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Well help you sort fact from fiction on the rise of these terrorists their aspirations, and their true power today. And well give you a rare glimpse deep inside isisheld territory. I think you must know your enemy if you want to defeat him. What is it like to live in the socalled Islamic State . Youll find out. Also the Supreme Court is about to hear arguments on gay marriage, so well look at some global lessons on the subject. Does the institution of marriage crumble because gay people want in . We now have evidence instead of hot air with which to analyze the game. Then there are lots of people telling you how to build up your resume but how do you build your character . David brooks has written a book that debuted at the number one spot on the New York Times bestseller list. He will tell you how to be good. Also how the Biggest Hedge Fund manager in the world runs his business every day. Finally, an extraordinary Birthday Party in space. But first, here is my take. The discussion of Hillary Clintons candidacy has so farther rowly explored her video announcement restaurant choices, clothes, Health Ethics and of course her husband. Relatively little attention has been devoted to her ideas or the ones that should animate her campaign. The easiest way for clinton to change the conversation would be to put out some big policy proposals, and it would be good for the country as well. There are two broad themes up for grabs for the next election reform and investment. Marco rubio has staked out his claim as the champion of reform. In his latest book and other places rubio has argued intelligently for a revamping or replacement of old systems that dont address todays needs. Some of his ideas are standard fare republican rhetoric, others are fresh and even surprising. America, like most advanced industrial countries, needs reform and restructuring. Regulations pile up and lobbies fight hard to keep benefits for established industries. The tax code is a corrupt mess but is this the greatest and most urgent problem facing the u. S. Today . When you compare america to the rest of the world, it does not seem to be hobbled by inefficiencies. In the World Economic forums latest Global Competitiveness report the United States ranks third. This is why america has outperformed almost every other advanced economy since the Global Crisis of 2008. On the other hand america is in dire need of investment in physical and Human Capital. In the same World Economic forum report the United States ranks 12th in overall infrastructure, 24th in the quality of its Electricity Supply and a stunning 101st in mobile telephone subscriptions. The American Society of Civil Engineers details the dangers. Let me paraphrase from its most recent report card for americas infrastructure. The average age of the countrys 84,000 dams is 52 years, and of its 607,000 odd bridges, 42 years. 42 of the countrys major urban highways are congested, which costs the economy an estimated 101 billion in wasted time and fuel every year. The need for investment in Human Capital is less visible but, in fact more urgent. Social mobility the ability to rise out of the economic class you were born into has stalled in america in large measure because poor children have inadequate nutrition, child care and education. As the New York Times columnist Eduardo Porter has noted, the United States is virtually alone among rich countries in that it spends substantially less educating poor children compared to privileged ones. In new york for example, local government spends about 26,000 per child in the richest neighborhoods compared with just 13,000 in the poorest neighborhoods. Another crucial investment should be in science and research. The federal government is spending less as a percentage of gdp in these areas than it did in the 1970s. This has things backwards. In that era america still had a Large Industrial economy with tens of millions of Jobs Available for people with only high school degrees. Today those jobs in manufacturing and steel and automobiles are all in china. The United States needs to create jobs in sectors and industries of the future. We should really be investing much more, not less in science at this point. Even Newt Gingrich has suggested doubling the budget of the National Institutes of health. I would propose more broadly that washington set a goal to double the percent that the federal government spends on basic research. Now, if Hillary Clinton starts talking relentlessly about investing in america, maybe the press will stop asking her what kind of burrito she ordered. For more go to cnn. Com fareed and read my Washington Post column this week. And lets get started. Terror was once again atop the news this week. On thursday the president announced the deaths of two american Al Qaeda Leaders as well as two western hostages in air strikes in the af pac border region. Lets talk about it all with a couple of terrific guests phillip mudd was Deputy Director of the cias counterterrorism center. Hes now a cnn counterterrorism analyst and hes the author of a new book the head game. And emma sky arrived in iraq in 2003 and finally left in 2010. Her last role was as political adviser to ray odierno when he was the commanding general of u. S. And allied forces there. She is the author of a new book about her experiences in that country, the unraveling high hopes and missed opportunities in iraq. First talk about this strike and