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Important thing and we dont discriminate people based on their color or where they come from or based on who they love. Shes a woman and thats really important to me as well. I want her to know at 3, she has a voice and voice in our democracy. And no matter what the Electoral College says, we still have a voice and say. Thank you, lisa. Reporter were hearing a lot of similar sentiments. People of all races and all ages and walks of life. They want this to be a symbol of unity. A rejection of division. John and alison. Thank you, ana. We will keep our eye on the protests. Particularly in portland, oregon. Police calling them riots. Several hundred arrests made right now. Police using smoke grenades. We just did lose our picture from there. We will keep our eye on it and bring you information as it comes in. The president elect will sit down in new york for his first meeting with his transition planning team. We are told one of the Top Priorities is filling about 800 administration jobs. Donald trump is considering steve bannon for chief of staff. That is causing turmoil in the inner circle. Sources tell cnn that bannon runs the white house is not the best fit for the position. Bannon joined the Trump Campaign in august. The other frontrunner for the job is said to be rnc came Reince Priebus. He talked to cnns jake tapper about the job. This really is not an issue. Honestly. Itbasically, most of us have had two hours sleep in four days. I think people are taking a breath and getting details figured out. Transition teams have been working for months and months and months. So slowly, but surely, the details will come out. It is not true. This will happen fast. Also not true. It is not an issue. Very much an issue. Reince priebus wants the job. Insiders say they have discussed the job, but appropriately demuring on answering the question. So donald trump and his Administration Plan to hit the ground running after meeting with House Speaker paul ryan and mitch mcconnell. Trump was asked to list his top three priorities on day one in the white house. We have a lot. Restore the administration look very strongly at immigration and jobs. All of this followed the meeting at the white house with the president elect and president. This is after all the nastiness and name calling during the campaign. Trump ended this 90minute meeting with high praise for the president. Even calling him a good man. Most of all, i want to emphasize to you this president elect that we now are going to want to do everything we can to help you succeed. Because if you succeed, the country succeeds. I very much looking forward to dealing with the president in the future. Including counsel. He explained some of the difficulties. Some of the high flying assets and some of the really great things that have been achieved. So mr. President , it was a great honor being with you and i look forward being with you many more times in the future. Thank you. So hours after this, donald trump tweeted a fantastic day in d. C. Met with president obama for first time. Really good meeting. Great chemistry. Melania liked mrs. O a lot. I just have to say watch the images yesterday. We say historic. It really is incredible when you think about donald trump who probably hasnt been to the white house and hasn nnt walk through the halls of congress. I watched the updated film of mr. Smith goes to washington. He is really an outsider. He sure is. It was interesting seeing the president and his body language. The president doing everything he can publicly to make this a very, very smooth transition. He kept on referring to trump as president elect. He is. You can see president obama being deliberate conveying the message to the american people. The first lady sat down with melania trump. Michelle obama took melania around the white house. Gave her a tour. They primarily discussed the challenges of raising children. Barron trump is the First White House son for a long, long, long time. Since jfk jr. The First Time Since a boy has been raised in the white house. Fight for the control of the Democratic Party has begun. In the wake of Hillary Clintons stunning loss, former democratic chairman howard dean announced a bid to run the party again. He ran it from 2005 to 2009. Unsuccessful for the white house back in 2004. The other name floated by senator Bernie Sanders is Minnesota Congress member Keith Ellison. He is one of two muslims in the house of representatives. He is the co chair of the congressional caucus. His office refused to comment right now. He will announce his intentions on monday. Okay. Time for an early start on your money. Day two of the socalled trump bounce. Wall street continuing to give president elect donald trump a warm welcome. Dow jumps 1. 