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A news and interview program, anchored by Erin Burnett. Latest offer for an interview in the Russia Investigation. And tonight the Washington Post is reporting muellers most recent offer would cut the number of questions to the president in the interview about Obstruction Of Justice by nearly half. Cutting it by nearly half is not good enough for the president. Obstruction in any form is Something Team trump has been very clear is a nonstarter. You said what the president would be willing to sit down sort of figure out in the area of collusion, not obstruction. Meaning he would answer questions about collusion, not obstruction or vice versa . No, collusion, not obstruction. So, very clear, right . Not obstruction. Collusion okay, not obstruction. The fact that obstruction is still part of the interview appears to be setting the president off. He tweeted, this is a terrible situation and attorney Jeff Sessions should stop this rigged witch hunt right now before it stnz to stain our country any further. Stop the investigation. Must jeff zeleny is out front live at the white house. Jeff, i dont know weve had semantics play such an Important Role in a white house as we are now. What more can you tell us about the president s thinking as these mueller investigations go on and obstruction, you know, obviously is still on the table from muellers side . Erin, its clear Semantics Led by the president , led by his messages on social media In The Morning on twitter, In The Morning 3d morning lead to a strategy. The strategy comes after the tweets. You saw an hour and a half or so after the president urged or called on his Attorney General to stop the Russia Investigation. Suddenly Rudy Giuliani, jay sekulow, other lawyers were saying, no, no, this is an opinion. I was wanting to know if the white house was going do adopt the same line. Usually they refer questions to them. This time the reverse, we heard from the president s lawyers then echoed by the white house secretary at the podium. It is interesting to know where does the president ial opinion again, a president ial directive end, we dont know the answer to that. Erin, we do know all this is coming during the second day of the trial of Paul Manafort. Yes, the president did not directly involved, but boy, as we reported last evening, he is watching this very carefully. He proved that today by talking about all of this. He also is getting closer, of course, we heard Sarah Sanders talk about its time to wrap this up. Its time to get this going. One of the things to point out one of the reasons they are still going is they are waiting on the interview with the president whether hell do it or not. The president consumed by this Russia Investigation is pretty much all the white house was talking about today. Erin. Jeff zeleny, thank you. And i want to go now to the democratic congressman of new york jerry nadler. Congressman, i appreciate your time. We are reporting tonight President Trump is in a fit of rage over these negotiations. The fact that Obstruction Of Justice is still on the table. The Washington Post saying mueller is agreeing to cut the number of questions about the topic down, but that topic is still right there, Obstruction Of Justice is important here. Why do you think the president is so upset about it . I think hes upset about it because he knows hes very vulnerable to an Obstruction Of Justice charge. You know, he said that when he said in his tweet that the Attorney General should do something, when someone tells a subordinate officer you should do something, it normally is considered an instruction, when henry iii said if only someone would rid me of this meddlesome priest. The president has tried to intimidate the Special Prosecutor repeatedly. This tweet is another example of that. The tweet itself is probably more evidence of an ongoing Obstruction Of Justice. So if Obstruction Of Justice is the issue as you point out, the tweet today does rise in more significance. Attorney general Jeff Sessions should stop this rigged witch hunt right now. Thats the words the president used this morning. Do you, congressman, see this as Obstruction Of Justice . That tweet in and of itself with obstruction. So, can i just point giulianis excuse One More Time for the tweet . I think this is significant what he tried to do here. Here it is, congressman. He used the word should, he didnt use the word must. And there was no president ial directive that followed it. Is that smart or is that desperate . Its desperate. Normally when someone says a subordinate should do something, thats considered a directive. Yes. To do it. It is. Thats normally how the english language is used. And theres a long history here. And you put it together with all the other attempts by the president and the people around him, even the republicans in congress to pressure the Special Prosecutor, it makes up, i think, a very clear case. It increases the severity the amount of evidence of Obstruction Of Justice. Let me say one other thing. The Special Prosecutor has every right to subpoena the president under the nixon precedent and nixon versus paula jones precedent. The Special Prosecutor has every right to subpoena him and get his testimony whether he likes it or not. He shouldnt be in the position of negotiating with the president as to the