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Pack. What they like to call the brett bounce. I think you are going to see a lot of things happen on november 6th that would not have happened before. The American Public has seen this charade. It was all made up and fabricated and its a disgrace. I think its going to really show you something come november 6th. I think a lot of democrats are going to vote republican. We begin here with the political fallout of the kavanaugh confirmation with new data framing the test just 29 days away. For democrats, a poll with plenty to like. New and encouraging numbers in the Washington Post about their standing in americas most contested house districts. Thats this map. The question is how big is the potential blue wave. The data suggests in the northeast, a lot of suburban districts and we will look at the numbers in a moment. A giant question is when you come to this side of the equation. The Senate Balance of power. Will the Supreme Court fight help republicans in the red states and motivate conservatives in november. 49 republicans, 45 democrats. Thats safe, likely and leans. The republicans think because of the Supreme Court they will keep north dakota. Republicans are confident they think and projections that he will defeat in indiana because of a brett bounce. Republicans are more confident at this point that Claire Mccaskill will lose her seat. If you look at those ones, keep north dakota would be a democratic flip, indiana and missouri. That would get republicans to 51 meaning they keep the majority even if they lost a seat in tennessee or nevada or arizona. No guarantee, but republicans see some evidence of what they call a brett bounce. The man who hopes it works are here and in the other races. Mitch mcconnell was speaking a short time ago. What i think this has done for us is provide the kind of adrenaline shot we have not been able to achieve in any other way. We see that movement. This is going to be very helpful to us next month. Thats what the majority leader said today. Share the reporting and insights. The New York Times. Perry bacon and rachel is with politi politico. Thats what he said today. Four weeks have a very long time. Democrats think with suburban women, its a huge boost. He thinks north dakota is ours and missouri now, Clair Mccaskill has a tough race. Do they have prove of that or do they just believe that . Right now they just believe it. Before kavanaugh, the republicans were favored to win the senate and lose the house. If you look at the data, its still true. Heitkamp is weighed down. It may have been related to kavanaugh and small evidence. If you are in tennessee or missouri, its easier to say you voted for kavanaugh than say you voted against him. The numbers are more pro than anti. I dont think the broader narrative has changed that much over the last two weeks. The president speaking as he left and going in to speak to Law Enforcement in florida said it was a hoax and a fabrication. Does that make you nervous . You see the conservative energy, but you dont want the president to antagonize the suburban women. Lets listen more to the president. I thought the way they behaved was absolutely atrocious. I have never seen anything like it. The way they really tortured him and his family, i thought it was a disgrace. They are thinking about impeaching a brilliant jurist, a man that did nothing wrong. A man that was caught up in a hoax set up by the democrats using the democratss lawyers and now they want to impeach him. Whats the balancing act there . Talking about impeachment and kavanaugh. He is going to anger the suburban women. Its a doubleedged sword. While we may not have the evidence in the races, no question that republican officials are seeing in more generic looks at the electorate and the registered voters that the intensity has gone up among republicans and thats what Mitch Mcconnell was alluding to. They need to get the base out to keep the senate and they are more confident now, but no question there is a counter balance and that is that if you are talking to these suburban women and talking to independents of any kind who have been watching this debate play out, there may be something to the fact that they were sort of put off by the debate and the tone of the debate because of kavanaugh, but if you are lumping all survivors and democrats who opposed relevant questions to a Supreme Court nominee about his past behavior perpetrating a hoax . You will turn a lot of people off and those are the people you need in addition to the base to keep republicans in control of the house. Everybody is going to make the point. There are two different maps that are dimetrically opposed. When you talk to republicans who have been in the field, they are seeing something. No question about it. Enthusiasm or in their tracking polls, they are seeing movement. My one big caveat is the last two weeks have felt like 2. 