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I have never known this woman or anything with regard to the other girls, saying this is 40 years ago, after my return from the hill temilitary, i dated a young ladies. Remember what the lady said. That in 1979 when she was 14 years old, moore met her at a courthouse where her mother was attending a child custody hearing. Moore offered to stay with her. She says moore asked for her number and days later, picked her up, took her to his home and kissed her. During a second visit, he took off her shirt and pants, removed his clothes and guides her to touch him. She was 14. In addition, three more told the post moore pursued them when they were between the ages of 16 and 18, although they do not accuse him of anything inappropriate. The legal age of consent in alabama then and now is 16. So along with those four women, the post Basis Reporting on interviews with more than 30 people who say they knew moore between 1977 and 1982. Yesterday, beth reinhardt, one of the post reporters who broke the story, spoke to outfront about her reporting saying her team spent a month working on it and thoroughly investigating everything the women told them. We vetted their backgrounds to see you know, did they have some kind of political vendetta against roy moore. That wasnt the case. And so you know, this was a story we took a lot of time with and you know as we point out in the story, these women did not come to us seeking attention. We found them and it was only through weeks of interviews that we felt our reporting was solid and we were ready to publish a story. So it seems to come down to this. Four women on the record with dozens backing them up. Versus roy moore. And just moments ago, more fallout for moore. This is a completely manufactured story. We have to defraud this campaign. And steve bannon, trumps former Chief Strategist, now head of breitbart news, had been one of moores most prominent backers. Comparing the Washington Post story to the access Hollywood Tape unearthed during the campaign. Hello, how are you . Hi. If you saw the way they came after him like theyre coming after judge moore today, this is not, they didnt debate you know, policy or politics. This was the politics of personal destruction. Right . Alabamas State Auditor went so far as to call the allegations quote, much adieu about nothing. Take joseph and mary. Mary was a teenager and joseph was an adult carpenter. They became parents of jesus and like jesus, moores brother told cnn on friday, the judge is being persecuted. Jay holland works for the countys Republican Party and has known moore for decades. He thinks moore could lose a few votes, but come election day, the turnout will be strong. Do you think theres any chance he drops out of this race . No, no, you dont know roy moore. He is a fighter. If you got to have somebody in a fox hole with you, you want roy moore. The big question now his supporters are asking is why now . Why are these allegations coming to light 40 years after the fact. Are they waging a Smear Campaign against moore. Is it organized by the democrats . Establishment republicans like Mitch Mcconnell . They want more proof, Koroeb Ration and they want moore to stay in the race and they say he can win. Thanks so much. Appreciate it. Outfront now, last bell, the Republican Party chair of st. Clair county, alabama and the former democratic governor of michigan, Jennifer Granholm is here. Lance, let me just get your take. What do you have to say about all this tonight . I guess its a scale d back approach. Hes been involved in politics here, four statewide races, Three County Races in Etowah County. Different than a federal election, dont you agree . Still state of alabama voters. And you got these allegation as coming out of Etowah County where hes run three races there as judge. Two times as governor. Two times as chief justice. Im stepping back. Lets listen to the facts. Let the investigation take place and see what happens. I think were Stiearly Jumping C conclusions. What is the standard of proof . What more proof are you looking for . Im a defense attorney. So im always looking at whats out there. When things first happen, theres always facts that come out later. That either prove something happen, didnt prove it, i mean, lets give it a few days, some time. Dont Rush To Judgment and you know, convict somebody basically on public outcry from different people. Lets wait and what happens. If this occurred, i dont care if its a political candidate or a citizen. If these facts occurred, that person should be prosecuted and should not be in politics. Should not be leading in government. But i think we got to step back and we got to let this have more time to develop before we make a judgment call on what were going to do. Governor, do you think this is time to step back . Well, no, but im curious, mr. Bell, does that mean, you calling for an investigation . Would you, is there an opportunity, how else are more facts going to come forward without additional veinvestigaie journalism or o an investigation from the criminal arena . Well, governor, you spent some years as Attorney General and youre in alabama. Theres so statute of limitations on this crime. So lets give it some time. See if theres going to be an investigation. I think jumping to conclusions look at the, i hate to use this example, but duke lacrosse. Everybody in the public arena, they had already convicted those guys. I hope this is not true. I thiheres one thing that w and mitt romney spoke to this today. He said that you know, innocent or guilty, for a court of f law. This is a question of if this man should be a United States senator. Two different things. What