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Look, the move would have taken pressure off mueller, allowing him to punt questions frankry that he didnt want to answer to aaron. Aaron is a man who oversaw the day to day russia investigation for 22 months. According to a sourps with the House Judiciary Committee he will be allowed to sit next to mueller to advise but fallout to answer questions. That is muellers job. And in last minute curve ball request from mueller is still under discussion at the Intelligence Committee which will also question mueller publicly for several hours tomorrow. In drama comes as we learn President Trump is irritated mueller gets the bull horn tomorrow. The president today slamming the former special counsel publicly returning to his favorite line of attack. This whole witch hunt thats going on shall i talk about it for a second . The russian witch hunt. Okay. First of all its very bad for our country. Goes on for years and years. No collusion, no obstruction. They interviewed 500 people. Listen to this. 2500 subpoenas. They did everything. Their collusion no no inclusion they have no collusion. Okay. Lets just be clear on one really important thing. This was not a witch hundred. Muellers investigation has so far resulted in 199 criminal counts. 37 people and entities charged and almost all of them are russian. 5 people have been sentenced to prison. Whatever you make of the findings of trump, the russia investigation was an investigation into an attack on america. It was no witch hunt. And to say anything otherwise is wrong. Its wrong for the commander in chief to call it that. Manu raju is outfront live on capitol hill. Manu what more are you learning about how the two crucial committees are handling muellers, you know, unexpected last minute request for the top aide to be sworn in tomorrow . Well, theyre rejecting that request, at least the House Judiciary Committee is and the house Intelligence Committee will allowed the aide to sit longside the special downhill, same with the House Judiciary Committee. He will sit there. And adam schiff the chairman of the house Intelligence Committee said he will be allowed to answer technical questions but not in schiffs view overshadow bob mueller. Because after all its bob muellers day. But nevertheless republicans pushed back also on the request, underscoring the tensions ahead of tomorrows very high stakes hearing. Now moments ago we had a chance to talk to the House Judiciary Committee chairman about his expectations ahead of tomorrow. And he believes what mueller needs to do is lay out whats in the report and undercut what the attorney general and the president have been saying. I hope that tomorrow as ive said before Mueller Investigation revealed a lot of conduct by the president which the American People should be aware of. The president and the attorney general have systematically lied that what was in the report they said no obstruction or no inclusion. Totally exonerated all three statements not true. Its important the American People understand what was in that report. And that will o from there. Whats the risk tomorrow the risk well the question is where do they go from there . I asked the chairman of the committee whether or not he believes it could change the course of the house on impeachment. First of all he said i dont know. I said do you hope is changes the course on impeachment . He said im in the going to comment. Privately the Judiciary Committee chairman advocated for opening up an impeachment inquiry. The House Speaker resists that. The democrats are divided over the question. A lot riding on the hearing how the house pursueses its investigation and whether they open up formal proceedings against the president in the aring. Th of the high stakes thank you very much. I want to go to one of the cochems questioning mueller tomorrow. Shaun patrick ma malfli of the house Intelligence Committee. I appreciate your time, congressman. What is the key question you plan to ask mueller tomorrow . You have your few minutes, your line of questioning im sure completely set out. What can you tell me. Well im going to be listening as well. I think its important that director mueller come up and tell us what he found in his own words and answer the questions put to him. I understand he wants to reiterate whats in the report. Were okay with that. Thats top you are of our list. We want people to know whats in the report. We want them to hear from director mueller. There are a bunch of other questions but im listening and getting ready to talk. When it comes to his top aide were you surprised by the request . It sounds like from what manu is saying your committee will allow him to answer technical questions and be sworn in. Im referring o deferring to the chairman on the equip. Its not fore to say but im interested in hearing from director mueller. I think thats what the American People want. Anything getting in the way of that is not helpful. Today, the chairman of the committee, congressman adam schiff said this about muellers testimony. Let me play it for you, congressman maloney. I dont know what the impact of the hearing will be. Im i think im very realistic in my expectations. People are pretty dug if on not just trump and russia but tear just dug in on this president. If