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Joining the democratic field for 2020. You are looking at live pictures from philadelphia where former Vice President biden is holding his first fund raisers hours after officially announcing had he is running for president if we get donald trump eight years in the produce he will forever and fundamentally alter the character of this nation, who we are. And i cannot stand by and watch that happen. As you heard there, biden taking trump head on. Also, slamming the president for his response to the deadly white supremacist rally in charlottesville, virginia. This is bidens third run for the white house. And he is the 20th candidate to sberp the race. At 76 years old he is also the second oldest in that field, just behind bernie sanders. But as biden looks forward to 2020 some of his past coming back to haunt him today. Day one and the controversy over the 1991 Justice Clarence thomas hearings back. Today bidens team revealing he had a conversation with anita hill tu but it today she fires back saying she would no not qualify that call as a pull apology. Jeff zeleny outfront today. Big day for the former Vice President. Kicking off in a key battleground state, pennsylvania. How did it go for him. Jim, good evening, no question joe biden will have a big focus on all of his record, some nearly a half century in public life. As you were saying there the controversy over anita hill from 1991 certainly was mentioned today. When his campaign let it be known, in fact here on cnn with brokena keeler saying the former Vice President had called anita hill recently and left it at that. Then anita hill told the New York Times that she was not satisfied with the phone call. This is something the Vice President has yet to respond to. Watch in play out in the coming days. This is basically framing the debate to come, jim. No question that the former Vice President tried to shake up the race and indeed did by trying to focus the conversation squarely on President Trump. In a seering and serious video message, urging americans of all tricep to reclaim the soul of the nation, in his words. But jim, his long record will be scrutinized. We can look at if in a couple of ways. Before Vice President and after Vice President. And before Vice President its nearly 40 years in the senate when the when mr. Biden was on sometimes a different issue a different side of the issue than may be acceptable now in the Democratic Party on school busing, the crime bill and on anita hill. He wants to focus on the eight years in the white house. But interestingly, he received some kind words from former president obama but no endorsement. The reason for that is im told, jim, they came to this sort of agreement together. Mr. Biden did not ask for an endorsement because he knew he wouldnt get one because they both believed that this would not necessarily help him in the end. He has to win this one at least the primary on his own. He has a lot of competitors we know that jeff, thank you very much outfront now former dpkic snar carol mosley brawn of illinois she is among those endorsing the former Vice President. Biden senator. We appreciate you taking the time tonight. My pleasure thank you. A field of 20 candidates and counting perhaps. Tell us buy widen is your choice. Well to begin with the old will rogers joke about no organized group im a democrat. We have a huge field. Thats good news. Conversation from a lot of perspectives and a lot of different inputs into this into the primary, defining the future of the Democratic Party. Im with joe biden. Go ahead. Go ahead, please. Im supporting joe biden because i worked with him. I was a colleague for six years with him in the senate. I have seen up close and personal how he operates. He gets things done. He is inevitably on the right side of history. Again, things look different in hindsight. But the fact is his heart has always been there for working americans. He is always on the right foot on civil rights or whatever, you know name the issue whether civil rights or womens rights he has been on the right side of the equation. And ive seen that up close and personal. Im very happy and proud to stand with him and whatever i can do to help him get elected to win in primary and then to go ahead and win the election im happy to do. Well you talk about being on the right side of issues. As you know member of your party saw him through his career at times on the wrong side of the issue, busing decision, anita hill hearings. I wonder how you answer though questions about his record as you endorse him. Well, remember, i got elected in large part because of the ire of american women, illinois women over the way anita hill was treated. And not to mention the Clarence Thomas nomination. So i went to the senate really as anita hill on the other side of the table. Joe biden was keen to have me serve on the judiciary committee. Im lawyer to begin with. Ive been on judiciary here in my state legislature. And so even though it had been that kind of a fracture issues and knock down dragout battle, the fact is he moved quickly to try to flip the script and playbook make it better. Thats still bidens way. He finds something and if it winds up being not in coping with his values he will correct it. And he did. A lot as you know has been made of this being the year of the woman, perhaps the year of the person of the color, the year of a younger candidate for president. But i want to ask you this, because the voters you speak with does identity matter to them . Identity politics . Or is it Something Else as they look for a candidate in year . Well, let me say this, back to will rodgers joke, the fact is if you want somebody to get a job done you dont go to somebody who doesnt