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Anything. Im hearing little stories about iran. If they do anything they will suffer greatly. S in serious. War with iran would be world shattering. What we do know tonight is that americas closest ally doesnt seem to see what trump sees. Here a top british general. Am i concerned about the danger . No, not really. Americas allies arent the only one skeptical. Jerry moran telling reporters after a classified briefing with the cia and nsa there is a lot more to be known before decisions are made. And he is not the only one pushing back against the white house. Key senators from both parties are now demanding answers from team trump. I have no idea what the threat stream is. The Trump Administration has not provided any information to this committee. On the intelligence behind their decisions. There is a reason senators and the American People should be concerned. And that is that the president s Top National Security adviser has made a career of comments about iran like these. The declared policy of the United States of america should be the overthrow of the mulla regime in tehran. We have not been prepared although we should be prepared to take down the regime in tehran. Our goal should be regime change in iran. But why now . Why this talk now from the president . Well, there is a tweet or two for that. Here are two tweets from trump during the 2012 election. The first now that obama poll numbers are in tail spin watch for him to launch a strike in libya or iran. He is desperate. Then dont let obama play the iran card to start a war to get elected be careful republicans. But tonight some of trumps friends are warning him to be careful. For example laura ingram tweeting war with iran is one of the few certain paths for donald trump to harm his reelection prospect. Katlyn collins is outfront life and katlyn it seems like the white house is keeping virtually everyone in the dark here about what they may know or not know. Why team trump is taking such an aggressive stance here. The question is erin how much longer can it last . But lawmakers are demanding information here. We know the gang of eight is going to be briefed on capitol hill tomorrow. But privately white house feshls are saying what they are saying publicly that yes this threat is credible. It is real and some of the republicans who have been briefed on it are agreeing with the white house here. White house officials are saying the latest moves that the u. S. Has been making is not an opening into war with iran but of course the question is what are they basing this on . Because they still have not said publicly what in flet is going to be. And they havent said whether or not they are going to reveal what the threat could be, whats behind the latest moves theyve made. As you pointed out there is a lot of speculation on john bolton. The president s National Security adviser, not only what he said in the past but what he advises the president today. But of course the president tweeted about this saying he takes opinions from all sides. Of course referencing not only john bolton who the president president normally ochten jokes is trying to start wars in multiple countries even the president says that to other World Leaders but the president is saying he is taking advise from other people sometimes when an idea is floated and there are prominent voices like laura ink gram, saying in could hurt the president s reelection effort. He sometimes listened to those. That could be evident in the president s latest tweet when among other things he said iran will want to talk soon. That could be indicative maybe the president is looking to solve this this way. But of course lawmakers want to know more information right now from the white house. Thank you very much. Outfront now one of the lawmakers democratic senator from oregon. Who sits on the Senate Foreign relations committee. Senator thank you. Youre welcome. Is there a legitimate threat from iran from what you know. We always know iran is up to mischief. We dont like their arc of influence that continues across iraq to syria and lebanon. There is a lot we dont like. But as to something significantly different, we have not seen that information. And i must say what we have seen is this administration doing many things that kind of pave a path towards hostilities that should be a concern to us all. So when they say that, you know, that there is the possibility of americans being kidnapped, violence against americans, in iraq from iran, right, which of course would be an inkrelk act of aggression, of war, they havent shared any of that with you on the Senate Foreign releases committee, no information to support that yet. No they have not i anticipate after the group of eight is briefed the rest will get a briefing next week. That shows you a little bit how this is coming behind the argument. And in that sense, because what has happened is the administration has evacuated personnel from iraq, which is also a shiite country like iran. They have moved skrermted the movement of an Aircraft Carrier into the region. They have proceeded to end the waivers for the purchase of oil from iran, putting Enormous Economic pressure on them and hurting allies like japan and north korea and some other big economies like india from. This combination of efforts is the sort of thing that could lead up to making the argument, look, there is a lot of bad things they are doing. Were going to take the military action. Thats our