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His former soninlaw has flipped. Hes now cooperating with the feds. As part of jeffrey yohides plea agreement, the soninlaw is now cooperating with new yorks Attorney Generals Office as well which is working with bob muellers investigation which as you may know turned one year old today. Yohide first met with investigators in 2017, according to sources providing information to federal investigators for the manafort probe in possible money laundering, tax evasion violations, all that was under way. He started to provide information which was turned over to bob mueller. Manafort has been charged with a whole lot of things including money laundering, failure to disclose himself as a foreign agent, bank fraud, and tax fraud. He continues though to maintain his innocence. I want to go straight to Kara Scannell in washington breaking this story. Carol, what are you learning about this plea deal with manaforts former soninlaw . Erin, thats right, so manaforts former soninlaw, jeffrey yohie, has reached a plea agreement with the u. S. Attorneys office in los angeles. Prosecutors have been investigating him over a year relating to real estate dealings he has had in that area. Hes been sued in many civil lawsuits alleging he defrauded his investors, including actor dustin hoffman. As part of this plea agreement hell have to cooperate with authorities, any authorities, so that could be the new york Attorney Generals Office which is investigating manafort, as well as special counsel muellers team. A person familiar with the agreement says it has to do with yohies own Real Estate Development deals and is not obviously related to manafort, so its not clear how much information he will be able to provide mueller. But he certainly will have to answer any question that any investigators in the state or federal have for him. And as you report, youre talking about los angeles, but as part of this, also cooperating with the new York Attorneys office which is work with bob muellers investigation. As you point out, the crucial question is what does this mean for bob mueller . Its the second person close to manafort whos cooperating with federal investigators of some type or another. Rick gates the other. Manaforts longtime 10ty. Deputy. Thats right. Manafort has two trials coming up. One july, one september, on those indictments that special counsel muellers team brought against him alleging allegations of tax fraud and bank fraud. And so the question will be what does yohie have, if anything, to offer the investigators in that case . He could be called as a witness if he has something relevant to those investigations. And thats something that well see how that plays out the next couple of months. Kara, thank you very much. Former Nixon White House counsel john dean, White House Correspondent for American Urban Radio Networks april ryan, and former assistant u. S. Attorney for the Southern District of new york harry sandick. Harry, Paul Manafort obviously is a very important player here. He was the chairman of the president s campaign. He was in that meeting in trump tower. You now have his deputy rick gates and his former soninlaw essentially flipping. So what is the significance of his soninlaw flipping when you talk about talking about l. A. And new york, cooperating with mueller, put all in in english, what does it mean to mueller . I think what it means is as we get closer to the trial date, in order to try to convince manafort to cooperate with the investigation, they want to appear to manafort like the walls are closing in. So your former Business Partner gates is going to be testifying against you. Now your own former soninlaw. Who knows what things he was privy to. When i say who knows, the answer is mueller and these other investigators know. It may well be that the allegations in yohies case have nothing to do with what hes going to be talking about about mueller, but once youre a cooperator in the federal government, youre a cooperator for all purposes. You dont just limit it to what youve been charged with. So as kara said, anything they ask, and they are cooperating with mueller. Anything mueller wants. This is now essentially opendoor policy, basically. Exactly. Hes sitting there, manafort, imagining, what did i tell him . What was he privy to . What calls was hi present for . What emails did i forward to him . What did we talk about around the house, at family gatherings . What is the significance here . Manafort has said hes not guilty, hes fought everything, he lost an important case moving forward in d. C. This week but he said hes not guilty of tax evasion, not guilty of bank fraud. Is the goal here to get manafort to flip . And i guess the question has always been on whom, is that then the president . I think that is the ultimate goal, that the special counsel would rather have manafort talking rather than in prison or in the courtroom fighting cases. This case, this plea, according to curt reports, was the document was handed down in january. Theres been local press about his soninlaw out here. They were tearing down properties, investing money, taking a 3 million property, making it into purportedly a 30 million property. There are a lot of unhappy investors. He was accused of ponzi schemes. So theres also reports that manafort was investing in this. So there may be part of the case in virginia against manafort is based on this soninlaws testimony. How much pressure, april, does this put on manafort if the ultimate goal is to get him to talk, open his mouth, and flip . Its a lot of pressure. Because someone who was at least once in your family, when you sit around the Kitchen Table or at dinner somewhere or just in