about the hostages. We forget that al qaeda is still around. What did you make of this operation . Well tragic but inevitable. What you have here is what we call a signature strike. That is ten years ago you might have looked at a specific individual and used a drone to strike that individual. There is a transition to say if we see a pattern of activity where we think there are al qaeda fighters in a compound, you can surveil that compound for potentially in this case several hundred hours, determine if there are women or children present, and hit a target that might include dozens of people. The tragedy is no matter how long you surveil that compound you wont know if there are hostages inside. This is a tragedy of war. Because the hostages will not be moving around, they will be hidden in a basement or something. You are spending a lot of time ensuring you are limiting the number of innocents killed. So this is tragic but im not sure its avoidable. Lets talk about other American Military operations. The ones against isis in iraq. What is your sense . The United States has staked its antiisis campaign really on iraq much more than syria. How is it going . In the last few weeks you can see there have been good gains made against isis. When you look at the summer isis was storming across iraq. Now, isis has lost 20 to 30 of the territory it had gained. It has lost 10,000 of its fighters. Recently the battle of tikrit u. S. Air power made the difference there and isis has been pushed out of tikrit. However, its still able to launch operations as we have seen in ramadi and in you are biel. What do you make of isis ability to govern these territories. Thats the interesting thing. They take over these places. What happens when they start to trying to govern . Very limited capabilities. Weve seen it since the 1990s when you had egyptian, algerian groups to take over. No at we want to look at w457d over the past week whether they took tikrit whether they took ramadi. The real question is over the course of years, once they take bits of territory, can they provide school can they provide medicine . And the answer over time is no. The problem is that takes a lot of blood and loyt of time to figure that out. Isis is not any better. The argument is theyre better than al qaeda. I dont think so. I think a lot of groups have the motivation to say were motor vaed by god, by a book to proceed along the line weve taken, and, therefore, there is no compromise. I think you find even among some sunni villagers today in iraq is they might be better initially than a shia government but over the course of the months or years they do not provide a future or solution. Better than a shia government. Because a lot of these maybe not attraction to isis but the reason theyve been able to make gains in iraq certainly and also in syria is the sunnis dont like being ruled by the shiites in one case, the aloeawites in another. Its that sunni rage thats fueling it. Is that changing do you think . I think its not just about being ruled by shia. Its about the type of government. When you look at 2007 to 2009 violence came down dramatically due to the surge. Everybody in iraq and ourselves thought iraq was moving in the right direction. People believed in the political process. Unfortunately, what happened in 2010 was the party that won the election didnt form the government. Maliki had a series of discriminatory policy that is pushed sunnis away from the political process. He went after their elites. He went after their politicians. Did mass arrests of sunnis. He jailed or didnt commit to the tribal fighters who had helped push back al qaeda. So a series of his policies pushed sunnis away and you see this symbiotic relationship between corruption and terrorists. Sunnis looked at isis and they thought its no worse than maliki and they chose isis many of them, instead of maliki. We always think theres a technocratic fix if we give the iraqi army more weapons when theres usually a Political Fix which is hard for us to do. Do you think, phil we can defeat isis . I dont. I think theres an interesting conversation nationally led by the president that says that has to be our goal. I look around the world as a counterterrorism guy from the cia and say, where have we won . Pakistan, afghanistan . Have we won in yemen, in somalia . The answer is we can win against segments of groups that conduct acts of terrorism. We cant win against an islamic idea. Thats for local populations, regional populations to win. So our objective, frankly, shouldnt be winning. Thats an american concept. Our objective should be ensuring that people in america stay safe meanwhile enabling governments overseas to carry the political message, the religious message that can lead to peace but i dont think we can win again these groups. When you look at the widening regional dimension, so if you look at whats going on in yemen where saudi arabia has intervened really essentially invaded yemen, intervened into a foreign country, what is going on there do you think . I think this is all another outcome of the iraq war, the war and the way in which Obama Administration left iraq left iraq as a very weak state and changed the balance of the power in the region in irans favor. And this has set off a geopolitical competition between iran and the gulf states and turns local grievances into a regional proxy war were seeing in yemen. Bottom line phil are americans threatened by all this . Should we ware . I think