1 . That is an alltime high for the dow. And the mood in part due to trumps victory speech and raising hopes that he will help the economy and scrap some of the more extreme Campaign Positions that we heard on the trail. Plus the gop retained control of congress which will get things done. Not all sectors are rallying on the trump win. Tech companies are taking a hit. Candidates criticized the sector on the campaign trail. Facebook and amazon closed low yesterday. Dow futures are higher today. European markets are mixed. Shares in asia closed higher. So steve bannon of breitbart or Reince Priebus of the rnc . Which one will run the white house for trump . We are keeping our eye on protests and one which has turned into a riot in portland, oregon. Stay with us. All right. Live pictures right now from portland, oregon. You can see the background those are police and the police line. The reason they are there is Peaceful Demonstrations upset about the results of the election. It turned into what police are calling riots overnight. Several hundred people left causing damage and lighting things on fire and breaking windows. We spoke to Sergeant Wilson from the Portland Police department who said they were using paint guns and pellet guns and smoke grenades to disperse the crowd. It is looking calmer than it did a short time ago. We saw a lot of destruction happening. Dragging garbage cans across and lighting fires. Not seeing that now. We will keep our eye on that. As we keep our eye on portland, we will talk about the future Trump Administration. He holds the meeting with the Transition Team today. This as news of steve bannon of breitbart is considered to be chief of staff. Joining us from washington is Symone Sanders. She was a former Bernie Sanders Campaign Press secretary. Paris denard. Cnn analyst josh rogin and political reporter eugene scott. Good morning to you all. Josh, i want you to remind viewers who steve bannon is and why he is controversial. You could not have two more different candidates. You have Reince Priebus, the head of the rnc who just spent a year and a half trying to keep the party together. It wasnt easy. He had mixed results. Then the executive chairman of breitbart, an organization dedicated to destroying the republican establishment. That has been a lot of what has gone into his campaign. You cannot have a more stark choice here. The white house chief the staff position is the most powerful position. Some ways more powerful than cabinet level secretary. If trump chooses steve bannon, it will be a clear sign about forget about reaching out to democrats. Steve bannon is a man dedicated to burning it all down and if he is able to do that from the oval office, that will be quite something to watch. Paris denard, can you give us an idea of what is going on behind the scenes in the soon to be Trump Administration as to who will be chief of staff . Absolutely. Look, by law, both campaigns had funds set up for the federal government to help with the transition process. After 9 11 you need to have time to put together the administration and get it going so you dont have this gap of time with no leadership. Paris, im talking about the decision of bannon and possibly Reince Priebus. Whats going through their things and say choosing between those two. Right. To that point, they take this very seriously. Because by law they have to do this. What bannon is, he is an effective leader. Effectively led his organization breitbart. He has done a great job as it relates to the Campaign Getting mr. Trump to president elect. Reince priebus, the chairman of the rnc, he has been an effective leader the last year like previously stated in leading the rnc and getting mr. Trump to be president elect trump. It is a serious decision of who can manage the white house and the message of the white house and personnel of the white house. And andy card, he said make sure the president eats well, sleeps well and gets the information he needs at the right time. Whether it is bannon or Reince Priebus or somebody else on the list that we dont know, it will be somebody who will be an effective leader because mr. Trump now president elect donald trump has the expertise and experience as a Business Leader and finding the best talent to keep the ball moving forward. I know andy card. Steve bannon could not be more different than andy card. He was the epitome of a washington and Political Insider who work ed in many, many administrations. And he knew how to get things done. Some people say donald trump needs. Others say he won the campaign by bomb an outsider. Symone, sanders, steve bannon, because of his association with breitbart and the ads at the end of the campaign with antisemitic themes. That sends a message that people right now looking for signs of healing. Signs of reaching across the divide. Steve bannon isnt reaching across that divide, symone. No, steve bannon has no interest in reaching across that divide. I have friends that work at the Republican National committee. People that came in post trump. People came in after trump had been elected as the republican nominee. They are definitely concerned. There were real tensions between the campaign folks specifically the bannon crew and committee. Clearly the people with the Republican National Convention Want nothing more than than Reince Priebus to jump in and serve. There are concerns across the board. You