5 years. Four weeks is a long time. We will see if it sticks, but because of how the maps look, if you are a strategist, you are happy that there is something you can point to for the first time. On the senate side, you see it on the house side and the inverse. If you are nationalizing races in the states where democrats are trying to hold on, thats good for the republican who is is challenging the incumbent. Thats the dynamic they are looking for and happy to have. Lets make this about the National Issues and what President Trump is saying and not make this about the work you did about opioids. Those kinds of issues. Trying to make it against the republicans. Thats about the work you didnt do. You think they are expressing confidence and four weeks ago you were talking about Paul Manafort being indicted. Its a lifetime in politics, but they are showing signs they know that four weeks from now is a long time and maybe they wont have the energy. They are talking about impea impeachme impeachment. Don jr. Was tweeting if democrats take the house they will come for him and they know anger can be a huge motivator for the Democratic Women who are upset and they need to put a threat on the line to bring their base out to vote. Midterm elections are base elections am not a president ial year. That faces the most angry. That dissipated because they got their guy. He starts his job tomorrow. Thats a key point. Lets look at the house races in this poll. It shows 65 competitive congressional districts say look, 2016, the districts went 15 points for republicans. 56 to 41 . The democrats have a narrow lead. If thank you are democrats, you say not only are we competitive, we are ahead in areas that were overwhelmingly republican. You are ready, but thats four points and comes down to the intensity of the turn out. I do think if you are seeing that, democrats are probably winning districts in the fivepoint range. Winning a few that are 10 points and so on. Thats a great poll for democrats in the house. Almost two different elections going on. You look at the poll and its 23 net. They picked up 23 seats and you look at the poll like that and competitive and republicanleaning districts and the democrats think there is at least 23. There should be 30 for the democrats. In a poll like that, that brings up Something Like one or two races. At some point people cut money off. You have seen it in a couple of races. The nrcc and the outside groups will pull their money and pull their buys and move money elsewhere. If you are looking at races plus 5, 6, 10 republican and you are concerned, you are cutting loose people you feel like are dead. Thats going to have to happen and it will be interesting and where are the dynamics. That will go a long way to tell you as opposed to what they are looking at. Heres a key indicatorindica. You see this in these North Eastern states and the Hillary Clinton districts. If you are a house incumbent in a district won by Hillary Clinton. That will be going to other places. Heres one of the dynamics among White College educated women. 62 will vote democrat and 35 republican. There are more than 23 seats for the democrats if they hold up. Countless times privately that that is the key constituency. If they win the white women, they will lose their majority. The republicans before the kavanaugh confirmation heated up. They knew this could be a problem. They knew if they pushed him through despite blasey fords allegations and confirmed him, lost the house and they thought this was worth it. They wanted to change the balance of the court and they thought the house was gone and they wanted to push the president for a shut down before the election and not after. They made their bed and they will sleep in it. At the end of the day, if they lose the house, they will be fine with the result. The main goal now is to keep the senate. When you look at the map, we will talk about this for the next 29 days. We could be up late going through the time zones watching the senate races. You count six or seven races within single digits. Fun for us, but not if you are a candidate. The president is taking a flight with Rod Rosenstein and might keep him around. Our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition. For strength and energy whoohoo greattasting ensure. With nine grams of protein and twentysix vitamins and minerals. Ensure. 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S. Call today for a free guide. Welcome back. Air force one about to touchdown in orlando. We are awaiting details on what, if anything, was said during a flight between the president of the United States and Rod Rosenstein. Both now attending an event in florida. His future has been up in the air beginning in the New York Times that he floated the idea of secretly recording the president and using the 25th amendment to try to remove the president from office. Rosenstein denies it. Before taking off, the president diffusing the drama saying he has no plans to fire him and it will be a friendly chat. We will be talking on the plane. I have a Good Relationship other than this has been no collusion. I didnt know rod before, but i got to know him and i got along well with him. Crime justice reporter is at the event site in orlando. Explain, if you can, this cumbaya. Its certainly a surprise. No one expected for rode rosenstein to accompany the president aboard air force one to this event. Those surprising remarks this morning from the president. All along, we have been told that the president and Rod Rosenstein do have a Good Relationship and they were communicating and that the New York Times article of course concerned the president , but his lawyers, the president s lawyers and all of his