Im poppy harlow. Im john berman. It is 5 00 a. M. In the east. Israel warning an intense large scale military operation is close at hand. The crisis in the region escalating after the israelis sent in Ground Forces to knock out a site over the weekend. It started a missile attack and killed 18 members. We are monitoring the developments live from gaza this morning. Good morning to you, carl. Reporter poppy, this conflict is continuing to escalate. Certainly no sign of a let up. The Israeli Military said in the last 24 hours, they launched 40 air strikes on the gaza strip. The military says they are trying to target tunnels used by militants and their Training Camps and weapons dumps. Hamas, no sign they or their partners in this Islamic Jihad are putting their arms down. 130 rockets have been launched from the gaza strip toward israel. Of course, the civilians, they are the ones bearing the brunt of this operation right now. Since this israeli operation started and since hamas started firing the rockets, more than 170 people have been killed. According to United Nations estimate, 70 of the people telling them to flee. Where are they going, if they are fleeing . I know some are staying in their homes. Reporter absolutely, poppy. Those warnings have been going out both by telephone messages and leaflet drops by air to residents living in a densely populated area of northern gaza. They have been told to clear out of their homes and head south. Of course, there are little opportunity to go anywhere but somewhere else in the gaza strip. The israelis will not let refugees or displaced persons out of the gaza strip. If they try to head south, both borders are firmly closed as well. What many residents are told is bunkering down in their own homes. The Relief Agency said 10,000 people in gaza went to some u. N. Run schools in more central gaza where they will be looked after. Many hundreds of thousands still in the northern part of gaza. To put it in perspective, the gaza strip is the size of the metropolitan area of las vegas or detroit. These people simply have nowhere to run. 140 square miles. Appreciate the reporting for us this morning. Stay safe. The process of recounting 8 million votes is under way in afghanistan. One month after the disputed president ial election. Secretary of state, john kerry talked about threats. The u. S. Led nato forces will supervise the process once the results are announced. They will have a unified government. Developing this morning, more doubt about the stability of iraq. They have once again failed to name a new speaker of the parliament. They were on the verge of a deal before negotiations fell apart. Its key to securing help from america. Sunni carried out a raid. Russia with a certain warning for ukraine. A russian man was killed in a cross border shooting. The forces were not the ones who fired suggesting it could be separatists. Fighting increased since a dozen troops were killed on friday. Trying to reach a final deal between iran and the west not going smoothly, at least not so far. They said discussions have been useful, but huge gaps remain between irans demands for future enrichment and european counter parts, tehran was scale back activities. The deadline is sunday. Talks could be extended, but only if theres progress. Bowe bergdahl set to return to life as early as today. Hes finished therapy in an army hospital. Hes going to work in san antonio. He will live with two soldier who is will help with his reintegration. Hes expected to meet with the officer heading up the investigation into his disappearance in 2009. Republicans continuing to dig in and go with the president s plan to unveil the crisis. Congress will debate the funding. They say its too costly. The white house has indicated it supports new laws to fast track deportation but is not likely to reduce the size of the spending request. The white house spoke with dozens of governors asked to host Central American children who crossed the Mexican Border into the u. S. Some of the states not so receptive to the idea. In california, the Planning Commission denied a permit to turn a nursing home into a shelter for 96 children. They passed resolution banning the shelters for the children before anyone suggested opening them there. The nations governors furious over the failure to come up with a spending plan for americas highways and bridges. Calling on lawmakers to come up with a long Term Solution to update the infrastructure. Many calling for an increase in the gas tax. Right now, the federal government lacks the funds needed for road projects. Fighting in washington stalled the funding. Time for an early start on your money. Urp and asia opening higher. The u. S. Is pointing in a positive direction as well. The s p 500 endured the worst single week since april. It last. 9 . The dow and nasdaq closed lower as well. Stocks are still near record highs. Corporate americas report card coming out this week may push stocks higher. Big names in banking. On the docket, Companies Like citigroup, jp morgan and yahoo . Stocks looking to suffer from lower trading. The dow has fallen below the psychological milestone, can you believe it, of 17,000. Positive numbers may be the push it needs to get back. Lets do that. Lets make it happen together. Breaking overnight. Riots after argentinas heart breaking 1nil loss to germany. You can see the riots, tear gas and rubber bullets. 