Transcripts For CNNW Erin Burnett OutFront 20170126 00:00:00

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Good evening. Im erin burnett. Out front tonight, breaking news, President Donald Trump signing an Executive Order launching an investigation into voter fraud as early as tomorrow. This is according to a Senior Administration official. It comes as trump is speaking out tonight, doubling down moments ago in an interview with abc news on his false claim of Massi Massive voter fraud. Its been called false. Look at the pew reports. I called the author last night and he said there was no evidence then why did he write the report . He said no evidence of voter fraud. Why did he write the report . Hes groveling again. I talk about the reporters that grovel when they want to write something that you want to hear but not necessarily millions of people want to hear or have to hear. Youve launched an investigation. We will to find out. And i will say this, of those votes cast, none of them come to me. Thun of them come to me. They would all be for the other the investigation would be handled by the Department Of Justice perhaps with the department of homeland security, but its a sign the president is looking into baseless claims that millions voted illegally in the election. On the same day as announcing a new wall on the border, President Trump took time out to call for a federal investigation into a Problem Election Experts maintain doesnt exist. Widespread voter fraud. When you look at the people that are registered, dead, illegal, and two states, some cases maybe three states, we have a lot to look into. He tweet heesd asking for a Major Investigation into Voting Irregularities he claims cost him the popular vote. A probe the white house suggests could target nations biggest states. He insisted to abc news millions of votes could be at stake. You have people that are registered who are dead, who are illegals, who are in two states. You have people registered in two states. Theyre registered in a new york and in new jersey. They vote twice. There are millions of votes in my opinion. Reporter but in fact election records indicate two members of mr. Trumps own team, steve bannon and Treasury Secretary nominee Steven Mnuchin, were registered in more than one state on election day. White House Press Secretary sean spicer says the probe will not focus solely on the 2016 election. Theres a lot of states that we didnt compete in where thats not necessarily the case. Look at california and new york. Back in december, the president s legal team argued that voter fraud did not affect the final results of the election and their attempts to block Recount Efforts by Green Party Candidate jill stein. White House Counsel don mcgahn wrote an illegal brief at the time, all Available Evidence suggesting the 2016 election was not tainted by fraud. It exists. Its rare. Reporter ohios republican Secretary Of State says he wishes the president would take a more constructive view of the discussi discussion. Over the coming days, bear the responsibility of sharing exactly where their concerns are, providing evidence of that. Reporter while Top Democrats express alarm. I frankly feel very sad about the president making this claim. I felt sorry for him. I even prayed for him. But then i prayed for the United States of america. Reporter were also learning the president is finished with Interviewing Candidates for the supreme court. Those out there are the top contenders. No surprises according to our sources at the white house. Thank you. Out front, alex padilla, a democrat. Let me ask you, donald trump is looking at the Registration Rolls now, specifically in states that clinton won. The press Secretary Sean Spicer specifically mentioned california. Heres the final numbers from your state as we have them. Clinton won california by 4. 3 million votes. Are you 100 sure nothing would change if trump investigated california . Good evening, erin. And, no, were pretty sure nothings going to change. We have measures in place in california, not just to maintain the integrity of our voter rolls but how we administer elections as well, whether its the machines that were using to mark ballots, cast ballots, count ballots on election day. Theyre not connected to the internet. No way to have them systematically rigged or hacked. But even the accuracy of the results, theres a random percentage manual tally thats required for each and every county in california to make sure that a hand count matches up with the Machine Count to ensure the accuracy of the election. Nothings going to change. I think the call for an investigation of some sort, weve had yet to see the details. Based on allegations that are not based on evidence or proof or any fact should be cause for concern. Now, one of the things you just heard trump say he wants to look at is people who are registered twice. As we mentioned his Treasury Secretary nominee Steven Mnuchin is registered in new york and of course in your state, california. Is this a legitimate issue in your view . I think does it happen . Of course, we have two examples from the president s own cabinet and staff here. But it is very, very limited. Should it be cleaned up . Absolutely. But theres an important distipgs here. If somebody is registered in more than one state versus Somebody Casting Ballots in more more than one state. So when the president says millions of illegal ballots cast, millions of illegal votes, thats simply not the case. My larger concern for the longer term is are they setting the stage for changes in policy or changes in law that will go backward on Voting Rights. Weve seen it happen in a number of other states. The purging of voter rolls, elimination of early voting opportunities, voter i. D. Laws that are frankly discriminatory. Thats been tested in the states. I hope thats not a sipe of things to come at a federal level. Before we go, secretary, when you look at that 4. 