know what theyre doing. You go to somebody who has the experience. And the only way that you can not be open to attack is not to do anything for anybody. Joe biden has been helping people as long as i have known him and even before. And that leaves him vulnerable. And so you would get people nitpicking and finding some way to come at him and at his record but the good news is he has one and he has one of actually working for working people. And im so proud to stand with thiem for that reason. Let me ask you in, the president President Trump has paid a lot of attention to joe biden. We saw that in the tweet today at cnns reporting that he is asking a lot of questions about him. I wonder if in your view that reveals that President Trump seems sees himself as vulnerable to a biden candidacy that biden can beat him particularly in the battleground states that turned the last election which wisconsin, michigan, pennsylvania. I cant begin to tell you what goes on in bozos head. Im sorry that president of the united states. But the fact of the matter is that this guy is unpredictable in every bay are way. And so why he would pick on joe biden when we havent even had the primary yet on the democratic side is a mystery. With you however his calculus comes out im confident the American People will reject the politics of division and hate and the kind of separating families at the border, that sort of thing. The American People will reject that. I think will choose the Better Qualified candidate which is joe biden final question, in his announcement video, he took aim directly at the president , mentioned him by name, and at the issue of charlottesville, a defining one for many in terms of the trump presidency. Other candidates as you know have not taken that path, deliberately avoiding that, focusing on policy ideas, et cetera. I wonder if you think the former Vice President is taking the right tack here. I do. Ill tell you he has the courage to say what he thinks, whats on his heart. He has always done that. Thats why i think again a lot of in the picking ought to stop. Its okay to have a policy dont. Thats the important thing that we do have the debate about policies and positions and issues and not just identity. And so and the Vice President i think has got a record he can be proud to stand on, and proud to run on. And i think we should all be proud for him for the fact of the matter that he has been out there trying to help people in so many different ways, for so long, and has been successful with it. So im proud to stand with him. Should he have come out and said the charlottesville thing was an embarrassment and disgrace that the president would say there is fine people on both sides. There is no equivalency. How you can make equivalent clan members with students is absurd to me. And so but again thats what the race is about. And thats why, again, i hope we can come together and support joe biden as the democratic candidate for president. And we know the charlottesville incident was personally important to the former Vice President as well. Senator, a pleasure to have you on the show. Thank you, my pleasure. Outfront now dana bash, cnn chief political respondent and david gergen former adviser to just four u. S. President s. Dana laufrmda weve been waiting first controversy right out of the gate, anita hill, in your view did he fumble the apology here. You know its not enough, certainly, but this is always was always going to be a top, top, top tier issue for him. Having been the Senate Judiciary chairman back then, having dealt with being in charge of dealing with anita hill and fumbling that back then was something he had to deal with if he were running for president as he now is in 2020 through the prism of 2020 norms and what needs to be done in terms of society, and the fact that he is running against people for whom the notion of the way things went down back then with anita hill is just anathema because they are of a different generation. They dont think that way or approach it that way. It was always an issue. But i think broadly the things that he did in the video, the themes that he hit were the right position for him being joe biden, saying im the guy who should and could and would. Right. Beat donald trump. And that really david, is it not, the number one issue for many democratic voters going into this primary is a simple one who can win in the general . Absolutely. Its a big issue for many independents as well. The video was generally well received today, jim, especially his argument that 2020 will the campaign will be a battle for the soul of america. I think that goes i think that did resonate with a lot of americans. At the same time, once he got past the video, the rest of the day turned out to be pretty rough for him as a candidate. Its just inexplicable why his campaign coming on cnn would raise the issue of anita hill in the phone call a few hours after the video and create a whole new story with a lot of people saying if he really meant it why did he take 28 years to call . And why did he do it just before he announced . And then to go from there, the first event of the day, is a private fund raiser. Emphasizeding the need for money as opposed to the message for america. I would say he had a rough start. It puts a i think he is still in a good position. He opens with about an 8point lead according to the latest poll over President Trump. And, you know, doing well among women still as well as millennials. And others. And so he is strong. But i think it puts a lot of pressure on him for the rallies that are coming to show he has a message, that he can drive the narrative. And energize the crowds. I mean, dana exactly. As david mentions, he is ahead in every National Poll right now and doing