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Missteps as president. She also shares her thoughts on the 2020 Democratic Candidates who are still standing, one of whom will be Donald Trumps opponent this time. What joes victories on super tuesday shows that he is building the kind of coalition that i had. Also the former secretary of state talks about the coronavirus, afghanistan and on International Womens day the state of women in the United States and the world. There still is something inside that when a woman says, wait a minute, i would like to lead, little unconscious alarm bells start to ring. But first heres my take. Medical experts are trying to map out the Health Effects of coronavirus. Economists are estimating its economic fallout, yet predicting its broader political consequences is likely to be the biggest challenge of all. Its possible the virus will quickly be contained, and well all move on, but if it persists, this epidemic could accelerate a Major Political shift. The in several countries the populous right is trying to blame the contagion on open borders and migrants. In reality the disease has spread internationally mostly by travelers and tourists. Impoverished Asylum Seekers dont generally get on board cruise ships but that hasnt stopped politicians from trying to exploit the crisis. Italys firebrand Matteo Salvini railed against the government for continuing to allow in migrants from africa though theres very few cases of coronavirus on that continent. In the United States the scurrilous attacks have been directed mostly against china. They are eating raw bats and snakes. Jesse. They are a very hungry people. The Chinese Communist government cannot feed the people. No, no, no. Really. Tom cotton, one of Donald Trumps staunchest allies in the senate, suggested that the virus might have originated in a high security Biochemical Lab in china. In the 1980s i remember when the far left trafficked in rumors about hiv having been invented in cia labs. The far right has now found its own virus conspiracy theory. President trump for his part fuels the fears by emphasizing how the disease came from china hand how he heroically saved american lives by closing the border in late january to people coming from china. In fact, Public Health officials stress the importance of comprehensive Public Health systems that can safely and speedily test lots of people, isolate and provide care to those infect and issue clear guidelines for the rest of us. Things have now ramped up in america, but the process has been far too slow, in large part because trump eliminated the white houses pandemic chain of command in 2018. It would have been even worse if his proposed budget cuts for the cdc and other agencies had actually gone through. Coronavirus is also wreaking havoc with trade. We are already in a phase of deglobalization as shown by the slowdown in world trade. Some of these shifts are a natural rebalancing after decades of accelerating globalization, but will they be more than that . It will all depend on politics and politicians. If peoples fears can be exaggerated and manipulated its possible to imagine the world heading further down a path of tariffs, walls and barriers. The historian angus madson found that after the last era of globalization broke down with the onset of world war i, trade and immigration flows were pressed for three decades. In many ways we still do live in a world of pervasive globalization, especially in the digital economy. According to a bloomberg report, trade and services has risen by 50 over the last ten years. Royalties and licensing fees, an indication of the spread of information of technology and entertainment worldwide, are up about 60 , while migration flows have actually remained stable over the last decade, travel has continued to expand dramatically year after year. You see, we humans want to have contact with the rest of the planet. The solution to problems of a global age can only be global, better information, communication and coordination across the world. No one country can stop an epidemic by itself. International collaboration is crucial. Sadly its far easier to peddle fear and hate and explain that it all began because the chinese eat raw bats. For more go to cnn. Com fareed and read my Washington Post column this week, and lets get started. Lets get right to my guest this week, Hillary Clinton. I will, of course, talk to her about the 2020 president ial race and the current occupant of the white house, but since i started with coronavirus and since it has the world on edge, that is where i will start with her as well. Hillary clinton, pleasure to have you on. Thank you very much, fareed. So donald trump says theres been 100,000 cases of the coronavirus worldwide, and yet just a very small number in the United States. Should he get credit for that . I dont think anybody should get credit for that. Were a long way from knowing how this will all play out. Its only just beginning. Let us all hope that the numbers stay low, the fatalities stay as low as possible, but what im worried about is the attitude that has been taken by the president himself and his administration, trying to downplay the risk, not being prepared, initially pushing the experts out of the picture. Now thankfully they are back in and able to not only talk to the public but help to better manage how we are responding. He, the president , has said that there are some things the Obama Administration did that he questioned. He says that the Obama Administration didnt handle the swine flu well. He talks about how it changed some of the parameters of testing. What do you think . Well, i dont think the facts support that assessment. In fact, what we do know is that the sars epidemic, which happened in the very beginning of the Obama Administration, because i was secretary of state at