that appalling display of racism over the last two weeks weeks want wasnt enough to move people is there anything bob mueller can say that will . Is there anything bob mueller can say foam that would change anything in your view, congressman maloney. Respectfully im not sure thats the point. I think the point is to have the findings of the very important investigation set out in a clear concise way for the American People and the truth. We want the truth. And we want it from the person who is most qualified to tell us what the evidence says is the truth. Thats director mueller. He spent two years on this. We have a tremendous National Investment on this. And he needs to come up and answer the questions put to him. I think the questions will reveal that there was very serious, imare improper and unethical conduct by the president and his campaign. And there are of concerns about the security of the elections, about the issues going forward. Counterintelligence issues who may have been compromised even if not exiting crimes. Knows are the things we should be getting at if we do our jobs. I mean it. Im not prey judging what the director says. The American Public deserves to get the truth. I have to say, though, ive read the report. Youve read the report. Even having i understand you could have him quote from the report and a lot would learn a lot because the vast majority havent read the report with other things to do. But even reading the report i have a lot of questions that are not clear in the report. That bob mueller would have a strong opinion on that would not require him to violate classified information or executive privilege. Do you think he answers any of them . I know you have those questions too and a lot of other people in the room with you will as well. I think you hit the nail on the head. A lot of us will be very satisfied if all he thinks he is doing is read from the report. Because there are very important questions like why didnt the president have to give an in person interview under oath . Thats covered in the report but there is real questions about why the director let him get away with that. Especially sbaus because baud because he said in if 35 times. I dont recall i dont remember on every pertinent answer sfl precise i and director mueller talks about how the answers were insufficient and incomplete and inadequate. Thats the kind of thing we need to drill into. Because we need to understand whether the president was let off the hook on that. There is a bunch of other things like that wont be strictly speaking only whats in the report but that elaborate or provide clarity or allow us to make judgments about it. That needs to happen in a congressional hearing thats what the American Public needs by the way to to be understand what their president did when running for office and since he has been president. Today congressman maloney the president was speaking and obviously slammed mueller but also referencing the Mueller Report and his decision to do things, i suppose including fire jim comey, that he had the right to do that. Here is he said. I have an article 2 where i have the right to do what i want as president. He is not a king. He is a president. Is he right about article 2 . No, he cant commit crimes. Not above the law. Thats the constitutional system. If the president doesnt understand that he doesnt understand america . And whether he whether he thinks he can or not, thank god the framers and people writing the constitution understood even with a president that felt that way we would have institutions and rule of law that would make sure the democracy wins out. Penny. And in this moment the critical issue is whether people are above the law or not. President president needs to be held accountable for actions. Director mueller needs to answer questions about the report. The American Public needs to see it all shouldnt be withhold, behind closed doorstep and they need the truth to make judgments. And the number one judgment is whether this president who thinks himself above the law is fit to continue zbleevg i appreciate your time, congressman maloney. Well be curious to see how you come out on that as i know you dont yet formally support impeachment proceedings. Thank you. Next democrats a message for mueller ignore the Justice Department demand that he stick to his report. He does not have to comply with that letter. He doesnt work for them. He is right. But will mueller do it or not. Plus as the president grows irritated over the upcoming testimony we learn new details about the white house plan for tomorrow. And. And trumps fbi director warning, russia is still attacking. The russians are absolutely intent on trying to interfere with our elections through. Is it fair to say through foreign influence. So is America Fighting back . Do your asthma symptoms ever hold you back . About 50 of people with severe asthma have too many cells called eosinophils in their lungs. Eosinophils are a key cause of severe asthma. Fasenra is designed to target and remove these cells. 