well in a lot of the early sfat polls. What is going the toughest thing for him to do on top of this very crowded and lets be frank, very talented democratic field . There are a lot of commers in this field. Everything. Everything he is going to have to do is going to be tough to stay on top. I mean, the idea that he is the idea and the expectation of him, that is what is driving him to be on top right now, not because of what he has said or done in the campaign trail because he hasnt done anything until today. Nas really the key. And so every step of the way is a potential minefield for him going against all the other candidates, for all of the reasons we just talked about. I think what david just said about the fund raiser he is doing tonight, its exhibit a anita hill is a big one on a different issue exhibit a of how his approach is old school. He wants to raise as much money as he can, because he wants to show that dollar sign at the end of the quarter which is understandable. But he is ignoring the fact that the other candidates are saying, were only going to do the small dollars, not the big ticket fund raisers. And he is basically banking on the fact that it doesnt matter for him. I talked to one of his former advisers earlier today this morning. He made the point saying can he adjust from an Old School Race to a race in the social media age. Yeah. David, cnns reporting is that President Trump has been asking his advisers a heck of a lot about bidens strengths. I wonder if in your view that reveals the president s sensing his vulnerability to a biden candidacy zboo we know the president is very insecure anyway at his core. He is uncertain. He reads the polls voraciously and sees the numbers are not with him. He just went threw when the numbers turned against him and indeed the voters turned against him. I think donald trump touches right now and everything he thinks about is through the lens of does it help me or hurt me in 2020. He is trying to figure it out. Danas view would be interesting. But i think the best thing biden can do is ignore his tweets. Maybe thats advice. Good luck with that. Try that. David and dana thanks very much. Thank you. Outfront next, President Trump contradicting a key account from muellers report. Claiming he never ordered the firing of Robert Mueller. Why is the president trying to rewrite history . Plus exacts digging deep he were in the inner workings of Trumps White House now investigating trumps decision to pull out top officials at the department of homeland security. But it trump about to shut them down . After 45 days Sarah Sanders finally back in the Briefing Room but taking questions only from kids. Whats the white house afraid of . Forward when youre ready for what comes next. At fidelity, we make sure you have a clear plan to cover the essentials in retirement, as well as all the things you want to do. And on the way, youll get timely investment help to keep you on the right track, without the unnecessary fees you might expect from so many financial firms. Because when you have a partner who gives you clarity at every step, theres nothing to stop you from moving forward. Who gives you clarity at every step, you dont always use your smartphone for directions. 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Quote mcgahns clear rwas the president directed him though tell rosenstein not only that conflicts existed but also that mueller has to go. Mcgahn is a credible witness with no motive to lie or exaggerate given the position he held in the white house. And mueller wasnt just taking mcgahns word by itself. According to the report again quoting, substantial evidence supports mcgahns account that the president directed him to have the special counsel removed. Remember, that testimony by mcgahn under oath. Katlyn collins outfront tonight live outside the white house. Kaitlan, you know, i almost want to stop asking this question because the president will often make up his own facts on twitter. But who is he speaking to here . Who who is he trying to convince with in. What we have seen is this theme emerging not just from the president and dwirt but aides and allies accepting the broad conclusions of the Mueller Report but attempting to poke holes in other aspects like whether or not the president tried to fire mueller even though as you laid outs, the Mueller Report actually leaves little down the president tried to do so. Now, several other aspects in the president s tweet are just simply not true, including that mueller was respectfully allowed to do hiswork because actually the president was attacking him repeatedly and publicly but also the president claimed again insisting mueller was conflicted even though Justice Department lawyers cleared him of any kind of conflicts of interest or issues. He stated the Mueller Investigation was illegal. The president. Now we reported the president s ally urge him to drop the Mueller Investigation and to move on to essentially declare victory and stop talking and tweeting about it so much. But what you see with the president disputing this today is not only airing his grievances toward mcgahn, someone he targeted several times in recent days but also he latches on to the report as an attack on his presidency. Even though the allies urge him to let it go, the president doesnt seem to be anywhere near that. And he also says the fake news made it up when we were quoting directly from the special counsel report. But anyway. Katlyn collins thanks very much. Outfront now john dean former nixon white House Counsel. Dana bash back with me process. John who do believe, the Mueller Report, sworn penalty under penalty of prison time from don mcgahn por the president s tweet. I think to state the question answers the question, jim. Its