0 that does it for this edition of "360." thanks for watching. >> more of our exclusive interview with ariel castro brothers is out front. and, first, the irs is accused of targeting groups, depending on their politics. and, now, the justice department is accused of a massive and unprecedented snooping on america's journals. what is going on in washington? let's go "outfront." >> and good evening, everyone. i'm erin burnett. "outfront" tonight, just in, we have new audio recordings of the dispatch radio communications moments after the police arrested ariel castro last week. take a listen. >> adam 23. the neighbor rides motorcycles. he had like three motorcycles that he personally owns. the suspect. >> we've got ariel castro and castro in custody here at mcdonald's. >> thank you. >> and this comes as we're learning that the fbi has run the suspected kidnapper's dna across the national data basement a lot of people wondered if there are other women linked to this. so far, no links to open crimes. his dna is ruled out of other state or national cases that have dna. now the former bus driver who is accused of kidnapping and sexually assaulting michelle knight, amanda berry and gina dejesus for a decade is in jail tonight. he doesn't have access to mail or television or anything like that. "outfront" tonight, cnn's pam brown is in cleveland with more details on the case. pam, wanted to ask you, i know you have new information about how authorities handled michelle knight's missing case. she's been sort of the crucial person, the woman that was there the longest, who may have been treated the absolute worst and what do you know about where she is and what's happening to her now? >> well, erin, we did speak to her stepbrother earlier today. we're told that family still does not know her whereabouts. we heard she's in a safe place and comfortable. we're learning more about what happened when she was missing. we obtained her missing person's report. we talked to the fbi and talked to cleveland police. here's what we know. her name was taken off the ncic data base, that is the national crime information center data base obtained by the fbi, it distributes missing person's information to law enforcement agencies nationwide. her name was taken off that data base 15 months after she went missing. police here in cleveland kept her case open and checked every year. then in january of last year, erin, police were able to verify that michelle knight was still missing. they were able to contact a family member. her name was put back on that data base and then in november of last year her name was taken back off the data base because police were unable to reach a family member to confirm. now, of course, the big question here, erin, is if michelle knight was missing after ten years and they couldn't reach her family, are there more steps you should take before you take her name off that data base? police are saying, look, we're just following protocol. we tried to reach out several different ways. we couldn't reach a family member. we just followed protocol. >> amazing what we learned over the past few weeks with this story and boston bombing story and missing person list and terror list and how we rely on these and how deeply imperfect they are. you've also been reporting on ariel castro's past and the possibility of future charges. obviously, we know they would like to go for the death penalty. what you are able to tell us about him now? >> that's right, erin. we've actually obtained several police reports involving ariel castro over the last several years to help paint a picture of who this person was. were there missed opportunities along the way? we have at least six police reports where he was named the suspect. there was one back in 1989, a domestic violence dispute with his ex-wife. this report says he slammed his ex-wife across the wall, slammed her across the washing machine, slapped her across the face several times. there was no charges in that case. and then in 1993, threw his ex-wife to the ground, hitting her on the face and body, kicked her body sh it said in the report her son ran away and police chased him. the wife had to have brain surgery a month before and prone to seizures. this caused her several health issues. we did talk to police and they say the wife was urged to file charges and she never took the additional steps. then in '94, a neighbor says that castro attempted to hit him with a shovel when castro -- when there was some discussion about a chain link fence and that the neighbor said that castro was trying to hit him and that he said he's going to take care of you, saying that to the neighbor. and then in '96, another dispute with a neighbor. in 2004, we're learning, erin, that we heard castro left a child on a bus. we're learning in this police report that he told the child lay down on the bus so that he could go into wendy's to get food according to this report. and interesting to note that he wasn't charged in any of these cases. >> which is obviously shocking to so many who watch this. thanks very much to pam. ariel castro, as you probably aware, is charged with four counts of kidnapping, three of rape. bhaut about the allegations of physical abuse and the ones of forcing one of his captives to have multiple miscarriages? "outfront" tonight, ohio attorney general mike dewine. good to talk you to again, attorney general. i appreciate you doing. this you just heard our pam brown reporting, you know, michelle knight, the older of the three women who we have not heard much from, not seen yet was put back on the missing person's list on january 2012 then taken off. she was on it, off it, on it, off it. is this something that was just done according to protocol or is some something that you look back and think that we need to make some real changes to how we maintain these lists? >> well, i think we do need to look back and see whether the protocol we're using is the best protocol. what we find with missing persons is if they do not have family that can be contacted or family that is close by, you know, good structure of the family, sometimes they do not get the attention and that's really not intentionally because of the police but sometimes they just can't gather the information that they need. so i think it is, you know, we learn from examples like this and maybe we should take a look at that. >> and what about last week when you and i spoke, you said when the grand jury looks at this and has all the evidence, "i would expect a lot of charges to come out", what other charges do you anticipate? we don't have any more now beyond the rape and kidnapping. do you think there will be more, significantly more? >> well, i talked to the prosecutor this morning. we did not specifically talk about that. ultimately it will be up to him and his prosecutors and the grand jury. but from what we know, one would assume it will be multiple, multiple counts of rape. you know, from what we know this went on and on and on. so i would anticipate a lot of charges being added when this case eventually come out of the grand jury. >> all right. i'm going to guess if you charge for every time that he raped them, then over a decade, i mean it's sobering number to consider. >> it is sobering and is going to depend on what the victims will tell the police. and that's obviously they're the key witnesses, they're the key people. >> and what about the other people that at least appear to be for a while involved, ariel castro's brothers. they've both been cleared. but our reporter spoke to them exclusively. he asked them how it is possible they didn't know which sort of dumb foundz a lot of people. here's how they answered that question. i want to play it for you. >> those people out there, i'm telling you something. i had nothing to do with this. i don't know how my brother got away with it for so many years because that would never cross my mind. >> he fooled you. >> he fooled me. i used to go there more than he did to work on cars, clean the yard. help him out and stuff. but never went beyond the kitchen. >> there was nothing? >> absolutely nothing that i could see that was unusual in that backyard. i can't say in the house because i haven't been in the house in years. >> i'm just curious, a lot of people are wondering this, you know, you take the two gentlemen in. authorities did. they thought that they could be related to this case. and now they seem to be completely exonerated and cleared yet they spent all this time with him. how can police and the fbi be so sure? >> well, again, i'm not, you know, in the minds of the fbi or the cleveland police department. but i think clearly the prosecutor is going to be looking and the police will continue to look at who knew what. you know, did this guy really pull this off for ten years with absolutely no one knowing about it? it sounds, you know, hard to believe. but i suppose it's possible. this investigation is not over. no one said the investigation is over. all they have said is that no one else has been charged except the one defendant so far. whether or not anybody else is charged or not will depend on what the police find and what the fbi finds and the prosecutor finds. >> attorney general dewine, good to talk to you again sir. appreciate your time. a 12-year-old boy stabbed his 8-year-old sisser to death. the boy was 12 years old. because the accused born a killer? plus, the irs under fire for targeting conservative groups with audits. just how much did irs leadership and the administration know and when did they know it? plus, what o.j. simpson looks like today and why he was in court. and we have new information about the man who held those three women captive for a decade. you're going to hear the exclusive interview with his brothers later on in the program. ♪

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