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Dont start humira if you have an infection. Be there for you, and them. Ask your gastroenterologist about humira. With humira, remission is possible. Looking at live pictures of capitol hill hours away from Robert Muellers highly anticipated testimony before congress and the world. House judiciary chairman jerry nadler ignore the doj letter that says you have to stick to whats in the 400plus page report. He does not have to comply with the letter. He doesnt work for them. And that letter asks things that are beyond the power of the agency to ask, even if he still worked for them. Outfront now, former Nixon White House counsel john dean he testified before the House Committee on the Mueller Report. And terrie codera and david preece who brief fbi director mueller as a cia intelligence officer. Thank you to all, john let me start with you. Unless bob mueller starts talking about classified information or grand jury information, is there Anything Team trump can do if mueller said, you know, im going to listen to chairman nadler im a private citizen. I can say whatever i want to say. And i do not have to listen to the doj which says i have to just stay in the report. Well he certainly has though stay away from grand jury testimony. Right. Thats not because of any department regulation. Thats federal court and federal law under the federal rules of criminal procedure. That precludes him from talking about that. There are some areas that even if he did want to go beyond it he cant. As far as his staying within the report, i think its how artful and thoughtful they are in questioning. Which is what this is all going to come down to. Because, kerry, mueller was a reluctant witness, with know only there because he was subpoenaed. He asked for the guidance from the Justice Department. People are saying they put it out there to put a gag on him. He kind of wanted it. I mean, is there any chance he does more than read from the report . Or is he going to answer some of the key questions . I think hell do more than read from the report. I dont think that every time he is asked a question he is going to turn to a page in the report and read a passage from it. Although he might certainly refer to particular sections in the report. I think he will answer the questions regarding what the facts are in the report and how the investigation was conducted. What i dont think he will answer is the question of whether or not if he as an independent prosecutor looked at the facts nar described particularly in the obstruction part in volume 2, is in his judgment would that have been a prosecutable case. Right. Thats an important question. I think theyll ask it. I dont think he will answer that question. Right they have to ask it. And in a sense he cant answer it without going against the entirely moral reason for making the decision. But there are many things that he can answer which maybe be as damning as within the prarmt of the report. I know he didnt want to tough but but you owns the investigation, spent two years of his life on it. Its called the Mueller Report. He cares about it passionately. He complained to the attorney general when the attorney general summarized it and mueller felt his findings were somehow misrepresented. I guess, david, my question for you is, wouldnt he by that logic try to do as much as he could to answer questions to eliminate so many questions out there dont require classified information to be honest about. The logic actually goes the other way. He did not put his name on the report. Putting a stamp on it saying this is my report, the Mueller Report. The letter he wrote back to attorney general barr was because the findings of the report were being mischaracterized. It wasnt because bob mueller wasnt the central figure in this. So i dont think mueller is going out there trying to make a case, trying to put out there more information in some kind of subtle which or even in an obvious way. But to your point, bds i understand he doesnt want to make it about him. I get it. Im saying it is about him even though he doesnt like it because its called the Mueller Report, number one best seller. Smur. What im saying he cares about it if its misrepresented do doepts he oowe to himself and us as the american po explain it correctly. What i expect will happen is the democrats will troy to get him to say out loud the things in the most damning so there is video with rob mueller his credibility and integrity saying what the things. What the expect the republicans on the doing is trying to challenge him and miskarngz the findings of roster. On those issues i expect bob mueller tories thats not what the report says. Ill read it to you if you cant read it, mr. Congressman because this is exactly what it says, stop mischaracterizing my report. He may not use the words. But i think the tone will be telling he wants to make sure the work he represents from his whole office is actually presented with credibility and accurately to the American People. So, john, to that effect you have aaron zebley sitting next to bob mueller. He was the deputy special counsel, ran the day to day oversight of the investigation. Now we understand he wont be lourd to be worn sworn in about i the judiciary but the Intelligence Committee chaired by chairman schiff will answer technical questions. Why does mueller want him there to give more information or to have a shield from questions he would prefer not to answer himself. Its hard to speculate on precisely what he has in mind. He may