A vote with repercussions will be felt around the world. We are live as these votes come in. Good morning. Welcome to early start. Im john berman. It is thursday, september 18th. Christine romans is off today. A crucial element in president obama as plan to fight isis is moving ahead. The house voted to support funding to train and arm socalled moderate Syrian Rebels. Many republicans back the president s plan. They did so by a more than 2 to 1 margin. This despite gop chrriticism th the plan does not go far enough to defeat the militant group. The president underscored his message that soldiers on the ground in iraq is off the table. I want to be clear. The American Forces that have been deployed to iraq do not and will not have a combat mission. They will support iraqi forces on the ground as they fight for their own country against these terrorists. As your commander in chief, i will not commit you and the rest of our armed forces to fight another ground war in iraq. The United States secretary of state had the same message. John kerry told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that the only role in iraq is to support iraqi forces. He responded to antiwar protesters saying this is no negotiation with isis. For a philosophy or cult or whatever you want to call it, frankly comes out of the stone age, theyre cold blooded killers marauding across the middle east. That is precisely why we are building a coalition to try to stop them from denying the women and the girls and people of iraq the very future that they yearn for. The Administration Sales effort on capitol hill continues today with secretary kerry testifying to the House Foreign Affairs committee and chuck hagel appearing before the senate committee. And hasan ruhani says the killing of the people is a shame for them and concern for all mankind. He did have plenty of criticism for the u. S. Plan, particularly the reluctance of the american Ground Troops. Syrian president Bashar Al Assad stepped up his campaign to destroy the socalled moderate Syrian Rebels that the United States will count on to battle isis on the ground in syria. Antiassad fighters are hit with a new wave of air strikes and assassinations. The Obama Administration says it will not coordinate with the assad regime in the night against isis. On the ground in iraq, isis has control of the second largest city. Mosul. The militant group is ordering schools to open with a ban on history and geography and l literatu literature. Now Kurdish Peshmerga forces say they are not Strong Enough to change that situation to retake mosul or help at least. The top kurdish leader says peshmerga fighters need International Help and lots of it to dislodged isis from mosul. But also complicated matters, the kurds differ ethnically. The mostly population is sunni. Anna coren is 60 miles from mosul. Reporter hello, john. You say the battle for mosul is yet to approach, but it is certainly coming up. It is going to be epic. The reason being is that they need to kick isis out of the city which is of 2 Million People. Iraqs second largest. It is also, you know, a strategic importance to isis. It is where the leader, al baghdadi gave his address to his followers of the caliphate, but also to the world. To kick isis out of that city would just be extremely important. It would really cripple the organization. It would mean the forces on the ground near in Northern Iraq could then cut off the artery, if you like, from syria. That would be extremely effective. Stopping the flow of fighters of arms moving freely between syria and iraq. It would just really hurt the terrorist organization here in iraq. You mention the peshmerga. They are not ready to take on that battle. We also have to remember that mosul falls outside of the borders of kurdistan. We spent days embedded with them over the last couple of weeks. They would say we dont have the arms or the equipment or training. They are calling on the americans and other ally countries within the Global Coalition to come to their aid. That is happening, obviously. They say they definitely need more help. U. S. Air strikes are critical. They are helping change the situation on the ground and they are being effective in pushing isis out of the small villages. We were there on the ground at the frontlines several days where they took back five villages and a strategic bridge. This is what we will see moving forward in the weeks and months as they gradually get closer to mosul. The u. S. Air strikes are critical for cover for the ground forces, but in taking out the enemy position and taking out the artillery targets. Certainly what we are hearing, john, from the peshmerga, is they want more air strikes and intensification of the air campaign so they can really make a difference on the ground. Considering they are the forces who are taking the fight directly to isis. Anna coren, thank you so much. Here at home, new York City Police on high alert after the isis supporters online to target times square and other tourist sites. Commissioner bill bratton says isis has more dangerous considerations because of the social media connections. Bratton said on tuesday, new york is a plane ride way for militants who have the proper documentation. There are thousands of potential fighters