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Welcome to inside politics. Im john king. To our viewers in the United States and around the world, thank you for sharing your sunday. We have a busy hour ahead including a lastminute immigration deal between the Trump Administration and mexico and a major flipflop on abortion policy by the democratic frontrunner, joe biden. We begin this sunday with a new look at the landscape in the state that gets the first say in american president ial politics. That state is iowa. Most of the democratic contenders are there for events this weekend. By the caucuses are still 34 weeks away, our new poll has fascinating data on the state of play and the difficult challenge breaking through in this crowded field of 23 candidates. Importantly, our cnn Des Moines Register media survey is the first public poll to factor in the new rules Iowa Democrats plan for next years caucuses. 90 of the delegates at stake will be awarded based on the traditional inperson caucus process. 10 will be divvied up based on results of a new virtual caucus system that allows Iowa Democrats to participate online. Your overall leader combining both in virtual and in person is frontrunner joe biden. Thats a smaller lead than he has in national polls. He tends to be above 30 . In iowa at 24. Bernie sanders in second place, Elizabeth Warren at 15. This is your overall iowa state of play today. Those who will be there at a caucus site or those who want to participate through the virtual process. In person, biden with a lead, sanders, warren, buttigieg, harris. For those who want to participate online, a bigger lead for biden here, 33 to 10, 14, 9, 10. The same top five. A little difference when you look at those who say theyll do it the oldfashioned way and those who say lets try this new way. A fascinating test for candidates, try to get these people to show up and the like. Lets break it down ideologically. Elizabeth warren has been gaining slowly in the polls. Among iowa liberals shes your leader, 22 to mayor pete buttigieg, the Vice President , Bernie Sanders down here. Bernie sanders last cycle lib bral candidate in a pack. Thats a problem for sanders as warren pulls ahead. Same top five. Moderate to conservative voters, a healthier lead for joe biden. Senator sanders, another poll in which you see compared to 2016, he seems to be struggling a bit. He says hang on, ill be fine. I believe i am best suited to defeat donald trump. I know all the polls out there say trump is going to be beaten. They have me ahead of him in michigan and pennsylvania and in wisconsin, battleground states. But let me tell you, i think donald trump is going to be a very tough opponent because i think hes a pathological liar, he will say anything, he will do anything. Its not going to be an easy campaign and i hope everybody understands this. With us julie pace of the associated press, Jonathan Martin of the New York Times, cnns manna raju and Annie Linskey of the Washington Post. Its a hard new world where you have a split process. You can show up in person like its been done for years or participate online somehow. The online stake is a smaller percentage of how they count the delegates. This is the first look at this terrain. All the candidates except for biden are there this week. Hell be there next week. Whats the biggest takeaway when you look at the numbers. The biggest takeaway is joe biden is the frontrunner, but a lot of room to close the gap. My other takeaway, if you dont close the gap relatively soon, theres not going to be a lot of opportunities, that group of candidates bunched at that 1 , the really bottom end of the field, someone is going to have to start moving soon. Theres not going to be that much room if you have a biden, warren, harris, buttigieg, in there. To that point, lets start there in the sense that you have 23 candidates. I was talking to ann the other day. She used old school of psychology, seven plus or minus two. Thats the human brain, processes. How do you process 23 candidates . If you look at the poll here, who are you actively considering. 61 say joe biden. 52 say Kamala Harris. Down to just 32 for amy klobuchar, 39 . These are the candidates on the list. You might have a first choice, a second choice. Then you have this list. Then you move to the lesserknown candidates, trying to get the technology to work here and move it over. Here is the problem. How do you break through, Marion Williamson is considered a long shot. This is senator michael bennett. Governor bullock, mayor bill de blasio, senator Kirsten Gillibrand only two in ten iowans say theyre considering. These debates will be huge for a breakthrough. It reflects the reality in june of 2019. This is an eightperson race in iowa with the pos that somebody from that next tier could break out because most will be in the first two debates this month and next month. Basically youve got two different fields right now. Youve got the top here and that undercard with the possibility n that one of them can make a move. I dont know if more than one or two will move. Fluidity of this race. May of 2015, Hillary Clinton had a 41 point lead over Bernie Sanders. She won by less than a percentage point on caucus night f. You look at these numbers, biden with a very fragile advantage, it shows how fluid this race is. The fact that, look, its