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This young man, much more aggressive. Very interesting. Brian todd, thank you so much for that report. Im brianna keilar. Thank you so much for watching. Erin burnett out front with jim sciutto starts right now. Out front next, trump tells black voters if hes elected president , quote, youre not going to be shocket. Is that a winning message . Bill clinton breaks the silence surrounding the Clinton Foundationdation. The u. S. Guided missile destroyer, all of it caught on tape. Lets go out front. Good evening. Im jim sciutto in tonight for erin burnett and out front tonight, vote for me and youre not going to be shot. Thats the case that donald trump is making tonight to black voters. Trump saying that the democratic party has failed them and that they have nothing to lose by trying someone new. A highlycharged appeal criticized in part because hes delivered it to audiences who are almost exclusively white. Tonight hes speaking in jackson, mississippi. The citys population about 80 black. Earlier today trump at a rally in the crucial swing state of florida hammered home this new message. To those suffering and hurting and the people left behind i say vote for donald trump. Vote for donald trump. What do you have to lose . What do you have to lose . It cannot get any worse, and believe me, im going to fix it. Jim acosta is out front tonight at that trump rally in jackson, mississippi. So, jim, what more can you tell us about trumps message tonight . Reporter jim, we expect donald trump to continue that outreach to minority voters that we heard earlier today in florida. Its an outreach that a Senior Trump Campaign adviser tells me is part of an ongoing conversation. They say they are looking forward, not back, when it comes to that outreach and its a new approach that can be summed up by the candidate that says what do you have to lose . With the polls showing hes in the Single Digits among africanAmerican Voters and trailing badly with other ethnic group, donald trump is trying to hit a multicultural reset button. Youre going to reach out to minority voters. Im doing really great with minority voters. Trump is making the case its the Democratic Party thats taking advantage of minority voters. Ill be able to make sure that when you walk down the street if your inner city or wherever you are youre not going to be shot. Trumps new pitch comes as hes teasing ahead to a new and perhaps softer policy on illegal immigration and it could appeal to not just latinos, but other voting blocs affected by the rhetoric on the issue. Were not looking to hurt people. Even trumps running mate mike pence could not describe what that updated policy will include. Individuals who have committed crimes in this country are going to go and theyre going to go very quickly, to be processed for a Justice System and out of this country, and beyond that, i just think, you know, stay tuned. Still trumps shift in tone is notable as he appears to be testing a new outreach to muslims. Have you even read the United States constitution . Just weeks after his clash with the parents of a fallen muslimamerican soldier, the khan family. Christians, jews, catholics, muslims, everybody, youve got to get out and vote. Reporter at the same time, hes continuing to pound Hillary Clintons use of a private email server as secretary of state. Hillary clinton created an illegal, private email server, deliberately, willfully and with total premeditation. Premeditation. Reporter that sounded like a wink to supporters who have raised bogus questions about clintons health. Even one of trumps own surrogates says both clinton and trump should fully disclose their health records. Youre going to have to have a lot of stamina and the ability to process a lot of information quickly, and we want to make sure that both candidates meet those qualifications. Reporter now one of the other Big Questions is why donald trump is each doing in mississippi, it is a reliably red state that he ought to win come november, but one thing we know about tonight, a Trump Campaign official tells us in addition to hearing from donald trump we will hear from the british politician nigel feraj which is one of the architects of the brexit from the european union. They would like to see a voter revolt here at the polls in the United States and the other being they would like to see the polls be as wrong here in the United States as they were in britain. Jim . Also a joint antiimmigrant message there. Jim accost a thank you very much. Tonights rally comes as clinton in reach of winning two states that went red in the last president ial election. In the crucial swing state of North Carolina, trump and clinton neck and neck there among likely voters. Clinton has a onepoint lead and that is within a margin of error. In arizona, clinton within five points of trump there. Tom foreman, he is out front tonight. Tom, as we were reporting there, donald trump spending a lot of time trying to win over