3 million vote margin, what would be your guess if you went and recounted the votes on how many would change due to, you know, someone intentionally doing something wrong . Is it zero . It 20 . Is it 1,000 . Do you have any sense of what that would be . Its frankly minuscule. And its not just a wild guess here. You know, we have had a request for recounts in recent years whether its a very closely contested congressional race or a state legislative race or maybe local city council or mayors race. And whenever we get to that recount and going through the very thorough protocols, a couple, a handful, singledigit difference, maybe. Single digits. So it wont make a dent in that sigmar gin that President Trump lost by in california. But thats secondary. All right. Secretary padilla, thank you very much. I appreciate your time. Out front now, the director of the Voting Rights and election project at the nyu school of law, an expert. Dana bash and mark preston. Mira, let me start with you. He wants to investigate the voter rolls in states he lost. Secretary padilla doesnt think it will change it, maybe a handful of votes. In this pew study which everybody is citing, one thing it says is 1. 8 million dead people registered to vote, people registered in multiple states. How big a mess are the voter rolls . Theres no dispute our voter rolls need to be cleaned up. This is something the Brennan Center has been talking about for a decade. People die every day, move every day, change their name because they got married or other reasons. I think the important thing to remember is we need to give resources to Election Administrators in order to be able to correct for these life changes. If we are interested in making a difference, we need reforms like universal automatic voefter registration. Youre acknowledging the point, which is important. When theres 1. 8 million dead people on the rolls, thats a problem. Anyone looking at this subjectively would say that should change. Thats not the same thing as saying people are posing as dead people and coming in and voting. Its not new. The part im concerned about is this conflation of the system is being rigged to now we have all these undocumented people voting to our voter rolls are being messed up. If were actually looking to make sure that we have the best democracy in the world, that means we need to invest in the kind of reforms that will give us the best democracy in the world. When trump says fraud, people voting twice in two different states, that you dont see evidence happening. Those registered in new york and new jersey, theyre not going to two states in one day to vote. Extraordinarily rare. The penalties are high. It is an incredibly inefficient way to steal an election. Theres no common rational actor that will feel like they will be able to accomplish Something Like that in a meaningful way. What i worry about is this conversation is a distraction against the kind of reforms we actually do need. We need to make sure voters have free, fair, and accessible elections, make sure that everybody that is eligible to be registered gets on the rolls, make sure that people have access to vote on election day. So dana, george w. Bush also investigated voter fraud. It was a fiveyear process at one point. The New York Times at the end of five years said 120 people were charged with electionrelated crimes. Hundreds of millions of votes, 120 people charged, i think 86 convicted. If this is the outcome for donald trump, does he win or lose . Well, i think the country wins by seeing that voter fraud is not the way that donald trump says he fears it is. But certainly for donald trump personally and politically, it would certainly be a lot of egg on his face. But i think the bigger question, assuming that the president does ask for and pushes for the Justice Department to investigate this is how thats even going to work because i was just talking to somebody reminding me that Jason Chey Fitz in charge of the House Oversight committee to make sure the Executive Branch is not doing anything wrong, if it were a democratic president saying im going to use my Justice Department to investigate broadly whether there was voter fraud without any evidence, to spend Taxpayer Money on it without any evidence that would presume that the Justice Department can actually prosecute, then the Oversight Committee would be going bananas. Understandably and rightly so. But today jason said its not my purview, its up to the administration. Its a big question how and who is going to do this investigation that the president says he