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Drastically changed his tone on the virus. 4 million americans have been diagnosed with the virus, 145,261 have died. The death toll has surpassed 1,000 a day for three days in a row and we are on track for today to be the fourth. 28 states now seeing a rise in deaths over the past week. The virus is spreading and the death toll, once unimaginable, is now climbing by 1,000 people a day. A grim reality that President Trump only seems to acknowledged begrudgingly and occasionally over the past few days. The white house saying today dont believe what you heard him say for 5 1 2 months. No, no, no, they say the president has never down played the virus. Never changed his tone. He hasnt changed. Speaking on covid generally, the way ive heard him talk privately in the oval office is the way hes talking out here. Perhaps she has been hearing something the rest of the country hasnt when the president has opened his mouth because here is what he has said publicly for five and a half months. We have it so well under control. We have done a very good job. Were prepared and dog a great job with it. It will go away. Just stay calm. Its going to go. Its going to leave. Its going to be done. The numbers are very miniscule compared to what it was. Its dying out. And now we ask all americans to exercise vigilance, practice social distancing, wear a mask, do whatever is necessary so we get rid of this horrible situation, this horrible disease. Now, the press secretary also said that President Trump has not changed his tone on this crucial thing, just mentioning it there, this crucial thing about wearing a mask. The president has been consistent on this. He wore a mask back at the fourth facility. He carries it around in his pocket. The president did wear a mask that one time, after he had refused to do so for months. I think wearing a face mask as i greet president s, prime ministers, dictators, kings queens, i dont know, somehow i dont see it for myself. I didnt want to give the press the pleasure of seeing it. So, he refused to wear a mask because it wasnt for him, he didnt want to give the press the pleasure of seeing it. We saw it every day he never wore it except the one time he didnt want us to see. It never should have been about the press. It should have been about setting a good example for the public and saving lives. All of a sudden this week, the president has done a complete aboutface. I have the mask right here. I carry it and i will use it gladly. No problem. Im getting used to the mask. And the reason is think about patriotism. Wait a minute. If its about patriotism, why wouldnt he wear one . Why did he sworn them . He scorned them for months and now its about patriotism. Okay. Look. He is right. Its about helping other human beings, but his sudden verbal conversion is rich. And of course theres the Republican Convention at jacksonville which the president finally cancelled yesterday which was a major flip for the president , a change in tone and retreat. Before removing the convention to jacksonville it was going to all be in charlotte. The president spent weeks berating the governor for suggesting the convention couldnt take place safely without masks and social distancing because of the virus. The people want it and well have to see whether or not the governor now, hes a democrat and a lot of the democrats, for political reasons, dont want to open up their states. Hes been acting very, very slowly and very suspiciously. The governors little backward there. Hes a little bit behind. And unfortunately were going to probably be having no choice but to move the Republican Convention to another location. Thats too bad, too bad for north carolina. And then we went to florida. Okay. Well, now totally different, right . Now suddenly the president recognizes the risks and is cancelling the convention in a virus hot spot of florida. I look at my team and i said the timing for this event is not right. Its just not right with whats happened recently, the flare up in florida, to have a Big Convention is not the right time. So, now, the president has not been consistent on everything with this virus. He was for five and a half months until this week when things changed. What his press secretary said today is just false. He has changed his tone. Hes backed down. All of this is a good thing. It should be applauded. Its hard to say that, right . This is something that should have been done months and months and months ago so i dont know why were applauding it. Its good if he sticks with it, wears a mask. When the president was denying the strength of the virus and importance of wearing a mask, he was doing a great deal of damage. A lot of people our reporters talked to them, said if he doesnt have to wear one i dont need to wear one. My body, my rights, look at him. More than 144,000 americans died while the president didnt wear a mask and said we have it under control, its going to go away, the numbers are miniscule. If you had wanted the truth from someone in washington, you could not go to the white house for five and a half months. You had to go to dr. Fauci. I think whats happening is youre seeing an evolution of a realization of the reality of whats going on and i believe hes adjusting to that right now and acting accordingly. Because at the very least we have to hope he continues to act accordingly. Kaitlan collins is outfront at the white house. Kaitlan, obviously for Kayleigh Mcenany to say the president hasnt changed his tone is absurd. It defies reality and something that any american who has watched a