feel more comfortable with somebody who was much more granular in building the report than he was. He was sort of a big picture guy and then probably made corrections. But he didnt work up the report in the same kind of detail that his chief aide did and can probably, you know, either whisper in his ear to refresh his recollection. And i think if the committee is shrewd, notwithstanding the fact he is not there as a witness, democrats could certainly ask him a question. There is no rule that prohibits that. So well see how that plays out. Carrie with you he know him, aaron, that is. How close he is with Robert Mueller. He has worked and been a right hand to former director mueller a number of years going back to when he was fbi director. Aaron himself is a former fbi agent with extensive experience in checks worldwide, Global National security investigations. So he is an extremely credible, knowledgeable and experienced person in his own right. I think part of the reason perhaps if i was going to speculate of why director mueller is having him with him is so that there is nothing that he has to take back. So often times when senior government officials testify if they dont know the answer to detailed question they might say let me take that back for the record and well back to you, congressman. He doesnt want this to continue he wants this hearing the end of it. I suspect if there is a detailed question, aaron zebley can provide that in the moment. David, let me ask you here. Mueller has President Trump has obviously repeatedly said the Mueller Report does some things it doesnt do like no collusion no obstruction. And he has been very specific in the words he used like this time. Special counsel completed its report and found no collusion and no obstruction. Total exon ration. Complete vindication. Ive been totally exonerated. No collusion, no obstruction. David, you dont need to go outside the report to just lay out the facts here. He says totally exonner eighted twice. The Mueller Report says while the report does not conclude that the president committed a criminal, it does not exonerate him. You dont need bob mueller to say that but hearing him say that contrastwood the president. President president s words are false. Could we have have we have moments like that will he say okay what the president said is not true. Thats a legitimate question should ask which is your report has been characterized by the attorney general or other members as saying this. Is that what you found . And in a case like total exoneraten there is no way Robert Mueller will say ill go with that. He will go back to the language in the report. Most americans havent read the report we know that from polls. Were try to bring it alive. But having bob mueller say these words and say, no, the president was not totally exonerated. Let me tell you exactly what we found, that is the thing that will reach people who havent paid attention to all of the discussions weve been having about this on the air. Theyll tune in to this. And any will see what Robert Mueller has to say. All right. I appreciate your time, all of you. Thank you. And next President Trump ramping you have attacks on bob mueller as we learn details about the white house plan to rebut the testimony. Plus the u. S. And uk about to be led by two people who may be remarkably similar, at least they are according to President Trump. They say britain trump. They call him britain trump. And people say thats a good thing. I had a heart problem. I was told to begin my aspirin regimen, and i just didnt listen. Until i almost lost my life. My doctors again ordered me to take aspirin, and i do. Be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. Listen to the doctor. Take it seriously. And my side super soft . 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Plus we know the origins of the investigation as it relates to trump and his campaign. Those began a year later with George Papadopoulos this comes as truch himself spent a lot of time asking what mueller is going to do. Abbey phillips is outfront at the white house tonight. A and what are you hearing about how president president is feeling about preparing for muellers testimony. The president s annoyance about this has been palpable, overshadowing any sense offing and stiet he might feel about what mueller might say. What the president is most irritated about is this prospect that the Mueller Investigation which mass overshadowed his presidency two and a half years is coming back. And coming back with a vengeance as mueller sits down before those committees in Congress Tomorrow and testifies. President trump as you said has been talking to his aides and allies talking to them about the testimony, complaining that he cant seem to shake it. And then even offering advise about what kinds of questions he would like republicans to ask on twitter he suggested all kinds of questions about turning the tables on the investigators, asking about the origins of the investigation, about lisa page and peter strzok, the two former fisher officials who the president has hammered for months. You see President Trump showing the world that this is something that even though he has tried to say he is tuning it out its occupying space in his brain. As for the white house, how are they