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Good evening, everyone. Im erin burnett. We begin with breaking news. The first search plane of the day right now heading to the possible debris site. A second search plane skenl wld to take off in less than an hour. They are headed to a remote area about 1,500 miles southwest off of australias coast. That is where satellite images taken four days ago show two objects located about 14 miles from each other. The objects are roughly 16 feet by 79 feet long and they are believed to be debris from flight 370. Just to compare, a wing of the missing plane, of the 777 would be about 81 feet long. Now, australias Prime Minister was confident today when he released these images calling them new and credible information in the search. I want to note this area, australia, itself, is remote in many ways when you look at the oceans and this particular spot in the world is incredibly remote. Far from regular shipping channels where crews might have seen the debris earlier. There is really no reason to be down in this area. We have the story covered tonight. The search planes are taking off from the base behind her. Chad myers that cnn Weather Center with a look at the mechanics of the search and jim sciutto in washington with new information from the fbi. I want to begin where the planes are taking off where you are, kyung. When will the plane actually get to the search zone and be able to look . Well, its a little unclear about the status of that first plane and its a little changing. I hope youll be patient with me, erin. What happened was because of all that rain you saw on my last live shot, there was a delay in whether or not that plane could take off. We originally told it would be looking at 6 00 a. M. Or 6 00 p. M. Eastern time and that had to be pushed back. It is daybrate and our assumption it is on the way to the water. We cant hear it take off so we have to wait for the government to tell us it is on its way. The assumption is the first plane has taken off and a second one scheduled to take off at 8 00 p. M. Eastern time and it takes a while to get down to this area. You talked about how remote it is. It is about 3 1 2 to 4 1 2 hou s s flight time for these longrange planes to get down there. They will only have two hours to look in this area. This, even though it seems like the search has narrowed down to a small area, its still the size of new mexico or arizona. Its a big area. And, so, two hours is a frustratingly short amount of time and then they have to haul it all the way back here to perth air base. When i spoke to the spokesperson, erin. What we heard in thiz voice is they want to find this and they want to be able to confirm this. But they want everyone to know that they dont know what this is. Erin . Youre talking about having a couple hours for the search in a space that, you know, the size of new mexico or arizona. Thats got to be hard and youre going at a really high speed and youre high up, even if youre trying to slow down and go low, it has to be a needle in a hay stack even with all of this. Youre right. It is. And you can definitely tell that even though they want to find it, it is. Its going to be very difficult. They have to comb through that area. Interesting thing that the government of australia has done they put out a maritime all call any area ships that are there, they asked them to go on the sea and scour it back and forth. So, theres actually a cargo vessel that was in that area and it is working there, it worked throughout the night and the sailors on the decks scouring that area by sea. Using binoculars and lights through the night. Kyung lar, incredible. A merchant ship, again, just to h emphasize the remoteness of this area. This is not that. Chad myers is in the Weather Center. Not only do you have so few people looking for it and planes that have to fly so far before they have a chance, chad, you have the weather. Obviously, in perth where the planes were taking off, there are delays. Looks clearer now. But the search zone is 1,500 miles away. Youre talking about taking off from new york and flying to denver. The weather, obviously, i mean, what is it going to be like . Then looking for things under a very rough ocean, five to ten foot waves out there trying to find something on that surface. Yesterday the weather was awful. It was terrible. It was raining, low clouds and couldnt get high enough to get a good perspective. There is the weather that moved through perth about an hour ago. The planes have been released. Everybody can leave now, but that was a big thunderstorm complex that did move over perth just in the past hour. This is our search area. You cant get Better Weather than that. That is a big high pressure. The cold front has pushed on by. Thats great. So, sunshine today. And lots of it. But its so far away and they only really have about 48 hours of good weather right now. And you only have two hours at a time. Its such a long flight, use all your fuel and then you have it use that fuel to get back home, thats a tenhour flight and thats all the fuel they have. Here comes the weather for the next couple days. Thats a wind storm. That red, erin, is 40mileperhour winds and that happens in 48 hours. Get it now, find it now or all of a sudden its all jumbled up, again, because not only do you have currents, but a wind of 40 is going to push all of this stuff all over the place. That is pretty incredible. And we should emphasize to our viewers, our understanding at this point, the u. S. Doesnt have any plans to put an Aircraft Carrier. Cant you put an Aircraft