the time, really was a fullcourt press by the administration to be sure that at every level, not only national, state and local but globally the United States was part of the response. The centers for Disease Control had been given the responsibility under the Obama Administration to be vigilant and try to get ahead of where viruses like that were formulating, especially if they were animaltopeople transmission viruses, so there was a lot that was done under the Obama Administration, and, in fact, the Trump Administration severely cut back the cdc budget, cut back on this program of overseas vigilance, but i dont think its a time to point fingers whether its from the past or from the present. The what people should expect is that everybody from their president on down is focused on one thing, not on namecalling and blameplacing but how are we going to make sure that we prevent the spread of this virus in as much as that is possible and be sure that we support state and local health officials, particularly on the front lines, doctors, nurses and others so that they will fully equipped and ready to take care of those who get seriously ill . I think the experts have all told us that is there are probably many, many people Walking Around with the virus by now, that it has been transmitted in many places of the country already. Many of them will not get sick or will get only mildly sick. Others it will be a more acute experience and so weve got to be sure that were prepared to take care of those who get really sick. Another big thing thats happened as recently is the deal with the taliban. You were secretary of state dealing with exactly this issue. What do you think of the deal from what we know of it . Well, i think whats more important is what do the Afghan People and their government think of the deal, and they were pretty much cut out of the negotiations. Immediately after it was signed between the United States and the taliban in doha the african government, which has been elected to represent the Afghan People, said they did not agree with the very large prisoner release that had been included in the agreement. There was supposed to be a cessation of hostilities. Apparently that did not hold and American Forces were part of bombing a couple of sites in recent day disease where the taliban had resumed fighting, so i think its difficult to have a Peace Agreement when you leave out the government of the country that you are expecting to uphold and live under the Peace Agreement. When you look at the broader region, are you worried that we are on a path towards greater conflict with iran because the tension has mounted. Sanctions are on iran. The iranian economy has been strangled, but there is no negotiation going on. I think it was a very serious error of the Trump Administration to pull out of the iran nuclear deal. I started the negotiations on that. We were determined to put a lid on the Nuclear Weapons program of iran and we did. Now, i can understand a new administration might come in and say we dont think you got a good enough deal, we want to make it better. I would argue with that, but i can understand it, and because of that we want to reopen negotiations to add even more elements to this deal, but thats not what they did. What they did was to say its a terrible deal, were pulling out. So what has happened . We now know that iran has gone back to enriching uranium. It appears they have increased their stocks of highly enriched uranium putting them closer to the development of a weapon. That doesnt make anybody safer, and while they are doing that, there are no discussions as far as i know going on. Iran is also facing a real crisis with the coronavirus that has hit its people and its leadership very hard. There could be an opportunity to try to open some doors for cooperation. None of that is happening, so what is happening as a result of what i think was a quite shortsighted decision on the part of the Trump Administration . They are getting closer to a Nuclear Weapon which to me is a disastrous development because of what it will mean in the region and the encouragement it will give to others to pursue a weapon as well. Next on gps, Hillary Clinton says she warned america about how bad a President Donald Trump would be. Now she says its worse than she imagined. Back in a moment with that. Ive always focused on my career, but when we found out our son had autism, his future became my focus. Lavender baths always calmed him. So we turned bath time into a business. And building it with my son has been my dream job. At Northwestern Mutual, our version of Financial Planning helps you live your dreams today. Find a Northwestern Mutual advisor at nm dot com. Thats ensure max protein, with high protein and 1 gram sugar. Its a situp, banana bend at the waist im tryin keep it up. Youll get there. Whoahoahoa 30 grams of protein, and one gram of sugar. Ensure max protein. And one gram of sugar. 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Its actually been worse, fareed, because when he was elected, i did hold out hope that despite all of the rhetoric, the bombast and everything that we heard in the campaign that the job has a way of encouraging people to grow into it, to accept the awesome responsibilities that one has, but when i heard his gnawing raul speech, the divisiveness of it, the continuing to set americans against americans, the language, the carnage in the streets, i knew that he had no intention of trying to be the president for the entire country. He was still very much focused on those who he had brought into his base, and i think as a result he has made some very serious missteps as president. And you think it hasnt gotten better over time . Well, the economy that he inherited was on the right track, and it was important that it remain on the right track. Im worried though that