conspicuous here. Mcgahn is not going out and lie. He did go under oath. So it really its a tweet against under oath testimony. Also its clear from the report there is substantial evidence to support him. Whats that mean . It means that he probably came back to the office and told others in the office who have now testified about it. He may have made a memorandum for the record. Theres probably lots of corroboration. So i think the president is in trouble trying to push in one too hard. Dana, mcgahn, he is mentioned more than 150 times in the Mueller Report. Ill quote again mueller rights when this office first interviewed mcgahn about the topic he was reluctant to share detailed information about what occurred and only did so after continuing questioning. And the information didnt just come from mcgahn. Mueller writes again quoting here the president made clear to chief of staff Reince Priebus and mcevoy chief strategist steve bannon that the president was considering terminating the special counsel. Two other people spoke to a mueller previous and also bannon seemed to believe the president was trying to fire mueller here. I wonder, you know, what who is the president trying to convince here when the evidence is so clearly stacked against him . I mean, thats really a key question. I was just talking to somebody in the trump orbit before coming on with you, jim, who was kind of trying to explain the president s thinking here. And that is that when it comes to loyalty, obviously we know he puts a premium on that. But even more so for his lawyers, he has had a lot of relationships with a lot of lawyers over his many decades in business and now obviously in politics. And he considers that kind of an unbreakable trust. And but he worked with lawyers who approach things differently. Also in the Mueller Report it says that don mcgahn told the investigators that the president was surprised that he was taking notes. So kind of gives you an insight into his experience in the past versus what don mcgahn was doing as the white House Counsel who was responsible for taking notes for history, not just for his client the president. Thats really the key here. He is absolutely adamant. And whether or not he said explicitly go fire the special counselor whether he said it in his intentionally nuanced way that so many people around him say that he makes statements like that, thats up for debate. But the intention or at least the way florida don mcgahn took it and as you just put up there, the way others there contemporaneously took it was to get rid him. Reminds me of the comey story. Exactly. He taq it as a direction there. John you of course testified famously publicly against president nixon. Cnn is learning the white house may try to cite executive privilege to stop mcgahn from testifying. He has subpoenaed by congress. Of course setting aside what the president is tweeting about the diversions. What wonder what that does to the executive privilege claim. And see a valid excuse here. It could be in some circumstances. I dont think in these circumstances for a couple of reasons. First of all there is no Attorney Client privilege here, because the client of don mcgahn is the office of the president and not donald trump. Exactly. Which is a post watergate resolution of that issue. The other thing is that mcgahn he doesnt he is not employed by the house, not employed by the government. And he is a citizen. Only if he wants to hide behind executive privilege is that going to have any effect or if the president gets a Court Order Enjoining him from testifying until the executive privilege question is resolved. That would be a very unusual circumstance. And what it would do, it would force the issue of whether or not this is discussion of a criminal activity. And if its a crime, its an exception to the executive privilege. So i think he risks if he goes to court that a judge is going to say, this is criminal activity, go ahead and testify it to the congress. He might take to the Supreme Court if he can, i suppose. John dean, dana bash, thanks very much. Outfront next, exacts demanding new answers. Tonight into frufrps firings. But are they about to run into trumps stone wall again . And President Trump going after reporters while in front of their children. Yeah, see these beautiful children. Products of the media. And i actually like you much more than your parents. Look at all it dries 100 better versus detergent alone. Finish jet dry. For cabinetready dishes, right out of your dishwasher. Like. A business borrowing solution to help get a little more space with a lot less mom. Or home insight, to search for a new house within your budget. Because, they really need their space. Pnc make today the day. 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To democrats have tools to counter that. Thats essentially what democrats are weighing, trying to figure out, go back and figure out what exact options they have, what tools they have, what power they have on capitol hill to try to counteract that white house strategy of stonewalling and defines. That could take the form of Holding People in contempt of congress to try to enforce their subpoenas, many of which are already issued on capitol hill, potentially fines, potentially going to court, potentially leading to some people winding up in prison. And very likely though what we will see is the democrats as they have been this week and previous weeks go very, very deliberately through the process. This will play out in the form of democrats continuing to pushback at each and every turn of the white houses defyens in in he is tons highlight the white house strategy of stonewalling and try to force them to turn over documents and information. Try to force people on capitol hill