over there who will exit that conflict at some point in time. Including many canadians and british citizens and australia citizens. The potential for them to try to come back and try to commit terrorist acts here are very real. In addition to times square, the isis linked web site called for attacks on the vegas strip. Rochester new york store owner in federal court answering allegations of funding isis to fight along side jihadists. Mufid elfgeeh faces more than 60 years in prison if convicted on all of the charges. This is really interesting. Australia confronting its own domestic isis this morning. Officials there say they disrupted the plan to assassinate a member of the public. The Prime Minister tony abbott said it was issued by a isis member. There is enough equipment on board the plane heading to liberia to fund 25bed hospital in monrovia. This as the United Nations announces plans to establish an on the Ground Mission in west africa to coordinate the battle against ebola. Dr. Kent brantly says he would like to return to west africa to continue his work against ebola. He told lawmakers on wednesday they have to move quickly. This is a global problem and the u. S. Must take the lead immediately. The longer we wait, the greater the cost of the battle both in dollars and lives. We must act decisively to bring healing and stability to the people of west africa and the african continent and the world. Three vaccines and ten medications are in development, but Officials Say it is not nearly enough for everyone when it is available. Discussions are under way to determine who gets them. Encourage news from nebraska. Dr. Rick sacra is expected to make a full recovery after contracting ebola in liberia. Another nfl player accused of Domestic Violence. Four players pushed aside by the teams for off the field violence for the time being. What team leaders are saying this morning and the big cost the nfl is facing. Our andy scholes is breaking it all down next. [announcer] play closegood and close. Help keep teeth clean and breath fresh with beneful healthy smile snacks. With soft meaty centers and teeth cleaning texture,its dental that tastes so good. Beneful healthy smile food and snacks. An Unprecedented Program arting busithat partners businesses with universities across the state. For better access to talent, cutting edge research, and state of the art facilities. And you pay no taxes for ten years. From biotech in brooklyn, to next gen energy in binghamton, to manufacturing in buffalo. Startupny has new businesses popping up across the state. See how startupny can help your business grow at startup. Ny. Gov bad week gets worse for the nfl as another player gets arrested for abuse cases. Andy scholes has more in the bleacher report. Reporter good morning, john. Latest on the Arizona Cardinals back up running back jonathan dwyer. His arrest stems from two incidents that occurred in july involving a 27yearold woman and an 18monthold child. Dwyer was charged with one count of aggravated assault causing a fracture. One count of assault involving a minor and other charges. According to Phoenix Police, dwyer allegedly threw a shoe at other towards his son. He denies assaulting the female and child. In the statement, the cardinals said we became aware of the allegations this afternoon when notified by Phoenix Police and cooperating fully. Given the serious nature, we have taken the step to deactivate jonathan from all team activities. Adrian peterson, meanwhile, is away from the minnesota vikings. Peterson and the team mutually agree he would be on the exempt list until the child abuse charges resolve. The running back will be paid his 12 million salary. The vikings held a press conference to explain the change of heart. We want to be sure we get this right. In the end, it really is about getting it right. Our focus right now today is to get this right. And we admitted to making a mistake and we want to get this right. Reporter think they want to get it right. The Carolina Panthers greg hardy was on the exempt list. He played in week one, but benched after public pressure mounted. He was convicted in july, but currently appealing. He will continue to get paid while he sits out. The reigning Heisman Trophy winner is in trouble again. Florida state suspending Jameis Winston for the first half of clemson for the obscene gesture in the School Student union. This is after witnesses posted what they saw on twitter yesterday. Winston apologized for his actions. First of all, i want to apologize to the university, to my coaches and to my teammates. Im not a me person, but in that situation, there was a selfish act. When i do get my opportunity to play, ill do everything i can because i have to accept that. That is going to eat me up. I want to be on the field. You understand what im saying . I want to be on the field with my team. I did something. I have to accept my consequences. Reporter seems like every few months, winston finds a way to get in trouble. We cannot come close to say what he shouted. Im sure everyone out there, if you investigate, you will understand why he is being punished. You may wonder why it is only half a game. Andy scholes, thank you. Sponsors of the nfl are speaking out, but so far they are not taking a stand with dollars. This in response to the Domestic Violence issues around the league. Two big sponsors, pepsi and anheuserbusch expressed dissatisfaction, but Neither Company has pulled advertising or sponsorship. Pepsis ceo spoke in support of Roger Goodell yesterday. Another sponsor, nike has u suspeus suspended the deal with peterson and ray rice. The Company Supplies jerseys for all 32 teams. Most sponsors promising to monitor the situation before making major decisions. Curious how long they will watch. 