concern. Remember bolton wrote that article, the oped piece that ended with bomb bomb iran. The headline was to stop irans bomb, bo bottom iran. Yes. Exactly. I feel a lot of mistrust of these coordinated efforts that seem to build a case for war. President trump denied a New York Times report that he was looking at plans to send up to 120,000 troops to the middle east if iran attacked u. S. Forces, which you know if they attack americans in iraq would fit that description. Here is part of his answer. Now, would i do that . Absolutely. But we have not plans for that. Hopefully were not going to have to plan for that. And if we did that wed send a hell of a lot more troops than that. He is right. There would be a hell of a lot more troops than that. But is that the way he should be speaking . Well, i its just a part of in drum beat that is going on. And you hear a little bit from part of the administration. Were just not moving Aircraft Carriers preparing to send troops. The the president says no we are not. But if we do prepare well send a lot more than that. The just the but the whole dialogue he is not disavowing the set of actions that have been taken, including designating the revolutionary guard inside iran as a terrorist organization. They put the forward the argument th argument. Have they taken action that threatens in a way that Vital National interest or Something Different than in the past. Do you think iran takes President Trumps comments seriously in terms of is he upping the risk of war by what he is saying do they believe it. I think they do take his comments very seriously, yes. And i think it also what it does is undermine the moderates inside iran because the revolutionary guard and the conservatives are saying, see, we couldnt trust the United States. We said that all along. They bailed on their treaty commitments to us even after we dismantled the plutonium reactor and moved the uranium out of the country. And brought in an incredible number of inspectors unprecedented in any arms control agreement. After we did this the United States bailed. And now they continue to politicize the attacks on us. It does strengthen the hard liners inside iran. So, you know, i just read two of the tweets the president sent back in 2012, right. He was talking about iran. One of them now that obamas poll numbers are in spin watch him him to launch a strike in libya or iran. He is zbrit. Dont let obama play the iran card to start a war to get elected. Be careful republicans. Is that and see is he doing this now because he is afraid of something . I think that he is very concerned about his standing in america. As he thinks about elections he thinks about what fears can we generate among the public . That generally has been a good political strategy for republicans. And we saw it with immigration six months out from the 2018 election. Where he basically created a crisis on the border, did a whole things like the child separation, trying to accent the internment camps across america. 15,000 Migrant Children in prisons. Almost weekly there was immigration announcement. I would expect another fear factor, maybe its a trial balloon but its dangerous territory. So you mention immigration. We are learning new details this hour about the white house immigration plan. Jared kushner central to that. We understand from our reporting, senator, that it would it would shift to a merit based system. We knew they wanted that but they are informal doing that. Family ties not the driver of how people get into the country. Its going to be merit. And they do not address daca at all. Is that a nonstarter . Well, it is yes. Yes, the short answer the short answer is yes. And what we have seen is just one bad idea on immigration after another. What they did to create a crisis with the children and to lock up the 15,000 kids was to stop recruiting sponsors to be able to host children awaiting the asylum series with families in skooms. And were inflicting trauma on children by keeping them locked up rather than proceeding to have people children placed where they should be placed. There is so much politics involved in this. Its just very disturbing. Thank you for your time, juror. I appreciate it. Thank you, take care. Next breaking news, the governor of alabama signing the most restrictive abortion bill in america. Are other states about to follow . Plus the white house taking new steps to shutdown democrats attempts at oversight pl telling the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee no do overs. Chairman nadler respondsout front. And one of President Trumps prized possessions is reportedly losing money big time. I just left Trump National doral in miami. And its a great place. Weve done it hah great work old chap. 