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Ill bring you the results of an eyeopening poll. And with machines taking away so many jobs, inequality rising, and not enough work for many people, what to do . Some say the answer is simple. Send a check to every single citizen. A debate on the universal basic income. But first, heres my take. Politics is an endearing future of human life but politicians are immortal. The Republican Party as we know it is dying. Last sundays debate may have been the watershed moment as many commentators and some of his own strategists noted, it was pretty obvious what donald trump needed to do. Apologize, be contrite and then strike broad themes of change, bringing back jobs and putting america first. Ideally he would reach out to women, the group of voters he desperately needs to win the election. Instead, trump did the opposite. He minimized his behavior as locker room talk, went on to accuse bill clinton of much worse and paraded the former president s accusers at a news conference. Since then, things have spiralled downward. Trump has now made it clear that he will not go gently into the night. In fact, he has declared war on the gop establishment. His goal is surely to take over the Republican Party and remake it into a populist, protectionist, nationalist party, the kind his breitbart organizers have been dreaming for for years. We can see the battle lines. People like paul ryan backed by the most serious conservative intellectuals, will try to restore the party to its reaganesqu idealogy. Free markets, limited government, entitlement reform and assertive policy. Others, backed by christian conservatives, will try to bridge divide and keep everyone in a big tent. Then theres trump, who has, for now at least, the crowds, the energy and a powerful message. The political scientist justin guest recently surveyed white americans on whether they supported a party committed to, quote, stopping mass immigration, providing american jobs to american workers, preserving americas christian heritage and stopping the threat of islam, unquote. 65 said yes. The republican establishment could have stopped trump months ago, but instead it surrendered to him. Republicans often recall Neville Chamberlain and his policy of appeasing adolf hitler when they wanted to criticize them for being weakkneed. And they are appeasing trump in the hope it would satisfy their appetites. He launched his president ial campaign with antimexican slurs, heightened it antimuslim bigotry and thrilled crowds with policies that would be unconstitutional or amount to war crimes, all the while demeaning and objectifying women. Churchill said, everyone hopes that if he feeds the crocodile enough, the crocodile will eat him last. Lets be clear. Donald trump will lose the election. Forget his dismal polls last week. He has almost never been ahead of Hillary Clinton in the polls for a single week since they were both nominated. The major models predicting the election have only once or twice put his chances over 40 . But trump will not sit in loyal opposition to clinton. He tells his legions that the election will be rigged. He claims that the media is lying and that its reporting cannot be believed. He warns that the country will be utterly destroyed if clinton were to win. He is fueling a toxic movement of rebellion and insurgency. So donald trump will lose, and he will then destroy the Republican Party. The frightening question is what he will do to the country in the process. For more go to cnn. Com fareed and read my Washington Post column this week. And lets get started. I spent some time this week in los angeles. And while i was there, i had the opportunity to sit down for a conversation with a man who is unabashedly off the left and, i think, one of the most astute political observers of our time. Not a columnist, not an academic, but a man who is a comedian. Bill maher. Cnn is owned by time warner. We met on his realtime set and things got real really quickly. Bill maher, pleasure to have you on. Pleasure to be here. Whatever happens with this election, the big question i think we all are still trying to puzzle is how trump, why trump . What is your explanation as to why donald trump erupted onto the political scene the way he did . Well, you have to look at the people who voted for him. Its depressing to think you share the country with so many people who you share nothing with. You know, donald trump is a reflection. And what we learned is that there is a lot of vulgar, tacky, racist people in this country, more than i thought. I knew there were some. But its the proverbial lifting up of a rock and what we found when we lifted it up was the basket of deplorables. I know we hate that term, but if the basket fits, and it does. A lot of people talk about the dislocation, the pain. You dont buy that. We found out it was a myth. The typical trump voter in the primaries made, i think, 72,000. Theyre not hurting economically like they say they are. No more likely to be hurt by trade or immigration, no more likely to be out of work. You know, the base problem is that they live in this factory bubble. If youve ever seen one of his rallies its a completely factfree assessment of this country, the problems facing it and his always impossible constitutional solutions. Its funny, the internet was supposed to make us smarter but it just served as a seal for knowledge to get in. The perfect example of that is he keeps citing these online nonpolls. Its like, we won all the polls. He said this week that isis was not only going to take over their part of the world but take over america. You know, back in the day, if you were in the john burke society, you had to go door to door with pamphlets and talk to people, whatever. Now theyre right in a chat room. You can spew your nonsense and theres lots of people who thats