look at the democratic side. Folks like myself, democratic leadership, we are looking and watching and waiting to see what trump will do. There are many people who called again for healing. Said to give trump a chance. I need donald trump, president elect trump, to show us what he will do and picking steve bannon is a clear signal the clearest sign we could have of what type of white house he will run. Eugene scott. Your thoughts on the possible chief of staff . I think we have to remember that donald trump was elected by a Broader Group than we thought. We thought he would get mainly white working class. He got most white men and most white women. Many of the people are more centrist than steve bannon. For him to go with steve bannon would please a part of his support base, but it wont please many who are truly hoping to work with the left. And again, this is rumor and speculation. There is no guarantee. It more than rumor. You are right. He certainly hasnt made the hire. Until he does, we dont know. These are sources from within the Transition Team telling us directly making sure that we know that steve bannon is being considered. This is something that they made a point of telling us and not just us, but other news organizations. Guys, stick around. Ahead on early start. The fight for mosul. Killed in the fight in the Coalition Air strike. We are live in iraq as the fighting intensifies. 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Iraqi sources say a commander was killed in a Coalition Air strike this week. The terrorist group confirming his death. We are diplomatic editor Nic Robertson live in iraq. Reporter good morning, alison. This could be significant for isis to see how they replace the senior commanders. He was a former Intelligence Officer and previous iraqi dictator. Saddam husseins intelligence services. Somebody who knew his way around the battle field and a lot of military and intelligence experience. That said, what we are seeing in mosul at the moment is isis on the eastern side of the city really resisting the government. The Government Forces havent pushed any deeper into the city than they have about a week ago when they first went in. They are setting booby traps in houses and pushing people out. Key intersections with oil drums rigged to explode. And also shooting anyone they think is a spy and leaving them at intersections as an example for people, not to collude with the iraqi government. The battle in the east of mosul bogging down to the south. Iraqi forces say in the past few weeks, they killed about 1,200 isis members. Some isis leaders seem to flee the city. Leaving behind teenagers in the place and people worried about the brainwashed isis teenagers with guns. Alison. Thank you, Nic Robertson with that update on the push toward mosul. Antitrump protests across the country in some cities. Now president elect trump has responded to this on twitter. Wait until you hear who he is blaming. Stay with us. This is cnn breaking news. Breaking news. Antidonald trump protesters get destructive. At least one demonstration was declared a riot. Welcome back to early start. Im alison kosik. Im john berman. 30 minutes past the hour. It is veterans day. Hats off to the veterans across the country. Welcome to viewers in the United States and around the world. The breaking news this morning. This is portland, oregon within the last hour. We saw these confrontations between police and demonstrators there. Just a short time ago, we heard from a police sergeant. Sergeant pete wilson. He said what started as antitrump demonstrators. Some 4,000 people ended up being 100 or 200 violent protesters. He described as anarchists. Setting fires and breaking windows. Police, he told us, were using non lethal responses like pepper spray and paint guns. There were several arrests, he told us, as well. We get the sense and were checking inasmuch as we can with portland. We get the sense the final 200 people who policed described as rioters has started to leave the scene. These pictures from a short time ago. We are told the situation is a bit more calm. Portland is one of a dozen cities coast to coast where thousands of people were protesting results. Election. This is the second time in a row. For the first time, we got a response from donald trump himself about the protests. What did he say . Well, he blamed the media. Overnight, he said just had a very open and successful president ial election. Now professional protesters incited by the media protesting. Very unfair. And antitrump protest in oakland, california becoming heated overnight as police try to keep the lid on the agitated crowd. Cnns dan simon has more. Reporter the temperature has risen on the streets of oakland, john and alison. The crowd has become unruly. Vandalism and some blocking the freeway. It was different earlier where it was a peaceful protest. A group of citizens wanted to state their disgust and try to figure out how to move forward. That anger is turning into Something Like chaos and police are trying to deal with it the best they can. John and alison. That was