snippet of news would know. Why the shift now and why are they denying something so blatant . Its not clear why theyre denying it. You just played sound bite after sound bite of what the president has been saying since january and february of this. Some of those moepts are still happening this week like when the president said he believed testing was overrated or claimed out citing any evidence or studies that masks can cause problems too. Those moments are still happening even as the president is reversing course and trying to shift his stance on this in several other instances. And probably whats most notable is his decision to cancel the convention. Even thats a decision that came about pretty quick wily this we. That decision came together in about 24 hours we were told by sources and it was so closely held, so few people knew about it because aides werent sure if he was going to change his mind. That gives indication of how the white house has tried to portray as a decision of leadership. Really it was about the poll numbers the president has been looking at this week. 62 of people do not think its a good idea to hold a convention in florida in august in the middle ofl pandemic. The larger picture of poll after poll showing a lot of voters think that joe biden would do a better job handling coronavirus than what President Trump has done so far. And those numbers finally seem to get through to the president. And of course florida is going to be a big concern for him. So, it was all those things really culminating together that led to this. And aides are certainly happy the president has changed his tone. Thats why they keep pointing to the instances where hes worn a mask because they know they dont have a lot to work with when it comes to that. The question like you hipted at earlier is ultimately whether or not this is something the president sticks with and whether or not its too late for voters to think hes actually changing his tone. Thank you very much kaitlan. Yeah, the mask thing is just amazing. Hes on twitter mocking people for wearing them. You cant pretend you didnt do all those things. Everybody heard and saw and you can replay. Outfront now, dr. Jonathan reiner, director of cardiac cath lab who advised the white house, and dr. Ashish jha. Dr. Reiner, the president goes from im not going to let anyone see me in a mask and give them the pleasure and wouldnt wear to now Everyone Needs to wear a mask. He went from we have it well under control, its going away, its miniscule, its gone, its leaving to its a terrible disease. He said the former comments on these things for five and a half months and hes now saying the latter for a few days. But the press secretary says theres been no change in tone. What does that do to public trust . Well, it erodes it. Words matter. And the words of a president matter a lot. Erin, when i see a patient after a heart attack, when i see them in clinic, i weigh my words very carefully because i know theyre listening. And if i need the patient to lose weight and get their Blood Pressure under control and stop smoking, i say it explicitly. But for the first four to five months of this pandemic, the president said that testing was overrated, that masks werent for him, that the virus was a hoax, was going to go away. He felt it appropriate to hold rallies in pandemic hotspots. His words and actions resonated through the country and thats why the virus is raging through large sections of the southwest. The words of the president matter. We need an unequivocal voice from the president of the United States that says the following. Every american needs to wear a mask. We need a president who gives cover to governors to close down if the virus is out of control in their states. We need a president who says we will not open schools if its not safe to do so for the children, the teachers and the parents. We need an unequivocal voice from a leader in washington. And if the president is going to do that, ill stand up and applaud him. So, dr. Jha, how much on the example even this week hes still trying to say the only reason theres more cases is theres more testing and obviously the math does not show that as testing has increase. Not enough and you have to wait ten days to get results in some places. Thats a whole separate issue. But the number of cases obviously, it dramatically exceeds that. So, how much further do we need to go . And what could he do now to fix it . Well, were really in a very difficult spot right now. So, we have a long way to go both on testing and just getting the disease under control in general. I think its worth understanding that we are the global hot spot right now, that much of the southern United States is generating a large proportion of the cases around the world. So, we have a lot to do. I am deeply worried about our testing infrastructure. It is hitting the wall and it is starting to crumble and were seeing that in delays in returns, were seeing that in machines starting to break down. Were seeing that in how hard it is for people to start getting tested. So, we need a reboot, erin. And we really need the president the words are very important and im happy to hear them, but we want to see that followed with actions from the white house to create a True National testing strategy so that americans, when they get sick and get tested and get results quickly, that will be an important part of bringing this disease under control. Dr. Ryan e i want to play something that dr. Fauci told David Axelrod about his own safety. Its kind of a stunning exchange. Let me play it for you in full. You know, back