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The white house withheld krush milita crucial military aid from the ukrainian government. They said the president cared more about investigatining joe biden, than his commitment to ukraine. Democrats seized on a revelation from the top u. S. Diplomat in ukraine, bill taylor, about a previously unknown phone call involving President Trump. Today the president said he did not remember that call that would be quite consequential, but the details surrounding it will certainly be the subject of many more hearings to come. Republicans dismissed much of todays testimony, arguing that the aid to ukraine was eventually released and that investigation into biden and his son never happened. But after nearly six hours of allegations and revelations, a foundation has now been accomplished for how the impeachment fight will move forward. Here is a look at todays most remarkable moments, and there were several of them. I now recognize myself to give an Opening Statement in the impeachment inquiry into donald j. Trump, the 45th president of the United States. Our answer to these questions will affect not only the future of this presidency but the future of the presidency itself. It seems you agreed, witting or unwittingly to participate in a drama. But the main performance, a russia hoax, has ended, and youve been cast in the lowrent ukrainian sequel. Do you swear or affirm that the testimony you are about to give is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth so help you god . It was unexpected and most unfortunate, however, to watch some americans, including those who allied themselves with corrupt ukrainians in pursuit of private agendas, launch attacks on dedicated Public Servants advancing u. S. Interests in ukraine. In my opinion, those attacks undermined u. S. And Ukrainian National interests and damaged our critical bilateral relationship. Your staff member could overhear mr. Sondland on the phone could overhear the president on the phone with mr. Sondland, is that right . Thats correct. And what your staff member could overhear was President Trump asking ambassador sondland about, quote, the investigations, is that right . Thats correct. Ambassador, you werent on the call, were you . You didnt listen in on President Trumps and president zell ena ski call . I did not. This is what i cant believe. And youre their star witness. Youre their first witness. I dont consider myself a star witness for anything. They do. I dont. Mr. Kent, are you a never trumper . I am a career nonprofessional who serves whatever president is duly elected and carries out the foreign policies of that president and the United States, and ive done that for 27 years for three republican president s and two democrat president s. Ambassador taylor, are you a never trumper . No, sir. When was the first time a ukrainian official contacted you concerned about potential withholding of u. S. Aid . It was after the article in politico came out in that first intense week in september. Was mr. Giuliani promoting u. S. National interest or policy in ukraine, ambassador . I dont think so, maam. Mr. Kent . No, he was not. What interest do you believe he was promoting, mr. Kent . I believe he was looking to dig up political dirt against a potential rival in the next election cycle. There is one witness, one witness that they wont bring in front of us. They wont bring in front of the American People. Thats the guy who started it all, the whistleblower. Thank you. Id say to my colleague id be glad to have the person who started it all come in and testify. President trump is welcome to take a seat right there. [ laughter ] with that, this concludes this portion of the hearing. As you can see, quite a day, and it is just the beginning. With us now is democratic congressman dan kildee. Thank you, congressman, for being here, for staying up late. We appreciate you being here. Thank you. Lets just start with your biggest takeaway from the day. What is it . Well, it was a sad day to watch, as i did in the room for about an hour, and then to see the rest of it after my workday ended. To watch these two professionals, these two career Public Servants who have dedicated their lives to defending this country both here and abroad describe the acts of an administration, traceable directly to the president , that intended to undermine the rule of law to use American National security as a tool to gain help in a political campaign. It was a chilling and honestly very frightening thing to see. More frightening in some ways, however, was the extent to which republican members of congress seemed to have abdicated their responsibility to find the truth and simply saw their role to be a law firm collectively defending donald trump regardless of his guilty or innocence. It was a pathetic performance on their part. Let me ask you this about traceability to the president here. We should acknowledge that the white house has blocked all white house witnesses from testifying here, and state Department Witnesses have gone ahead despite white house objections. That said, we dont have a witness yet who has said the president said x, and i witnessed that happen about this. I just want to play an exchange pressing this line of questioning and get your reaction. You have not had any contact with the president