conversation, some things slip out. The question is, can that be used against him . Any time you get a Family Member or even a former Family Member, you dont know what the relationship is right now. So it does put pressure on him. It also not only puts pressure on manafort, even as the president says this is a witch hunt on this year anniversary, it puts pressure on this white house. Even though mueller has told, allegedly told Rudy Giuliani that he will not be indicted, it still does not bode well that the president s former campaign manager, his soninlaw, is now going to flip on him to possibly get to the president or maybe the children or somewhere in that realm. Its a lot of pressure on all involved. And as april brings up, Rudy Giuliani, the reporting was he says they said they wont indict. But its possible they could say, congress, we recommend you impeach. Theres other things they could do that would be incredibly damning for this president. Pbs spoke to minnesorudy giuliay and he tweeted out, muellers team communicated with Trump Lawyers last night and are narrowing questions for possible interview with President Trump. It would be going a little too far to say hes going to sit down but it looks more hopeful than it did a day or so ago. Assume giulianis accurately putting this out there. Thats an assumption. Say thats the case. Whats the strategy here . I think the strategy is that mueller would really like to interview trump. And hed like to do it in the near future. He doesnt want to go into court and take all of this litigation risk that the Supreme Court might view something differently with a subpoena or something. Exactly. If youre the prosecutor, youre better off, even if its narrow, with a facetoface interview, voluntarily undertaken, no assertion of executive privilege or the fifth. I think muellers probably willing to give a little bit in order to avoid the risk. John, do you think that mueller really wants this interview with the president . Theres just so much gamesmanship going on, both sides, publicly from the president s side visavis giuliani. Does mueller want this interview or does he not need it for whatever he may or may not have . We dont know what mueller knows or doesnt know. I would think the president would want to give this testimony. This is a Counter Intelligence investigation as well as a criminal investigation. I would think if he can clear himself, he would want to go in there and do it and be on the record of doing it rather than hiding behind any kind of privilege or what have you. Thats what bill clinton ultimately did. Thats the reason he decided to testify. That he thought politically it was wiser. He got himself in trouble, but that drove his decision. And april, you know remember we all heard that the former trump attorney, ty cobb, had said to the president , this is going to be over thanksgiving. Then christmas. I dont know who was mismanaging whom but obviously the president got really mad about it because it nevereneded. Here we one year in. Average special counsel investigations go on three to six years. Are we almost done . Or are we barely started . I have no clue as to if we are almost done. But looking at what happened during the clinton years, it looks like theres more. Because this seems to be gift that keeps on giving, it keeps flowering, theres always some nuance. What we do know is that muellers group or his team, theyre watching and listening to the president , theyre listening to the briefings, theyre listening and watching and finding new things. So i think the president is doing the right thing by not talking as much, as well as his press secretary. But the question is what do they have, and what more are they looking for . So, are Sarah Huckabee sanders said they wanted it to be done, they were hopeful within that first year. It looks like it could go into the second year, maybe even a third. Well see what happens. All right, thank you all very much. Next, President Trump congratulating america on the oneyear anniversary as his lawyer says trump cant be indicted. Is he telling the truth . President trump offering kim jongun quoteunquote protections in exchange for a nuclear deal. Contradicting his own National Security adviser. What protections are we talking about . Plus the white house canceling the Daily Communications meeting because things keep leaking out of it. Is that a mistake . When did you see the sign . When i needed to jumpstart sales. Build attendance for an event. Help people find their way. 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They thought someday it could become fuel and power our cars wouldnt that be cool . And thats why exxonmobil scientists think its not small at all. Energy lives here. President trump marking one year since bob mueller was selected as special counsel and the president did it, as he is opt to do in twitter trumps own fbi director of course says it isnt a witch hunt but the white house doesnt seem to care about that. No evidence of collusion and still strongly believe that its a witch hunt. Im not sure how we could be any more clear and certainly not sure how the president could be any more clear about his beliefs and his opinion. Outfront, the democratic congressman from new york, jerry nadler, Ranking Member of the house judiciary committee. Great to have you with me as always. The president s lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, tells cnn he was told by bob mueller that bob mueller will not and cannot indict a sitting president , no matter what he finds. Do you think that Rudy Giuliani is accurately portraying this conversation with the special counsels team . And do you agree, no way mueller will indict . Well, i dont know whether mueller will