in the day of hiv when i was being criticized with some hate mail, it was more, you know, people calling me a gay lover and youre wasting a lot of time on that. I mean, things that you would just push aside as being stupid people saying stupid things. Its really a magnitude different now because the amount of anger i mean, as much as people, you know, the inappropriately, i think, make me somewhat of a hero, which im not a hero. Im just doing my job. There are people who get really angry at thinking that im interfering with their life because im pushing a Public Health agenda. I mean, the kind of not only hate mail but actual serious threats against me are not good. I dont really see how society does that. Yeah, how do you process that . You know, its testiough. I mean, its tough. Serious threats against me, against my family, my daughters, my wife. I mean really . Is this the United States of america . But its real. It really is real. Have you had to take on security measures . Yes, yes, ive been given security. I think is this the United States of america . But it is. But its real. What do you think when you hear that . It makes me both angry and really sad. Tony fauci is a scientist. Hes devoted his life to science. Hes devoted his life to trying to cure the most dreaded diseases of our time. But hes been demonized because he hasnt cued closely to the orgt deoxyof this administrationment hes simply tried to tell the truth. During the interview that the president had today, the president said that tony fauci wants to keep states closed for two years. Tony faucis never said that. But when the president parrots that kind of nonsense, it resonates through the lunatic fringe, and thats what generates this kind of hate and danger to a patriot like tony fauci. This kind of antiscience message is very destructive. Look, im worried that once we succeed in creating a vaccine or vaccines that were going to have to go a long way to convince large parts of the country, the same parts of the country that generate hate mail to tony fauci, were going to have to convince them to actually take the vaccine. Which is terrifying. Dr. Jha, theres Something Else dr. Fauci said today about this challenge to science. To people out there right now trying to save lives. Public Health Officials. Heres what he said. Often the evidence and the facts are not readily acceptable by some people who push back against it. You just have to stick by your guns, dont get involved in any ideology. We are not politicians. We are Public Health officials. So, dr. Jha, what are the repercussions for the country when someone like tony fauci is getting Death Threats and push back like this. He has to tell the people dont let the politicians do this to you. Just do your job. So, erin, i think this is possibly the biggest problem facing america right now. The reason we have almost 1,200 americans dying today, the reason we are in such deep trouble is because of a campaign of misinformation. Largely through social media like facebook. But propagated by political leaders. And basically, it confusing large chunks of the american people. And the point of leadership is to clarify that and to suppress and push back against misinformation and talk the truth to the american people. That has not happened from many of our political leaders. It has been left up to people like dr. Fauci. Im sure dr. Reiner has felt this. I have felt this. We spent enormous amounts of time fighting this information instead of fighting the virus and left us much worse off as a country and as a people. Its cost us many, many lives. Thank you both very much. And next growing questions over immunity, whether you can get reinfected. Im going to speak with a doctor who treated a man who recovered from the virus months ago and just died after testing positive again. Plus children with coronavirus. A texas family with a warning as their two young sons struggle with the virus. More than 20 states grappling with a surge in deaths, one of them Washington State which was early. Seemed to have a handle on the virus. Not anymore. The virus is going to do whatever its going to do and all it needs is a little bit of help to kind of go crazy. I like liberty mutual. They get that no two people are alike and customize your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need. What do you think . I dont see it. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Can match the power of energizer. Because energizer ultimate lithium is the longest lasting aa battery in the world. [confetti cannon popping] energizer. Backed by science. Matched by no one. vo verizon knows how to build unlimited right. 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Wayfair, youve got just what i need new tonight for the second day nay row, california hitting a new high for deaths reported in a single day from coronavirus. Oregon also reporting its highest number of single day deaths. This is hawaii, indiana, and oklahoma, three states in very different parts of the country are all now reporting new records for positive cases in a i single day. Athea jones is outfront. The School Calendar is not the pandemic calendar. Reporter the cdc is out with long awaited dpiedlines making the case schools should reopen in some cases, arguing children suffer in a Remote Learning environment. There have been substantial Public Health negative consequences for children not being in school. Reporter and stressing they appear to be at lower risk for serious complications from covid19 and theyre less likely to spread the virus than adults. What i cant tell you for sure is