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An honor of a lifetime for joe biden. An unbelievable surprise and emotional moment you want to see. A three hanky afternoon at the white house. Welcome to early start. Im john berman. Im christine romans. It is friday, january 13th. Friday the 13th. 5 00 a. M. Ill focus on the friday. No more cabinet confirmation hearings today. The hearings over the past four days of the week had enough unusual moments to last a month. Mainly because again and again, the president elects nominees contradicted the man they hope to be their boss. It was Homeland Security and secretary of state nominees who veered off script. Then james mattis and mike pompeo demonstrated daylight between them and president elect donald trump. Including russia. Reporter ryan browne joins us from washington. Good morning, ryan. Reporter good morning, christine. There were moments where the picks for National Security positions differed from him significantly. When it came to general james mattis, those differences came on the area of nato. Trump called nato obsolete. Mattis wanted a strong relationship with the military alliance. And on the nuclear deal. Mattis called it imperfect arms agregreemen agreement. Trump promised to tear it up on day one. And where the u. S. Embassy will be. Mattis recognized tel aviv as the capital of israel. Donald trump promised to move the embassy to jerusalem. And going on to mike pompeo. The Congress Member from kansas for cia. He pledged to not do things like waterboarding or enhanced interrogation techniques. Something donald trump would seek to bring back. Both men, mattis and pompeo, struck very tougher lines on russia and russias role in Cyber Attacks during the u. S. President ial election. Russia to quote the chairmans Opening Statement, has chosen to be a strategic competitor. An adversary in key areas. Im all for engagement, but we have to recognize reality and what russia is up to and theres a decreasing number of areas where we can engage cooperatively. The most important thing is we recognize the reality of what we deal with with mr. Putin and we recognize he is trying to break the north atlantic alliance. It is clear what took place about russian involvement in efforts to hack information and to have an impact on american democracy. We continue to develop the facts, i will relay those to the president and the team around him and to you all so we all can have a robust discussion of thousand take how to take on the enormous threat. This was aggressive action taken by the Senior Leadership inside russia. Reporter their testimony comes after two other cabinet picks, general john kelly and Rex Tillerson. Expressed views that contrasted with trump. Tillerson talking about the transpacific partnership. Kelly talking about waterboarding and being opposed to that and the southern border wall not sufficient to stop immigration and drugs. This may ease their confirmation process in the senate, but setting up serious policy clashes in the administration. And raises the question who influences whom once they are around the big table making policy. Ryan, nice to see you bright and early in d. C. New information this morning on the intelligence summary containing unverified claims that russia may have compromising information on president elect donald trump. New reporting was directly contradicts statements from the trump team. Cnn learned the summary was not just handed to trump as part of the documents. Officials tell cnn that james comey personally briefed the president elect on the intelligence. Not only that, Vice President joe biden confirms he and president obama were briefed on the same information. Lets get the latest from evan perez in washington. Reporter john and christine, fbi director james comey and president elect donald trump had a confversation last friday. Multiple officials tell cnn it was during that brief pull aside that comey briefed trump on the personal and Financial Information on the president elect which was compromising. Four of the five chiefs briefed trump on the russian hacking. And comey would be the one to handle the discussion with mr. Trump. The discussion was cordial to us. The fbi declined to comment. Reporters also heard from Vice President joe biden. He and president obama were briefed on the unproven allegations on mr. Trump. Biden said he read the 35 pages that was put together by a former British Intelligence officer. Political opponents of trump hired the operative to put together the dossier. Thank you, evan. Breaking overnight, james comey reacting to the news to the internal watch dog launched a probe into how the fbi handled the investigation into the private email server. Comey has been criticized for announcing two weeks before the election that the fbi discovered emails possibly relevant to the probe. Some think it cost clinton the election. Last night, comey responded to the review with a statement. He said this, im grateful to the department of justice Inspector General for taking on the review. I hope very much he is able to share his conclusions and observations with the public. Everyone will benefit from thoughtful evaluation and transparency. The house votes this afternoon on the budget resolution to launch the dismantling of obamacare. Paul ryan revealed it during the town hall last night. We want to do this at the same time and in some cases