we should care about the small segments of these groups that might send people to new york or washington. We should enable governments to go against the Major Players on the ground like isis but most 98 of the isis not a problem in new york or washington. Fascinating conversation and two terrific books the unraveling and the head game. We have to have you on phil, this is about making decisions. We have to talk about that. Next on gps an extraordinary chance to witness life inside isis territory. A german journalist dared to go there even after the beheadings. The footage he brought out is chilling. You wont want to miss this. Why do we do it . Why do we spend every waking moment, thinking about people . Why are we so committed to keeping you connected . Why combine performance with a conscience . Why innovate for a future without accidents . Why do any of it . Why do all of it . Because if it matters to you its everything to us. The xc60 crossover. From volvo. Lease the well equiped volvo xc60 today. Visit your local volvo showroom for details. The Largest Enterprises in the world, are the largest targets in the world, for every hacker, crook and nuisance in the world. But systems policed by hps Cyber Security team are constantly monitored for threats. Outside and in. Thats why hp reports and helps neutralize more intrusions than anyone. In the world. If Hp Security Solutions can help keep the Worlds Largest organizations safe they can keep yours safe, too. Make it matter. This is about making decisions. The rise of isis has fascinated me and the gps team and i spent the last few months digging into it trying to understand how did it happen . To many the terror group seems to have come out of nowhere, but in reality you can draw a strit line from 9 11 to the rise of isis and there were many missed signals along the way. Well show you how it happened in a documentary that will air here on cnn at 9 00 on monday night. Its called blindsided how isis shook the world. Id like to show you a clip from the show that will startle you. Its a rare look inside a major city that is under isis control. What is it like . Well, watch. We begin with an extraordinary chance to look into the Islamic State. Not a single reporter has dared to venture there since the gruesome beheadings of journalists began last year. Imagine see this. Im john cantlie, a british citizen, abandoned by my own government. And this. These could be my last hours in this world. And then heading straight into the heart of darkness. But that is precisely what this man did. During the months i was preparing the trip every night i felt a knife on my throat. I felt it physically. Jurgen is a german journalist. Last year he crossed the border into isis territory. I think you must know your enemy if you want to defeat him. He went to mosul, an iraqi city about the size of philadelphia. Population around 1. 5 million. Its the biggest prize isis has captured. This extraordinary video gives us a rare look into everyday life under isis. It brings to mind the writer hannah arons concept, the banality of evil. Isis has its own license plates and traffic cops who give parking tickets. And there are friendly shopkeepers. Completely brainwashed. I have never in my life met people like this. This of course is the mosul isis officials wanted him to see. They gave him written permission to come to the city and he believes they let him leave alive to make a point. They wanted to show me that they are a state, and that this state is working. Its not a perfect state, its not like the United States but its a state. And its getting bigger. He saw new recruits pouring in every day. In this Recruitment Center we had every day more than 50 new fighters. They can lose fighters. They dont care. The amazing thing is that theyre completely enthusiastic. They think its the time of their life. They think that theyre part of a historical event changing the whole middle east. Among them were americans. I met many americans. I met many germans and french people and english people but many americans. Guys from new jersey. How did we get to a place where guys from new jersey are signing up for isis . Well make sure to watch our new documentary blue linesideindsided how isis shook the world. We asked the white house for its side of the story, we explain those plop ganda videos and much more. Dont miss it. Next on gfs where once america was the frontrunner now its lagging behind. What happened to americas leadership on liberty . Well explain when we come back. How is that even possible . An i feel good. Lean, strong. Ah. Youre gonna find out just how strong when we wrestle. Look at you, you have no idea whats coming. Come on. Make your move. vo beneful healthy weight, a delicious, lowcalorie meal your dog will love. With wholesome rice, real chicken, and accents of vegetables and apples. Beneful. Healthy with a side of happy. Look this is the new asian inspired broth bowl from panera bread. That noise panera broth bowls should be slurped with gusto to explore further order online or visit your neighborhood panera bread. Daughter do you and mom still have money with that broker . Dad yeah, 20 something years now. Thinking about what you want to do with your money . Daughter looking at options. What do you guys pay in fees . Dad i dont know exactly. Daughter if youre not happy do they have to pay you back . Dad it doesnt really work that way. Daughter you sure . Vo are you asking enough questions about the way your