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Breaking tonight, no exceptions, the governor of blachl signing the most restrictive abortion bill in the United States. And here is who put the bill on her desk which she was happy to sign. The state senate. You see male dominated passing the measure late last night, 25 men in fact voting for this. Keep in mind women make up more than half of the population of alabama. There were only, though where four women in the Alabama State senate to weigh in on the issue. The bill has virtually zero exceptions to allow abortion. So no abortion in the case of rain. No abortion portion in the case of incest in. 2017 a 12yearold girl in alabama was rained by a relative many became pregnant rained under this bill she would have had to keep the baby. Outfront now joan our cnn analyst and our political reporter. Joan, let me show you a map of states across the country that have passed more restrictions on abortion. Others are moving in that direction as you can see by the colors on the map if you watch at home. The trend is not going anywhere. Why is it happening everywhere . Clearly, erin, states are emboldened by the new Supreme Court. First of all, President Donald Trump when he was campaigning back in 2016 said he wanted to reverse roe v. Wade and he would appoint justices who held the similar sentiment. And now we have two new trump appointees on the court. Most kroushlly Brett Kavanaugh succeeding Anthony Kennedy who was the key fifth vote on abortion. He succeeded him last fall. I think the state he is certainly are responding to that. But, you know, its going to be a long haul. The law you just described cannot be enforced right now. Its flying flat in thes face of Supreme Court precedent that says that government skoont put an undue burden on a womans right to end a pregnancy before a fetus would be viable at about 24 weeks. This is setting up a major clash. But the way the law works is that things move incrementally. And i do not see that law being enforced for any time in the near future. And as in push happens, though, nea, the democrats running for office are seizing on it, right, to the point that joan made, because niece laws are happening because of people who see what trump is trying to do to the Supreme Court because they are emboldened by that and the democrats are responding here are a few of the 2020ers today. They are trying to overreturn roe versus wade. Thats wrong. And we will fight back. This alabama effort and the effort across in country now in 29 states is an allout take on roe productive rights. When abortions were illegal in our country women died. They died. Because they were not given choice. Its a fundamental issue. So does this move the needle for democrats nea . Obviously they are jumping on it but does it motivate the voters. It certainly does. And i think the reality that joan lays out there, the reality of these bills kind of percolating through the Appellate Courts and percolating in the states and the reality of the conservative Supreme Court means its a new era in american politics in terms of the abortion debate. Just hasnt been the case before where the reality of the overturn of roe v. Wade has seemed at hand in a way that it does right now because all of those dynamics. So its certainly moving the needle in terms of fund raising for instance. And you saw beto orourke and Bernie Sanders basically mail out pleas to donate to planned barnthood and different abortion rights activists in groups and alabama. But i think there is a new reality of women running for president and can articulate some of the issues around abortion in a way you havent really been seeing. You know, you saw that obviously with Hillary Clinton and now we have a crowd of women running for president and can talk about it in a way we havent seen before. Thats an interesting new dynamic as well. And you also have seen you know, this hasnt really been a galvanizing issue for democrats in the way that it has been for republicans for decades. So well see how in moves Going Forward and how the markets try to seize it. And joan obviously there is the precedent of roe v. Wade which has been upheld and more strict constitutionalist on the court who say the entire base of that precedent, the idea of privacy and a womans body is in and of itself suspect. Maybe theyd be more willing to move on this. What are the chances the Supreme Court moves the bar on roe versus wade. I think what were going to see, essentially two chapters, erin. The first chapter will be more restrictioning allowing regulations that interfere with a womans access to abortion, not the absolute right to abortion but access. And those are kind of a first iteration of laws that are already being challenged and already up at the Supreme Court that were enacted even before donald trump came to office. And without Anthony Kennedy those access laws have a greater chance of being upheld. So there are a couple of the them the justices could take on next term in the middle of the 2020 election. But then the next round, erin, will be the really the megaevent where there would be a clash over the basic right to abortion and that wont come for a while. So nia, to this point that some of the case that is joan refers to on access could happen during the election. Who does that help democrat talking about the issue but you havent even mobilization at the polls as much in history or republicans like trump . Who says, look, i got these people in im moving on this give me four more years. Thats right. And this was a real issue for donald trump during the 2016 campaign. He really had to be clear about his stance on abortion and wanting to overturn roe v. Wade because conservatives were very skeptical he has been had been all over the place on the key issue for conservatives. And republicans. I think it will be a real test in 2020 to see how each side frames it, right. Because, you know, for republicans they would have to defend. What would it mean for women across the country to essentially have to carry a fetus to full term . What would the reality look like . Injury now you see the polling obviously on democrats side on wanting abortion and roe v. Wade to stand process but it will be a big issue in 2020. Even those who want fewer