the same bill. We want to advance repealing and replacing at the same time. I dont have a date. It will take us a little bit of time. We are working on this as fast as possible. The first 100 days . Definitely a plan within the first 100 days. There are republicans on the hill who are on the fence about the vote. Some are concerned about the cost of repealing the Affordable Care act and the fact there is no one single plan right now to replace it. A straight repeal, if it were to be enacted would affect coverage for millions of americans. Some see it as a possible tax credit to more wealthy americans who are paying for provisions. And the Trump Transition Team laying the ground work for college. Transition officials held a call with the house ways and means making it clear that president elect donald trump and ivanka want to push child care through a broader package. The source tells us this is a top priority for the president elect. The proposal includes a child care tax credit and six weeks of Unemployment Benefits for mother whose dont get paid leave through work. It comes with a 300 billion price tag. One reason the Incoming Administration will build it into a broader package. The Transition Team wants house members to find a way to pay for it and making it budget neutral. The idea women get paid leave is important and popular. Using it through jobless benefits which would not reimburse your pay 100 . Maybe the president elect could use the bully pulpit and Push Companies to provide this. This is not a developing nation. This is the most developed nation in the world. Companies should pay for people to have a baby. Lets see if he uses that influence on twitter on this subject. President obama pulled a fast one on his friend and Vice President joe biden. The president had a special honor for the Vice President s eight years of service. It was a pretty emotional moment for joe biden. Watch this. To know joe biden is to know love without pretense, Service Without self regard and to live life fully. One of his long time colleagues in senate who happened to be republican, said, if you cant admire joe biden as a person, you have a problem. He is as good a man as god ever created. So, joe, for your faith in your fellow americans, for your love of country and for your lifetime of service that will endure through the generations, id like to ask the military aide to join us on stage. For the final time as president , i am pleased to award our nations highest civilian honor. The president ial medal of freedom. [ applause ] and for for the first and only time in my presidency, i will bestow this medal with an additional level of admiration. An honor the three successors reserved for three others. Pope john paul ii, president Ronald Reagan and colin powell. Im happy to award this with distinction to my brother, Joseph Robinette biden jr. [ applause ] mr. President , this honor is a not only well beyond what i deser deserve, but its a reflection of the extent and generosity of your spirit. I dont deserve this, but i know it came from the president s heart. Theres a saying that says what comes from the heart enters the heart. Mr. President , you have creeped into our hearts. You and your whole family, including mom, and you occupy it. Its an amazing thing that happened. I knew how smart you were, i knew how honorable you were, i knew how decent you were in the couple years we worked in the senate. I knew what you were capable of. I never fully expected that you would occupy the bidens heart. From hunter, ashley, my sister, all of us. All of us. And, mr. President , i i im indebted to you. Im indebted to your friendship. Im indebted to your family. And as ill tell you on a humorous note. Were having lunch and mostly whatevers in our minds, we talk about family a lot. About six months in, the president looked at me. You know, joe, you know what surprised me . How weve become such good friends [ laughter ] i said surprised you . But that is candid obama. And its real and mr. President , you know as long as theres breath in me, ill be there for you and my family will be there for you. I know it is reciprical. I want to thank you all so very much. All of you. [ applause ] thats the surprise. That is what i call a big blanking deal. To quote joe biden on that. Its a wonderful thing. Decades and decades of service and recognition of his service and friendship of these two men have shared. A moment of genuine emotion at the white house. Somebody spent his entire life helping others. That is what politics is supposed to be about. Before he was 30 years old. Senator. Coming up, the president elect and his nominees have differences that they need to work out. We break it down with one of cnns best. Coming up next. Thats why you drink ensure. With 9 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. For the strength and energy to get back to doing. What you love. Ensure. Always be you. Its beautiful. Was it a hard place to get to . laughs it wasnt too bad. With the chase mobile app, jimmy chin can master depositing his hard earned checks in a snap. 