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Off essentially just saying good night. Hours after the planes radar transponder signal vanished, hours after acars stopped sending data, hours after it possibly soared to High Altitude and then plunged 20,000 feet and then climbed again. We learned today that in all those hours Authorities Say there is no evidence, none at all, of anyone trying to make any cell phone calls or send any texts or make transmissions at all from the airliner. The question is why not . Is it simply the plane was too high . We also learned that other countries are planning for the possibility this plane landed somewhere and is being somehow being prepared to be used as a weapon. Israeli air Traffic Control went on higher alert today as a precaution which redoubles the scrutiny on who took control of the airliner. Was the crew up to no good . They were seen in a widely circulated Youtube Video, the first officer and captain going through security. New attention as well on who, if anyone, had access to the planes below decks Electronics Bay. Thats what it looks like. The panoramic view shows row after row of navigation and communication equipment including the acars system which either failed or was disabled. And if it was the latter, if it was the latter, disabled by someone who knew which plug to pull, which system to take offline, which Circuit Breaker to take off, first, because there are so many theories out there, so many conflicting reports from authorities in malaysia and elsewhere, we want to start with what we actually know. Jim clancy in kuala lumpur joins us with more. Jim, yesterday there was a lot of reporting that the pilots had turned off the acars system on purpose. That now has changed, right . Reporter it has changed. And you know its you know, you talk about the facts. The facts change when that changes and this is why so many people have so many questions about this entire investigation. We were led to believe that the last transmission, and its true, the last transmission by the Automated System that reports on the health of the airplane, acars, came at 1 07 a. M. And then all transmissions stopped and the pilot then or the copilot we know now, it was the copilot who said all right, good night at 1 19. Now, this led people to believe that, you know, if he reported everything okay even after this system was off, you know, this points a finger at the pilots. The Prime Minister believed it. Listen on friday as he describes this. These movements are consistent with deliberate action by someone on the plane. Reporter all right. Advance, were at monday now and we hear from the ceo of Malaysia Airlines. Well, maybe not, because while the last transmission was at 1 07, the acars system wasnt supposed to report back for another 30 minutes, 1 37, well after the time that the pilot said all right, good night. Listen to what the ceo had to say yesterday at the press conference. The acars last acars transmission was 1 07. Okay. We dont know when the acars was switched off after that. It was supposed to transmit 30 minutes from there another transmission, but that transmission did not come true. That was the very last transmission was 1 07. Reporter okay. Didnt come true. But heres the point. The pilot said all right, good night at 1 19. We know that the transponder went out at 1 21. We dont know that acars was still operational. We dont know that it had been switched off by the pilots. Everybody has been pointing a finger at the pilots because they thought they purposely turned that system off. Not true. It wasnt supposed to report. We dont know that right now. This opens up the possibility, the possibility once again of catastrophic failure. 1 19 the pilot says the copilot says all right, good night. Two minutes later, everything goes haywire. Hes in a situation trying to control the aircraft. We know it was going up or down. We know right then they tried to turn back. The transponder went off. Acars never transmitted again. Its a different scenario, were back to looking at catastrophic failure. The one problem with that, anderson, how does a plane that has a catastrophic failure go on to fly seven more hours . Theres also a window for the hijack theory but a very narrow one. This is going to be something thats going to be debated all day today and well into the future. Anderson. Jim, thanks very much. And it could be mechanical failure, not something catastrophic, not suddenly instantaneous as the plane did continue to fly. It could be something pilots were battling. Thats another option. Weve got experts in every aspect of this. David gallo who coled the search for flight 447, Fran Townsend is here, former Homeland Security adviser and 777 captain, les, joining us as well. Les, youve been flying for nearly 30 years. As you look at this, given what we know, the transponder was off, as we said, that went off at two minutes after the last communication at 1 19. 