whether children under 10 in the United States dont spread the viruses the same as children over 10. One reason theres so much concern, particularly in hotspots like floridas miamidade county. Youre talking about 350,000 students plus another 40,000 teachers. So, youre putting a tremendous amount of people back into the economy in a way that could end up being a super spreader event. Exactly what doctors at over whem overwhelmed hospitals are worried about. Its dangerous to have face to face school. Were drowning here. Reporter the cdc also advising local authorities to take into account the level of virus transmission in the community before resuming inperson classes. When you look at the hotspots, i think most of us right now are looking where the percent Positivity Rate within the community is greater than 5 . Reporter many of the Nations School districts pressure to make a decision before the cdc guidance came down. Some decided to hold online only classes in the fall, others postponing the start of the school year. After new daily deaths nationwide passed 1,000 for the Third Straight day, signs new infections may be leveling off in some of the hardest hit places like florida, arizona, texas, and california. Still, scenes like this one, a maskless cloud of hundreds at a Northern California Worship Service are worried. Meanwhile, medical experts and other penned an open leader urging leaders to shut down the entire country again and start over, this time following the kinds of Public Health guidelines that helped dozens of other countries get the virus under control. Dr. Anthony fauci only partly agrees. Im not so sure you need to all of a sudden everybody go back to a complete lockdown. You know, it could come to that. Youve always got to leave that on the table. N reporter now one of the Public Health measures is of course wears masks. Mcdonalds and chipotle are joining a long list of companies that will require customers to wear face masks. The rules are in effect in chipotle and will start august 1st in mcdonalds. I want to go to dr. David thrasher, Critical Care doctor for montgomery pulmonary consultants in alabama. Im sorry to have you on under these circumstances. I want to ask you about a specific story of one of your patients. I know you had a patient that tested positive for the virus all the way back in february, more than five months ago, who recovered. Then tested positive again last month, june, and died of the virus. I know youre limited due to privacy laws and e did tails here, but this opens the door to something significant which is the virus lying dormant in somebody for months or somebody recovering and getting it again a second time. What else cuan you tell us abou this . As you say im limited from hipaa regulations. But this patient contracted the virus before it was in america, contracted over in europe. He said he was pretty sick, pretty much in bed for a week, felt horrible, did not go to the hospital. But then totally recovered and went back to his normal way of life. Then in midjune, he contracted the illness again at an area restaurant that had some positive covid employees a couple days later that shut down. He got sick. And he went home thinking hes going to be kind of like the First Episode he had over in europe. He got sicker and sicker. He was in a rural hospital. They did not have the capability of what we call highflow oxygen. So, he sent him to montgomery where we started treating him. We tested him again with a pcr, the gold standard. So, we did diagnose him having covid19 the second time, not a relapse. He had antibodies showing that he had some previous immunity. This patient went on about six days later and died of the illness. Now, point this brings to us, weve always been told that there is some limited immunity. Recent studies came out, said it may only last 30, 40 days. We dont know exactly. We do know that its not a get out of jail free card. As i tell people, dont get fat and happy because youve had it. You still need to wear a mask and protect yourself. You can not only get it again, but unfortunately, you can die. Its pretty incredible what youre saying. So, he had the antibodies, but he did contract it again. And he died. You know, this is just i just think this is something people need to hear. There is a lot of assumption out there. We hear it from rand paul and others, you get immunity of some sort. What youre saying it could be brief. Yesterday where you are, you had a new high for cases in a single day, and i know its been incredibly difficult for you over the past month and a half that you and i have been talking. Youve been a doctor since 1983. Have you ever sewn anything like what youre seeing now . No, i have been in Critical Care since 1983 and served as county coroner for 13 years and seen a lot of deaths. Ive seen more people die than any doctor in montgomery because of those two jobs. We saw the h1n1 swine flu pandemic. Nothing like this. Why is this different . Well, the patients linger a lot longer before they die, but the worse thing is the patients cannot communicate with their families very well. The families cannot communicate with the sick relatives. And nor can the doctors communicate. We do this by phone. Thats not a way to conduct medicine. Its terribly traumatic that our brave nurses, they are the bridge to these peoples world. Theyre with them day and night and theyre the true heroes out there. And thats the communication that these patients have with the world. Its tough. Ive not seen anything like this nor has any other doctor. I appreciate your time, again. Thank you, sir. Sure. Zblvlg