of the United States, is that correct . Thats correct, sir. Mr. Kent, have you had any contact with the president of the United States if. I have not. Now, kurt volker did have contact with the president and contact with the president in ukraine. Do either of have any evidence that kurt volker perjured himself or lied to this committee in his testimony . Ambassador taylor, any evidence . Mr. Turner, i have no evidence. Mr. Kent . I believe ambassador volkers deposition was over 400 pages, and i dont have it in front of me, so i cant but you have no evidence that he lied or perjured himself. I have no basis to make that judgment, no, sir. Again, congressman, acknowledging that the white house has blocked witnesses who could speak to that. To this point, democrats dont have that eyewitness testimony as it were. How much does that weaken your case . I dont think it does. I mean first of all, we start with the evidence that was supplied by the white house itself with the summary of the call notes that he had with the president of ukraine. Thats the basis, i think, for much of what we are now examining. But, you know, lets be clear. If republicans are seriously doubting whether or not the policies in a coordinated fashion that were being carried out by multiple sources inside and outside the white house were not at the direction of the president , theyre describing a president thats different than the one that theyve described for the last three years, a man who is completely in charge of every aspect of this white house. But its also just preposterous for them to promote the notion that amazingly, simultaneously these various actors were all pursuing precisely the same policy, and the only one person that they have in common is donald j. Trump. So i dont i just dont accept it even as a premise. They could, however Mick Mulvaney or mr. Bolton or Rudy Giuliani for that matter or the president himself, if they had the courage, the same courage that these two witnesses have shown, if they want to come forward and answer questions that they think would be exculpatory, bring it on. But until they do so, we have to base our decision on the evidence that we have, and the evidence that we have is compelling. So the question of the time line, because as you know, some of your counterparts in congress and i wonder if youre among them want to get this thing wrapped up before the holidays. Youre not going to hear from john bolton if you do that, and his lawyer, former National Security adviser, his lawyer says he has a lot to say about this issue that hasnt already been testified to in the closeddoor depositions. So would it be prudent for your party, for democrats to wait it out, even if it is one, two, three months, to hear what john bolton has to say, or is the time line more important . I dont think any particular time line is important. But i think it is important that we get a full picture, that we not be drawn into a situation where every time we get close to coming to the point of making a decision, some other potential witness is dangled in front of us just for the purpose of trying to delay us. Were going to have to make a judgment that at some point in time, we will move forward based on the information that we have. Were all going to arrive at our own conclusions on our own time line. And i think it will really be up to the members of the house to determine were that point has come. For me, its getting very close. I think for others, they may want to see and hear more testimony. We should be able to get testimony, for example, from ambassador sondland. That could be very important given what was revealed today by ambassador taylor. Its a good point because that would be someone who has firsthand knowledge. Hes mentioned in these calls, and he is scheduled to come next week. In a week. On wednesday. And i should note in my question i should have noted bolton could have just shown up. True. I mean hes basically said, court, give me a free pass to go. 100 . I do want to ask you because there was news outside of the impeachment hearings today for the president in the court of appeals, denying yet another trump appeal in effect to block his tax returns being turned over to federal prosecutors here in new york. The significance of that, and do you believe that we, you, the American Public will see the president s tax returns before the next election . I think if we if we have courts who are willing to uphold the law, ultimately we will. We have more than one case that deals with the president s tax returns. This particular case emanates out of a subpoena from the oversight and government reform committee. I served on the ways and Means Committee where were seeking the tax returns in order to evaluate whether the president is being properly having the laws of the irs properly applied to him. Thats a separate case. It ultimately likely goes to the supreme court, and i leave it to others to judge how this court might act on a matter such as this. But i hope that they dont think transactionally. I hope they think about the implications for the future. This is really an important moment. When we have a president who is so involved in what i think is a case of bribery, also now trying to hide his personal interests from the American People by sheltering himself from disclosure that most president s all