abortions, you know, look at the case of a 12yearold girl rained by a relative who has to cope the child. And perhaps take pause thank you both. Thafrmgts. Jerry nadler threatening hef hefty fines for not complying with subpoenas. Is jail next chairman nadler is next. Plus the president brags about making money. But some of his prized properties are reportedly losing a whole million, million, million, million, a lot of it now. Like. Pnc easy lock, so you can easily lock your credit card when its maximum limit differs from its vertical limit. And clover flex, for when you need to take credit cards when no one carries cash. Or requesting a call to help get a new credit card one that hasnt followed the family goldfish. Pnc make today the day. Has been excellent. They really appreciate the military family and it really shows. With all that usaa offers why go with anybody else . We know their rates are good, we know that theyre always going to take care of us. It was an instant savings and i should have changed a long time ago. 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Simple, easy, awesome. Ton, defying congress, refusing to hand over documents and a 12page letter from trumps lawyer to the kmarm of the house jshd airplane committee, the president says no doover on the mueller probe. According to the president s lawyer from the letter. Congressional investigations are intended to obtain information to aid in evaluating potential legislation not to harass political opponents or pursue unauthorized doover of exhaustive Law Enforcement investigations conducted which the department of justice. Outfront now, one of the people at the center of the feud, the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee democratic congressman jerry nadler. I appreciate your time, clarm. From what i read in the 12page letter, harassed, unauthorized. Your response. My response is that the white house and the department of justice is enabling the white house to try to evade all accountability to the American People. Theyre saying the president is above the law. That congress has no right to investigate announces of power, obstruction of justice or corruption in the administration. And thats just wrong. The the president is not above the law. They would make him above the law. But the president is not above the law more is anybody else in the United States. And we have to have the ability to investigate these things. And theyre also denying our ability to do our job. We have to work to see that Prescription Drug prices come down, that that the Affordable Care act is not destroyed, that people keep having coverage for preexisting conditions, that children are not torn from the arms of their parents we border. And to do that we have to be able to hold the Administration Accountable on behalf of the American People and ner saying congress has no right and they are saying the American People have no right to do this, in effect the president is a tyrant and dictator with no limit on his power. You dont think those words are too strong, at this point a tyrant and dictator. I dont know whether he is trying but the implication of what they are doing would make the president a tyrant in the sense of not being accountable to the American People not being answerable to congress and that no one could hold him accountable. Nas simply unamerican and cant abide it. So the white house, you know for their part, any in this letter they reject the demands chairman for documents and testimony from dozens of current and former white house staffers, right. 81 if you count trump related entities. They say as i quoted there you just want a doover of the mueller probe. Do they have a point at all . Is that at all what this is about. They do not a point. They are rejecting not only all of knows requests for information with respect to obstruction of justice and corruption and abuse of power in the administration. They are they are rejecting requests for information about Prescription Drug pricing. About about the dcepartment f justice trying to destroy the Affordable Care act. About everything. And thats why this is central. Because they are trying to say the executive branch. Youre saying they are rejecting everything even on things that have nothing to do with russia. Yes. Or mueller anything. Yes. Anything you ask. Basically, yes, thats exactly right. They are denying almost all information. And they are asserting the right of the executive not to be accountable to the American People. And that cannot be. We cannot have a president who is not accountable. And the Justice Department is is supporting the president in evading the law and becoming lawless. And saying that congress has no ability to hold him to the law, and that means nobody does. So earlier today you said the department of justice appears reluctant to let the special Counsel Robert Mueller testify. You said if we have to well subpoena him. Now a Justice Department official then told cnn that attorney general bill barr has no objection to mueller testifying at all. Obviously this is a contradiction. Does the attorney general not being forthright . What explains this . I dont know what explains this except that the department of justice has not has not been willing so far to set a date for for mr. Mueller to testify to us. And we have been asking for quite a while. Do you think youll have to subpoena mueller to get him to testify . Are you willing to do it. We are certainly willing. We will use the subpoena power and any other legal power