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It is all in the eyebrows. I dont have them. It is thurks januasday, janu. That is why im on at 4 00 a. M. It is day 27 of the Government Shutdown. Collusion evolution authored by Rudy Giuliani. President trumps lawyer deploying a new strategy that would insulate the president from possible crimes. He says he is not ruling out the possibility other members of the campaign colluded with russia. I never said there was no collusion between the campaign or between people in the campaign. Yes, you have. I have not. I said the president of the United States. There is not a single bit of evidence that the president of the United States committed the only crime you could commit here, conspired with the russians to hack the dnc. So giuliani claims he never said the campaign didnt collude with russians. A couple problems though. One, his client has said otherwise repeatedly. There was no collusion between the Trump Campaign and the russian people. There was no collusion whatsoever. There never has been. The last thing i want is help from russia on a campaign. There has been no collusion between the Trump Campaign and russians. Second problem, giuliani himself has unambiguously denied the top Campaign Officials colluded. Is it still the position of you and your client that there was no collusion with the russians whatsoever on behalf of the Trump Campaign . Correct. When i say the Trump Campaign, i mean the upper levels of the Trump Campaign. I have no reason to believe anybody else did. Only ones i checked with are obviously the top four or five people. So he says he checks with the top people. One might assume that would include the Campaign Chairman who was Paul Manafort and last week we learned that manafort gave secret polling data to konstanin kilimnick who is thought to have ties to russian intelligence. Facebook announcing it has discovered new russian accounts conducting misleading operations. In a blog post the soescial network says it removed multiple page, groups and accounts. Facebook says there were two operations, one active in several countries, the other specific to ukraine. It says that the two operations used similar tactics creating networks of accounts to mislead others about who they were and what they were doing. Day 27 of the Government Shutdown, longest in history. No offramp here. And House Speaker nancy pelosi is hitting the president where it hurts him the most, trying to take away his tv air time. At this point the president still plans to deliver his state of the union speech as scheduled january 29 even though pelosi sent a letter to mr. Trump asking him to move the date or deliver the speech in writing because of security concerns caused by the shutdown. Hundreds of people working on the logistics and security of it, most of those people are either furloughed or victims of the shutdown, the president s shutdown. But that isnt the point. The point is security. Make no mistake, it is ultimately speaker pelosis decision whether President Trump delivers the address to a joint session. The house and Senate Must Pass resolutions to green light the state of the union. Neither has done so and pelosi controls whether the house will pass one at all. That has House Minority leader Kevin Mccarthy all fired up calling on pelosi to act like a speaker and claims that the request is motivated by pure politics. Kirstjen nielsen says that the department of home land security and the u. S. Secret service are fully prepared to support and secure the state of the union. Nationwide more people are feeling the real life effects of the Government Shutdown. Growing concern in particular for overworked and unpaid federal airport employees. Ed lavendera has more on the steep price americans are paying for government dysfunction. Reporter in washington, federal workers wait in line for food. When i saw there was a free hot meal for people who have been affected by the shutdown, i decided to come down and get you know, take advantage of that. Thank you for being here. Reporter the Chefs Foundation is feeding thousands of federal workers going without pay. Coast to coast unpaid federal employees are turning to charities for help. But the effects could be even more widespread. Cnn has learned an estimated 2 million contractors could be losing their paychecks as well. And they would not be eligible for Government Back pay. There will be no back pay, this is unpaid time off for me. Reporter and there is also growing concerns for air travel. Tsa agents are protesting at airports across the country. The tsa is reporting skyrocketing absences, 6. 1 yesterday, compared with 3. 7 the same day last year. Im mostly concerned about security. After september 11th, flight attendants cannot expect to be the first point of security. Reporter and they are worried about unpaid overworked employees staffing the control towers. And then there is the coast guard, the first branch of the military to miss a paycheck during a shutdown. Its been pretty somber. Were living on our savings account right now. Reporter every american will feel the Economic Impact now projected by the white house to be worse than expected. Some analysts estimate a 1. 2 billion loss each of the first three weeks the government was closed and if it continues, growth could slow to zero. As the shutdown stretches on, more people are being called back to work without pay. Public health and environmental cleanup is threatened as well. Sites are not being cleaned up. Inspections are not being conducted. Permits are not being issued. Were not outreaching to the community. Were not processing grants for contracts. So it has a spillover effect. Reporter in the meantime, some workers say they are looking for new jobs in the private sector and hoping for some compromise. I dont understand why we as government workers are being penalized for a wall that we have nothing to do with. Reporter what were hearing repeatedly from Government Employees who are having to work without pay here is that it is the uncertainty of what is going to happen that is really starting to take its toll on a lot of these workers. Many of them say they dont know how long this Government Shutdown is going to last, and they fear at this point that it could last months. Dave and christine. Ed, thank you. The shutdown comes at a time when consumers and businesses already starting to worry about potential