Going on. A single bullet fired by the Police Officer. The woman died. The family is going to speak momentarily with their attorney. Paul callaghan is standing by. Paul, the police have added a version of the body cam video. The family is gathering, i assume, to get answers in this case. What are your thoughts . John, i think its a tough case for the Police Officer, because in terms of looking at that tape, a Police Officer has the right to use deadly force when he reasonably believes that serious force or deadly force is going to be used against him. And in this case all he knew was there was sort of a vague complaint about an open door at a residence, and he walks around. It looks like hes going past a gate of some kind which might give the person inside the house the thought that somebody was trying to break into the house. He does not identify himself as a Police Officer before he opens fire on the occupant of the house. So i think the Police Officer is going to have a real tough time defending himself. And one other thing that really struck me was, just in watching the tape now, weve only seen an edited version of the tape. And maybe you know, john, i dont know if that window was open or if she was behind a closed window. If she was behind a closed window, i have never seen a case where a Police Officer fired through a glass window at somebody else in this manner. So it would be highly Unusual Police behavior. And to your point about that. Never identified as police. Did shout, show me your hands, show me your hands, and within two seconds of saying those words, shot a single round. In terms of police procedure, it would seem right there some obvious questions about whether proper procedure was followed. Absolutely. The proper procedure would have been to back off, call for backup and be more systematic in entering a premise where somebody was armed. They really didnt know if it was actually the owner of the property. By the way, this is texas. Even if she had a gun in your hand, you have a right to have a gun in your home in texas and pretty much everywhere else in the United States. That wouldnt give a policeman a right to shoot you. There needs to be a lot more information required before you can have deadly force used. We havent heard all the facts, john. There is always a second side to a story, so ill keep an open mind on it, but from what ive seen so far, this Police Officer looks like he has a real problem, and ilts a tragic, tragic case. It is a tragic case. Paul will stand by as we wait for this to develop. In syria, Kurdish Forces striking new deals with the kurdish regime and with russia. That is a stunning turnabout for the kurds, one they say they had no choice to make when President Trump pulled u. S. Forces out of jair and launched a military stand against the kurds. There is a cry from republicans to get back on the same page. There is no doubt in Lindsey Grahams mind that he will get back on the same page. Erdogan misjudged President Trump and he certainly misjudged me. Hes going to see a united front that i havent seen in a long time for republicans and democrats working with administration are going to come down on him like a ton of bricks. Iranian type sanctions and he deserves it. The secretary today, though, promising less than that. He says theyre watching and waiting. Sanctions on turkey are ready to go, the secretary says, whenever the president is ready. I think you know this is an evolving situation. Were monitoring the situation carefully. I said the sanctions are ready to go. Well be updating the president this morning, and when he makes the decision, well act. President trump defending his decision on twitter today, criticizing some of those criticizing him, ramping up threats of sanctions as well. But theres still no concrete indication if and when the president will actually impose that. Lets get straight to the scene first. Arwa damon joins us live from the turkish border. These new alliances are striking. Whael whats the situation on the ground today . Pretty chaotic, john, to say the least. There are numerous reports that the syrian regimes forces are beginning to move north and take over key towns and border areas. As the turks themselves are saying, no matter what, they are going to continue to press forward. They have approached a number of strategic locations as well. Although i have to say the town behind us that is a keyboarder town inside syria has been, relatively speaking, quieter today than it was in the past. There are a couple key things that are going on right now that relate to what unfolded in the last 24 hours. The fact that the kurds have turned to the regime has come as a surprise to some because they never completely severed the ties and they maintained the ties that were growing stronger to moscow. Turkey also has ties to the russians, john. Arwa damon for us on the border there. Katherine lucie of the wall street journal, paul kane of the wall street post. The president says he wants to end all wars. Youve seen the criticism and the outrage that he turned his back on an ally that a few days ago was fighting with us against isis. I want you to listen to the defense secretary here and then i have