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Im dana bash. Breaking news on the president s soninlaw. Cnn has learned that special Counsel Robert Mueller is expanding his investigation to look into Jared Kushners discussion during the president ial transition with Foreign Investors. Mueller is going beyond kushners foreign contacts and digging into his attempts to secure financing for his real estate businesses and other Foreign Investors including china. President trump returned to the white house moments ago after a long weekend in florida at maralago. After a weekend twitter storm about the investigation, trump was back at it again on this president s day. He tweeted obama was president up to and beyond the 2016 election so why didnt he do something about russian meddling. The special counsels interest in the finances of the extended trump family could be more of a signal to come. Thats exactly what the former director of National Intelligence James Clapper predicted when he told me he sees more shoes to drop. I think another thing that i havent seen much of is financial entanglements between the Trump Organization, before the election and during it. I have to think that the special counsel and his team are looking at that simply by look at the competition of who is on that team. What exactly is mueller looking at . We have learned that the special counsel is asking questions about Jared Kushners personal business dealings during the president ial transition. Were told by people who are familiar with the investigation that muellers are asking about discussions kushner had with potential chinese and investors. This is the first indication that mueller wants to know about contacts the president s soninlaw had with foreigners outside of russia. Discussions revolve around a building on fifth avenue which kushners company owns. The financing is in debt wi over a billion dollars. Its not clear what is behind muellers specific interest in financing. Were told the special counsel has asked for information. He hasnt asked for any interviews of some of the executives at the Kushner Companies. We have a statement from Jared Kushners attorney saying another anonymous source with questionable motives now contradicts the facts in all of mr. Kushners extensive cooperation. Theres not been a single question asked nor documents sought on the 666 building. Nor would there be any reason to question these regular business transactions. We had multiple sources for the story who told us these questions were being asked. As abby makes clear now in his stalt statement on the record, kushner may have not been quizzed on Company Dealings but we have talked to multiple sources on this story. Its not entirely clear to what abby would know what other people are being asked. You know this far better than i. If underscore, something is a target, they are the last to be questioned about these kinds of things. What more are you learning . I know youre talking to your sources about these meetings. What are you told . In our conversations with some of our sources, they pointed to the fact the mueller team has been asking questions about a chinese bank that would fund some of the finances with the 66 building. There was a businessmen also who was looking to invest some money into 666. Suddenly at some point both of the deals fell apart for unknown reasons and part of what we believe is going on is that special counsel as we have been told, as its been explained to us is exploring this idea whether kushner was mixing his personal business with his work as an Incoming Administration official. Thank you so much for that exclusive cnn reporting. Appreciate it. I want to go to jeff who is outfront at the white house. Jeff, what are you hearing from white house sources about their reaction to cnns reporting . Reporter good evening. The white house is officially not saying anything about this new reporting. That falls in line of how they deal with anything. Thats where the white house is appointing us to. He has said theres nothing unusual about these business transactions here. The reality here is that every stage of this Mueller Investigation that includes the family, makes people very uncomfortable. The white house not saying anything specifically about this matter. Jared kushner was one of the most visible members of this administration when it started a year plus ago. He was constantly beside the president at key moments. We havent seen him very much lately. Do you think it could be, in part, because of the direction of the Mueller Investigation . Reporter theres no question that Jared Kushner a year ago was in the middle of everything. He had his own press conferences on foreign matters. Every time a head of state was here, he was front and center. His profile has fallen dramatically as the russia investigation has escalated. Hes been on capitol hill and the house an senate side. Hes been very busy with all matters of this russia investigation. John kelly talking about the interim security clearances. Offering at the end of this week, if this holds he will no longer have access to top secret information like that president ial daily