Carrier close so planes can take off and hunt. At this point no one is doing this, which is a whole other set of questions. For those of you asking the questions, i wanted to give you the answer we have. You talk about the brief window they have to look. Not only is the window to look brief, but the satellite images are four days old. So in that time, how far would the debris have moved thanks to those five to tenfoot seas youre talking about. The current is only about e onemileperhour so. Okay, 14 days, multiply that out. You could be 300 miles with the current, but its the wind. If anything is sticking up, its called windage. It will have a sail and it will want to move, not only with that current, but it will also want to move with the wind itself and some of those wind, weve seen over the past 14 days, we kind of reversed the clock back, assuming that stuff has been there 14 days. There have been storms, actually three of them now over this area. Right now the wind and all this current now to the south, maybe southwest at 15 or so miles per hour. Big circle here. The good news is the current isnt moving that fast. The bad news three storms over that area and could have scattered it left and right, erin. All right, chad, thank you very much. Now, the investigation, jim chuty he sciutto breaking the headlines from washington. The fbi is analyzing the information from the pilots simulator. Do they think theyll be able to retrieve anything and also when it comes to this search, jim, are they only looking in this spot and giving up everywhere else where we were looking before . First, the fbi, weve heard today that they have confidence that they can piece together what they found on this drive to tell them something. You know, will they get back to the original condition of those deleted files . Maybe not, but they have good confidence. And this is the best team to have it. Their job is to find things on computers that people dont want found on computers. Whether its child pornography, or extremist websites, literature, that sort of thing. So, you know, thats the right team to have down at quantico, the fbi headquarters. On the search, officially they have not given up on the Northern Quarter search and malaysian officials were saying today that still a number of countries in Southeast Asia, across Southeast Asia allows vietnam going up to china, kazakhstan they are sending planes up to the air and looking at their radar and satellite data to look for this. Look at the real allocation of resources where theyre heading. China sending nine ships down to the southern indian ocean. Unprecedented overseas and a good four out of five of the aircraft now involved in this international search, theyre all heading south. So, that allocation of resources gives you a real sense of where the real focus of this search is today. Where the intelligence is leading them. All right, thank you very much to jim sciutto. Outfront next really allocating all the resources to this spot. Is it really there . The new satellite images have prompted this search. Is this the best lead yet. Weve seen these images before, remember a few days ago, last week, everybody thought they found it. If this is the missing plane, what does it tell us what happened aboard the flight. The whole question of motive. The paerfamily of the passes hoping and praying tonight that this is not flight 370. Its a growing trend in business do more with less with less energy. Hp is helping ups do just that. Soon, the worlds most intelligent servers, designed by hp, will give ups over twice the performance, using forty percent less energy. Multiply that across over a thousand locations, and theyll provide the same benefit to the environment as over 60,000 trees. Thats a trend we can all get behind. Maestro of project management. Baron of the buildout. You need a permit. To be this awesome. And you. Rent from national. Because only national lets you choose any car in the aisle. And go. 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Horrific weather went through perth where it was scheduled to take off. This location 1,500 miles off the coast of australia satellite images taken four days ago show potential objects located 14 miles apart. The objects are roughly 16 feet and 79 feet long. Now, i want to emphasize two things here. One, the reason it takes four days we learned this when the chinese released their satellite images which turned out to be wrong last week. Take that long to go through all these images. A human has to look at them. Thats why the delay. These images happen to be from a company out of colorado. So, is it . Joining me former Inspector General mary sciavo. All right, both aviation analysts for us here and the people we need to talk to on this issue. Mary, if you look at the size and the location of what we see in these satellite images, you know, some people might say, gosh, this is way too big. I remember when we had the ntsb on last week that satellite images are wrong because those images are too big and wouldnt have floated. When you see the images and see the size, do you think this is the plane . I hope its the plane. I think enough minds including the ntsb, which we learned is helping, and the australians have a reason to believe it. I think that it could be. For example, a wing. This is a composite wing on the 777. Boeing takes great pains to seal the inside, not just a composite wing but teams go through and its not caulk but its like caulk and they seal them up. The tail floated on tw800. So, its possible the large pieces can float and it would be in the right place if it