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We have tal kopan joining us from washington. This is interesting from the confirmation hearings and hear how the nominees dont agree with him on the issues he campaigned on. Absolutely. A lot of parsing you have to do this week as you listen to the nominees. Russia is an obvious example where you heard nominees time and time again say they do not view russia as a friend to the u. S. Yesterday, i was watching the confirmation hearing of general mattis up for defense secretary. Looks very much like he isconfi. He was asked by john mccain, a russia hawk, i have seen three president s try to reestablish relationships with Vladimir Putin. All had failures. Mattis looked to history and saying how low his expectations are. That is not what we heard from donald trump. At the same time, on a lot of other issues where perhaps the political cover is not as clear as how much senators are really looking for tough language on russia, some of the other issues, i heard a lot of nominees say i have not researched that issue or not current on it. Theres some dodging happening as well on some of the questions about where this policy is going to come from the administration. I heard that on Climate Change a couple of times. Whether you agree with nasa scientists. Lets talk about this intel story from the week which dovetails nicely with russia and what kind of relationship the United States will have with russia and the adversarial actions. Joe biden talking to nbc about intel he received and why he received sort of a briefing on what some people say is Vladimir Putin and the russians trying to play the american political system. Listen. They would be they used the word derelict. It was their obligation to inform us and the president elect this was out there so it didnt come out of the blue and have any impact on the conduct of our foreign policy. They were clear that they just mentioned it. They made no judgment. He is talking about the intel community. Their thinking on informing him and the president elect about that noise you could call it. Unverified information out there. How its context in the idea of putin and the russian infrastructure trying to play this president. Absolutely. You know, the biggest question and lets be clear. The reason why this is an issue is how many times donald trump has been asked about it and sort of went out of his way to deny what almost everyone else was coming to agreement on. Since his intelligence briefing as most recent press conference, he agreed russia want behind the hacking and Misinformation Campaign waged to influence the election. It is big news to know that the document was not just floating out there, but the Intelligence Community decided it was important enough that our leader should be aware of the existence although we cannot verify any of it. It is something adding to the noise as you call it. The Vice President now confirming the cnn report and dni clapper confirming it and james comey briefed the president elect himself. Tal, thank you. Well see you in a little bit. It is the end of an era in the nfl. The San Diego Chargers are in san diego no more. Leaving town. Fans letting the teams owner n know how they feel. The Bleacher Report with coy wire is next. I need to promote my new busi can make that happen. Et. Business cards . Business cards, brochures, banners. Pens . Pens, magnets, luggage tags, bumper stickers. How about foam fingers . Like these . Now, get 15 off making your company stand out. Staples. Make more happen. The bolts are bolting. The San Diego Chargers made it official yesterday they are moving up the coast to los angeles. Coy wire joins us. Not a fun time to be a fan in san diego. Thats right, christine. Good morning to you and john. Chargers in san diego for the 15 years. The team could not come to agreement on the taxpayer funded stadium. The fans are upset. Some lashing out while gathering at chargers park piling up the gear and setting it up on fire. The san diego mayor put the blame on the chargers owner dean spanos. Dean spanos was never willing to work with us on a stadium solution. And demanded a lot more money than we could have ever agreed to. We live in a great city and we will move forward. San diego didnt lose the chargers. The chargers just lost san diego. The chargers unveiled the new logo on twitter moments after dean spanos press conference. It was the most trending topic. It is similar to the dodgers logo and the Tampa Bay Lightning had a love child. The lightning said they are not the father after tweeting for the record, us and the dodgers are just friends. The l. A. Rams hired the youngest head coach in modern nfl history. Sean mcvay. His offense gained the fifth most yards in the span. He grew up around football. His grandfather is in the hall of fame winning five super bowls with the team. It is incredible to think several players are older than the head coach. I wish you could have heard him giggling during the tampa bay tweet. Giggling. It was the love child. You had me at love child. Happy friday. One week from inauguration. The president elect and top nominees appear to have some daylight between their positions. What confirmation hearings revealed. Yo h ty iabetes how it feels to see your numbers go up, despite your best efforts. But what if you could turn things around . What if you could love your numbers . Discover oncedaily invokana®. Its the 1 prescribed sglt2 inhibitor that works to lower a1c. 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Welcome back to early start. Im christine romans. Im john berman. 