if these facts are not true . What if it comes out the its not true say next week or two weeks or three weeks . When you have a liberal newspaper in washington that has come out in support of his opponent, i think you got to step back. This isnt lets also deal in facts. This is not a newspaper against roy moore. Not the Washington Post against roy moore. This is the account of four women on the record against roy moore. One of whom is a trump voter and a long time republican voter. And they dont know one another. How is this a collusion . Go ahead. Im not saying its a collusion. Im saying lets take a step back and lets see whats happening. Lets give it a few days. Let the story develop. Lets let those facts come out. Give it a little time. Dont Rush To Judgment. Lot of times when we Rush To Judgment, we make mistakes. Governor, let me ask you this. In the end right now, unless something changes, theres no talk of there being a case or investigation. This is up to the voters in alabama. Many are telling our correspon s respondents on the ground, theyre going to give roy moore the benefit of the doubt. Is that the beginning and end of it . No, its not the beginning and end of it. Fif first of all, theres a whole bunch of Luther Strange voters that could make a big difference. If if they want to see something happen, lets have roy moore take fbi administered polygraph. If you want to put this to bed, lets call him to take a polygraph and see what happens. How many more women will have to come forward . What if another one does come forward . Will that be sufficient . What if theres corroboration of him being at the courthouse at the time when this story was, when the two of them were supposed to have met. How much more do you need . I think the voters of alabama are very smart and theyre going to look at this. Especially a lot of the women of alabama, and say enough is enough. We do not want to embarrass our state further. Republicans probably dont want to see their party embarrassed further. Youre seeing a split in the Republican Party. I appreciate what youre saying because what i think if i can greene from what you said, theres a whole bunch of other colleagues who lead republican county entities who are saying well, 14 maybe its not so bad. You know, its not a big deal if if theres a big age despairty. Some people are justifying it. And are saying as the clip showed that even if he did it, that that should be elected. That is selecting of course party over principle. And thats a terrible thing for the Republican Party in alabama. And youre not saying that. Go ahead. I was raised as you know, a country boy in alabama. And i dont believe you do anything like that to a woman. I dont care if youre in politics. I dont care who you are. You do not mistreat a lady. I was raised to open the car door. I was raised to you know, treat them the way they should be treated and respect them. I was never raised to treat people like that and i do not agree with anybody who says a 14yearold should be treated that way. If this is true is he disqualified to be b a senator or hold any Public Office . If this is true, anybody is is. I dont care if its him theres this question though. I got to ask you this. Youve got senators right now, staunch conservatives, antiestablishment senators like mike lee pulling their endorsement of him because they say enough is enough. They say the post story plus how moore answered questions to hannity tonight are enough. Why not enough for you . You know, getting ready for this, i missed the sean hannity interview. Im not going to Rush To Judgment. I guess its what i do for a living being a defense attorney. I take a step back and look at the facts. I give it a little time. Sometimes, it plays out worse. Sometimes better. Thats just the way it is. All right. Thank you both so much. Hey thank you. Say one thing. Sure. You know, i hate that the day we are today id like to thank our veterans. Thats what we should be focusing on. I hate this story has broken and id like to thank all our veterans out there for the sacrifice they make so we can be here and discussing these issues. Absolutely. Thank you. Outfront next, roy moores biggest backer, steve bannon, about to speak live. If moore doesnt survive is bannon and his crusade done, too . Plus, Michael Flynn reportedly offered millions to abduct a muslim clerk who lives in the United States. Flynn is peeking out and Mitch Mcconnell claims he misspoke. Oops. You nervous . Patrick woke up with a sore back. But hes got work to do. So he took aleve this morning. If hed taken tylenol, hed be stopping for more pills right now. Only aleve has the strength to stop tough pain for up to 12 hours with just one pill. Tylenol cant do that. Aleve. All day strong. All day long. You supported him through four years of undergrad. And medical school. 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The bezos amazon Washington Post that dropped that dime on donald trump is the same bezos amazon Washington Post that dropped t eped dime this aftern judge roy moore. Now is that a coincidence . Thats what i mean when i say opposition party. But those comments add to the growing divide now among republicans, members of the establishment if you will Slamming Bannon for backing candidates they say dont belong in washington. Josh holmes saying this. Well show you. This is what happens when you let reckless incompetent idiots like Steve Bannon Go Out and recruit candidates who have absolutely no Business Running for the u. S. Senate. Outfront now, Republican Congressman lee zeldin of new york. Thanks so much for coming in. Hi, kate. What do you make of these allegations of roy moore and his flat out denial . Pretty