Deal making with the democrats on immigration. If there is amnesty delivered into the package, i dont know that any candidate could run for president again and make a promise and expect the people to accept that promise at face value. And this question. Why . The president reopens the wounds of charlottesville, defending his words defending the counter demonstrators and neonazis and the white nationalists. A lot of people are saying and have written that trump might have a point. I said you have bad people on the other side also, which is true. We begin in london in the terror attack that sent nearly two dozen people to the hospital. This exploded in an underground tube in rush hour. They are saying a timer was found on it, suggesting the bomb was intended to cause much greater damage. Witnesses said they heard an explosion and saw flames and panicked. The people on the next carriage heard the bang and saw the flash. Everyone panicked and ran and there was blood and burns and a lot of screaming and horror and terror. I was coming on to my flat off the rail way and i heard screams. It was every person for themselves. Big guys barging their way through and women in tears and screaming out of the way. You have been speaking to the authorities in london. Whats the latest on the manhunt . The cordon remains in place behind them and they have a perimeter around the station and they are trying to piece together the evidence. What is clear is that you have seen the pictures. The device certainly appears crude in execution, but the intent and the ambition behind it were a much broad eer scope. They believe the timer and the presence of that timer that they were looking to actually detonate this in an area or a time when it would have caused much greater damage. Those eyewitnesss we have been speaking to said the fact that so far the injuries are limited only to 22 is miraculous. Part of that was the coincidence of the train pulling up at the station just as that device detonated. This really has been such a lucky day for so many of the people on that train this morning. John . As you talked to the authorities there, one of several attacks, what are they saying about seeing a shift in tactics. Reporter the mayor of london has been clear for a couple of years now. It was always going to be a case of when, not if there will be an effort by jihadi groups to strike in the heart of london. There is an understanding that the propaganda value of these attacks even if they dont exact a death toll or wider injury toll, the propaganda value of hitting in london is second only to hitting in a city in the u. S. Thats why so many of the isis loyalists are looking towards as they have been forced out of iraq and syria. The mayor said that this is now where they are pivoting towards wreaking havoc on capitols with london at the top of that list, john . On the scene in london. Appreciate the reporting. President trump in washington seizing on the terror attack to attack the London Police and push his agenda like the travel ban. Another attack in london by a loser terrorist. Sick and demented people. He went on to say the travel ban should be larger and tougher and more specific, but stupidly, that would not be politically correct. With us to share the reporting and the insights, Jonathan Martin with the New York Times and maggie from the New York Times. This we have seen before from the president. The instinct to insert himself into the global events. The Prime Minister is mad because Scotland Yard has an idea who this is. Maybe the president was told that, but the last people who want that public is Scotland Yard in the middle of an investigation. He pushes the travel ban and gets into political correctness. Why . I dont want to take it away from the briefing possibility. There is an equally good possibility he saw someone say that before he tweeted that, so i dont know what this is based in. He inserts himself because he cant help himself and number two, i think you have to look at his tweets as an aggregate. I dont think he has longterm strategies that get him through increments of time that are about 10 minutes or so. He is aware that there is anger certainly from the conservative radio and breitbart and others if not his actual base about what he is doing in terms of a potential daca legislative save. He fed all sorts of other red meat items that reminded them im with ow these issues. He tweeted about the bombing and talked about the travel ban and why thats important. The travel ban is mostly muslim majority countries. He started focusing on the espn commentator, a black commentator who accused him of being a white supremacist. If you take all of those together, you have a president who is trying to push the pendulum back in another direction. I dont think its more thought out than that. The president himself after charlottesville said the reason why he spoke up the way he did is he wanted to wait for all the facts. Here he is now speculating about the motives. Maybe he got a brief, but clearly the people on the ground leaving the Prime Minister saying the president should not speculate about this. This is not helpful. He did not wait. Lets go back. An interesting point. We know the president is transactional and likes to win the day and the hour and the minute. If necessary, 10 minutes. That is what he said then. Hes doing Something Different now. He jumped into