took the southern route and i think everyone agrees it didnt take the northern route. This is where it would be if it ran out of fuel. Im encouraged to find the pieces and to find the plane. Steve, you know, last week, lets talk about the chinese satellite images. Everyone said, gosh, no way china would put these out if they didnt know it was the plane. It turns out, of course, it was not the plane. When you look at these images. Last night i had the same reaction as a lot of other people. If the Prime Minister of australia comes out and says this is a break through, it probably is the plane. Are you more confident . Yes, i agree with everything that mary just said. I would just add one point which is that since this, as compared to the chinese satellite image, which this, this airplane was in a point in the flight where it was almost certainly out of fuel. So, what it would take for that wing to float and the chinese image i would not have expected that wing to float would be perhaps for the engine to sheer off, which is not unusual. And because it is so, it is empty, the fuel tank is empty and mary just described how it is sealed. So, there is a tremendous amount of buoyancy there. Those are factors which are different from the chinese satellite. So, steve, im kind of reading between the lines on what youre saying. Tell me if im wrong. The chinese images were right when we looked at those, that would have been a plane that exploded in midair. Its running out of fuel, youre saying its gradually coming down so the break up is different or no . It might. It could have gone down on auto pilot. People dont understand jet transport aircraft, especially this one, are very good gliders. They can go long ways at a very shallow altitude. Thats a bit speculative. But it could have happened. Where as, you know, jet fuel weighs 6. 8 pounds per gallon and water weighs 8. Jet fuel is just a little bit lighter than water, but this thing was completely empty, it would provide a tremendous amount of buoyancy. Mary, what do you think . You were nodding as he was talking about the glider, how this plane could have really glided because, as it ran out of fuel this far on its path. Because this plane wants to fly. Boeing engineered it. It was engineered and designed largely on computer. One of the first ones, the first one to do that. They engineered it to want to fly. So, im thinking this one would have been a much better glider had an aerodynamic stall. This one literally had a chance of gliding down, so, it is possible that the wing broke off, remained in tact to float and certainly that would help them find the point of impact and the black boxes. They just need a few clues to do that. Steve, you know, i had a flash back today one time when i was in panama. You know, going out in the water, just like an incredible sea of trash. One of the more disturbing experiences i had in the ocean. Just disgusting and huge pieces of things everywhere. Not this big, but huge. Theres trash all over the ocean and places i believe where the garbage gets stuck in patches. Are they sure that this isnt Something Like that . No. Theyre oepen to the possibility that it is Something Like that. Which would be a disappointment. But, ive heard, you can have a freight container eer that fel a ship or clinging masses of debr debris. People who are Long Distance sailors report these kinds of things. So, those are good questions. Well, thanks very much to both of you. We appreciate the time. So, interesting people are really starting to say they thing this is the plane and addressing the issue of the floating of the big objects, which i know a lot of you probably had. Still to come, the human side of the drama playing out in front of us. Youre hearing people say they hope it is the plane because they want an answer. For many of the family members, it is a tough choice. Do they want that answer or have the hope continue that this plane is in tact somewhere . Plus, the challenges of searching in the indian ocean. Well show you the equipment that could be used on flight 370 to find it, if it is there. If it is there that water in that space is more than two miles deep. Well be back. Dear sun, you created light. You are loved. Celebrated. But things have changed since you got into this business. At philips, were creating led light that people can color. Adjust. Even make beautiful sunsets. Dear sun, you might be number one, but were getting closer. Innovation and you philips gundyes n group is a go. Not just a start up. An upstart. Gotta get going. Gotta be good. Good . Good. Growth is the goal. How do we do that . I talked to ups. Theyll help us out. New technology. Smart advice. We focus on the business and they take care of the logistics. Ups . Good going. We get good. Thats great. Great. Great. Great. Great. Great. Great. Great. Great. all great i love logistics. Here, announcer athe moment babies are born, their brains are forming the connections that determine how they learn. Think. And grow. In the sky. [ babbles ] talk and read to your children from day one. 