going to be hugely wide open, and the ideological gap is an important thing to keep in mind. You see two wings of the party in contention there. Seeing not as much enthusiasm for biden compared to other people in the field. This poll shows 29 were extremely thus as tienthusiasti biden, compared to other people in the field. This shows an eightpoint advantage at this time in this race is not insure mount nl. It leads you to believe, a lot of it was based on, he was Vice President for eight years. Democrats like him, no question. To get to extremely enthusiastic, youve got to love him. Thats the challenge. Other tough things for the poll, beto orourke, devastating for him. Here is a person polling pretty well in iowa before he had ever gone to the state, back before he announced. Now hes his campaign has made a real effort in the last few weeks to spend a lot of time there. Theyll tell you hes the candidate that has had the most events there in the last few weeks and hes not moving. Go through the breckdown. We showed you the liberal, moderate, conservative, lets look at it from an age perspective. Bernie sanders leads among voters who are under age 35. Vice president bidens strength is voters who are older. You see a bit of a split. This competition for sanders in here, again, back in 2016, a oneonone race against Hillary Clinton, that was his slice. If you want something new, something different, something anti establishment, theres a fierce competition this time. That warren number is really fascinatin fascinating. Its very clear over the past two months that shes solidified support, improving, growing. Trying to figure out where her pock pockets will be as the race starts to solidify. I dont think a lot of people have said young voters would be one of warrens strength. That poll shows she has a lot of gaining opportunity. At the iowa caucuses, the first step in the process, 90 get awarded based on those who show up in person. Thats what theyll focus on, more delegates in place. 10 by those who participated online. Even if more showed up online than showed up. Youd think theyre older voters who dont want to show up. Theyre not. The polls show its an interesting mix. Some are firsttime caucusgoers, some are younger people. How if youre biden, you get those people to show up, and will a candidate decide im struggling but ill funnel my resources to people showing up online. You wont get a lot of delegates out of it, but can you generate buzz out of a virtual victory . Zbl i think thats kind of hard. I think thats tough. A win is a win and coming out of iowa we know what were looking for, which is the victor. Shows how hard it will be to measure where this race actually is because people could decide ultimately to do this virtually rather than showing up in person even if theyre telling the pollster they may show up in person because maybe the weather will be nice that day and they may not want to leave, change their mind and that can ultimately impact the outcome of this race. This is going to continue to shift based on voters own decisions. Its very complicated. But it gives opportunities for other people to move up in this poll. A test of resources, the caucuses always are. Now you have to track your supporters and make the calculation. Most people will want to get them out, but well see. Use that as a base line as we go forward. Up next, the president tells his republican critics, i told you so. Mexico is promising a crackdown on illegal immigration. The president says his threat of tariffs is what made it happen. First, politicians say the darndest things, royal edition. 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President trump is claiming a big victory today and bragging he has again proven wrong those who criticize his unorthodox and disruptive ways. Off the table, for now anyway, the president s threat to impose, beginning tomorrow, new tariffs on all mexican goods sent to the yatsUnited States. Instead mexico has agreed to the biggest promises deploying Mexican National guard troops to deter illegal migration and agreeing more that apply for asylum at the u. S. Border can be returned to mexico while their claims are being processed. The president s Reelection Campaign sees this as a chance to raise money, rushing out a text praszing the deal and asking for donations. Thats the politics. The scope of the policy win, however, is in dispute. The New York Times claiming these new initiatives were agreed to months ago and mexican Officials Say they did not, as President Trump claimed in a tweet, also agree to make giant new purchases of u. S. Farm goods. So brace, braces for debate about whether the president won or whether he blinked. For now a reprieve from trifrs that would have september shockwaves from the u. S. And mexican companies. Pitting the president against senators in his own party who dont like tariffs to begin with and especially dont like them being used as a weapon in an immigration dispute. Let me just say theres a lack of enthusiasm among Senate Republicans for what would amount to a tax increase frankly on working class people. Tariffs are simply attacks on the american people. Tariffs on the other hand would be a massive tax. Tariffs are bad policy, attacks on the American Consumer and affect disproportionately middle income earners. A lot of people, senators included, have