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0 the estimated vote in, incumbent democratic senator raphael warnock is up with 50.1% of the vote, trailing just barely behind a, with 49.9%, just 0.02 percentage points behind, republican herschel walker. that is a lead right now of warnock of 9026 votes. now, why does this race matter? let's talk about the overall balance of power in the u.s. senate. democrats currently hold 50 senate seats, including when they picked up in the great commonwealth of pennsylvania. republicans have 49. they're hoping to get this one last remaining senate seats so as to have the balance of power be 50/50. let's go to pamela brown right now, who is at the voting desk. pamela, what's the latest? >> there is a lot of focus on the counties in the atlanta area for good reason, given how tight this races. and it is spoke to an official in cobb county, and i'm told around 76,000 votes are still outstanding. day of vote, that means people who went to the polls today in cobb county, those votes still outstanding. so we're still expecting a pretty large amount from there. and there's about 12,000 or so outstanding votes from mail in ballots as well. now, i asked a source when we're going to find out more, when more votes will draw from their. and this person said as soon as they drive back from the polling areas with the memory cards, they're plug-in in uploaded to the system. soldiers have to wait and see. but it is certainly getting down to the wire now. and i also talked to gabriel sterling, the election official on the ground there that we've been talking to throughout the night, and he said after 10:00 this is when we will be getting a better picture now of the outstanding votes in these urban areas in the atlanta area, and also learn more about when we are going to get mortified of what those votes are. >> all right, pamela brown, thank you so much. let's take a look at some these counties where the vote is still outstanding. because john, the reason why we're hearing from jeff zeleny that there are people in the walker campaign who are still kind of nervous, even though he's only 13,785 votes behind, and then certainly with ten, 11% of the vote outstanding, that could be quickly covered up. it's because a lot of the outstanding vote is in these democratic-leaning counties that are very populous. >> most of it is right there. most of the votes still to be counted is inside that circle. and what you notice about that circle? not only is it blue, to your point, to your point not only is it blue, but pam was just talking about cobb county. raphael warnock is getting 62% of the vote right now. does it mean it will come up a bit more there? we don't know. but you come across to the other side, back in the day, george w. bush carried this county. used to be a republican county. 90% of the vote. 62% of the vote, four raphael warnock. so, not only is the vote in these blue areas, but so far in the early vote and the day of vote counted so far, senator warnock is keeping these big edges in this county. fulton county, we're up to 67% now. get rid of the circle so doesn't distract people. 67%, he's still above 80%. as the rest of that comes in, as possibly herschel walker does better than 19%, of course it is, of course it is. the question is, is it enough when you get to this point? so, you come back out, 15,373 votes again. again, most of the vote outstanding. not all of it. you can look at this way as well to understand. it there are some small pockets of votes. the red circles, they are republican areas. there are some republican votes out there. but these big circles, so many circles here, this is, again, fulton county, the suburban counties around it, that when you come back to the normal map, not only are they blue when hugo county by county, they're very deep blue. so, if you are in the warnock campaign, you are ahead, up to 90% of it now, and you know what has happened in the last several elections. this is the area that tends to come in late. it is driving the voting cards on the precincts. and you watch votes are changing, it's 12,940 votes, votes training as we have this conversation. a few, sometimes a couple hundred, sometimes several thousands, and off you go. you have to 91% now. if you are in vegas, that is not your bet. we're not done yet. but because you know where the outstanding votes are, that is why there is some pessimism in the walker campaign. >> do you have a button that can show me where and whether these candidates are underperforming what they did last time? >> yes. >> or brian kemp? >> and i will do with a caveat that we're not done yet. so the key one there is this. herschel walker trailed. a month, ago herschel walker trailed, that's why we're having the runoff. no candidates, then no one over 50, so he trailed. he needed to do better. let's put it this way, he needed to do better. >> where is herschel walker over performing? >> he is over performing in some of these red counties. that means his percentages are higher now than they were a month ago. and that significant. that's a lot of places, right. but look what is great. here's the flip side of that question. where is the underperforming? while, he's underperforming in all of the blue areas on the map. >> all the population centers. >> all the population