60 people were arrested. 20 officers were injured. This all happened after the game. Germany taking home the title for the fourth time. This goal, mario. He is like two fetal, 21 years old and scored a phenomenal goal in the 113th minute. It was a fantastic game. The last time they won was 1990. That was the year i was born. Europe doesnt come here until now. Germany was dominant. It was really a fun game. I have twin boys, one rooting for germany and one for argentina. Did either of them cry . Im not going to say because they watch. It was emotional and exciting. Storm set to strike from maine to california. A polar invasion. Yes, polar invasion in the middle of summer going to bring violent weather with it. We are going to tell you what its going to impact. We are talking millions of people. The lone survivor of the massacre that left six of her family members dead. Shes now speaking out. Her message of hope ahead. Raising across the concordia. Its set to float again. The dangerous operation to begin today. We are live after the break. I dbefore i dosearch any projects on my home. I love my contractor, and i am so thankful to angies list for bringing us together. Find out why more than two million members count on angies list. Angies list reviews you can trust. Help keep teeth clean and breath fresh. With beneful healthy smile snacks. With soft meaty centers and teeth cleaning texture,its dental that tastes so good. Beneful healthy smile food and snacks. Millions of americans facing a Severe Threat this morning. I want to show you the map of a powerful cold storm to trigger violent thunderstorms today and tomorrow. Talking flash flooding. Its in colorado and new mexico right now. Parts of ohio, they are bracing for another round of damaging storms after getting pounded on on monday. An inch of rain in columbus. Powerful winds leaving behind damage. I have never seen anything like it before in my life. I ran out, shut the front door. I held it shut. All of a sudden, roofing flying off everywhere and trailers rolling over. Up state new york, buildings damaged, power lines and trees down. Officials are trying to confirm whether it was, in fact, a tornado that touched down during a Violent Storm sunday. I heard like a high wind. I was like thats what. Shes hardofhearing and had no idea. I look and see the tornado was like, i just saw it tunnelling down. Im like oh, my god. Check out the flooding in the chicago area. Wow roads all over town absolutely impasse zable as thunderstorms packing 60mileanhour winds store think the region triggering flash floods. More Severe Weather today. Ohare was a joy. That car should have never been there. I want to show more flooding. This is brinkley, arkansas. They didnt need more but got it. Up to 18 inches of rain have fallen in that area. A deadly weekend at Rocky Mountain National Park in colorado. One man died when lightning hit him and three others on a hiking trail. A 42yearold woman from ohio was killed when a group of eight got hit by lightning from the storms. Creating yea i dont say at disney world in florida. Knocking out power to the monorails. No one was hurt. Dangerous night in tucson, arizona. Multiple monsoon storms. Winds over 66 miles an hour. Trees down, power lines down all over town. The wind was blowing so hard that it literally ripped the roof off and threw the insulation and everything down on the inside. Everywhere you turn, the Severe Weather far from over. Jennifer gray is with us this morning. Jennifer, i cannot believe the string of weather issues. What is the story for today. It has been a wild weekend for weather. It will continue today. Already a wet commute in cincinnati. Along i64 this morning, thats where the Severe Threat is for today. Its going to extend as far south as memphis and up to the northeast. D. C. , philly, new york could be under the threat for Severe Weather as we go through the Late Afternoon and the early evening hours. A lot of rain with the storms as well. Two to five inches of rain possible. This is through wednesday for the northeast. Thats something we are going to keep a close eye on as well. We have been talking about this polar invasion and yes, it is happening as we speak. Already starting to filter in through the great lakes area. That cooler air, how about waking up this morning in marquette. These are current temperatures, 55 degrees right now. 60 in milwaukee. 