attorneys who have been working on the russia investigation have been urging him not to fire Rod Rosenstein and it seems with this mornings announcement they can breathe a sigh of relief. The concern always has been if he was to fire Rod Rosenstein it could impact the progression of the russia investigation. There are concerns that perhaps mueller could look at it as obstruction and another issue if the president was to fire Rod Rosenstein because he is ov overseeing the russia investigation. This could be winding down. Since Rod Rosenstein is in charge of the russia investigation, it probably would be best for the president not to fire him because hopefully people close to the president at least think this could be finally coming to an end. Wish i could change places. I would love to be at that event as a fly on the wall during a conversation. Think about this, the president politically decided after the election maybe. Everyone expects after the election or early in the new year. They could be either pressured to leave or asked to leave or decide two years is enough, im out of here. Rod rosenstein knows everything bob mueller is doing. You are the president of the United States and this is a giant cloud over your presidency and you are like this with him. To be a fly on the wall in that conversation would be amazing, but i say this all the time about President Trump. The big stereotype is he loves to fire people and he gets angry, about you he rarely goes that step and go does fire someone and think about the last backs and forth with members of the senior staff. They had their relationship that was cool and distanced and john kelly decided to stay in the white house until 2020. Now he is doing the same with Rod Rosenstein and its like a cat playing with a mouse and batting him around and enjoying this Rod Rosenstein not knowing if hes here to stay or a short timer and the president not wanting to do anything that he doesnt know the outcome. It is true that because Rod Rosenstein knows about the investigation and the president is so eager to see this brought to a close. There may be a conversation that is really not appropriate and Rod Rosenstein is a bit concerned when that story came out or shortly after that he was going to be let go and his reputation would be tarnished. This idea of bringing him on air force one is fascinating and its clear the president is trying to send signals at least in the shortterm. In the shortterm. Just to remind people as we noted in the last block and the manifort trials after. Rod rosenstein suggested secretly roaring trump and discussed the 25th amendment. The load stars, there are a bunch of us who ignored the president to keep the government on track. Im sorry. Knowing what we know about President Trump, he is not going to forget that even if he hits the because button. Its totally perplexing and confusing. Republicans, trump allies on the hill have been trying to have a reason to get rid of rosenstein. He has been forth coming with congress. Trump and his allies have a reason from the New York Times report to dig into something here. They really held their fire. Its so confusing. Republicans are going to be talking to rosenstein thursday about these reports and whether he did say he was going to secretly take the president or talk about the 25th amendment. I guess the question is, is this even real and how long can it last . Its so confusing. They are not aligned on mueller, but rosenstein sat behind kavanaugh during the hearing. He has been on team trump and things like policing and using the policy more broughtly. Im not sure they have one issue, but rosenstein helped trump on a big thing. Helped trump and i still want to be in that room. Its a big place. The president said they would talk. They will have a hello, how are you . He has a cabin up front where you can sit and never know the president is on the same plane. We shall see. Mitch mcconnell moves the goal post for Supreme Court vacancies and talks about justice and Brett Kavanaugh. We had big fights over other things and the country will be just fine. 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Simple. Easy. Awesome. Stay connected while you move with the best wifi experience and twohour appointment windows. Click, call or visit a store today. You have to go back to 1880 to find the last time a vacancy created in a president ial Election Year on the Supreme Court was confirmed by a senate of a Different Party than the president. If you cant answer my direct question, are you saying the answer to your question is, we will see whether there is a vacancy in 2020. Stha thats Senate Majority leader who implies he might consider confirming a nominee in the Election Year 2020 if republicans still control the senate and if President Trump gets a v s s a v s s a vacancy. His answer on fox led to this debate on Supreme Court history. Theyre also have forgotten that joe biden said in 1992 when he was chairman of the Senate Judiciary committee with a republican in the white house if a vacancy occurred, they wouldnt fill it. I dont think thats right. They dominated brennan and it was democrat controlled. On the biden rule, joe biden was talking in the abstract. Thats not at all what happened. You are misconstruing what happened. Mcconnell is right on the history. Eisenhower gave