we have seen some unfortunate detours, for example, with the trade embargoes and trade wars that hes engaged in, and the failure to make any investments for the future. The big tax cuts have not produced the kind of Big Investments that are going to make us richer and safer and stronger. We were talking a minute ago about the virus. You know, theres a lot we should be doing to invest in infrastructure. Here and around the world to protect us against the spread of disease. With Climate Change, a lot of disease is going to move further and further north out of tropical climates and are going to be posing threats to us. Were not thinking about the future. Its all transactional, whats in it for the president and his allies, his cronies and his reelection. The thing im struck about is when he attacks you or democrats, its always its about the character of the person. Its very personal, so hes asked by sean hannity what do you think of mike bloomberg, and he just goes on about how short he is. Very little. Thats actually not true. Hes 58, and that he wanted a box for the debates, which, of course, is not true. But he is trying to get at something very simple, you know, and that goes to somebodys character. I mean, sleepy joe. Mini mike. Crooked hillary. Mini mike. Mmhmm. Not always rooted in in anything, but somehow he he is effectively in making that work. Should democrats be mimicking that . I think theres a real problem because when democrats do, they get punished, and i think there are a number of reasons for that. If you criticize someone personally or on a character basis on the right, its just part of the landscape. Its how you win elections. Its who you are, and hes perfected the art of the smear. And if youre on the other side of the political divide, most of the people who think and work and vote over there really dont like that. They arent comfortable with it. They dont think its the right thing to do, so its difficult to thread the needle. So i do think there are enough criticisms to make about him that you dont have to resort to that kind of namecalling. There was an article in vox and i dont know if you saw it, on super tuesday, on facebook, the single most searched article the single searched news topic was Hillary Clintons emails. Thats right. I saw that. What do you make of it . Ill tell you what i make of it. Is that fox and the sort of right Wing Echo Chamber has mastered facebook, you had aed and abetted i might say by facebook, so i read that article. And what that said to me was here its super tuesday. The democrats are trying to decide who they want to nominate against donald trump. The coronavirus is spreading. We now have more and more reports from different places in the country, but led by fox news and breitbart and others, its going to be about my emails, a totally, you know, bogus, finished, nonsense attack on me because they know how not only to drive those stories under the radar screen where the Mainstream Press like yourself are covering, you know, whats happening now, but they know how to deliver those stories through the algorithms into the feeds of millions and millions of people so i begrudgingly give them a lot of credit because they are shaping a narrative that is part of the messaging around trumps reelection, around people who challenge trump, changing the subject all of the time. You know. They are not interested or even worried about trump saying that the coronavirus is a hoax. They dont want their listeners, their viewers, you know, the people that they are frankly feeding this other narrative to to be focused on that. Well, whats one of the ways to get them . You know, it i live rentfree in all their heads, as you know, fareed, so whats one way to get them diverted from the ways that trump is making in handling the coronavirus . Well, lets bring up hillarys emails again. Very clever, very diabolical, very destructive to the kind of factbased environment and particularly news environment that is necessary for a democracy to function. Next on gps, secretary clinton on Bernie Sanders verses joe biden. Does she have an endorsement to make . Well see. Designed to increase vertical jump sure, they look ridiculous but nothing looks more ridiculous than going up for a dunk and coming up two inches short. Invest in Innovative Companies with invesco qqq what do we wburger. Inner . I want a sugar cookie. Wait. I want a bucket of chicken. I want. Its the easiest because its the cheesiest. Kraft. For the win win. Stop dancing around the pain that keeps you up again, and again. Advil pm silences pain, and you sleep the whole night. 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Ask your doctor about trulicity. And my lack of impulse control, is about to become your problem. Ahh no, come on. I saw you eating poop earlier. Hey my focus is on the road, and thats saving me cash with drivewise. Whos the dummy now . Whoof whoof so get allstate where good drivers save 40 for avoiding mayhem, like me. Sorry hes a baby if Bernie Sanders is democratic nominee, will you campaign for him . Ill support the nominee of the democratic party. Would you campaign for him . I dont know if he would ask me to campaign for him, fareed, because i have no idea what he is thinking about for a general election campaign. As ive said many times, i do not think hes our strongest nominee against donald trump. Is that an endorsement of joe biden . Im not endorsing. Theres nobody left. Thats true. There isnt anybody left, but i think what what joes victories on super tuesday showed is that he is building the kind of coalition that i had basically. Its a broadbased coalition. I finished, you know, most of the work i needed to do for the nomination on super tuesday and then it kind of lingered on, and i think joe is on track to doing exactly the same thing, putting together a coalition of voters who are