63 in minneapolis. We are going to have a couple days to enjoy this. Today, chicagos High Temperature is 80. Not quite there, yet. Tomorrow, you will start to feel it. 64 degrees, the High Temperature today in minneapolis. Look at chicagos high tomorrow, 71 degrees. Thats 14 degrees below normal. Refreshing break in july. Jennifer grarks thanks so much. We are watching this. This breaking overnight, mysterious odor forcing officials to evacuate 150 people in pennsylvania near philadelphia. Many of them transported to a local elementary school. Residents started smelling a gaslike odor last night. Hazmat checked homes one by one. They are reporting cyanide in the homes. Officials are not sure what is causing this. An emotional farewell to a family killed in a massacre. The lone survivor of the mass shooting that killed her parents and all of her siblings was on hand this weekend. She spoke out thanking first responders, doctors, hundreds of supporters on hand who attended the ceremony. Listen. The prison he said happiness can be found in the darkest of times if one only remembers to turn on the light. I know that my mom, dad, brian, emily, becca and zach are in a much better place and ill be able to see them again one day. Unbelievable strength. She played dead after the accused gunman shot her, her parents and four siblings, critically injuring her while they were face down on the floor and investigators say was an execution style killing. Kidnapping victim Michelle Knight is ready to leave the spotlight. Knight and two other women were in the headlines last year when they escaped a decade of captivity. In an interview, knight says shes scared by the crowds that sometimes follow her in public. Shes changed her name and hopes to live a normal life. She doesnt want to be a celebrity, just wants to be herself. Pope francis in controversy after claiming incredible data indicates around 2 of priests in the Catholic Church are pedophiles. A level he calls not sustainable. Hes not reassured by the number because of many that know and keep silent. The sexual abuse of minors in the church must be erat kated. 30 months after sinking off the coast of italy, the final stage for the Costa Concordia. They will attempt to refloat the vessel and tow it to the final resting place, a scrap yard. Aaron mcl aaryn joins us. They can see the Costa Concordia rising. We are expecting a full update. After all, that is the riskiest phase of the operation. For the past ten months, the Costa Concordia has been resting on giant underwater steel platforms built for this operation. What they have been doing dur thag time, preparing for the float is attaching metal boxes, 15 on either side of the Costa Concordia. Beginning this morning, they are pumping the metal boxes with compressed air. At first, they only want to raise the ship up 6 1 2 feet and move it to the east 100 feet. As i mingesed, this is risky. Its possible the bottom of the vessel could give way. Everyone there holding their breath. Next, once they move the vessel east, a team of divers, armed with chains and cables are going to go down and secure the vulnerable underbelly before they continue pumping the boxes full of more compressed air, lifting the Costa Concordia deck by deck before it is ready to be tugged away. They hope it will be ready to be pulled away to be dismantled by next monday. John . What a fete of engineering this is. What about the bodies . I know there were victims not found. Russell was a 33yearold waiter on board the Costa Concordia that tragic night two and a half years ago. Eyewitnesses last saw him at the stern of the ship helping passengers on board a lifeboat. His body has never been found. His brother, kevin, posting on facebook a prayer they will recover his remains once the Costa Concordia is towed away. Important to remember, 32 people died that night. John . Appreciate it, erin. A thrilling end to the world cup in extra time. Germany goes home with the cup and the crown. Andy scholes has all the details, next. From safety. To fuel economy. To quality. Todays chevrolet has it all. And great news the chevy 72 hour sale has just been extended. Youll get 0 apr for 72 months. Plus no Monthly Payments for the rest of the summer. 0 apr for 72 months plus no Monthly Payments for the rest of the summer. The chevy 72 hour sale ends monday. Find new roads at your local chevy dealer. A woman who loves to share her passions. Grandma mary has atrial fibrillation, an irregular heartbeat not caused by a heart valve problem. 