going to respond writ large . They will be taking coups largely from President Trump. Some allies and aides are specking to push become. But erin i think a lot of what you hear from the white house is some of the same things weve been hearing for months. They are expecting mueller to repeat a lot of the same talking points. Theyll be armed with in re talking points as well. Abbey thank you very much. And now david gergen cnn senior political analyst and former advise to four u. S. Prpts and april ryan our political analyst and correspondent for american urban radio networks. David youre with me. Trump scheduled a rally for the night of the mueller testimony. Drown him out. Fox news isnt covering mueller because im on. But the mueller testimony was moved by a we can. Trump did not reschedule the rally. Tomorrow night behind closed doors with republican donors. Did he make a mistake. He still will have an opportunity to go out and talk. He will do hell probably did o do it on the way to an airplane. He is not letting this it would go. He will call in if he has to, right. I think so. But listen i think the strategy for the democrats and what would serve the country best is to be very simple about it, to go back to the things that President Trump has been saying and barr has been saying can be dsh the attorney general has been saying, misinterpreting the spinning the report in favorable way toward the president. And whats important now is lets get back to reality and what actually happened and what the mueller team found. They can go and say, mr. Mueller, president president says there has been no collusion, period. Did you find that . There was no collusion . Thats not what he found. You said did not establish a conspiracy. Does that mean there was no evidence. There wasnt sufficient evidence to prove. In a criminal court which is very different. Did you find no obstruction . Clearly on that one he said, no, there was he found quite a lot of obstruction. And at the end of the day what are we to make of all of in, is the president someone who has crossed lines . Or is the president someone can we trust him on the questions . One last thing. Its so important and mueller, i think has absolutely every reason to come out and say, i testified im hear what we said before this was weeks ago since then on the russian hacking the country has done precious little we are not prepared. I think thats where he can go beyond the report. Because whats happened since the report is quite important, like big nothing. In terms of that front. April how is the president going to respond to mueller . Well, the president is already responding to mueller, like abbey said the key word is irritated. That it come in many forms. Just knowing the president as we see him and we have known him the past couple of years as president , you know, we can expect that the president will make a twitter rampage, you know, expressing feelings, irritation. And also, you know, maybe leading the questioners, the republican questioners in what he wants them to say. But what really is telling right now is that the president wants to move forward. He wants in over. And its not happening. And sources very close to high ranking officials are saying that some of in irritation stems from the fact that in keeps moving on after they basically tabled the impeachment sthu that al green congressman al green brought up last week. Right. And also today the naacp this was huge. The president was supposed to come to detroit. The naacp came one a resolution to push for articles of impeachment against this president. This is something that wont die. He is irritated about it as he wants to move forward. He thought it would be over by now. David he thought it would be over. But it isnt. He is trying to discredit mueller. Here he is. I know he is conflicted. There is a lot of conflicts he has, including the fact that his best friend is comey. But he has conflicts with me too. He has big conflicts with me. As you know he wanted the job of the fbi director. He didnt get it. And we had a business relationship where i said no. None of that is true by the way. It was that mueller used to be a member of a golf club that was trumps he didnt use his membership and cancelled. It would make a good deal of difference if democrats could take that and ask question base it dsh did you really want the fbi job. If they can gets on film here is what the president said here is how mueller corrects the record thats more powerful. And gets outside the report too. April we are hearing that democrats fear republicans may try to interrupt and the hearing as you say is trump putting questions out on twitter suggest making compensates. The democrats had a kmsz playing the role of jim jordan mocking the hearing is he coordinating with the key republicans. If he is not his top officials are talking with them. Thats something we know. If this president can go to his own people and orp not just the president but some of his top tier staff and lawyers can go to people who have been interviewed by mueller to say what did you say, believe me, people are trying to find out whats going to happen or what they will say and trying to influence on the hill. And that you hit something, erin. This week here in detroit nancy pelosi told me yesterday that she is