a question on the other side. The United States, first of all, doesnt have the forces on hand to stop an invasion of turkey that is 15,000 strong, if you will, preceded by airstrikes and artillery and mechanized forces. You have to remember, too, we didnt sign up to fight the atf. A number of questions. I want to start with the idea that, yes, the size of the u. S. Force there is by no means capable of stopping. I need to go to ft. Worth, texas. Im sorry. They are in need of serious systematic reform. We are asking that the federal government comes in, the department of justice comes in and takes a conscious look at the policies and procedures that allow Something Like this tragedy to happen. This was a wellness call. Its beyond me to begin to understand what kind of police force responds to a wellness call with the equivalent of s. W. A. T. This department and their officers violated not only the rights of Atatiana Jefferson and her family, but they made a number of mistakes. They passed an open door. They failed to announce themselves. They passed a second open door. They failed to respond themselves. They went to a closed area. They didnt even have permission to enter that property. They started creeping around and created a deadly situation. The idea they have blasted images of a firearm across the internet is obscene. Of course a family owns a firearm. Of course firearms are used to protect individuals from predators prowling about their property. Thats only common sense. They created a deadly situation and they responded in a way that is not unique to the city of ft. Worth. In the last six months, theyve had ten Police Officerinvolved shootings, seven officerinvolved deaths. Thats more than most nations for a single city in texas. It represents a serious problem that must be addressed. So, of course, this family is calling for the firing of this officer. Thats benign. Thats the least we should expect. Theyre calling for this officer to be vigorously prosecuted, to be appropriately sentenced. That prosecution, the investigation should be handled by someone other than the ft. Worth Police Department, specifically the department of justice, the fbi, or worstcase scenario, the local Sheriffs Department. Anyone other than the city of ft. Worth who is clearly incompetent to investigate themselves, to be called in. We expect this to happen immediately. This happened saturday. Why this man is not in handcuffs right now is a source of continued agitation for this family and for this community, and it must be addressed. In a moment youll hear from cory hughes, who is an activist and a member of the ft. Worth community, and then youll hear directly from the family of Atatiana Jefferson. Just for the correct spelling, my name is cory. Last name hughes, hughugheh. The reality is ive had the unfortunate responsibility of sitting in front of families, next to families, that lost loved ones at the hands of policemen too often. As a citizen of ft. Worth, ive taken responsibility to be a voice for my community. I want to set the record straight that were not looking for a 30day suspension, were not looking for a slap on the wrist, were not looking for what seems to be status quo is that the people that we hire to serve and protect us when one of their own violates the community, it seems like they do more trying to serve and protect their own. So what were looking for is for this officer not only to be fired, but were commanding that this officer be charged as well like the criminal that he is. Its a sad commentary in this day and age that someone could be sitting in their home playing a video game with a Family Member and not be safe. That when someone calls the police for a wellness check, instead of them checking on how well she is, days later were here talking about the fact that an officer took her life. Its unacceptable. Were demanding justice. Were demanding that the mayor and the city officials dont sweep this under the rug. Were not going to allow you to. This life mattered. This life mattered. This family matters. Were demanding justice, and were not going to wait. We demand justice now. Thank you. The next person well hear from is going to be the brother of Atatiana Jefferson. My name is darius kohn. I currently live in san diego. I served my country the last 12 years. In that time ive been trained and taught there are preplanned responses to everything you do. Everything youre trained about, there is a way to do things. When you dont do it the way youve been trained or taught, you have to ask for that. You know better, so you have to answer to that. Not your department. Someone comes in, theres a whole incident. Ft. Worth pd cannot risk it themselves. This man murdered someone. He should be arrested. We want to continue to add to the calls and be clear that this family is standing in solidarity, that ft. Worth needs to recuse itself from this investigation and they need to bring in an outside agency, and they need to make sure this officer is treated like any other credit suspect in our criminal justice system. The next person youre going to hear from is the sister of amber im sorry the sister of tay, and her name is amber. Im amber carter. Im one of her