wants. Mark, i have a tape to show you. This is billy bush and donald trump on access hollywood. Before your jaw drops, it is not that tape. Oi found another tape. This is donald trump taking billy bush to vote with him in 2004. Trump goes to three Polling Places trying to find the right spot, finally fills out an absentee ballot. Play the clip. Where are we going . Theres no line at all here. Do i have to go to a different place . Hello, gorgeous. How are you . Hello, how are you. Nice seeing you. How you doing . Make sure theres no cheating here, right . Hes not in my book either. Hi, fellas. How are you . Do you have my name here . His name is not on these rolls. There will be a huge combustion in here. Im going to fill out the absentee ballot. And i just voted. At least you can say the trumpster doesnt give up, right . Youve got to vote. Mark, okay, humorous, but he couldnt even vote once, let alone twice or more as he is now accusing so many people of doing. Theres a bigger issue here. No doubt that tape from 2004 give where we are right now has to be terribly embarrassing for donald trump although i dont know that he necessarily gets embarrassed. We talk about how hes undermining our democratic process right now. You have democratic and republican secretaries of state, experts in election law all coming to the same conclusion that the bottom line is donald trump shouldnt be safing this. It doesnt send a good message across the country let alone the world. But take it to the world stage. Theres a parallel problem, i think a much bigger problem. When you see donald trump out there making this case about false facts, lies about this, if you are a foreign leader and you are negotiating a trade deal with donald trump, if you are talking about sending troops into another country, if a Congressional Republican or democrat trying to get legislation done and you see donald trump being stuck in on this one issue, knowing full well that this is it is not correct, you have to wonder to yourself, can i trust donald trump . I think thats something he needs to rectify. To button it up, i spoke to a republican operative in town a few hours ago. This is somebody whos brought in, known as a fixer, and i said how do you think things are going so far . He said to me, its a Roller Coaster right now. Donald trump can actually get a lot of things done if he gets out of his own way. Thank you all. Next, President Trump saying torture works. So is the United States about to return to waterboarding . The practice considered a war crime. And the death of Mary Tyler Moore this afternoon. A special look at the groundbreaking career of one of americas most loved stars. And our special series continues on the mexico border. Tonight were live in arizona. This is Drone Footage right now youre looking at of a border fence and nearby private citizens are are armed and on patr patrol. Ive been called everything in the book. Ive been called a domestic extremist. This is my body of proof. Proof of less joint pain. And clearer skin. This is my body of proof that i can fight Psoriatic Arthritis with humira. Humira works by targeting and helping to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to both joint and skin symptoms. Its proven to help relieve pain, stop further joint damage, and clear skin in many adults. Humira is the number 1 prescribed biologic for Psoriatic Arthritis. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. 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S. Officials to the Interrogation Techniques that are only allowed in the army field manual, and that bans tactics such as waterboarding when a prisoner is subjected to that kind of controlled drowning. We lost that shot but this would be an incredible stunning change in u. S. Policy. Out front, bob baer, former cia operative and jeffrey lord, former reagan white house political director. Bob, you heard elise there as she was giving the overall headline that this is now a matter of subtle law, right . This passed. Trump is saying tonight hes spoken to people at the highest level of intelligence they agree with him that waterboarding and torture work. Does it . Not according to the Senate Intelligence committee, it doesnt work, ineffective, in fact causes people to be more radical, groups to be more radical using it. Ive seen no good case that anyones used waterboarding since 2001 and 2002 that it saved american lives, and thats according to the documents, internal cia reports from the inspector general. And its flatout illegal, the u. N. Geneva convention. As mccain said, the law is the law and we cant do it. Jeffrey, bobs been on the ground, there in the field. Which decidedly i have not. I would say, though, that as a civilian listening to rob oneill, the man who killed osama bin laden, he ip cysts it does work and thats what enabled him to get to osama bin laden. The main issue here is that the president of the United States, the commander in chief, whoever that may be, he talks with people and gets conflicting advice. One adviser says a is the best course, another will say z. Its up to the president to make that decision. And then history will hold him accountable. So this is Donald Trumps moment as president , all his predecessors have had moments like this with