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We are waiting for confirmation that that plane is en route and take a couple hours to get there and then only there for a couple hours before it heads home. But families of flight 370 passengers are being faced with a horribly grim reality. Its been 14 days since that plane disappeared. There are no answers, but many of them are hoping this is not the plane. David mackenzie live in beijing. The families want answers and they want answers and have to be realistic on some level. But, obviously, for a lot of them, they dont want this to be the plane. You guys still with me . Looks like were having a little bit of a problem there. Are we going to get david . Okay. Youve got me now, david, ill let you take it away. I was wondering how families are reacting to news. We lost him, again. This is what happens when youre programming with live shots from around the world. But, were going to get david in just a all right. We want to play you a piece of sund because david had a chance to talk to some of these family members and talk about their reaction about whether this is the plane. Heres what one of them told him. Translator i cant sleep each night because all i think about is my son. Up until now, what else can we do . This is about his flight. There is nothing you do to help. We can only wait for further updates. Do you still believe your son is alive . Translator i firmly believe that my son, together with everyone onboard, will all survive. And we do now have david mackenzie. We just heard you talking to that family member. This is a really tough choice for them, whether they want this to be the plane or not. Well, thats right. It is a tough choice because many of them, erin, want closure in this matter. But, honestly, they dont want that closure because they feel that if this debris in the Southern Ocean is that plane, it means theyve extinguished all hope and that man whose son, these arent just numbers. He was passenger 167 on the manifest, a 34yearold businessman. And i asked him if how can he stay so strong, he had tears in his eyes. He said other families are there, too, and he has to be an example for them, erin. To stay strong and wait for the news when it does come. David mackenzie, thank you very much, reporting live from beijing this morning. Well, outfront next the search for flight 370. If the plane is out in the ocean, how will it be retrieved . Will it ever be retrieved . Well show you the exact technology that is used to find that plane and exactly how mechanically it would work. Plus, if this is debris from the missing plane, what was it doing off the coast of australia 1,500 miles . Our pilots are next. My lenses have a sunset mode. And an Early Morning mode. 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Another plane scheduled to take off in half an hour. Perth, 1,500 miles away. That is a long way away and that is truly, when you look at planet earth, the middle of no where. It is one of the worlds most remote places and if part of the plane is found, recovery crews up against the elements and a search area more than two miles under water in addition to 1,500 miles away from land. More on how the crews will do it. Reporter unmanned probes, like this, have searched the ocean for plane wreckage before. It took years of sweeping the ocean bottom, but found a downed plane, carrying italian fashion designer, misonni, his wife and four others off the coast of venezuela last year. It helped find airfrance flight 447 after it went missing, locating the wreckage and hundreds of bodies onboard. It has found ships that sunk decades ago, like the arc royal and these probes even allow for detail imaging of the titanic. The smaller ones will only go down to 5,000 feet and the next class is a much larger, much more expensive device 15 by 25 feet. Its very large because it has a lot of battery capability and a lot of hydraulic capability. Reporter the underwater vehicles, auvs as theyre called can go as deep as 20,000 feet sending acoustic pulses to the sea floor to find debris and then maps are drawn to guide search teams. They can even find things up to 300 feet under the sea floor. The search zone needs to be narrowed down first. This auv can only search eight square miles a day. It would take four days to search an area as big as manhattan. The equipment works around obstacles, so it doesnt get damaged and maps them so divers dont get hurt. Under water obstructions are always a concern. We tend to fly the auv at about a 45meter altitude above the bottom. Keeps us usually out of the way of any obstructions. Reporter these types of searches can take months or years. But the payoff is high. Wreckage that gives clues about what happened, data recorders and the thing that matters most, the fate of the people onboard. Now, the technology that you just saw, that is step one in trying to find the debris field. And then you step it up to something called an rov, remote operating vehicle and what it is, these are robots that have little hands and claws and a lot of times they are equipped with highresolution cameras and are able to find those critical pieces of the wreckage, things like the data recorder, erin, which, in this case, we are all waiting to see and hear what is going to be in that data recorder that will tell us what happened to that plane and all those people onboard. So many questions. These are the questions. Thanks to you, rosa. I want to talk more about the recovery and what will happen with captain Timothy Taylor retired navy captain as she recovered the wreckage of twa flight 800 which crashed in the water off of the coast of long island and also worked as a diver for the recovery of the uss cole. Timothy, if this is debris from the plane and you just heard rosas reporting, but if this is debris for the plane and you have the currents and you have this now is two weeks ago that this plane went down and four days ago since we saw the images. What is the first thing that happens . If this is debris from the plane, you have to track it back. They have been deploying current monitor buoys and youll see the shots