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0 >> very important. these are veterans trying to help people go through an awful, all of situation. that's it for me. thanks very much for watching. i'm wolf blitzer reporting from boston. i'll be reporting tomorrow morning at 9:00 a.m. until 11:00 a.m. eastern and be back here in "the situation room" at 5:00 p.m. eastern. for now, let's go to erin burnett "outfront." "outfront," next, breaking news, the very latest on the investigation. what did dzhokhar tsarnaev tell investigators today about the roots of the boston marathon plan? plus, who is the man that may have been responsible for the radicalization? and blown away. if you can imagine shrapnel hitting your body before hearing the blast. why some near the bomb survived and others did not. let's go "outfront." good evening, everyone. i'm erin burnett. tonight we begin with breaking news. tonight the bombing suspect tells investigators that the wars in afghanistan and iraq were motivating factors behind the attacks. in addition, we're covering the terror attack on boston from every angle. tonight, in boston, jake tapper on what dzhokhar tsarnaev told investigators today and brian todd with new details on where the bombers may have purchased their explosives. and david mattingly with new clues on what prompted tsarnaev's radicalization right here in the united states. and then, nic robber ton is going to travel to dagestan where tamerlan spent six months doing what? and new details on katherine russell. finally, here in new york, deb feyerick on tam ran's connection to a bizarre, unsolved triple murder case. i want to begin with jake tapper in boston. what have you learned about what dzhokhar is telling investigators? i know there's been preliminary interviews and you've been getting the nuts and bolts and details about how they have been communicating and what he said. >> reporter: that's right, erin. u.s. government official has relayed to me some of the news from dzhokhar tsarnaev in his discussions with investigators. we learned last night that he was talking about how there were no foreign terrorist organize sgra zagss involved, that his brother was the driving force and jihad in nature considering themselves to be under attack as muslims and trying to fight back. that is what dzhokhar has been telling investigators. so i don't want to -- i want to make sure everyone understands, this is what he is saying. in addition, we found out some more details. one of them that is the wars in iraq and afghanistan are part of the motivating factors, part of this jihadist mind set, believing themselves to be under attack. in addition, erin, we also found out that, according to dzhokhar, again, take it with a grain of salt, he and his brother were self-radicalized. they were radicalized by watching videos on the internet. now, among those videos it is told likely, likely from this government official that the preachings of cleric anwar almaleki key that that was part of the self radicalization and a magazine called "inspire" put out by an al qaeda affiliate with instructions in the past about how to make a bomb. investigators are looking into whether or not that played a role in that. they have not had an conclusion as of now. >> jake tapper, thank you very much. the latest is that dzhokhar is telling the investigators that the wars in iraq and afghan star were motivating factors. a a new detail as we try to figure out how this could have happened. i want to go to brian todd for more about how this could have happened. we're learning about a trip that tamerlan tsarnaev made to a fireworks show in february. where did they get the financial means but also the physical means to pull off this alleged attack. what did he buy on that trip? >> reporter: erin, we're told by the vice president of a company called phantom fireworks that tamerlan tsarnaev bought two reloadable mortar kits with 48 shells from their store in seabrook, new hampshire, on february 6th. that's about an hour west of boston. two mortar kits with 48 shells on february 6th. he asked the clerk what's the loudest and biggest thing you have. he paid about $200 for all of that. what's key here is that a law enforcement official tells cnn that this is not enough, not enough to construct or set off the kind of explosion that occurred during the boston marathon. so what did he use these for? that's not clear. some kind of -- we're told the kind of powder used in those explosives, in those types of fireworks may not be the kind of gunpowder or explosive power used in the explosion. so some answers and maybe a connection between those fireworks that he bought and the explosion, not quite clear yet. but we do know he bought two reloadable mortar kits on february 6th, 48 shells. but not enough to construct the kind of explosion that occurred. >> we'll find out more about where they might have bought other explosives but also where they tested these pressure cooker bombs. i want to go to nic roberson. he's in dagestan. we know the parents of the tsarnaev brothers live where you are tonight. we know that when tamerlan returned home here to the united states he posted a video. what can you tell us about that video and that man so we can understand how important he might be? >> reporter: sure. abu has been killed by russian security forces in a major shootout but he's about the same age as tamerlan, quite charismatic and perhaps what is significant about him, he's not a major name on the world stage, if you will, in terms of jihadist. so when tamerlan goes back home to the united states, posts this video online, he doesn't choose some major sort of jihadist from this area, a well-known figure. he uses someone who is lesser known. so has he made contact with him? has he made contact with some of his foot soldiers here? why has he become influenced by him? this is an area where there are daily attacks by rebels against security forces here just in the past couple of days a police chief attack, survives the attack last week, one policeman