indict or not. But giulianis been all over the map in what he has said on this. The fact is that there is a an open legal question as to whether a sitting president can be indicted. The office of legal counsels ruled that he has opined he cannot be. But the counsel to the special prosecutor, ken starr, and others have said he can be. My opinion is the sitting president can be indicted because of the bedrock constitutional principle that no person is above the law. So i think he could be indicted. Whether he will be who knows, that depends on what the evidence is. One thing we know about this investigation is they have not been leaking, so we dont know what evidence there is. Fair. All we really know is who theyve indicted and theyve indicted quite a few people, had quite a few guilty pleas. We know what the Court Filings are. Jnlg is saying that mueller says he will not indict the president. Giuliani also says that trump cannot be subpoenaed either. And heres what he said. Were pretty comfortable that in the circumstances of this case, they wouldnt be able to subpoena him personally. They could probably require you to testify in a civil case. Possibly even as a witness in a criminal case. But they cant require you to testify if what would be your own case because after all, its all about a possible impeachment. So theyre discussing this is the president gas to sit for an interview or not, will he do it by choice, will there be a subpoena . If you take it, though, congressman, that there wouldnt be an indictment, for whatever reason, should, would, doesnt matter, there isnt one, mueller could refer his findings to you all, to the house, for possible impeachment. Is that something you would actually proceed with, that you would ever have the votes for . Well well, first of all, the president will testify before mueller. Because mueller cannot complete the investigation of possible obstruction of Justice Without the president s testimony. If the president doesnt do it voluntarily, he will subpoena him. Youre confident in that, okay. The president will have to submit to a subpoena, even if theres a court fight, theres no question a president can be subpoenaed and will be if necessary. And they cant wrap up the investigation until the president is interviewed or testifies. As to an impeachment, we are far, far from ready to consider any such thing. We do not know i mean, the first thing that has to happen is the special prosecutor has to finish his investigation. Has to come to conclusions. Issue whatever indictments and trials there are going to be. And issue a report to the American People which will tell us what he found. And that report will have to be made public. And based on that report, and based on any other evidence that there may be, the evidence that comes out and whatever indictments there may be, well see if theres a case that would justify congressional proceedings or impeachment or not. But its far from clear what that ilwill be. Well have to wait and see. Giuliani says theres nothing illegal, by the way, i dont know if you heard this. He said don jr. , manafort, kushner meeting with the russians at trump tower, theres nothing illegal about that, even if they thought it was all about getting dirt on hillary clinton. He was very explicit about it and detailed. Heres what he said. When i ran against them, they were looking for dirt on me every day. I mean, thats what you do. Maybe you shouldnt, but you do it. Nothing illegal about that. And even fit comes from a russian or a german or an american, doesnt matter. Doesnt matter. Russian, german, american. Agree . Well, no, i dont agree. Now hes right in one sense, theres nothing illegal about opposition research. So there was nothing illegal, for example, about Hillary Clintons campaign paying for that research that resulted in that famous dossier. Thats opposition research. What there is illegal is involving a Foreign Government in an american political campaign. The real question over there is, we know that the russian government stole emails from the Democratic National committee and the question and was that for the benefit of the Trump Campaign . It was used for the benefit of the Trump Campaign. Was the Trump Campaign aware of that in advance . Did they help plan that . Did they help use it . If they did, that would be criminal conspiracy, against the law. But thats one of the open questions of the investigation. And congressman, i want to ask you about another story were confirming tonight here at cnn, that a qatarlinked company is near a deal to acquire a stake in the Kushner Familys flagship building. That building is under financial duress, its here in new york. Its a very important building to the kushner companies. I want to know, a brooksfield spokesperson says no qatarlinked company has involvement in or knowledge of this potential transaction, theyre saying its in a separate fund. I want to lay out the timing. It could be relevant. In march, kushners father confirmed he met with the finance minister from qatar. That was three months after the inauguration is when this meeting happened. They discussed funding for the project. So they had a discussion with qatar about funding it, didnt reach a deal. That was what happened. Kushners father said, im not going to take foreign money because i dont want to have a conflict of interest for my son. He took that meeting with qatar. No deal was reached. Then in june, all of a sudden qatar getted blockaded. President of the United States says he supports it. Qatar is funding terror. Kushner backed that move at the white house. Now here we are, may of 2018. All of a sudden the qataris, still under blockade, could be they are involved in the brookfield companies. Brookfield