no idea what theyre talking about when it comes to tariffs. They have absolutely no idea. Tomorrow will be a more peaceful day, both in the u. S. And the mexican economy because there will be no 5 tariffs. The question now is did the president get a big policy win here . Has mexico agreed to do something significant to stop the flow of migrants. A classic trump play. You create a crisis and then you look like you solved it. Most of the things that were laid out were things that mexico decided to dorks moving National Guard to their southern border or things that were already in the works, which was ramping up the remain in mexico asylum policy. Overall, no. Its not as though the president got huge new concessions. At the same time he can paint this as a political win. For him, that matters quite a bit. The mexicans, also, can claim that they were able to avoid giving big concessions. Both parties here walk away feeling okay about the situation which is a bit odd because it was largely a selfcreated crisis. The first trumpkim summit. Afterwards they came out with the statement saying they agreed to all this, all these great things were going to happen . It hasnt happened yet . Peace in our time from north korea. That didnt quite happen. Similar to what well see here. Well see. Perhaps this will change everything when it comes down to whats happening at the southern border. Maybe not. Let me take a contrarian view for a second and raise the possibility that maybe mexico did agree this to do it before but werent doing it with earnesty. Maybe the threat of tariffs will get them to do it. This is what drives the president crazy, monthly updates on apprehensions at the u. S. Border. Look at the red line. Theres 2019. Theres other recent years and there is 2019. If this starts to go down a little bit, maybe the president can claim, look, theyre doing a better job. Its working. If that stays up there, were going to be back in this in a month or three as we head deeper into the election season. The president did not take these tariffs completely off the table and he moved them to the edge. He made it very clear that this threat is still a live in his mind. That means we absolutely could find ourselves after a few more days of those numbers, we could find ourselves in the exact same spot were in right now. The question about that chart is what is driving that. Is it the fact that apprehensions are up and youre seeing this surge across the border because mexico is lax in its policy. Thats the president s theory of the case. Theres another theory of the case that some of this is because of what the president is doing on his own, where hes sending a message that were going to have this major crackdown, so people are trying to come across it now to avoid tougher laws. And you have the problems that are getting worse in venezuela, guatemala and elsewhere. Hes had Staff Members and lawmakers for twoplus years stopping him from the precipice of tariffs, holding him back. He wants to levy tariffs. This is the one consistent principle hes had in public life going back 30, 35 years. He believes tariffs work. You saw him there on the tarmac. Im not sure how much longer hell be able to withstand that. You raise a good point, john. At the very least its possible this threat flushed out the agreement that the mexicans apparently cut with us in pry swrat and sort of exposed the public light what they committed to in private in recent month. Two points. This is a president that cares most of all about the perception of victory and perception of success. Thats tantamount to victory itself. Thats what he has. He has perception of a victory which he can sell. Secondly, hes very sensitive to the markets and the market fluctuations. Hes always tweeting about the dow jones. If these tariffs had gone into effect monday, could you imagine the market this week . I think that was probably in the back of his mind, too. A bigger, longer range issue. Number one, well see the performance and the numbers and see if the tariffs come back in the context of mexico. Political advisers will say please, mr. President , dont disrupt the economy. The wall street journal saying the may jobs report is a flashing yellow light, President Trump needs to get back to promoting growth. If you had a tariff fight with mexico, escalation of on going tariff fight with china, look at that time job growth during the trump presidency. 2019, obviously the effect of the tax cuts has waend off a little bit. Job growth is starting to slow. Some economists see the perception of recession. The jonathans point, this is one of his most consistent issues. He thinks the tariffs are a good bludgeon. He also thinks when people make those warnings theyre oftentimes warn. They warn the economy is going to implode when the government had the longest shutdown in american history. Well, the economy sustained that. So he thinks he knows best, so he can very well be back in this in a few months. Not only could it hurt the economy, hurt his reelection prospects and his resolve, but create the fight again with his own Party Heading into the 2020 elections, something, of course, his political advisers want to avoid. Does the president want to avoid that . Not so sure. Would they have stood up to him on capitol hill or just talked about it . Up next, inside the front run ears big flipflop and what it tells us about joe biden and todays democratic party. ding hey, who are you . Oh, hey jeff, im a car thief. What . im here to steal your car because, well, thats my job. What . What . . What . laughing what . . What . what . [crash] what . haha, it happens. And if youve got cutrate car insurance, paying for this could feel like getting robbed twice. So get allstate. And be better protected from mayhem. Like me. Hi, do you have a travel card . We do the discover it® miles card. Earn unlimited 1. 