one issue or another. Hell make his decision and well go from there. President trump spoke about why, the reason, why does he think the United States needs to torture and why its effective. Heres how he answered. When theyre chopping off the heads of our people and other people, chopping off the heads of people because they happen to be a christian in the middle east, when isis is doing things that nobody has ever heard of since medieval time, would i feel strongly about Water Boarding . As far as im concerned, we have to Fight Fire With fire. Would waterboarding in response really get them to up the ante more against u. S. Troops or spies . Water board is effective as a tool of intimidation. The chinese used it during the inquisition. They terrified people. The egyptians use worse torture today and have intimidated their entire population. At the end of the day, is it moral . Id say no. And do we want to go down that road of intimidating large numbers of people with torture . You dont get good information out of it. Personally id say no. And its flatout illegal, waterboarding or other forms of torture. According to u. S. Law, i dont get the case for it. How do you make that case . One of the things i find interesting is Robert Oneill also said being water boarded is part of navy s. E. A. L. Training and if Human Rights Activists saw the way they trained navy s. E. A. L. S, they would probably want to eliminate the s. E. A. L. S. You get to this difference of opinion here and thats basically what this comes down to, and the president will have to make his decision. Id also say that the president is what we used to call in older days a hawk, and, you know, most republicans are hawks when it comes to Foreign Policy and defense matters. So im not at all surprised that he has this particular point of view. He campaigned on it, he never shied away from it. We shall see. Thank you both. Next, take a look at this picture. This is live drone video. Live at this moment over the arizona mexico border. Our special series continues tonight. We have rare access to this part of the border zone where mexicans cross over illegally and private american citizens are standing guard to keep them out. You see that piece of a wall. More on that. And President Trump tweets that if chicago cant stop the violence hes sending in the feds. My next guest says trump is all talk, no action. Oh, im ready i mean, really ready. Are you ready to open . Ready to compete . Ready to welcome . The floors, matsspotless. The uniforms, clean and crisp. Do your people have the right safety gear . Are they protected . Im ready you think your customers cant tell the difference between whos ready and whos not . Of course they do. Im ready for you everybody wants a piece of ready. Cintas, ready for the workday. You fand together, of your dreams. You had the kid of your dreams. Now you can put them in the car of your dreams. For a lot less than you might think. 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There are different options but one of the things House Republicans are looking at is a supplemental spending bill dedicated to the wall entirely. I think well get a better sent of what President Trump wants to do after he has this meeting with republicans. Has not necessarily been in lock stem on a number of issues. That gets you potentially through the first part. The bigger question is how can you make mexico reimburse you for it . There was one telling part of these Executive Orders by druch saying well look at the aid were giving to mexico, maybe slashing that in a way to get mexico to reimburse the country for at least part of the wall. Theyve been trying to come up with ideas. As youve bp reporting he also signed an Executive Order today about Sanctuary Cities. What does that mean . This is something he talked about over and over again on the campaign trail. Essentially he wants to strip Sanctuary Cities of their federal funding. We are talking about major cities here. These Arent Little Ho hum cities only getting small chunks of change from the federal government. Were already seeing backlash. We saw the Attorney General in new york saying that they would fight this and they dont believe that donald trump has the authority to make a move like this through an Executive Action. This could be a huge blow to the budgets of major cities. You can bet this is the kind of thing thats going to be tested in court if not by new york than by any number of other cities. Thank you. The democratic congressman from illinois, luis gutierrez. Thanks for being with me. President trump signing this Executive Order. This is his top campaign promise. Probably his first one. You of course promised to fight the wall. Hes going to do it by Executive Order. What are you going to do now . First of all were going to fight, were going to organize lawyers, organize Community Activists so that no one is left without help. Look, erin, lets be clear, were not going to let him bully the city of chicago. What if tomorrow he says, you know what, youre working city of chicago is working with Planned Parenthood handing out contraceptives, wont give you funding as long as you continue to do that. Where is it that we stop President Donald Trump when it comes to the city of chicago . See, he looks at them as illegals, right . He uses that term. These aliens. We look at them as people who are in our community, husbands, wives, children, our neighbors. They go to church with us. Theyre an integral part of our community. So we say to donald trump, were going to fight you. And think about the crassness of the politics of this all, right . So wrsz he going after . New york, chicago, l. A. , cities in which he was crushed politically. Talk about somebody who is using raw politics. I dont need them, they dont vote for me, im coming after them. One thing hes saying, hes making the case the wall will benefit both countries. Let me play what he said and explain why. You have to understand, what im doing is good for the United States. Its also going to be good for mexico. We want to have a very stable, solid mexico. He says it will be good for both countries and specifically he says hes talking about this, violent drug cartels who are basically smuggling through mexico from other places in south america and then theyre coming and aiming for that board we are the United States. If the wall goes up, they wont come through mexico, mexico will be safer, so will the United States. Could he be right in any way that the wall could be good for the u. S. And mexico . Hook, the first thing we have to come back is the insatiable demand that exists in cities and suburbs all throughout america. You know and yove reported on the epidemic that exists among american citizens and their insatiable demand for the drugs. So lets also look at supply and demand. You better than most as an economist will understand this. And think about it. This great wall that he wants i imagine he wants to put trump on it in gold letters, the great wall. Heres how i look at it. Looking at this from a global perspective, right, look, if you push mexico away and lets understand minimum of 6 million American Workers count on mexico, our second largest trading partner, i mean, mexico buys more goods produced by American Workers than all of europe combined. 5 million to 6 million American Workers depend on the trade between mexico. You build a wall, you w push them straight into chinas hands. And instead of having two great walls, china will have two great wa walls. You know what, maybe theyll say, you know what, america, you keep hermosa, we get mexico as one of our trade ing partners i the western hemisphere. Interesting point. Take where we are, which is he is the president , he has signed an Executive Order, there are ways he could build this wall. He says u. S. Taxpayers are initial hi paying for it and mexico will ultimately reimburse it. Say the wall is built. Will you fight for mexico to pay for it instead of u. S. Taxpayers paying for it . Would you fight with him on that part . Let me say this, erin, remember about his secret plan to defeat isis . But he wouldnt tell us about it but he said it would be great . We still havent heard how hes going to do pit. Then he said he would replace obamacare with something great, better. No details. Now building a wall. Heres what he said, it will be complicated. Tariffs could be increased, cut aid there are various things they could do that would there are you better than most, i woke up many mornings listening to you when you worked at another station so that i could get the latest news and learn a little bit about how the economy works and how were interrelated and interdependent. If you do this and push mexico, you will push mexico straight into the arms of china. You will move them away. This is our partner, our trading partner. I didnt vote for nafta because i thought it was a bad deal for workers but that was 24 years ago. Do i think we should fix it . Do i think we should amend it . Absolutely. But dont use a wall because whos going to heres what im going to say to you. Ill come back on this program. You and i both know the American People are going to pay for that wall if he builds it and not mexico. Its like so many other things that he tells us are going to be free. But theyre not going to be free. And heres what i say. There a theyre our trading partner, our friend, our ally. Stop thues r using these politics. Last, very important, l. A. X. Is a border, right . So is chicago ohare, so is kennedy. The majority of undocumented workers in this country are not mexican nationals. They come through those Ports Of Entry legally and overstay. Overstay their visas. Always ask yourself why you never talk about that . Do they not represent a threat . Thats a fair point. Congressman, thank you very much. Well have you back on to talk about this as his plans tonight. Next, epa employees said to be terrified, told to put a freeze on tweets and blogs and perez releases. And trump signs an Executive Action to fund the border wall. Well go thrive that border where you have american citizens standing off facetoface with people trying to come in illegal pi. Hes tried three times already to get across and hasnt been able to. Your insurance company and theyre absolutely right. They say that its hot. When really, its scorching. And while some may say the desert is desolate. We prefer secluded. What is the desert . Its absolutely what you need right now. Absolutely scottsdale. Reporter on the borders edge, seven