what they want to hear and they want to believe, so they do. We live in this element where its not even a race between idealogies anymore. Its not republican or democrat or conservative and liberal. Its reality versus alternative reality. This reality of their own choosing. And to make it even worse, they dont care about lying. Lying, boldfaced, caught on tape lying is no longer a deal breaker at all. They dont care. They know, they dont know, it doesnt matter to them. Hes their guy. How much of trumps success is he comes from this much larger world than the political world, the world of celebrity. This thing from dr. Ramer said there is one candidate who has two president s in his family, an amazing rolodax, and theres the guy with 2 million twitter followers, who is going to win . Its the guy with the twitter followers. Someone should write a book about the history of fame and celebrity, maybe someone did, because it sure has changed. 50 years ago being mobbed was considered rather gauche. Actors were like the lowest form of life. Now celebrity is everything. You see it in kids reactions. What do you want to be . Its usually a model, a rapper, an athlete, a singer, you know. I mean, there is a lot of talk in this country from people about you can always live your dream, kids. And what is the dream . Its usually to be a singer. You know. American idol. Lets get to the part where im an idol. Not a lot of the doctors without borders. I mean, some, but theres way too much emphasis on that. And so they think a celebrity is the best thing you can be. Its certainly not held against donald trump by his fans. And theres no distinction between fame, notoriety and celebrity, theyre all the same. Youre famous. The best thing. You have five, six million twitter followers. Uhhuh. When you come back, im going to ask bill maher if he might run for office. E fire escapes. Essentially. Ill build a little model in photoshop and add these. Details in with a pen. I could never do that with a mac. I feel like my job is. To put out there just enough detail to spur the audiences. Imagination to fill in all the blanks. This windows pc is amazing, having all of my tools. Right at my finger tips is incredible. Sing girl, come on. [ singing ] sorry, ariana you gotta go. Seriously . Verizon limits me and i gotta get home. Youre gonna choose navigation over me . Maps get up here. Umm. That way. Girl you better get on tmobile why pay more for data limits . Introducing tmobile one, unlimited data for everyone. Get four lines just 35 a month. Across new york state, from long island to buffalo, from rochester to the hudson valley, from albany to utica, Creative Business incentives, infrastructure investment, university partnerships, and the lowest taxes in decades are creating a stronger economy and the right environment in new york state for business to thrive. Let us help grow your companys tomorrow today at business. Ny. Gov w. I was always searching for ways to manage my symptoms. I thought i had it covered. Then i realized managing was all i was doing. When i finally told my doctor, he said humira was for people like me who have tried other medications,. But still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe crohns disease. In clinical studies, the majority of patients on humira saw significant symptom relief. And many achieved remission. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections. Including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers,. Including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions,. And new or worsening heart failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if youve had tb,. Hepatitis b, are prone to infections,. Or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. If youre still just managing your symptoms, ask your gastroenterologist about humira. With humira, remission is possible. We are back with bill maher talking all things trump and some other things as well. I was saying, the power of celebrity is extraordinary. He has this ability to bypass conventional media, hes got, between facebook and twitter, he claims, 25 million i havent checked it followers. Im serious, in that same world you have five or six million twitter followers. Have you ever thought about the fact that you could probably run . You have more name recognition than any politician. I know, but its my views. I could run more reasonably than i could ten years ago. But my standard answer to that was always i think religion is bad and drugs are good. And that is not a slogan that will probably get you a lot of votes in america. People are rather conservative when they go in the voting booth. Even liberals, not necessarily idealogical. If trump gets elected, this goes out the window. Just being an atheist right there, that is a dealbreaker. There is polling on this in america. They will vote for anybody before an atheist. Im talking about the categories that have never been elected, a jew, homosexual, vegetarians. They hate vegetarians and they will even vote for vegetarians before an atheist. Thats rock bottom. Nor would i ever want to. Oh, my gosh, to be restricted in the ways you have to be . I would have to get up in the morning. That right there is a dealbreaker. What does trump do, in your view, after his probable defeat . Not good things. I worry about that. Hes got his knuckle draggers all riled up about the fact that this is a rigged election. I think i read 65 of his followers already believe it is a rigged election. He talks about hillary, putting her in jail. This is dangerous talk. We saw that woman at the mike pence rally this week. First of all, they live in this, again, alternative reality where the country is hanging by a thread and if she is elected it is an existential threat to our way of life on earth. Its just insane. If you have that mind, i dont think he goes away. Hes