brief. The president could overrule this. That will take him out even more of the center of activity here. So interesting. Great point. Well be watching for that at the end of the week. Thank you for that reporting. Tonight is democratic congresswoman karen bash. Shes a member of the how judiciary and House Foreign Affairs committee. Thank you for joining me tonight. Congresswoman, i want to get your reaction to the news that cnn is breaking tonight about Robert Muellers interest in kushner going beyond his russia contacts. Special counsel looking at conversations kushner had with nonrussian Foreign Investors including some from china and this was were reporting during the transition. Whats your reaction . Well, my reaction to it, it will be interesting to see how it develops. Its such an extreme conflict of interest and it just seems as though it makes him completely compromised. Maybe its one of reasons why he has been unable to complete his security clearance. If you think about what his responsibility is within the administration on the Foreign Affairs angle from the middle east, et cetera. To be a billion dollars in debt and possibly be fund raising before he goes into the white house and whose to say thats not to continue. The deals might have fallen through but maybe he is in his order of business maybe hes trying to raise money for when this administration leaves. It just is an extreme conflict of interest. He seems compromised. Im really hoping they will bring this to a close. Either he get a security clearance or he does not. I want to add that this reporting is about the transition and before joining the Administration Kushner said he was working to divest his interest in the Kushner Companies including 666 fifth avenue. Exactly. Whos to say that that didnt continue after the transition . Also the fact hes known to make more requests of intelligence information than anybody else except for the people in the National Security counsel. Sg a are you saying you dont believe he divested . Im saying whos to say. Even if he did divest, that doesnt mean he couldnt continue with his contacts with foreign governments. Its interesting that after they did take office, ivanka was able to get several trademarks from china. It just raises all the questions about the role of the family in the white house. Thats the main point im making. I want to play, again, what President Trump said in july. He drew a red line this this investigation. Listen to what he said. Mueller was looking at your finances and your familys finances unrelated to russia. Is that a red line . Would that be breach . I would say yes. He went onto say, i think thats a violation. This is about russia. His point being, if mueller goes into the whole notion of finances and his financing, thats a red line. Does that concern you when it comes to muellers ability to keep his job and questions about whether the president could fire him . It absolutely concerns me. It concerns me that this president doesnt seem to think that he should follow the rule of law. His family is not exempt. If his family is doing things that are not right then thats up for investigation too. Hes the one that brought his family into the oval office. He didnt have to do that. He chose to do that. You heard our White House Correspondent talk about the fact that Jared Kushner still has only interim security clearance. I know this has been a big issue for you. The fact the white house chief of staff ordered that top level security clearances be discontinued for any staffer whose background has been pending since before last june, kushners clearance is pending. Exactly. That is an open question about what its going to mean for kushner. I want to show you what kushners attorney said in a statement about this. He said my inquiries to those involved have confirmed there are a dozen or more people at mr. Kushnerslevel whose process is delayed. It is not uncommon for this process to take this long and the current backlogs are being addressed. No concerns were raised about mr. Kushners application. It is true that it can take a long time for anybody to get their full security clearance. Do you think and do you have any indication this is just part of normal process . From my understanding its absolutely not part of the normal process. Were talking about 13 months now. Were talking about over 100 people in the administration who have not completed the process, but remember about Jared Kushner. Remember hes had to make several amendments to his clearance, to his application. Issues have been raised from day one. Its not my understanding at all that somebody of his level who makes consistent requests for classified information can have a position like this. Now, the interesting thing is going to be who is going to win. Is it going to be the clehief o staff . Will the president listen to the chief of staff or overrule. Well find out before week is over. I want to ask you about one o other thing regarding russia. The president tweeted obama was president up the and beyond the 2016 election. Why didnt he do something about russian meddling . We know now that the russian operation to mess with the 2016 