1 21 the transponder goes off. We know the 1 37 a. M. Acars system that was supposed to send a message did not send a message so that acars system, last one was from 1 07. You talk about this compartment below the cockpit where the system is located and weve got this tour of it here. Can you talk to us about what you think was most likely to have happened here given the complexity of this whole system . Well, thats a good point, it is a complex system. As pilots trained on this airplane, we dont know we know what the system does for us but to know every detail down there, i mean im considered an expert. I dont know every detail. I dont know every box. I would really have to study some more engineering and schematics to really know what everything does down there. As a pilot, would you be able to turn off the acars system . Id have to climb down there and figure out which one of these boxes would do it. So its not something isnt routine training that you would learn. Absolutely not. But as far as your question is concerned, ive always asserted that there was some type of mechanical issue that started, as we talked prior to our show time, that might have progressively gotten worse and worse where the pilots were trying to go to a checklist and determine what the problem was by troubleshooting it. The notion of catastrophic of catastrophic incident, that depends on how you define catastrophic, but something instantaneous, something sudden, being blown out of the sky which is what a lot of people thought early on. That seems to be ruled out if you believe the satellite data that this plane was flying around for hours afterward. But there could be some kind of mechanical failure, fire on board, for instance, which gradually shut down systems or the pilots felt like they had to shut down systems, correct . Anything is up for grabs at this point. We can go back to twa 800 where it was attributed to fuel pumps in one of the tanks, because of dry tanks to ignited the vapors. That could be a possible scenario. I very much doubt it because these airplanes have been modified so that never occurs. But, you know, when we talk about catastrophic failure, it progressively might have turned into that where they were trying to troubleshoot the system. If this started to slowly degrade all the avionics and internal Communication System and Flight Controls things would get haywire. Theres an electronic checklist thats a tremendous system that we utilize with a touchpad screen to go through an abnormal situation. If they were trying to find this and that screen went blank, now they have to refer to a standard, lets call it a paper checklist. And now its an abnormal on top of an abnormal and they have got a real tough situation on their hands. But once again, its conjecture, i dont know. But i still assert from the very beginning that they were dealing with some sort of problem. Fran, you still think, you still look obviously at the terrorism angle or sabotage angle, some sort of human involvement here. The questions ive had, and we talked about this before the program, is if it did land somewhere, wouldnt somebodys cell phone on that plane once it was back on land, near you would assume some sort of radar installations, at least be able to be tracked or make some sort of unless all the phones were somehow taken . Right. Youve got to what does that scenario look like . What are the facts that you need for that to be so . Youd need a runway thats at least a mile long to be able to land it. Youd have to be able to hide it. Before you landed that aircraft, you would have to either have confiscated the cell phones of everybody on board, likely somebody would have secreted one or you would have had to have killed everybody on board before you landed that aircraft. Then you get it landed. Youre going to need presumably the assistance of a Foreign Government where youve landed this plane to help hide it. Its a big airplane, its not going to be easy to hide it because theres satellite images. Everybody in the world is looking for it. So while people talk about is that possible, i think its very unlikely. This plane based on what we know now flew for a number of hours after it disappeared. And so youve got to wonder, even if there was this mechanical failure, why would it be that that plane would have stayed in the air . Why would the pilots have looked for the ability to put it down . Could they have been overcome . Could there have been fumes . Could there have been some medical issues . Do you buy that this plane was flying around . Do you buy the satellite and radar information . I dont, not with all the information. Its just been its been such fragmented and inaccurate data, or erroneous or something had been wrong with it. Im not sure id buy its incredibly frustrating to cover this for the families who are following this, because the information coming from the malaysian authorities has been all over the map, literally on this. And, you know, they said one thing yesterday, they took it back the next day. Dave, you helped in the air france investigation, and we talked about this before. But the importance of trying to really, you know, get on one page in terms of what information you are releasing from malaysian authorities to, you know, say one thing yesterday, a new thing the day before, it just adds to the confusion in all of this. It sure does, anderson. And, you know, in the case of air france 447, the bea, their french equivalent of the ntsb, was very careful with what information got out there onto the streets. Early on there was a lot of misinformation