dozen migrants gather for breakfast on the Border Initiative where jesus garcia is trying to figure out how to get into the United States over a map he recounts how far hes traveled since he left home the day before donald trump was elected president. He started here in honduras, made his way across gatd ma la, here into this little town and this is where he crossed into mexico. He says he hasnt been able to cross. He left Home November 7th of last year and hes tried three times already to get across but hasnt been able to. He said its the first time hes tried crossing the border illegally and its harder than he imagined. He says if i made hit the far ill keep trying. On the ore e side a legion of Border Patrol agents, barricades, Ground Sensors are waiting, even some private citizens working on their own to stop migrants like jesus garcia from getting across. This is the scene in the matrix. Reporter in tome foleys world, The Border Lands are a threatening, dangerous place. This is what the world really looks like. Reporter he leads a volunteer group called Arizona Border Recon that patrols the border around a town in arizona on the u. S. Mexico border with less than a hundred people. Ive been called everything in the book, a domestic extremist. Reporter the Southern Poverty Law Center which monitors hate group in the u. S. Says foleys group is made up of, quote, native extremists. He sees the flow of drugs, undocumented migrants and the Wide Open Spaces of the border as the countrys biggest threat. Along the nearly 2,000mile u. S. Southern Border there is already about 700 miles of fencing and barricades already in place. Here in sassbee, arizona, this steel seethrough fence stretches for several miles but as you approach the end of town, it abruptly comes to an end like these Border Fences often do as it stretches out into rugged, remote terrain in the arizona desert. Cameras about five minutes from road. Reporter he relies on a collection of cameras he hides in the brush to capture the movements of drug smugglers. He shares that information and videos with Border Patrol agents. You need boots on the ground. Thats whats keeping you out there. Good thing we have this up here. Reporter foley voted for donald trump and wants to see all din the u. S. Deport ed and Additional Border agents moved closer to the mexican border, but hes not convinced trump or anyone else can change the reality he sees. When youre reactive to a problem, youre always going to be behind the solution. Reporter for many like 18yearold maria ramirez, they try to come illegally from mexico. She was caught by Border Patrol with a group of migrants and quickly deported. She wanted to find work in the u. S. To help support her elderly parents. She trembles as she recalls the experience of being smuggled across the border. I asked her if she was going to try to cross again. Her brother is still being detained in the United States. Shes waiting for him to get out and shes not really sure what theyll do next so shes waiting for him to be sent back here and theyll figure out what theyre going to do next. Its the cycle that never ends on the border. Ed, again, another stunning report, ed out front live along the u. S. Mexico border in arizona tonight. Yet again in that piece we see a wall and then it just ends. And you showed us that the other night when you were in texas. I mean, it is pretty stunning to see. What do Border Patrol agents have to say . Reporter we spoke with the wrun i dont know that represents the vast majority of Border Patrol agents working along the Southern Border. They are very excited about donald trump being in office. They say theyve never been supported bay president in the way that donald trump has supported them and they welcome the idea of fortifying this wall extensively, closing up those barriers, even though that comes at great cost and a great deal of questions and whether or not thats even feasible. They also feel they need more agents on the ground, the national Border Patrol council says theyre down about 1,600 agents right now. This is live Drone Footage right now. You can see that is part of the wall that currently exists. About 700 miles of wall or barricades out of the 2,000 mile long border. Youve shown us texas and arizona. Thats next . Reporter were going to move to california. There its interesting problems even though theres fencing in place in california but smugglers and migrants have gotten creative. Well explore that and get into the idea of how that affects people on both sides of the border as the u. S. Cracks down. What is the ramifications of that, how does it affect people on both sides of the boarder . Well explore that friday night. Thank you very much, ed. Stunning looking at that Drone Footage seeing those houses and buildings right up to the edge on both sides and right in the middle that sort of rusted looking fence which is the current wall along the u. S. Mexico border. Ed will be back with the next installment of his series later this week. Next, the communications freeze at the epa. No tweets or Press Releases. Is the white house targeting an agency because of politics or is it hysteria . And jeanne moos op the passing of Mary Tyler Moore tile. Youre going to make it after all your path to