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For information and savings options download the xarelto® Patient Center app, call 1888xarelto, or visit goxarelto. Com i am in dire need of a new hobby today. What are you going to do . The world cup is over after a month of incredible excitement. I was one of a billion plus people watching the game as germany did outlast argentina. Winning it all is the first time they have ever won a cup. Andy scholes as more. Phenomenal game. Were you rooting for germany or argentina . Argentina, so im disappointed. Sad to see the world cup come to an end. What a game we got to see with germany and argentina going at it. It was so intense. Scoreless in the second half. A great run. The shot just right. He couldnt believe it. It would go to extra time. In the 113th minute, mario comes through with an amazing goal for germany. Take a look. Off the chest. The 22yearold drills it. Hes now a national hero. Germany won, 10 to claim the world cup. What do you do when you just won the world cup . Well, take a bunch of selfies. Here they are kissing after they won. Thats sweet. The head coach, klinsmann tweeted, yes, yes, yes, jogi, you did it. Huge compliment to argentina, fwu best team won the 2014 world cup. Argentinas rodrigos hair looked like this. At one point, rat tail was on twitter. Then a genius made these names, spider man taking a swing from his hair and miley cyrus on a wrecking ball. Hilarious. Giants hosting the diamondbacks, bases loaded for buster posey. A grand slam. Giants get the bases going again. Gardner, this is the first time in Major League History that a pitcher and his catcher both hit a grand slam in the same game. Pretty cool. You want more home runs tonight, home run derby tonight in minneapolis at target field. In minnesota. Wouldnt you know that . In the harlow homestead. Wish i was there to enjoy. Thanks, andy. Violence escalating between gaza and israel. They launch rockets at one another. Israeli troops crossing into gaza last night. We are live after the break. You can get a 1,000 turbocharged reward card with a new volkswagen turbo. So why are we so obsessed with turbo . Because theres nothing more exhilarating than a powerful ride. And you can get that in places you might not expect. Like the passat. And also in the funtodrive jetta. In fact, volkswagen has sold more turbos than any other brand over the last ten years. That is a lot of turbo. Hurry in and you can get a 1,000 turbocharged reward card when you lease a new 2014 passat s for 219 a month. Happening now, the death toll rising in gaza. Israel launching more rockets, widening their targets and deploying Ground Troops calling for thousands to evacuate for their own safety. We are live. Cross country storm. Millions bracing for Severe Weather. Violent winds, rain, hail, flooding. We will track who will be hit the hardest. Breaking overnight, riots in the streets of argentina after they lose the world cup to germany. Welcome back to early start. Im poppy harlow. Im john berman. We will begin with the flight from gaza. Thousands fleeing their homes after a warning from israel that an intense large scale military operation may be imminent. The israelis sent in ground commandos after launching a deadly missile attack that injured the top Law Enforcement official and killed 18 members of the extended family. Carl is monitoring developments for us, live in gaza this morning. Carl, whats the latest . Reporter well, john, this morning, israel air strikes are pounding the gaza strip. Continuing to rain down rockets on israel. A mile and a half in that direction, we saw about three rockets heading off toward israel, high into the air and then heading off into the distance. So, certainly, neither side letting up in this fight. Certainly, no sign, yet, of any real diplomatic headway into trying to cause and bring about a ceasefire to this war as it has been going on now for the last few days. Of course, trapped in the middle the civilians, israel is continuing to make telephone calls to thousands of homes in gaza, telling the population to clear out, move south. Of course, they cannot leave gaza. They cant flee beyond the borders either as refugees or displaced people. Why . Because the borders are closed. Israel wont let the refugees in. The borders are closed unless you have been wounded or have an egyptian passport. They have dropped the leaflets in northern gaza is an indication israel is expecting to intensify the bombing raids there and could be preparing for that ground invasion. There is the sense they want more than they have the past few times we have been through conflicts like this. That could mean some kind of ground action. Thanks so much. 8 million votes are being recounted in afghanistan as we speak. One month after the disputed president ial election. Secretary of state, john kerry, brokering recounts to create a split government there. U. S. Nato forces will watch it. The plan is to try to create a united afghan government. Developing this morning, no Parliament Speaker named in iraq. Negotiations falling apart again between shiite and sunni lawmakers and also kurds. It is a key requirement of the u. S. For the u. S. To keep helping in the fight against isis. Mill tanlts carried out a raid and seem to be inching close tore the iraqi capital. A man was killed in cross border shooting. Russia is threatening irreversible consequences. Kiev says the forces are not the ones that fires. Fighting has increased and killed dozens of ukrainian troops on friday. European Foreign Ministers say the discussions have been useful, but huge gaps remain. Tehran must scale back activities. The deadline for a deal is sunday. Talks could be extended, but it would only be if there is progress to report. After five years in captivity, Bowe Bergdahl is returning to life as an active duty service member. The former p. O. W. Finished therapy and is expected to begin working in san antonio. He will live with two soldiers who will help with his resbi inauguration process. As of now, republicans refusing to go along with the president s plan to fix the Immigration Crisis unfolding at the border. Congress will continue to debate the 3. 