killed, another three injured in another major attack the week before a policeman and family attacked in a car bombing. there's this constant military threat going on while tamerlan is here himself. there's a huge double suicide bombing, 12 people killed, in this area with the attacks taking place and relatively small populations. so could he have met with him? was there some kind of direct influence here? those are the questions that people are asking right now. no hard answers as yet. >> nic, thank you very much, reporting live from dagestan. and still "outfront," whether clues were missed years before the bombings took place. plus, investigators are talking to the attorneys of tamerlan's american-born wife but why are they not talking to her. and what did tamerlan have to do with the murder of one of his friends? no one was charged in this triple murder. we have the story. ♪ [ female announcer ] from more efficient payments. ♪ to more efficient pick-ups. ♪ wireless is limitless. ♪ from tracking the bus. ♪ to tracking field conditions. ♪ wireless is limitless. ♪ but i see a world bursting with opportunity,ople nervous. with ideas, with ambition. i'm thinking about china, brazil, india. the world's a big place. i want to be a part of it. ishares international etfs. emerging markets and single countries. find out why nine out of ten large professional investors choose ishares for their etfs. ishares by blackrock. call 1-800-ishares for a prospectus, which includes investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses. read and consider it carefully before investing. risk includes possible loss of principal. just by talking to a helmet. it grabbed the patient's record before we even picked him up. it found out the doctor we needed was at st. anne's. wiggle your toes. and it got his okay on treatment from miles away. it even pulled strings with the stoplights. my ambulance talks with smoke alarms and pilots and stadiums. but, of course, it's a good listener too. 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according to a source that we're speaking to, apparently tamerlan tsarnaev was one of the last people to see his friend alive. after that, about three months later, he decides to go to russia. so that's one of the reasons they are going back and they are looking at this because they do believe that the victims knew who the killers were and they are very clear to say killers, plural, that it wasn't just one individual that did this because, you have to remember, this man brendan mess, he was a mixed martial arts expert. so he would have been able to fight back had the situation presented itself. but instead, he was brutally killed along with two other people and one other thing, erin, at the crime scene, investigators found the bodies of the victims strewn with marijuana and cash that you would have expected to have been taken during a robbery. that was left behind. several thousand dollars worth. erin? >> that might imply some sort of an inside job or dispute among people working together. do they have any idea what the motivation was? was it some sort of a drug deal or not? did investigators ever talk to tamerlan when the crime actually first happened? >> you know, all good points. first of all, there's no indication that investigators ever spoke to tamerlan. now, it may have been that they were investigating this just as sort of a horrible but just sort of a drug case. there were no links at the time but now investigators are being looking at every single thing that seems out of the ordinary and clearly the fact that his best friend was killed in such a brutal way, just months before tamerlan goes to russia, that's one of the -- that's one thing that they want to re-examine. to investigators are pouring over the files of that case, erin. >> truly a strange thing. obviously they are going to try to get to the bottom of that, too. deb feyerick, thank you very much. ashleigh banfield is in boston and spoke to one of the sisters of the 2001 victim. what have you found out? >> reporter: erin, i'm just off the telephone of the sister of one of the murder victims in the triple homicide that deb feyerick was just telling me about. i just got off the phone with her. a couple things that she can confirm to me is that the district attorney has been in touch with her. she's meeting with them next week. investigators on that case are meeting with her and have been speaking with her since saturday. not only that, she confirms to me that the same detectives are still on that case and that they are detectives that she has spoken with. specifically they asked her this, what can you tell us about your brother's relationship with tamerlan, the now dead suspect in the boston bombings? these are the questions they asked of her. she felt like she couldn't really enlighten these detectives at all because she felt her brother wasn't a friend at or acquaintance at all of tamerlan tsarnaev. however, she does think this is a good development in the 18-month-old case of her brother and friends' murders and perhaps they will be able to get some kind of resolution. >> all right. thanks very much to ashleigh banfield. we're having a little bit of audio difficulty. it was important. i wanted to make sure you could hear it as best as we could. still "outfront," investigators believe tamerlan had a very strong influence over his younger brother and tonight a psychologist joins us if one person can really convince another to do terrible things. is that a legitimate explanation or not? and up next, did the fbi drop the ball when tamerlan tsarnaev could have been stopped? there was a point he could have been stopped but was the fbi the ones that could do it? that's next. n dollars to grow j, cut middle class income taxes to the lowest rate in sixty years, and we're creating tax free zones for business startups. the new new york is working creating tens of thousands of new businesses, and we're just getting started. to grow or start your business visit

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