older sisters. Were 11 months apart. We grew up together. The last time i spoke to my sister was last saturday. She came to the hospital in plano where i was recovering from a major heart surgery. She came and brought me food, she brought me a new cell phone. She talked about how this weekend, actually, was the weekend that she and my oldest sister were planning to take the boys to the fair and asked me would i want, considering she knew i wouldnt be able to walk the fair part. The relationship my sister had with my sons is undescribable. Sometimes people think that theyre her kids and not mine. She helped zion every day to get ready for school because my mother wasnt capable of doing it. She wrote out a schedule so that he could be organized. She helped him understand that he had to be responsible for putting on his clothes, picking out his clothes and getting ready on time to leave for the day. Those were things that my mom did for him, so she helped him become more independent and selfsufficient. My son, who was there to witness the event, you would think that, you know, he would show some type of sadness or emotions, but the first time i actually got to see him and pick him up from a facility, the first thing he told me was he was sad. And i asked him why was he sad. And he told me because the police had shot his aunt. And at that time i knew nothing about that. So he was the one who actually told me what happened. But at this time, hes my motivation and hes my biggest encourager. In the middle of the night when im crying, he wakes up and tells me to breathe in my nose and out my mouth. He holds me. He hugs me. And these are the things i should be doing for him but hes not reacting in that manner, hes helping me to be strong. And i believe thats because my sister had a big part of him. The next person is ashley carr. Im going to have her come around. Good morning, everyone. My name is ashley carr. I was Atatiana Jeffersons older sister. Im here to read a statement for the family so we can all be on one accord. The art of a moral universe is a long one but it swears justice. Martin luther king. The family first would like to thank the thousands who called, who sent messages, who reached out via social media, offering words of encouragement and condolences. We appreciate your powerful solitude as we go through this unbelievable time of shock and sorrow. Secondly, our family would like you to know more about this beautiful soul of Atatiana Jefferson. She was a smart, ambitious, kind person with a nurturing spirit. She had a bachelor of science degree in biology and was committed to furthering her education. She was a hard worker where her coworkers saw her as a person of pure integrity. She loved her family so much that at the age of 28, she decided to move into our mothers home to help her as her health was declining. Honor, integrity, commitment and service. These are the traits of atatiana. T any parent would be proud to call her a daughter, any sibling would be proud to call her a sister, any employer would be proud to call her an employee, any neighbor would be proud to call her a neighbor, and yet, in the early mornings of october 11, 2019, she was simply going on with her life, living a lawabiding citizens peaceful life, and she was killed by a reckless act of a ft. Worth Police Officer. There is simply no justification for his actions. She was enjoying a life in her home where no one would have expected her life to be in harms way, especially not at the hands of a Civil Servant who had taken the oath to serve and protect. Our family now is asking the city of ft. Worth to exhibit the same characteristics of Atatiana Jefferson, to be honorable when they think of this beautiful soul, to have integrity when they bring the federal government in to investigate, to be committed to a swift and appropriate prosecution. Serve the entire community of ft. Worth by training your officers to execute responses to appropriate situations. In closing, we demand justice for atatiana through an independent, thorough and transparent process. The family of Atatiana Jefferson and the world eagerly awaits your response to this tragedy. It is imperative that your response bend toward justice. Thank you. Youre listening to ashley carr there, older sister to Atatiana Jefferson gunned down in her own home by a single gunshot fired by a ft. Worth Police Officer saturday morning. A neighbor saw a door open and called a nonemergency number just to ask the police to check on his neighbor. The family attorney demanding justice and demanding that the ft. Worth Police Department step aside and allow an independent agency, they recommend the federal government, to investigate. Paul, the first thing that strikes you there, two sisters and a brother speaking for the pain of the family who lost someone who cared for their mother and cared for others. How does this play out in most circumstances . Now you have a Police Department saying not only this tragic incident but theyre alleging this is a systemic problem. They want the mayor and the Police Department to step aside and hopefully hand it over to the Justice Department to get answers. This is not the first time weve seen this sort of