subjects that he will discuss. And yet hes entitled to every mans evidence. When you hear, though, that collusion is not a topic, at least that we understand, obviously the negotiations are going on. But theyre willing to talk about collusion, the president is. Collusion conspiracy, russia, hes willing to talk about all that. Does that make you think its less likely that hes guilty or anything to do with russia, that this really is just an Obstruction Of Justice issue . No. I think theres a lot of evidence in the Public Domain about conspiracy to defraud the United States and conspiracy to violate our laws in conjunction with russia. Whats not yet in the Public Domain is information, although some has been suggested, that would tie the president personally. Remember the history here. First there were ample denials nobody ever met with the russians. Then they admitted plenty people met with the russians. We now know of 80, 80 contacts with russian officials during the campaign and during the transition. Then they said, well, they may have met with the russian officials, but they werent talking about help for the campaign. Now we know that at least in sometimes they were talking about russian help for the trump campaign. We dont yet have public evidence tying the president directly to this, but that remains to be seen and im sure that the Special Counsel knows a lot more than we do publicly. Absolutely. On the issue of obstruction, which obviously could become so poor, giuliani did raise a key pointed to i wanted to give you a chance to respond to, congressman. Let me play it for you. The best proof is in the pudding. He didnt obstruct the investigation. Its been going on for a year and a half. Theyve talked to every witness they want to. We havent asserted executive privilege. And theyve gotten every single last document. Congressman, does he have a point . This investigation has been going on for 441 days. The president may say a whole lot of things, but its still going on. Does giuliani have a point . Well, no, i dont, no, i dont think so. First, 441 days is not a long time for an investigation like this. He keeps calling it a witch hunt. If its a witch hunt theyve caught a lot of wishes. Theyve issued over 30 indictments. They have five guilty please including people close to the president in his campaign and his administration. Remember the Benghazi Investigation went on for 2 1 2 years. Iran contra investigation for four years. And this, for an investigation of such complexity and breadth seems to be moving, judging from the guilty pleas and the indictments very rapidly. And the fact that they havent shut it down simply shows that they think there would be a saturday night massacre, 1973 firestorm if they did. And i think they would. All right. Congressman, i appreciate your time. Thank you, sir. Thank you. And next prosecutors laying out Paul Manaforts life of lavish spending, including more than a Million Dollars spent on luxury clothes. But a star witness, his own former deputy, may not testify. Why . Plus, why is the white house giving the okay for trump to attack the press . And could this explain why trump says that you need to show i. D. To buy groceries . Donald trump, have you ever used a coupon in your life . Well, ive never even gone to a, really, a food market with my wife. No. Ooh, heaven is a place on earth uhp. I didnt believe it. Again. Ooh, baby, do you know what thats worth . I want to believe it. [ claps hands ] ooh im not hearing the confidence. Okay, hold the name your price tool. Power of options based on your budget and well make heaven a place on earth yeah oh, my angels ooh, heaven is a place on earth [ sobs quietly ] ooh, heaven is a place on earth Door Bell Rings its ohey. This is amazing. With moderate to severe ulcerative colitis, are you okay . Even when i was there, i never knew when my symptoms would keep us apart. So i talked to my doctor about humira. I learned humira can help get, and keep Uc Under Control when other medications havent worked well enough. And it helps people achieve control that lasts. So you can experience few or no symptoms. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Be there for you, and them. Ask your gastroenterologist about humira. With humira, control is possible. Its so hard to believe but its all coming back me. Baby, baby, baby. All you can eat is back, baby. Applebees. That make it easy for your uber driver to find you,atures taking the stress out of pickups. Because leaving an event shouldnt be one. Uber is moving in a new direction. Forward. Ive been Making Blades here at gillette for 20 years. Theres a lot of innovation that goes into making americas 1 shave. Precision machinery and highquality materials from around the world. Nobody else even comes close. Now starting at 7. 