a recess appointment in 1956. The formal nomination and consideration by the senate didnt happen until after the president ial Election Year. Mcconnell is right on the details. There was a justice seated during a president ial Election Year. Dwight eisenhower in a democratic senate. Just to the audacity of that, he is saying yeah, i did this to a democratic president in 2016 and lets see what happened in 2020. If we control the senate and donald trump gets a vacancy, he didnt say i wouldnt do that. He said hold your fire. Let me put an end to the murkiness. If there is an opening, he will confirm a Supreme Court nominee. First off, the biden rule or schumer rule or anything, thats all ridiculous. Im sorry. I know they cite that, but its not precedent. Its their grounds for what they decided to do in 2016. Thats fine. This has always been about confirming the person they want. Its an election issue and an enormous victory for what Mitch Mcconnell made his career about and the last year and a half about. Reshaping the federal courts in a conservative march. He has done this with 26 Circuit Court justices and 10 are queued up. If there is another opportunity to tilt the court further conservative, if you think he is not going to take that opportunity, i dont know what movie you have been watching. Democrats have every right and all the grounds in the world to say this is unfair and shouldnt have happened, but this is the reality. They control the majority and the white house. As Lindsey Graham said to paraphrase, win your elections and you can do something differently. Thats the base line coldblooded facts on the ground. The majority leader is feeling his oats. He is. Democrats are outraged, but he held the garland seat and got neal gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh after what we lived through the past few weeks. The fallout part of it. He starts his work tomorrow. Look at the numbers. This is what he wants to be remembered by. He is reviled by the conservative base. You have to add mcconnell. Two Supreme Court nominations. 26 confirmations to the u. S. Courts of appeals. 41 District Courts and 39 other federal judgeships the nominees have cleared the Senate Judiciary committee. That wont happen before the election, but after the election, they could add 39 more to an impressive list. They are reshaping. Whatever you think of President Trump and they havent passed much legislation, and they havent, our grandchildren will be talking about this. They are reshaping the judiciary and there is more to come. I think back when mcconnell was booed at the republican president ial convention. Republicans have him to thank for totally changing the structure of the courts. He is not done. His work is not done. He is threatening to keep the senate in for the next couple of weeks that keeps Senate Democrat who is are vulnerable to save their seats. He wants to get a number of judges confirmed to different courts on various levels. In order to get home, he is saying you democrats need to help us get these confirmed that helps him reshape the bench. He is holding that over their heads. One thing compared to john roberts. John roberts is conservative, but you can say connell is succeeding and you can also say he is breaking norms and making the country more. Its worth thinking about mcconnell is there is a movie about dick cheney. Thats a transformational figure. We will not work with a president so they can lose in this great for the countrys democracy. Mitch mcconnell was on the receiving end of trump tweets and talk about what happened to repeal and replace. Other issues are now they are buds. Its a fascinating marriage of convenience and a rocky road to get there given the legislative bumps in the road they had on health care and other issues. We did see that as phil said, if you have been watching Mitch Mcconnell, this is how he works. He looks around and there are not many rules that are true rules in the senate except for the filibuster rule and other Technical Rules he knows very well. He counts his votes and figures out what the traffic will bear. In this case he knew if he led the conference towards pushing the issues at this time about the court that that was going to work for him and thats what donald trump wanted and what the base wanted and that was the one thing that united the base that helped to elevate him and the base that elevated donald trump to the presidency. Now they are so closely aligned and the interesting question is now that kavanaugh is confirmed, how much longer does it continue . Its going have to, particularly if the democrats take one chamber of congress. They will need a lot of Republican Alliance to hold back. Suggest a small test will come after the election when they are trying to keep the government open and the president wants the aforementioned border wall and republicans say, eh. An emotional day back on the job for megan mccain. Plus, with most insurance a safelite repair is no cost to you. Customer really . singers safelite repair, safelite replace. And back pain made it hard to sleep and get up on time. Then i found aleve pm. The only one to combine a safe sleep aid, plus the 12 hour pain relieving strength of aleve. Im back. Aleve pm for a better am. From the start, the cclass was ahead of its time. [ indistinct radio chatter ] still, we never stopped making it stronger. Faster. Smarter. Because to be the best, is to never ever stop making it better. Introducing the new cclass. Visit your local mercedesbenz dealer for exclusive offers. 