serious if theyre true. There shouldnt be in place for him in the United States senate. Im glad that roy moore is deciding to speak up. Im sure there are a lot of people, most importantly in alabama, who want to hear what he has to say. Whether its his supporters or detractors or people who are undecided, trying to figure out how whwho to vote for. If true, shouldnt be in serving in the u. S. Senate or local school board. What more do you want to hear to know if its true or not . Well probably you know, the same thing that maybe you know you or anyone else would want. If theres any additional information, you could take that into consideration. Sometimes when you know, if someone does an interview and theyre answering questions, you can listen to the words they have to say. You can get a read from you know, tone or Body Language or how they might not be answering a particular question. So i think as roy moore answers those questions, a lot of people can get a better read on and be able to form an independent judgment. Most importantly, long before there being any, if there was any further gainvestigation int it in a criminal justice setting, long before that, you have alabama voters who get to go to the polls and decide for themselves. I would imagine over the course of the next month, theyll be able to come across more information and well be able to watch from our vantage point, too. But i want to know what more information youre looking for. Im sure youve read the story. But its four women on the record using their names. Their faces are out there. The girl who was 14 years old at the time says she was, what amounts to being sexually abused by a 32yearold man. She is on the record. 30 people were interviewed as part of this. She also told two of her friends at the time that this had gone down back in 1979. What more information is tr that youre looking for . I never said that its not true. I never said that it was. Theres an allegation that took place. So i wouldnt want to be misunderstood. What i swrus said was if its true, he shouldnt be elected by the alabama voters to serve in the United States senate. There shouldnt be any place for him to serve in the United States senate. I never said it wasnt true because i just dont know. And you have individuals, multiple individuals coming forward with serious allegations. So you know, again, i wouldnt want that to be mistaken in any uncertain terms. I never said it wasnt true. Do you think he should be a United States senator . Thats up to the alabama voters. If alabama voters do you think do you want to work with a senator roy moore . If i would not want to work with a senator anyone if they were responsible for what these allegations are coming out. I dont know if there are any more that will come out in light of this story, but i would not want to serve with anyone who would be responsible for any type of conduct like what these allegations against him said. You said more information could come out. One of things that came out tonight in this interview, this is the other allegation. The 14yearold is talking about being sexually abused. These are three other women say they had romantic relationships with him at the ages of 16, 17 and 18. Roy moore was asked about that. This is what he said. You remember dating girls that young at that time . Not generally, no. If i did, you know, not going to dispute anything, but i dont remember anything like that. Would it be normal behavior for you in those days to date a girl thats 17 or 18. No, not normal. You can say unequivocally you never dated anybody in their late teens like that when you were 32 . Not my customary behavior, thats right. In other words, you u dont recall ever dating any girl that young when you were that old. Ive said no. Congressman, we dont all have great memories, but is that a strange way to say no . Is is it not . In new york, you know, our laws are different. Its not even in alabama where you can date someone who might be 16 years old, you know when youre in your 30s just in general. Its not even legal. But in general, do you think a 32yearold man should be dating a 16yearold girl . No. Absolutely not. As the father of two 11yearold girls, i would say and i dont want my girls to be b dating anyone when theyre 40. But thats my problem. I have to figure out at home and mentor my two little ladies there. Mike lee said he doesnt need to hear any more. Why are you not to a place where you can say if you can back him or not. Just one way or the other . Ive never backed him. Just saying primary a lot of people are choosing sides now. Yeah. Sure. I dont know. I havent been involved in a primary. Hadnt been paying attention to it. I have never endorsed roy moore. So i dont even have an endorsement to pull unlike as youre mention iing senator lee and others, but i fwal never endorsed roy moore for the primary or the general. Congressman lee zeldin, thanks for coming on. Well see if more information comes out. Next, an explosive plot about abducting a momentum cleric. At the center, Michael Flynn. And putin and the powerful russian billionaire side by side today at the summit in vietnam. He is not just any oligarch. Hes connected to Paul Manafort and we asked him about that. To a fidelity ira, yo we make sure youre in the loop at every step from the moment you decide to move your money to the instant your new Retirement Account is funded. Because when you know where you stand, things are just clearer. A little bit o soul, yeah because you deserve more entertainment. And more spokespeople. Talking like this, saying the word more. At t. Its time for more. Am i too close . I feel like im too close. Get the iphone 8 and with all at t unlimited plans, get