election started in 2014. It was halfway through president obamas second term. Do you think that president obama should have done more . You know, i think in the context of what was happening during this election in 2016, it would have been shocking if president obama would have in a very forceful way said the russians are interfering. You do remember that they did issue a notice to the press. They did have a press conference and said there was russian interference. It happened to be the same day that the hollywood access tape was released. It didnt receive the coverage, the amount of attention it should have. Thank you so much for joining he. Appreciate it. Thanks for having me on. Next, all in the family. The new focus on kushners finances raising serious questions about trump family conflicts of interests. Plus, stunning new details about the High School Shooter who was in court today. He cut his arms on snapchat and was threatening to buy another gun after a break up with his girlfriend. Why were these red flags ignored . The president s right hand, how Michael Cohen became much more than just Donald Trumps lawyer. 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Stop by your locale tax serJackson Hewittou . And get all the benefits of a tax pro. With Jackson Hewitt you get 100 accuracy and our max refund guarantee. So, switch to Jackson Hewitt. Open late and weekends. Not necessarily after 3 toddlers with boundless energy. But lower back pain wont stop him from keeping up. Because at a dr. Scholls kiosk he got a recommendation for our best custom fit orthotic to relieve his foot, knee, or lower back pain, from being on his feet. By reducing shock and stress on his body with every step. So look out world, dads taking charge. Dr. Scholls. Born to move. Tonights President Trumps twitter tear. 21 tweets. Thats right 21 tweets over the weekend blaming everyone for the russian meddling in americas elections except russia. The president attacked his own National Security advisor, fbi and obama. Why didnt obama do something about russian meddling . Out front to talk about that senior washington correspondent for politico. Happy president s day to you. I want to start with you. You covered this president saying that he is tweeting a lot is like saying its monday. This was different. What you saw is a man stuck inside. He couldnt interact with anyone. They told him not to play golf. It was trump watching fox news and whiplash from every single topic that was catching his ire. It was realtime thoughts coming from his brain onto twitter. You would think his aides would have movie day or something to keep his distracted. In terms of the substance of what he was tweeting about, blaming democrats but also blaming the fbi. Diversion or does he have some credence to that . When you study leaders its always a mistake to underestimate. I dont know what behind this. Ill tell you one thing, if the russian and i believe the russian goal was to divide us and create chaos, his tweets over the weekend just helped. I think perhaps arguably the worst tweet theres going to be a contest among us all but the worst tweet so far was the tweet that attacks the fbi and said if you had been focussed more on florida and taken care and done something about the cruz tip off, rather than focus on the Mueller Investigation, perhaps those children wouldnt have died which was about as irresponsible, a president ial statement as i can imagine. Certainly inflamed and made the children wo were survivors there irate. Everybody. Were talking about two different divisions but heres the problem is that there are times when we want our president to not only appeal to our better angels but be the consoler in chief. This weekend he was the divider this chief. The only person who benefitted was putin. He kind of alluded to that. One said, look, the democrats and the Mueller Investigation are giving putin exactly what he wanted by having this sew so much chaos even now into the system. Whoever lied about their contacts with the russians which is a felony. Hes clearly got a twitter problem, an addiction there. Id rather have him playing around with twitter than the nuclear codes. Hes going to tweet himself into an indictment for obstruction of justice. Hes tearing the country apart. Vladmir putin is the only person who comes out on top. Well see about the obstruction of justice. Were getting different clues about which way this investigation is going. I want to play one of the things that sort of proof of one of the things that the president was tweeting about is just not true. I never said russia did not meddle in the election. I said it may be russia or china or another group or it may be a 400 pound genius sitting in bed and playing with his computer. The russian hoax was that the Trump Campaign colluded with russia. It never did. Except for the fact we happen to have donald trump in his own words saying the opposite. I dont think anybody knows it was russia that broke into the dnc. Would be russia but could be china. It could be somebody sitting on their bed. More recently just air force one he had no reason to doubt russia president when he denied the