5 miles on every purchase, plus well match your miles at the end of your first year. Youll match my miles . Yeah mile for mile and no blackout dates or annual fee. Nice i was thinking about taking a scuba diving trip i love that. Or maybe go surfing. Or not. Ok. Maybe somewhere else. Maybe a petting zoo. Cant go wrong. Cant get eaten. Earn miles. Well match em at the end of your first year. Plus no annual fee or blackouts. The discover it® miles card. For three decades, joe biden cast his position against using taxpayer dollars to pay for abortions as an important matter of principle. On thursday he cast it away. I make no apologies for my last position. And i make no apologies for what im about to say. We now see so Many Republican governors denying health care to millions of the poorest and most vulnerable americans by refusing even medicaid expansion. I cant justify leaving millions of women without access to the care they need and the ability to exercise their constitutionally protected right. If i believe health care is the right as i do, i can no longer support an amendment that makes that right dependent on someones zip code. As flipflops go, score that a 12 on a scale of one to ten. We know africanamerican on bidens staff were among those who urged him to change his position. With the first debates now in sight, theres no doubt this had something to do with it. Hes absolutely wrong on this one. Women of means will still have access to abortions. Who wont will be poor women. That is an assault on africanamerican women, too. How this was handled and the timing are raising very familiar questions about bidens political instincts and the quality of his campaign team. This, nicely put in the New York Times, is the bottom line as to the why. For all his reluctance to abandon his long held position on federal funding for abortion, he shifted to meet the mood of emergency within his partys electoral base. Handled poorly which raises longterm questions about the candidate and his team. From a policy position, gets him to a safer place in the primary. Certainly a safer place in the primary. I do think jonathan wrote nicely about this this week. There is a theory of the case that biden had getting into this race which was essentially that the democratic primary electorate is more moderate than it looks on Cable Television or twitter, so he was going to play in that space. He was going to be comfortable playing in that space. This raises a question about whether he is questioning his own strategy. To be doing that this early in the race and in this sort of public of a way, i think should be a little unnerving. Thats a great point in the sense that this is one particular issue, and its a big one, federal funding for abortion. But if you have a candidate constantly secondguessing himself, constantly second guess his team, a candidate or party if his whole argument is im best to beat trump, what does that tell you . Does he have core convictions . It makes it sem like hes absolutely convictionless on an issue thats not a tricky one. Its tricky but not a new one for this party. Or for biden. To watch him flipflop, it makes it look like youll see the wind surfing ad and john kerry. The question is, are you trying to go with the party or do you have a core conviction. He said as recently as wednesday night, the Vice President believes this, hes going to hold firm. The next day he flipped. Candidate must share my view on abortion. In 2004, 17 said thats the case. Now 37 say that. Thats what joe biden issing look at, the democratic electorate, the activists that turn out, and the blowback when he travels to these events. It was the blowback that overwhelmed him from a variety of liberal figures and also from the field. He knew he was going to get hit hard on this in the weeks and month ahead, especially with these two debates looming. I think he also heard from people like senator chris coons who hes close to who have also tried to straddle the issue, support stif of abortion rights but tried to be more moderate. Coons conveyed to biden and his campaign, look, this moment is different. Given trump, given his appointees to the court, given the state laws, its not tenable any longer to keep with hyde. Hyde was the longstanding compromise between opposite sides on the issue. What people like coons were saying is you cant pull this off any longer. Whats so striking about this to me is how much biden is driving his own campaign and how much this was driven by biden himself. You saw him read that speech. The reason hes reading that speech, there wasnt time to put it on the teleprompter. He had to write it down and was reading it from his own notes. Biden is in charge of this campaign. Thats a difficult thing to do when youre running a national campaign. You have to cede some control. The question is he going to be willing to do that given that two of his flaps so far before this were staff driven issues, the middle ground thing on Climate Change and also the plagiarism issue. Hes now joining the democrats who say the old rules dont apply, the country is changing. Its safe for the democrats many say its safe to be for medicare for all, for taxpayer funding of abortions, safe to be for positions that 10, 15, 25 years ago were risky grounds for democrats in national politics. This is bidens calculation. A longterm trend. This is exit polls, other polling of what white catholics have voted in president ial elections. Look at donald trump against Hillary Clinton . 