we have with respect to mr. Mueller, with mr. Mcgahn, with anybody to do our job of holding the Administration Accountable, finding out what went on, finding out about obstruction of justice and abuse of power, corruption in the administration, and and of getting information necessary for the American People for us to do our job for the American People. So, you know, you also said House Democrats are seriously considering using congresss enhernt contempt powers that ukds impose hefty fines by using the powers. Inherent being a crucial word, inherent powers to impose fines and if people dont pay the fines you could put them in jail. What happens here . Can you force them to pay . Is jail literally on the table here . We are looking at all options to deal with the lawless administration. And everything is being looked at. Everything is being looked at, including possible jail . Were looking at the law. But we will look at all options to force to force the administration to to be able to hold the Administration Accountable, whatever that may take, whatever legal remedies we have we will use. And chairman i want to ask you about one other story. The governor of alabama she just signed the law banning abortion its done, signed. Including cases of rain and incest, no abortions possible. I know you have strong feelings. You called the law cruel unconstitutional. Is roe versus wade in danger in your view. Yes, roe versus wade is in danger. I think the Supreme Court a couple of days ago by 54 vote. Maid clear by stare zies he is that you dont overrule prior decisions without good cause because they are no longer workable, things have changed is out the window. And i certainly think anybody in the senate who says she is pro choice and voted for Brett Kavanaugh will be shown up as either very short sighted or hypocritical. Chairman nadler, thank you. Youre welcome. And next trumps presidency reportedly taking a toll why its no longer the thriving tower he loves to tout. Trump tower is the most successful building in new york. Plus trumps trade war killing a familys livelihood and costing him their votes in the heartland. door bell rings its open hey. This is amazing. With moderate to severe ulcerative colitis, are you okay . Even when i was there, i never knew when my symptoms would keep us apart. So i talked to my doctor about humira. I learned humira can help get, and keep uc under control when other medications havent worked well enough. And it helps people achieve control that lasts. So you can experience few or no symptoms. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. 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Carbon capture is Important Technology and experts agree. Thats why were working on ways to improve it. So plants. Can be a little more. Like plants. Ton, two of President Trumps most beloved properties are reportedly experiencing sharp declines in business. And it may be because of the president himself. Atheena jones is outfront. I just left Trump National doral in miami. And its a great place. I just spent 250 million rebuilding it making it the best resort in the country. Trump National Doral in miami in is one of the president s prized possessions, the resort is facing steep declines in revenue according to the Washington Post. The resort Net Operating Income dropped by 69 since 2015. Public records obtained by the post show overall revenue dropped by 18 to 75 million between 2015 and 2017. This is now the hottest resort of its kind anywhere in the United States. Doral is not just any property for trump. Its a source of deep pride and has become one of the Trump Organizations biggest money make zbleers weve had tremendous success. The bookings are through the roof. The company in a tax proceeding reviewed by the post said the doral is severely underperforming Similar Properties because there is some negative connotation associated with the brand. A Trump Organization spokewoman respond totd the post report saying the article is absolute garbage. 2018 is one of the best years in the history of the property. Precise innings information was not provided. The challenges facing the trump property rbt limited to the doral. Trump tower is the most successful building in new york. One a symbol of the new york high life is now one of the citys least honorable huks luxury building. According to bloomberg. Trump frequently used the property biltd in 1983 as a back drop for his business. Money, money. His tv show. And have turn the name trump into the highest quality brand. And politics. Its great to be a o at trump tower, great to be a wonderful city, new york. But it appears that business at the tower is far from booming. Bloomberg reviews security filings property and other records and found at least 13 condos have sold since the 2016 election most at a loss when adjusted for inflation. Several losing more than 20 . Bloomberg says the building mass also struggled for months to fill more than 42,000 square feet of vacate office space. The donald Trump Organization declined to comment on this. Trump tower his name is on there in two spots does that help or hurt for him . I cant think that it helps. Trumps unpopularity in liberal new york could be the p era to blame for the decline in interest in the building. Several condo building in the city removed trumps name after his election. But politics is not the only factor. Says the real deal richard batchman. Probably there are another building in the city tough walk by the secret service process. Barricades