energized. You looked at those numbers. People are turning out, and they are turning out to try to pick the person they think would be the best president but also the person as our nominee who would most likely be able to beat trump, and clearly the Trump Campaign and trump himself know who they dont want to run against and know who they do want to run against. One of the challenges you had was unifying the party, particularly the Bernie Sanders wing of the party. Do you think joe biden will be able to do that better . Is Bernie Sanders more likely to be more cooperative this time around . Well, i hope so because his his failure and the behavior of a lot of his top aides and certainly many of his supporters up to the convention, at the convention and even up to election day was not helpful. I had thought we would unify. Thats what wed always done before, and thats what i expected. I certainly tried to do that when i ran against barack obama and worked very hard for him, so i dont know what his plans or the people around him are planning. I can only hope that they understand. We all have to have a singular goal of defeating donald trump. There is nothing more important. Four years of his presidency is going to leave enough damage. Damage to our institutions, to the rule of law, the expertise of our government on everything from Climate Change to coronavirus pandemics. We cannot even imagine the damage that would be done by four more years of this kind of behavior. So i hope that that the people including sanders himself who have worked hard to get the nomination, if they are not successful will close ranks with the rest of us. You know him, youve dealt with him for a long time. Do you think hes the person who will wholeheartedly support joe biden . I hope so. Hes known joe biden longer than hes known me and in the past has had very nice things to say about Vice President biden. And i hope that he doesnt want to see further damage inflict on our institutions and all that that would mean to our democracy. Do you think, given that we now have two two men in the late 70s running for the democratic nomination, its essential that the Vice President be a woman, that the Vice President ial candidate be a woman . Im going to let whoever ends up being the nominee make that decision. Theres so many factors that go into it. Personally i would love to have a woman on the ticket finally again. Weve had two women Vice President ial candidates, one for the democrats and one for the republicans, but obviously i would like to, you know, keep that moving and actually have it happen in this election, that someone would be the first woman Vice President. But whoever the nominee is, has to take a really hard look at the electoral college. What will help him, because thats who its down to, what will help him win the electoral college, because i think our nominee could win the popular vote again as i did but that doesnt matter as we know. Coming up on gps, Hillary Clinton on the state of women in American Society and around the world. At Fisher Investments, we do things differently and other Money Managers dont understand why. Because our way works great for us but not for your clients. Thats why were a fiduciary, obligated to put clients first. So, what do you provide . Cookie cutter portfolios . Nope. We tailor portfolios to our clients needs. 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Do you think that the United States today is still misogynistic in many aspects of its life . I think that the unconscious biasses that exist in our society, in any society, even ones where on paper they have advanced much further with things like paid family leave, for example, paid child care and the like to empower women to make their own choices, that still is at work and the double standard, particularly in public life and not only in political public life but business life, the life of the media and the arts and so much else, yes, there is some absolute misogyny that certainly lives online. I was so appalled to read about a sticker that had been made depicting greta thunberg, the young woman who has been trying to sound the alarm about Climate Change, being literally subjected to sexual assault, a sticker that was being passed out at a company that is involved in the oil industry in some way. Now, look, i i understand that were still fighting over Climate Change, although that seems somewhat absurd to me, but to find by objectifying and having a picture that demonstrated a level of violence towards this young 16yearold girl who has every right in the world to stand up and say, you know, world, youre not doing what needs to be done, thats misogynistic. Thats not i dont agree with her i dont know why she has a big platform. I want a big platform, you know, to repudiate that. Instead its like lets show her being assaulted. Thats misogyny, pure and simple. So it goes from that kind of overt example of misogyny to these unconscious biasses. So we carry it with us, its sort of deep inthe nawhatwe expect women to be, and were okay with kind of opening the doors and allowing our daughters, our grand daughters, you know, to get great educations, compete for great jobs, but theres still something inside that when a woman says, wait a minute, i would like to lead, id like to be in charge, id like to be your president or chief executive or whatever it might be, little alarm bills, little unconscious alarm bells start to ring. There are people who look at the persistence of feminists, things like me too, or the cancel culture, and they say this is spawning a backlash that is electing donald trump, that is empowering these kind of forces. Is that something to worry about, or is this just a price you have to pay . You know, i think that forward movement, kind of the law of physics, will always produce a reaction so whatever the reason might