meddling of 2016 election. He said he didnt do that. No one else is on this. Master said. Security conference. Other reports are saying. You want it fair, thats fine. Dont, you need to separate those two issues that collusion is separate. The whole russian meddling the strait. You saw cnns reporting that the Mueller Investigation is now looking into Jared Kushners foreign financing efe ining eff. What does this tell you about the direction of the Mueller Investigation . We dont know the facts yet with respect to the financing of the trump Business Empire or the Kushner Family Business Empire. We know they have a lot of foreign financing. They both have credit issues inside the United States and credit inside the United States and have been borrowing around the country. If they are a financial dependencies on russia, thats something he needs to find out because that could be part of the russia story. They are using their money to influence United States government officials where as the kushners or the trumps, if its money from the russian government, its a clear violation of the United States constitution. Even if its not from the russian government, it could be something that could be used to corrupt the government and Robert Mueller needs to find out what it is. I cant tell you what it is now. Robert mueller knows. Hes getting to the bottom of it but its critically important that he find this out. We have to take a quick break. Im sure what you were going to say is this is why we have nepotism rule this is the executive branch for conflicts of interest and if things go south with your relative. Thanks very much. Next, more missed signs. Disturbing ones that the high School Killer in fl orida was a danger. The family who took him in didnt see it. He told us he was depressed. The president said he is obama to improving background checks. Is this an opening for congress to finally do something about gun violence . Whats with him . Hes happy. Your familys finally eating vegetables thanks to our birds eye voila skillet meals. And they only take 15 minutes to make. Augh family giggling oh my. Birds eye voila so veggie good. On the only bed that adjusts on both sides to your ideal comfort, your sleep number setting. Does your bed do that . Save 50 on the ultimate limited edition bed. Plus 24month financing ends monday visit sleepnumber. Com for a store near you. Hey. Pass please. Im here to fix the elevator. Nothings wrong with the elevator. Right. But you want to fix it. Right. So who sent you . New guy. What new guy . Watson. My analysis of sensor and Maintenance Data indicates elevator 3 will malfunction in 2 days. There you go. You still need a pass. There you go. Ohhhhhh, ou guess what i just got . Uh i used to be spellbound hello again. I used to be spellbound hi. I used to be spellbound thats a big phone. In your arms. [screams] ah, my phone. You built the flame that warms my heart, but lying and cheating has torn us apart and im moving on. Breaking news. The High School Shooter started cutting himself and planning to buy guns after break up with a girlfriend according to a 2016 report from floridas department of children and families. The alleged gunman appeared at court today staying mostly silent and looking down. This is the family who took the 19yearold in says they saw no sign of what was to come even as he obtained ten rifles in the last year. Martin savidge is out front. Reporter he sat quietly this court add the judge ordered the release of a report about cruz from the daept of children and families. The documents describe him as a vulnerable adult due to Mental Illness and out lined an disturbing incident. He was on snapchat cutting both of his arms an stated he had plans to go out and buy a gun. Investigators went to the teens home interviewing him and his mother. Eventually concludesing cruzs final level of risk is low. That was less than 18 months ago. Even the family he was living with right up to the day of the attack says they saw nothing suggesting the killing to come. They took cruz in after his mother died last november. He told us he was depressed. Reporter they spoke to cnn to air tuesday. Hes just trying to fit in. Didnt know what to sigh or when to say it or how to say it. Hooe hed ask a lot of questions. Reporter the couple knew cruz had guns. Authorities telling c thrnn sin turning 18 he had ten rifles. They believed they had the only key to the gun vault. The family told abc Good Morning America on the day of the attack as cruz took an uber to the high school, he was texting their son asking what room he was in. Then cruz texted two lies. He told my son he was going to the movies. He said he had something to tell him and my son pressed him and goes nothing bad bro. He goes, that was it. Reporter this is chilling images continue to emerge. Surveillance video showing the confessed killer walking down the street shortly after the attack. In the aftermath of the heartbreak and horror of high school killings, proponents of stricter gun laws have discovered a new and unexpected voice. Unafraid to take on the president and the nra. If the president wants to come up to me and tell me to my