and speculation, but pretty soon it was focused on a couple of things, the last known position of the plane, the location of debris from that aircraft and then the identification of some search area that we were going to begin searching in. But, you know, this is uncanny that the longer we seem to go, the more questions arise and the more difficult the job seems to be to locate that aircraft. Fran, from an intelligence standpoint, you know, all these scenarios, are these all things that investigators themselves sit down around a table and kind of work out and try to basically just map out all the different scenarios and where those scenarios take them in terms of questions . Thats right. For each scenario, what would you need to have happened, where could you find the space, the length of a runway, where would you where would you look for those clues. So people talk about speculation or scenarios, these are things that investigators themselves have to do to try to piece this together . Absolutely. And theyll look at not only every passenger, every member of the ground crew, every engineer who touched that plane, and theyll look theyll try to find relationships between them. Are there any, whether theyre social, professional. Were there lastminute changes to the crew . Were there lastminute additions or deletions in terms of cargo . Whats the mechanical history of the plane . In a very detailed way. One of the most surprising things is that the malaysians talked about going to the home of the pilots on march 9th but didnt say that they actually searched the home until the 15th. Were used to in the United States both the search and the investigation running in parallel. So to expedite it. And so they seem to have lost some time. And it may be that it has overwhelming for them to coordinate the search and rescue operation because of so many countries participating, but it is its time thats lost to the investigators. And lets just a couple of obvious questions which people have been tweeting me all day or asking me, cell phones on board that flight during the flight, it was too high for any cell phones to actually be working. Its a 9 11 scenario that doesnt apply because those airplanes were very low comparatively. You cant reach cell phone towers. If you do, youre picking up many towers. Also for those who say, look, the pilot had a Flight Simulator at the house, do you know of a lot of pilots who have that . Is that anything that raises any actually i know of a couple that i mean they enjoy having a busmans holiday. My wife and i own an airplane together. I still enjoy flying airplanes. Yeah, hes got a simulator. Maybe its cost prohibitive for him to have an airplane over in malaysia. So that in and of itself doesnt raise questions . No. Stick around, well talk to you in a minute. You can follow me on twitter andersoncooper. Any questions you have, let me know. Well talk to a commander from the u. S. Navy seventh fleet about changes in the search where the u. S. Is looking now. They have very highly sophisticated information. Well run through some of the scenarios that investigators have been looking at in a 777 simulator. Its pretty much pretty much 100 identical to the real thing. And later investigating not just the captain and first officer, really the entire crew and the people on the ground to see if anyone, and the passengers, had a motive to any kind of foul play. Ameriprise asked people a simple question in retirement, will you outlive your money . Uhhh. No, that cant happen. Thats the thing, you dont know how long it has to last. Everyone has retirement questions. So ameriprise created the exclusive. Confident retirement approach. 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Thats a trend we can all get behind. Well, as we said at the top, the hunt for flight 370 covers millions of square miles in two directions, including a broad swath of south and central asia. Commander marks is aboard the seventh fleet command ship and he joins us by phone. Commander marks, the u. S. Navy has made adjustments in how American Assets are being used in the search. What can you tell us about where things are and where things go from here . Our destroyer, the uss kid and helicopters has moved north, about as far north as you can get by the southern tip of burma there. Essentially we have covered that entire area. We are pretty certain there is nothing there. And when youre looking at expanding into the rest of the indian ocean, and south, that is such an incredibly huge area, using a destroyer really is our best asset. What we wanted to do was get our best asset able to be used the most, which is our p3 and our p8. What were doing is sending a thats the p8 poseidon, down to perth, australia. Well have coverage out of the south out of australia and coverage to the north part of the indian ocean with our p3. Both of those will give us the best chance to search and find anything, much longer range than having a ship out there. So thats what were doing, repositioning. Just to give you a reminder of how their range is, theyll fly out 1,000, 1200 nautical miles and then have about four hours on station time to continue their search before having to come back so thats a big extension of our search area. How much