and next, two Young Children in the same family infected. How are their parents managing this terrifying ideal . Theyre outfront. And the state of washington was the model for coronavirus containment, they got it, got through it, and it was better. Now things have changed and theres a troubling trend in that state. Its pretty inspiring the way families redefined the word school this year. Its why, at xfinity, were committed to helping kids keep learning through the summer. And help College Students studying at home stay connected through our university program. Were providing affordable Internet Access to low income families through our internet essentials program. And this summer, xfinity is creating a Virtual Summer camp for kids at home all on xfinity x1. Were committed to helping all families stay connected. Learn more at xfinity. Com education. New tonight, dallas county, texas, announcing a 5yearold boy has died from coronavirus, the countrys first or the countys first preteen death. We dont know yet if the child had underlying issues. The county has announced 1,450 children under the age of 18 have tested positive for coronavirus this month. This comes as parents across the country are making Big Decisions on whether to send their kids to school this fall. Two children in one family in nearby arlington, texas, is battling the virus. This is 11yearold scotty carlton. He has fought Underlying Health conditions since his birth. He was hospitalized and tested positive for coronavirus. One year later, his brother jeffrey also tested positive. He did not have to be hospitalized. Lucky scotty has been released from the hospital. Outfront now, their parents jeff and catherine. A appreciate your time and talking to all of us. I know its got to be hard, as a parent myself, for you to do this. Jeff, let me start with you. We know that out of the hospital and back home, how are scotty and jeffrey both doing today . Theyre definitely better. Thank you for asking. There are still complications, right . But the big factors that were concerned about like fever, for example, were not seeing that anymore. But they still have some complications. There are still some sick kids here. And complications like you mentioned things like headaches and things like that, jeff . Yeah, scotty has been this is how it started. Hes the oldest. Jeffrey was feverish and fatigued for the first few days now hes having mysterious debilitating ed hadaches that come on quickly for ten 10 or 1 minutes and they tend to go away. Thats new and concerning. Of course, of course. Catherine, i know you are both really worried about this virus. From the beginning you were cautious because of scotty, because he has the underlying conditions and you did everything you were told to do. You did everything right. When you first learned that he and jeffrey tested positive, as a mother, how terrifying was that for you . It was crushing. Since march when we first heard about the virus, you know, we started making our plans and following guidance of how do we protect scotty. And we did what we thought and could do as best we could and it still happened to us four months in. And that first call was crushing. He was in the hospital and really thought if he got this it would be a death sentence. So, we are in disbelief that he got it. Were in disbelief that jeffrey got it. Were in disbelief then given his underlying conditions that he was able to come home and hes doing well. But im still worried. Were still worried because they still have symptoms. So, short term, we have concerns. I wish them both having it meant we didnt have to worry about them getting it. And we dont know the longterm effects of this virus on them, let alone that we have a third kid out here that we have tried our best to keep safe. And so far, no symptoms for the three of us. And just the concern as a mom of hey, i wish i could take it from them and have it myself and then be how do we care for them if we both get it. Its so complicated. Let alone quarantining within the house and keeping three kids separate to try and event the spread in our house. So, let me ask you about a couple of things you mentioned. Jeff, you know, you have not shown any symptoms of the virus and obviously catherine, you have tested negative. Your daughter, you mentioned your other child, your daughter is negative. So, do you think that this is because of a result of all the things youve done . I see this pictures of your boys Wearing Masks and all these precautions that youve taken, or do you think that this is possibly because it is hard for kids to spread it . I mean, youre in the midst of this. Nobody knows the answer to that. What do you think . You know, i think one of the more concerning things about this is that we just dont know. We dont know the answers to some of those questions. When we were leaving the hospital with scotty, they told me to sort of presume that i was positive. Theyve also said that even though catherine and our daughter tested negative initially they could, you know, be a false negative. They could test positive a few days later. Theres an awful lot of unknowns with this illness. All right. Well, i appreciate both of your time very much. I hope they keep getting better. I know youve got to be so worried with those continuing symptoms. But i really, as a parent myself, appreciate youre sharing all this with us. Thank you so much. Thank you. And next, going backward, Washington State seemed to have a grip on covid19 early in the pandemic. Tonight though, deaths are on the rise and at alarming rate. So, what happened . And a Major University announcing it is going to have thousands of students back in class in weeks. Im going to ask the president of the university of arizona who is also a medical doctor why he made this decision. And though you may have lost sight of your own wellbeing, aetna never did. Were always here to help you focus on your health. Because its always, time for care. New microban 24 watch as microban 24 kills 99. 