7 billion request. Many say the measure is too costly and needs to include tougher immigration laws to win their votes. The white house indicated the new laws to fast track deportation proceedings, but not likely to reduce the size of the president s spending request. The white house spent the weekend meeting with dozens of governors seeking support from states being asked to host children who crossed over the mexican u. S. Border. Some of the states not so receptive to the idea in california. They denied a permit to turn a former nursing home into a shelter for 96 children. In texas, they banned the creation of a she woulder before anyone suggested opening one there. Voters are fed up with congress, the nations governors are furious with the failure of congress to come up with a spending plan for highways and bridges. They met in nashville, calling for them to come up with a long Term Solution. Many of the governors calling for an increase in the gas tax to do this. Right now, the federal government lacks the funds needed for road repairs and they cant pass a bill. The bickering in washington stalled the process. It continues. Time for an early start on your money. Stocks in europe and asia opening higher. U. S. Is pointing higher as well. Good news after the stumble last week when the s p 500 saw the worst week since april. They are focused on the quarterly earned numbers. Citigroups report card may be overshadowed with bigger news. Citibank is expected to reach a 7 billion settlement with the justice department. It should be announced today. Last week, we told you the sources of the bank reached the deal with the department of justice knowing it packaged bad mortgages. The payout includes 4 billion in penalties. That will go to the department of justice. The remainer goes to homeowner relief. Riots after argentinas 1nil loss to germany. Police fired tear gas and rubber bullets. Argentinas best world cup showing in 20 years. Its a dumb way to celebrate the world cup. This was the end. Germany taking home the victory and the cup after a goal in the 113th minute from mario. The last time the germans won the world cup was 1990, also defeating argentina in that game. You couldnt choose sides because your boys were on both sides . I wanted both teams to win. Ift was a moral victory. Happening today, storms from california to maine, a polar invasion in the middle of the summer, bringing Severe Weather that will impact millions. We are tracking what you need to know, next. Moderate to severe Crohns Disease is tough, but ive managed. I got to be pretty good at managing my symptoms, except that managing my symptoms was all i was doing. When i finally told my doctor, he said my crohns was not under control. He said humira is for adults like me who have tried other medications but still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe Crohns Disease. And that in clinical studies, the majority of patients on humira saw significant symptom relief. And many achieved remission. [ female announcer ] humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. If youre still just managing your symptoms, ask your gastroenterologist about humira. With humira, remission is possible. Wouldnt it be great if hiring plumbers, ask yoshopping online is as easy as it gets. Carpenters and even piano tuners were just as simple . Thanks to angies list, now it is. Start shopping online from a list of toprated providers. Visit angieslist. Com today. Millions of americans facing a Severe Weather threat. Take a look at this map. A powerful cold front in the midwest expected to trigger violent thunderstorms today and tomorrow. Flash flooding a major concern right now. Parts of ohio are bracing for another round of damaging storms after getting pounded sunday. An inch of rain falling on columbus in less than 20 minutes. Powerful winds left behind a lot of damage. I have never seen anything like it before in my life. I ran out, shut the door. I held the front door shut. All of a sudden, roofing flying off everywhere and trailers rolling over. Take a look at this scene in up state new york. Buildings damaged and power lines down in watt kins glen. Officials are trying to determine if a tornado touched down or not. I heard a high wind. I was like what was that. Shes hardofhearing and had no idea what was going on. I stop and look. Ten feet out, i look and see the tornado tunnelling down. Im like oh, my god. Look at