everywhere. Present of people would say why deal with that when there are other options. Still he says anything will sell if the price is right. If you are really successful youll all live just like this. Now other trump related projects have face clalgs back in february trumps sons running the Trump Organization scrapped plans for two new hotel chains in dozens of cities siting what they say is a toxic political environment for the trump brand. Erin. Outfront now jonathan oconnell, Business Reporter at the Washington Post who broke the story about the dorals financial woes this morning. I mean, jonathan when you hear this, the doral, trump tower, two of President Trumps most prized possessions. What does it tell you that they are suffering such dramatic losses . Were you surprised by the magnitude . To your first part, i definitely think there is just a smaller pool of people who are willing to do business with or go to properties that have trump on the front of them. Whether you are talking about kind of luxury travelers, golfers, people looking for a get away, or corporations who are doing sort of like a Board Meeting or a corporate retreat or else people renting office space for their company, all those companies and travelers are now thinking about whether they want to affiliate themselves with the trump name. And the portion of those who are deciding they dont want to do that, thats where the pain is coming for the president s business. Having said that, even with the rally the doral, i was surprised at the magnitude of kind of the drop in business they have had there, because trump is still very popular among a lot of golfers. Obviously tiger woods, jack nicklaus, et cetera. A lot of the big names in golf are fine affiliating themselves with trump. But clearly from the numbers more golfers are sort of unwilling to spend their money with trump than before. Yeah, i mean, 69 , you know, over the past few years. Yeah. It seems like an incredible stunning drop. You talk about a smaller pool but in the pool are a lot of people who want to stay at the Trump International hotel in washington, d. C. Its a polar opposite story there. Right. And this is kind of the flipside of the story as you mentioned. There is a smaller pool of customers for trump. I think thats true across the country and really internationally. But for the people who are still politically aligned with him, that is some travelers, also in businesses, washington, lobbying groups, political consultants, campaigns. The people aligned with him politically they will continue to spend at his properties and spending more money there. Theyre willing to pay a premium to be at truch properties, to have their name affiliated with trump and to really kind of especially in washington, or in maralago really, just be affiliated with the presidency in some which. They pay a premium and thats helping. A tale of two trumps. Thank you so much, jongt sfloon thank you, erin. I appreciate it. And youll hear more about this my new documentary cnn special report, the trump Family Business, dont miss that, the premier is friday night right here at 9 00 on cnn. And next well tell you about a familys livelihood now on the line because of the trade war. Is it now costing trump votes . And jeanne on President Trump getting personal when it comes to joe biden. I dont know what the hell happened to biden. I never saw that before. I dont know. It just doesnt look like the same biden. Two motorcycles, a boat, and an r. V. I would not want to pay that insurance bill. [ ding ] oh, i have progressive, so i just bundled everything with my home insurance. Saved me a ton of money. Love you, gary you dont have to buzz in. Its not a question, gary. On march 1, 1810 [ ding ] frederic chopin. Collapsing in 226 [ ding ] the colossus of rhodes. [ sighs ] Louise Dustmann [ ding ] brahms lullaby, or wiegenlied. When will it end . 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Ready to treat differently with a pill . Otezla. Show more of you. Tonight, republicans going public with their growing criticism of trumps trade war. Senator Chuck Grassley of iowa sounding the alarm saying it is crushing his constituents, telling the Washington Post im not sure if you talked to him, trump, face to face. He hears everything you say. Martin savidge is out front. Reporter in the middle of an iowa corn field, amy nelson is in the middle of solving a problem. I would say were probably about two weeks behind. Reporter she has to get a quarter Million Dollar tractor with a 125,000 planter moving again or her corn crop is done. We are going to fill the planter with corn seed. Reporter amy is a farmer. She prefers a different title. Im the primary farmer or farmher. Reporter i like that. It is not just her gender that makes her stand out, it is her youth. Up until seven years ago, she was finance director of a National Organization in a big city. Then her dad said he needed help. I couldnt handle it any more so one night about 9 00 she was out on her back deck. I said you ever think of coming back home to iowa and helping out . Next night she said yeah, were coming. Reporter she quit corporate life and entered you could say a much different field. Now father and daughter work together, managing 1100 acres of corn and soybeans, during one of farmings worst down turns in almost 40 years. Larry says President Trumps trade war with china will cost them 150,000 this year alone. And vows never to vote for trump again. Trumps economics also put pressure