9 of bacteria. And then, even after multiple touches, keeps killing bacteria for 24 hours. I trust microban 24 to keep killing bacteria for 24hours. Tonight, Washington State seeing a 50 increase in coronavirus deaths in the past week, this after the state appeared to have the virus under control. So, what happened . Dan simon is outfront. They came and picked her up and put her in the ambulance. Reporter 17yearold Robert Cordova called 911 when his moms coronavirus symptoms became severe. We didnt know if that was the last time we were going to see her. Reporter she was hospitalized in washington for nearly a month on a ventilator. When she was in a coma, we didnt know what to do. Reporter now home, she believes she contracted covid19 while working at a fruit packaging plant. All three of her children and her mother were diagnosed with mild cases. They are among the 50,000 washingtonians to get covid19 since the states first outbreak in january. First case of deadly coronavirus has reached the u. S. Its in Washington State. Washington was the countrys original epicenter. Governor jay inslee stayathome order seemed to bring things under control. And like other current hotspots, it began to reopen in may. Three months to the day after we declared a state of emergency, were successfully moving forward. Reporter but despite its head start, crowded working conditions, opposition to masks, and general quarantine fatigue have helped set the state back with confirmed cases rising since early june. The 7day rolling average of confirmed cases is currently four times greater than it was two months ago. The virus is going to do whatever its going to do and all it needs is a little bit of help to kind of go crazy. Reporter randy is a Nurse Practitioner using this makeshift medical tent to serve a Food Distribution center. Agriculture workers here like bertha are considered essential. They were only separated, like she said, about this distance with a plastic screen with them and masks and gloves. Reporter the county now has the second highest number of cases in washington, yet state mandated mask wearing has been slow to catch on. It would be different if everybody did everything they possibly could, but we havent seen that. Reporter our suppression of this virus is not at the level it needs to be. Governor inslee is reinstating restrictions on social gathering. You can only go through this so many time bfrs people throw up their hands and theyre like, whats the use . Reporter special events promoter grant harrington says hes lost up to 400,000 in revenue this year. Theres a lack of morale. Theres a lack of motivation. And i think that weve got to find ways to be proactive in safely opening businesses so we can have time to prepare, so we can do it safer. Reporter and the mother you saw there in the piece, bertha, she has a message for anyone willing to listen, erin, and that is to wear a mask. As we saw, washington is one of those states thought they had things under control. Now Health Officials are wondering if its the next california or florida. Thats why governor inz lee instituted social restriks and he instituted the mask policy. You have to wear a mask. The question now erin is compliance. It certainly is. Its a cautionary tale. Everyone thought they got it and got through it. Here it is back again. The university of arizona is announcing students will be back on campus in a matter of weeks. The schools president is a medical doctor. Hes going to talk about how hes making this decision. Hes next. And a major warning about the safety of planes after reports of engine failure in the air. Why coronavirus is likely to blame. Are you still at risk for a heart attack or stroke . Even if youre on a statin . Statins may lower some risks, but may not be enough. Thats why science delivered vascepa. For people who have persistent Cardiovascular Risk Factors and take a statin only vascepa is clinically proven to provide 25 lower risk from heart attack and stroke. Dont take vascepa if youre allergic to icosapent ethyl or any inactive ingredient in vascepa. Tell your doctor about any medicines you take, and if you are allergic to fish or shellfish. Stop taking vascepa and seek medical help if you have symptoms of an allergic reaction. Serious side effects may occur like heart rhythm problems and bleeding. Heart rhythm problems may occur in more people with persistent cardiovascular risk or who have had heart rhythm problems. Tell your doctor if you have symptoms such as irregular beat, lightheadedness, dizziness, shortness of breath, chest discomfort or fainting. Possible side effects include muscle and joint pain. Proven by science, fda approved. Vascepa can reduce your risk and add cardio protection. Call your doctor about vascepa today. Tonight, the university of arizona announcing it will begin the fall semester one month from now with a mix of in person and Remote Learning. There will be in person classes. Hospitalizations are high. They are showing some decline but obviously, youve seen e. R. Doctors on this program talking about the dire situation. The president of the university of arizona. Also a cardiac surgeon. Dr. Robins, i appreciate your time