says, not in this particular fund. But this lifeline to the kushner building appears to be imminent. Is this timeline coincidence . I dont know. It certainly raises a lot of questions. Maybe theres quid pro quos there, maybe not, i dont know. But this illustrates the problem that the president hasnt divested himself of his business interests. And the business interests of the Kushner Family with Jared Kushner being adviser to the president as well as soninlaw. So all of these raise questions as to whether decisions of the United States government are being influenced by business considerations of the trump businesses or of the kushner businesses. Thats one reason why every president before this has divested himself of all those interests. And the fact that the president hasnt is very troublesome. And may lead to real problems. Jared kushner did not either. Thank you very much, congressman nadler, appreciate your time. Next, President Trump contradicts his own national secures adviser on north korea. What lengths will trump go to get a deal with kim jongun . Plus new details tonight about the new york lawyer who went on a racist rant. Speaking spanish to customers when he should be speaking american. And hes talking to reporters tonight. For all the noses that stuff up around pets. Theres flonase sensimist. It relieves all your worst symptoms including nasal congestion, which most pills dont. And all from a gentle mist you can barely feel. Flonase sensimist. To give you the protein you need with less of the sugar you dont. Ill take that. [cheers] 30 grams of protein and 1 gram of sugar. New ensure max protein. In two great flavors. Im not really a, i thought. Wall street guy. Ns. Whats the hesitation . Eh, it just feels too complicated, you know . Well sure, at first, but jj can help you with that. 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Tonight kim jongun is going to be very, very happy. So says President Trump, the president detailing today how far hes willing to go to make sure the historic summit scheduled for june 12th actually happens. What security guarantees are you willing to were willing to do a lot. Hell get protections that will be very strong. Were going to say he will have very adequate protection. I think kim jongun is going to be very, very happy. I really believe hes going to be very happy. Its just such an unusual and jarring choice of words. I mean, President Trump is saying he wants to make sure a dictator whos accused of assassinating his own halfbrother, executing his uncle, starving hundreds of thousands of his own people is very, very happy. So happy trump is also willing to publicly contradict his National Security adviser, john bolton, whose recent comments comparing plans for north korea to what the United States did in libya made kim very, very unhappy. The libyan model isnt a model that we have at all. What were thinking of north korea. I think when john bolton made that statement, he was talking about if were going to be having a problem. Because we cannot let that country have nukes. We just cant do it. So thats the way it meant. Just the opposite. So okay. Its just confusing because the whole point was libya gave up their nukes, thats what he wants korea to do, gadhafi was killed, you see kims problem with that, okay. Could trump be saying this because he wants something his predecessor, president obama, has . Do you deserve the nobel prize, you think . Everyone thinks so but i would never say it. [ crowd chanting nobel ] thats very nice, thank you. Very nice. Nobel. I just want to get the job done. What do you think youll achieve in the upcoming summit that would deserve a Nobel Peace Prize . Well, i dont know. Jim sciutto outfront in washington, putting aside that, it always makes me laugh, the channels. How short is the white house that this meeting between kim and trump is going to happen and its on . They seem more sure today than they were yesterday when the North Koreans injected some doubt into the conversation. And they are now on a footing where theyre still in the planning stages. Assuming that theyre without major disruptions, this is still going to happen. But again, the ball is constantly changing here. There was some news in the last few minutes that the top south korean negotiator said the following, it is true that there is a difference of opinion between north korea and the u. S. On how to pull off denuclearization. You might say thats a pretty significant difference of opinion since thats a central question to these negotiations. To those questions are going to stick with us right up until that meeting and certainly through that meeting to see what comes out of it. In the meantime what you dont have is a clear message coming from this very administration. Because you heard the president there Say Something about john boltons offering up the libyan model. But it doesnt it isnt clear the president knew exactly what john bolton was talking about. And just so folks can recall, heres exactly what john bolton said regarding the libyan model. We have very much in mind the libyan model from 20032004. There are obviously differences. The libyan program was much smaller. But that was basically the agreement that we made. So bolton there was referring to that agreement as he said in 20032004 which had the libyans question of up their nuclear weapons. 