these events and the police on the ground dont have different information. Everybody is saying mr. President , how could you say the things you said or not say what you didnt say. I wanted to make sure unlike most politicians, that what i said was correct. Not make a quick statement. Im not sure what to say about that except for time and time again it doesnt mean anything. For trump its just words. Speak of words, i think that its smart politics for him to tweet out so quickly on immigration. If you look at the Republican Party and lord knows it has fractures, but one of the interests that unites the party is the hard core trumpists and those who are less enthusiastic about him, a hard line of radical islamic terrorism. That brings a lot of folks on the right together and to say what he did this morning, does it totally contradict, of course it does, but it brings together the broader right. He doesnt care about the international reaction. We went through this after a prior london terror attack where he was talking about it and leaks from the Law Enforcement with sensitive intelligence. He said things during these investigations and the Prime Minister again today having to say that the president of the United States, please stop. I never think its helpful for anyone to speculate on an ongoing investigation. As i have just said, the police and Security Services are working to discover the full circumstances of this cowardly attack and to identify all those responsible. Its 2017 and here i am, wishing that nancy pelosi was exercising control over Donald Trumps twitter stream. I wish i could get circumspect donald trump, but i will not get him. There are a couple of things going on here. Appealing to the base and the posts ticked off about the immigration deal and revisiting the travel ban because he likes to be proven right and he is grasping at the fact that this might be the case and it may vindicate his policy. This is donald trump. People who are interested in fighting terror should be interested in the president being responsible about it. Im happy for him to use the term loser terrorist. That is quite enjoyable. Stop there. Until the facts are in. You make an important point. He never has treated hes issues responsibly. We had an early period where people said give him time. You had many members suggest he would grow into the job. This was all about being new. I thought tim scott had an interesting statement about their meeting where he said this is who the president is. Im not attempting to change him overnight. I am trying to bring a different perspective. The point of this is who he is doesnt mean its okay. Stop expecting it to change. The party likes and wants it. Meaning the hard line on terrorism. This jogs the memory about pearl harbor day 2017. He came out for the muslim ban. A lot of people were horrified. You cant ban an entire religion from coming to america. Two days later, a bloomberg poll came out and the party liked the muslim ban. Todays sweet. After his whole campaign in the white house walked away. Thats my point. But the issue that he also did talk about during the campaign ending was daca. I understand that immigration hard liners suggest this is a huge driver. There is zero polling that backs that up. The muslim ban was much more of a motivator in terms of his voters and his voters would follow him if he said yes, i would do daca. They believe more in him. Thats a key point. That is why he is doing this. This is essentially im still with you. Some version of that. All these things can be connected in many ways. When candidate trump promised there would be so much winning you would get tired of it. Republicans are about to find out what he meant. I love you, droolius caesar, but sometimes you stink. Febreze car vent clip cleans away odors for up to 30 days. Because the things you love can stink. Having mplaque psoriasise is not always easy. Its a longdistance run. And you have the determination to keep going. Humira has a proven track record of being prescribed for nearly 10 years. 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The president wants wins even if it means with democrats on immigration. Im a republican through and through, but to get things through, we have to get things passed. If we cant get things passed, we have to go a different route. We have to get things passed. No, there is no sign and sealed deal to protect the dreamers, but by promising democrats he would grant them legal status and promise he would not insist on border wall funding as part of the deal, the president is an under statement and complicated the agenda for republicans in congress. Not to mention testing the loyalty of core supporters. The president , you made a great point said about 10 Different Things about this. He realized the backlash of his base. People who usually support him are saying impeach him. This is worse to them than george h. W. Bushs no new taxes. This was central to the trump campaign. Thats not going to be my strategy and going after the people. These are the chatterers who are offended. The issue of daca with the larger issue of amnesty for undocumented immigrants. What he is very clearly doing is saying daca and protecting the group of people which i have no problem with is the priority over the wall. Thats the signal. Thats what people are most ticked at. Many who could be okay with daca or less upset about daca. Even as they timeout bipartisanship and concerning republicans on the hill who spoke about this, the deals that are coming out, the fiscal deal and this emerging deal is what the democrats want and not what the president wants. He is calling it bipartisanship and getting 80, 85 and maybe 90. 