99. Gillette. The best a man can get. Breaking news, day two of Paul Manaforts trial has just ended. This is the first trial resulting from the Special Counsels probe. Detailing extravagant spending which included Home Improvements of more than 1 million in 2013 alone. Money coming from International Accounts mostly. Mens clothes costing 443,160 at one boutique alone that same year. The Store Manager testifying manafort was the only client to pay by international wire. And buying a mercedesbenz sl 550 for 123,000 partly in cash wired from cyprus. Evan perez was inside that courtroom today. Evan, what was the key take away today . Reporter well, the key take away, erin, was the way the government was really trying to use these eight witnesses that we had today to try to show how Paul Manafort was using these offshore accounts to fund this lavish lifestyle. We heard from home renovateers, we heard from the mercedes dealer, real estate agents. People who were furnishing these expensive high end mens clothing. We caught up with one of the witnesses after he testified. Take a listen to what he had to say. You said in your testimony there that mr. Manafort was not the only client who sent Wire International Wire Transfers. I cant go into client privacy issues. But was he an important client to your business . As i stated, he was a very good customer. Thats all i can do now. Thank you. Reporter and that was one of the managers for the house of bijan, a very exclusive store in Beverley Hills that calls itself the most Expensive Store in the world. And really the judge kind of knee capped the government a little bit today, erin, reminding them that Paul Manaforts wealth and his lavish lifestyle were not on trial today. But he allowed them to continue drawing this road map showing how this money kept coming from these offshore accounts to fund this lavish lifestyle here in the United States. And somehow that money was not showing up on Paul Manaforts tax returns. Erin . All right, thank you very much, evan. I want to go to john dean, nixons white House Counsel during watergate, and r gloria borger, our chief political analyst. John, describing in painful detail, put it that way, paid for by Wire Transfer from cyprus, International Accounts. How important is this . Well, i think its very important. It has a couple of facts. First of all, it shows his expenditure of funds, but also it has sort of a negative impact on the jury often. Im sure thats why the judge cut it down to at least what they thought he felt was a fair bare minimum to show because jurors dont like people who are filthy rich and just spend their money at will like this. So i think that was one of the drives. Especially i suppose obviously if they are being accused of shirking their taxes. Right. Exactly. The Defense Strategy has been to blame this on rick gates. Rick gates did it, rick gates did it. And obviously the prosecution knew this. The Witnesses Today kept coming out and saying they never dealt with gates. A builder told the court in an email manafort said, quote, on matters of contract and budget you will deal with me. The neighbor who sold manafort a home paid for with money from cyprus n part, said manafort orchestrated the transaction. Right. Theyre going right at the heart of that blame it on my number two argument. Right, because they know that the number two has been cooperating with the government. So what theyre trying to do is discredit him and say, look, if you think im a bad guy, this is the guy who really ran everything. I wasnt the bad guy. He was the bad guy. I mean, you kind of would expect him to do it. I think the big question now is whether gates is actually going to end up testifying. There was a hint today that perhaps he wouldnt, and then, of course, they can, they can change any time. And then the defense can also try and tear apart rick gates if they want to. But its kind of not surprising that they would say, you know, it wasnt us. This was the guy that was in charge of my financial situation, so he was the bad guy. John, as gloria points out it was a big moment when prosecutors said rick gates may not testify because he is the star here. That was news to everyone, including the judge. And as gloria said, it could change. But what does it tell you that theyre trying to put that in question . Well, if you look at the transcript, what it said is the government was actually on both sides of this issue. He said he may or may not testify. They would monitor this as the trial went along. But what it would say if he does not testify is that they think they can put their case on without him and spare him from being attacked. But, however, the defense could also call him as a witness and put him on as a hostile witness and would give them the right to just crossexamine him. The government, anybody they put on, they vouch for. That way the government also wouldnt have to vouch for him if the defense called him. So this can get to be a real chess game. So, i have to say there was a list of exhibits, right, as you both know. It was all the pictures of the extravagant spending. The judge was getting a little testy. This is a judge, right, who said in may to the prosecution, you guys are out to get bob mueller. Hes been critical of him before im sorry, bob mueller is out to get donald trump. And today he said told prosecutors to hurry up or move along. He wouldnt allow the pictures to be shown in the courtroom. Guess what, guys . They have come out and that means the ostrich coat is now available for everyone to see. This is what a 15,000 ostrich coat can get you. Gloria, this might be one of the uglyest things i have ever seen. Im not sure i would buy it. Would you buy that . Would you buy that for your hubby . I dont think so. But no, not at any price. Not even on sale, okay. But i think the price is high and i think what the judge is trying to say is, okay, Stop Guilding the lilly here. We get that he had