oakland, california. Most of the protests overnight were peaceful. Cnns ana cabrera walked alongside thousands of demonstrators at one protest happening in denver. Reporter john and alison, hundreds of protesters gathering in denver protesting against the election of donald trump. They say this is not a march or a protest necessarily to hate trump. It is a protest to reject hate. Reject bigotry. To reject racism, discrimination and oppression. I want to talk with a protester here. This is lisa. Li lisa, you came here with your day. I want my daughter to understand that love is the important thing and we dont discriminate based on a persons color or where they come from or who they love. Shes a woman. Thats really important to me as well. And i want her to know even at 3, she has a voice in our democracy and no matter what the Electoral College says, we still have a voice and say. Reporter thank you so much. Were hearing a lot of similar sentiments. There are people here of all rces and all ages and all walks of life. They say they want this to be a symbol of unity. A rejection of division. John and alison. Ana, thank you. New information this morning on planning for the trump transition which gets under way today. A source tells cnn that the president elect will sit down in new york with the transition planning team. He will be briefed on where things stand right now. The top priority is filling 800 administration jobs. That takes a while. Traditionally the first job to be filled is the white house chief of staff. A new name is stirring controversy. President elect trump is strongly considering steve bannon. He is the chairman of breitbart news. He came on as the Trump Campaign chair at the end. We are told the idea of bannon running the white house is not actually sitting well with some inside the trump camp. They dont think he is the best fit for the position. As the chair of breitbart news, very controversial. Publishing things which has racist sentiment. Bannon did help turn around the Trump Campaign. And another name tossed about for chief of staff is Reince Priebus. Priebus became a trusted confidant for trump in the down days of the campaign. Here is what the chairman told jake tapper about possibly filling the position. This really is not an issue. Honestly, it just isnt. Right now, basically most of us have had two hours of sleep in four days. I think people are taking a breath and getting some of the details figured out. Just the Transition Teams as you know have been working for months and months. So slowly those details will come out. Insiders tell cnn that priebus and trump have already discussed the chief of staff job. President elect trump and new administration say they plan to hit the ground running after meeting with House Speaker paul ryan and majority leader mitch mcconnell. He was asked to list his top three priorities for the first day he gets to the white house. S people will be very, very happy. What are the top three . Were going to look very strongly at immigration and health care and jobs. Okay. You want to look at this. President elect trump and president obama shaking hands and exchanges pleasantries. We would not believe this would have happened a week ago. This is a photo op for the ages after the nastiness and name calling, trump emerged from the 90minute white house meeting with high praise for the president. Even calling him a good man. Hours later, trump tweeted, a fantastic day in d. C. Met with president obama for the first time. Really good meeting. Great chemistry. Melania liked mrs. O a lot. Listen to the two men addressing the media. Most of all, i want to emphasize to you this president elect that we now are going to want to do everything we can to help you succeed because if you succeed, the country succeeds. I very much look forward to dealing with the president in the future, including counsel. He explained some of the difficulties and some of the high flying assets and some of the really great things that have been achieved. So, mr. President , it was a great honor being with you and i look forward to being with you many more times in the future. Thank you. High flying assets. I think he means air force one. People will have to use. He has to use air force one because it is a technical marvel and secure and intelligence reasons for it. Every president whoever rides in it says it is a marvel. In the wake of Hillary Clintons loss, the new Democratic Party chairman is in the works. Howard dean led the party from 2005 to 2009 after he ran for president and was seen as a surging campaign. Dean as dnc chair set up a 50state strategy that some people thought did help during obamas first election. Bernie sanders has a lot to say. He is touting Keith Ellison for the chair of the Democratic Party. One of two muslims in the house and co chair of the congressional caucus. Ellisons office refused to comment. It was day two of the trump bounce. Wall street continuing to give president elect trump a warm welcome. The dow jumping up 1. 