minority voters and do these latest polls give him reason to be optimistic . These latest polls give him reason to keep working hard at it. Lets think about this, if you look at North Carolina out here in the last election, 2012, one in five was africanamerican and that group is tilting heavily to Hillary Clinton and 88 support for her in this poll among africanamericans and trump here almost off the charts at 3 , and even the libertarian candidate, gary johnson is doubling his performance in that state. So thats a real challenge for him there. What if you move out to the next place, arizona out there which is normally a red state, as you noted and there if you look at latinos which is a big voting bloc out there, again, 57 going for clinton. Trump, less than half that amount at 20 down here. His pitch to minorities around the country really is to say, look, im an economy guy, and i will bring jobs and i will bring opportunity and i will lift all boats with the rising tide of a great economy out here and in the two states were talking about many voters in the general population believe that, but the minority population does not. They believe Hillary Clinton can handle the economy better, too. Jim . Tom, theres been consistency in many polls that those with more education tended to lean clinton. Those with less, lean trump. Do these latest polls tell us more about that . They give us more details on that. Look at this. Among College Grads they tilt toward Hillary Clinton, 55 toward 36 among white nonCollege Grads, he absolutely crushes her here in North Carolina and if we go over here to nevada, same thing. College grads, you have a little lead here. White, nonCollege Grads. Hes way, way out front of her and these are some of the biggest gaps on education weve ever seen in our polling, jim . Tom foreman in washington. Out front now and executive director of the new york state Democratic Party basil smikle and hes a Hillary Clinton supporter and jeffrey lord is a donald trump supporter and the former director of black outreach for george w. Bush paris denard and a member of the coalition for donald trump and Hillary Clinton supporter nir r tanden. If you look at that poll of North Carolina, trump at 3 among africanAmerican Voters behind even gary johnson and basically within the margin of error. What evidence does he have that he can win over a significant number of black voters with this message . Think the message is working. Look, before the convention we saw polls that showed him at 0 and then a couple of days ago we saw polls that put him at 1 or 2 and now 3 . Ive seen polls that show 6 to 14 . What i see is increase. What i see is momentum. Ronald excuse me, governor mitt romney got 6 of the vote and that was in november. We have a lot of time and a lot of ground to make up and were going to do it. The message thats connecting with the voters each time he speaks to the black community his polls numbers rise. It will continue to rise. Basil, i saw you shaking your head. Listen, Donald Trumps outreach to me is ugly and its abhorrent because as you alluded to earlier, hes had largely white supporters. Perhaps in an effort to assuage their concerns about whether or not hes doing enough to outreach to minority communities, hes doing hes behaving in the way that he is, but my problem with that is that hes throwing up every racial stereotype that he can muster in speaking about communities of color and there are a couple of other problems. One, hes doing it largely in absentia without going to those communities and without asking for those voters for their support. Number two, one of the concerns i have in every major approximately see area where blacks have been discriminated against, instead of finding ways to create stronger ground between sort of government and the Business Community and Africanamerican Community hes exacerbated those problems in much of his career, and if you look at Hillary Clinton shes got a significant record on racial, economic and social justice. So i dont think africanamericans should be fooled by Donald Trumps overtures. Jeffrey lord, lets remind our viewers of some of the things that trump has said that have not sat well to say the least with africanAmerican Voters so far in the campaign. Have a quick listen. Maybe he should have been roughed up because it was absolutely disgusting what he was doing. Will you unequivocally condemn david duke and say that you dont want his vote or that of other White Supremacists in this election . Well, just so you could, i dont know anything about david duke, okay . I dont know anything about what youre even talking about with White Supremacy and White Supremacists. Look at my africanamerican over here. Look at him. Are you the greatest . Do you know what im talking about . Jeffrey lord, you hear those statements, why should black voters believe that donald trump is sincere now . Well, number one, let me just set the record straight if i can about the record of the Democratic Party. This is something i