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Tropical storm michael is a category one hurricane and on track to hit the Florida Panhandle wednesday. It could be a category three by then. Governor rick scott told residents to start preparing right now. Meteorologist Jennifer Gray is in the weather center. This could make landfall as a major storm and it intensified quickly and now that it will enter the gulf of mexico within the next 12 hours or so, it will intensify more. Its entering ripe conditions favorable for more intensification. It has winds of about 75 miles per hour, gusts of 90. Then creating rough conditions across the yucatan peninsula and western portions of cuba. This will continue to head to the north and already getting moisture being drawn up through the keys. Also the west coast of florida. Thats going to continue, if not intensify, over the next couple of hours. 30b8ly a category two by tomorrow morning and making landfall as a possible category three. A major storm. Look at this track possibly across the carolinas once again. Of course the model comparison, there is a pretty good agreement, but one scenario, this red line that would be a worst case scenario. Thissy sce getting a messy part that will bring a lot of rain. This is different from florence and moving very, very quickly. Still, major concern when you have a category three making landfall across the panhandle. Appreciate that. We will keep on top of that over the next few days. Turning on our political radar. Megan mg cane returned to her role on the view and thanked the network and costars for their support and said she has seen only the best of america since her father passed. For made me so inspired that my fathers ideals are the ideals of america. I think there was a lot of talk about what died with him. I am here to tell you, it didnt. It was a lie. Wedding bells for the former first daughter, barbara bush who was married in ken bunk port, maine. George w. Bush escorted her down the aisle. Twin sister jenna bush was the matron of honor. George h. W. Bush was there as well. Ivanka trump congratulated the couple on twitter. Hope hicks has a new job joining fox as executive Vice President to chief Communications Officer that puts her in charge of the companys public relations. He was one of the president s closest and longer serving aides before leaving in march. Bill and Hillary Clinton plan to increase their visibility. The former president and secretary of state will headline a series of events focused on issues facing the country. Mrs. Clinton reemerging in a big way with another cameo appearance. This time she and two former secretaries of state shot a scene for the drama, madam secretary. Tea leone seeks is the advice of clinton. Terror attacks were carried out by white nationalists. You bear a heavy burden. The whole world will be watching you. No pressure. Thanks for that reminder. We all unified to depend on each other. 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Preserving Affordable Housing preserves communities. So we are doing their kitchens and their flooring and their lobbies and the grounds. And the beautification of their homes, giving them pride in where they live, will make this a Thriving Community once again. You see the number, 112 million. Thats how many people follow taylor swift on social media. Backing two candidates in tennessee where taylor is registered to vote. Cooper for congress. She took a swipe at the congresswoman. Voting for women in office, i cannot support marcia blackburn. Her voting record in congress appalls and terrifies me. Heres the question. Can you previously a political celebrity motivate Younger Voters. Voters 18 to 53 became the majority of eligible voters, but the numbers were significantly outvoted by the and older crowd. A new ad hopes to motivate and change that. Maybe you could go to one of the little marches. You might share this video on facebook. You young people never do. We will be there. But you wont. Because we are a generation of doers. Not whiners. Who was fighting to take the lead . They have been revving up for this. We are making light, but number one, whether you are democrat, republican, far left, far right. Everybody should vote and care and try to be active. There are those who think the seb celebrity endorsements backfired. They can backfire and we see the republicans and committee coming out against the fact that she did this and came down from her ivory tower and told people to vote. They hope that republicans will come out to counter balance this. Im not under the illusion that a celebrity endorsement is going to make or blake his chances in this race. I do think that democrats know that if they want to have the impact they need to have in this election, they need to get Younger Voters out to the polls. Barack obama made a huge push on that when he was president and made a huge difference when Younger Voters did not show up as much. It made a difference for democrat who is did not get over the line. They needed as much help as they could motivating in places likes en stennessee. In defense of