concerned about abuse of in process by republicans. So she is very concerned about this, as she is looking for the truth to come out. Yeah, a circus it could turn into a circus. We hope it doesnt which would be in no ones interests. Thank you very much. Well see you of course tomorrow april i know you are talking about the 2020 democrats about the drama at the naacp conference and we look forward to hearing all the details of what they tell you thank you. Yes thank you. Next the president s fbi director warning the russians are still attacking america. So what is trump doing about it . Vice chairman of the senate Intelligence Committee mark warner is outfront. Plus the president reportedly trying to protect an alleged chinese spy because he is a member of maralago. At tmobile, for 40 line for four lines, its all included for the whole family. Like unlimited with netflix on us. And now with each new line, get one of our latest smartphones included. 40 line for four lines and smartphones are included for the whole family. Were oscar mayer deli fresh your very first sandwich,m. Your mammoth masterpiece. And. Whatever this was. Because we make our meat with the good of the deli and no artificial preservatives. Make every sandwich count with oscar mayer deli fresh. So chantix can help you quit slow turkey. Rkey. Along with support, chantix is proven to help you quit. With chantix you can keep smoking at first and ease into quitting. Chantix reduces the urge so when the day arrives, youll be more ready to kiss cigarettes goodbye. 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What more are you learning with his connection to maralago and the president s involvement . So one of the things we should do is sort of tease out the time line here. His his deportation was halted more than a year ago after the president allegedly found out that he was a member of his south florida club. Now we just found out this past friday from Court Filings in new york that a company that he partnered with in the past to do a bit of research, a u. S. Based company, has accused him of trying to gather intel for the Chinese Government. And so that allegation is whats new. Its unclear if federal authorities are acting on that information. But when it comes here to the president s involvement from what you found, sarah, from the time line, it certainly appears that its very possible that the Chinese Government want him back. Apparently a spy. So that is the reporting. And the president the president gets involved because of maralago . Yes. And so there are sort of two competing narrative with mr. Gao, one as his former Business Associates say, he could be a spy for the Chinese Government. And they have presented that case. The other side of this is that mr. Gao has been an outspoken contradict of Chinese Government and continues to be so on his Facebook Page today and seeking asylum in the United States. And so either way, he seems to have strategically placed himself at maralago. We dont know how old his membership is, only he has been a member for several years. And that, yes, at one point when the Chinese Government was asking for his return that status did help him avoid deportation. You know, look, its pretty stunning to imagine the president of the United States getting involved with something for for anything like this, never mind for this sort of reason. But it comes as youve reported on security at the maralago. Under heavy scrutiny the woman who snuck in may abspy. Cindy yang who has appeared there many times with the president many times, accused of selling access to trump and his family through maralago, all of this possibly tied back to china. Thats right. Its certainly interesting timing for this news to come out. Is it politically motivated as mr. Gao has suggested . Maybe. I think well know more and obviously we will follow this story to find out what federal authorities do know about mr. Gao if anything or if he has been caught up in the investigation you mentioned, the Ongoing Investigation into possible espionage at maralago. Which of course seems to have some very serious security issues. Thank you very much. Sarah. I appreciate your time. And next, the president s fbi director says the russians are attacking america. Is the president of the United States taking this threat seriously at all now . Plus President Trump see as din tread spirit in britains new tough talking Prime Minister. He is tough and he is smart. 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His director of National Intelligence dan coates, head of the nsa, National Security agency and others saying russia will be back because they were effective in 2016. And what is flabbergasting to me and see this president still makes jokes about it with Vladimir Putin when the g20 meetings rather than holding him accountable. And the fact we have a series of Bipartisan Legislation we cant get to the floor of the senate because the majority leader senator mcconnell wont allow us to bring it forward. Common sense things like if a Foreign Agent tries to interfere there ought to be an obligation to tell the fbi. Trying to make sure we paper backpack for any polling stations or trying to put in place rules of the road for social media. This sunt be partisan. But unfortunately the president s unwillingness