wealth is managed . Wealth management at Charles Schwab. If youre taking multiple medications does your mouth often feel dry . A dry mouth can be a side effect of many medications. But it can also lead to tooth decay and bad breath. Thats why theres biotene available as an oral rinse toothpaste, spray or gel. Biotene can provide soothing relief and it helps keep your mouth healthy too. Remember, while your medication is doing you good a dry mouth isnt biotene, for people who suffer from a dry mouth. People ship all kinds of things. But what if that thing is a few hundred thousand doses of flu vaccine. That need to be kept at 41 degrees. While being shipped to a country where its 90 degrees. In the shade. Sound hard . Yeah. Does that mean people in laos shouldnt get their vaccine . We didnt think so. From figuring it out to getting it done, were here to help. [ ] there is an ancient rhythm. [ ] that flows through all things. [ ] through rocky spires. [ ] and oceans swell. [ ] the endless. Stillness of green. [ ] [ ] and in the restless depths of human hearts. [ ] the voice of the wild within. [ ] now for our what in the world segment. When i was growing up in india in the 1970s, we all knew that america was where the future lay, especially in the realm of the rights of individuals. Every expansion of liberty, of individual autonomy, seemed to take place in america first. The rest of the world would at first think it was crazy, but then years later it would become the new normal. But these days america does not seem to be in the forefront of expanding liberty. Far from it. Consider samesex marriage. This week the Supreme Court will hear arguments for and against it as adam lip deck of the New York Times has pointed out, the court may consider legal lessons from abroad as it should. 17 countries plus england, scotland and wales have already legalized samesex marriage throughout their territories. Europe leads the charge with 11 countries, including the netherlands which was the first country to allow samesex marriage all the way back in 2001. In south america, argentina, brazil, and uruguay have led the way and south africa is the only african country where gay weddings are legally recognized. No nation in asia allows samesex marriage but interestingly taiwan has made impressive strides. At the end of the last year a committee in parliament considered an amendment that would make samesex marriage legal and taiwan already offers Legal Protections for gays including from workplace discrimination. Even heavily Catholic Ireland could be on the cusp of samesex marriage. A nationwide referendum will be held on may 22nd that would allow for gay marriage and a recent poll shows over 70 support for the measure. In the United States polls have ranged recently from 50 to 60 support for samesex marriage. There is one advantage to america being a laggard on this issue. It can evaluate some actual data. You may kiss the bride. The argument against gay marriage has been that if you allow it it will undermine the institution of marriage. Now, how exactly the institution of marriage is undermined because lots more people want to embrace it has always struck me as a bizarre claim, but anyway what do the numbers show in those places where samesex marriage has been legal in some cases for over a decade . As dana bill mank reported recently in the Washington Post post, gay marriage opponents in the u. S. Have marriage rates have gone down in states that allow gays to marry while remaining stable elsewhere but thats a misreading of the data. Massachusetts has seen marriage rates declined since they allowed samesex marriage but marriage has been on the decline everywhere in the United States over that time as mill bank points out. As when you look at texas and utah states that didnt allow samesex marriage during that period their marriage rates went down too. What about marriage rates in other countries where samesex marriage is legal . Its a similar story. Since the netherlands allowed samesex marriage in 2001 its marriage rate has declined but so has the eurozones marriage rate in general. The same goes for belgium after it legalized samesex marriage in 2003. Legalizing samesex marriage clearly does no harm to the institution of marriage. What it does do is give the same right to gay people to marry that straight people already enjoy. It is far more likely that the general decline of marriage has something to do with broader social trends as well as the rise of nofault divorce laws, alimony alimony, and other such legal changes that have emancipated women and given couples an easy way to end unhappy marriage. But dont expect social conservatives to run on a platform decrying tofault divorce and womens lib. Its much easier to dem monize gays. Next on gps do you spend 40ur after hour agonizeing how to get ahead in business a bigger paycheck a fancier title . Well how much time do you spend trying to live a better life . David brooks on our priorities and how they could use a shift when we come back. [ male announcer ] he doesnt need your help. Until he does. Three cylinders, dual overhead cams and 50 horsepower. Go bold. Go powerful. Go gator. Get 2,500 dollars off select gators at a dealer near you. Meet the worlds newest Energy Superpower. Surprised . 