and i know you and i spoke in april when we were the epicenter, now your state is going through that. You know, so how where are you now . A month ago you said if you had to make the decision on that day, you wouldnt have in personal classes but now youre trying to have, you know, a significant portion of in person classes. How have you come to this decision now . Well, were very fortunate, erin, thank you for having me on your program again and doing this reporting. Were fortunate to have an Incident Command Task force lead by a distin wished professor at the university of arizona and the 17th Surgeon General of the United States and rich and his team look at the data every day and as you point out, we went through a bad spell in arizona and were starting to see a decrease, just in pima county here in tuesdcson. Were seeing a definite decrease. We got about a month to go. Were hopeful that as our students come back and as we test them before they go in the dorms, well be able to find those asymptomatic positive cases and to be able to isolate them up front, and have very strict protocols that well ask everyone to have face coverings at all time and follow strict rules if they want to stay at the university. So what are these in person classes look like . I mean, i would imagine youre not go to do a giant whatever, economy 101 class with 150 kids in it. So is there a college across this country and universities that are completely struggling on this. What does your model look like . Yeah, well have about no more than half the capacity of any lecture hall but were purposefully limiting the number of students and adequately, physically distancing them in the classrooms. Well have plexiglass guards for professors, and about half of our classes will have some in person contact but no more than that. But let me just say, its a pretty incredible thing that youre able to do that, right . Youre in a state where you were an accept eepicenter and now se decline in hospitalizations but harvard says all online and they are a place where everything is declining. What do you say to them . Are they missing . I dont know they are missing anything. I think, you know, its a risky proposition and a bold endeavor that were taking, but we think weve got the team and the testing, tracing and isolation protocols in place that we can provide the safeguards to protect our faculty, staff and students. Were encouraging anybody that has any high risk or just is afraid to come back, stay away. But if youre going to come back to campus, youre going to have to follow the rules and it going to be very strict protocols. The concern i have as i was saying to you before we came on about university of miami and dr. Frank, who is a leading international Public Health expert and president of the university of miami, he is absolutely in the epicenter of the world right now and hes planning to open the university of miami and weve talked and collaborated how well do this and we have to be very, very strict. Both of us are concerned what happens off campus. For those students that live in the dorms, we have some control but off campus is where we think theres a high risk of not following the rules. Thats why were working with our mayor and our county to coordinate our efforts. Obviously, a big question we saw what happened at the university of washington there. Thank you very much dr. Robins. Next, engine failures in passenger jets. The warning tonight about air travel is connected to the coronavirus. Wayfair has everything outdoor from grills to play sets and more one of a kind finds. It all ships free. And with new deals every day you can explore endless options at every price point. 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Regulators are making a rare warning the 75ton airplane could become a glider forced to land when no airport is nearby. We are dead have an engine failure. Reporter last week the crew of an Alaska Airlines flight made an Emergency Landing after a problem in one engine. The airline says that incident was most likely one of four, the faa said spurred the Emergency Action. It would be fine. Reporter the new directive calls for inspections of any 737 parked for longer than a week. Federal regulators say a critical valve can corrode and get stuck causing engine failure. Airliners have been sitting idle from atlanta to arizona where scott butlers business is booming. Were under 30 humidity across the year. So no salt water, not near oceans, salt is deadly to aircraft. Deadly to metals, you get corrosion. We have to stay on top of what is lhappening with the airplanes and maintain them as if they were flying. Reporter last month brian ker showed me United Airlines 737s and dozens of others in storage in virginia. United crews were restarting planes regularly in hopes of avoiding problems. We have a set Maintenance Program for them. What we do is on a daily basis, we may go out and we run the engines. Well check them. Make sure that the oils are up to snuff. Reporter united, alaska and all major operators of the 737 insist to cnn they make maintenance seriously and will compile with newly mandated inspections. But, its a new bump in what airlines hoped would be a smooth recovery. Thank you for joining us. Anderson starts now. So for all the talk of the president s change of attitude about the pandemic, more than 145,000 american lives into it, the president s spokesperson says change, what change . Hes been totally consistent. John berman in here for anderson. A lot to get to after a week that saw the 4 millionth

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