to grapple with it we are not protected as we should be. I want to play what former special counsel robert murlt mueller said at the end of his release about the report. Perhaps most that there were multiple systematic efforts to interfere in our election. And that allegation deserves the attention of every american. At least one american has not seemed to take the central allegations seriously. Here is who trump has blamed for the russian attacks. There could be lots of other people. It could be somebody sitting on their bed that weighs 400 pounds. It might be just a hacker, some guy with a 200 iq that cant get up in the morning. Also said the senator could be a guy in his home in new jersey. Does it matter what the president says if the director is fighting attacks or not . The matters when the president dismiss and belittles this kind of attack because it sends a signal to a lot of americans that maybe this is not something thats important. At the end of the day, the russians supported trump in 2016 but the real goal is to divide us as a country and when every one of the president s appointees are trying to do their job and the president continues to belittle this, you know, it just doesnt make our country safe, and thats one of the reasons i hope and pray that whatever bob mueller says tomorrow that he reiterates the importance of this National Security threat and hopefully will then break down some of the resistance allowing us to bring Bipartisan Legislation to put rules in place. So, you know, i want to read a section of the Mueller Report to you. Youre familiar with it. The special counsel writes russian intelligence targeted quote Voter Registration software and electronic polling stations and then goes on to say while the investigation identified evidence that the russian targeted these individuals and entities, the office did not investigate further. Mueller says more than 24 states were targeted millions of americans compromised. Now, he says look, we stopped investigating and handed it off but are you confident, senator, in this . Is it possible the russians got enough information to have the ability to change Election Results in this country . I think that in 2018 department of Homeland Security and others we were much better than 2016, but what we dont have assurance is we dont have assure raeance every state and polling station has a paper ballot backup god for bid we were hacked into. We dont have appropriate controls over three private come opinion kne companies. If you want to mess with the election, you dont need to change voter results if you move 5,000 folks from one set of precincts from another, youll create chaos on election day. As russians themselves learned, the easiest path in is through contractors. Thank you very much. Thank you, erin. Next, jeanne moos getting the british Prime Minister he always wanted. 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Though hes more athletic than trump whether hes taking out a 10yearold, playing rugby or getting stuck on a zip line left dangling. True hes bad mouthed President Trump. Stupid ignorance unfit to hold the office of president. Donald trump is clearly out of his mind. That is apparently not on trumps mind because he is saying. Youll get it done. Boris is good. This headline disagrees Queen Elizabeth moving to canada. The cap that lives at 10 downing street was like wise portrayed as packing, no, i cant believe they chose him, either. Ivanka trump once posed with Boris Johnson inspiring comparisons to a trump impersonator. Now shes congratulating him on becoming the next Prime Minister of the united kingston. Oops. Newt gingrich describes boris as Margaret Thatcher with wild hair. His harrys momeiest moments ar behighligbehiging highlighted. Will Boris Johnson comb his hair meeting the queen . Their hire stylair styles ar opposites. With trump, each strand is put in its proper place to give him a look he wants, while boris favors the slept on look its an accident in progress thats been happening for years. How long have you been cutting your own hair . As he prepared for the role of britains leader, reporters noted. Got the hair under control. If he does comb his hair, split screens are multiplying like split ends. That last one was a little bizarre. All right. Thank you so much for joining us. Dont forget, you can watch outfront any time anywhere. Go to cnn go. Well see you tomorrow of course, the mueller testimony begins in front of the house Intelligence Committee in just 13 hours from now. A. C. 360 begins right now. Will before ase of pair committees and talkbout a 448 page document which is one way of putting it and it might be the way former Russia Special counsel rob beer mueller would prefer to have it. It is not safe to say how people see it here in washington nor how people all over the country will likely see it tomorrow. House democrats will be questioning him tomorrow spent the day prepping for it. The president s republican defender circulated talking points which cnn obtained. The president has been tweeting and talking about it no surprise and this is whether he thinks it ought to be or not a key moment in his presidency and a critical one for the country. Everyone if Robert Mueller stays within

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