of them throwing things out of the back of a plane. Those are current monitors. Day basically jump in the water and they send, they drift and give you position reports. If you can plot those over time, which way everything is drifting. Youll find out what the current is. Even with the storms that weve been reporting. Thats true. These storms if they get enough of them in the water over a long period of time, they could have baseline data they could plug in and then find, its not a perfect scenario by any means, but find a way back close to where the plane went down. If theyre able to do that and sort of map it and plot point by point to where it might be theyll find it and its two miles under water. Were talking about incredibly deep ocean. So what type of equipment do you bring in to find the black box because if there is only one thing youre going to find to find out what happened the flight data recorder that they need to find . Once theyve got a better idea of where the starting point is to find the debris field that the aircraft is at the bottom of the ocean. Then you bring in your ship that is loaded with your underwater search and recovery equipment. That would be your auv, your atonmous underwater vehicle or bring inside and scan sonar. Both systems are available in depths up to 20,000 feet of operating depth. And you use those to search for the debris field and then map out the debris field so you know exactly where all the aircraft is located on the ocean bottom. And once youve made a comprehensive map of the debris field for the aircraft, then you put your remote operated vehicle, your robot into the water. They have manipulator arms and you go down and you start searching for the black box. And that, of course, is the first priority. Right, of course. So, tim, now, what about the black box . Theyre designed to withstand 3. 8 miles of depth, which is an incredible amount of pressure. Every millimeter of pressure when youre getting down that low. Not as deep of the ocean. I remember airfrance one of the issue was they knew where the plane was really quickly because they saw the floating life jackets. It was kind of a miracle the flight data recorder was at the top of a peak. They had clues two days afterwards, the f, th this is a ticking. The avs can scan with sonar, but, first, i think more importantly, what they will do if they find debris in the next day or so, they will be looking for the signature of the beacon on the plane. It will have a beacon that lasts, they say 30 days, maybe 35 if the batteries are good. So, acoustically listening devices. Theyll go out and listen and then find it and then avs and the scanner. But the best chance if they can find it before the beacon stops. Tim, do people ever go, do people die and go kind in any submersibles . They can reach this depth. Unmanned rovs are much more efficient at this. Less risk and they can spend days at a time just rotate shifts and do the work. Tim, bobbie, thank you very much. If this debris turns out to be the missing plane, what does that tell us about what happened on flight 370 . Heres the thing even if it, the chances of finding that flight data recorder, who knows. Are we ever going to be able to figure out what happened . Other socalled sightings of this plane. Capital to make it happen . Without the thinking that makes it real . Whats a vision without the expertise to execute it. And the financing to make it grow . Whatever your goal, it can change more than your business. It can change the future. Thats why, at barclays, our ambition is to always realize yours. Go [ male announcer ] its chaos out there. But the mclass sees in your blind spot. Pulls you back into your lane. Even brakes all by itself. Its almost like it couldnt crash. Even if it tried. The 2014 mclass. See your authorized dealer for exceptional offers through mercedesbenz financial services. See your authorized dealer for exceptional offers are you still sleeping . Just wanted to check and make sure that we were on schedule. The First Technology of its kind. Mom and dad, i have great news. Is now providing answers families need. Siemens. Answers. 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How the plane could have gone down and how it went down could tell investigators just what happened in the air. Those stories and also talk to cnn safety analyst about this important piece of solving the mystery of flight 370. An emergency locater transmitter or elt. What it does and how it could be helpful in an investigation like this. Thats all at the top of the hour, erin. Looking forward to that, anderson. We continue with the breaking News Coverage on the search for flight 37p 0. Heading to the possible debris site. Now, as i said, takes a few hours to get out there and then look for a couple hours and get back before it runs out of fuel itself. Shows what Officials Say could be debris from the missing jet. Two pieces, one about 16 feet and one about 79 feet long. All of these about 1,500 miles off the western coast of australia in absolutely the middle of no where. This is the best lead so far, but it has been almost two weeks, tomorrow it will be two weeks to the day in this hour that that plane disappeared with 239 people onboard. We still have no idea what happened. Martin savidge live in the 777 simulator and also with me miles obrien, cnn aviation analyst and jeff wise a private pilot and aviation journalist and another familiar face who flies the boeing 777 and also a cnn aviation analyst. Mooil myl, es, i want to start with you. How did it get there . Im curious what you thought about deadly fumes