1 100 plus. This complicated the agenda and put the extension of the debt ceiling to keep it open for three months. Still that creates a new issue. In addition to the immigration bill. Look, he can talk with nancy pelosi and there are 533 other members of congress who have to actually review this. The key reality check, this issue and everyone watched this for the last deak ead or more. The votes are there and you can bring them to the floor tomorrow. This is quick sand. This i found striking, the speaker is in a tough box and doesnt like to criticize the president because of the complications and you know the speaker with both republicans hot over this. The president is starting with the democrats as opposed to starting with them. Heres the speaker trying to make a point politely. I think the president understands he will have to work with the congressional majors to get any legislation. He used majority. Does the president understand that or is he so angered by the obamacare experience that he wants to try this . Everyone i talked to describes this as there are two versions you get from people around trump. One is a master strategy which i dont think it is. The other is that this is a sort of Quick Reaction to frustration. I think he likes surprising people. This is the thing about him they think is complicated to understand in part because it sounds weird, but he always does have a plan in his mind about what he is doing. It may not make sense to anyone else, but he genuinely has some map. Its not a long map that doesnt drive you far down the road, but in that Oval Office Meeting where all of the leaders were, he did think he was doing something strategic. That was what mattered. He doesnt understand how washington works. He has been surprised by that. When people question him because they dont have a final destination, he says im president , youre not. To the end of how washington works. They cut the deal, but schumer and pelosi cant bring a bill to the floor. They can have a deal, but if paul ryan doesnt bring it to the floor for a vote trying to essentially box in ryan and mcconnell by saying they are very much behind it, but not so much. I will read it because its classic mcconnell. Ice cold here. He said he looks forward to receiving the trump administrations legislative proposal. End quote. Mic drop. When he insists on holding it up for assurances and trump folks get mad at them . I think this is a betrayal of his rhetoric. Or i can shoot somebody on fifth avenue and my supporters will support me. It was totally predictable and they were doing photo opes. He doesnt care about the issue that much, but the issue worked in the moment on the trail. People are mad with reason. There was always a chance he could be on china on immigration form. Thats not whats going on. That takes a lot of understanding to pull that off. I think what he is doing is a smaller deal that any leadership is fine with. Thats really important. The right would have gone insane. People are upset and if trump does this, they can tamp down the rebel yon. Or the base at least. Thats where we are. Its hilarious as the president cuts the deals with the democrats, it is hilarious to watch the people and the president cuts the deal with spending. The president cuts a framework on immigration and they keep blaming ryan and mcconnell. Its amazing to go watch them screaming at mcconnell and ryan for what the president is doing. Some conservatives are upset and they are not Trump Supporters and he is making deals when your parrott is in the minority. Perhaps this party is in the minority. Up next, the president reignites the firestorm for the aftermath of charlottesville. Fresh and nutritious. So there are no artificial colors, no artificial flavors, no artificial preservatives in any of the food we sell. We believe in real food. Whole foods market. upbeat dance music bell ringing you know win control . Be this guy. Check it out selfappendectomy oh, thats really attached. Thats why i rent from national. 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Allergytry new xyzal®. Ou have symptoms like these for relief is as effective at hour 24 as hour one. So be wise all take new xyzal®. Especially in light of the advent of the an tifa you have bad dudes on the other side as well. You look at whats happened since charlottesville, a lot of people are saying and have actually written trump might have a point. I said you have bad people on the other side also, which is true. That might feel familiar. That was the president yesterday referring to his comments on the violence in charlottes group equating hate groups. He made the remarks hours before signing a resolution and a day after a key meeting with senator tim scott, the first africanamerican elected in the south since reconstruction. That meeting was part of an effort to turn the page. Instead the president is revisiting a sad chapter. Phil matingly, he issued a careful statement and they didnt think he changed the president s mind after hearing what the president said yesterday. Look, i think you reiterated that and most interestingly, i