thing, john. Sadly theres been so many of these Police Shootings across the country through the years. I think with all the crazy politics thats been going on, people have forgotten this goes on, sadly and tragically. This is an extraordinarily tragic case. The victim was a graduate of xavier university, she had a great job, she was helping out an elderly person in the family and babysitting for her nephew in essentially her own home when she was shot by a Police Officer. I mean, the facts of this case are among the worst that i can remember having seen. I understand why the family wants an independent investigation, and i think in a case like this, it would certainly be warranted to have the Sheriffs Department assume responsibility for the investigation or even the department of justice. If there is a feeling in washington this is a civil rights case, they can supercede at any time as they have in other parts of the country when the circumstances warranted. Well have to see how the system responds to the situation. Paul, i appreciate your insight for raising the right questions. Well wait and see what the city of ft. Worth Police Department does. The family wants this officer arrested. They want him arrested and prosecuted. Paul, appreciate it. Well be back after a quick break. Whoohoo greattasting ensure. With nine grams of protein and twentyseven vitamins and minerals. Ensure, for strength and energy. I am totally blind. And non24 can make me show up too early. Or too late. Or make me feel like im not really there. Talk to your doctor, and call 8442342424. Welcome back. A very rare moment of bipartisanship in washington because of the outrage of the president s decision to pull u. S. Troops out of syria, clearing the way for a military operation against the kurds who just days ago were key u. S. Allies. This morning the speaker of the house nancy pelosi tweeting this after a meeting with senator lindsey graham, republican congressman of south carolina. We must agree well have a bipartisan decision to overcome the president s dangerous decision in syria immediately. Kathy lucie with the wall street journal, paul kane and legal analysts. Sanctions punishing turkey. Pelosi using a somewhat different language, overturn the decision made in syria immediately. They cant do that. No. That just doesnt work in the constitution that way. I would guess that this is some sort of sense of the Congress Resolution in which they will express sort of a rejection of the president ial decision, but there is really nothing that they can do to stop it other than sort of adding on more sanctions to whatever they come up with this afternoon at the white house. She goes on to tweet, to your point there, the president gave the green light to a decision on this. Can they come together with an agreement . This really underscores that this comes after a week of widespread criticism on the president with this move. Its an after the fact thing. You can sanction turkey, you can criticize the president but the facts on the ground have now changed in a very important place in the world where a u. S. Ally for a very long time that lost 10,000 of its troops now is furious and feels betrayed. The defense secretary saying, well, we dont have the force to stop them, therefore, i got out. I found that to be more spin in the idea that i assume if the United States said to turkey, you will not cross that border, our troops will not move, an attack on the kurds would be considered an attack on america and we wouldnt be in this spot. One of the reasons we didnt see the kurds come in is because we had some leverage on the ground, not so much over the troops but the atf. It worked to turkeys benefit and also having american presence on the ground that could help with some intelligence gathering. Yes, we had leverage that now weve lost. There were always tensions. Turkeys interest in syria was different than ours. But was this something we could avoid . I dont think so. Up next for us, it is a big week in the democratic impeachment inquiry. So much more than i could have imagined. My grandfather was born in a shack in pennsylvania, his father was a miner, they were immigrants from italy and somewhere along the way that man changed his name and transformed himself into a successful midcentury american man. He had a whole life that i didnt know anything about. He was just my beloved grandpa. Bring your Family History to life like never before. Get started for free at ancestry. Com bring your Family History to life like never before. Great customizes your caru wheninsurance, tual so you only pay for what you need. Wow. Thanks, zoltar. How can i ever repay you . Maybe you could free zoltar . Thanks, lady. Taxi only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Hey. Hey. You must be stevens phone. Now you can take control of your home wifi and get a notification the instant someone new joins your network. Only with xfinity xfi. Download the xfi app today. Testimony today kicks off what is a consequential week in the House Democratic impeachment inquiry. The president s former adviser, fiona hill, arriving to answer questions on capitol hill. The white house has been directing witnesses not to