optimism do you and the crew have . I know obviously youre going to stay on the job until ordered otherwise. At some point, especially this far into the disappearance with no debris, is it frustrating . Well, its hard. The first 72 hours we consider that a search for survivors, and so obviously were well past that now. But we think of it this way. For all this the families, every person on that plane had a Family Associated with them and friends associated with them. We know if it was us, wed wanting the u. S. Navy out here looking. Are there enough assets in this region . I mean do you feel obviously theres a lot of countries involved in this. Is it pretty well covered . Do you feel like more assets would help . Or was that almost diminishing returns . Well, it depends how far south and into the indian ocean you look. I mean i can tell you the indian ocean goes so far, there probably isnt enough ships and aircraft in the world to search every inch of it. If you take a map of the United States, superimpose that stretching from the north to the south indian ocean, its kind of like saying, all right, i want to find a person somewhere between new york and california. I just dont know where they are. So thats the challenge here. Its extraordinary when you put it like that. Commander marks, i appreciate you being on, thank you. Good luck to all of you out there searching. Thank you. And the search continues. Unless youre a commercial airline pilot, it is hard to visualize what might have gone on inside the cockpit of flight 370. Martin savidge is back inside a Flight Simulator to walk us through some of the details. Richard quest also joins us, spent time with Malaysia Airlines before this incident. Martin, youve been taking a closer look at the maintenance Information System known by the acronym acars. Tell us more about it. Yeah, this is one of those things that up until now the average flying public knew nothing about but of course any pilot at least on an aircraft like this would know. Acars. Think of it as an alternative way to communicate outside of the traditional radio systems. I can access it here if i look at this screen and pull it up. Here ive got a simple menu. Its possible here to maneuver a mouse. A pilot could send a text message to the ground or the ground could send a text message to them. This is good when the aircraft is far out at sea and maybe Radio Communication can be spotty. Another way to access the system, same acars, but this is a different backup unit, is to go in through this, what do i call this mitchell again . Control display unit. Control display unit. I hit this and you can see acars comes up. I punch this and i can get into the system this way. Theres one here, one here, one here. Thats three. With this theres four systems that are all part of acars. So four backups, if you will. I can get into the menu and begin to shut things off. Think of like your iphone where you turn off the wifi and maybe turn off the bluetooth, eventually maybe turn off the cellular. But that phone is still communicating even with that shutdown with the main telephone system. I can degrade the system. I cant shut it down. To do that, ive got to go somewhere into the Electronics Bay. Ive got to be more of an electrical engineer. Lastly, the transponder. Weve heard a lot about that. This i can turn off very simply. One, two, three. Its off. Were now invisible to radar, at least identifying us from the ground. Two main systems, but very different how you shut them down. Martin, and maybe this is more of a question for your pilot there, mitchell, but why is it possible because ive gotten this question a lot from viewers. Why is it possible to even shut down the transponder. Why can pilots have that ability . The only reason that we have an off switch, anderson, is when were on the ground. After youre on the ground and land and taxi off the runway, youre no longer a factor for any traffic so theres no point in you being on the screen, you turn it off and save the air Traffic Controllers the hassle of trying to declutter the screen. But never in the air, only once on the ground and the flight is over. Richard, the fact that the acars was not functioning, again, we dont know why, what does that tell you . What it tells me is that either it was disabled and degraded or something so dramatic happened that it that it literally cut it off. But heres the problem with that theory. A i can advance any theory forward and backwards, but eventually you can come back to the same problem. If there had been a fire or if something had failed on the plane or anything like that, the acars would have noticed it and would have reported it. Thats the problem with the mechanical theory. It would have had to have been instant. It would have had to have literally disabled a good question for the captain there, isnt that one of the issues, though, when we look at the mechanical problems that may have happened in the Electronics Bay or elsewhere on the aircraft, it would have had to have hit acars before acars could have reported it . Yeah, absolutely right, richard. It would have to have been a catastrophic instantaneous failure because even if a few seconds went by where the acars system was able to communicate with the ground, it would have