61 . You cant study all these numbers here. Donald trump doing better among white catholics than mitt romney, george w. Bush, all the way back to Richard Nixon and ronald reagan. This has become a more republican constituency, white catholics. If Hillary Clinton got 37 . Joe biden looks at that and says i cant win pennsylvania. I have to take away pennsylvania by getting above 40. I cant win michigan without getting above 40. That was his position wednesday. Thursday he said never mind. His argument is he can win back these voters. Thats why hes the candidate in the best position to beat donald trump. I think it goes back to what you were saying earlier, this mistake just shows how rusty he is in politics right now. He has not really run in anything basically since 2012. This party has changed dramatically since then. If hes running his own campaign, hes having those challenging becaue challenges. The factors he cited in his shift have been around for weeks and months. People have made those same arguments about him over the years. Its not like he was learning those arguments for the first time this week. All frontrunners were tested. Some more than others. Some more than others. Up next, Kamala Harris says her prosecutor past make her the best candidate to take on trump. L main types of chronic hep c. Vo whatever your type, ask your doctor if epclusa is your kind of cure. Woman 2 i had the common type. Man 2 mine was rare. Vo epclusa has a 98 overall cure rate. Man 3 i just found out about my hepatitis c. Woman 3 i knew for years. Vo epclusa is only one pill, once a day, taken with or without food for 12 weeks. Vo before starting epclusa, your doctor will test if you have had hepatitis b, which may flare up, and could cause serious liver problems during and after treatment. Vo tell your doctor if you have had hepatitis b, other liver or kidney problems, hiv, or other medical conditions. Vo . And all medicines you take, including herbal supplements. 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Because we know mom wants whats best. More beverage choices, smaller portions, less sugar. Balanceus. Org sunday trail mix for a taste of the 2020 campaign. The state legislator who cosponsored georgias socalled heartbeat law restricting abortion rights wants to move to congress. The retiring incumbent won by more than 500 votes last year. Democrats believe that traditionally republican district is now in play. They say they guarantee abortion rights will be a major focus of their efforts in 2020 to flip it. A busy weekend in iowa. State party event today. Weekend des moines pride fest is attracting many candidates. Mayor pooug, the only openly gay candidate in the race spoke friday at a Matthew Shepard dinner held in honor of the gay wyoming College Student killed in a hate crime in 1998. I dont even remember when it was as a young person that i began to realize that i was different. But i do remember when those news stories came out about what happened to Matthew Shepard, this terrible news from a conservative state, maybe not that different than my own state. The effect was that i immediately understood that hate was deadly. I suppose it means i understood that i lived in a country where you could lose your life for being gay before i understood that i was gay. Kamala harris will join most of the other democrats in iowa later today. The california senator in South Carolina last night using a speech to the naacp to make a direct appeal to voters who might have reservations about supporting her because of her past work as a prosecutor. There have been those who have questioned my motivations, my beliefs and what i have done. But my mother used to say you dont let people tell you who you are. You tell them who you are. I knew that it made a difference to have the people making those decisions also be the ones who went to our church, had children in our schools, coached our Little League teams and knew our neighborhoods. Next he settles on a nickname. She says he belongs in prison. The allnew frenchie, a combination of allnatural salami and capicola, handsliced provolone and salted butter on a baguette. Handsliced provolone and salted butter on a baguette. If you have moderate to thsevere rheumatoid arthritis, month after month, the clock is ticking on irreversible joint damage. Ongoing pain and stiffness are signs of joint erosion. Humira can help stop the clock. Prescribed for 15 years, humira targets and blocks a source of inflammation that contributes to joint pain and irreversible damage. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections. 