cooperate. Hill is expected to give three different depositions to house investigators in the coming days. There are also seven subpoena deadlines, including for the white house. The secretary, the pentagon, among others to hand over documents in the buildup of that july 25th phone call between President Trump and zelensky. According to a report in the washington post, sondland told congress that the quid pro quo comment was directly related to him by President Trump after they had a phone call. So the democrats are trying, behind closed doors, to build their fact witnesses. Fiona hill today, Gordon Sondland later in the week. Theyre doing this in skprooipr and theyre leaking out certain parts. Where are we headed . The democrats will have to talk to the american people. Theyre having these meetings behind closed doors, and if they go on with impeachment before holding a single hearing, you can imagine what the talking points will be. We had Corwin Lewandowski which turned into an absolute sishlg. They had moehler which fell flat. The president constantly tweeting that what the whistleblower said is not true. The main points by the whistleblower were documented by the president , the memo with ukraine, and by the president s own staff about using the top secret server for things they wanted to keep top secret. Now heres adam schiff, the man leading the Committee Investigations here saying, maybe we dont have to have the scripts. We dont need the whistleblower who wasnt on the call to tell us what took place during the call. We have the best efvidence of that. It might not be necessary to reveal the whistleblowers identity to do that, and we need to make sure we protect the whistleblower. The protection part is well said and well understood given you heard the president in his rally the other day saying, whats the identity of the whistleblowers . The republicans keep saying theyre retreating and they dont have a plan and theyre hiding all this. Theyre definitely under pressure to run a very seamless process, and the republicans keep jumping on it saying its a sham. They have found more information thats come out to corroborate what the whistleblower originally said, so they dont feel as much need, especially with the president and republicans putting pressure on the whistleblower saying this person needs to reveal themselves. The protection for whistleblowers does not seem to be holding up in republican circles right now, so you do see democrats trying to adjust to the new realities, but it is difficult when the white house says, were not handing over any documents, were not handing over any witnesses. It is a high wire act trying to run this process with a white house that doesnt want to cooperate. Trey gowdy was going to join the legal team at the white house and they thought maybe replacing Rudy Giuliani who was out defending the president. And maybe the house members, make sure all the republicans are in line. This from the new york times, because a day later, were not going to ask that. Now trump advisers are back to square one, searching for a different lawyer. The president s acting chief of staff wanted this to happen. There is also a former chief who doesnt want to get involved in lobbying, et cetera. There is pressure for people on the hill to develop a mo more coherent team to do that. Warren is dealing with this. A lot of the strategy seems to be dictated by the president in the oval office as he retweets. And its quite striking that he takes four and a half hours and then he responds. They say youve got it wrong. The president is not saying quid pro quo. Lets stop texting about this. Hes going to say, the president told me there is no quid pro quo. Thabld many. We will be trying to find out what more he will add to that. And building a fact case, what points will they bring up with the public . Questions about foreign business ties and a big democratic debate, tomorrow night. Listerine® completes the job by preventing plaque, early gum disease, and killing up to 99. 9 of germs. Try listerine® and for onthego, try listerine® ready tabs™ [ [ tires screech ]playing ] mom, youve got to get yourself a new car. The cars fine. [ car horn honks ] i wish i could save faster. Youre making good choices. Youll get there. Got it . Yeah. Thank you. Bye. 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In a Campaign Stop in iowa, he made his own vow that if he were to become president , making a not so subtle shot here at the trump family. No one in my family will have an office in the white house, will sit in on meetings as though theyre a cabinet member, will, in fact, have any business relationship with anyone that relates to a Foreign Corporation or a foreign country, period. Period. End of story. It is an interesting moment where a lot of people were watching the Vice President early on and he wasnt responding. Now theyve decided to try to take this and turn this. The president is going to come after him and his family. Hes going to try to make it about the president and use the attention to turn it to his advantage. Jaf this is about Jared Kushner and his daughter, clearly. Well have to watch tomorrow night to see where he takes that. Hes trying to pivot