to testify. But certainly there is an acknowledgement among democrats that very likely how this will all end is that they likely will have to wage a legal battle. And all of this will essentially have to be settled in the courts. Thats something taking months potentially years. A long pro tracted court about that. Imagine that, a long court battle. Over investigations. Outfront pu. Democratic congressman Sylvia Garcia of texas sits on the House Judiciary Committee congresswoman we appreciate you take the time tonight. Thank you for having me, jim. Let me ask you, first, what are you hoping to find out from these documents involving the President Trump and his advisers Steven Miller . What would you say to your constituents as to what youre after here . You know, its all about trying to get to the bottom of what really did happen, getting the facts, and just see exactly where that leads us. I think its important that he appear. And its important that he respond to the subpoena. You know, hes got a a legal obligation to do that. Its a constitutional obligation. You know, ethically he should appear. I just its hard for me to imagine anyone receiving a subpoena from congress and not appearing. And listen, its part of your job, of course, to execute oversight of the executive branch. But i do want to ask you, are you are your fellow Committee Members ready to put someone behind bars to force them to testify . Well, we hope it doesnt get to that. The first question everyone should ask themselves is what is it that theyre trying to hide . Because if there wasnt anything to hide then they would cooperate. But the very idea that the attorney general might order someone not to appear on questions about the citizenship requirement for the census, to appear at any of our hearings in the judiciary, for anyone to be ordered to not appear just doesnt make any sense to me as a lawyer, as an american. It goes against everything that is a basis of our democracy. We have to ask ourselves first, you know, what are they trying to hide . And secondly, you know, do what do we do to enforce our subpoena . Do we keep trying to work through this as weve been trying to just by asking them to appear . We issue the subpoena. Do we go to court to enforce that . Do we hold them in contempt . I can tell you this, that this is just not god behavior. Its not a good example for the rest of the country. Its not a good example for our children that are watching. Because no one should be allowed to just totally ignore a subpoena. Right. The rule of law means something in this country. Sure. And it begin was the white house. Gets to the functioning of government. I speak to democratic and republican lawmakers. They tell me when out on the trail they are speaking to constituents this is not at the top of the constituents mind not even halfway down the list. Theyre not asked about the investigations. And i just wonder, do you fine the political appetite for in, as you speak to your constituents or are democrats as risk of going somewhere where the support he is dont want them to go . Well, i think if you look at you know, this is not so much about the polls or the politics its about the president and what he can do and not do. Its about the separation of powers. Its about the constitution. So this is not about the party or the president. It really is about, you know, the public trust. And i think once we lay it out, do were we do the hearings that are planned and we get to the facts, i think the public will become more engaged and will understand exactly what were doing. I think there is a lot of support. Im asked the question as ive been traveling around this last couple of weeks, of course we dont forget that were working on health care. Were working on lower Prescription Drug prices. Were working on equal pay for equal work working on a number of other apgds. That part of agenda which is part of the agenda that won you midterms. We dont forget that. Its not. But we dont forget that. Okay. I know you dont. But its not what folks are hearing most of the time. Its not what theyre seeing most of the time on the hill. Theyre seeing a lot of hearing not seeing legislation, not seeing legislation on Prescription Drug prices for instance. I wonder if youre concerned that the party risks a political price by being seen as a party of investigations . Well, well have to you know, well have to wait and see. But which is why we have to lay the predicate for it. I think just taking the report and immediately trying to go move forward on kpeechment and doing some of the other things may put us in that dilemma. But i think if we lay it out people will understand and they will be with us. Because i think when you talk about obstruction, corruption, talk about abuse of power, and how that may affect whether or not legislation is passed, whether or not there is adeals and selfdealing and favorism, whetheren the relationships with Foreign Countries having to do with the tariffs . I mean, those things impact the bread and butter issues that people care about. So we as democrats have to make that connection so that the public can understand why wree doing it. Congresswoman, i appreciate you taking the questions tonight. Thank you. Outfront next, 45 days and counting. Thats how long its been since Sarah Sanders the press secretary held a press briefing. But today she took questions, only for kids. And north korea billed the u. S. 2 million for the medical care of otto warmier. Was that a ransom . Lower emissio. Carbon capture is Important Technology and experts agree. Thats why were working on ways to improve it. So plants. Can be a little more. Like plants. 