17 minutes past the hour. Time for an early start on your money. European stocks are higher and u. S. Futures are at a high after a close up yesterday. 11 wildfires burning across the state of california. The king fire east of sacramento has burned 30,000 acres and forcing 2,000 people to evacuate. It is about 5 contained so far with more than 1,600 buildings threatened. More than 200 firefighters on are the scene. Beating the odds. Indra petersons is here to give us a look at the forecast. I want to show you what it looks like from space. Look at the massive wildfire. You see the smoke from way up high. This is the concern as we still have really horrible Drought Conditions across the state. We are talking about 95 of the state of california now in a severe drought. You have dry fuel and last week, we have talked about record temperatures as well. We are still talking about the unbelievable heat and the dry fuel not good for firefighters. The problem in the southwest. What are we looking at . The remnants from odile. The flooding threat is high again. Take a look at the amount of rain they saw yesterday. 4 inches of rain. You have the dry ground and that is not a good combination. Places like texas looking for anywhere from 3 to 7 inches of rain which is possible out there today. If you are in the northeast, kind of a calmer picture. A couple of fronts making their way through. Southeast is improving. Everyone feeling better for the next several days. By the weekend, we will watch another storm make its way and bring more of the showers. Maybe friday for the midwest and saturday or so into the northeast. What will you notice . The drop in temperatures. Especially as we go in to tomorrow. Boston from the 70s today down to 50s as theyre highs. You will feel that change coming your way. Thanks, indra. Happening right now, scotland voting on its independence. Will it leave the as of now United Kingdom . And if it does, what will the new scotland look like. Were live as the votes are cast next. You know what my business philosophy is, reynolds . No. Not exactly. To attain success, one must project success. Thats why we use fedex one rate. Their flat rate shipping. Exactly. It makes us look topnotch but we know its affordable. [ garage door opening ] [ sighs ] honey, havent i asked you to please use the we dont have a reception entrance. [ male announcer ] ship a pak via Fedex Express saverĀ® for as low as 7. 50. Within the next 24 hours, we will know whether the United Kingdom will be united or whether scotland will strikeout on its own as an independent country. Polls opened about three hours ago or so. More than 4 million residents have registered to vote. This is the largest electorate ever in scotland. Cnns Nic Robertson is live in scotland. We have never seen anything like this, nic. Reporter i have been talking to people outside of the polling station here who covered elections in this area before. They tell me they have never seen this number of people coming in at this time of day. Normally it is just a trickle of people. We have been here since the poll opened. It was just a flood of people the first couple of hours. It is still busy. Traditionally a time when people are at work and not out so far. A huge interest. 97 of the possible electorate have registered to vote. There have been 790,000 postal votes registered so far. That is more than an 80 pick up on the postal votes, john. Serious concerns, nic, among those who oppose and the rest of those in the United Kingdom as to what happens starting tomorrow if scotland votes to leave. Reporter okay, so tomorrow would be the day, if it votes to leave, that they would begin David Cameron, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom would talk to scottish leaders to separate the countries. And then by march 2016, that is the expected date. That is when scotland would become independent if the vote goes through. There have been so many questions in the lead up to the voting day today. What will happen to the currency . Will scotland share the british pound and london is saying no. How quickly would scotland get into the European Union and get into the subsidies for the farmers. They dont want to see separatist groups in their country breaking away. It may take time. The view is that they would get in quickly and they would have the voice at the table at the European Union. No one has concrete answers, john. The polls are within the margin of error. Kids as young as 16 could vote and that could change the face of scotland forever. Nic robertson for us in scotland. Thanks so much. 26 minutes after the hour. The house officially signing on to the war against isis. At least part of the president s plan approving the effort to fund the moderate Syrian Rebels. This as a new