president s and candidates have adhered to since the nixon era, this is a frightening moment. This president is breaking all the norms, and there are consequences for that. Congressman kildee, thanks so much for joining us tonight. My pleasure. Thank you. Still to come this hour, republicans try to hammer home that none of what was heard today was firsthand information directly from the president. Will that prove to be an effective strategy, particularly if it changes with other witnesses . Plus the president says he did not wrong when it comes to aid to ukraine. Staffers say they were shocked at what they perceived as a direct order from the president. In a regular nsc secure Video Conference call on july 18th, a heard a staff person from the office of management and budget say that there was a hold on Security Assistance to ukraine but could not say why. The person was offscreen, said that she was from omb, and her boss had instructed her not to approve any additional spending on Security Assistance for ukraine until further notice. I and others sat in astonishment. All that the omb staff person said was that the directive had come from the president , the chief of staff, the omb. Ower ov, so the whole world looks different. 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A surprise for the white house today when bill taylor showed up on capitol hill for the first public impeachment hearing. Taylor, the top u. S. Diplomat in ukraine, provided new details in his testimony about a previously unknown phone call about the president s personal involvement in pushing ukraine to open investigations that could help him politically. A white house official tells cnn this was, quote, news to everyone. The information was also pretty new to taylor as well. He says a staffer approached him after his initial deposition, which was just a few weeks ago, and told him this. Last friday, a member of my staff told me of events that occurred on july 26th. While ambassador volker and i visited the front, a member of my staff accompanied ambassador sondland. Ambassador sondland met with mr. Yermak. Following that meeting in the presence of my staff at a restaurant, ambassador sondland called President Trump and told him of his meetings in kiev. The member of my staff could hear President Trump on the phone asking ambassador sondland about the investigations. Ambassador sondland told President Trump the ukrainians were ready to move forward. Following the call with President Trump, the member of my staff asked ambassador sondland what President Trump thought about ukraine. Ambassador sondland responded that President Trump cares more about the investigations of biden which giuliani was pressing for. And i think you said that after the call when your staff asked ambassador sondland what President Trump thought of ukraine, his response was that President Trump cares more about the investigations of biden . Is that right . And burisma, yes, sir. And i take it the import of that is he cares more about that than he does about ukraine . Yes, sir. Thats right, ukraine, at war with russia. Taylor says that he reported this information through the proper channels both at the state department and the House Intelligence Committee. That aide who overheard the phone call, david holmes, hes going to provide his own closeddoor testimony on friday. Joining our conversation now with their insight, samantha vinograd, a former Senior Adviser during president obamas administration. Elaina plott. And journalist and author carl bernstein. Carl, tell us the significance of this new information about this new call with sondland directly to the president. We did not expect new information today, and this one material to the broader investigation. How significant . Well, its very significant in that once again it gives us a picture of the president of the United States attempting to bribe the head of a Foreign Government for the purpose of undermining our own free elections in the United States and going to these extraordinary lengths, if indeed this testimony turns out to be accurate and confirmed by sondland, its very, very damning in terms of the president of the United States, and its also consistent with what we have known all along. That the president of the United States is not concerned that his policies are undermining the United States and to the advantage of putin and russia. And thats the undercurrent of all of what we heard today that is so extraordinary. And once again we have to ask ourselves and i know that republican senators who, of course, are expected to acquit the president in a trial in the senate, but nonetheless, republican senators are very concerned about why is it that the president of the United States continues over and over and over to serve the interest of russia and putin. And here today we have seen it in one bit of testimony after another. Here is ukraine, this bulwark that has had part of its heart overcome in crimea, by russian tanks, by russian forces, and this president of the United States is perfectly content to see this happen and concern himself instead with what looks very much like his own directed conspiracy to undermine free elections in his own country with the aid of this foreign power. Sam, you were watching and livetweeting about all of this today, and i was following some of what you were