face that it was a terrible tragedy and how it should never have happened and maintain telling us how nothing is going to be done about it, im going to heaply ask him how much money he severed from National Rifle association. Reporter turning anguish into action. She and other student survivors are determined that Stoneman Douglas be known not just as another School Massacre but remembered as the last School Massacre. Dana even as people call for political change and changes s gun laws its pornts important remember this is an area very much in mourning. Theres another vigil taking place in coral springs. Coral springs is right next door to parkland here. Nearly half of the student body of this high school came from coral springs. Theyre suffering and pain is spread across many neighborhoods down here. Dana. Thank you so much for that report. Now, behavioral analyst casey jordon. Thank you so much for coming. Casey, lets talk about this 2016 report. It was the Florida Department of children and families. It talked about how the shooter started cutting his arm, talking about wanting to buy a gun. Yet he was still called low risk. What does that tell you is th . This was triggered because he was putting this on snapchat. Of course they have to go to his home and do an assessment. His mother said she was alarmed about this and this. She said he wanted to get an id and buy a gun but they were just focused on the selfharm. They never seem to make the transition that not only was he capable of harming himself but that because hes mentally ill and depressed and wants to buy a gun that he might be capable of harming others. The report doesnt address that possibility at all. Theres red flags but what we need to do is fix the system so certain things like Mental Illness plus guns equal equivalent for. Those two things are intrinsically dangerous. As a 19yearold he was able to get an ar15. In florida its easier to get an ar15 than a handgun. The shooter was able to buy ten rifles in the last year. What does that tell you . To unpack this for the viewer, the reason its more difficult to buy a land gun aha the age is different is because of the concealability. The thinking goes rifles are less easier to conceal. We know cruz took the rifle in a gun bag and carried it on an uber ride and came over to the school. This is its tough to wrap our heads around. We respect and understand the utility of the Second Amendment. I believe in it fervently. We have to look at certain things. Certain processes and protocols associated with it because the way the Founding Fathers intended for it in 1791 doesnt apply today. People say, at 18, like i did when i went to westpoint, you go to war. Why would you want to prevent a 19yearold who has all this troubled mental history, why would you want to not allow them to do that. The sense of this is, the systems failed in so many different ways. So many ways. So many different sots where everything in vacuum you can say this was wrong. We need to look at them together collectively and figure out way to fix this. The killer was somebody who haed a lot of troubles. One of them was he lost both of his parents. His father years ago. His mother more recently. He was staying with a family that took him in. They said that they had no idea that he had violent tendencies. They did know he had guns. This from the public defender. This young man is deeply disturbed, emotion maally broke. He has been enduring Mental Illness his entire life. Thats been an ongoing issue that hes been dealing with. How does this fill in for you the Bigger Picture of the missed signs, the red flags . At the end of that report they said hes low risk because hes Getting Mental Health treatment. Hes in school and his mother is looking out for him and making sure he takes his meds. Within one year all of that was gone. When you talk about the system being broken, you have to understand the mentally ill are in the least the worst position to help themselves. Theyre needed to be further check ups. After the mother died something had to happen in the system to send a social worker to talk to him. He was homeless. We cant blame the family for taking him in. They were doing a good thing. At the same time, the fact they let him come into their home with a gun and said we cant intrude, hes a adult was probably the big mistake. I have to ask you before i let you go about what the president is saying about the fbi. Heres what he tweeted. Very sad that fbi missed all the many signals sent out by the Florida School shooter. This is not acceptable. They are spending too much time trying to prove russian collusion with the Trump Campaign. Theres no collusion. Get back to the basics and make us all proud. I long argued i thought the president wads a little more nuanced and attacks were aimed at senior leadership. Hes flipped the script. This directly attacking the institution of the fbi which is 35,000 men and women. I thought it was inappropriate and disappointing that he would do that in a flurry of tweets. This targeted the fbis institution. It sure did. Thank you both. Next, whos add vising the president on gun violence . The answer to that may surprise you. President trumps fixer. How far will Michael Cohen go to protect the boss . With advils fast relief, youll ask, what pulled muscle . What headache . Nothing works faster to make pain a distant memory. Advil liquigels and advil liquigels minis. What pain . Advil liquigels and advil liquigels minis. Whats Critical Thinking like . A basketball costs 14. Whats team spirit worth . cheers whats it worth to talk to your mom . Whats the value of a walk in the woods . 