32 minutes after the hour. This morning, the newest debate in washington is between the president elect and people he chosen to be in his cabinet. In confirmation hearings, nominee after nominee with opposing issues with trump again and again. The nominee for defense secretary james mattis and cia director mike pompeo with big differences with the president elect. Including on russia. We are joined by National Security reporter ryan brown e. Differering vi eing views is on, but on the other hand, that could be a problem. Reporter that is right, john. They were not on the same page. A couple issues raised in the hearings. We heard from general mattis appearing before the defense secretary hearings. He laid out different views on a range of issues. One on iran with the nuclear agreement. He didnt think it was a great deal. He said the u. S. Had to stick with it for the time being. On the issue of israel, he talked about the issue of the embassy being moved from tel aviv to jerusalem. He saw the capital in tel aviv. With Congress Member mike pompeo of kansas. He laid out issues contrasted to campaign statements from trump on waterboarding and interrogations. He said he would never do that. He promised to protect the Intelligence Community from interference. Both men struck tougher lines on russia and the issue of russian involvement in the election. James mattis pledging strong alliances with nato. Russia, to quote the chairmans Opening Statement has chosen to be a strategic competitor. An adversary in key areas. Im all for engagement, but we also have to recognize reality and what russia is up to. Decreasing number of areas to engage cooperatively. The most important thing is that we recognize the reality of what we deal with with mr. Putin and we recognize that he is trying to break the north atlantic alliance. Reporter now trumps pick for secretary of state Rex Tillerson and department of Homeland Security john kelly expressed views in hearings that clashed with trump like trade and immigration and the border wall. This is setting up it may ease the confirmation process, but setting up important policy clashes with the white house once the administration comes into power. If they do continue pushing those positions, there could be clashes. Ryan browne. Thank you. 35 minutes past the hour. New information this morning on the intelligence summary containing the unverified claims russia may have compromising information on president elect donald trump. Reporting which contradicts statements from trump team. The summary was not just handed to them as the package of documents. But fbi director james comey personally briefed donald trump on the intelligence. Joe biden now confirms he and the president were briefed on the same information. Lets get the latest from cnns evan perez in washington. Reporter john and christine, fbi tridirector james comey and donald trump had a oneonone conversation at the intelligence briefing friday. Multiple officials tell cnn it is during that pull aside that comey briefed the president elect on a twopage summary of unverified claims to have compromising Financial Claims on the president elect. Four of the chiefs briefed mr. Trump on the russian meddling in the 2016 elections. They decided comey would be the one to handle the discussion with mr. Trump. The discussion was described as cordial to us. The fbi declined to comment on this account. Reporters also heard thursday from Vice President joe biden that he and president obama were briefed on the unproven allegations on mr. Trump. Biden said he read the entire 35page Opposition Research document put together by a former British Intelligence operative. Democratic and republican opponents of president elect donald trump hired the operative to put together the dossier. Thank you, evan. Breaking overnight, james comey is reacting to the news that the internal watch dog launched a probe in how the fbi handled the investigation of the private email server. Comey was criticized for announcing two weeks before the election that they discovered emails to the probe. Some democrats think the fbi directors decision cost Hillary Clinton the election. Last night, comey responded to the announcement of the review this was the statement. I am grateful to the department of justice Inspector General for taking on the review. I hope he shares his observations with the public. If you missed the heartfelt send off that the Vice President got from president obama, this is worth watching. Get the hankies ready. Next. Thats. If theres a thinning of the enamel, the teeth actually appear more yellow. Pronamel is making your teeth stronger and more resistant to wear. Start using pronamel right away and have that be your toothpaste for the rest of your life. Enjoy your phone you too. 