let them know something was happening. It would have had to have been a snap, boom, and its over. Mitchell, arent there different just to confuse things all the more. Arent there Different Levels of acars that airlines can subscribe to and malaysia didnt subscribe to the more advanced one . Am i correct in that . We talked about this, didnt we . Thats right, we did. We talked about this. Anderson, thats absolutely correct. Some airlines actually most airlines in the world, Malaysia Airlines is the only one that i know of that doesnt do this, subscribe to a system whereby the information that they send to satellites and vice versa is more robust. Its protected more and theres more information passed. You have to pay for that. Its like an iphone. Again, 16 gigs, 32 gigs, 64 gigs. You want better performance, maybe a little faster, you upgrade to the 5s, get 64 gigs. You pay for it, but its better performance and thats the same with the acars. So that would be coming back to haunt them now because they didnt have that more sophisticated data. If they did, it would have made the search a little easier because there would have been more information, perhaps easier to find and we would have found it by now. One of the important things is, if there had been a fire, if there had been something failing, acars would have reported this. We saw this in 447. The first indication of something wrong was 24 acars messages. A light went on, acars told the ground. A flag came up on the pilots display, acars told the ground. Anything that happens in that cockpit where they are at the moment, martin, acars will tell the ground. So even though they werent subscribing to the more advanced system oh, youre talking about a very basic level that would have told Malaysian Airlines theres a warning. And you bring up an interesting point, richard, which is no matter what theory that investigators go down, theres something that kind of ultimately brings you back. Then you say, okay, if it was something catastrophic or something very fast that overwhelmed acars, then how come the plane was still flying around for hours if in fact the radar information is correct. And thats exactly the conundrum in this case. Thats why as the minister said, this is no ordinary no normal investigation. This is why the ceo of Malaysia Airlines said this is unprecedented. This is why were talking about it at such great length because nobody can come up with a scenario that makes sense with the facts that we know so far. Richard, its good to have you on. Martin savidge as well. I want to thank mitchell, our pilot, for your expertise. Thank you. You can find out more at cnn. Com. Just ahead, investigators turned their focus as we mentioned before on the two pilots of the flight, the copilot, searching their homes, combing through their paths. Well take a look at what they are looking for and what they have found, if anything, so far. P and ive got this runny nose. I better take something. Truth is, sudafed pe pressure and pain wont treat all of your symptoms. Really . Alka seltzer plus severe sinus fights your tough sinus symptoms plus your runny nose. Oh what a relief it is pcentury link provides reliable yit Services Like multilayered Security Solution to keep your Information Safe secure. Century link. Your link with whats next. [ banker ] sydney needed some Financial Guidance so she could take her dream to the next level. So we talked about her options. Her valuable assets were staying. And selling her car wouldnt fly. 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A Flight Simulator in the captains home is being searched for any red flags. Kyung lah has the latest tonight from kuala lumpur. Reporter the Investigation Continues to zero in on the two men in the cockpit. In particular, the most skilled pilot, the captain. Zaharie shah. So passionate about flying that hes whats known as a home simmer. He built his own Flight Simulator, as seen in this Youtube Video. And he talked about it online, writing on a Flight Simulator chat site, looking for buddies to share this passion. Curiously the captain also posted a series of doityourself videos like how to repair an ice maker. Malaysian investigators are now combing through every part of the pilots home and his life. This Youtube Video shows him as a loving father of three. He was also active in malaysias volatile politics. The captain was a public supporter of Opposition Party leader and a thorn in the ruling partys side. A Political Party in control for over 50 years. He attended anwars pro democracy rallies and meetings, even wore a democracy is dead tshirt denouncing the oneparty rule in malaysia. For the first time anwar says that he did know the pilot of the missing plane. Can you describe how you know the pilot . He has attended some of the party meetings, and i confirm only afterwards whether he is a member of the party. Reporter why is that important . Because just hours before Malaysia Airlines flight 370 took off, a court of appeals ordered anwar to prison on charges of sodomy, reversing the not guilty decision of a lower court. Anwar says the sentence is a political vendetta. Local press now asking did zaharie purposely down the plane to make a political statement . Is it possible that a supporter