caught up to him with another reporter after the comments were public. I ran into him and asked him what he thought. He made it clear he was pleased with the president throughout the meeting in the oval office and he said he heard him and he was clear that he didnt change his mind. I want to read what he said yesterday. Thats who he is and who he has been. I didnt go in to change who he was. I wanted to inform and educate. I think we accomplished that and to assume that immediately there after he will have an epiphany is unrealistic. I think what caught me and speaking to them and senator scott well respected and well spoken in terms of what he is trying to say, not as scripted as the other senators, he was resigned to the reality of the president and the man he met with, but he still felt good about his efforts. I will note before he said that, he reiterated his point and equating White Supremacists to kkk and antifa doesnt make sense. He hasnt moved off of that and the interesting elements is you can see he was frustrated and talking about this. He was frustrated that it came up again. It didnt seem that frustrated. He recognized that thats who the president is. Its not going to change any time soon if ever. Live on capitol hill. Lets start the conversation there. Africanamerican senator to spend time with the president trying to nudge him along. No grand expectation. Trying to nudge him along. Thats who he is and who he has been. Thats a damning statement if you think about the context in terms of the president s views and sensitivities and the history of the kkk. Yes, antifa has done things that any leader and any body has the right to say look at this and this and thats horrible. Its the apparent moral equivalency. Thats who he is and who he has been. It shows that senator scott does not believe what the white house has been saying. What the president tried to say when he gave his speech through a script in the teleprompter. He was condemning the White Supremacists and not equating them with the anticounter demonstrators. Senator scott said who he is. He believes that the president did equate these two groups. Thats the troubling part. This might sound weird or de demented, but he doesnt want to admit he was wrong or did something bad. Is it broader than that . This is who he is . I dont know what is in his heart and i dont think tim scott is saying he does either, but certainly he is showing no ability to change or interest in changing. He is a 71yearold man from heavily white queens in the 50s and 60s in new york city when somebody think of someone coming from new york city who is a politician, it tends to be a democrat and somebody who is aware of the citys multicultural history. You dont expect trump said its a lot of white and a lot of Business Leaders had no interest in takes his pulse when he was a businessman living in the city. They are recoiling from what he said as much as anyone else, but yet when you say to him part of this is not just i dont know how tim scott can address this. Nothing anybody else can do this. When you say to trump can you condemn this remark, this was throughout the campaign. He would say im not a racist. Thats not what we are asking you here. We are not saying that, its speaking out against somebody who is making a racist remark. He has the inability. When you were reading the senators statement, the idea that the white house had billed this meeting as the president responds better to personal stories when he hears them directionally, he is 71 years old and grew up in new york city. He has not heard of the stories directly . New york city during he came of age at the time of bonfire of the vanity. When new york was a racial cauldron. Its hard to imagine he was not aware of these stories, but its true he has not heard many personally and he did hear them during the campaign. A lot of pastors met with him. He has heard these stories. I dont know the difference it is making. You think of it in terms of the glimpse into his character. When you repeat this and when you are told by people no, no, no and repeat it again, this is a wide open window into his character. He know what is this did. He knows the dust this caused. This is a politician. If somebody asked the question, he can say we are done and not talk about it. He repeats it again. Why . I think he believes that there is benefit with his voters and also a lot of people he has seen features this. Steve bannon saying the president is right . In berkeley, california. Clips of antifa. He is just repeating that. Can you say i want to separately criticize antifa. This has nothing to do with charlottesville. Fair game. I am not sure that would fly. That would be a reasonable position and part of what he is responding to when he should have said what they were talking about and even throwing nasty insults in the direction of nazis would be niceful after a couple of days you saw the flood of stories addressing other Political Violence which was the appropriate way to deal with that after we had dealt with the tragedy in charlottesville. He is putting the two together because it is what he wants to be proven right again. Saying look, this was all over the place. When asked about this during the air force one gavel, he brought it up himself. He is putting it back. He did the same thing in that phoenix rally too. He decided to bring back the issue even as they were