wrote eight years ago for the wall street journal. They had six platforms that supported slavery. Over 20 that supported session greg asian regagz, and the Democratic Party wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. They just had a convention. They couldnt even bring themselves to apologize for slavery. This is a party with horrendous what are you talking about . Did they apologize for slavery . Did they apologize for slavery . Dont you think so . Sure, but the fact of the matter is but the fact no, thats a ridiculous that is a ridiculous argument no. The ridiculous argument, but what has the Democratic Party done for africanamericans . We elected the first black president and the first mayor of new york. Someone that wasnt even raised here. Come on. Its soared in the obama era. The question this is a point about i hear your point about the Democratic Party and their record, but the question you did not answer is how do black voters hear the many messages from donald trump over the previous months and then reconcile that with this current outreach. What they are hearing from donald trump, and i think Kellyanne Conway will be helping because she worked for my old boss jack kemp whose book i hold in my hand, and he advocated a direct approach to go right into the heart of the community and talk economics, to talk jobs. Right. Thats what we have to do and thats what donald trump is going to do. Thats what hes all about here. Very quickly. Donald trump is no jack kemp. I actually i actually i have followed jack kemp in his career. He was actually a reasonable individual. Donald trump is no jack kemp. Hes championing the message of jack kemp and thats whats important. Thats right. I remember coming out of the hud building one day and there were democrats out there protesting that jack kemp was a racist and it was just bizarre and a terrible thing to say. I see you there, and i know you want to comment. What do you have to say . Its hard to know where to start with jeffrey lord. Donald trump started off his career attacking five innocent africanamericans in central park five, he took ads out in that and that was 20 years ago. Are we not talking about super are we going to talk about the crime bill. How most americans know donald trump is through his attacks on the first africanamerican president. His attacks on his birth status. His vicious assaults. They know him as a successful businessman. And in this campaign hes attacked the civil rights discussion on policing and other issues, attacking people who have raised these issues. So the reality is that Africanamerican Community recognizes his that for 13 months hes been attacking civil rights heroes. Hes been attacking the president and three months ahead of the election when he knows hes going to lose and lose badly all of a sudden he wants to do fake outreach, and i think its actually an insult to the intelligence of africanamericans and the broader public who know his positions and have heard him over the last several years several months talk about really attacking several issues that africanamericans are concerned about. Just in the last few weeks hes been talking about vote rigging and limiting the Voting Rights of africanamericans and others instead of expanding them. The dnc knows a lot about vote rigging when you look at what they did to bernie sanders. Sure. Lets talk about voting for everyone. If you care about Voting Rights for everyone, then lets have him talk about stopping these Voting Rights assaults in the courts right now. He could do that right now. Jeffrey and paris, i know you have more to contribute. The luxury of more time after this break. Out front tonight, donald trump says shut down the Clinton Foundation. Tonight bill clinton fights back. Plus, clinton linking trump to a group called the altright. What exactly is it . We have a special report ahead. Breaking news, a highspeed, highstakes confrontation at sea and Iranian Naval ships closing in on a u. S. Guided missile destroyer plus, as well, italys deadly earthquakes and rescue workers race against time to find survivors as the death toll is rising there. We will be live in italy. With my moderate to severe ulcerative colitis, the possibility of a flare was almost always on my mind. Thinking about what to avoid, where to go. And how to deal with my uc. To me, that was normal. Until i talked to my doctor. She told me that humira helps people like me get uc under control and keep it under control when certain medications havent worked well enough. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. 