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Wanted to help the school. They would put these signs on the door to let the teacher know you didnt cut off the light. The teachers, they would call us the energy patrol. So they would be like, here they come, turn off your lights those three young ladies were teaching the whole school about energy efficiency. We actually saved 50,000. And thats just one school, two semesters, three girls. Together, were building a better california. New tonight, President Trump is open to strengthening gun background checks. Thats what he is telling friends and family that he wants to do something. Something he says after seeing the protests from students in Broward County florida where the shooting took place. The president talked it over with his sons and talk show host geraldo while they were at maralago over the weekend. Danny jones is from one of the most progun states in the country and has fought an uphill battle to stop gun violence. Hes now an independent but was a member of the Republican Party for 45 years. Thank you so much for joining me. I want to start by talking about the president. He is saying now that hes interested in beefing up background checks for gun sales. Good start . I dont buy it. I remember his speechst to the nra and ive seen this go on so long. First voted 1972 and then they wanted to out law saturday night specials. There is going be very little progress towards gun laws in this country because this motion of this event, i believe, will go away. The nra will always stay. If you, especially in my state, if you take on the Second Amendment folks, youre going to walk a long lonely road. Ive been down that road and its not an easy road to walk. Nothing in you says this might be different because you have teenagers. The next generation on the cusp of being at voting age in florida and now around the country who are saying no more. You dont think their voices are powerful enough to potentially change things . I was very impressed with the young man that said we would wait a month and they would have an event but when it comes right down to it, our politics are controlled by money. That money will come from various groups both known and unknown. I dont know who came in here and spent all the money against me in the mayors race but they came in here. In the end, the second amount forces usually prevail and to get past that would be a very high hurdle and i believe that President Trump once he comes back to d. C. And the emotion settled, i dont look to see anything change. After newtown, your fellow west Virginian Joe mansion took on the nra. It didnt go anywhere which makes your point. Why do you think, do you think it really is just the nra and the money or do you think that it is cultural and that people are concerned about the slippery slope. Im sure you here that every day in your state where there are a lot of people who believe that. I come from the most protrump, progun state in america. You do. They are going to be pouring money in here to try to defeat those forces are going to be pouring money in here to try to defeat joe mansion in this next election. The mansion bill when that was defeated because it couldnt get past the filibuster, thats the only time i saw president obama lose his temper. He did it in the rose garden. Thats why i dont think this will work. Maybe im wrong. Perhaps, i dont know where it would go or what they would do. What kind of fashion they would have. I spoke to ohios governor, john kasich over the week about this. He argued because congress is paralyzed that its the state and local legislatures that need to step in. Listen to what he said. Where we have to effect this, i believe, is at the local level and the state house because you can have greater access to politicians who serve in the state legislature, in a county commissioner, in a city council. Thats where you need to put the pressure and call these people out. Hes talking about people like you. Youre mayor of a big city in your state. Do you think this is feasible because congress is not doing it, you can try to bring about change starting on a very micro level in your area . Not in this state. Governor kasich might want to ask himself what hes done since hes been governor and what he did when he was in congress and how he voted on these issues and did he use his Political Capital to try to advance that notion. I think the answer to all those would be he didnt. This the talk right now. Youre talking about a governor that doesnt have a lot of good feeling for this president. Dont get me wrong, i think that people ought to talk about this, but not just talk if grand design but if youre going to