saying tonight. And you mentioned what i had forgotten until now, which is that in sondlands revised testimony that his lawyer gave to the committees, those three pages, he brings up the possibility of a second phone call with the president. He is set to testify publicly on wednesday, in a week. How much more critical does his testimony now become . Well, sondland did leave himself some wiggle room. When he had refreshed memory, he left open the possibility of more than one call with President Trump, so thats something that we heard about directly today. But something that struck me, poppy, is ambassador sondland is a gold mine for Foreign Intelligence Services. The fact that he was speaking with the president of the United States about something as important as ukraine and, quote, unquote, investigations in the middle of a restaurant in a situation where others could hear really just makes Foreign Intelligence Services jobs that much easier. And President Trump is aware of security protocols. He was speaking with sondland. Lets hope not on his personal cell phone in this way. But as carl was just saying, lets take a step back and talk about the import of sondland telling a staffer that President Trump cared more about investigations than he did about ukraine. Thats really saying that President Trump is putting his own personal interests against the violate interests of the United States. Hes helping russias interests by really showing ukraine that support for ukraine is not a sure bet anymore. These witnesses both testified that just the notion, the public notion that Security Assistance was being considered as being withheld would help russia. Thats point number one. Point number two and a little bit separately, we did hear today that President Trump solicited ukrainian election interference in at least two ways. One, he asked for help investigating his rivals as part of these investigations that sondland references. And, two, he asked ukrainians to make a Public Statement about these investigations, which is really Information Warfare against americans for political gain. So this second phone call perhaps there are others is directly important for all those reasons and because sondland will be a direct witness, a firsthand witness. Elaina plott, perhaps in preparation for how important that testimony will be, the president is changing his tune in very marked terms on sondland. Have a listen to that, and i want you to assess the credibility of this. Just have a listen to the tape here for a moment. The text message that i saw from ambassador sondland, who is highly respected, was theres no quid pro quo. He said that. Let me just tell you, i hardly know the gentleman. Yeah. So when Text Messages early on in the investigation, sondland communicated there was no quid pro quo. Now hes changed his testimony. Hes going to be speaking in public next wednesday. All of a sudden, hes another coffee boy to the president. Right. Its not at all surprising, jim, i think that trump is preemptively attempting to create distance between himself and sondland because with sondlands testimony, we really do have the first instance within this debacle, if you want to call it that so far, where firsthand information will be on full display. Of course the white house so far has done everything in its power to make sure that hasnt happened throughout the course of House Democrats investigation. But where i think sondlands testimony could be particularly damning to trump is that republicans so far have relied on the argument that all of this is too esoteric for the American Public to fully grasp and understand. But if sondland can say and can confirm what bill taylor heard from his aide, that trump feels far more interested in joe biden and the investigations as opposed to American Interest in ukraine, geopolitics more broadly, that is a way in which i think the American People could be able to see how the alleged quid pro quo affected American Interest in realtime. It is no longer a hypothetical, and that sort of concreteness, i think, could really elevate the democratic argument against this president. And carl bernstein, to you. Politics completely aside to the point jim and sam were making earlier about National Security implications here, Larry Pfeiffer told the Washington Post about this now revealed september 26th call in an open restaurant. Quote, the security ramifications are insane. Using an open cell phone to communicate with the president of the United States that is so wired with russian intelligence, you can almost take it to the bank that the russians were listening in on that call, carl. Well, we raised that on an earlier broadcast with anderson tonight. Its extraordinary the recklessness that appears to be predominant in these situations. Its a little bit like what happened in the oval office where the president of the United States i believe it was in december a year ago. I might be wrong on the date himself revealed classified information in the presence of russian diplomats. But i think we better keep our eyes really on the most important aspects of whats going on here. We dont know where this story is going. We dont know how the senate is going to really sure, the conventional wisdom is that hell be acquitted in the senate, the president. But we really dont know quite how offended Many