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To plan, compare book the perfect trip, visit tripadvisor. Com today. Last week we brought you david brooks thoughts on the 2016 president ial candidates. This week david brooks thoughts on you. Brooks is of course a New York Times columnist who is best known perhaps for writing about politics but his books take a different tack and this new one is called the road to character. Its the kind of book that makes people reexamine their lives and how they choose to live them. Listen in. David, pleasure to have you on. Good to be on fareed. So you talk about a central difference in your book is between eulogy virtues and resume virtues and you say were all obsessed with resume virtues. What are they . The stuff you take to the marketplace whether youre good at journalism good at accounting a good teacher. The yoully virtues are the things think say about you after your dead whether youre honest brave, courage ace, capable of deep love. We know the jouleeulogy virtues are more important. We have an educational system, we raise our kids. A lot of us are just a lot clearer about how to build a career than how a build a rich character and a strong inner life. So this book is an attempt to figure out and help people find a road map for that for the eulogy virtues. How do you build a strong inner life how have other people done it through history, what are the techniques what does it look like . And you have these characters through history whom you study. Do you find that there were some who started out with the resume virtues and discovered they wanted a stronger inner life . All of my characters started out as sort of emotional basket cases, but then they built themselves and the lesson is no matter how old you are, no matter how young you are, there is still lots to do inside. Moral education an obligation we have to do every single day. These characters start out baird rush was an egomaniac. George eliot, the great novelist she was emotionally needily. Dorothy day, they was just fragmented and all over the place. Dwight eisenhower he had a terrible temper problem and what they all did was they said what is my core sin . What is my deepest problem . How does that problem lead to behavior . Consciously. Consciously and day by day and they regarded the inner confrontation with themselves as the central drama of their lives. Day by day they worked on it, worked on it and they built themselves in all cases into something magical and what you get when you see people who have done that who have con sered themselves is they end up with this tranquility and this inner light, selfrespect which is different than he have esteem. Its being better than you used to be. Central to the premises seems to be the idea that we are sinners. Theres a certain since of humility about yourself. Why does that change in your view . The 19th century you point out there was generally accepted this view that human beings are flawed. No matter what kind of fancy job you had, ultimately youre born in sin. How does that change . That changes in my view after world war ii. They had been through the horror of the war, the deprivation of the reseths and right at the end of the world war ii there are a whole bunch. Books and psychologists and they said all that stuff about sin, thats for the birds. You have to love yourself think proudly of yourself. You are wonderful and beautiful and so that leads to all the commencement cliches. Trust yourself be true to yourself march to the beat of your own drummer. Its all self and so the idea that we had a self that we have to focus on that goes we have a self thats just wonderful. Year all wonderful inside and that leads to the selfesteem movement and changes in how people see each other. In 1950 the Gallup Organization asked high school seniors, are you a very important person . In 1950 12 percent said yes. In 2005 80 say yes im very important. Is part of americas success from this individualism . That some of this audacious narcissism is what is required to be an entrepreneur . I totally buy that. If youre lebron james, a little self kf dons goes a long way. Anyone who believes they can start a lot of people tell you that idea has been done. You need that almost that belief in yourself. Yeah. So this is not about getting rid of the ambitious side of your nature. This is about balance. And so my argument is if youre only that side you should be really self confident as youre going out in the career and take risks and be really self confident, but if youre only that im not expecting myself from this if youre only that you turn into a shrewd animal you become morally mediocre. A gap opens up from the person you want to be and the person you end up being. You grade yurgourself on a curve. Im not against outward ambition but im for a balance between the two. To the young today, the beginning almost the beginning of commencement season theres this little parts in your book where you talk about how the young kind of materialistic and, you know, i looked at some of the same research for my book. What i am struck by is people have wanted to make a good living for a while now, for 30 or 40 years. The big shifts are actually that they do want to do good. Amazingly industrious, bourgeois, they want to be good people. One of my students said to me were so hungry were so hungry. They want to be good and do good. What are you doing for spring break . Its like im unicycling across thailand while reading to lepers. Theyre doing this amazing stuff. What theyre looking is moral ecology. You grow up in an ecology and you inherit a certain gift from the dead of how to be good. There are a whole bunch of