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Vo clear thinking. Donald trump i know more about isis than the generals do, believe me. Vo and calm judgment. Donald trump and you can tell them to go fu k themselves. Vo because all it takes is one wrong move. Donald trump audio only i would bomb the sh t out of them. Vo just one. b breaking news. Bill clinton fighting back. Tonight, he is responding to Donald Trumps allegations that Hillary Clinton sold access to the state department through the Clinton Foundation. Were trying to do good things. If there is something wrong with creating jobs and saving lives, i dont know what it is. The people who gave the money knew exactly what they were doing, and i have nothing to say about it except im really proud. Im proud of what theyve done. This is part of the Clinton Campaigns effort to push, to fight back against allegations of pay for play. Our Phil Mattingly is out front. Tonight, Hillary Clintons campaign is firing back as pressure grows overpay to play allegations at the Clinton Foundation. I dont think its a fair portrait and its a misrepresentation of the data. The campaign is attacking the Associa Associated press report that the people that government clinton met with were foundation donors, but the Campaign Says the a. P. Analysis excluded meetings with Foreign Government officials. To pull all of them out of the equation and cherry pick a very small number of meetings is is pretty outrageous. Reporter her campaign is also defending the purpose and benefits of the foundations work. If any American Voter is troubled by the idea that the clintons want to continue working to solve the aids crisis on the side while Hillary Clinton is president dont vote for her and most voters are reasonable on that point. The a. P. Found no evidence of clinton doing anything unethical and many of the people with whom she met were members of charitable groups and members of congress, but the mere appearance of impropriety has given ammunition to donald trump as he continues to push for a special prosecutor to investigate the matter. Hillary clinton ran the state Department Like a failed leader in a thirdworld country. She sold favors and access in exchange for cash. The review of donor access showing the presence of ukrainian businessmen. Victor penchook at a clintonhosted dinner. He had obtained a lobbyist to arrange state department meetings. It also showed a 2009 breakfast meeting attended by Blackstone Group chairman stephen schwartzman, the firm, a major donor to the founddation. He had requested the state departments help on a visa issue. Meanwhile, the Clinton Campaign is trying to shift its focus back to donald trump. I think if you want to be hammering somebody in this race day in and day out about disclosure, its a man who put out a twoparagraph letter from a doctor, whose own credentials appeared bogus on his own letterhead and a man who has refused to release his tax returns. The Clinton Campaign is refusing to give an inch on this and you heard why from bill clinton. They believe the good the foundation does far outweighs the difficulties when it comes to politics and when you talk to democrats as a lot of us have been doing all day today and yesterday, there is frustration that this is an issue that donald trump has seized on and its one theyre very concerned he will successfully stick to over the next couple of weeks. You heard from the Clinton Campaign. Theyre not backing down and they dont believe theres any truth to the report thats been driving this coverage over the last couple of days. Phil mattingly in new york. My panel is back. Hillary clinton facing what are major allegations here and yes, we have heard bill clinton push back as Phil Mattingly was saying there, but we havent heard Hillary Clinton. She hasnt had a press conference in week, as you know and sitdown interviews with major media. Why is that . Why that silence shes not silent. The campaign has been very vocal on these issues and the only issue i would take with your reporting on this. Its not just the Clinton Campaign and you have major news outlets, fox, Washington Post and other news outlets recognizing that this a. P. Story was a distortion and cherry picked a few people. Its Hillary Clinton running for president. Why arent we hearing that message from the candidate . Right. Her entire campaign is talking about this. Im sure youll hear about it from hillary, as well. She has a speech tomorrow and shell be speaking over the next couple of days and i think the reality here is this is a trumpedup charge by donald trump who, just to recognize the idea that donald trump is talking about pay to play about anyone when his campaign, we just learned jack booted up the price of the rent they were charging the campaign that goes to line his pockets during this campaign. Something where he is directly benefiting right now, where he has banks from china to Goldman Sachs who are essentially hes in debt to, but he will not stop those debts. He will not outline that for the American People. It is a ridiculous charge. What you see here is republicans, conservatives going after the Clinton Foundation which has done a lot of good for a lot of people and its goal is to no, let me just finish. 