but the state department made a point today of coming out publicly saying this attack comes on the heels of other attacks that do have iranian fingerprints on them. that the u.s. is now drawing connections and that it sees an aggressive spike in nations that are sponsoring terrorism and using terror as a weapon. all of this is a way for the u.s. to walk right up to the edge of accusing iran without actually doing so. but on the heels of what we learned yesterday from our intel sources saying that the u.s. was looking at the usual suspects, i don't think there's a whole lot of daylight between the u.s. and israel on this point, john. >> if there's not a whole lot of day lithe and the united states believes or at least suspects iran is responsible, any steps being taken to increase security at overseas operations? >> nothing specific. but it was just about a month ago when both the u.s. and israel warned their citizens who were living there in thailand that an attack was imminent. because a man who had links to hezbollah was arrested there in thailand with about four tons of fertilizer and other bomb-making materials. the u.s. government did lift that alert about a week or so before this bomb went off. as for warnings or darngs to american citizens here in the u.s., there's sort of a split. the u.s. intel community says they don't see any firm evidence that iran is targeting jewish organizations or jewish facilities here in the u.s. they don't see an increased threat to jewish americans. but the man who analyzes intelligence for new york city says he thinks that new york is becoming increasingly more of a target because of its large jewish population. >> chris lawrence live at the pentagon. thank you. would amanda knox be forced to return to italy for an appeal? italian prosecutors filed paperwork today. plus the son of director oliver stone makes a life-changing decision in iran. we'll have both stories a little later this hour. 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[ male announcer ] you do, business pro. you do. we want to protect the house. right. but... home security systems can be really expensive. to save money, we actually just adopted a rescue panther. i think i'm goin-... shhh! we find that we don't need to sleep that much. there's an easier way to save. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. mitt romney is the former massachusetts governor. he ran the salt lake city olympic games. this is mitt romney's version of the real slim shady. >> i want to make michigan stronger and better. michigan's been my home. and this is personal. >> yes, it's personal. it's also very, very, very political. michigan and arizona vote next and romney can ill afford to lose neither. but a loss in the big industrial battle ground where he was born would cause heads to explode in the republican party, according to one. romney face as tough test of what he likes to think of as home turf. the next two weeks will tell us a lot about his tenacity and the future course of the republican race. there are big republican challenges on the auto industry bailout. back in 2008 this was governor romney's prediction. if general motors, ford and chrysler get the bailout their check competitives asked for yesterday you can kiss the american auto industry good by. g.m. and chrysler did get balout money. they say they are back on their feet because of the taxpayer help. romney wrote in the detroit news "the president tells us that without his intervention things in detroit would be worse. i believe that without his intervention things there would be better." on twitter at david axel rod, that's the president's top strategist, framed the debate this way "does anyone believe what mitt says that the american auto industry would be better off today if the president hadn't intervened in 2009? axelrod isn't just preparing for a potential fault fight for michigan. he's stoke the blue-collar divide in the current republican race. >> a full spectrum conservative, rick santorum is lock solid on values issues, a favorite of the tea party for feisting corruption and taxpayer abuse, more foreign policy credentials than any candidate. and rick's made in the usa jobs plan women make america an economic superpower again. a new poll this week shows santorum narrowly leading in michigan. he's about to get some serious attention from the romney attack machine. truth is it's testing time for romney and santorum. a big complicated struggle in a state like michigan makes for a fascinating battle ground. here to talk truth tonight republican pollster cnn -- so where's mitt romney from? is he from michigan? from massachusetts? it's important. but michigan seems to be saying we're not so sure. >> yeah. i think the people of michigan being more of a blue-collar state, there's a good number of evangelicals and catholics there in michigan. they're going to have a choice between the bain candidate, tiffany candidate and walmart candidate. i think rick santorum will do well. the sweater vest will rock on. >> let's look at the poll, the second poll graphic. republicans choice for nominee shows what i'm going to call a little bit of class warfare within the republican race. among blue-collar voters santorum beats governor romney 36% to 25%. ron paul gets 20% there. among those who say they're white collar romney on top with 41, santorum 31. you do this for a living. what is your divide in the party right now? what is the strug snell about the man or something else? >> no. you're in the first act of a play. and you're trying to predict who the audience is going to be cheering for at the end of the play. we know who this audience is going to be cheering against at the end of the play and it's barack obama. and the way to kind of see whether there's a true divide there is to look at how santorum and romney does with these same