centers, exactly. >> that means he did better in these population centers last time, even though he came up short, then he is doing tonight. >> with the asterisk, to be fair to him, we need to double check that when we get to 100 and. but at the moment, that is his problem, that so far in the night, you are underperforming in the places where the people are. the toxicity in the suburbs of the trump brand, and walker himself i think as additional problems you need to him in the suburbs, that is what you are seeing here. this is the suburbs. >> the other question i have is because there were three candidates on the ballot last time, it is possible for both warnock and walker to be over performing this time. this is a matter of math because there's only two of them. can you show me where warnock is over performing and underperforming his last time on the ballot in november? >> so you see here, where is the over performing? he's running a little stronger in a lot of these rural counties. and again, that is a couple hundred votes. >> this is warnock? >> that's what, or sorry. let's go back and hit the lead there. walker over performing. this is where walker is over performing in the general election. but it's true, i was looking at this earlier. he is running by percentages. it is a tiny, modest amount. >> he's doing better in more places then he was a month ago then walker's was doing a month ago. >> right, by a very tiny amount of these really are, is that a tiny amount. exactly, that's exactly the right expression. because he's doing it here where it matters, in the major population centers. in the smaller urban areas, columbus, augusta, savannah, where the democrats, this is where he's from, this part of the state here are, he's doing better where the democrats live. and he's also doing a little better in places that tend to vote red. and that has been, again, stacey abrams, a strong democratic candidate, did horribly in rural georgia. raphael warnock does not do great. but he does better. and just as we talked about, under reform for the republicans in the suburb, senator warnock performs. and maybe it's just herschel walker, we'll see how this one ends up. but he tends to over perform. but then you asked this. where is warnock underperforming? only in a few counties. again, we are not at the finish line. yet to be fair, you need to look at this when we get one hunted percent. but if you get your indications now, the reason is it is not a 4000 vote lead. this is still a competitive race. the issue is when you walk around to try to look at the places where there are republican votes, you are at 99%. i'm just picking these counties randomly just to see. and you see all of them, at 99%. not trying to make anyone dizzy at home. but you're seeing the 99% in the small republican rural counties. the cup where the -- lake dekalb, 65%. 175,000 votes, 15,000 votes, just by comparison. you've got a vote still to be counted here. and you come out to the smaller counties. and even if there is still some to be counted, you are talking 60,000 votes. so, the people, more than 50% the population is right here in the circle. and that's where mostly outstanding votes are. so, again, 4000 votes, you are not celebrating yet. but understanding where the outstanding votes are, if you are in vegas, that is your bet. >> right, i still don't know who is going to win. i'd rather be ahead by 4000 votes then behind by 4000 votes. let's get more on cobb county, john, if you could punch it up. because nick valencia is there, specifically in marietta. and nick, a key election official is with you. i don't think she has i have me though, so you may have to relay the questions for her. >> yeah, and we're getting updates here from that election official. i want to bring in the chairwoman of cobb county board of elections, tory stylings. tory, we got an update from pamela brown, who tells me 76,000 election day votes, 12,000 mail-in votes, does that matchup with what you are seeing here? >> well, we don't have numbers that come in essentially. we basically have precincts that drop off their media and everything. >> which is what you've got here, the line of cars coming, and dropping off these ballots. >> exactly, that's correct. and for most part, last i checked, we are at 125 precincts that have closed, all the precincts are closed, but they made their way back here. so, we've got, what, 22 more to go. >> so, you're more than halfway there. you have 147 precincts, 122 that have reported. and those are day of. ballots >> that is correct. >> but you're also under a court order here to have receive until december 9th. can you clarify. that certainly. >> there were a number of voters that requested absentee ballots. and based on the day that they requested it and the day in which we place their ballot in the mail, a lawsuit was filed by the aclu, the s plc, on behalf of those voters. and one of our superior court judges issued an order requiring that we extend the date for our particular group of voters, that being those voters who requested applications trier -- prior to the 27, giving them the opportunity to get their ballots back here by sooner than the night. which is a date we were already looking, at because that is the common date, the date by which military families and u.s. citizens abroad