retirement may not always be clear. But at t. Rowe price, we can help guide your retirement savings. So wherever your Retirement Journey takes you, we can help you reach your goals. Call us or your advisor t. Rowe price. Invest with confidence. Reporter cnn has confirmed employees at the epa and the Department Of Interior are under a communication lockdown. An epa memo obtained by cnn says no Press Releases will go out to external audiences. No social media or blog posts either. Digital strategists will oversee social media and employees list serves and scheduled speaking engagements will be subject to review. Every president puts their own regulations in place and doesnt want to be doing the business of the previous president on bigticket items. But were seeing President Trump going way beyond that with this political interference because were talking about basic intimidation and censorship. Reporter this comes after the Department Of Interior put a freeze on tweeting after the National Park service retweeted messages that compared the crowd sizes at president obamas inauguration to Donald Trumps inauguration. On tuesday, south dakotas badlands National Park official twitter account sent out a series of tweets about Climate Change that could be seen as defying President Trump. The tweets were later deleted and blamed on a former employee not authorized to use the account. The white house today denied ordering the Communications Lockdown. Nothing has come from the white house. Reporter cnn spoke to several former epa officials who say a freeze in Agency Activities is normal during a transition, but some environmentalists are particularly concerned it appears agencies that regulate Climate Change and environmental policy are being targeted. Cnn called multiple agencies including the pentagon, the bureau of land management, army corps of engineers. Theyve all said they have not been given a directive to change how they communicate with people outside the agency. Myron ebell was on the trump transition team. Why are only certain agencies being told that they cant speak to outside individuals . Epa is very political. Theyre involved in communicating their message trying to convince people that what theyre doing at epa is the correct thing. Reporter so while a pause in Communications May be Standard Operating Procedure during a transition, i spoke with several past epa official who is say there are parts of trumps transition approach that do appear to be extreme, for example, telling employees theyre forbidden from speaking to members of congress. A former republican new jersey governor Christine Todd whitman who also served as Epa Administrator under george w. Bush, told me today, pointed out that this Communications Lockdown does come within a context, a context of Donald Trumps war on the media and the distrust of the press. I am also told by epa spokesperson that the agency is in the process of reviewing all the material, what will be allowed on the agency website, what will not be allowed and the litmus test is what fits with the administrations views. Thank you very much. Next, jeanne moos remembering the muchloved visionary actress Mary Tyler Moore who died this afternoon. Only 7 45. I have time for 8 00. But joanne, i didnt tell anyone to get here. The best simple veggie dish ever . Heart healthy california walnuts. The best simple dinner ever . Heart healthy california walnuts. Great tasting, heart healthy california walnuts. So simple. Get the recipes at walnuts. Org. You foundim a robot cars. Com rawr yeti and found a place to service it, too. Jingle bells now when youre ready, you can sell your old car and find your new one all on cars. Com you know us for shopping, and now were there for every turn. Cars. Com reporter Mary Tyler Moores smile has been turned off before the age of 80. Youre going to make it after all her famous hat throw immortal e immortalized in a statue. Here it goes reporter her first acting was as an elf. Pushing appliances. But her career really got hot the the Dick Van Dyke show reporter in 1961 with her first starring role. I want to show you off. How about it, laurie . Will you give me that pleasure . No. Reporter in her own show she played a single tv woman in a newsroom. Youve got spunk. Well i hate spunk. Reporter the show had enough spunk to last seven seasons. Mary also went after serious roles. Do you chase these roles or yes. Reporter she was nominated for an Academy Award for ordinary people in her not so ordinary life, she was married three times, went through diabetes and a benign brain tumor, lost her only son when he accidentally shot himself. She was a vegetarian and for years an alcoholic. I just made up my mind to stop. Reporter and checked into the betty ford clippic. Watch her expression when larry king described her televisions comedy goddess. Reporter she said this quote was her motto. What other people think of me is none of my business. Reporter if you think of her as sadness, recall her cracking up at the funeral of chuckles the crown. Remember how that ended . Go ahead, my dear. Laugh for chuckles. Reporter Mary Tyler Moore fans may need some tissues. Or at least a group hug. I think we all need some kleenex

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