an extravagant lifestyle. We see this coat which he decided to spend 15,000 on. Maybe it looked real good on Paul Manafort. Who knows. But i think what the judge is saying is move along here. You know this judge is infamous for getting these trials done pretty quickly. Said you have three weeks, some people say it will take two. Yeah. And, you know, hes saying, okay, we get it, we get that he bought the mercedes, we get that he did this extravagant outdoor garden with builtin barbecue, blah, blah, blah. We get that he bought these clothes for over 400,000. You know, i saw Paul Manafort at the convention, for example, i never noticed how great his suits were. No, they were suits, they fit well. John dean, do the pictures matter when we see things like the ostrich coat . What impression does that have on the jury . Pictures always help. It will get more complex when they start introducing all the documents. Those can get very, very dull for the jury and they really want to keep the jury engaged in the case and pictures help. Charts help. Particularly with a heavily documented case like this one. It is the uglyest jackets. This is the first time anyone has seen these. These are exhibits literally coming out right now. Gloria, this is the first test for mueller, this trial. And trump obviously, you know, as youve been reporting, is obsessed with mueller. Hes not happy with the latest volley in this negotiation over an interview. And youre saying negotiations over this interview are going at a glacial pace. Right. Its just, its just excruciating. And finally the and Rudy Giuliani announced this today when he was in new hampshire. Finally the mueller team responded to a letter that trumps team had said. And theyve been negotiating about the president s testimony and what he testifies on. The trump team has said, you know, were happy to talk to you about anything that happened preinauguration which would be collusion. But the Obstruction Part of this not so much. And our reporting shows that trump that mueller is kind of leaning a little more heavily into the question of whether he does want to hear from trump personally about obstruction because obviously intent is an issue in obstruction. John knows this better than i do. And maybe in exchange for that he would say, you know what . Were going to take a little less time with the president. Well narrow, well narrow the amount of time he actually has to speak to us. But again, this is a volley thats going to go back and forth and back and forth. All right, thank you both very much. And next the white house defending the increasing attacks on reporters like this one. And a fringe Conspiracy Group wearing shirts and signs bearing the letter q. Who are they . A hotel can make or break a trip. And at expedia, we dont think you should be rushed into booking one. Thats why we created expedias addon advantage. Now after booking your flight, you unlock discounts on select hotels right until the day you leave. Addon advantage. Discounted hotel rates when you add on to your trip. Only when you book with expedia. Agent beekman was one step ahead of them. 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Smarter sleep will change your life. New tonight, the white house defending the harassment and heckling of our jim accosta at a Trump Rally Last Night in florida. Is the white house willing to say right now in view of what happened with one of our Tv Colleagues last night that it is wrong for his most vocal supporters to be menacing toward journalists doing their jobs in a situation like that or in any situation . The president as i just said does not support violence against anyone and or anything. This is a twoway street. We certainly support a free press. We certainly condemn violence against anybody, but we also ask that people act responsibly and report accurately and fairly. No one was being violent last night yet people trying to yell toefr them preventing them from doing their jobs and yelling that their network sucks on live tv. Does he support that or not . While we certainly support freedom of the press, we support freedom of the speech. We think those things go hand in hand. Okay. Just so you see what sparked this exchange between that reporter, of course hes the editor for the daily mail, and sanders. Heres what those hecklers did at the rally last night. For now former white house aide peter boykin. Keith, let me start with you. That was happening to jim accosta. You Saw Sanders Ask repeatedly by the daily mail, she was pretty clear trying to say its a two way street, freedom of speech. Your reaction . This is not about freedom of speech. This is about freedom of the press. The president swore to uphold the Couldnt Institution and defend the freedom of the press. Hes not doing that. Everybody was up in arms because Sarah Sanders couldnt eat in a restaurant. Heres the president of the United States encouraging his supporters to say he sucks. And saying lock her up from hillary clinton. Where is the civility from the Trump White House . The fish rots from the head is what i always say. The leadership of the president of the United States is lacking. So, rick, you know, its clear President Trump supports the heckling. Sarah sanders, that was a tortured response. She was trying to have it both ways. The president isnt. He retweeted a video shown by his son eric of them