2011 the u. S. Participated in military action against libya, decimating them as the president said. So its not clear if he was mixing up the two, or he was also as you were saying, erin, trying to send a message to north korea kowtowing to some degree to north korea there saying, listen, trust us, youre going to be safe, in fact, im going to guarantee your safety if you sign this deal. Which as you said would be a pretty remarkable promise for a u. S. President to make to the dictator of north korea. It certainly would when you consider his track record. Thank you so much, jim. I want to go to the former Senior Adviser to the National Security adviser under the obama administration. Phil mudd, former cia Counter Terror official. Phil, does the president just want a deal here too much . No matter what it takes, kim is going to be very, very happy . I mean, thats something only trump would say, but its still pretty jarring to hear it said about kim jongun of all people. I do think the president is now stuck. Hes stuck in terms of saying hes going to show up for what hes explained will be a deal. I think regardless of what happens, hes going to characterize it as a deal. But i think were overcomplicating this. Look, the president is playing the used car salesman. You, erin burnett, show up on the used car lot, that car looks pretty good, i think 15,000 is a good price. The salesman says, youre a terrific negotiator, were going to do a great deal, when you drive off the lot its going to be wonderful. The president wants a deal, hes buttering up the person on the other side whos now nervous after the bolton comments. I dont think this is very complicated. Of course you can understand kim jonguns view of libya being brought up. Nuclear weapons were gotten rid of, it was a few years later, but gadhafis demise was brutal and awful and many do see it as a link between giving those up and regime change. But the president , he constantly has been fawning over kim jongun. Calling him excellent, incredible, the hostage release, open and honest, now that hes going to be very, very happy. What is the strategy here in bending over so deeply . I dont know that we have a strategy. I think, unfortunately, the president handed the reins over to kim jongun on march 8th. You and i were together here when he agreed to a meeting without assessing the credibility of the offer, what we wanted to get out of it, how long it would take to actually prepare for a meeting. So he backed himself into a corner several weeks ago. Now they set a date and time. I think that the president is locked and loaded to show up in singapore regardless of whether we assess that the north is serious about anything that theyre saying at this point. And i think john bolton chose his words very carefully last sunday when he spoke about libya. He knows what happened in libya, both in terms of denuclearization and gadhafi getting killed. I think john bolton was sending a message to kim jongun, like trump was today, trying to walk that back, saying dont worry, youll be okay, just show up at this meeting. To the point the president has been bowing down to kim jongun, there could an strategy in that, right . You butter him up, make him think everything is going to be great, and then you can come in with a much bigger stick. Could that be part of it . Could all of trumps fawning be very purposeful . Sort of. But lets lay out a simple scenario. The president has laid his reputation on the line to cut a deal. He goes to singapore, there is some sort of deal. He steps back. We realize that as we have for the past 20, 25 years, that the North Koreans arent entirely honest. Thats where the president s credibility with truth over the past couple of years really comes to play. The president really, as weve just talked about, as sam has said, has been invested in a deal. What if he learns from the cia, from the state department, and others, that the North Koreans arent complying . Does he then come out, as trump is wont to do, and say, this is a great deal . Or does he actually say, like with bush, obama, clinton, the North Koreans screwed us again. Thats what i would worry about. The back end of this deal, whether the president is honest on whether the North Koreans comply. You fall in love with your own deal. As some would say. Sam, you may not totally agree, president obama got to a point he really wanted to get that deal with iran, who knows whether it was the best deal they could get. I know you think it was. With President Trump, this Nobel Peace Prize, its something funny, he himself has laughed at it. But it keeps coming up again and again. Here he is. I want to have peace in the world. Thats what i really want. More so than the Nobel Peace Prize or any other prize. Id like to see peace ideally in the middle east, but in the entire world. How much does it matter, a Nobel Peace Prize, to him . I dont know that i really blame him for wanting the Nobel Peace Prize. I wish he would do what it took to actually get the prize. What i blame him for is telegraphing so publicly how badly he wants this to happen. Again, he looks so overeager. And hes so overcommitted. I think that the North Koreans know that they can push him around now. And that hes going to do whatever it takes to make june 12th in singapore some kind of success that can be marketed as a step forward. Quick question to you. This issue of protections. Can i play again what the president offered to kim jongun today . Were willing to do a lot. And hes willing to, i think, do a lot also. I think well actually have a good relationship, assuming we have the meeting, assuming something comes of it. And hell get protections that will be very strong. Whats he talking about, phil, protections . Regime security. Will the family continue . One quick penalty flag. If they dont comply and the president says on the front end, we respect your government and we will allow you to continue in power, what happens when they dont comply . Thats the problem here. Big problem. All right, thank you both very much. Next, whats a white house to do when it cant stop