got an army. Whats he going to do with that army . I think he will be people say he might start his own fox newstype station. I dont know. But i dont think its going to be good. I think hes going to be the gravora of deplorables. I dont know what theyre prepared to do. They already talk about things like Second Amendment solutions. That phrase becomes a lot more acceptable. Do you think he believes any of this . I mean, he was a democrat prochoice, praised the clintons. Smeared clintons accusers and now this. I think he was always a racist because he adores his father. Thats baked into the cake for him from way back, the housing stuff. He went after those five who were acquitted of the rape, and even after they were acquitted, he still i think hes truly a racist. So he started with that, the birther stuff. And thats where they should have stopped him, by the way. That was where you stop this maniac. But they didnt. After that, once he got in front of his rallies, those crowds, i think he let them dictate where he went. He feeds off the love of those people. We know this about him. Putin says he likes him. Putin is a great guy. Someone criticizes him, thats a horrible person. If he ever got elected, it would just be government by snit, not about idealogy, really. Youre right, hes all over the map. It doesnt matter. Whether you like him, whether you dont. He get its front of people and they cheer and he loves it. Hes like a salesman. Hes sensing the crowd. Yes, sensing the crowd, so i think that is what has shaped his idealogy as far as it goes. One of the things weve all grappled with, which has been very tough, is how do you cover this race, and how do you cover trump particularly when he says things that just arent true . For instance, i even watched him in this last debate and Anderson Cooper said to him, do you think you have the discipline to be president . You tweet late at night and you ask us to watch a sex tape, and he said, i didnt. How do you argue that when you did tweet it and how many times do you do that . I think the media has been going downhill for a long time with notable exceptions. But i think one of their big problems is that they confuse fair and balanced with false equivalency. Hes not the same as Hillary Clinton. I mean, politico did a study of this. She lies about 28 of the time somewhat or fully, which is pretty good for a politician. He lies like 80 of the time. She lies less than most politicians, he lies more than anybody weve ever seen. He just says whatever comes into his head. I think its the medias job to point that out. I know hes going to stammer and yell, and he does. Hes like a fiveyearold. He kept saying to the moderator, she got more time. This is what my sister and i did when we were literally toddlers. She gets to do what she wants and i cant watch any of my shows. This is somebody america is seriously considering electing . Even if he loses, that is a depressing thought. Yes, i think the media has to do a much better job of that. But his supporters and all the people on fox news, they buy this all. They like it. But the media has to understand that, again, fair and balanced. They got that in their head, which they think means, i say this to this guy and i say the exact same thing to the other guy. But if one person is saying the earth doesnt revolve around the sun, the answer is not to give that person equal weight with that. And also come on, the media is rooting for a close race. Its better for them. Hillary is way up now, but i dont think thats what the media wants, and theyre going to take these nothing emails that are in the wikipedia leaks i mean, the wikileaks, and theyre going to find something in there and theyre going to dwell on it, and people out there who dont know much about anything in politics are going to go, well, its a wash. He did the 8,000 horrific things, but what about the emails . The emails, big nothing. The clinton foundation, nothing there. God forbid they get caught helping people with diseases versus Donald Trumps charity which was basically a slush fund to help one orphan, donald trump, and people think this is a push. The media has to take some responsibility for that. 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Its good to be in, good hands. Lets just get a sandwich peoplor something. You dont just learn how to drive. Or solve the worlds problems. Be a dad. Or something and we dont just make sandwiches or something we handslice avocado, pull smoked chicken, bake fresh foccacia and craft every sandwich clean from top to bottom. Theres nothing or something about it. Panera. Food as it should be. When we come back, im going to ask bill maher if it is possible to be a comedian with Hillary Clinton as president. Hillary, i love her, but shes not good at i mean, in 2008, she lost to a black man with a muslim name. Now shes losing to a 74yearold jewish socialist. I mean, hillary, were making this as easy as we can for you, but youre going to have to help a little. That was bill maher on his hbo show realtime talking about Hillary Clinton in february. Have his views changed . Listen in. So who is Hillary Clinton, really . I mean, one of the things people wonder about, who is that person behind this what seems like a programmed facade . I dont find her to be this mystery that people shes been out there for this long. Look, shes certainly shellshocked from 30 years of being attacked. I dont think theres anyone who has ever been more scrutinized, overscrutinized. I always say shes like a black driver in a white neighborhood and the police are the republicans. They keep pulling her over and they keep having to let her go. So, obviously, shes guarded. Maybe shes that way from the beginning from her upbringing, but i cant blame her. And, i mean, were starting to read all the emails. There is nothing in them. You know, they reveal what