heckling jim. He tweeted out truth. Thats the president of the United States. Is that okay . The president should not be encouraging that kind of crass and boarish behavior. I dont know how menacing it was. I dont agree with necessarily it was menacing. I dont think there was any real threat to jim accostas safety at that point, but, look, it just goes to the evolution of civility in our discourse. As keith mentioned, the other side does it, too, and theres lots of menacing on some of these marches on the left and some of the things that you hear toward republican politicians. So, both sides do it. But the president should not be encouraging it. And thats where i would draw the line. Senator, in your mind, the fish rots from the head analogy, the president of the United States sets this tone on a daily basis, that the words he uses, the things he communicates look, this is a guy who has tweeted out wrestle mania event where he beats up vince mcmahon. I picked cnn examples. I could give you many more. You know, there is also a little give a little room for humor here and sort of whats going on. But the reality is that the president does and has every right to fight with the press. The press focuses, this network and others, focus a lot of time and energy going after this president on a pretty continual basis and the president has a right to fight back and get his people riled up. But he should not be encouraging people to act in a boarish manner that prevents a network from doing its job. Look, ive said it before, ill say it again. What we try to do is talk about facts and speaking truth to power. We are dealing with a uniquely factchallenged individual. By calling him out for his constant lack of adhering to the truth, if you want to call that being negative, call that being negative. Here is the problem. We are in an unprecedented time i agree with all of that. We are also in an unprecedented era where you have networks paying a lot more attention to everything this president does than youve seen any other time in american history. You can say, well, he brings it on himself. That may be true, but the reality is that this network and other networks focus on this president almost constantly and going after him on a constant basis. Hes a president the Washington Post report today the president has told 4,229 lies since taking office. Thats unprecedented in the history of American Politics to have a president repeatedly lie that much while in office. It is the duty of the press to hold him accountable, especially when he provides misinformation to the public. Thats all that cnn and the new york times, the Washington Post are doing. I did a search today on twitter. I found 47 different times where donald trump has attacked cnn since hes taken office. Do you know how many times hes attacked Vladimir Putin since hes taken office . Yeah, exactly. He doesnt do it, thats the point. Donald trump is supposed to be defending our country. Instead hes busy defending Vladimir Putin and attacking our institutions. That is not what a president should be doing. Someone else will come out and say there will be a report on cnn hes considering firing his lawyer. He says fake news, three days later he fires his lawyer. He does it again and again. Hes saying something a lot of people are going to believe, and it isnt true. You heard me many times criticize the president for saying things that dont comfort with the facts. It is a problem and you have every right to point it out. But thats not my point. First off, lots of politicians lie. The previous president told a lot of whoppers of lies that had a lot of substantive outcomes to the country. But the issue is how much of the time the media spends on just going after this president for the things he does. Theyll spend an entire evening day after day after day hammering this president and i think the president has a right to push back and fight back. But not to call the press the enemy of the american people. Thats wrong. We have enemies, its not the free press. I agree theres a lot of hyperbole and it isnt helpful, he shouldnt do. People are attacking him as viciously as they are. One of the issues is what the outcome will be. Farright theories are being pushed by this group. Were talking about all kinds of bizarre things. They say people want to kill the president. Theyre talking about pedophiles. This is what can come from talk like his. Plus the alleged Russian Supppy moving around massive amounts of money. Marias lawyer speaks ahead. 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All of this is part of the conspiracy stew kicked up by q a non, an Internet Conspiracy person a non. They see him as a hero, like them, ready to embrace wild theories to claim secret plots against him and to attack anyone who says otherwise. Fake news, fake news. They are fake. Reporter Internet Postings associated with the movement gained traction fast among followers like one that says the Parkland School shooting victims and witnesses were really actors. Nbc news noted earlier this week a spate of youtube videos falsely accusing top celebrities of pedophilia. The higher you go the more sick it gets. Reporter the same time q is attracting interest from others including Roseanne Barr and curt shilling. Do you know who the q is . Reporter the Washington Post says the q is an Anonymous User claiming to be