11 Million People in africa have actually benefited and thats an important goal. Theres an important thing about this whole part, weve heard the defense from her and from the rest of the campaign, but and hell hear from her. While shes going around fund raising and remaining siel bent her pay to play allegations which are good and factual, we see donald trump we see donald trump on. There is no pay to play. There is no pay to play. Like hispanics like hes doing tomorrow at trump tower at 10 00 a. M. And we see him going to the black community where its the heart of the biggest Jackson State University right there. You know what . We do not hear from Hillary Clinton because she knows that this is a true charge which goes back to what they did while they were in the white house and pay for play and partisan in the lincoln bedroom. The American People know that at the end of the day things do not stick to clinton. Basil, go ahead. There is no pay to play. There is no pay to play. I cant say it plainer than that, and even in the a. P. Reporting its undermined its own report by basically saying there was no pay to play. We saw emails from the Clinton Foundation requesting meetings. You saw emails and made conclusions that couldnt be made there is a qcaccaphony he gave them 100,000 and his Campaign Spokesperson acknowledged they do good work. Is that hypocritical . I think they do do some good work and i think that he along with a lot of people gave money thinking thats what was going on. To the best of my knowledge donald trump never met with secretary clinton asking for a favor from the state department. Hes running against her. Back in 1996 i wrote a piece for the wall street journal, ross per row when it was raised between bill clinton and bob dole accused the white house of exactly this. I looked into this and found out a drug dealer had gotten into the white house after making a 20,000 contribution and was there at a Christmas Party hosted by Hillary Clinton. Unbelievable. And they said we have no idea how the guy got in. 20,000, thats how he got in. Well have to leave it there. Unfortunately, but i do want to thank neero, jeff, basil, out front. Hillary clinton tying donald trump to a White Nationalist movement. Snoof its about us having a home, a place where we can be with people like ourselves. Like ourselves, and more breaking news. Four iranian war ships in an extremely Close Encounter with a u. S. Guided missile destroyer. It is all on videotape. That story coming right up. Spri. Oh. Model year end clarence event. Looks right to me. Shouldnt it be clear clearly. It is time to get a great deal and a reward card on this turbocharged jetta. Gotta make room for the 2017 models. It is a clarence event. Why is that so hard for people to understand . It seems clar to me. Clear to me. Ready for a test drive . Whatever you want to call it, dont miss the volkswagen model year end event. 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Reporter while donald trump says he is seeking minority voters. And i think we will do great with africanamericans and with the hispanics. Reporter Hillary Clinton is trying to tie trump to the socalled altright, a movement often associated with white nationalism. Propelling the term altright into the national spotlight. Explain to us what altright is. The answer depends on who you ask. Its a dressedup version of the american neonazi movement, to be honest. The media has portrayed it as bigoted, sexist, uneducated white males. Bannon has proudly led the job. We are the platform for the alt right. Now bannon is the Trump Campaign ceo and clinton is seizing on the connection, calling the altright disturbing and extreme. So what is it, exactly . Its about us having a home, a place where we can be with people like ourselveses. This video blogger says the movement which started online several years ago is about ethnic nationalism, race, specifically the sense that white identity is under assault in america fuels the altright which stands opposed to both progressive and mainstream conservative thought. Supporters say theyre not racist or divisive, but that is what critics charge. Ive spent 20 years trying to say that conservatives are not racists and were not misogynists and this is not what we stand for and now suddenly we have the republican nominee who has become associated with some of these darkest elements of american politics. Reporter trump is a favorite of the mostly young, mostly white men who identify as altright. We cannot afford to be so politically correct anymore. Reporter nativism and even racial sprattism are themes of atright websites that embrace trump, but some of the loudest adherents say they are just being provocative. Milo has been a face of the movement through social media stunts though he has been banned from twitter. He is cheering on trump. He represents the best hope we have of is that correct Political Correctness apart, of breaking open, you know, all of the taboos and the stuff youre not supposed to say allowing real debate to be had again. Some of his supporters of the mostly Online Movement say theyre bringing new energy and passion to a party who needs it and the passion of the fringe