of yours would be willing to take this step in order to make a political statement on the global stage . It cannot be conjecture. Its grossly unfair to him and his family. Im open to a full investigation. They can investigate. There was nothing of that sort. Reporter anwar says his political opponents are feeding that narrative to reporters. In order to deflect their own failure, their own incompetence, they now choose to attack me. Just to throw off the scent . Yes. I think theres a desperation of the government, of the ruling leadership, for the manner they managed the whole crisis, clearly incompetent, contradictory statements, poor management of the crisis. Reporter but so far there is no evidence to tie the planes disappearance to the pilot or his politics. We could not reach the malaysian government for comment on this. The fact that no distress signals, no ransom notes, there are no parties claiming to be responsible, theres always hope. Reporter the transport minister did acknowledge that the captain and copilot did not ask to fly together, and that investigators are looking into pilot suicide as a possible cause. Officials also say it was the copilot, not the captain, who gave the planes last verbal message, all right, good night. Kyung lah joins us now from kuala lumpur. Its not just the pilot and copilot, theres a passenger thats also getting some attention, right . Reporter the person youre talking about is 29yearold aviation engineer. He is someone that they are taking a keen interest on, but they say come on, he is not involved. Open the doors, investigate. He is confident his son had nothing to do with this, his father telling us his son was heading to beijing, anderson, because he works for a private jet company and was going to repair a plane there and bring it back to malaysia. Ive seen a lot of reports about the pilots family left the day before. I dont know if thats been confirmed. Has it . And do we know if police have talked to the family . Reporter we do know that the police have talked to the family. We know that the pilots family has not been at the house recently. We dont were not really able to confirm whether or not they left the day before this flight happened. Those little details, theres a lot of inconsistent reporting in the press. As you know from watching whats happened this last week, the authorities have also not really been consistent in exactly the whereabouts of the pilots family. Appreciate you looking into that and also there has been a lot of today there was another report, local media report we are not even mentioning because its been knocked down. So theres a lot of misreporting, particularly in local papers that were avoiding. I want to bring in jim tilmon. Thanks for being with us. This idea about pilot suicide, does that make any sense to you . Its what youre trying to do if thats what youre trying to do, why try to hide the plane . Why turn off the data system, the transponder, why fly around for however long it flew around for. If thats what youre going to do, you might as well right after takeoff hit the drink, theres no big deal. Just dive right into the water. I think thats a farfetched idea, way off the mark. The Flight Simulator at the pilots home, does that raise any red flags for you as an experienced pilot . Normally it wouldnt, because i do know that there are guys that like to have a simulator so that if theyre going to fly into an unfamiliar airport, they can practice and be very, very comfortable when they do fly in there. But i am a little bit concerned about the sophistication of the one he had and that sort of thing. You know, had this incident not taken place, it probably wouldnt have meant anything but it does mean something now because whoever it is that is flying this airplane through all these machinations is a skilled pilot, very, very skilled, very, very experienced, and youve got to wonder if its very, very practiced. Obviously thats something investigators have now in their possession and are going to be looking at to see what they can learn from that Flight Simulator. Jim, stay with us, were going to stake a short break and have more on how the flight could have flown for so many hours undetected. How is that possible. Plus how the families of the missing are coping. Well talk to a grief counselor who spent time with some of them. Well be right back. We asked people a question, how much money do you think youll need when you retire . Then we gave each person a ribbon to show how many years that amount might last. I was trying to, like, pull it a little further. [ woman ] got me to 70 years old. Im going to have to rethink this thing. Its hard to imagine how much well need for a retirement that could last 30 years or more. So maybe we need to approach things differently, if we want to be ready for a longer retirement. Anybody have occasional constipation, diarrhea, gas, bloating . 