to get their ballots back. but those ballots must have been either returned here in person, or for that matter, postmarked. >> so to punctuate this point, if it's close, like it has been, it could come down to cobb county. that's a realistic possibility. >> potentially. >> jake tapper and our anchor john king, they have some questions for you as well. i know you don't have ifv, so i will relay. go ahead, jake. >> just, how smoothly is the process going in counting the ballots right now? it looks, from our vantage point, that it's going well. there aren't protests, there are observers from both parties, et cetera. >> yeah, how smoothly has this protests gone so far? from what we're seeing at our vantage point, it seems pretty smooth. but you tell us what you are seeing. >> i think as far as elections days go, it's been a great day. and it's one where none of our polling locations have delayed in opening. they all open on. time we didn't -- know mary cards >> that were left behind. no issues reported to us by poll managers. and i think that is kind of proven out if you will that i believe that just after 10 pm, and we have, what, just probably -- as i see come in, probably 20 more precincts to return. >> you have to be grateful for that here. john, do have a question? >> nick, one moment, as we're standing here, herschel walker has now pulled ahead. herschel walker, the republican, has a 1922 vote lead. and this is the magic election night. every result coming in from different places. back to where you are cobb county in, madam chair just said there are 22 precincts, if i did the math right, that are still out. and question is, may not be a fair question, but we know where they are in the county? and the sense that the precincts on this side of the county, the eastern part, closer to atlanta, are more democratic. you notice all the red around the west in the northern part of cobb county, if they're from the more remote areas out here, then herschel walker may have some hope. because a lot of republican voters are there. do we know what is outstanding in terms of where it is geographically in the county? >> so this may be an unfair question. >> and a long one. >> we were updating while we were speaking. do we know which precincts are still outstanding? because, you know, for expert there, john king at the magic wall, he can determine which way this could go and give us sort of an insight into how this is going? do we know which precincts are still outstanding? >> unfortunately, i don't know which ones are still outstanding. it's a situation where, you know, i am provided updates, all the board members are provided updates with respect to however many precincts are in. but the list does not say these are the precincts that are outstanding. >> another question, but viewers want to know when will you be done counting? do you know? >> technically, we will not be done until december the 9th, to be honest. because of those -- ballots. but this evening, i feel confident, comfortable that we are likely to finish earlier than we did last month for the general election. i am hoping probably between 11 pm and midnight. >> 11 pm and midnight. thank you so much for the update. you are hopeful. we are hopeful. thank you for your time, we know you're busy. you're actually working in the back here. john a.j., will throw back to you and try to get more info as it comes. in >> john, well walker took the lead, tell us where those votes came. from >> we were talking to nick and the chairwoman here in cobb county. they came from here, to the north and to the east. in fourth ice county. this is one of the republican exurbs counties. and you see it's the eighth largest county in the state. and herschel walker is getting 66% of the vote there. that's where we've had a large chunk of the votes reported. that's where he took the lead. it's fascinating to watch the tug of war that is today's georgia, where if you go back 20 years ago, there's a lot more red in the suburbs. they have become reliably democratic suburbs. just imagine where you live, right, you live in an urban area, you drive out, you've got the close suburbs. and then you go a little further out, start seeing a few farms. then you've got exurbs the and the box stores and things like that. that is what this is up here. reliably republican acts urban areas. morrell, go north again, atlanta is down here, closely hit to atlanta, it's more suburban annex urban. gets more roll out here. for south county, giving herschel walker some good votes tonight. his problem is closer to atlanta in the suburbs around. it >> all, right the tug of war continues, the seesaw with more than 90% of the reported. will the lead in this neck and neck race keep flipping as we weigh more votes? we'll talk to a key senate democrat about the closeness of this race and the stakes. stay with us. is t hat the new iphone? yup, i just got the new iphone 14 with its amazing camera at t-mobile. wow! at t-mobile, get four iphone 14s on us. and 4 new lines for $25 bucks a line. from holiday hills, illinois to rudolph, wisconsin. from santa claus, indiana to snowflake, arizona. from garland, texas to north pole, new york and everywhere in between. we're holiday ready with fast and reliable delivery, serving every address in america. the united states postal service.