hbo for life. Only from at t. His son were offered 15 million to abduct a Muslim Cleric who was want ed in turkey. The journal reports the plot involved transferring him to a prison. Flynns lawyers call the report outrageous and prejudicial. Michelle kosinski is outfront with the breaking details. After Michael Flynn had been named National Security adviser weeks before the inauguration, Wall Street Journal now reports he met with representatives of turkey at new yorks 21 club. Flynn and his son were alleged ly offered as much as 15 million to forcibly get a turkish cleric out of the United States. The turkish government blames him for the coup attempt and has been pressuring the u. S. To extradite him, which hasnt worked. This Plan Accord Iing to the journals report was to remove him,s whos been living on a green card in pennsyvania and denies involvement. Get him on private plane and send him to a turkish prison island. Gl there would be Cash Payments involved with his removal. With someone who at the time was working for the transition. Had been nominated, then became the National Security adviser. Before he was then fired by the president. So yeah, the tas pretty remarkable allegation thats being investigated by the fbi and being investigated rather seriously. Attorneys for flynn responded in a statement. Out of respect for the process of the various investigations regarding the 2016, weve intentionally avoided responding to every rumor or allegation raised in the media, but today has brought allegations about general flynn that are so outrageous were making an exception to our rule. They are false. A lawyer for flynn jr. Declined to comment. Its unclear if any agreement was reached on the plan or any money changed hands, but former cia director had previously told cnn b about another e meeting with turks he heard part of in september of 2016, again, how to remove gulne outside the u. S. System. It looks as if there was at least some strong suggestion by the americans present at the meeting to the turks that we would be able, the United States would be able through them, to get hold of gulan. At the time, flynns spokesman vehemently deny ied a such decision happened. Flynn and son are under investigation for not disclosing Lobbying Work they did for turkey during the campaign. This is election day. Im excited. On election day, flynn sr. Wrote an oped in the hill making a case for extraditing him, calling him shady. The forces of islam derive ideology from those like gulan whos running a scam. Whats being alleged, participating in a plan like this could constitute a serious crime for a number of reasons and of course, it also raises a question, who else might have known about these discussions, might have been involved with them and why. And recently, Fareed Zakari sat down with the Prime Minister and they denied they were even dealing with flynn on this. Thank you so much. Now, david gergen, former adviser to four president s. Cnn National Security analyst and richard painter. Thank you so much. Ju this man is a legal u. S. Resident. What would it mean if the president s adviser was part of a plot to remove anyone like that from the country . Well it depend on the specifics of what flynns behavior might have been and when it occurred. Beforehand, he would have been National Security adviser, he would be guilty of kidnapping, to pay to get someone out of the country. But the Wall Street Journal story, its unclear whether what they were talking about was an extradition or some influence that flynn would have used as National Security adviser because remember, hes already been picked as National Security adviser so once hes in, this would be a priority. On that point, i have to say flynn is his own worst enemy because on the day of the inauguration, of all the issues that the National Security adviser has to deal with, he decided to write an editorial on this issue . Of all the issues this country is confronting, making him suggest that at least the turks had his year about getting rid of the cleric. Richard, what part of this is worse or troubling for Michael Flynn . Hearing out a plot or being offered millions of dollars to do it . Well, both are crimes. Kidnapping is a crime. Its also a crime to accept a bribe. Accept cash in return for action. Its also a crime to participate in any United States government matter in which you have a financial interest under code 208. Its further more a crime to lie about his relationship with turkey or russia on the Financial Disclosure form and to lie about money he received. If he did that and further more, he must have been asked a lot of questions in connection with the Security Clearance and is becoming head of the National Security council and a lie on those forms is a criminal offense. False statements. Hes got a lot of problems and this is in the Wall Street Journal, not some left wing right. This is the Wall Street Journal investigative reporting. And i dont know what the truth is, it sounds like theres something here and hes obviously no idea whats going on. On the point of the trouble hes facing, flynn has been pretty much silent since the beginning of all these investigations. Tonight, his attorneys broke that silence and they say that the claims are outrageous and prejudicial and false. Do ywhat do you make of that . Well, im not sure we should make much of it. Theyre making an Trargument Th the allegations themselves that there was a plan and he was part of a plan for kidnapping and 15 million. What they are not denying is that Robert Mueller is investigate iing this and pursu it as a potential set of crimes. And his lawyer has not deniy ei it. What is striking about this is that he had this earlier