she is, a government nerd who never stops working. The kind of person who knows details, who believes government can do good, and i just think thats exactly who she is. Shes someone who wants to roll up her sleeves and make a problem better, like bill clinton said at the convention. I dont think theres much more to it than that. I dont see i certainly dont see a scary person. Shes a centrist. The idea in their minds that shes going to change the country very much is crazy. Bernie has moved her to the left a degree, thats good, but shes not going to rock the boat. Whats so ironic is hes the big businessman. They love him because hes rich. If youre rich, anything you say is brilliant. But hes the one thats going to lose him money. The market will tank before hes even taken the oath of office, because the market is very nervous, hates volatility, they pretended they hated obama as the stock market went from 69 to 18,000, but they loved him, really, because hes calm. He doesnt rock the boat. Hes steady and the market loves that. And donald trump is just the poster boy for volatility. And if Hillary Clinton is as dull and intense as you say, how are you going to make jokes . We can always make jokes every time there is a passing of the guard. I remember when bush left office, the media called altogether comedians and said, will there ever be anybody as funny . First of all, the republicans will be who we make fun of mostly, even though theyre not the president. Somebody always steps up. George bush goes down and sarah palin steps up. Jeb bush. It just always gets worse, and i have no doubt there are people who will step up for the Republican Party who will make my job easier if im here when im 110, which i hope to be. Bill maher, pleasure to have you on, as always. Good to be here, as always. Thank you so much. Dont forget the next and final president ial debate is right here on cnn wednesday night at 9 00 p. M. Eastern, 6 00 p. M. Pacific. Dont miss it. Next on gps, the candidates for president have very different views when it comes to American Foreign policy. 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The leader of that is the former ambassador to nato, ivo daalder. Ivo, good to have you on. Good to be here. The issue of this campaign, the wall. What do americans think of the wall is this. There is a huge split between americans. 92 of core Trump Supporters, the people who really want trump to be president , believe we should build the wall. But if you look at the overall results, theyre split. About 48 are in favor and 50 are against. Whats interesting to me is this partisan divide shows up not just in issues like immigration, which you would expect, but even on the core threats to the United States, we are so divided as a country. Terrorism is number one. But how does it break out after that . After that, among core Trump Supporters and indeed among republicans, immigration and islamic fundamentalism are very high threats, theyre critical threats to the United States. For democrats, its Nuclear Proliferation and the threat of a north Korean Nuclear weapon. Climate change appears on the list. Another financial crisis. What about the concern that people have often had about a return of american isolationism . America historically didnt want to be involved in the world from washingtons farewell address from the 1930s. That changed after world war ii. A lot of people worry when they listen to some of the things trump says that he wants to withdraw from the world and his supporters want to withdraw from the world. Whats the polling . Thats the interesting thing. Weve been asking one question since 1974. Should they have an active role in World Affairs or should they stay out . About onethird says we need to stay out. For the rest, republicans and democrats all want to remain engaged, and its been like that more or less for the last 40some years. What about nato . Trump has said some things which seem to disparage nato. He said nato is obsolete. He then has qualified it. But what does the American Public think about nato if it thinks about it at all . It does, and weve asked questions. 63 of americans want to maintain our commitment to nato, and another 12 want to increase our commitment to nato. So threequarters of the American Public wants to either maintain or increase it. Among core Trump Supporters, its a little lower but its still well over a majority of core Trump Supporters who believe that we should maintain, if not increase, our commitment to nato. What do you think, looking at this, knowing the history of this polling data, whats the bottom line conclusion you come to . My bottom line is that the fear that we see in the commentary that america wants to withdraw from the world, a fear that frankly donald trump is mobilizing in his campaign, that thats not where the American People are. There remains a majority of constituency in favor of strong american engagement in the world, to deal with the threats that are out there, to do so in a way that maintains openness to the world through open trade, through immigration, through alliance commitments, the kind of liberal internationalism that we have seen for the last 70 years at the core of American Foreign policy. There is majority support for that. Ivo daalder, a pleasure to have you on. My pleasure. Up next, amidst concerns that donald trump may have paid no taxes for decades, they are looking for some way of evening the economic playing field. And one thing that crops up is should the government simply pay every adult american citizen a healthy amount every year . How would like a check for, say, 15,000 . Ill explain to you how it would work, when we come back. Why are you deleting these photos . Because my teeth are yellow. Why dont you use a whitening toothpaste . Im afraid its bad for my teeth. Try crest 3d white. Crest 3d White Diamond