groups when they go against obama. in every survey you look at there's not more than a percent or two difference between men and women, blue-collar, white collar. these voters voting against obama and for santorum or romney. >> while they macon verge, there's no question that within the context of the primary and this choice you are seeing more of a class divide than you typically see in the republican races and democratic races. wine track and beer track. in this race mitt romney as in 2008 but even more so this time tilts very upscale in support. better upper income voters and college educated voters. michigan is a state where 2008, 57% of the republican primary voters did not have an education. the party is changing. much more of a blue-collar party than it used to be. that's one of the reasons romney has faced so much resistance. older struggles with those voters have generally gotten deeper this year. >> blue-collar white collar divide and a gender gap. among men on? santorum 37%, romney 27%, paul and gingrich -- it's a total flip among women romney leads 38% to 29%. why a gender gap in this race? >> i think you saw in iowa that santorum did very well with women. i think the distortion of his record on women in hand-to-hand combat this past week may be showing up in those numbers. >> he was asked a lot of questions about it. >> what he said was what some women do struggle with. and particularly we struggle on behalf of women who are mothers. they join the military as single women and they become mothers. suddenly they're thrust to the front lines. in certain combat positions that maybe they don't want to do. they have no choice in this matter. so we have concerns over that and whether men and women, moms and dads at the same time should be deployed and their kids end up in foster care. so there arish utah that women are concerned about. and i think though there was a distortion in his record, i've known him for 20 years. he has had very impressive women in impressive women in high profile slots, and mentored women, and married to a very strong professional woman and he does not in real life have is a woman problem, so when that message gets out there, it will be better. >> i want to disagree with the both of you if rick santorum is a nominee as opposed to rrm, mi romney, you will see a difference of the college-educated women. rick santorum lost 72% of the independents in the last race. you don't see numbers with seven in exit polls under any circumstances. and i think that, you know, the strength of the social conservativism is an asset in the primary and will continue to be not only in michigan, but other blue collar-leaning states, the poll that came out today will continue to show that mitt romney is a better bet than beating barack obama than rick santorum over mitt romney. >> but you need both. >> i am looking at data of romney versus obama, and santorum versus obama, and all of the traditional democratic strategy is that we have to win women more than republicans are winning the men. >> i agree. >> and in the primary context whishgs the gender gap? >> well, i disagree with the divide. you are looking at one survey showing that this week there is a nuanced difference in terls of leaning in that direction, and is that what is driving the election in no, it is not. if you look at michigan which is a good example and certainly if you look at santorum, he has a good message for the blue collar and that is why you are seeing them running even in the polls innerles the of michigan and romney has other strengths to play in the state, and that is a major factor in the upcoming state, but it is not a dividing fac to, because those people that will vote in that primary will vote for either of these candidates if they get the nomination. >> yes. and let me ask either of you a question in closing, when we look at romney or santorum because of the numbers, but if you look at speaker gingrich who is down in the national poll, but in the poll he is third or fourth and you say, a couple of months ago herman cain was up top, so is that the volatility or have we settled this as santorum says a two-man race? >> well, i have heard others say that newt gingrich is the marco corleon of the race. at this point, i believe it is rick santorum. >> but at this point, are you thinking that you are newt going to go to the super tuesday primaries? >> well, clearly, if you look at at the data, he is out of the game now. and secondly, no debates. only one debate between now and michigan and arizona and one debate between now and super tuesday, and he is running out of steam, because the thing that gave him steam was the debates. >> at least you didn't say the freddy krueger. in the cnn polling, you have had six different candidates in the lead overall and seven different candidates leading above the tea party supporters so that a lot of volatility and no way to say it is the last turn of the wheel in the race. >> i would add that the volatility came because of the debates is now coming because of the caucuses and the primaries. >> and i have to go right now. but thank you. it is a fascinating race. fasten your seat belts. oprah winfrey is in trouble for her comments on twitter, and she is apologizing. and yes, it is valentine's day not only here in washington, but here in washington, the republicans are rekindling the romance in president obama. we will have that next. this new at&t 4g lte is fast. hey. did you guys hear... ...that mary got engaged? 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[ laughter ] i speak from experience here. it is important that you remember this and go big. that is my advice. >> now, don't forget in go big, mary, good advice from the president. >> very good advice. >> and the republican national committee is taking

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