that could have incapacitated the passengers and the crew so there was no intent, but created some sort of zombie plane on auto pilot . Hard to come up with that scenario to make that one work, erin. First of all, we know whatever problem may have occurred with the pressurization system or what might have caused these fumes wasnt happening as they took off . They had a fairly uneventful first part of their flight, got to 35,000 feet and everything was working up to the point when they said that good night, or so it seemed. If there was a problem with depressurization, presumably they would have get some sort of radio call off because they would have heard elarms indicating there was a problem. Was there some sort of fire or fumes that took hold . Both the flight crew have ready access to oxygen masks which, in a situation like that, they would put on and continue flying the airplane. I am not a big believer in the zombie aircraft scenario. You believe it is more realistic. I do. And how do you explain, though, what miles is fairly pointing out. Wouldnt have a lot of warnings gone off and you would have had the chance to communication . After that communication, that we all seem, were making an assessment that it sounded normal. Okay, i think at that point were in agreement of that. After that, even prior, ive asserted that they may have got a little indication, like a status message that said something might not be right so they just shrugged their shoulders, not a big deal. Something theyve seen before and then things started to compound. With a smoldering fire, again, things would start to get worse and worse and worse and they would have put on their oxygen masks and then this process would have started and then we get into the zombie scenario. The zombie plane. Let me go to you, martin, because lets just assume somehow it happened. And, you know, as the disagreement here on the likelihood and if it happened and the plane flew on auto pilot until it crashed, what would have happened there from where youre sitting . Well, a couple of things. One of the things we wanted to test and we did earlier was to find out, based upon the fuel level we thought the plane would have had. Could it have made it to the area where the debris was found . What we found out, yeah, they could have made it with even fuel to spare. One theory we put to the test. We realize the plane could make it. The next step, the most important thing is the plane would have had to be on auto pilot. Reports it went to 45,000 feet and then descended dramatically and at some point leveled off. So, the plane wasnt always on auto pilot, if that is true. But somehow towards the end of that struggle or whatever was happening in the air that caused that variation, it had to have been on auto pilot to fly so far so long to get here. And then, jeff, had to be on auto pilot and no communication. I mean, you do have the possibility here that there was nobody alive for the vast majority of this flight . Not really. Listen, theres a lot of holes in that story. Very popular theory. Les is a very smart guy. But maybe thinks there is a bit of problem we could clarify here. The fact that a plane is on auto pilot doesnt mean that the captain isnt on duty and flying it. You could be having a cup of coffee or chatting and playing tetras and, so, to say that the plane must have been on auto pilot doesnt rule out the fact that you have two people or one person in the cockpit making decisions, actively engaged in flying this plane. Another problem to reinforce what miles is saying, if the zombie plane theory is accurate, they turn and one iteration of this idea. And you just keep going because youre incapacitated. You dont wind up southwest of australia i disagree. By virtue of him putting in the weight point, potential diversionary airport, he would have hit that diversionary airport at the altitude that they leveled off at and then it would have gone into heading mode and then at some point if we had a deg igation of the pilt system. It might have degraded the Flight Control system wheres it did start that turn and thats where we dont, you know, we dont know. Miles, do you see any situation here where theres not a human driver . I dont use the word in terms of controlling the plane, i use the word in terms of making decisions that made the plane go off path. The decision to go in that direction, one way or another, how they were entered and when they were entered and whether it was a mistake or the pilot was responding to an emergency situation. Certainly looks like that plane was trying to get to the nearest air field. To create the whole scenario where the plane is a zombie and they cant get a radio call off i just find that a little bit hard to believe. They had good radio contact. You look at previous crashes where there have been fires or smoldering fires and the crew is talking back and forth to air Traffic Control for quite a bit. I want to go back to what ive been hitting on here. I want to hear the air Traffic Control tapes from beginning through good night and beyond and see what kind of conversations, who was talking, was there background noise . Id like to see the maintenance records of this aircraft. Was there a problem with the oxygen system. Who was flying with these two guys, captain and first officer on previous flights . Were they acting unusual. Practicing short field landings. Theres a lot of gaps in the knowledge we dont have right now. My question is here it doesnt add up. If youre going to buy into some sort of suicide theory or something, i suppose its almost impossible to understand