websites and fringier than breitbart come across as sexist, racist and antisemitic and im sure thats what clinton will bring on tomorrow. No question, Brian Stelter. Out front, chief Political Correspondent dana bash and boris epistein and Karrine Jean Pierre and the spokesperson for moveon. Org and boris, i want to respond to brians piece. Youve seen this group and they want a country where they can be with people like themselves. Pretty clear theyre talking about white people. Theres absolutely no connection between whatever these groups are and the Trump Campaign. Zero connection whatsoever and the piece was maybe interesting in reporting on some particular websites, but there is absolutely no connection. The Trump Campaign has repeatedly disavowed any racist statements, any racist, White Supremacists and so on and so on. He has a movement to make america security. Did he disavow the altrid movement . Its a term coined by the left to again, attack donald trump in some way and really today to taked point away and to take the attention away from the horrible week that Hillary Clinton has had. Shes using this to take this away, and its not with our help. She is choosing to give this speech. He has hired steve bannon and the head of breitbart to run his campaign and that website and other websites fringier than breitbart confirm infringement. Any at all, relationship between donald trump and the campaign and any of those other websites that youre talking about. None at all. You know that, brian. Do you buy that defense . Breitbart is known for being a Dumpster Fire for racism, for sexism, for all of the types of hatred that is connected to the Trump Campaign because he now has hired the ceo of breitbart to now be the ceo of his campaign. There is a connection, boris, and its clear and you know what . For her speech tomorrow, she doesnt have to go far. All she has to do is click on breitbart. Com and look at all of the hateful headlines. Mr. Bannon is a businessman and he also worked at Goldman Sachs and Goldman Sachs gave a lot of money to Hillary Clinton. Who you choose to run your Campaign Says a lot about how youre going to govern. I just wanted to add in here that i spoke to a source who is familiar with the speech who made it a very specific point about it being broader than race. Right. Obviously, you talked about and youve all talked about the allegations of having a sort of racial hatred underlying a lot of this and shes going to talk about hatred more broadly that she will insist is not just about bannon or about breitbart. What the key thing that we are i am told to look for tomorrow is, as you can imagine, Hillary Clinton to tie that into donald trump. To say no, no, no, but of course, to specifically to say its not about bannon and its about donald trump. This is relevant because it relates also to the immigration debate and this is just coming in. Donald trump gave a town hall tonight on fox news with sean hannity. As you know, donald trump has said that anyone here illegally in the United States and Illegal Immigrants and undocumented workers will be deported and heres what hes saying in part, quote, as hes changing that position. Ive had some people come up to me, really great, great people come up to me and they say mr. Trump, i love you, but to take a family that has been here and throw them out i have it all of the time. Its very, very hard thing. It seems like he is backing off from the key part of his campaign message. When he becomes president , all criminals who are illegal will be deported. Thats different from what hes saying. 100,000 criminals have remained in this country. Initially he said anybody who is here illegally. Hes said throughout the campaign that he will make sure that once we get out all of the illegal immigrations who are criminals then he will approach the rest of the Illegal Immigrants in a humane manner. It sounds like hes saying they can stay in the country. Thats not what hes saying. Hes saying the policy is being determined as we speak. The person who has been here for 15 and 20 years, to throw them out, is so hard, mr. Trump. Is there any other way to interpret that . Of course theyre families and you want to treat people humanely. He did, i went back and rooked at an interview i did in industrial july of 2015, a month after he announced and he did talk about humanely, however, youre exactly right, jim, he talked about the fact that everybody will have to leave. Mass deportation, and eventually he called it a deportation force. He said the good ones, these are his quotes, the good one, he said would be able to come back in and not the bad ones. This very much appears to be different about letting people stay which is what so many of his republican opponents in the primaries supported and got hammered for. Corinne, i want to give you a chance to respond. I think its bigoted double speak. He doubles down with his group, his base and says hey, you know what . We will build a wall and well deport undo you meancumented