leaking . The Trump White House cancels its Daily Communications meetings altogether. The new york lawyers racist rant against spanishspeaking people. Theyre not documented. So my next call is to i. C. E. Guess what its not the first time hes lashed out. As a control enthusiast, im allbusiness when i travel. Even when i travel. For leisure. So i go national, where i can choose any available upgrade in the aisle without starting any conversations or paying any upcharges. What can i say . Control suits me. Go national. Go like a pro. Heartburn and gas . Now fight both fast new tums chewy bites with gas relief all in one relief of heartburn and gas tum tum tum tums new tums chewy bites with gas relief allow you to take advantage of growth opportunities. With a level of protection in down markets. So you can be less concerned about your retirement savings. Talk with your advisor about shield annuities from Brighthouse Financial established by metlife. Do ndo not misjudgenity quiet tranquility. 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Now the meeting is an important meeting. It involves two dozen communication staffers on any given day, usually every morning. It comes in the wake of someone leaking from the meeting what kelly sadler, the one who made the joke about john mccain and said, didnt matter if he opposed gina haspel as cia director because hes dying anyway, that leaked out. When they had a meeting chastising everybody for the leak, that leaked out too. Now no more meetings. Keith, let me start with you. Youve been in these meetings, worked in the white house. How important people might say, meetings, roll their eyes. Most of them are worthless. Not this one, right . This is a very important meeting. There are two morning meetings that used to take place when i was in the white house. One a senior staff meeting in the roosevelt room, everyone talk about what was going on throughout the government. The Communications Meeting followed that, wed talk about what were we going to do to try to implement the message for the day . After we had all the information from the senior staff meeting. Thats how you get message discipline. Thats how you get everybody saying the same thing. Being on the same page throughout the administration. Without that, its a recipe for chaos. Recipe for chaos which is what we see all too often. Is the white house cutting off its nose to spite its face . Theres issues, something leaked out of a meeting, then the discussion about it leaked out, thats a problem. But is canceling the meeting altogether the answer . I think theyre having a more senior meeting which is smart for the time being while they try to get their ship in order. I will say this people might be leaking maybe, then they leak even more, but go ahead. Couple of things. I dont often criticize, certainly not the president nor the white house very often. The white house com staff is not serving the president well. That is just reality. The leaks are exhibit a i think in that case against whats going on there. So number one, i think people need to be fired. We need to find out who these people are, they need to be fired, they need to be rolled out of the white house in a very public way. Number two, ill also say this. This is an important point. Whats very different about this white house versus other white house is this president came into washington, d. C. In many ways as an insurgent against washington, d. C. And there are people, unfortunately, even on the white house staff, and the white house staff by the way is a lot bigger than we think. Its 4,000 people. There are a lot of people in the white house theyre not all in the white house. There are a lot of people in the white house who are washingtonian insiders. They have dual loyalty. Both to their swamp loyalties and a little bit to the president ial power structure and its time for them to be rooted out. Okay. So obviously there is there are a lot of leakers in the white house. One of them is the president. Its his choice to leak, right . Hes allowed to do it. But he calls people up all the time and says things. We cant say that as fact, do you know that . Has he leaked to you . Lets not get off on that diversion, lets answer the question. Hold on, do you know that . You cant just say that as fact steve, stay on message. I want to read something to you that Jonathan Swann im trying to stick to the facts. He talked to a Current White House staffer about the leaks. These are people hes been talking to, why are you leaking . One of them said, to be honest it probably falls into a couple of categories. The first is personal vendettas. Two is to make sure theres an accurate record of whats really going on in the white house. Okay. Keith, have you ever seen anything like that . Theyre admitting to your point, steve, admitting its personal vendettas. Then theyre saying, accurate record. Which, steve, you would say is a swamp issue. I think you would say is people who think this president is not serving the country well. Well, yeah. I think its not unusual for people who have vendettas to settle them in the media in any administration, to be honest. But what is different, i think what steve gets wrong, is that Communication Communications the problem is donald trump. The Communications Staff is basically doing what theyre being told to do. Who is the Communications Director right now . There isnt one. Thats the point. President trump. Weve had four Communications Directors in one year, in the first year, hope hicks left two months ago. There is no Communications Director right now. Donald trump is basically trying to be his own Communications Director. So its illogical to blame the staff when he doesnt even have anybody in charge