0 government will shut down. the debate overall continues online at we're's also on facebook and twitter. >> join us tomorrow. erin ber net starts right now. moments away from the vote that could shut down the government. plus the americans say they've thwarted the biggest attack since 9/11. and finally, we're starting to get answers about last night's deadly plane crash in santa monica. one woman said she saw it coming. how? let's go out front. and good evening, earn. out front tonight, we begin with the breaking news. this hour the house of representatives will take a vote that could shut down the u.s. government. right now moderates are staging a revolt. it's a last ditch effort to save the government, but what happens if that fails? less than five hours from now, the u.s. government could officially shut down. it would be the first time since 1995. dana bash is on capitol hill. moderate republicans staging a revolt. what exactly are they trying to do? >> reporter: well, in the next series of votes that we're going to see on the house floor, what moderate republicans are hoping to do is to stop procedurally republicans from going ahead with this plan that they have to fund the government but yet with another few ideas to chip away at obamacare that senate democrats say they'll reject, like delaying the individual mandate for a year and taking away subsidies for those in the government. what they're hoping to do is get enough republicans to defeat this procedurally. in terms of raw numbers, we're talking about maybe 17 republicans would have to agree to vote no. and that could make this whole republican plan crumble. i talked to peter king of new york who is one of the people who is trying to get the votes to wage this revolt. and here's how he explained. >> he's doing this. basically what you and some of your colleagues are saying is enough already. >> this was a doomed process from the start. i was told this was a way to get the process going. it's obvious there is no end in sight. this is going to go on. we have people in the conference i believe who are just as happy to have the government shut down. they live in these narrow eco chambers and they listen to their tea party friends, forgetting that the rest of the country thinks that we're crazy. >> reporter: the goal of these moderate republicans is that they want to do what senate democrats have been begging them to do, is to pass a bill with no strings attached. one little piece of color, peter king is on the house floor right now. and our deirdre walsh is in the gallery. saw the speaker walk over to him and talk to him about this move that they're making. so they're hoping that this revolt isn't successful. >> ironic. the revolt as you're calling it seems to be what john boehner himself supported a few months ago. i know they're getting ready to vote. first of all, just to make sure it's clear to everybody. just funding the government in full with no strings attached for another six weeks doesn't do anything but put this off for another six weeks but if this is successful, would it mean no shut down tonight at midnight? >> reporter: no, it would just mean that the republican leaders are back to square one. that the hope of people like peter king and charlie dent of pennsylvania is that this would make it impossible for republicans to pass anything except a bill to fund the government with nothing attached, but they would have to do it with almost the entire democratic caucus supporting it. it would have to be a true bipartisan vote. but we would really be back to square one and they would have to scramble to figure out how to deal with this. even though 17 republicans out of 233 doesn't sound like a lot, they are having a lot of trouble getting enough people to vote no and make a stand as peter king said to me, enough already. we're ready to move on and stop this march toward the government shut down. >> we're going to get back to dana in a second as we get the results of that vote. and of course there's another vote later this hour, which is a crucial vote from the house of representatives. of course the president spoke today, has refused to negotiate so far with republicans. that's our second story here. and i want to bring in jim la costa on that. you've heard dana talk an a little bit about their republican revolt. i don't want to overplay, but their is significant. what's the view from the white house? >> reporter: well, we'll have to see. one thing we are seeing, i can report to you that president obama is starting to reach out to congressional leaders. just got their confirmed in the last few seconds according to a white house official the president placed separate phone calls to harry reid, mitch mcconnell, john boehner and nancy pelosi. so the president is starting to engage with congress members. perhaps it's a now wait and see kind of situation to be continued. but, you know, erin, just to give you a sense of how really locked in this white house is to its position right now that it's not going to look at anything that delays or defunds obamacare, the president met with his cabinet, said they need to start preparing for a government shutdown, start looking at things they can do to prepare for a government shutdown, and you heard the president earlier this afternoon say that obamacare is here to stay. but outside of this government shut down and outside of this debt default, he started to place the blame squarely on the shoulders of republican for people being hurt. he talked about women, children, veterans, senior citizens. and listen to what the president told npr earlier this evening about the prospect of a government shut down. i'm going to read it to you. he said to npr, i shouldn't have to offer anything. he said what are you offering? the president said i shouldn't have to offer anything. they're not doing me a favor by paying for things that they've already approved for the government to do. that's not doing me a favor. that sounds like if the government shuts down, the president's not moving. we doing here a while. >> dana had to step away from the camera because we are waiting for that vote. but let me ask you, because you just had that breaking news. and this is significant, right? the president had an opportunity to meet with leadership and chose not to. the fact that he's just made these phone calls that you reported on to john boehner, nancy pelosi, mitch mcconnellre that is prejudging? >> reporter: i don't know. you have to be optimistic in washington or you'll get too depressed. the redskins won yesterday. what can i say? they're not 0-4. the house speaker has not spoken to the president for more than a week. they're not telling the press about things. and it could bear some fruit later on. there was talk earlier today about a short term one week resolution that could keep the government open. harry reid basically said no way, that's not going to happen. but when we asked jay carney about theis earlier today, he dd not knock this down. is that something that yas once dead and now back? we don't know. it is an indication that the president is starting to engage with congressional leaders, something he wasn't ready to do. in the view of this white house, this is something up to congress to solve. he cannot pass legislation. he can only sign it. >> we will be getting back to jim and dana as this vote happens. and then later this hour the other crucial vote on the house for the senate bill. at this time i want to bring in our reporter on the markets. people have thrown around different words, about cataclysm. you see significant drops. but what's the real impact? and jim is request me now of bianco research. despite today's slide, you've got to take a bigger picture here, fund it for six weeks, fund it for one week. we're going to be back at ground zero very quickly. and the markets have gotten used to that. you look at the year, markets up 15 to 25%. a huge jump. will that change? >> i don't think it will change. i think the markets have been through this before, most recently during the fiscal cliff and the sequester. they know how this goes down. washington all of a sudden throws a deal together and they rally. if you look at what's happened in other markets, the gold market or the u.s. dollar, it was a quiet day, not much going on in any of those markets. >> which is fascinating. in a way they have become immune, but when you get used to it coming to the umpteenth hour and getting solved, you get complacent. i don't know if you heard today the president talking about why their is, this is such a big deal. how long until you think the shutdown would hurt this country? thinking about the last time this happened in 1995. it was what, 17, 21 days. >> yeah, you know, first of all, as far as government shut downs go, we have those regularly. it's called snowstorms in wh washington in january. once you get into the end of next week then you begin to start talking about damage to the economy. but if they cut a deal later this week or even towards friday, i think that the all in effect on the economy is negligentable. that's what the markets are trying to tell us. yes, the markets were down 100 points today, but they've done that. get us to next week without a shut down or with a continued shut down. and then we might have a story to talk about damage to the economy. >> right. obviously every day it becomes more cumulative. jim bianco, thank you. important the perspective to let you know why the next few days might be okay. but don't get lulled into complacency. the vote, the republicans revolting against other republicans. our dana bash watching that. we also have the other breaking news vote this hour. all these votes happening in the next 45 minutes. plus last month, americans thwarted the single biggest terrorist attack since 9/11. why are they scrambling. and we have new information from last night's deadly plane crash. one woman said she saw it coming can. and a the suv driver took on a group of motorcyclists right here in the united states. going to show you the entire video later on this hour. we'll be back with the breaking news. 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