what someone would do in the situation, les. But the last thing anybody would think of you go to the middle of the ocean and fly for seven hours before you do it. That scenario doesnt make sense. You think of egyptair where the guy nose dives into the ocean. As hoe horrific as it is. You would not think of this. With reference to the communication issue, we go over the aviate, navigate, communicate. Theres another aircraft that was heading to near tokyo that tried to communicate with it, indicating to that air Traffic Controller had some issue saying where is that airplane . He communicated through a relay system to that other airplane and they couldnt raise them which is not untypical. But it still might have said these guys were busy with an emergency. They couldnt respond or they were in a situation where they were away from vhf radios where they couldnt. From where you are, martin, in that cockpit what youve been learning over this week that youve been sitting in there or longer with mitchell, is there a situation where you wouldnt have had any warning from that plane, any significant warning, that could have resulted in some sort of a death or inca p incapacitation issue . Unbeknownst to the crew the oxygen and communication were sort of knocked out. The problem with all these scenarios, there is no one that we found that we test and try to run through here that works to cover everything. And the reason for that is of course there is so much we do not know. And the other stuff that we sort of know, a lot of that came through leaks. Which the truth is we dont even know if that is accurate. For instance, that turn that everyone talks about that this plane deviated from its course. Of course the plane deviated in some way. But exactly did it turn that way . Thats stuff that is coming again from these unverifiable sources. So how much of this is really true that were were pinning it on . I cant say and the computers dont bear it out. As miles said, theres a lot of information out there that is known that is not yet known to you the viewer, to us the media. There may be reasons for that from investigative purposes. But there are some things that are known that dont answer the full question but could very important. Still to come, Australian Authorities believe they have spotted those debris that could be the missing plane. Some of you out there may be very skeptical. You may say look ive heard of fishermen who saw it flying over. All kinds of instances of sightings. Youd be right about that. We have them all. They lived. They lived. They lived. dad we lived. Thanks to our subaru. announcer love. Its what makes a subaru, a subaru. Feeding your lawn need not be so difficult neighbors. Get a load of this bad boy. Whoa. This snap spreader system from scotts is snapcrackin simple just snap, lock, and go. [ scott ] feed your lawn. Feed it actual sightings or mistakes . Who has really seen flight 370 . A lot of people say they have. Heres jeanne moos. Reporter as the search focuses on pieces they saw two objects in the water. Two large pieces of something. Reporter imagine seeing Malaysia Flight 370 flying overhead intact. Eyewitnesses reported what they saw to police before they even knew a plane was missing. These two fishermen told cnn they sought plane the night it disappeared. They said no, i have never seen a plane flying so low. We both remarked wow, is this pilot crazy . I quote. Reporter around the same time, abc news reported a worker aboard this oil rig saw something. Emailing he saw the plane burning at High Altitude in the night sky. Reporter abc says vietnam send a plane to search the area but it found nothing. Meanwhile, volunteers searching Satellite Photos of the ocean found this. Using the crowd sourcing web site, tomnod it means big eye in mongolian someone stumbled on what sort of looked like the planes fuselage underwater. Even singer Courtney Love tweeted out the photo with airs to oil and plane. But a digital globe enhanced the picture saying it is looking much more like the boats operating in the region rather than a submerged plane. But what if flight 370 had flown 2,000 miles west above a Remote Island in the maldives . A daily newspaper in the maldives reported residents saw a white plane with stripes flying very low making a tremendous noise. But malaysian officials knocked down the sighting. These reports are not true. Reporter the Maldives Defense Ministry Says it saw nothing on its radar. A student in taiwan reportedly saw this while going through tomnod satellite images. A plane in the jungle . A Satellite Company told cnn, woe believe this to be an airplane in flight and not mh 370. And then there are the scammers out there trying to get folks to click on their links by putting out fake screen shots captioned flight 370 found in sea, 50 people alive. With so much sea to search, seeing is not believing. Jeanne moos, cnn, new york. Thanks for joining us. Anderson starts now. Good evening, everyone. It is 8 00 in the morning in Western Australia whereas we speak all eyes are on the Royal Australian air force base outside perth where we believe two aircraft like this one are now airborne. The planes designed during the cold war to detect enemy subs and hostile ships now with a very different mission indeed. To find the debris a satellite spotted more than 1500 miles at sea, to get a better look at it, see if theres more of it and to try to determine whether it came from malaysia Airlines Flight 370. Still not clear. Again as we speak, those p 3 orions and other ships and

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