strong toothpaste and rinse. Gently whiten. And fortify weak spots. Use together for 2 times stronger enamel. Crest 3d white. Sing girl, come on. [ singing ] sorry, ariana you gotta go. Seriously . Verizon limits me and i gotta get home. Youre gonna choose navigation over me . Maps get up here. Umm. That way. Girl you better get on tmobile why pay more for data limits . Introducing tmobile one, unlimited data for everyone. Get four lines just 35 a month. Now, whether a universal income is the right model, is that going to be accepted by a broad base of people, thats a debate that well be having over the next 10 years, next 20 years. That was president obama from an interview in wired magazine. Hes right, but were not going to wait 10 years to have that debate. We will have it right now. Let me explain the basic idea hes talking about. Its called a universal basic income, or ubi. The idea is you get an annual check from the government for, say, 10,000 a year. No questions asked. You dont have to do anything to be eligible for it, just be a citizen. Why would the government do this . Well, its under consideration around the world and even being tested in a handful of nations. You see, technology is replacing more and more of the jobs that humans do. Western societies generate lots of wealth, but its skewed very unequally. Ubi is the way to deal with unemployment or underemployment that appears to become a feature of modern western life. In other words, if youre a truck driver and autonomous automobiles put you out of a job, you would at least have some income to fall back on. Listen in. Lets get into this deeper with a debate. Chris hughes is a big supporter of the idea. He is, of course, a cofounder of facebook. And Eduardo Porter is more skeptical of ubi. Hes a columnist who writes mainly on economics for the new york times. Chris, how did you come to think about this . Presumably watching facebook and the kind of technology of this evolution must have something to do with it. Absolutely. Youre watching a world that is changing incredibly fast, and the reality is the nature of work itself has changed dramatically. Upwards of 40 of jobs in the United States are now contingent labor. Uber drivers and things like that. As that starts to change and change quickly, the safety net has not caught up. Its not sufficient in size and most importantly its insufficient in the way we cobble it together. Its pretty clear. Its really Social Security for all, a check from the government that enables people to live their lives as they see fit. But to explain, again, the underlying premise here, you really think that automation and these technological changes are going to create, if you will, on one level so much per activity but take away so many jobs that you really wont have stuff for a large number of people, maybe a majority of working age people, to do . Probably. But this whole argument that robots are going to take jobs or maybe theyre not going to take jobs is a lot about the future, but this is the present, the reality, that the median American Household income today is less than it was 20 years ago, and people are trying their hardest to cobble it together. Eduardo, do you agree with the premise of some of this thinking which is that technological change and automation are going to make it harder and harder for people to find good, fulltime jobs . Lets start by saying predictions, especially about the future, are really fickle, you know, and also to say weve been making this prediction for more than 100 years. Our technology has changed the labor market since the industrial revolution, and these fears that there is not going to be enough work have been around pretty much forever. You know, weve transformed our society from being mainly Agricultural Producers where 60, 70 of work was on farms to where 1 to 2 of work is on farms. We created other needs, a demand for other stuff, gave work to most people. Now, again, you could argue that were going through a transition, a very fast transition, but to conclude from there that there is not going to be work seems to me a stretch that we dont really have sufficient, you know, basis to do. So when you look at this situation, presumably youre saying, you aint seen nothing yet. That if you look at where googles driverless car is going to take us. One thing im always struck by is when people talk about this, it was this enormous promise, the single most widespread vocation for american men is driving a truck. So if you end up with technology that either eliminates the need or reduces it substantially, this is going to have a huge impact. Is it the kind of thing that you see going on here that is part of whats driving you, or is it another fact, which i want you to talk about, is this idea of a universal base income an efficient way to do welfare . Predicting the future is exactly as you mentioned, nobody can do it. So to try to think what the world is going to be like in 2025 or 2030, i think i and other people in the basic Income Movement want to think about what the world is like today and say that the future is already here and everyday people are struggling. There was a study that came out from the fed just a couple months ago that said nearly 50 of americans couldnt find 400 in the case of a Health Care Emergency or if their car broke down they would have to sell, borrow or find some other means to be able to afford just 400. Thats half of americans. The reality is the Economic Security net in the United States is in the process, under our very eyes, of collapsing. And we feel this general sense of anxiety in the culture and the society, certainly in our politics, and i think it is a response to that. So we tend to get caught up in very intellectual conversations about is work going to go to zero, is google going to actually have a selfdriving car . We tend to get caught up in conversations is work going to go to zero and is work going to execute on a selfdriving car and those were very interesting, but in some ways irrelevant to the fact that we need to start experimenting with Solutions Like this now. You ran the numbers and said the other thing to keep in mind here is if properly executed, that is to give people a basic income a very expensive idea. Well, of course, depending on how big this basic income happens to be. At 1,000 per person you calculated it at about 1. 