terror plot suggesting isis may be ready to attack outside of the middle east. The new concern in the u. S. And why Law Enforcement is so concerned. The hunt for isis. The house of representatives approving the president s plan to battle the terrorists, but the war, well, it might not be that easy. New problems facing the United States in syria and the new terror plot that suggests isis militants are perhaps ready for bigger and bolder attacks. Another nfl player arrested, accused of Domestic Violence. Four players now inactive for off the field violence. How team leaders are responding. And happening right now. Historic moment. The polls open in scotland. Voters deciding on independence. Will scotland split from the as of right now United Kingdom . A vote with ripples that will be felt all around the world. Good morning, everyone. Welco welcome back to early start. Im john berman. Christine romans is off today. A crucial element to fight isis is moving ahead with a house vote to train and arm the socalled moderate Syrian Rebels. This is over republican criticism that it is not going far enough. The president took pains on wednesday to underscore his message that putting soldiers on the ground in iraq is off the table. I want to be clear. The American Forces that have been deployed to iraq do not and will not have a combat mission. They will support iraqi forces on the ground. As they fight for their own country against these terrorists. As your commander in chief, i will not commit you and the rest of our armed forces to fighting another ground war in iraq. The u. S. Secretary of state is reinforcing that message. Kerry told the senate Relations Committee the Ground Troops role in iraq is to support iraqi forces. He is calling for further diplomatic efforts saying there is no negotiation with isis. For a philosophy or cult or whatever you want to call it, that frankly comes out of the stone age, they are cold blooded killers marauading across the middle east. That is precisely why we are building a coalition to try to stop them from denying the women and girls and the people of iraq the very future that they yearn for. The administrations sales effort on capitol hill continues today with the secretary of state testifying to the House Foreign Affairs committee and secretary of defense chuck hagel appearing before the house Arnold Services committee. Hasan ruhani says the killing of innocent people is a matter of shame for them and concern for all mankind. He criticized much of the u. S. Plan questioning the combat troops on the ground. Saying quote, are americans afraid of their soldiers being killed . And syrian president Bashar Al Assad has stepped up his campaign to destroy the rebels. Assad fighters are being hit. The Administration Says it will not coordinate with the assad regime in the fight against isis. On the ground in iraq, isis has control of mosul. The group is ordering schools there to open, but with a ban on teaching history and geography. Kurdish Peshmerga Forces say they are not Strong Enough to change the situation in mosul. Peshmerga fighters will need International Help and lots of it to dislodged isis from the city. You are talking about urban combat. We have anna coren in erbil. Reporter good morning, john. As you say, the battle for mosul is still some way off. It will be a critical fight when it finally does happen. Yes, the peshmerga not ready yet to hit this city. Iraqs second largest city taken back in june. They say they need arms and weapons and training to operate this equipment. They also need the intelligence gathering. They need the help from the United States and the Global Coalition before they go in. The Kurdish Forces are really going beyond what their duties are. When you take into considers what general dempsey said, half of the Iraqi Security forces not here in Northern Iraq, but for the rest of the country, are incapable of partnering with the United States to push back isis. It is alarming. It does mean that the peshmerga will be very much on their own taking that fight to isis. Certainly in the city of mosul. Now if they are able to hit mosul and do it well, then they can cut off the artery from syria. It is close to the syrian border. That means the stop of the flow of fighters and arms which happens so easily and freely between the to states. This is now a caliphate. It would cut off that flow. Just as far as the importance of mosul. We have seen the address from isis leader al baghdadi speaking to his followers within the caliphate and to the world with the address months ago from the mosque in mosul. It would hurt isis badly if mosul was taken. John, as we know, it is not going to be easy. Peshmerga and Kurdish Forces cannot walk in and take it back. This is densely populated. A city of 2 Million People. Air strikes have been critical in the area so far will not be effective. They wont want to hit the city in case of inflicting mass casualties. The United States doesnt want collateral damage. It is up to Kurdish Forces to push isis out of the city. To liberate iraq from isis, they have to get rid of isis in the city of mosul. To do that, air strikes is not as effective as the rest of the country. Anna, thanks. Police on high alert after isis targeting times square. Commissioner bill