a Government Agent with top Security Clearance waging war against the socalled deep state in service to the 45th president. But back on earth, this is known. The promotion of Conspiracy Theories can have real consequence. The hoover dam was evacuated. Reporter in june Police Detained an armed man after he blocked hoover dam demanding the release of a Government Report apparently about Hillary Clintons email although such a report was already out. In 2016 police say a man fired a rifle in a d. C. Pizza place as he claimed he was investigating a widespread Conspiracy Theory about human trafficking. He was convicted and is now serving four years. Were not covering pizza gate enough. Reporter and alex jones who pushed the Pizza Gate Conspiracy on his radio show is now in court over another madeup tale. Families of victims in the sandy hook School Shooting say they have been hounded mercilessly since jones claimed their story was part of a hoax to push for gun control. He is counter suing for Legal Defense fees. Back if 2015, candidate donald trump spoke glowingly of alex jones and maybe thats why its not surprising the q a noncrowd is now crowding around the president and showing their support. Erin . Tom, thank you very much. And next the alleged russian spy and the gop operative accused of reportedly moving around mass ich massive amounts of money. Maria butinas attorney answers. Americans lost their lives in the korean war. Tonight the likely remains finally back on american soil. A vehicle . Dependability is top on my list. Well then, heres some vehicles that deliver on that. Thats our truck theyre our cars chevys the only brand to have earned j. D. Power dependability awards across cars, trucks and suvs three years in a row. Get 15 below msrp on most Chevy Equinox models when you finance with gm financial. Thats over Five Thousand Six Hundred dollars on this equinox. Find new roads at your local chevy dealer. Door Bell Rings its ohey. This is amazing. With moderate to severe ulcerative colitis, are you okay . Even when i was there, i never knew when my symptoms would keep us apart. So i talked to my doctor about humira. I learned humira can help get, and keep Uc Under Control when other medications havent worked well enough. And it helps people achieve control that lasts. So you can experience few or no symptoms. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Be there for you, and them. Ask your gastroenterologist about humira. With humira, control is possible. Its so hard to believe but its all coming back me. Baby, baby, baby. All you can eat is back, baby. Applebees. A single tap offerss to peace of mind. Y, uber is giving you new ways to tell loved ones youre on your way. Uber is moving in a new direction. Forward. Sergeant baker, how are you . They were on it. It was unbelievable. Having insurance is something everyone needs, but having usaa now thats a privilege. Were the bakers and were usaa members for life. Usaa. Get your insurance quote today. New tonight, fresh details about alleged russian operative Maria Butinas actions in the United States. Buzzfeed reporting about a series of Bank Transactions totaling nearly 300,000 by butina, and a republican operative that were flagged by wells fargo as quoteunquote suspicious. Out front now Maria Butinas lawyer Robert Driscoll is back with me. Bob, i appreciate your time. Good to have you back. Good to be back. Wells fargo has come out and said they could find no, in their words, apparent Economic Business or lawful purpose to explain these transactions. Obviously those are pretty harsh words, no apparent Economic Business or lawful purpose. What is your response to that . Well, i dont believe it was wells fargo that said that. That was probably the fbi source that leaked to buzzfeed. There is a reason suspicious activity reports, it remains private because they can be easily misconstrued. Most people that leak them probably cant interpret them properly. I saw nothing in the transactions that were described that at least with regard to maria are unusual. For example, she has a russian bank account which is not unusual for a russian national. Right. There were 98,000 transactions in a fouryear period, which is 2,000 a month. She would make a payment on her russian credit card every month and sometimes her boyfriend would throw A Thousand Dollars or something towards that. And, you know, that part is not unusual at all. And the rest of it seemed to to merge the two of them all together. Its unfortunate because there is a lot of double and triple accounting. If marias bit of erickson withdrew some money from his account, put to it her account and she paid a credit card bill, its unclear to me whether thats 4,000. All together . Im not positive that 300 is even the right number. But even if it were, like i said, the 100,000 through her account over four years, thats 2,000 a month. Thats not unusual. And the rest of the amounts would got knot be unusual for someone like paul erickson. Let me go through the rest of the account. Buzzfeed saying is there is im sorry, 45,000 to an undisclosed law firm. Right. Payment made on behalf of butina. More than 93,000 sent between butina and erickson, the operative and her boyfriend while she was Graduate Student over a fourmonth period. Thats what theyre reporting. And theyre also saying this came as erickson himself had overdraft fees. He was taking out payday loans. He is he was far from flush. He was in dire financial straights. Does that add to you . What were these transfers about . Whatever ericksons financial situation has whatever to do with whether somebody is a foreign agent. 