this into saying its trumpian in the way hes kind of doing it. You think what hunter did was bad, look at whats going on with this family. Ivanka and don jr. Are still running the place. I think hes trying to put it back on the trumps. Number one, the president has been asking where is hunter at several of his rallies. Wow, hunter biden being forced to leave a chinese company, then he uses his fake news term there to criticize the media. Joe biden yesterday saying that he was proud his son has decided to give this interview, he was proud his son has stepped away but he also says he was not directly involved. The statement my son put out today which i saw when he put it out, i was told it would be put out. I did not consult with him before it was put out. In fact, thats the kind of man of integrity he is. What im not going to let you do is take the focus off the problem. No one no one has asserted my son did a single thing wrong. No one has asserted i have done anything wrong except to a lying president. He gets back there to lying president with the finger out. A much more assertive response when initially he was like, its no big deal here, lets not talk about it. The campaign is trying to figure out the best way to handle it. I spoke to a campaign person over the weekend where they said they didnt want a repeat of Hillary Clinton where she had to spend so much time defending the allegations and her emails. Its not an easy trail to follow because they have to figure out how to not seem as if theyre ignoring this major threat from the president but also not get bogged down in this mudslinging fight against the president over corruption or what hunter biden was doing in ukraine by answering these questions. You do see them getting out ahead of it with hunter biden saying, im not going to be on this foreign companys board anymore if my father is elected, im not going to work for any foreign governments, but you have to imagine this will be an issue. Biden will still have to face voters and figure out how to message this. This is a cbs news Battleground Tracker among democrats in early states. 29 very satisfied, 47 , somewhat satisfied. If you add those up, thats a pretty big number. 25 , a little less than that, of the not so satisfied on the bottom of it. Some of the other democrats early on were either saying or responding to questions by saying, my children wouldnt do anything like this. They seemed to back off. The mood seems to be that trump started this. Were going to stay away from it completely, including mayor Pete Buttigieg who said this is not about joe biden. First of all, joe biden is a very good man, and if this is going to be a contest between the white house and any person in the democratic party, theres just no comparison. Does this raise questions about the bidens . The question on my mind is the american president confessi confessing to america. He will spout about other things, america for all and other issues. It seems like the candidates have decided not to here. A key question for the democrats tomorrow night and joe biden in the polling is, who is the best person to take on donald trump and the kind of campaigning hes going to do whether you like it or not . Has joe biden responded vigorously enough, does he have enough fight giving back to trump . These are real questions. Whether you like the way trump is frame it or not, nothing is held sacred in his campaign and thats not going to change. They have to figure out a way through that. He finally called for impeachment after dancing around it for a long time, so were starting to see that i want to take trump outside tof joe bide. They think they may suffer as well if they get involved in it. Up next, mayor buttigieg defending joe biden. Hes taking heat on another issue on the eve of the big debate. Wayfairs got your perfect mattress. 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He says, calling buyback programs con physician indication is doing the nras work for them and they dont need our help. Beto orourke started it. He said all ar15s and ak47s should be confiscated. If democrats are to be competitive a year from now, which is the big picture here of the primary, what does this language tomorrow night on the stage do to the general election capabilities for democrats . All of this coming front and center. Well see how Pete Buttigieg responds tomorrow night. John . It would be fascinating to watch. I appreciate youre out there talking to voters. Cnn live tomorrow night, 8 00 p. M. Eastern. You dont want to miss it. Dont go anywhere. Brianna keilar starts right now. Have a great afternoon. Im Brianna Keilar live from washingtons headquarters. Underway right now, democrats are wasting no time pushing ahead in their impeachment inquiry. What they expect to hear from someone who is testifying right now on capitol hill. Plus chaos in northern syria. After President Trump pulls u. S. Troops out of the region, they are looking for protection. Outrage in texas after a white Police Officer shoots and kills a black woman in her own home. Her eightmonthold nephew is in the room when it happened. Plus a viral video reportedly shown

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