bratton says isis is more dangerous than al qaeda because of the social media use to gather followers. He said militants are a plane ride away with the proper documentation. Thousands of potential fighters there to exit that conflict at some point in time. Including many canadians and british citizens and australian citizens. In excess of 100 u. S. Citizens. The potential for them to come back and commit terrorist acts here are real. In addition to times square, the isis linked web site called for attacks on the las vegas strip. And a rochester, new york store owner is in federal court to trying to recruit jihadists. Mufid elfgeeh is expected to plead not guilty. He faces more than 60 years in prison if convicted. This is interesting. Australia confronting its own domestic isis there. The police have disrupted a plan accused of threatening a member of the public. Prime minister tony abbott says the planned attack is directed from the middle east by a senior isis leader. Another nfl player arrested accused of Domestic Violence. A problem plaguing the league. Four players now separated their teams. Inactive for the time being for off the field violence. Developments ahead. Plus, california burning. A state of emergency declared. Extreme heat and wind fueling the fire. Indra petersons is tracking it all for us next. 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Bad week gets worse for the nfl. This time Arizona Cardinals running back jonathan dwyer. Charges stemming from two july incidents at his home in phoenix. In a statement, the cardinals say we became aware of the allegations this afternoon when notified by Phoenix Police and cooperating fully. Given the nature, we have deactivated jonathan from all team activities. No Public Comment from dwyer. He admitted confrontation took place. Greg hardy is taking a voluntary leave from the team. Hardy has been placed on the exempt list while appealing his conviction. He was found guilty of choking and then threatening to kill his then girlfriend. David gettelman made a statement on wednesday. We are disappointed. He is an outstanding player. Obviously, it is disappointing. He has to get this we have to get it right. We have to get this right. Hardy will be paid during his leave, but not be allowed to attend team practice. Minnesota vikings are admitting to a mistake when reactiva reactivated adrian peterson. Peterson was placed on the deactivated list. Listen to officials explain their about face. We want to be sure we get this right. In the end, it really is about getting it right. Our focus right now, today, is to get this right. Okay, and to we admitted to making a mistake. Our goal was to make sure we did everything we could to make the best possible decision and to make the to get it right. I guess it is about getting it right. Adrian petersons mother is publicly defending her embattled son telling the houston chronicle. I dont care what anybody says, most of us disciplined our kids more than we wanted sometimes. We were trying to prepare them for the real world. When you whip those you love, it is not about abuse, but love. 11 significant wildfires burning across the state of california. The governor declared a state of emergency in two counties. The king fire east of sacramento has burned nearly 30,000 acres and forcing 2,000 people to evacuate. About 5 contained with more than 1,600 buildings threatened. More than 2,500 firefighters are on the scene hoping the winds die down. Indra petersons has that and more. It is a bit of a mixed bag. Showers are expected. Take a look at how massive thfi is. One of the biggest concerns is the dry conditions in the area. 95 of the state is dealing with Drought Conditions. The dry conditions all up and down the west coast. The opposite side in the southwest is odile. They are looking at a lot of moisture making its way into the region. With this, the threat for flooding again today. Look at the totals we saw yesterday. 3 to 4 inches. It doesnt take much rain to see severe flooding throughout the region. Today, up around 5 inches of rain spreading in the houston area. Into the northeast, a cold front making its way through. It is moisture starved. Cold air filling in. There is another system behind it. Into the midwest, by the end of the weekend, you will start to see that system. Meanwhile, friday, look at the drop. Enjoy this. 50s as the high in boston. There will be a change in the air. Your football weather is here. Thanks, indra. Happening right now, scotland heading to the polls. Voting on independence. Will the United Kingdom be much less united this time tomorrow . Were live next. At tmobile get 4 lines for just a hundred bucks. With unlimited talk, text and now up to 10 gigabytes of 4g lte data. Plus get the best tradein value in wireless guaranteed. 