the flooding in the chicago area. That car should never be out there. Roads all over town were passable. Thunderstorms packing 60mileanhour winds triggering flash floods. The tornado watch was triggered as well. More Severe Weather is in the forecast for today. Neighborhoods under water also this morning in arkansas. They didnt need another storm this weekend, but they got one. Up to 18 inches of rain has fallen in the area. One man died friday night when the lightning hit him and three other people on a hiking trail. An ohio woman was killed with a group of hikers was struck by lightning. Lightning causing chaos in disney world in florida. Firefighters had to evacuate 120 people on board the monorail. No one was hurt. Look at this in tucson, arizona. Monsoon strength storms slamming the city with winds clocked as high as 66 miles per hour. Trees and power lines down all over town. Reports of severe Property Damage in several neighborhoods. The wind was blowing so hard that it literally ripped the roof off and threw the insulation down on the inside. The Severe Weather not close to over yet. Jennifer gray has a look at the forecast for today. Any relief, jennifer . Not much. We have the threat for Severe Weather. Damaging winds and the possibility of isolated tornadoes today and tomorrow. Here is the threat area including memphis, nashville and louisville. Looking at washington, d. C. , philly and new york under the Severe Weather threat for today. We are talking about a lot of rain. We could see two to three inches of rain from d. C. , new york up to boston. This is through wednesday. Today, tomorrow and wednesday expecting the rain. That cooler air, though, that you were mentioning, its coming. Already starting to make its way into the great lakes area. We are going to see temperatures well below normal, right around 54 degrees starting out this morning in marquette. This is the current temperature. Not setting records this morning, but we could get close, especially tomorrow morning. 63 degrees in minneapolis. 60 degrees in milwaukee. High temperatures over the next couple of days feeling very nice. The cooler air doesnt get to you in chicago until tomorrow. Well see a High Temperature of 71 degrees. Average is 85. Were running about 15 degrees below normal. Look at these low temperatures in the 40s in marquette. We are seeing temperatures in the 50s in minneapolis and even dropping in the 50s in chicago for the next couple of mornings. Guys, its refreshing in july to get this change. Thanks, jennifer. Lets look at whats coming up on new day. Good morning. Chris cuomo is back. I have come back to find a troubling situation in the middle east. The situation there going the wrong way. The death toll is rising in israel as bombs keep coming in from gaza and of course bombardment is returned from the israelis. Israel is putting out a warning to people there, leave your homes in targeted neighborhoods. They are leading a mass exodus. Many americans involved. The question is, will there be a ceasefire . Usually, you see egypt in this situation. Do they have the pull this time . As we have been discussing this morning, rough week of weather in july . They could be talking hurricanes, right . No. Very cold in areas normally sweltering this time of year. Storms blowing through the east. What is going on here . We are going to break down the weather pattern and tell you what you need to know, all for you, my friends. Great to have you back. The pleasure is mine. A mysterious odor causing hundreds to be evacuated overnight. What has authorities so concerned . Thats ahead. Breaking overnight, a mysterious odor forcing officials to evacuate 150 people in pennsylvania, near philadelphia. Many were transported to a local elementary school. Residents smelled an odor. Hazmat was called in to check. Officials still dont know what is causing it. An emotional farewell to a texas family killed in a brutal massacre. The lone survivor of the mass shooting that killed her parents and siblings was on hand to honor her family members during a memorial service. She spoke out thanking first responders, doctors and hundreds of supporters on hand that attended the ceremony. The prison of azkaban he says happiness can be found in the darkest of times if one only remembers to turn on the light. I know that my mom, dad, brian, emily, becca and zach are in a much better place and ill be able to see them again one day. Stunning and inspiring strength. She played dead after the accused gunman shot her, her parents, four siblings face down on the floor in what investigators say was an execution style killing. A frightening night in boston. A threealarm fire breaking out in a house under construction. The flames spread to two nearby houses causing damage to several others. Look at those images. There are no reports of injury. Officials dont know how the fire started. Developing this morning, six people suffering minor burns after a fire broke out in the Rockefeller Center