4 of our gross domestic product, which is three times the food stamps budget. You see how the kind of political pressure that food stamps are under. It is not trivial. You did it at 10,000 . Exactly. Something that moves the population out of poverty. 3 trillion. Which is like a humongous amount of money. Its 16 of gross domestic product. And its about all that the federal government spends its almost all the federal government spends today. So the idea that we will have the appetite for that kind of taxation. If were going to put it up on top of the safety net that we have, well start looking like norway. Norway has that like four out of every 10 we produce goes to the government and then redistributed into the population. Like the norwegians do it, we have never been that generous about our taxes and spending. Friedman great conservative economist, what an advanced Industrial Society do about poverty. He said its very simple. Give poor people money. Instead of having these vast, complicated that tells poor people if you jump through this hoop ill give you some money, but only spend it in a grocery store. If you do this, give them the cash and treat them like adults. Sure. I know there is a big part of our political spectrum that likes this idea. Keep the government out of our decisionmaking. But i would argue, in fact a lot of the Government Intervention through the safety net has been very, very positive. I mean, the earned income tax credit is one excellent example of this. That is giving my people cash. If they go to work. There is a quid pro quo. That has encouraged a lot of work, which is, in fact, improved the lives of these people more than if you have just given them a check. We will have to leave it here, but illustrates very nicely what a fascinating idea this is and so grateful to you, chris hughes, to be one of the people launching this discussion and, eduardo, for everything you write. Next on gps another novel idea about you and your money. The radical transparency. A country where everyones tax returns are available for all to see. Donald trump would, obviously, hate this. But what about you . What powers the digital world. Communication. 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Now with real chicken as the number one ingredient, healthful. Flavorful. Beneful. This week a Chinese Company pledged to invest 20 billion in a new World Capital city. This comes months after another Chinese Company pledged 15 billion to help build that same capital and brings me to my question. Which of the following countries is planning to build a new capital city with the help of investments from Chinese Companies . Is it egypt, angola, niger or ethiopia. Stay tuned and well tell you the correct answer. This weeks book of the week is the populous explosion. How the Great Recession transformed governments by john judis. The financial crisis and recession had many effects, but perhaps the most lasting will be that it unleashed a wave of popyism in the western world. Judis provides a very intelligent guide to this phenomenon, which is by no means over. And now for the last look. I pay hundreds of millions of dollars in taxes but as soon as my routine audit is finished, ill release my returns. Ill be very proud to. Imagine if everyones taxes were available with a click of a mouse. In norway, you dont have to imagine that. That country has a transparent tax system where income earned and taxes paid are public information. The Fard Guardian points this out. Just this friday, the 2015 taxes of all norwegians were published online for everyone to see. The searching is not anonymous. Norways apartment requires logs be kept so you can see if you have been searched. Anyone can look up their taxes of their bosses, colleagues, friends or enemies for that matter. It increases openness, deters tax fraud and reduces income disparities between gender, race and class. Also makes it easier to find out just how much your favorite politician pays in taxes, if anything at all. The correct answer to the gps challenge question is, a. As cnn reported Egyptian Government officials announced the plans for the construction of a new capital city last year. In part because of overcrowding, pollution and rising real estate prices in cairo. A 270 square mile city capable of housing 5 Million People will be constructed in the desert east of cairo. And will even become the new home of the government. And china is just one of several countries with companies pledging to invest in cairo 2. 0. In fact, much will be built by the uae company that developed. The project critics point out that this kind of money proposed for the new city could go a long way of solving the actual problems of cairo. Thanks to all of you for being part of my program this week. I will see you next week. Hello, everyone. Thank you for joining me. Im fredricka whitfield. Just 22 days away until election day. Two new major polls showing clinton in the lead and abc news Washington Post poll shows Hillary Clinton four points ahead of donald trump and an nbc wall street journal poll shows clinton with an 11point advantage. Both polls were taken after that leaked tape of trump bragging about grabbing women, begging the question, how is that affecting the race. Well be discussing that this hour. Donald trump

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