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But things have changed since you got into this business. At philips, were creating led light that people can color. Adjust. Even make beautiful sunsets. Dear sun, you might be number one, but were getting closer. Innovation and you philips captain tilmon, jim tilmon alluded to it before the break, if anyone took over the plane, what was or still is their end game and how, if it was a hijacking, did they evade detection. Tom foreman has several leading scenarios investigators are looking at and he joins us now. Reporter theyre leading scenarios and theyre all bad. Lets bring in the map. Points of reference here. We know a week and a half ago the plane took off from kuala lumpur, flew less than an hour and vanished off the coast here headed toward vietnam. And Everything Else since then has been conjecture. All of these search areas, everything based on just ideas of what might have happened, including the latest idea from that satellite suggesting that maybe theres an arc to the north or an arc to the south upon which signals were received from this plane. So how could it have landed if it headed to the south . Where could it have gone . Are there possibilities out there . Yeah, there are airports at banda aceh or Western Australia or Christmas Island out there. Its not easily done, though, and partially because of the requirements of this airplane. Its got to have 4,000 feet of runway minimum if its going to land safely somewhere. 6,000 to take off. Its got to have some kind of support services. Any place out here that has an airport to handle it in all this water is also going to have people. Maybe only a couple of hundred, but those people all would have to be part of this or be quiet or else somebody hears about it. So the southern route is not very promising. So lets talk about the idea of northern route and what may or may not be involved with that. If you look at the idea that it flew north somehow off this line or along this line, look at the places its passing. Cambodia, myanmar, china, could there be holes in radar there and incomplete coverage, people not paying a lot of attention . Sure there could be. Could there be countries that dont want to tell much about what they know because of their own National Security . Absolutely. But all of them . Would all of them do that and could it get out that way . It doesnt look that likely. So then youre left with even more surprising ideas or confusing ideas. One of which is very popular for people to talk about right now which is the idea that this plane managed to essentially go into a stealth mode, by flying in the shadow, the radar shadow of another jet. So some jet out here is flying with all of its systems turned on, normal commercial flight, and its flying on radar fully watched by everyone. This one has nothing turned on so it cant be seen by radar and also cant be seen by this plane, because its flying slightly behind it. Its not tracked in any way, shape or form. And together they come together and form like one dot on the radar signal. Officials have been asked about this possibility and they have said, yeah, i guess its possible. You need an incredibly skilled pilot to pull it off. Even then, the dot would probably be bigger or more intense than usual and could attract the attention of a Radar Operator somewhere. Anderson, when people try to figure out beyond what we know that initial flight into all this conjecture how it could have happened, theories like this have to be considered, no matter how outlandish, simply because here we are a week and a half later and we just dont know. And these are certainly things that investigators from every country whos involved in this are certainly looking at and trying to play out the many steps of what it would entail. Tom, appreciate it. I want to bring in john hansman a professor of aeronautics. Also back with us is jim tilmon. Professor hanson, about all the theories out there about what happened, at this point which seem most plausible to you . Well, weve got to keep everything on the table but a couple days ago everybody rejected the catastrophic failure idea and now its pack on the table and thats credible. The original turnback was towards the closest available airport, so that makes sense. So the initial part actually makes sense, some sort of catastrophic problem. When you say catastrophic, you dont mean instantaneous, you mean mechanical issues on board that the pilot had time to try to make that turn to try to find the closest airport. Sure. Yeah, some sort of progressive problem like smoke in the cockpit if you had an electrical fire in the avionics bay or Something Like that, he would have turned to the nearest airport which would have made sense. Under that hypothesis if they became incapacitated or if there was a Flight Control problem. If there was a Flight Control problem, they still would have had the radio, so its hard to figure out. What really doesnt make sense on that, though, was if they did become incapacitated and the airplane was flying along, it would normally continue in the direction it was going because it would have been programmed either in the flight Management Computer or just in heading hold mode to track that heading. So the fact that it appears that it turned either to the north or to the south doesnt really jive with that theory. There is still the idea of a hijack of some sort, either an intruder or the crew. You know, thats sort of where we are. Were looking for enough data to make a reasonable conclusion. Jim tilmon, how accurate do you think this radar information is that has