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Shes a disgrace. I actually dont think shes a talented person, incapable of doing deals. Shes a nasty, vindictive horrible person. She made a statement. While youre overseas. If i made any statement, would he do that while hes overseas. Shes a terrible person. I tell you, her name is nervous nancy because shes a nervous wreck. Well get to the irony of that in a moment. The statement of issue was delivered wednesday by Speaker Pelosi in a private meeting of House Democrats as she yet again tried to calm talk of beginning impeachment proceedings. Politico has reported, and it is stunning, i dont want to see him impeached, spoker pelosi said. I want to see him in prison. So there is the protocol, if you will, she said that when the president was overseas. Hes right about that. Hes sitting there in the American Military cemetery, one of the most solemn one of the most remarkable places in the world. He says that. Theres that and what does that do to this already dysfunctional relationship which now you have to say is a nonexisting relationship. One thing, she did say that behind closed doors. If youre talking about making some sort of public insult to the president while hes overseas, there is a bit of a difference i think between the comment that perhaps she knew would be leaked, but it was not part of a speech or sitdown interview the way the president im not sure its apples to apples. Kind of jarring actually to see him say that against that backdrop. If youve ever been there, its quite an emotional moving place to be. It really consumes you thinking about what happened there. To see him, after having given that speech which actually went over quite well to launch that type of insult, in some ways i know we shouldnt be surprised. It is shocking and jarring to see that. One more norm thrown overboard at this point that were inured to but shouldnt be when he talks about political adversaries like that, sitting there on the one of the most Sacred Places in the world. So not terribly shocking. But then to have spoker pelosi using a froze that under any other circumstance would be a weeklong story. I want to see him in prison. The president of the United States in prison. Its sort of hard to imagine that being said under any circumstance s. This is where we are now and it seems to come further and further. Im sure shes heard from her caucus. The Washington Post has a great story where we talked to 45 members on the record, just going through the process theyre wrestling with. She keeps escalating the rhetoric. Where do you go thats the context of this. Has she hit the ceiling . The reason why she made this remark was because in that meeting with her chairman and theres a discussion of whether or not to launch an im impeachment inquiry. Shes facing pressure from some of the rank and file but also a very significant person, jerry nadler, who has been quietly trying to lobby her to get off her opposition and to move forward toward impeachment, has said various things to make his case. Shes saying no. She says because theres other ways to respond to the president. Her rhetoric is now directly correlated to the amount of pressure shes facing from her own caucus. The more they pressure her on this, she tries to buy herself more time and more space by amming up the rhetoric, not by taking substantive steps with the hope that her base will give her more time if she hits trump harder. Ill sneak this this quickly. This week has also been a lesson. Speaker pelosi said something in selfawareness. Speaker pelosi telling senior democrats shed like to see trump behind bars, based on no actual crime. She wants a political opponent locked up in prison. That happens in banana republics, beyond despicable behavior. Equal justice would mean hillary goes to jail. By the way, when is hillary going to be charge. More crimes were committed by hillary. Cant make it up. The mic drop with john king. Our reporters share from their notebooks next including a twist on candidate fundraising. My time is thin, but so is my lawn. Now theres scotts thickr lawn 3in1 solution. With a soil improver seed and fertilizer to feed now yard time is our time. This is a scotts yard. But prevagen helps your brain with an ingredient originally discovered. In jellyfish. In clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve shortterm memory. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. To pair with a sandwich. The allnew frenchie, allnatural salami and capicola, handsliced provolone and salted butter on a baguette. That is really good. The frenchie available for a limited time at jimmy johns. Oh, sorry. The frenchie available for a limited time at jimmy johns. So bob, what do you take for back pain . 