be, there are going to be people who are who feel that, you know, demanding ones rights or demanding accountability for behavior that is out of bounds is somehow inappropriate or has gone too far is outside the comfort zone. This is all new to society. Everybody is working this out trying to make sense of it, but i dont think that the process of trying to understand, how do we truly respect and value women in the workplace which is really at root what this is about without objectifying them, without harassing them. How do we best do that . And if that requires people to be more conscious about their behavior and, you know, maybe to think thats not a welcome pat on the back or comment, okay. Thats not a huge price to pay, so this is this is where we are in this ongoing debate about how best to empower women, to be the best that they can can be under whatever circumstances they find themselves. I think the backlash which you see in different places around the world is out of fear and its out of a sense of losing control. In many countries, you know, women working outside the home is seen as incredibly threatening. Until recently women driving a car was seen as incredibly threatening. This is happening across the world, and there are lots of both serious and kind of amusing ways people are fighting back so for example, in japan, an advanced economy, they would have an even higher gdp if they could get their educated women in the work force. Thats very difficult because of the way their Family Structure works, and so women are often taking care of both the young generation and the older generation without much help because the Business Culture really consumes most of the day, six days a week, of the husbands and providers in those families. So the women who are in the workplace, they are kind of a pioneering set. And theres been a recent couple of controversies because women have said we dont want to have to wear high heels to work. You know, after a while, it really hurts your back to walk around in the high heels, and as i understand it the labor minister said no, employers can demand that you wear high heels. Or we want to wear glasses, you know. Some of us cant wear contacts and cant do our work without wearing glasses. No, we dont want glasses in the workplace so trying to govern even advanced society how women appear says volumes about how women are viewed. So you can go from, you know, the worst circumstances for women where they are still, you know, basically marginalized and shut out to advanced economies where they are still viewed as something of an oddity. And thats what those of us who believe in the equality of men and women and openness of opportunities to men and women based on ability and work ethic and all the rest of it are going to have to continue speaking out, so that, you know, we dont lose progress and go backwards. Thank you for speaking out here, Hillary Clinton. Pleasure to have you on. Thank you. If my interview leaves you wanting to hear more of secretary clinton, theres a new documentary series about her on hulu. Its called simply hillary and it uncovers her life up through the 2016 campaign. Next here on gps, the Trump Administration has spent three years upending american immigration. Now they have just made a major change in the rules that you might not have heard about. That consequential story when we come back. Whats going on . Its the 3pm slump. Should have had a p3. Oh yeah. Should have had a p3. Need energy . Get p3. With a mix of meat, cheese and nuts. Thats why its important to be prepared for anything life brings. At fidelity, well help you build a clear plan for retirement. One that covers health care costs, taxes, and any other uncertainties while still giving you the flexibility to make changes to your plan as often as you need. Because when youre with fidelity, a partner who makes sure every step is clear, theres nothing to stop you from moving forward. Heres wishing you the bluest sky eh, not enough fiber chocolate would be good snacking should be sweet and simple. The delicious taste of glucerna gives you the sweetness you crave while helping you manage your blood sugar. Glucerna. Everyday progress doprevagen is the number oneild mempharmacistrecommendeding . While helping you manage your blood sugar. Memory support brand. You can find it in the vitamin aisle in stores everywhere. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. And i dont count the wrinkles. But what i do count on is boost high protein. And now, introducing new boost women. With key nutrients to help support thyroid, bone, hair and skin health. All with great taste. New, boost women. Designed just for you. Lobster fan like wild caught lobster, butter poached, creamy and roasted. Or try lobster sauteed with crab, shrimp and more. So hurry in and lets lobsterfest. Or get it to go at red lobster dot com so hurry in and lets lobsterfest. Cdc guidance recommends topical pain relievers first. Like salonpas patch large. Its powerful, fdaapproved to relieve moderate pain for up to 12 hours, yet nonaddictive and gentle on the body. Salonpas. Its good medicine. Hisamitsu. vo i want to rock rock i want to rock rock i want to rock rock rock rock rock rock rock rock i want to. chris rock whod you expect . Sylvester Stallone i dont know. Me . vo i want to rock rock rock rock rock i want to rock world segment. If the Coronavirus Crisis has you worried about the Trump Administrations level of competence, let me point you to an area where the white house has been astonishingly effective, immigration. Legal immigration to the United States between 2016 and 2018 fell by more than 11 , not counting refugees according to an analysis by the National Foundation of foreign policies, and it will likely fall more, an this is happening because of strenuous efforts by the administration on a number of fronts. Late