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Georgia , United States , United States Capitol , District Of Columbia , Montana , Nevada , New Hampshire , North Carolina , Texas , Washington , Valencia , Carabobo , Venezuela , Atlanta , Minnesota , Whitehouse , Indiana , Wisconsin , Togo , Dekalb , Michigan , Arizona , Iowa , Cobb County , Pennsylvania , Fulton County , Capitol Hill , Georgians , Americans , America , American , Brian Kemp , Anderson Jeff , Christian Walker , Katie Hobbs , Jeff Duncan , Roe V Wade , Santa Claus , Julie Anders , Joe Biden , Steve Symonds , Raphael Warnock , Herschel Walker , Stacey Abrams , Pamela Brown , George W Bush , Phil Mattingly , Reverend Warnock , Vote , Democratic , Incumbent , 50 1 , Drag Herschel Walker , U S Senate , Lead , Votes , Race , Points , Republican , Talk , Balance Of Power , Let , 50 , 49 9 , 10 02 , 339026 , Seats , Let S Go , Commonwealth Of Pennsylvania , 49 , One , Lot , Counties , Reason , Races , Official , Closer To Atlanta , Area , Latest , Voting Desk , Focus , 76000 , People , Amount , Mail , There , Polls , 12000 , Ballots , Person , Areas , More , Plug In , Memory Cards , System , Source , Soldiers , Election , Gabriel Sterling , Picture , Ground , Wire , 00 , 10 , John King , Look , Atlanta Area , Walker Campaign , Outstanding , Jeff Zeleny , Ten , 11 , 13785 , Van S Point , Pit Blue , Circle , Most , Side , Pam , Bit , 62 , Senator , Hugo County , Four , 90 , Course , South County , Brest , The Circle , Edges , Doesn T Distract People , 67 , 19 , 80 , Question , Way , Red Circles , Pockets , 15373 , It , Map , Circles , Warnock Campaign , Deep Blue , Elections , Precincts , Voting Cards , 12940 , Vegas , Bet , Thousands , Training , Few , Conversation , 91 , Candidates , Button , Pessimism , Caveat , Yes , Runoff , Some , Places , Percentages , Underperforming , Significant , Flip , Wall , Population Centers , Population , Asterisk , Problem , Suburbs , Toxicity , Trump Brand , Check , 100 , Ballot , Well Walker , Matter , Problems , Math , Three , Two , Let S Go Back , Walker Over Performing , Expression , Estate , Part , Red , Columbus , Augusta , Savannah , Better , Rural Georgia , Suburb , Reform , Indications , Finish Line , Warnock Underperforming , Issue , 99 , 4000 , Cup , Anyone , Lake Dekalb , 65 , 175000 , 15000 , Comparison , 60000 , Don T Know , Questions , Nick , Marietta , Updates , Update , Chairwoman , Election Day , Story , Cobb County Board Of Elections , Tory Stylings , Line , Numbers , Everything , Media , Matchup , Cars , Closed , 122 , 22 , 125 , 147 , Number , Court Order , December 9th , 9 , Voters , Absentee Ballots , Lawsuit , Behalf , Aclu , The S Plc , Group , Judges , Superior Court , Order , Applications , Trier , 27 , U S , Opportunity , Citizens , Families , Anchor John King , Possibility , Jake Tapper , Jake , Vantage Point , Protests , Process , There Aren T , Aifv , Parties , Et Cetera , Observers , Where , Issues , Cards , Opening , None , Polling Locations , Come In , Poll Managers , Kind , 20 , Vote Lead , Magic Election Night , Edo , 1922 , Result , Math Right , Madam Chair , In , Sense , West , Hope , Terms , Insight , Expert , Situation , Sort , Magic Wall , Counting , Respect , Viewers , Board Members , List , December The 9th , Info , John A J , Exurbs , Rice County , North , Least , Tug Of War , Chunk , 66 , Things , Out , Stores , Farms , Box , Suburban Annex Urban , Morrell , Seesaw , Neck , Closeness , Stakes , Iphone , Yup , Lines , Stay , Camera , T Mobile , Tis T , Holiday Hills , Iphone 14s , Bucks , Illinois , To Rudolph , 14 , 15 Bucks , 25 , 4 , Snowflake , North Pole , Garland , New York , Everywhere , Delivery , Address , United States Postal Service ,

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