Republican senators are by the president of the United States. An awful lot of them dont like donald trump. They regard him as a hopeless liar. They doubt his stability. Yes, theyll support him up to a point. And we dont know also what information we havent heard yet. Were just in the first day of this thing. Theres a good ways to go, and theres a different dynamic now that this is under way. We dont know whats going to happen through the rest of the Trump Presidency and into the election. Its a good point. A month and a half ago or so we didnt know about this. We didnt know about this. Thats exactly right. This is the first day. This is day one, and weve had a huge surprise on day one. Right. And weve got a lot of witnesses left to hear from. Take it to the bank. Keep an open mind. Well do the same. Thanks for joining us. We got lots more to discuss. We do. What democrats call a clear case of wrongdoing by the trump administration, republicans liken to a confusing game of telephone. Ive seen Church Prayer chains that are easier to understand than this. Ambassador taylor recalls that mr. Morrison told again, this is i hereby swear and affirm from gordon sondland. Ambassador taylor recalls that mr. Morrison told ambassador taylor that i told mr. Morrison that i conveyed this message to mr. Yermak on will the hearsay argument defense work for republicans . Will it last . Where we all want more energy. But with less carbon footprint. Can we have both . At bp, were working every day to make energy thats cleaner and better. And we see possibilities everywhere. Too shabby too much i can rent this . For that price . Absolutely. Its just right book your just right rental at thrifty. Com. Its just right for all of the heroes who serve us, tmobile is here to help serve them. Thats why were offering 50 off family lines for military, veterans and first responders. So they can stay connected, on our newest, most powerful signal ever. And now, we are also offering half off our top samsung phones for military, veterans and first responders. Our service is just one way we say thank you. For theirs. We make aspirin to help save lives during a heart attack. So it never stops the heart of a family. At bayer, this is why we science. Welcome to fowler, indiana. Home to three of bps wind farms. Which, every day, generate enough electricity to power over 150,000 homes. And of course, fowler. At bp, we see possibilities everywhere. Republicans today repeatedly aired their grievances over the process of the impeachment hearings. One of their top complaints, the unknown identity of the whistleblower, whose complaint sparked the democratic impeachment inquiry. Of course identity protected by law. Heres congressman jim jordan and the democratic rebuttal from congressman peter welch. No matter what they do, no matter how many witnesses they bring in here, four facts will not change, have not changed, will never change. The call shows no linkage between dollars and the investigation into burisma or the bidens. President trump and president zelensky have both said on the call there was no linkage. There was no pressure. There was no pushing. Ukrainians didnt even know the aid was withheld at the time of the phone call, and most importantly, as has been pointed out, the ukrainians didnt take any specific action relative to investigations to get the money released. Now, there is one witness, one witness that they wont bring in front of us, they wont bring in front of the American People. Thats the guy who started it all, the whistleblower. Nope. 435 members of congress. Only one gets to know who that person is. Only one member of congress has the staff that gets to talk to that person. The rest of us dont. Only chairman schiff knows who the whistleblower is. We dont. We will never get the chance. We will never get the chance to see the whistleblower raise his right hand, swear to tell the truth and nothing but the truth. Well never get that chance. More importantly, the American People wont get that chance. Thank you. Id say to my colleague, id be glad to have the person who started it all come in and testify. President trump is welcome to take a seat right there. [ laughter ] we should note that House Intelligence Committee chairman adam schiff has been adamant repeatedly saying that he does not know the identity of the whistleblower. Rather, point of fact, one of schiffs aides was contacted by the whistleblower before the complaint was filed in july and referred to the i. G. And the process for filing the whistleblower complaint. A lot of charges getting thrown around unchallenged often turn out not to be true. Lets keep this conversation going. Sam vinograd is back with us, also elaina plott. I want you to listen to this exchange again because its another press on the lack of firsthand, direct orders, if you will, from the president to launch an investigation. And that is the point that republicans are sticking on, and they do have a point that that has not been testified to, at least as of yet. Listen to this exchange. Regardless of what you call it, whether its a quid pro quo, bribery, extortion, abuse of power of the office of the presidency, the fact of the matter, as you understood it, is that Security Assistance and the white house meeting were not going to be provided unless ukraine initiated these two investigations