1 . The dow closing at an alltime high. That was due to the victory speech. Trumps raising hopes of the economy and scrap the extreme Campaign Positions on the trail. U. S. Futures are pulling back from earlier today. Enthusiasm is waning for the president elect. Wall street wants trump to address the social unrest in the country. Macys isnt happy with the Trump Presidency. Dropping the clothing line last year after he called mexicans rapists and criminals. The company has no plans to bring it back now. The ceo saying, quote, you wouldnt carry a political candidate. Were not a political company. But ivanka trumps clothing line is still sold at macys. The question of who will run the white house during the Trump Presidency . The two menu see there surrounding trump could not be more different. Which one is the frontrunner . Well discuss next. [ male announcer ] eligible for medicare . Thats a good thing, but it doesnt cover everything. 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And provided by unitedhealthcare insurance company, which has over 30 years of experience behind it. Call today. Remember, Medicare Supplement insurance helps cover some of what medicare doesnt pay. Expenses that could really add up. These kinds of plans could save you in outofpocket medical costs. Youll be able to choose any doctor who accepts medicare patients. And there are virtually no referrals needed. So dont wait. With all the good years ahead, look for the experience and commitment to go the distance with you. Call now to request your free decision guide. This easytounderstand guide will answer some of your questions and help you find the aarp Medicare Supplement plan thats right for you. All right. Donald trump meets with the Transition Team this morning to get a sense of whats going on and moving the ball forward. Joining us to talk about it is political commentator Symone Sanders and paris denard. Cnn analyst josh rogin. And here with us is political reporter eugene scott. Good morning one and all. Eugene, it is interesting. Alison kosik said wall street is jittery right now. I want to say there is a caveat here. We had two days of huge gains. For the first time, weariness again. Largely as a reaction to the tweet about the protest where he blamed the media and said professional agitators and floating of steve bannon as possible chief of staff. Both of these things are seen by wall street as perhaps the donald trump they thought might go away. And in lieu of the new president ial trump that popped up since the election. The reality is a lot of people are advocating giving trump a chance from multiple sides of the aisle. We really dont know who he will be. Will he become more mainstream and more to the center . Even the center of the Republican Party at some traditionalists are hoping or is he really going to bow into the demands of people like bannon and people who support breitbart . Paris, is that a better chance to go for a chief of staff more in the center . I think it was humorous he said things that donald trump bows down to anybodys demands. One of the things about the candidacy he was his own person and strong leader. I think what happens in political campaigns and transitions is you float names out to get a reaction. You test the waters and see how the person is responded to by the media and by the people and voters and by the base. I believe thats whats happening now. I do believe the white house chief of staff role is a critical one and important one. I know that mr. Trump and the team will do a great job in picking the right person for it. I can see justification for a person like bannon, but i can see justification for priebus. And then k. Cole james. He has a lot of government experience. We never know what will happen. It will be a good choice. A couple minutes left. Josh rogin, care to weigh in . Lets call it what it is. A conspiracy theory. There is no evidence of it. As we talk about whether or not campaigning is different than governing. We can say he was in campaign mode. Will he switch to government mode . This tells us he hasnt switched yet. It he makes steve bannon his chief of staff, who built an empire on conspiracy theories and spreading this information into the public space, that bodes poorly for those who hope trump will at least agree that we should live in a reality that we agree on thats based on a set of facts and set in evidence. Maybe not science, but evidence. This is not encouraging. When you see people on the streets calling for some sort of concession or outreach, they will be disappointed. This will get worse before it gets better. Symone, you were a press secretary for Bernie Sanders. Has the Trump Campaign reached out to Bernie Sanders camp about a meeting to incorporate what Bernie Sanders wanted or what he was talking about on the campaign trail . Not yet. It remains to be seen if the trump folks are going to reach out to senator sanders. His organization his Senate Office and sanders noted he is willing to hear president elect trump out and hear what happens. What is important is to understand we were in an unprecedented election and these were unprecedented transition times. The standard playbook