of managing the communications. By the way, keith, in terms of his skills and communication, this is a man who got 63 million votes from the American People, who had no hold on, let me talk. No government experience it doesnt go to being Communications Director. It has total relevance, hold on wait, wait. How many votes are relevant to leaking in the white house . May i talk . Stay on message. Talk about the votes. Talk about the leaking. Youre worse than donald trump. Stay on message. Go ahead, steve. My point is, this is a man who understands Communications Better than any president weve had since ronald reagan. A man who masters social media. Who masters speaking directly to the people very twitter. Fair. Our First Citizen president ever with no prior government experience. The idea he doesnt understand communications i think is pretty insulting to the record. I will also say, though, this is important. The staff, i agree, is leaking too much. People need to be fired. But im not shocked. Because he came into washington you need a Communications Director. Is on an insurgent and that is not the case of george w. Bush he needs somebody to stay on message. They did not come in as insurgents. Ill hit pause. Youve got a point on his communications but you do too, clearly he doesnt understand communications well with his own staff because they obviously are leaking bad things about him all the time, thats the most important communication you can have is with your own staff. The man behind the racist rant seen across the globe next. I paid for their ability to be here his history of confrontations. Plus Michael Cohens daily dance of, i dont know, courting or avoiding the cameras. I just need some rest. Im just worried about the house. And taking care of the boys. [ door slams ] hes still asleep. Zach . Zach . [ dog barking ] [ sighs in relief ] zach talk to me. Its for the house. 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I think the ultimate goal was to expose him and make him aware of how wrong what he sid i did was. Reporter he says he sprayed i paraded her and the restaurant employee accusing them of being undocumented and calming immigration employees on them, starting it all, english wasnt being spoken. It was simply because a customer ordered if spanish and then he heard myself and my best friend speaking to the gentleman making our food speaking in spanish. It set him off. Reporter this is not the first appearance in a controversial video. Here he is in 2017, shouting at some ultraorthodoxed jews protesting against state of israel. Then there is this encounter with a stranger in 2016. Im going to call the police. You dont run into people. Im a citizen here, are you not. You are an ugly foreigner. Reporter that socalled foreigner was Willie Morris born in massachusetts speaking out again hoping this latest incident renews the conversation about race and individuality in america. Is this person on tev or a Youtube Channel . I struggle with that. They dont want to share this out and give them more air time. But you have to call out those wrongs when they happen in order to address it. Right . Reporter what little we know can be found on his lauchls website. He is an attorney offing services in multiple languages, including spanish. Tonight we learn he no longer has a place to practice. We learn from the landlord of the property where he used to lease space in manhattan, he has essentially been evicted. The question is, will he keep practicing after a complaint filed against him today . Is there what clients he could get and who spoke spanish . Its helpful. He said he couldnt. Thank you very much. Next, michael con, the center of a classic new york moment. He loves that jacket. The new york stakeout. 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Reporter every trip outside is a chance to be tripped up on camera. For more than a month, cohen has been the subject of a stakeout, cameras camped out in front of the lowes regency. Cohen is staying in the hotel where rooms can run over 600 a night while his nearby apartment is unconstruction. Hes under the microscope. Every hug, every handshake, every back slapp. Are you worried . No. Reporter during these sidewalk encounter, cohen is almost always polite. Hi, michael. And sometimes answers questions. How are you feeling today . Just not the ones that matter. Stop the dangers of walking backwards while shooting. The questions that count. Alleged love child. Reporter tend to be answered with silencely want to talk about you flipping. Any possibly for that . No. Do you think the president still has your back . Reporter only rarely has cohen gotten his back up, telling a cnn cameraman, you guys are really starting to bug me. Believe me, its no party for me either. Reporter a one time cohen partied when he hung out with cigarsmoking friends outside a restaurant. Even then he got mocked for his outfit. Michael cohen wearing the jacket they give you in a fancy steakhouse when you forget to wear one. The man that smells leak a steakhouse. Reporter he says good fellows. Always keep your mouth shut. Reporter someone even ratted out cohen adding the team from the sopranos. Jeanie mos, cnn, new york. Anderson starts now. The president woke up with a disgusting taste in his mouth. John berman in for anderson. Thats hess word, disgusting. Thats how the president describes the special counsels investigation, which is one year today, illegal, too, even though it was launched by his department. A growing white house effort a bye and large misleading one to discredit and draw attention from him. He kicked off a swing of tweets. Qualifications, america, we are now into the second

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