things you can believe in. Theres a greek tradition, a traditional one which emphasizes honor and courage. A jewish one, obedience to law. A scientific one rational thought and thinking your way to a good life. So there are all these different traditions. They have all been handed down to us, and im not going to tell a young person which one to believe, but pick one. Because we tell them come up with your own world view. If youre name airristotlearistotle, maybe you can. But the rest of us have to learn from somebody else. The dead have give us this great gifts and i lay them out for the students and the readers of the book and i say pick one. It will help you out to inherit a tradition that greater minds than your own who know you better than you know yourself have left for us as presents. Next on gps, how would you make Investment Decisions if you had 160 billion to invest . Yes, thats billion with a b. Well that is exactly what my next guest is confronted with every day at the office. Ray dal yo runs the Biggest Hedge Fund in the world. How does he do it . When we come back. Why do we do it . Why do we spend every waking moment, thinking about people . Why are we so committed to keeping you connected . Why combine performance with a conscience . Why innovate for a future without accidents . Why do any of it . Why do all of it . Because if it matters to you its everything to us. The xc60 crossover. From volvo. Lease the well equiped volvo xc60 today. Visit your local volvo showroom for details. 169 billion. That is how much money a Hedge Fund Called Bridgewater Associates manages. In reality its not just a hedge fund it is the hedge fund. The biggest such fund in the world by far. Ray dalio founded that firm and is currently its cochief investment officer. I asked him to come in to talk about how he makes Investment Decisions, what he thinks of the American Economy, and much more. Pleasure to have you on ray. Nice to be here. So you run the Largest Hedge Fund in the world, a fund so large people cant even believe the size of it and you have been incredibly successful and you have weathered and thrived through the economic downturn and the financial crisis. What is it you think that you see that other people dont . I think i think more about how the machine economic machine works. I think the same things happen all over and over again through history, so and then im in the middle of it. You know like i get banged around every day and then you learn. I think it requires a stepping back an equanimity, stubbing your toes and learning from that. I think and it requires i think great humility great fear. I have great fear. People think that my success is due because of what i know. Its not. Its due more to how i deal with not knowing. In other words, how i go look for where i might be wrong. If i can find people who disagree with me, i love to find people who could disagree with me and see it through their eyes. Smart, believable people, and i can see it through their eyes and i can consider is that right . Is that wrong . That the learning experience helps me learn more and it also helps me make better decisions. So its the dealing with what one doesnt know thats more effective anthan knowing. Are you bullish about the American Economy . Im very bullish on the productivity on the American Economy, the innovation. I think that big data big processing data that is the greatest American Asset and the greatest world asset. Were now living in a global world. I think that thats going to create a fabulous fabulous movement. I am where i think its terrible is the quality of the Decision Making in government and how the government works. I think that thats largely a dysfunctional problem, and i think that, you know the stepping back and seeing things on that higher level becomes a challenge. But when i look at the american position visavis the rest of the world, many of the things we take for granted, a legal system that works, Capital Markets that work all of those competitive advantages and a culture of innovation which came from immigrants people of all different types who come together and understand each other and tolerate each other, thats uniquely american, and so i think im very bullish for the development of productivity. The tailwind were going to have to deal with is the tailwind of the debt situation. Its going to require a lot of thoughtfulness calm reflective thoughtfulness exchanges of ideas, and communication really to deal with that risk well. Do you think when you look out at the prospects for china, do you think it will be it will be able to compete with the United States as a peer competitor economically . Right now chinas richer than the United States if you take assets and liabilities, not per capita but the aggregate of that and chinas growth rate will certainly be faster than the United States growth rate over the next number of years, so i think they have to go through a big restructuring, a big adjustment. The average growth rate over the last ten years in china was 10. 3 . 