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Even after florida tilted to trump in 2016, a lot of democrats were rattled by the way the state performed in the governor and senate races in 2018. Democrats have conducted an autopsy trying to figure out what is going on, how to get back on track in 2020. That has proven to be a really frustrating process because there arent Many Solutions in florida that dont involve simply spending morme money and spending more time there. The one thing i havent heard Many Democrats talking about is not doing that. The gains in florida, the promise in florida is too big against trump. You could effectively knock him out if you can win there. Theyre not quite sure they have a path to do that. You destroy his map if you can take it. A big if. Jonathan . Two democrats who began with great promise, biden and harris, didnt get great news. Kamala harris is stagnant. Biden has come down a little bit. Thats in part because of the strong performances, like mayor pete and senator warren. Its also because they havent put in the time there. Thats puzzled a lot of folks on the ground in iowa. An awesome story with Kamala Harris this week. I think that will change, that both Kamala Harris and joe biden will be in iowa much more over the course of the summer going into labor day. They should be. Here is why. Joe biden, if he loses iowa, its going to be a blow to his campaign simply because hes the frontrunner and you lose a state when youre on top of the polls thats a blow. For Kamala Harris, its still real important. She needs oxygen to get to places like South Carolina where shes put a lot of time and upon any in. Iowa could be her best shot to do that. 34 weeks seems like a long time. It is not. Manu . Most republican senators including those up in 2020 were quick to criticize the president s Terror Threat with mexico, but not senator tillis of north carolina. He was a staunch defender of these tariffs. He also in the aftermath of the deal, one of the first persons to put out a press release defending the tariff threat. Its really no surprise. Tillis is someone who could face a primary threat in 2020, potentially congressman mark walker is not ruling out a run against him. Tillis initially, earlier this year, came out strongly, wrote an oped against the Emergency Declaration for the wall. He made a flipflop. Supported it after he got attacked by the president. Also he strongly criticizes the subpoena that richard burr issued for donald trump jr. s testimony before the Senate Intelligence committee. Defended trump in the aftermath of the Mueller Report even after he supported a bill to protect the special counsel. Its all a sign about how primary politics is about who defended the president the most. Survival. Coming up on another fundraising quarter. The Second Quarter has been a show that dushltd of some of these candidates in this giant field. A lot have been trying to go with small donors, but learning pretty quickly thats not raising enough money. Youve seen a change of tactics for some of these candidates. Beto orourke who initially said he was not going to be doing big dollar fundraisers, weve seen him starting the do that. But Elizabeth Warren is one person who has kept her pledge not to do large dollar fundraisers, but what were seeing is her donors are getting a little nervous about the strategy and are having having candidate events without the candidate. So shes not showing up to these events. Theres been some asks for her to skype in. The candidate has nixed that idea. One donor said they might have a card board cutout. I like that. You always get the last word. It connects back to what manu was talking about. We were reminded last week how much President Trump is changing the Republican Party and how those changes are challenging political aligns. The billionaire cochlear brothers and their network spent tens of millions backing republicans over the past two decades. The koch network, angered that they wont stand up to the president. The koch ned work says its open to supporting consensus democrats. Its a moot point now, but had there been no deal this weekend, the chamber of commerce, an icon of the gop establishment was prepared to file a lawsuit tomorrow morning challenging the Republican White House and any trump tariffs on mexico. We live an interesting and disruptive times. Thats it for inside politics. Hope you can catch us weekdays as well. Here at noon eastern. Up next, dana bash on state of the union. Special guest democratic president ial candidate, senator Bernie Sanders. Thanks for sharing your sunday. Have a great day. ding hey, who are you . Oh, hey jeff, im a car thief. What . im here to steal your car because, well, thats my job. What . What . . What . laughing what . . What . what . 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Nice i was thinking about taking a scuba diving trip i love that. Or maybe go surfing. Or not. Ok. Maybe somewhere else. Maybe a petting zoo. Cant go wrong. Cant get eaten. Earn miles. Well match em at the end of your first year. Plus no annual fee or blackouts. The discover it® miles card. Rather than worry about how to pay for longterm care. Brighthouse smartcare℠ is a hybrid Life Insurance and longterm care product. It protects your family while providing longterm care coverage, should you need it. So you can explore all the Amazing Things ahead. Talk to your advisor about brighthouse smartcare. Brighthouse financial. Build for whats ahead℠. All in iowa. Nearly every democratic candidate heads to iowa as a new cnn Des Moines Register poll shows the field is shifting. Youll see an awful lot of me in iowa. Is the original progressive still the one to beat. People all over the country, you know what, those ideas are right. Democratic president ial candidate senator Bernie Sanders joins us exclusively from iowa in moments. Hail mary deal. The president strikes a lastminute border agreement with mexico turning down the heat on his Terror Threat. Frankly, we can solve this

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