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President obama pulled a fast one on his friend and Vice President joe biden at the white house. He had a special honor for joe biden for his years of service. It was a pretty emotional moment. Watch this. To know joe biden is to know love without pretense, Service Without self regard and to live life fully. As one of the colleagues in the senate, who happened to be a republican, once said, if you cant admire biden as a person. You have a problem. He is as good a man as god ever created. So, joe, for your faith in your fellow americans, for your love of country and your lifetime of service that will endure through the generations, i would like to ask the military aide to join us on stage. For the final time as president , i am pleased to award our nations highest civilian honor. The president ial medal of freedom. [ applause ] and for for the first and only time in my presidency, i will bestow this medal with additional level of admiration. The honor the three secretaucce had for three others. Pope john paul ii and president Ronald Reagan and colin powell. Im proud to award this to my brother Joseph Robinette biden jr. [ applause ] mr. President , this honor is is not only well beyond what i deserve, but its a reflection of the extent and generosity of your spirit. I dont deserve this. Im indebted to your friendship. Im indebted to your family. Ill tell you on a humorous note. Were having lunch and mostly whatevers in our minds. We talk about family a lot. And about six months in, the president looked at me. You know, joe, you know what surprised me . How weve become such good friends. I said surprised you . [ laughter ] but that is candid obama. And its real and mr. President , you know as long as theres breath in me, ill be there for you and my family will be there for you. I know it is reciprical. I want to thank you all so very, very much. All of you. Truly warm moment in washington yesterday. This is a man with a lifetime of public service. Senator before he was 30. Really something to see. And bipartisan praise on twitter for this honor bestowed on the Vice President for his service. All he faced with courage and grace. How they kept it a secret. Remarkable. Wonderful moment. Cnn political reporter tal kopan in washington. The front pages of the paper have joe biden and below it, back to politics of the day. Nominees difficu s diverge fromh top positions. What is the going thinking in washington that these nominees are going to pull the president elect their way or the other way around . Lets be clear about one thing. Im not sure the nominees would pass Senate Confirmation if they db didnt say what they said. The senate has been very clear they view russia as a threat. Not a potential friend. They would have lost several republican senators if these nominees had not taken this line. That is not to say i dont think its honest. Im not questioning whether or not they truly believe it. It does remain an open question. How exactly the team of rivals. We are watching to see what trumps strategy is going to be. How much he willis even listen advisers and what he will say back to them. It is not just on russia, but the Iran Nuclear Deal and border wall. A host of issues. To answer what they answer, we will see what they do when they head the agencies. Tal, it is not just the cabinet creating space with themselves and the president elect. Congress also. This is the case for some time. With House Speaker paul ryan who was part of the cnn town hall last night with jake tapper. He faced questions from parents who come here undocumented and concerned if donald trump repeals the executive actions that the president took that they could be deported. Listen. Do you think that i should be deported and many families in my situation . No. First of all, i can see you love your daughter and you are a nice person who has a great future ahead of you. I hope your future is here. We have to find a way to make sure that you can get right with the law and we have to do this in a good way so that the rug doesnt get pulled out from you and you get separated. If you are worried about Deportation Force knocking on your door this year, dont worry about that. Interesting to hear that from the House Speaker. In the past, a proponent of immigration. I believe we followed up and said trump had mentioned actually a Deportation Force in the campaign trail. He did back away from that as the campaign progressed. The republican thinking on this has long been that they want to get the border right first. Enforce the laws on the books first. Then they start to consider some of the dreamer issues. Jeff sessions, the nominee for attorney general was asked about this a bit during the hearings. He was a little bit noncommittal. He essentially said there are most pressing prosecutorial concerns. Bad people out there that the government wants to go after. There are people out there they will try to go after first. Republicans will not say we will extend doca. This is not a priority. As the border piece that fits in with that, so often you hear from advocates. You deport the bad guys, the bad guys come right back. That is where the border piece comes in. Tal, have a great weekend. Friday the 13th. Look at what is coming up on new day. Alisyn camerota joins us. Hi, guys. Forgive the parka. It is chilly in the studio. The house is going to possibly today take the next step toward repealing obamacare. They do not have a replacement plan yet. So were going to have the architect of obamacare. Zeke emanuel on. You know the Inspector General is looking into the decisions made by james comey, director of the fbi, about Hillary Clintons emails. This feels a little late to people. Including the old Hillary Clinton campaign. We will have her former press person bryan fallon on to see how everyone is feeling about the pending investigation when chris and i see you. And donald trump writing about the difference between himself and cabinet nominees. All of my nominees are doing a great job. I want them to express their thoughts. Not mine. All right. Another big automaker