7 of that is not sustainable. That type of an economy cant operate that way, and they have a debt issue. The leadership in china im extremely impressed with and because im impressed with the leadership i think that its likely that it will be well managed. There will be a hiccup and there will be a restructuring but they make decisions. Were going into the 13th 13th 59year 5year plan. They have plans they set out and they actually implement. We dont have plans. So i think that, you know im not trying to comment on the pros and cons of the american system. I am saying that the economics, they have less debt. They have a lot of potential because capital hasnt flowed to a lot of parts of their economy. Its been stuck with Stateowned Enterprises enterprises, local governments. As it flows to other parts and they innovate i think they have a lot of potential. I remain bullish longer term on china. Rayal dalio, thank you. Thank you for having me. He has an explainer on what he calls how the economic machine works. Its on his website economic principles borg. Up next the Hubble Telescope turns 25 years old this week issuing this stunning birthday image. Hubble has been really busy this last quarter century. What have you been doing . Stay with us. Kid hey dad, who was that man . Dad hes our broker. He helps looks after all our money. Kid do you pay him . Dad of course. Kid how much . Dad i dont know exactly. Kid what if youre not happy . Does he have to pay you back . Dad nope. Kid why not . Dad it doesnt work that way. Kid why not . Vo are you asking enough questions about the way your wealth is managed . Wealth management at Charles Schwab people ship all kinds of things. But what if that thing is a few hundred thousand doses of flu vaccine. That need to be kept at 41 degrees. While being shipped to a country where its 90 degrees. In the shade. Sound hard . Yeah. Does that mean people in laos shouldnt get their vaccine . We didnt think so. From figuring it out to getting it done, were here to help. Look this is the new asian inspired broth bowl from panera bread. That noise panera broth bowls should be slurped with gusto to explore further order online or visit your neighborhood panera bread. Space shuttle discovery on april 24th 1990 25 years ago this week the Hubble Telescope lifted off from earth aboard discovery. The next day it was released into space where its been traveling around the earth at an astonishing 17,500 Miles Per Hour ever since. It chingsbrings me to my question of the week. How many miles have hubble traveled in its 25 years aloft . More than 30 million . More than 300 million . More than 3 billion . Or more than 30 billion . Well give you the answer in a moment. You can try to calculate it but not using your phones or computers. This weeks book of the week is know self nighs is the American Century over . 25 years ago he published a book debunks those who believe japan was about to become the worlds greatest power. Hes now done the same regarding china. But the book is mostly about americas enduring strengths and a cleareyed recollection that even in the past washington always had to persuade to lead. Lots of intelligence in that 152page book. And now for the last look. When the Hubble Telescope launched into space a quarter century ago, the world it left behind is very different than the one it orbits today. That year something called the World Wide Web was in insits infancy of development. Today hubble that is its own twitter account. Nelson mandela was released from prison also in 1990. The human genome project was launch. Driving miss daisy won an oscar. Margaret tlacher resigned after more than 11 years as prime minister. Mikael gorbachev, then president of the soviet union, won the nobel peace prize. You hold on hold on by Wilson Phillips topped the billboard charts. And you will of that was in the same year hubble took to the sky. As the earth rotated more than 9,100 times, hubble looger looked outward into the universe capturing truly magnificent images and videos. Once thought to have become nothing more than a piece of space junk its turned out to be one of the greatest scientific instruments of all time transmitting back 120 gigabytes of science data every week. For now nasa says that the hubble is operating beautifully but without a Space Shuttle program, it can never be repaired again. Its more powerful successor, the james web space telescope, a joint project between the United States european, and Canadian Space agencies will launch in october of 2018. Its truly awe inspiring to think of all it will see, all we will learn, and all that will change here on earth as it peers billions of light years back into the depths of the universe. The correct answer to the gps challenge question was c. Hubble has traveled more than 3 billion miles chtion. That means it circled the earth more than 135,000 times. Nasa tells us it will let hubble keep circling until its time to put it out of commission either by moving it higher into space or gently guiding it into the ocean. Thankfully we should have years of these beautiful images to see until that happens. Thanks to all of you for being part of my program this week. Dont forget to tune into cnn tomorrow night at 9 00 p. M. For our indepth look inside isis, blue lineside blindsided how isis shook the world, and i will see all of you next week. Good morning. Im brian sell ter and its time for reliable sources. Its the morning after the white house Correspondents Dinner which means there are some hung over correspondents waking up in washington. It was a night where per tradition president obama took some hits. After six years in office your approval rate something at 48 . Not only that your gray hair is at 85 . Your hair is so white now it can talk back to the police. Snls cecile strong. As always the president hit back this time with the help of his anger

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