meeting in september. And in which former cia dr director, a man with a record for integrity, was invited to the meeting. Left very concerned. Base clay, vul chiu left all together in the transition. But with the american side in september that suggested there could be ways to get this man out of the country. Suggesting in other words that they have means of doing that. And based on that, to have a second meeting after hes named National Security adviser, knowing hes taken half a Million Dollar frs the turks already for whatever services he performed, i cant, with such a blunder and so stupid, you have to think well if he did it, maybe he thought he could get away with it. Heres the other thing. I do think, let me make one other point. It seems to me what mueller is doing is finding a lever that can get to the real story he wants to know and that is about the election. This has nothing to do with it. If hes got enough evidence, he can squeeze him on this, which is a smart thing to do. Julia, flynn was fired. Hes gone. Right . Does this whole, the issue were talking about with gulan and the kidnapping or whatever, does this still pose a problem b for the administration . Yeah because i actually think this story is about donald trump. Because remember, it is about flynn that the comey firing sort of starts to unravel. Remember just taking people back. Comey is told by President Trump and this was you know reported at the time, President Trump tells him hes a great guy, hes a great guy. Dont do anything with him. This is after flynns gone. And then comey is fired. Is Obstruction Of Justice of the totality of the allegations going on now. Flynn is very relevant because flynn is linked to the comey firing. So i think this story has as much to do with trump as it has to do with the turks or flynn at this stage. Thats got to scare trump and the people around him at this stage. On this specific story, richard, from an ethics standpoint, if the discussion of a plot didnt go anywhere, was there any wrong doing . Well, conspireing to kidnap people. Were also talking about ak cementing bribes. Talking about getting cash and going into the administration and pushing for the extradition of a man who a country where he might face imprisonment or death. If that is a serious crime. And further more, i believe that general flynn might have met his contacts with the turkish and t russian government. He was fired for lying and we need to have a sense of decency and respect for the rule of law in this country. And thats what we see in the past week. People collaborated with the russians, lying about it. People think its okay for 32yearold man to have sex with 14yearold girls. And now we have someone who is conspireing to kidnap and thats been reported in the Wall Street Journal. Or use his influence inside the government for money. On behalf of a Foreign Agent. We had a Foreign Agent at the very top of our National Security counsel. Very, very sad. I want to make just one clarification. There is no allegation that when youre referring to the 32 roy moore that he had sex with any 14yearold saying that its okay. People are saying its okay and its that is unacceptable. But is it important no matter where you stand, we get the facts right on what is being alleged. We dont know what happened, but it is not okay to say. Im going to stick with the Washington Post. We know as ive reported, where it stands. Any way. Thank you very much. Outfront next, the russian billionaire with ties to Paul Manafort at putins side today. Cnn caught up with the powerful oligarch and asked about his relationship with former campaign chairman. 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One of russias wealthiest businessmen was by putins side today. Tonight sh he faces growing questions here in the u. S. Matthew chance is outfront. Arriving at the apec summit, deripaska walked side by side with the russian president. A sign of how close he is to vladimir putin. A reminder of why deripaskas Business Relationship with Paul Manafort did you commit a crime . Trumps now indicted former campaign chairman. Hes so controversial. Its Matthew Chance from cnn. Is it true mr. Manafort owed you millions of dollars when he was head of the Trump Campaign . Mr. Deripaska . Did he offer you these private meetings so he could try to be b paid that debt . He clearly doesnt like it, but his connections with Manafort Have Trust this magnate into the spotlight. Deripaska made his fortune in the oil industry. The collapse of the soviet union, at one point, he was russias riche esest man. How did you get there so quickly. I think thats why they say theres got to be something shady. How did i happen . And take possibility on a lot of thing. Deripaskas rocky relationship with Paul Manafort began more than a decade ago. One of their ventures was a plan to invest in ukraine. Deripaska sent manafort millions of dollars to buy a Telecommunications Firm according to Court Documents. But by 2014, the deal had broken down and deripaska wanted to know where his money had gone n. A Court Petition to retrieve the cash, his lawyer said it appears manafort had simply disappeared. The Court Document named shefrl Shell Companies raising concerns manafort was heavily in debt. Those same companies appear in the recent mueller indictments which asserts there were used by Manafort To Launder money and conceal his work for pro russia figures in ukraine. There are also concerns about more recent contacts between manafort and deripaska. A spokeswoman for the russian billionaire has rejected allegations first report ed by the Washington Post that manafort offered deripaska private briefings while he was Trumps Campaign chairman. Mr. Deripaska