been released . Do you believe because a lot of it is not clearcut this was the plane, its interpreting information that they were getting. Well, i dont mean to say bad things about people, but i really dont trust any of that. I mean i keep getting all of these crazy stories about what the radar was picking up and what it wasnt picking up. Hey, do you have radar contact or not . And i also wonder you know, ive been critical of air Traffic Control since this thing started. Where were they . Why arent they asking this airplane to squawk i. D. So we can identify them. Why arent they asking what are your intentions . Why arent they creating the conversation . An Airline Flying over land you would think would raise those types of communications from air Traffic Controllers. Weve got to leave it there, jim, john, thank you very much. Im going to talk to a grief counselor who has been talking to the families of the missing. Imagine, as closely as people have been following this, what it is like for them with this constantly shifting information from malaysian authorities. Well hear from him ahead. Gunderman group is a go. Yes not just a start up. An upstart. Gotta get going. Gotta be good. Good . Good. Growth is the goal. How do we do that . I talked to ups. Theyll help us out. New technology. Smart advice. We focus on the business and they take care of the logistics. Ups . Good going. We get good. Thats great. Great. Great. Great. Great. Great. Great. Great. Great. all great i love logistics. So many people have personal links to flight 370 and for them the past ten days have been excruciating. Grief counselor paul yin joins us from beijing. Youve been talking to some of the families that have loved ones aboard this flight. The not knowing and the conflicting information for them must be just devastating. Absolutely. I think its the most unusual situation here. I worked with the families and victim of the asiana crash last year in San Francisco and that was difficult. But the experience i got from that is really of very little use today because grief counseling or any kind of recovery from this has to have a starting point. And the starting point is knowing having a verdict of what happened. And without a starting point, every day peoples emotion go up and down from hope to despair. Basically theyre going hour by hour, not day by day. Sometimes minute by minute, i imagine. What are many of the families that youve talked to absolutely. Holding on to hope that their loved ones are still alive . Thats clearly got to be given all the conflicting information, that has to be something that they are very seriously considering. Well, actually perhaps more so than you think. Because when they when the word came out that were basically considering hijacking as the most possible scenario, there was many of the families almost euphoria because that means they could still be alive. And i heard cheers. And their response is so, i think, out of what we consider to be the normal response because they are trying to hold on to any little bit of hope, and they are enlarging it in their mind. And i even have someone say to me, say, when my son come home, ill take you out to dinner. Paul, i appreciate you being on. Again, thank you for what you are doing in all of this and all the counselors who are working with these families. Again, its an unthinkable situation. Up next tonight, the latest from crimea where people are celebrating and the rest of the world is having cold war flashbacks. Well take a look at whats happening ahead. 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Quick check of some headlines, poppy harlow is here360 bulletin. Russian president Vladimir Putin has signed a decree recognizing crimea as a sovereign state after its vote over the weekend to break away from ukraine. Prorussian demonstrators have taken to the streets in celebration. The United States and the e. U. Have denounced the vote and slapped sanctions on several officials from russia and ukraine. A putin aide calls the sanctions a, quote, great honor. At the Oscar Pistorius murder trial, a gun dealer told the court today the olympian knew South African gun safety laws restricting the use of force. Pistorius said he accidentally killed his girlfriend, reeva steenkamp, after mistaking her for an intruder. Prosecutors believe he intentionally killed her after an argument. Meantime a Law Enforcement official says it appears that lwren scott committed suicide at her new york apartment this morning. The 49yearold as mick jaggers girlfriend for more than a decade. Also this morning anchors at ktla took cover under their desks when a 4. 4 magnitude earthquake shook the Los Angeles Area this morning. No reports of major injuries or damage, but quite a scare there, anderson. They recovered, though, quite well. Poppy, thanks very much. This is piers morgan live and i am not piers morgan, but dont worry, he will be back next week to pick up his rod stewart albums and tell us his future plans. In the meantime, my name is bill weir and i think youre thinking, hey, maybe this new guy on cnn knows where the plane is. Oh, if only. What makes this mystery so fascinating for all of us is exactly what makes it so frustrat

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