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[ male announcer ] now get 50% off brake pads and shoes at meineke. a 32-year-old man was reunited with his foster mom. they lost touch but found each other through social media in 2007. their goal now to complete an adoption both wanted almost 20 years ago. >> i just feel like this makes it official. we e don't have to keep explaining it now. >> i didn't fight to not finish this. that's why it has to happen. >> happy news to report. about an hour ago, a judge in juvenile court in san diego finalized griffin's adoption. after hugs all around, they left the courthouse officially mother and son. don't forget our new schedule starting on monday. jake tapper, the lead. that will be at 4:00 p.m. eastern. the situation room will begin at 5:00 p.m. eastern. erin bernett "outfront" starts now. the united states boosting its missile defense system on the day same day north korea makes more threats. we have the latest. plus the white house said the spending cuts would lead to doom and gloom. all the talk has been about cancelled tours. did the president miscalculate. a plane crash in florida. we'll go there live. let's go "outfront." good evening, everyone. i'm erin bernett. america fights back. on the same day north korea flexed its military muscle by firing a missile into the sea of japan p chuck hagel announced the u.s. is boosting its missile defense system. >> the united states has missile defense systems in place to protect us in case of attacks. north korea in particular has recently made advances in its capabilities and engaged in reckless provocations. >> provocations including last month the rogue nation conducted an underground sdpes this week the government threatened to launch a nuclear strike on the united states. north korea scrapped the 1953 arm cyst with south korea. and it comes on top of multiple tests of a payload of weapon intended to strike the united states. chris, what does the missile defense system look like right now? because i know the former fense secretary was talking about we would be all right and with the new change the president is about to put in place, how will it be different? >> basically, erin, right now it all depends on an early warning system in places like japan. then it gets down to these ground-based interceptor missiles, which are sort of the last line of defense before something would hit the continental united states. right now, that's based on two big bases. one in california, one in alaska. the u.s. has about 30 of these interceptor missiles. what would happen is an early warning system near some place like japan would alert that a launch had taken place and the missiles would launch to try to intercept that nuke that would be coming in. what's going to change, the u.s. is adding another radar system to give it better warning and it will be increasing its interceptors by about 50% adding 14 new silos by the year 2017. >> and do they have a missile capable of hitting the united states yet? i know they have been testing that with their pay low, but do they have a missile that can do that? >> yes and no. they have a rocket that in theory, it it could carry it as far as alaska, hawaii and even certain parts of the lower 48 united states. the problem is it takes them days to sort of erect and fuel this rocket. that works fine for a test, but that would be very impractical if you were actually trying to launch actual order nants. they have developed a mobile missile. it's something that pentagon officials admitted today surprised them in the threat level. they didn't think it was moving along as quickly as it did. it has now and that contributed to this change in policy. >> all right, chris lawrence, thank you very much. i want to bring in former general marks. appreciate both of you being with us. spider, let me start with you. the obama administration rather suddenly decided they are going to go ahead with a missile defense system with the development of this which is a plan that george bush put forth that the president moth balled when he got into office. >> they are responding to what they see with kim jung-un. when you look at the timelines in terms of getting the interceptors in place, it's going to take 24 months. we have to make some assumptions that the north koreans are working on the weaponization of a payload whether that's nuclear or conventional and the further development of a rocket and marrying those two up to threaten the the united states and u.s. territories. so the system all has to come together and we need the lead time to get that in place. >> earlier this week the president talked about the threat from north korea. here's how he answered the question. >> can north korea now make good on its threat to hit the united states? >> they probably can't but we don't like margin of error. >> it's that close? >> it's not that close. what we have done is we made sure we have defensive measures to prevent any attacks on the homeland. we're not anticipating any of that. >> anticipating any of that, but he's saying they probably can. in 2011 robert gates said he thought north korea could have a missile to hit the yielts within five years. we're in 2013 right now. it takes two years to get the plan up and running. is that cutting it too close? are they going to move more quickly than we think? >> they have been moving more quickly than we think. the president when he was talking about that was assuming that the north koreans would airmail a nuke. we talked about the possibility of the north koreans assembling a bomb in an american city. we don't have a credible defense for it. we may not retaliate if we can't attribute that to north korea. they are moving very fast. i think part of it is because they are getting help. they are getting help from china because of the new mobile missile. the chinese sold them the launchers, which substantially increases their ability to wage nuclear war. >> so china, which is the only one to control north korea and the interest in doing so is helping them be able to attack the u.s. at the same time. >> it certainly is. they sold those six launchers that we saw in the april 15th, 2012, military parade. the chinese sold them that. they probably sold them the kn08. we do know that the chinese have sold that same launcher and same missile to the pakistanis. there's a real question here and right now, we're not willing to talk to the chinese about these issues in public. we need to have a public conversation about this. this threatens america. >> what confuses me and seems worrisome is how quickly the assessment of the situation seemed to have changed . i was in afghanistan with leon pennsylvania net that and that was when north korea tested a missile. i asked him about it it. . i asked if we were prepared for a strike. here's how he answered that question. >> the fact is that we do have a very strong missile defense that would be able to guard against that kind of potential. >> so we would be able to stop it? >> i'm very confident that we would be able to do that. >> he said that in december. now we're saying we're worried and changing our plans and upping our defense. do we know what they have or have they just come along much more dramatically than we thought? >> we are not completely certain in terms of what we have. we have a really good idea. i can tell you our intelligence community, we understand the pieces that would go into assembling this capability and threat. the key thing is secretary panetta was saying we'll be able to detect a threat coming in. that's step one to see that it's inbound. but being able to do something about it is the challenge. as the president indicated, we have to up the ante to make sure we're not falling within so the margin of error that would not be to our benefit. this makes perfect sense to me. bear in mind, we have been at war for the last decade. we haven't really focused as well as we should at the national level. we are now. >> those wars making the world perceive the u.s. as much more hesitant to engage now. thanks to both of you. still to come, the president made a joke about the spending cuts today. sort of interesting. his audience laughed. the look on his face not so much. but is it republicans who will have the last laugh? 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