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New tonight, the white houses press secretary sarah sand esper made her first appearance in the white house Briefing Room where you are supposed to brief reporters in 45 days, taking questions not from the actual press rather than from children for an off the record briefing during take your child to workday. Sanders has not taken questions from the reporters in the Briefing Room since march 11th, the longest stretch without an official brechg. In fact sanders has only held two official briefing force 2019 lasting a total of 82 minutes impaired to 28 minutes for the kids briefing. Outfront now. American urban Radio Networks april ryan. 45 days without official brechg for the press. Question about the credibility of the white house spoerk person some of which were revealed in the Mueller Report. Do the briefings have a use at this point . You know, jim, those brechgs will always have a use. And its not just about the president giving his statements or his words. When there is not a president ial moment with the press. There is a time that we need to flush out more concretely some items, you know, today, we are talking about Otto Warmbier, you know, this 2 million that north korea wants for taking care of him, allegedly. While he was in their custody. You have the sanctions that are being talked about for anyone who buys oil from iran. The stakes are still high. You know, youve got the conversation on capitol hill about Voter Suppression in these elections. You have so much going on in that place. Again, everything comes to the white house, from war to peace and everything in between we need to to hear from them. And people need to ask questions of the white house. President trump so he spoke to children of reporters earlier today at the white house, as you know, and said some things well have a listen. We can talk about it. Yeah, see these beautiful children, products of the media. And i actually like you much more than your parents. They give me pictures always my chin is pulled way in. I look terrible. Thats okay. They do that on purpose. Often times they report correctry. All the time or most of the time what do you think. All right all the time. See. I agree. For purposes of this speech, i agree. I see the kids standing up for parents there. Why do that in front of reporters kids whats the point. He is the president. This is what he does. But, you know, all in all, he did say i was shocked that he didnt go in harder on us. I mean, we have seen how he has dealt with us at rallies and at other places. But, you know, we are the parents of children. You know, you dont talk against the parent in front of a child. But this is something that he does. So, i mean, which we expect. Shake your head a little bit. April ryan, always good to talk to you. Thanks, jim. Outfront next, north korea demanding that the u. S. Pay 2 million for the care of an american Otto Warmbier they held hostage. The man who got the bill will be my guest. And president ial candidate Pete Buttigieg condemned by a famous evangelical. What happens when religion turns on some of those it zbleevs you feel like your whole life is having the rug ripped out from untd you. My skin. It was embarrassing. My joints. They hurt. The pain and swelling. The tenderness. The psoriasis. I had to find something that worked on all of this. I found cosentyx. Now, watch me. Real people with active Psoriatic Arthritis are getting real relief with cosentyx. Its a different kind of targeted biologic. Cosentyx treats more than just the joint pain of Psoriatic Arthritis. It even helps stop further joint damage. Dont use if youre allergic to cosentyx. Before starting, get checked for tuberculosis. An increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur. Tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms. If your inflammatory bowel disease symptoms develop or worsen, or if youve had a vaccine or plan to. 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Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Be there for you, and them. Ask your gastroenterologist about humira. With humira, remission is possible. You wouldnt accept from any one else. Why accept it from your allergy pills . Flonase relieves your worst symptoms including nasal congestion, which most pills dont. Flonase helps block 6 key inflammatory substances. Most pills only block one. Flonase. Tonight cnn has learned that north korea presented a bill for 2 million for what it says was Otto Warmbiers hospital care. North korea insisted the u. S. Sign a pledge to make the payment before releasing warmbier who of course was in a coma and ultimately passed away six days after returning to the u. S. The source tells cnn the bill for payment was give ton joseph yun. The special representative for north korea. However a second source cnn that the money hasnt been paid. Outfront is the man you heard me mention. Ambassador joseph yun. Thaengs for taking the time tonight. I know you cannot speak about the moments in that room. Its classified information. But let me ask you this. Can you describe what your instructions were when you went there in terms of getting him home . Thank you, jim. Good to be here, and thank you for your understanding. Of course i cannot discuss any details of negotiations. I took part as an active u. S. Diplomat. But i can tell you that i did go to pyongyang. This was june 2017 under instructions from my then boss rex tillerson, secretary of state, and his instructions were fairly clear. Get otto out. Now, jim, before going to pyongyang, i wasnt sure. They never told us we could get him out. So, you know, i was there for a few days. And during that time, i did have to negotiate a number of items. Let me ask you this. The president has vowed many times not to pay ransoms while criticizing his predecessors for doing the same. Have a