trying to move past. Its one of the maps you talk b. One of the things he does and heard a lot about the president doing in recent weeks, he constantly brings up the russia investigation to people. Can you believe this nonsense . He blurts out whats on his mind. He sees it as an unfair attack on him. We spend a lot of time trying to get to the bottom of why he does it. It doesnt matter. It is what he is doing. Im the idiot who asked that question. I get your point. We are looking for answers that may not exist. Up next, how bad did things get between the president and Jeff Sessions and have they made up . Every morning, i thought i had to make a choice. Do i use a toothpaste that whitens my teeth or one. Thats good for my teeth . Now i dont have to choose my dentist told me about new crest whitening therapy. So, i tried it from crest 3d white comes new whitening therapy. Its our best whitening technology. Plus, it has a fortifying formula to protect your enamel. Now i get a whiter smile and healthy teeth, all in one. The 3d white collection from crest. Healthy, beautiful smiles for life. Directv has been rated 1 in Customer Satisfaction over cable for 17 years running. But some people still like cable. 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Back to the story, the level of detail, this is what separates good from great reporting and the level of detail. He called him an idiot and said he was incompetent and should resign. Take us inside the meeting. This is the partnership with my colleague, mike schmitt. Look, some of this we knew and we knew Jeff Sessions had written a letter and we at the times first reported what was going on with trump as he took his shots at sessions publicly. He was still fuming over what he saw as this original sin of the russia recusal. This all jailed in this Oval Office Meeting in may. It was not only the russia recusal. That day they were discussions discussing candidates and james comey had been fired at that point. During this meeting, there was a phone call from justice saying that Robert Muller had been appointed special counsel. Jeff sessions was there because they were talking about candidates and a couple other people. The president unloaded on sessions just in front of everybody. I think the version we have in the paper is cliff notes and perhaps even the pg version. The word he used that i was most struck by is he called him disloyal. That i think gets it beyond sort of a cruelty effort. It takes it into something in the president s mind and the point about psychology, what he viewed the job of the attorney general of the United States in terms of an investigation as it relates to the president and his campaign. That i think is where you will have a lot of picking apart of this. It was very upsetting to sessions and the president said you should resign and sessions said fine. Left very upset and went to the parking lot and got in his car. He got pulled back out and played major intervening role in trying to tamp things down. Session i think was calmer, but in a short time later, he sent the Resignation Letter. The president was urged not to accept it by his adviser who is said it clap calamitious. He said he was going to hang on for a while. He was convinced to give it back and he scroll and we have both seen the sharpy notes from the president. Some version of that that he was not going to accept this and off we went. A few months later in july, he was upset about Something Else about sessions and said he wanted another Resignation Letter and his aides waited out and moved on to Something Else. Sessions was believed to be in a better situation recently. In reality, i think the person who was Jeff Sessionss advocate in the west wing was steve bannon. Without bannon, the president is free to be angry. The loyalty thing comes up time and time again. With the context of an attorney general, it is supposed to be a unique position because of the Law Enforcement responsibility. What does this tell us about the temper of the president of the United States . The lashing out and calling somebody an idiot. You can be a democrat, but Jeff Sessions has a career in Public Service and a member of the u. S. Senate and the first to endorse your campaign. Talk about loyalty. To scream at him in the presence of other people in the oval office and call him an idiot. Someone is not doing something for him that moment to help him or perceives it to be hurting him, he will let them know. He will not just do it with cabinet members and staff members, but his own party. I was going to say it snarkly. This is a man who engages in humiliation and domination as a tactic of control. The goal might have been psychologically to make Jeff Sessions and i served with him in the senate. Didnt agree with him on anything, but i served with him. To make him just be more dependent on pleasingi inthe president. Does she have a point . Certainly i think i do think that a lot of this would get seen as winning with the president and about dominance. I dont know that i will go as far as she did, but they were talking about the two issues and one was that people who work for him can describe funny behavior and charm and his crowd saw that. Kindness and very rarely seen that you can get kindness, but they describe the closer you are to him, cruelty. Badgering and he can be a difficult boss. The other point you are going to make, the things