observation deck. A camera caught fire on an elevated part of the deck sending embers on to the people below. One of the six injured was a child taken to a local hospital as a precaution. Germany fans are still celebrating their world sup victory over argentina. It is the fourth world cup win for germany, the first since 1990, when, dont you know, they also beat argentina. We have more from alex thomas in brazil. John and poppy, when the world cup was last held here in 1950, surprise winners beating the host nation. Fast forward 64 years and no one is rubbing their eyes with disbelief. Germany has been the best and most Exciting Team of this tournament. Argentina will the most pl blatant. A world player of the year. Germany dominated possession. The breakthrough only came in extra time when mario scored a goal beautiful enough to grace any major final. The depth, control and left foot volley sparking wild celebrations in the stadium and the millions watching. The countrys chancellor, Angela Merkel was on hand to congratulate the players afterward. The captain lifted the biggest prize into the air. Germanys fourth world cup was record breaking of spains victory in 2010 and italy in 2006. This is the first time a team from the same continent won three. Its the first time a european side won in america. Never happened before. Say it, john. Mario. Its been making my morning. Hes this tall. Hes 22. His name will go on forever. Coming up, bicycle seats on airplanes. This is not a joke. It could mean less room for you and of course more profit for the airlines. Is this, could this be the future of flying . Find out next. To fuel economy. To quality. Todays chevrolet has it all. And great news the chevy 72 hour sale has just been extended. Youll get 0 apr for 72 months. Plus no Monthly Payments for the rest of the summer. 0 apr for 72 months plus no Monthly Payments for the rest of the summer. The chevy 72 hour sale ends monday. Find new roads at your local chevy dealer. I make a lot of purchases foand i get ass. Lot in return with ink plus from chase. Like 50,000 bonus points when i spent 5,000 in the first 3 months after i opened my account. And i earn 5 times the rewards on internet, phone services and at Office Supply stores. With ink plus i can choose how to redeem my points. Travel, gift cards, even cash back. And my rewards points wont expire. So you can make owning a business even more rewarding. Ink from chase. So you can. Lets get an early start on your money. Futures in the u. S. Pointing higher ahead of the open. Good news after the market stumble when the s p oo 0 saw the firgs week since april. Stocks are still near record highs. Corporate americas report cards may push them higher. Banking and tech reporting their earnings on the docket this week. Citigroup, jp morgan and google. Banking may suffer from lower volume in trading. How far will airlines go, get this, to squeeze in more passengers. Way too far. Too far, according to berman. Take a look. That is the new seat design that French Airline Company Airbus submitted for a patent over the weekend. The invention would reduce the bulk of a typical seat but, do not expect it to appear on your plane anytime soon. A spokesperson told the l. A. Times many, if not most of the concepts will never be developed. They are just patent filings that are simply conceptual. They are too comfortable. Far. Far, too much room. You know crumbs . Yes. Crumbs . Yes. People were upset to hear this company was going under. Maybe theyre not over. Days after a massive default forced them to shutter their storms, an Investment Group swooped in to offer them a second chance. It included cnbc host and the owner of dippen dots ice cream. The bake shop may reopen the location that closed. Crumbs ceo is saying they may pursue a franchise model. Good news in the world of crumbs. Thanks for watching. New day starts right now. Breaking this morning, middle east exodus. Thousands of palestinians fleeing gaza. Hundreds are americans. Israel ramping up its bombing campaign. Can the u. S. Or anyone broker peace this time . Were live with the latest. Polar plunge. Temperatures across the midwest set to hit chilly new lows as wild weather sweeps across the nation. Mass flooding, lightning striking twice, killing two in the same park. And disneys monorail evacuated overnight due to weather. The moment a pregnant woman has to jump from a burning building. The people below ready to catch her. The video you have to see. Your newt newt starts right now. Captions by vitac www. Vitac. Com good morning. Welcome to new day. Its monday, the 14th of july, 6 00 in the east. The violence going on between israel and hamas is bad as ever. Hundreds of people streaming out of gaza. Israeli air strikes targeting areas where they say the militants are staying. The death toll in gaza now over 170. This as more than 130 rockets were fired at israel sunday, and the country says it will defend

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