that would benefit Donald Trumps reelection. Is that what you understood the facts to be . Mr. Goldman, what i can do here for you today is tell you what i heard from people. And in this case it was what i heard from ambassador sondland. He described conditions for the Security Assistance and the white house meeting in those terms. That is it was dependent upon, conditioned on pursuing these investigations. Elaina, what does it mean for democrats that at least as of yet, and its only the first day of hearings, they do not have someone testifying i heard this directly from the president . It means that republicans in both the house and senate feel quite confidently in their chances moving forward that this will all be nfor naught. I can report that earlier this evening, ivanka trump and Jared Kushner held a book party for donald trump jr. Where several republican senators including kevin cramer and tim scott were present. I had sources who spoke with both of them who felt great about the day went. It was all linked to the fact that what ambassador taylor laid out today about what his aide revealed to him is all based on second, thirdhand knowledge. Like you said, poppy, its a good point. As a reporter, i cannot run with a singlesource story in that way. But i think it does mean that Gordon Sondlands testimony next week could really change the dynamics of this. It could be the very first instance in which we have a firsthand account that President Trump himself, not Rudy Giuliani, not anyone else, encouraged and in many ways hoped for others to pursue these investigations into biden. And once we get that, republicans no longer have the ability to deal in process claims. It suddenly if thats what comes. Lets also note the dripping irony in is that the white house is preventing firsthand witnesses from testifying. Absolutely. It gets to the point that obstruction works, right . At least to this point. Let me note a tweet from justin amash, who until recently was a republican member of congress, now independent. He tweeted the following. This is simple. Keep it simple. The white house released Security Assistance to ukraine only after congress started asking questions. Why . Considering that bolton, giuliani, mulvaney and others may have pertinent firsthand testimony, why wont President Trump let them testify . Sam vinograd, you cant answer the question why. I can guess, though. But you can help answer the question as to what is the democrat response to this in the end because we know that that refusal may be part of a separate article of impeachment on obstruction of justice. Well, exactly. And chairman schiff actually said that in his testimony today. But the reason that trump probably wont let mulvaney testify is because mulvaneys the missing link on so many of these activities as chief of staff. Security assistance, ambassadorships, white house visits, those all pass through his office. But i do want to just remind us that we do have Public Statements by mulvaney. Lets all remember he gave a press conference where he said we do this all the time. Get over it. He said we do this all the time. Importantly, ambassador taylor today fully discounted that claim. He said never in his, i think, three decades of experience had he seen foreign assistance conditioned on a politically motivated or personal need by the president. That is the difference. You can say that of course there are exchanges between countries, foreign aid, et cetera. But the specificity of this one investigating a political rival is a different. And for the well being of your nation, not the well being of or the advancement of your personal political cause. Thats the key difference. I would just note, elaina, to sams point, mulvaneys boss wont let him testify. Mulvaney has agency like every other american, and he could just choose to go, and so lets not forget that point. Thank you, ladies, very, very much. Thank you. Up next, well preview what is ahead in the next set of live testimony. Mini is a different kind of car. Ladies and gentlemen for a different kind of drive. 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Samantha you look at the coming days and next week. Most important moments going forward. I think ambassador sondland is going to be key. Lets remember this walking, talking, texting counterintelligence risk is still representing the u. S. Government, and he is going to be a Critical Link in establishing what President Trumps direct engagements on a series of issues. Im also going to be highly tuned to ambassador yovanovichs testimony. We learned today that officials believe that President Trump really was gullible enough to fall for corrupt ukrainian officials revenge campaign. They were upset about marie yankees wo yovanovichs work and wanted to smear her and rudy and trump fell for it. The source of that sort of Whisper Campaign being against her with motivation. Exactly. What are your thoughts in terms of what we have ahead on friday . I absolutely agree with sam that its still even with friday coming up, ambassador sondlands testimony next week will be, i think, the most meaningful thing that could come given what we know about ambassador taylor thus far. A lot of about trumps argument against impeachment rides on what ambassador sondland says. So ill be looking forward to see if the arguments about this being a process woe and whatnot suddenly crumble if and when sondland confirms the veracity of taylors testimony. Appreciate it. So nice to have you. Thank you. Still to come this hour, todays hearing was easily the biggest show on television. And for lawmakers trying to sway public opinion, that show may have been just as important as the substance. Did it live up to that hype . Its a reminder of your struggles with psoriasis. But what if your psoriasis symptoms didnt follow you around . Thats why theres ilumya. With just 2 doses, a majority of people were clear or almost clear. 