really do something about it, people need to sb specific and come up with real ideas and culture and craft some legislation that might work. Hes not here to defend himself, he did talk about a task force hes doing in ohio. He was a lot more focused on congress than the president. I take your point. Thank you so much for joining us. Appreciate your time and your insight. Next, trumps personal attorney is back in the headlines. This time about trump and a playboy model. Trump took the time last night to insult his old friend, oprah. Why is the president so obsessed . Its a lot easier to make decisions when you know what comes next. If you move your old 401 k to a fidelity ira, we make sure youre in the loop at every step from the moment you decide to move your money to the instant your new retirement account is funded. 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Only aleve has the strength to stop tough pain for up to 12 hours with just one pill. Aleve. All day strong. What can a president [ do in thirty seconds . He can fire an fbi director who wont pledge his loyalty. He can order the deportation of a million immigrant children. He can threaten an unstable dictator armed with nuclear weapons. He can go into a rage and enter the Nuclear Launch codes. How bad does it have to get before congress does something . New tonight, President Trumps pit bull. Michael cohen, trumps long time personal lawyer back in the headlines. August of 2016, cohen was given a heads up about an agreement. The deal prevented her from going public about an alleged affair with trump. Reporter a man with many hats. Lawyer, enforcer. An entrepreneur extraordinaire, he is insanely bright. Reporter making Donald Trumps women problems going away like stormy daniels. Paying of his own money to not talk about an alleged affair she had with trump. Just because something isnt true doesnt mean it cant cause you harm or damage. I will always protect mr. Trump. There were other reported deals. The New York Times reports that in 2014, cohen helped hand over photos. And the tabloid never published them. Cohen was also given a heads up that playboy model was finalizing a deal and preventing her from speaking publicly. She got 150,000 from the same publisher, the national enquirer. The white house released a statement calling it quote more fake news. Michael cohen has stood by the president s side for 12 years and a fan for longer. He read the art of the deal twice. Joinings the Trump Organization as a lawyer in 2006. If you do something wrong, i am going to come at you he told abs in 2011. It was cohen who launched the campaign who encouraged trump to run in 2012. Join the movement, and lets convince him. Reporter when trump finally did run, cohen was his most visible supporters. Look at the words that you use and blast at the bottom of your banner, shake up, overhaul desperate measures. There are no desperate measures. Reporter means getting sucked into the russia investigation. Cohen called in front of congress to testify about his role in trying to build a trump tower in moscow and any communication with the kremlin. Cohen denies the move had anything to do with the campaign and simply part of a failed deal. One constant figure in so many of trumps deals over the years, his loyal foot soldier, Michael Cohen. Cnn, new york. Jeanne moos on Donald Trumps fixation with oprah. Out things. In g that tripledouble thing doing it yourself or tagging a friend thing. More revolutions in the making thing. That play like a girl thing. That fourlegged friends thing. At t gives you more for your thing. More entertainment, internet, and unlimited plans. More for your thing. Yeah, thats our thing. Is donald trump feeling threatened by oprah . Jeanne moos looks for answers. Reporter remember when they were just two friendly mega celebrities. Calling each other by their first names. Now President Trump is tweeting about very insecure Oprah Winfrey. This after the president watched her moderating pro and anti trump voters on 60s minute. It was the insecure jab, insecure are you for real . It was a gif caption. Perez hilton put words in oprahs mouth. Dont make me come over there. Donald trump calling Oprah Winfrey insecure is like bat man versus superman calling black panther a flop. She is popular, a brilliant, a wonderful woman. Reporter the kind of woman you would choose for Vice President . If she would do it, she would be fantastic. Reporter but i adore has been replaced by insecure. As for president oprah despite the buzz, despite comments. Great, thats what we need in 2020, a third president who hasnt run anything about her mouth. President is thumbing his nose towards oprah. There is an indescribable it factor. I am sitting next to it. Reporter it has turned to ick. Thanks for joining us. Ac 360 starts right now. We do it because obviously he is the president of the United States. What a president says matters still and whether those statements can be trusted that certainly matters. Keeping them honest, beyond just their raw factaulty, you can draws your own conclusion about. That not far from maralago

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