accused of cheating on emissions. We will have a check on cnn money stream next. Re ree eryo ohll thats nice and checking your score wont hurt your credit. Oh im so proud of you. Well thank you. Free at at discover. Com creditscorecard, even if youre not a customer. For your pet, to do the best you should know more about the food you choose. With beyond, you have a Natural Pet Food that goes beyond telling ingredients to showing where they come from. Beyond assuming the source is safe. To knowing it is. Beyond asking for trust. To earning it. Because, honestly, our pets deserve it. Beyond. Natural pet food. In arizona, trooper is alive thanks to a good samaritan. It unfolded on i10, 50 miles west of phoenix. A veteran trooper at the scene of a fatal car accident and a gunman opened fire and shot the trooper in the shoulder and started beating him. That is when a motorist pulled up apparend ordered the man to. He pulled out a gun and shot the attacker and saved the troopers life. There were a lot of abrasions and cuts. Stitching up his head from where he hit the pavement. He said sir, you dont need to be here. The officer is in stable condition. The passerby is thanked for saving the troopers life. A heart felt letter of advice from barbara and jenna bush to sasha and malia. Now they written an open letter to the first daughters published in time magazine. For what to do post presidency. We watched you grow with grace and ease. Through it all, you had each other just like we did. You have so much to look forward to. You will be writing the story of your lives beyond the shadow of your parents. You will carry with you the experiences of the past eight years. The bush daughters urged sasha and malia to never forget the people they met at the white house and urged them to quote enjoy college as most of the world knows we did. Look, it was a lovely gesture to write that letter. Lets get a check on cnn money stream. Global markets higher ahead of earnings reports from Jpmorgan Chase and wells fargo and bank of america. They kickoff earnings season. Stocks are higher. Sto stocks in europe are higher. Fiat chrysler cheated on emissions tests according to the ya epa. The vehicles include the last three model years of the Jeep Grand Cherokee and dodge ram model. Fiat says this software is allowable. It is not to cheat emissions tests, but improve engine performance. The epa says it was never disclosed and violation of the clean air act. Fiat chrysler says it is not cheating. Investors did not like this. Shares of Fiat Chrysler down 18 before being halted by the new york stock exchange. A bad day for fiats chrysler shareholders. Amazon extending an olive branch to donald trump. The company will create 100,000 jobs in the next year and a half. These are fulltime positions. Much of the work force is employees working warehouse jobs and answering phones. Explosion in jobs. Amazon said they would have added the jobs regardless of the winner of the election. Good timing if you are letting trump know you are adding jobs. Sean spicer says president elect donald trump was pleased to play a role. I want you to look at the explosive role in amazon. This as chains a s animal and m are struggling. This is the new world where companies add three jobs and they will say president elect donald trump, were adding three jobs. The headlines in the papers and early start the latest to disagree with trump and he is talking about the hearings have differed from the president elect. Donald trump writing all my nominees doing a good job. I want them to be them selves and express their own thoughts. Thanks for watching. Im christine romans. Im john berman. New day starts right now. They say repeal and replace. Instead what they are doing is cut and run. The law is collapsing. We have to rescue people. We are in in a fraught time. It was their obligation to inform us and the president elect. This was out there. Policy is dictated by the president. Not people he appoints. If we had a Good Relationship with russia, that would be a good thing. I would consider the principle threat russia. The Justice Department investigat investigating the fbi over the emails. Im glad somebody has spoken up. The final time as president , im pleased to award the highest civilian honor. The president ial medal of freed freedom. This is new day with chris cuomo and alisyn camerota. Welcome our viewers in the United States and around the world. This is new day. Up first, House Republicans with plans to dismantle obamacare. A procedural vote in the house to get rid of the law. House Speaker Paul Ryan vowing on cnn to repeal and replace the law systimultaneouslysimultaneo. It should require a solution and help from democrats to pass it. All of this as president elect donald trump is responding to criticism that his cabinet nominees just one week away from inauguration day. Joe is live in washington. The House Republican leadership expected to move quickly to take up the budget resolution that paves the way for the repeal of the Affordable Care act and they say they are cautiously optimistic that they have the votes to do it. What continues to cause heart burn among legislators is the republican support dont have a single goto plan to replace obamacare though they say this is only the beginning of what is expected to be a long, challenging sproesz. The house

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