wo well do it in a humane way and hes winking and looking at the base that should be on the republican side that hes hemorrhaging, which is the suburban moms and the educated white voters. So its hes trying to do two things at once. Its made in the new york times. He gave no examples of bigotry. This is a candidate who has been on the campaign trail. Hes been talking to people and hes been experiencing the campaign trail and part of his press conferences and Hillary Clinton and then hold on, let me finish now. And hes sticking to the key of his policy which is deporting Illegal Immigrants. Well have to leave it there. Apologies, boris, and corinne, and my colleagues. We are standing by for donald trump about to rally his supporters in mississippi. Plus, the breaking news, italys deadly quake overnight and rescue workers desperately search for example survivors and we will be live in italy and more breaking news. Iranian naval ships closing in on a u. S. Guided missile destroyer. Well have more details on that right after this. I work round the clock. I want my blood sugar to stay in control. So i asked about tresiba®. 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At least 159 now dead, more than 1,000 people displaced. Our Fred Pleitgen is out front in amatrice, italy, the epicenter of the quake. Reporter the deadly 6. 2 magnitude quake struck in the middle of the night. The small town of amatrice around 90 miles northeast of rome near the epicenter devastated. Amid the rubble, the towns clock tower still standing. Frozen in time, 3 37 a. M. , the moment the quake hit. Amatrices mayor telling cnn, quote, the town is no more. It was very scary. There was a huge tremor. Everything was moving and we were not able to get up. There was no light. Nothing, no one to rescue us, no one came to our rescue. Most of the threestory building in the picturesque little villages, pancaked under tons of concrete, a survivor. Are you able to breathe the rescue workers asks. The desperate answer, only a bit. Cnns barbie nato was broadcasting live from nearby salleto with rescue workers and suddenly there is a roar. Fortunately, no one appeared to be injured at the home next door collapsed. Resident, some still in their pajamas dug with their bare hands to find survivors. The arrival of heavy lifting equipment delayed and blocked by debris. Amatrice was preparing for its annual food festival. The towns population swelled by tourists. The house was trembling, shaking and it got more and more intense. It was actually an appalling noise, clinking, thundering, sort of rumble. It felt like someone put a bulldozer to the house to try to knock it down. The death toll continued to rise throughout the day. Here, a lone dog searches through the wreckage of the homes in the nearby town of arquata dell trotto. All of the houses are gone. There are no houses anymore. Reporter jim, the rescue crews are still searching and hoping to still find survey offers and there are instances when. They do. There was one 8yearold girl who was pulled from the rubble earlier. People here are very happy about that. I was also on the scene when another man was pulled from the rubble. Hed been there for hours, as well. Unfortunately, as much as the rescue crews are searching they most often come across dead bodies. We were on the scene of one site where two dead bodies were pulled from an absolutely destroyed building and thats something that hits these closeknit, small communities very, very hard. Weve seen people who have broken down in tears, nevertheless, the rescue workers still continuing to push on. Lets hope more signs of hope. Out front next, breaking news. A standoff on the high seas. Why were these iranian war ships zeroing in on the us sshs nitsa jeanne moos on the war of words between donald trump and cher. If breaking news happened and he had to go to the podium we would all just go [ bleep ]. If you have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, isnt it time to let the real you shine through . Introducing Otezla Apremilast . Otezla is not an injection or a cream. 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Humira works by targeting and helping to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to both joint and skin symptoms. Its proven to help relieve pain, stop further joint damage, and clear skin in many adults. Humira is the number 1 prescribed biologic for Psoriatic Arthritis. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Want more proof . Ask your rheumatologist about humira. Humira. Whats your body of proof . Breaking news, an extremely Close Encounter on the high seas. The u. S. Says i rainiranian war, you can see them closing in on the guided missile destroyer and they tried to reach them by radio 12 different times and no response. It wasnt until the last minute when they were 300 yards apart that the iranians finally slowed down and turned away. General spider marks. If youre a captain of this ship, this is no small thing, right . No, not at all. Theyre very worried about small boats threatening u. S. War ships. Well its happened before. Uss cole. The strait of hormuz, International Waters are always contested and this is International Waters and thank goodness the navy is well trained and they act with discipline and what we see from the iranians is quite odd especially on the heels of 400 million release of our hostages and nuclear deal and this is how they say thank you. Thank goodness we have captains in charge of ships who know what theyre doing and they followed the procedures and they blasted the horns and fired off flares which are internationally beinga sented signs when youre trying to find out the intent of a vessel. You had them taking u. S. Sailors last year. You remember that. Yep. They took for a time a u. S. Commercial ship in these same waters. Are they trying to spark a conflict . Think you would have to assume on a certain level, yes, theyd love to see some escalation. It gives them free rein to escalate themselves to do something else. Again, you cant really its very difficult to understand intentions. But you have to be able to look at capabilities and you add to that whatever you can discern in terms of intention and it gives you a very clear definition of what the threat is. This is an existing threat in that part of the world. The United States is a routine presence and this is not abhorrent behavior. And the u. S. Has been patrolling that part of the world forever. On that point of intent. Its difficult to judge intent. Thats true for the captain because hes there and hes got to protect his ship and its a difficult decision to make whether to fire or not. Oh, absolutely. He doesnt want to escalate. Force protection is rule number one. Every unit thats deployed and irrespective of the service has force protection as rule number one. So youve got a captain of the ship who is trying to observe whats going on and trying to discern what this intent is and at the same time he has a ship of sailors and hes going to protect them. Hes got the obligation to do that. Yeah. And he walks up to the line and the iranians are pushing that line and theyre poking us in the eye so thank goodness we have disciplined sailors. The u. S. Naval destroyer right there. Close encounter there. U. S. General spider marks. Jeanne moos with cher and donald trump. Its getting ugly. Is it a force of nature . Or a sales event . The summer of audi sales event is here. Get up to a 5,000 bonus on select audi models. Soon, shell type the best essays in the entire 8th grade. Get back to great. Sixteen gig lexar flash drives just three ninetynine. Office depot officemax. Gear up for school. Gear up for great. Ive bfrom natures bounty to support my heart. Im running, four times a week. Eating better, keeping healthy. So that no matter what happens in the future, my future self will thank me. Thank you youre welcome hey listen. Whatever you do, dont marry dan hey babe, im dan. Hey babe, can i get 14 dollars for. Thank you. 45 years of experience has taught us no matter what the future holds, youre always better off healthy. Natures bounty did you know dell. Com price matchelike the xps 13. Ing . Yeeeeaaaaahhh for you, glam rockers. We love your work. Intel® bong the Oil Companies pollute our air. Putting their. Profits ahead wbr id wbr34166 of our kids health. b now theyre trying to weaken californias clean air laws. Im tom steyer. Weve had a million kids get asthma. We need to send the wbrid wbr34466 Oil Companies a message. Tell your legislator to stand up to the Oil Companies and protect our clean air laws. Dont let the Oil Companies put their profits. Ahead of our kids. Hillary clinton has a new attack dog on the campaign trail. A surprising one. Heres jeanne moos. Forget sonny and cher. I got you babe think hillary and cher. The 70yearold singer has gotten on her high horse lending a hand to hillary and aiming big guns at donald trump. I think hes a [ bleep ]. Cher was dispatched to her gay fan base, fund raisers in miami, fire island and please welcome to provincetown, cher reporter even look alikes in drag showed up. Cher mocked trumps make America Great again. He means he wants to make america straight and white. Its like fun with dick and jane. In front of the mostly gay audience, cher nitpicked the donald on how he says our lgbtq citizens. Its like he just learned it, you know . Lgbtq. Its a little like hes taking an eye test. Cher saying hillarys praises though she did concede. Shes not the greatest speaker in the world. Reporter the donald is no cher fan. He tweeted she should spend more time focusing on her family and dying career. When she speaks about him she uses a toilet emoticon rather than trumps name. She never runs out of bad names to call him. I think that if breaking news ever happened and he had to go to the podium we would all go [ bleep ]. Reporter Trump Supporters fired back. Cher is way past her expiration date. Time to dump her in the trash

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