never received any communication she told cnn. Manaforts spokesman told the post any briefing offered would have been routine, but that no briefings ever took place. But the reports have fueled speculation of secret contacts. Between the trump team and russians with close kremlin ties. Which the trump team denied. Were you ever a secret back channel from the kremlin to the Trump Campaign . Why wont you answer the questions . We tried to get an interview with you and you keep walking away. Deripaskas ties to the kremlin have at times seems strange. At the height of the Global Financial crisis, President Putin scolded the billionaire, Impartially Tossing him a pan. But russia also issued deripaska with a diplomatic passport the years he was refused a visa to the United States over concerns according to one former u. S. Official involved in the process, about his alleged links to organized crime, Money Laundering and financial fraud. His spokeswoman told cnn that deripaska has quote never been convicted of akccused of any crime anywhere in the world, but she added he does confess to the currently serious crime of being russian. Its a big issue in the United States, sir. Did he offer you those private briefings to try and. He offered them . Get lost please. Thank you. Kate, he being adamant he did not want to answer any of these key questions that i put to him on the sidelines of the apex summit. Off camera he did say to me he did not believe there was meddling by the russians in the u. S. President ial election and he launched into more criticism about cnn. Saying, again it was fake news and he did not trust the network at all. Back to you kate. Matthew thank you for trying. Up front next. Mitch mcconnell now says he misspoke when claiming nobody in the middle class will get a tax increase. President trump may be far from the u. S. Right now but his food choices are very close to home. Hes in japan and hes eating hamburgers. A farmers market. Ve whats in this kiester. A fire truck. Even a marching band. And if i can get comfortable talking about this kiester, then you can get comfortable using preparation h. For any sort of discomfort in yours. Preparation h. Get comfortable with it. Im tom steyer, and like you, im a citizen who knows its up to us to do something. Its why im funding this effort to raise our voices together and demand that elected officials take a stand on impeachment. A Republican Congress once impeached a president for far less. Yet today people in congress and his own administration know that this president is a Clear And Present Danger whos mentally unstable and armed with nuclear weapons. And they do nothing. Join us and tell your member of congress that they have a moral responsibility to stop doing whats political and start doing whats right. Our country depends on it. Do you want the same tools and seamless experience across web and tablet . Yes . Great then youre ready for power e trade. The platform, price and service that gives you the edge you need. Sweet e trade. The original place to invest online. Yeah. Take a look at the plan to get rid of the salt deduction. If you live in a place like south dakota where there arent a lot of state and local taxes there southbound traffisnt a b. But if you were to live in new jersey, california where they could add up this deduction matters. If you live in new york city in manhattan you may pay 20 to 30 tlars a year which you did not from your federal taxes. That goes way you suffered a big hit here. This is happening mainly in blue states, thats why democrats are pushing back so hard against this plan, kate. At the same time, senator Mitch Mcconnell heres what he had to say. At the end of day no one in the middle class is going to get a tax increase. Well now hes saying he misspoke. This today, you cant guarantee no one is going to see a tax increase. Why are they struggling to try to pin this down if. Because nobodys a dangerous word. Take a look at what they want to do with the standard deduction out there. It will go way up under this plan. From individuals itll go from 63. 50 to about 12,000. From married couples filing jointly it will go to 2,400. And yeah a lot of people may benefit from that change if they work it right. But hold on a minute, at the same time they want to do this for personal, its 4,000 for you, your spouse and your children, they want to do away with that. If that earlier thing gives you such an advantage that you dont care about losing this advantage thats fine, lets say you have a couple more kids in here, thats 8,000 that you have to deal with. Truthfully you can wind up with a middle class family being next to another middle class family, one benefits and the other not so much. Thank you so much tom. Great to see you. Finally tonight, you know the ole saying when in rome do what the romans do. Except if your President Trump. Heres jennie moss. President trump may be moving on from japan hes in japan and hes eating hamburgers. Japans Prime Minister ate one with him at a golf club before the two teed off. The japanese Prime Minister tweeted a photo of the bro mans that included ketchup saying were getting down to work over hamburgers. Lunch is posted on facebook that it was an honor to serve President Trump, warned customers of trouble due to c congestion given theyre new popularity. When the president obama visited japan he and the Prime Minister ate at a legendary Sushi Restaurant where the meal ran up to 300 bucks. Where President Trumps meal totaled at 6. 50. Will the Colby Jack Cheeseburger end up being rechris sented, the trump burger. This was a happy meal for the burger shack. Jeanie moss, cnn, new york

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