58 seconds on the clock, what am i thinking about . Foreign markets. Asian debt that recognizes the shift in the global economy. You know, the kind that capitalizes on diversity across the credit spectrum and gets exposure to frontier and emerging markets. If you convert 4quarter p e of the s p 500, its yield is doing a lot better. If youve had to become your own investment expert, maybe its time for bny mellon, a different kind of wealth manager. And black swans are unpredictable. Voting under way in scotland right now on a referendum on independence from the United Kingdom. Polls opened nearly four hours ago. Nearly 4 Million People are registered to vote. The results do not just affect the people in scotland. Huge implications for the United Kingdom and countries all around the world. Our Erin Mclaughlin live in london which may lose its brothers and sisters to the north. Good morning, erin. Reporter good morning, john. Thats right. This is a historic moment for the United Kingdom. The importance of this vote really reflected in the Morning Headlines here in london. Take a look at the london times with the ominous banner dday for the union. You have the paper, the independent with the 307 year itch. During that time, there have been plenty of calls for an independent scotland. Then you have the daily mirror. Which says, dont leave us this way. This is a plea we have been seeing from the countrys politicians. Prime minister David Cameron pleading with the people of scotland to vote no. All three Major Political parties in britain offering the Scottish Parliament new powers in the event of a no vote. As for the mood here in london, i have been talking to folks and got some mixed reactions when i asked them what they thought of an independent scotland. Take a listen. Scotland is part of the u. K. Heritage and i think it would be a real shame if they decided to leave us. I feel like it would be part of my family saying i dont want to be with you anymore. Cheerio. It is fine if they decide independence. They would be better off with us. If they want to go, let them go. Reporter one poll that took place in london and wales found 63 said they are against the independent scotland, but 47 almost half, found this had no bearing on their life whatsoever. Which i found interesting considering so many ominous warnings from the politics and economists and former military leaders about the implications of the referendum. A referendum which has implications outside of the United Kingdom as well. Separatist movements in spain and belgium and ukraine will watch. Jo john. Parting is such sweet sorrow. Erin, thanks so much. The release of apples i08 tarnished by a bug. We will get an early start on your money next. Foghorn sounds loudly whats seattles favorite noise . The puget sound foghorn sounds loudly all right, never mind doesnt matter. This is a classic. What does an alien seamstress sew with . A space needle foghorn sounds loudly continuously oh come off it captain geico. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. Imagine the luxury. Of not being here. The power you want with the fuel economy you dream of. Performance with a conscience. This is volvo innovating for you. 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Apples health app out sick. A lot of hype surrounding health kit with the i0 s software. It was stalled due to a software bug. It is supposed to monitor heart rate and sleep and weight and blood pressure. There are snags with new software launches. Health kit should be available by the end of the month. Now, you may have noticed Christine Romans abandoned me today. She preparing for a big twitter extravaganza. Ask her your Financial Planning questions. She will answer them at noon today. You can tweet her starting now. Ask her anything about money and finance and why she left me alone. Use the askschristine. New day starts right now. Breaking news, an isis plot in australia thwarted. Terrorists planning to grab a random member of the public and behead them. How close did they get . The u. S. House approves the president s request to arm the Free Syrian Army to fight isis. How many in his own party turned against him . Breaking overnight another star Football Player arrested for allegedly assaulting his wife and child as another player is suspended. Were live with the latest. Happening now the polls are open and centuries of history hang in the balance. Will scotland break away from the United Kingdom . Its down to the wire. Christiania amanpour is live in scotland. Your new day starts right now. Announcer this is new day with chris cuomo, kate boldaun and michaela pereira. Good morning, welcome to new day, its thursday, september 18th, 6 00 in the east and we have breaking news here. The situation against isis is getting more complicated. Heres the latest. A terror plot in australia was thwarted. What we understand is isis sympathizers were planning to find a random member of the public and behead them to send an obvious message this is going on as president obama is trying very hard to win over congress and you in his plan to combat isis. President obama and secretary of state john kerry doubled down in their simple truth that no u. S. Combat troops will be on the ground in iraq and syria. Take a listen. As your commanderinchief, i will not commit you and the rest of our armed forces to fighting another ground war in iraq. Just as clear is that who is Strong Enough and willing enough to fight isis except the u. S. Is getting more and more difficult to answer. The president s plan to go after isis in syria did get a boost. It got a green light from the house. But you have to take a look at the numbers. 71 democrats, members of h

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