on amy to get things right. I need to be very cautious of every penny i put in the ground or put into equipment. Reporter her days start at 5 00 a. M. How late do you go . Late as we need. Reporter shes also raising two children and married to a nonfarming husband. It may not seem the best time to take over a Family Business in a male dominated industry in the middle of a crisis. But amy says it is the perfect time for a woman to step in. Being i think outside of farming has been able for me to bring some other resources to the table. And a different mindset. Reporter she believes shes right where she belongs and dad agrees. Oh, once she came back, she dug into it, and never looked back. Reporter amy will be the fifth generation of her family to farm this land. She doesnt miss the corporate world one bit. I like my view from the office now. It is a beautiful view. Martin, obviously tariffs are causing huge, 100 plus,000, 125,000, have they changed how much theyre harvesting, what crops theyre growing . Reporter no, they havent. They grow corn and soybeans, just about everybody does here in iowa. Those are the two most profitable crops. Despite whats going on with the trade war, those are still the prominent crops youll see. They grow about 50 corn, 50 soybeans. What theyve had to do is get smarter about things. They cut back on purchases. They were going to buy a new 650,000 tractor, thats gone to the wayside. Business and tech, they have to be smart in both and fortunately amy is. Im curious, martin, her father said he would never vote again for trump, did she weigh in on that or no . Reporter no, she didnt. Politics is not something that farmers generally are comfortable with. Many people were shocked that her father was outspoken as he was. But he truly feels frustrated at this point. All right. Martin, thank you very much. And next. Joe biden or trump, thanks to jeannie. Yesss, im doing it all. The water. The exercise. The fiber. Month after month, and i still have belly pain and recurring constipation. So i asked my doctor what else i could do, and i said yesss to linzess. Linzess treats adults with ibs with constipation or chronic constipation. Linzess is not a laxative, it works differently. It helps relieve belly pain and lets you have more frequent and complete bowel movements. Do not give linzess to children less than 6, and it should not be given to children 6 to less than 18, it may harm them. Do not take linzess if you have a bowel blockage. Get immediate help if you develop unusual or severe stomach pain, especially with bloody or black stools. The most common side effect is diarrhea, sometimes severe. If its severe, stop taking linzess and call your doctor right away. Other side effects include gas, stomach area pain, and swelling. Im still doing it all. The water. The exercise. The fiber. And i said yesss to linzess for help with belly pain and recurring constipation. Ask your doctor. The latest inisnt just a store. Ty its a save more with a new kind of Wireless Network store. Its a look what your wifi can do now store. A get your questions answered by awesome experts store. Its a now theres one store that connects your life like never before store. The xfinity store is here. And its simple, easy, awesome. Tonight, trump is bragging, he looks years younger than a lot of democratic candidates, even joe biden. Here is jeanne moos. The last time donald trump looked in a mirror and saw a truly younger man is when jimmy fallon played his mirror image. When the 72yearold president was asked how old is too old to be president. I just feel like a young man. Im so young. I am a young, vibrant man. I look at joe, i dont know about him. I dont know. Those comments left 76yearold joe biden momentarily speechless when he was asked about them on the view. If he looks young and vibrant compared to me, i should probably go home. Mirror, mirror, on the wall. Whos the most vibrant 70 something candidate of them all . The battle of the elders spilled on twitter inside by side comparisons and challenges. Show me trump doing this. Or wait, the president s description of himself as a young, vibrant man inspired blow back, a vibrant imagination and so young, practically infantile. The youngest person in the history of people. As for his nickname to biden. I thought i would refer to him as sleepy joe. He says thats the opposite of what he usually hears. These two were hyperactive before joe biden announced. I wish i could take him behind the gym. He said i wish i could take him behind the gym. I dream of that. Like two grumpy old men. Maybe these two should take a page from ronald reagan, vowing not to make age an issue. I am not going to exploit for political purposes my opponents youth and inexperience. Even mondale cracked up. The issue of age never gets old. I am a young, vibrant man. A young vibrant ham. Someone fixed it. Jeanne moos. Cnn. New york. They say it is all how you feel inside. Thanks for joining us. Anderson starts now. Good evening. We begin with breaking news. One signature that could be the first step toward overturning the Supreme Court landmark row versus wade decision. Alabamas governor signed into law the most restrictive abortion bill in the country. It passed the state senate last night, outlaws abortion at every stage of pregnancy with exemptions for Serious Health risk but not for rape or incest. Doctors that perform an abortion could face 90 years in prison. If they attempt it, a doctor

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