listen. I want to get your reaction. We would not pay ransoms or anything else because that creates a terrible precedent. Our country was blackmailed and extorted into paying this unheard of amount of money as rans ransom. And our president lied to us. We paid 150 billion to get prisoners. You talk about a ransom . Id say thats a pretty good ransom. So those things are not going to happen anymore. In your view, was this in effect a ransom . This is a tough, tough issue, you know, how to deal with prisoner situations. And, i mean, you look at our history or anyone elses history, and there have been cases where money was paid to National Governments who have held american prisoners. And this is common throughout and so i do think it is a tough question, and where you are really depends on particular issues. What i can tell you, jim, is that while i was special representative of north korea policy and we had a number of american prisoners in north korea, we did not pay any ransom. Fair answer. Ambassador, good to have you on. Thank you. Coming up next, when religion and political issues collide. The church has created racism and sexism and ageism and homophobia and transphobia. Featuring three new dishes that are plankedtoperfection. Feast on new cedarplank lobster shrimp. Or new colossal shrimp salmon with a citrusy drizzle. Tender, smoky, and together on one plank. But not for long so hurry in the question is. Is fast enough . Or, do you want speed and style . Power and attraction . 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And 2 boxes of twizzlers. Yeah, uh. For the team. The team . Gooo team. Order online pickup in an hour. Now get an extra 20 off with coupon. At office depot officemax. Tonight one of President Trumps most outspoken evangelical supporters is slamming the democratic candidate Pete Buttigieg for being gay and christian. Franklin graham saying being gay is, quote, in his words something to be repentant of, not something to be flaunted, praised or politicized. But in dallas, texas, the birthplace of the megachurch, there is a house of worship where being gay and christian are not mutually exclusive. W. Kamal bell spoke with the pastor for the premier of his new season of his new series, united shades of america. I know many Church Pastors who would never admit they know me, but i know megaChurch Pastors who say i wish i had the courage to preach what you preach. But if i do, i lose my pulpit, attendance falls. Kamal here with me now. So buttigieg here challenging the religious establishment in ways that we havent seen before, not walking away from his religion at all, saying how important it is to him, but challenging the idea that somehow that makes being gay wrong. On the ground, is that working . I mean, the thing is hes doing it on a national stage. There are people who are doing that every sunday when theyre going to church that are challenging that. The thing that is so insidious what Franklin Graham is saying is youre actually jeopardizing the health and worth of the youth in your children who are lgbtq. Salt lake city, a high rate of teen suicide and a lot that of is linked to lgbtq plus youth feeling the Mormon Church is unaccepting. And then they punish themselves in effect. He certainly has gay members of his community in his church who are going to fell attacked this sunday. Graham, many evangelicals as you know, they embrace donald trump. Do they see any irony, any contradiction in embracing him despite his own personal shortcomings . You know, the bible is an amazing thing. It kind of says everything and it kind of contradicts itself. If youre just going to look at the bible as words, you can find the words in the bible to justify anything you do. But if youre talking about the spirit of the bible, then its clear the spirit of the bible is not in the actions of donald trump. And so i think thats the thing. We talk about in the episode with pastor michael mcbride, people are creating a jesus in the image they want. Theyre not saying theyre doing what would jesus do instead of what did jesus do. So they dont think its a disconnect because they are using the words to form the version of christianity they want. Generational change. Is that evident in the megachurch world, in the evangelical world, because young people have different views than their parents on these things . Not every young person. Many do. The thing i learned, its not every megachurch is the same. The face of christianity is sort of the joel osteen version of church. He claims to be little bit agnostic, you can tell where he is voting and what he is thinking about. Love the sinner but not the sin kind of thing, or however he puts it. Then there is the cathedral of hope which is very lgbtq plus, and dr. Freddie haynes who is pushing the legacy of Martin Luther king jr. Forward. If we made those the face of christianity, wed be fine. But thats not generally what the face of christianity is. Kamau bell, its a great series. Ill be watching. A new season of unite shades of america slow only here on cnn. Thank you so much for joining us tonight. Ac 360 starts right now. Good evening. And do you suppose when senator joe biden lost his bid for the Democratic National nomination back in 1998, he took comfort in the notion that hed get another chance more than three decades later . Today he is a former senator, a twotime Vice President and a favorite right now who is holding a fundraiser in his bid for the united states. We are breaking news on how his entry into the race is being received at the white house. Also, his attempt to reconcile with anita hill over her treatment at the Clarence Thomas hearing he chaired. We talked to the New York Times reporter who spoke

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