45,000 in legal fire, she was a Graduate Student at the time. What would ever cause her to incur 45,000 in legal fees . Well, she has been under investigation by several committees of the United States Congress Since last fall. So id imagine that had something to do with it. But, again, mr. Erickson himself may have had legal fees there as well. So i dont think any of those are particularly suspicious. Again, she had plenty of normal banking transactions. And im sure when this all comes out, its all explainable. Ive looked through her Bank Accounts myself, and there is nothing unusual for a person in her situation. Now shes been behind bars here for two and a half weeks now as all of this has been going on. Her next Court Date Isnt Until September 10th which is more than a month away. Bob, how is she spending her time right now . Thats unfortunate. Right now, shes been 18 days in jail and she has not been able to make a call to russia yet, which is unfortunate. She has not been outside yet. Wow. She has been administratively segregated for Protective Custody Reasons for her safety. But really, this is not supposed to be punishment. This is supposed the keep her in the country. And i think that some of her guards and people are being very generous with her, but i think administratively, really, things need to improve because the russian consulate is getting more and more upset. I know her father is upset that he hasnt received a call from her yet. I think that really, these administrative hurdles need to be overcome and the d. C. Jail needs to provide her with dental care and glasses and lots of things you need when youre going to be in custody of the state for a little period of time. Would she be open to cutting a deal with prosecutors . I dont believe not when it involves saying something thats not true. Thats always the problem with cutting a deal. If youre not an agent for a foreign government, you cant lie and say you are in order to get rid of this. I think that theres, you know, the government hasnt proposed one. And if they proposed one, wed look at it. But again, it has to involve the truth. And thats the bottom line. All right. Thank you very much, bob. I appreciate your time. Thank you, erin. And now breaking news. I want to show you some live pictures coming out of hawaii right now. These first caskets coming off a plane from korea. Vice president pence overseeing the return of what is believed to be the remains of 55 american soldiers who lost their lives during the korean war. Those remains have been gone for all of these years. Pences late father was korean war vet. He says this is proof that the United States is making progress with kim jongun for peace. Its an emotional ceremony, as you can see right now, live in honolulu. The president joined by two Family Members of americans missing in action in north korea during the war. The transfer of these remains that these families have wanted for more than five decade series coinciding with the 65th Anniversary of the armistice. Experts say it could take years to identify these remains. At the least, it is good that they are being treated with the honor they deserve. Well be right back. Im Captain Obvious and hotels. Com rewards me basically everywhere. So why am i hosting a dental convention after party in my vegas suite . Because hotels. Com lets me do me. Who wants to floss me . Hotels. Com. You do you and get rewarded. Why people everywhere are upgrading their water filter to zerowater. 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No reporter if you listen to the president , you think instead of just handing over coupons, you should be showing id. You know, if you go out and you want to buy groceries, you need a picture on a card. You need id. Reporter says who . Did they ask for picture id when you were paying for groceries . No, no way, jose. This is america. Never, ever, ever. No reporter you go out and groceries, you need photo id . No, you dont. Where is this coming from . Reporter donald trump. Twitter rolled its eyes as well. I got to go Grocery Shopping today and i hope they dont ask me for an id before i buy ricearoni. Its sort of like when ellen asked another rich guy to guess the price of ricearoni. 5. Oh, its a dollar. What a bargain. Ill take five. I know. Reporter President Trump inspired a mockup grocery identification card. The late show new rules. Sir, read the sign. No license, no cake mix. I got a sandwich, a coke and a bagel with butter. Reporter and they didnt have to see picture id . No, i think if i asked chocolate, they might have said hey, buddy, thats a little much. Lets see somed which that. Reporter at the white house, they tried to clean up the president s spill. If you go to a Grocery Store and buy beer and wine, youll certainly show your id. Reporter the president s faux pas reminded time of the time george h. W. Bush seemed overly impressed with a grocery scanner. This crossed the open place . Reporter this woman recalled the only time she was ever carded for groceries. They asked me for picture

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