last month a seismic new immigration regulation went into effect, the public charge rule, which makes it much more difficult for immigrants to obtain green cards if they are deemed likely to collect welfare as legal permanent residents. As the New York Times reports the rule will ask immigration officials to evaluate applicants based on dozens of criteria, including english proficiency, Credit Scores and whether they receive medicaid or food stamps. Its sort of a wealth test for immigrants, and its a regulation that could reshape Legal Immigration in the country. The Migration Policy Institute estimates that 69 of the millions of immigrants granted green cards between 2012 and 2016 had at least one negative factor under the new public charge rule. The institute also finds that the rule would disproportionately impact latino and asian immigrants. This is an expansion of a regulation that has existed in some form for more than a century. And as a former state Department Official Christopher Richard explains in the Washington Post since its inception the raul has been discriminatory. First, it was used as a justification to deport poor irish immigrants in the 19th century. In the 1930s officials used to to bar jewish refugees from entering the country. Trump has provoked an outcry with policies like the travel ban or dropping refugee admissions to historic lows, but many changes to immigration policy have gone unnoticed. Last year the Migration Policy Institute compiled a bulleted list all of the administrations policies surrounding migration. It ran 40 pages. The National Foundation for american policy estimates that trumps new rules will have lowered immigration by 30 by 2021. Now for trump this is probably good politics, but it isnt good economics. As richard shurmur wrote in the New York Times, one of the United States biggest economic advantages over other rich nations is the size and growth of its labor force, a significant component of economic growth. If trump policies remain in place, average annual Labor Force Growth will be anywhere from 39 to 55 lower in the long term, according to the napf, and that will likely translate into lower economic growth. But a future with drastically lower immigration isnt just bad for growth, its actually also bad for welfare. Thats because as vox notes immigrants of all skill levels contribute to Social Security and medicare through payroll taxes. And an aging population means fewer americanborn workers which means we need immigrants to pay into these systems. That is the great irony of the public charge rule and other policies enacted by this administration. Purportedly they aim to cull immigrants who leech off the state and low immigration itself imperils many welfare programs for all americans. Its just another example of the Trump Administration dressing up myopic nativism as patriotism. In america we all count. No matter where we call home, how we worship, or who we love. 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Negotiators only have until the end of the year to finalize trade rules, labor standards and even maritime borders. It brings me to my question. How long did the European Unions largest trade deal to date take to negotiate . Nine months, 14 months, 52 months or 70 months . Stay tuned and well tell you the correct answer. My book of the week is the great reversal. We had him on the show recently. This is the most important book on economics that ive read in a while. It will explains how the United States went from being a vibrant free market with low prices for consumers to one in which oligopathies and monopolies abound and consumers get shafted with higher price. Powerful and persuasive. It should be sent to every member of congress in washington. The as to my gps challenge this week is d, japans deal with the European Union took almost six years to finalize before being implemented in february. After donald trump announced the Transpacific Partnership japan worked to increase the Worlds Largest free trade zone but britain will not get access to japan unless its part of its new deal with the European Union. Both the European Union and at uk want a new free trade deal but reaching that goal will be an uphill battle. Given the eus geographic proximity and interdependence with the uk the european negotiators demanded an equal playing field, meaning British Goods must meet the same environmental and labor standards as their european counterparts so as not to undercut them. But london complains to follow eu rules would be counterproductive of brexit. Moreover, the brits will be simultaneously negotiating a deal with another one of the Worlds Largest markets, the United States. Washington wants britain to lower its food standards and allow in such American Goods as chlorinated chicken and hormonetreated beef, but to do that would complicate britains chance of a deal with europe. It seems that Boris Johnson is stuck between an american rock and a european hard place, and he has ten months to decide. Thanks for all of you for being part of my program this week. I will see you next week. Hey, im brian stelter, this is reliable sources, were covering the story behind the story is aides from the joe biden and Bernie Sanders campaigns will join me live. And why Chris Matthews suddenly stepped down from msnbc and why president Trumps Campaign is suing several news outlets, including cnn. Is this a reelection strategy . Lots to get to, first lying and leadership breakdowns when it comes to the coronavirus. We are at a critical moment with governments around the world taking action and companies canceling travel and cities calling off big public gatherings. Every hour, every day you can feel the spread of the virus and the spread of the quarantines. The scope of this story, its hard to get your

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