as obstacles to getting done. The way he runs the west wing is the way he seems to think government runs is the view of a Real Estate Developer in new york city in the 80s and 90s. Or getting anything built was about removing obstacles. We have seen president who is erupted at staff and president clinton who was famous for having that. Lbj too. What you dont see is this kind of casting side of decor um and convention when it comes to how you address peers or principals. The story that maggie and mike had yesterday recalled two other stories recently. One of them was john kellys chief of staff and he said he had never been treated like that in his life and how trump treated Mitch Mcconnell on the phone. All of his years in thes en he had not had that abusive treatment from a president. Its a reality check for a lot of people who deal with him that he doesnt care about decor um. In the moment, he is going to express that. And the cell phone number. Is anybody surprised by this . All of his voters are gentilian. He drive this is town crazy and a lot of people think its fine. New United Nations sanctions against north korea. The regime let the world know what it thinks of those. So the incredibly minor accident that i had tonight four weeks without the car. Okay, yup. Good night. With accident forgiveness your rates wont go up just because of an accident. Switching to allstate is worth it. Hungry eyes one look at you and i cant disguise ive got hungry eyes applebees 2 for 20. Now thats eatin good in the neighborhood. For your skin . 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They fired another Ballistic Missile over japan. Thats the sound of sirens in northern japan warning citizens to take cover. It marks the second time in less than a month north korea fired a missile over japan and comes days after they okayed new sanctions against the regime. The president is under a lot of pressure to do more after the latest act of defiance. This is Lindsey Graham of south carolina. North korea does not give a damn about sanctions or tough talk. Its time to back up our efforts with the threat of a credible military option. The president gives a speech next week and kong has pretty clearly demonstrated what he thinks and what he thinks of the Global Community and about every nation telling him to stop. There is no military option. What can the president do, if anything, to advance this ball. Call them out to be tougher out of the black market dealings in public transactions from china and russia . Is that it . The battle is what he has been trying to do and with this un sanctions vote you see, why this has been a problem for so long and trying to get the guys on board. They were the one who 96ed the sanctions. The assets he has. That is the problem we will continue to run into. I think rhetoric can push them a bit. They had to deal with this. Not unique to President Trump. The pace and the improvements of the north Korean Missile is new to President Trump, but the secretary of state is over. The president with fire and fury and locked and loaded. Have they backed themselves . And the president phoenix. And the question is when he goes with the assembly. Does he go as far as fire and fury, that did seem to paint him into a corner. The international community, the president is saying what we are doing here is not working . The most revealing moment in the last few months in the conversation about the north korea situation, what steve bannon said he was fired, he called the long time liberal journalist and unloaded. He got a bomb of his. He said there is no military option. The Senior Adviser on the president and the president himself was threatening the military option and his staffer said of course we cant do anything. Thats the challenge. The risk of human life. American military and civilians is so severe. It will be fascinating to watch the president go to new york next week. Thanks for joining us and hope to see you back here on sunday morning. We are waiti ing for a white hoe briefing to begin soon. Nikki haley and hr mcmaster will be briefing and wolf blitzer will bring you that after a quick break. This family wanted to keep the game going. Son hey mom, one more game . Tech with safelite, you get a text when were on our way. You can see exactly when well arrive. Mom sure. Bring it tech im micah with safelite. Mom thanks for coming, its right over here. Tech giving you a few more minutes for what matters most. Take care family bye kids singing safelite® repair, safelite® replace. con artists. theyll try anything to get your Medicare Card number. So they can steal your identity, commit medicare fraud. What can you do . Guard your card . Guard your card . Just like your credit card. Nobody gets my number, unless i know they should have it. To protect your identity, new Medicare Cards without Social Security numbers will be mailed next year. Visit medicare. Gov fraud stay sharp people im wolf blitzer and its 1 00 here in washington and 6 00 p. M. In london and wherever you are watching from around the world, thanks for joining us. Breaking news we are following. Trofr in london. A massive manhunt under way after a bucket bomb explots pl the subway. They slam President Trump for fiery words on the attack. Nuclear defiance and north korea launching since President Trump threatened them with fire

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