does not apply. Things that go floating chief of staff game to get the pulse, thats not what happened. This name was deliberately given to the media because donald trump watches television. He watches the cable news shows. This will help inform his decision. No one, very few people want steve bannon on the left or right to be the white house chief of staff. Thank you, one and all. We didnt even talk about megyn kelly saying fox news leaked the questions to donald trump for the first debate. A discussion for another time. Wall street still cheering trump victory, but one company taking a different tone. What grub hub ceo emails to his staff. We will get a check on money stream next. Fromr energy are smooth and tasty, and still deliver 21 grams of protein with 100 calories. Theyre great for workouts. So great that if you dont get up to fifteen percent more reps, more laps, more distance, well give you your money back period. Protein shots from 5hour energy. Great taste. 100 calories. 21 grams of protein. Israels right wing embracing trump based on the vow to veto the u. N. Security for a Palestinian Peace deal. Trump will recognize israel as the capital. Cnns Oren Lieberman has more. Reporter it is the pledge to move the embassy from tel aviv to jerusalem and recognize jerusalem as the capital. It has the right wing celebrating. After trump became president elect, a number of those called on him to fulfill the campaign promise. As his advisers promised. Why is that controversial . For decades, it is policy that the status of israel is open to negotiations. To move that is to declare by the u. S. That jerusalem is the capital of israel. It would buck the International Policy that the final status of negotiatio negotiations. The palestinians said it was short and formal congratulations. Were willing to work with you. The position that jerusalem is the capital of israel could worry them. Oren. Great to see you. Lets get a check on cnn money stream. Day two of the trump bounce. President elect trump a warm welcome. 218 points. Up 1. 1 . Record alltime high for the dow. The up beat mood is due to the victory speech and trump raising hopes he will help the economy and scrap the extreme Campaign Positions. Plus the republicans retained the control of congress to help get things done. That enthusiasm is waning. Dow is flat. European markets are mixed. Americans signed up for obamacare in droves after he was elected president. It was the busiest day since open enrollment started. Democrats say it is proof that people depend on obamacare for insurance. Trump vowed to dismantle the program. Grub hub ceo facing bash lash for an email to employees. I absolutely reject the nationalist immigrant and hateful politics of donald trump. If you do not agree with this statement, please reply to this email with your resignation. Because you have no place here. Many call for boycotting the company over the comments. The ceo quickly put out a statement dialing this back. His comments were misconstrued and advocate for inclusion and toleran tolerance. A little dramatic. It did not convey a message of tolerance. Thats it for early start. Im alison kosik. Im john berman. Donald trump has something to say to protesters. New day starts right now. Mr. President , it was a great honor being with you. We want to do everything we can to help you succeed. We reject the president elect. If you succeed, the country succeeds. We will do some spectacular things for the american people. We are not turning this country over to what donald trump has sold. We can get this country turned around and make america great. You cant get started fast enough. This is new day with chris cuomo and alisyn camerota. Good morning. Welcome to new day. It is friday, november 11th. 5 00 in the east. On this veterans day. We begin with the second night of antitrump protests in cities across the country. The demonstrations taking a violent turn in oregon. The police say it became a riot. Trump weighing in on twitter. Calling the protests unfair and blaming the media as president elect. President obama and president elect trump coming facetoface in the historic meeting at the white house. The two pledging to Work Together until mr. Trumps swearing in 70 days from now. There are already signs of Campaign Trump coming back. So we have it all covered for you. Lets go to jason carroll. He is live at trump tower in new york city. Jason. Reporter good morning, alisyn. Anger on the streets, but at washington, d. C. , it was all smiles with the president and president elect had the First Official meeting. Trump taking time to refer to the president as quote good man. President elect trump calling protests against his victory unfair. Tweeting overnight that they are professional protesters incited by the media. This as largely Peaceful Protesters across the country take to the streets for the second night in a row. In portland, police classifying it as a riot. A stark contrast at the white house. Trump speaking with president obama for an hour and a half inside the o

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