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Yeah, thats probably why youre the debate queen. Mmhmm. Ill take that. Look at that smile. I have the same dimples as her. Yeah. The same placements and everything. Unbelievable. The same placements and everything. At verizon, were building the most powerful 5g experience for america. Thats why the nfl chose verizon. Because they need the massive capacity of 5g with ultra wideband, so more screaming, streaming, posting fans. Can experience 5g all at once. This is happening in 13 stadiums all across the country. Now if verizon 5g can do this for the nfl. Imagine what it can do for you. It takes a village to raise to build a bridge. To throw a baseball. To throw yourself into the unknown. To lose fear, to create hope. We believe that it takes a village of over 200thousand dedicated, passionate, driven medical and nonmedical professionals to deliver on our belief in total health for all. We are kaiser permanente. Thrive. For more than a month now, democrats investigated whether the president i abuse his power. Today lawmakers on the House Intelligence Committee had their chance to bring their case to the American Public with live public proceedings. Our Brian Stelter watched it all to analyze it. Hes here with us. We got your newsletter and we go through a lot of this. You are an expert in this. What did you see . One level is important for democracy. The democrats are tried to premier strong episodes on. I think whats happening here is republicans calling it boring, trying to say this is boring bro bureaucracy. What i saw was really serious. The days and weeks to come of more hearings. You will see the ratings blow overtime. This is going to fizzle out or going to get bored, there will be more interests as witnesses closer to the action start to speak. Thats key, right . Attention factor into the politics because of lawmakers will be moved by political pressure from their constituents, theyre paying attention or not paying attention is the factor in the end results. The big factor. I dont think theyre going to tell us a lot. People in the digital age consumes hearing differently than the nixon and the clintons here. People soak up these stories like a sponge now. It is striking how the president s defender on fox so strongly supporting him. I would argue his fox offenders, the gops, theyre more effective than the lawmakers we saw today. There is no daylight between sean hannity and President Trump right now. This is all a joke. To me thats a sign that on day one, they believe they believe they can avoid embarrassing facts that came out. Do you have of how much the American Public is consuming this . I know it is early days. It is the end of day one. I was speaking on someone on the phone today, keeps on hitting refresh on cnn. Com to hear the latest. Not everyone is glued to the television, theyre getting it so many different ways. I had to take my two years old and threemonthold for a doctors appointment today. We had to watch it on tv. 10 or 20 Million People watching these things live, wall to wall. Most americans soak it up later. I thought it was great that hln reairs the whole thing tonight. It is the first internet impeachment. Really know how people are going to soak up these things. No question. Everything is viewed through partisan lens today. We should be used todd that phenomenon now. Some facts shine through. Something thats dismissed is a whistleblower from nowhere, now the essential core of that complaint has been corroborated overtime by witnesses and the facts can breakthrough overtime. We have seen it in the last six weeks. With most viewers, i watch fox for three hours tonight and i barely heard a word of todays new bomb shell. Look how the president defended the pehone call . Hes naming fox news analysts saying they sided on his phone call. It is an echo, hes hearing these messages reenforcing every hour and everyday by his friends on fox. We cant under estimate of that. The bigger picture. No question. Brian stelter. However you want to see it. Still to come at this hour. Democrats taking lessons from the Robert Mueller hearing, changed the format for todays hearing. Hopefully it will make it easier for the public to follow. As we were just discussing, thats important. All on a signal that goes farther than ever before. Thats right. Get 4 unlimited lines and 4 iphone 11 for 35 a line. Only at tmobile. A former army medic, made of the we maflexibility to handle members like kate. Whatever monday has in store and tackle four things at once. So when her car got hit, she didnt worry. She simply filed a claim on her usaa app and said. I got this. Usaa insurance is made the way kate needs it easy. 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