taylor swift, her statement is a lot more balanced. She explains her vote and encourages everybody to do your homework and do your research and vote. Period. Its not as partisan. She makes her own views clear. She is trying to turn out young voters. Most of her followers are probably 12 and cant vote. That was her targeting of marcia blackburn, a female republican and is very conservative. Even though there are record amounts of women, the movement is for democrats. Republicans have awkward situations because they dont back equal pay and thats something she mentioned. An awkward environment to be a republican woman right now. Just the pictures you are watching as we continue the conversation. The president of the United States and Deputy Attorney general, and rick sot, running for senate. He is about to address a convention in florida. Governor scott who has not been close to President Trump during this campaign because he is worried about the suburban backlash with the president at this arrival right here. He is not going to shake hands and went for the motorcade. He is shaking hands. Lets shift gears to this very point. We talked earlier and rick scott is in one of the closest senate races in the country. He himself want him to be their candidate and he has just barely won. The two elections in big republican years against democrats. Bill nelson, a very vulnerable democratic incumbent. He has the pictures and the hurricane we just talked about heading towards the state making sure fema is ready. There is a governor role here, but what about the politics. The interesting part about florida is there is a house map and a senate map. Florida is a state on the senate race that more mimics what we are seeing in the house maps than deep red states. You have seen him walk the line. President trump has allowed him unlike other allies to with him on issues like puerto rico and with the acceptance and the understanding that he is the best they have got. They are in a really, really good spot. When you look at the numbers and look at the early numbers, bill nelson, there is a real opportunity to flip a state you wouldnt think they would be able to. To your point, its interesting. They tried to keep their distance from one another. Its one of the state where is midterm elections are a lot more complicated. You had the candidate for governor, ron desantais is one of the guys who is the most pro trumpy members of the House Republican who is more trump than his governor, rick scott, is right now. Does that create a distance . Its confusing. He is not running with trump. Desantis is running ads about how much his son wants to help build a wall. I would say unlike michigan where trumps members are bad, his numbers are not as bad in florida. The population of florida is old and the white voters are there. I think trump can help candidates in florida in a way that i would not have anyone in michigan. I do think trump can help him turn out the base and that race is close, too. Its one of the most evenly balanced. The candidate for governor, they both suspended african campaigning as the hurricane approaches. They want the people to focus on what they should be. You have one of the most competitive states with an incredibly competitive race. A few house districts in play there as well. They will capture the conversation. It was a narrow trump win. Do we see him this was a speech for Law Enforcement. He plans to travel a lot. Will he be back in florida . Its an interesting question and very interesting. We are 31 days out from the election itself and hes not there for a rally. Its an official event. I dont think they made the call yet. Its going to matter where desantais and rick scott is there. Whether he will come back. I think it has been deliberate that that he has not done an arena rally yet. There is a distinct there and they want all the people to come out and support rick scott who may not be as on board with the approach. Its hard to sort of slice and dice that when you are talking about a big rally. One of the rallies that President Trump did last week, he had one of the candidates not show up. That will happen from time to time. I dont think they want Something Like that in a place like florida right now. In florida, Hillary Clinton is campaigning for the democrat. They both have thing that is suboptimal. Exactly. They have the same problem on the other side. You were watching live as the panhandle numbers came in f. They cent him to one place, what he did was stunning to pretty much everybody and you send him back there. The size and complexity, its three different states. A republican state in the north. Independent state in the middle and the southern florida is more democratic. The president of the United States there. Inside politics with live action at the end of the program. Wolf starts after a quick break. Have a great day. At the end of the progra at the end of the progra im wolf blitzer and its 1 00 p. M. Here in washington. We expect to hear directly from the president. He is speaking today in a Law Enforcement event in orlando, florida. Todays speech comes after what may have been his best week at least yet for the president as he saw his controversial choice for the u. S. Supreme court, judge Brett Kavanaugh successfully

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