downturn on the horizon. A survey by the National Association of realtors found, get this, that quarter of realtors say the Government Shutdown had dissuaded their clients from buying homes. The shutdown also putting key economic reports on hold that creates more uncertainty for investors and farmers. Farmers normally look to a report on World Markets to help determine what to plant in the spring. But look, the department of agricultural is swept up in the shutdown, that crucial report was not published last week. Congress department is unfounded. Retailers did not get a report on last month sales. They are now in the dark on how americans spent their money during the holiday season. If the shutdown lasts through the end of the month, it is unlikely the government will be able to publish its next report on gdp. The broadest measure of economic activity, dark. This is something incredibly closely watched by investors and by the president of the United States. There are no plan to reverse President Trumps decision to withdraw troops in syria. That following an attack that left four americans dead. Isis has claimed responsibility. Remember, it was just a few weeks ago the president justified his decision to pull u. S. Troops out of syria. We have won against isis. Weve beaten them and weve beaten them badly. Republican senator Lindsey Graham a staunch ally of President Trump has been harshly critical of the president s strategy in syria saying he is concerned the president s statements have emboldened isis. My concern by the statements made by President Trump is that it sets in motion enthusiasm by the enemy were fighting. You make people who are trying to help wonder about us. And as they get bolder, the people were trying to help are going to get more uncertain. I saw this in iraq. And im now seeing it in syria. Ten days ago graham oig appld the president for slowing things down. A now some of the video youre about to see may be disturbing, i dont man nin jomana karedshe the latest. Reporter this town in Northern Syria the blast killing at leeast 90 people, including civilians, kurdish fighters and u. S. Troops according to the department of defense, two Service Members were killed. Were having difficulty there with jomana karedshehs signal. Well check back with her in the next half hour for the latest. And those four americans were targeted, it was a military con destroy that was targeted. 19 dead all together, it was this convoy of military folks headed to a restaurant. Looks like a target specifically of u. S. Military. And some have said further proof that we need to get out quicker, others say this is proof that we need to bear down. So for example the president is hearing from senator rand paul who doesnt call himself an ice ligsist, he calls himself a noninterventionist and he wants the u. S. Out of syria. Others saying by saying were leaving, it emboldens isis. All right. 11 past the hour. A leading Advocacy Group with the Lgbt Community angry with karen pence, she is back in the classroom at a school that does not allow gay children. Its tough to quit smoking cold turkey. 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Nd i switched to the spark cash card i earn unlimited 2 cash back on everything i buy. And last year, i earned 36,000 in cash back. Which i used to offer Health Insurance to my employees. Whats in your wallet . Racist comments by congressman steve king will not be subject to a censure vote on the house floor. Two resolutions to censure the republican are being referred to the House Ethics Committee instead. Democratic leaders are concerned about setting a precedence over offensive speech. The house voted on a disapproval. That we have to do such a thing is unbelievable. This is following recent chen s comments by king. Bobby rush was the only house member to vote against the House Resolution because it didnt go far enough. He says it condemns bigotry, but ignores the big on tbigot. The lgbt Advocacy Group is condemning karen pence. The Vice President s wife is teaching art at emanuel krirsian school in northern virginia. She previously taught there for 12 years. Here is what the group glad says about that. It is disturbing second lady karen pence would put her stamp of approval on an institution that actively targets lgbtq students. A spokesman for mrs. Pence tells cnn that it is absurd that her decision to teach art and the schools religious beliefs are under attack. She would not say whether the second lady agrees with the schools antigay policy. A true basketball rarity, one player outscoring an entire team. Andy scholes has more in the Bleacher Report next. One hour pickup order . Got it. Ran out of ink and i have a big meeting today. And 2 boxes of twizzlers. Yeah, uh. For the team. The team . Gooo team. Order online pickup in an hour. And, now save 250 on a lenovo 2in1 flex. At office depot officemax. And, no save 250 on a lenovo 2in1 flex. Cleaning floors with a mop and bucket is a hassle, meaning you probably dont clean as often as youd like. For a quick and convenient clean, try Swiffer Wetjet. Theres no heavy bucket, or mop to wring out, because the absorb and Lock Technology traps dirt and liquid inside the pad. Its safe to use on all finished surfaces tile, laminate and hardwood. And it prevents streaks and hazing better than a micro fiber strip mop, giving you a thorough clean the first time. For a convenient clean, try Swiffer Wetjet with a money back guarantee. Brand power. Helping you buy better. Michigan state president john engler resigning after he claimed layer rrry nassars vic were enjoying the spotlight. It came last week. The former three term michigan governor told the newspaper are survivors who havent been in the spotlight have been able to deal with this better than the ones who have been in the spotlight who are still enjoying that moment. At times the awards and risk nation. More than 150 victims testified about the abuse they suffered at the hands of nassar and the toll it took on their lives. The first victim to accuse nassar publicly responded to the suggestion that she is somehow enjoying this moment by tweeting this, you mean like having to change the day i xwroesh grocero my three kids dont see photo of their mom. Tell me more about how enjoyable this is. And cant ekanters relgtsz sh relationship has gone from bad to worse. Now they are calling him a terrorist. Andy scholes here with the Bleacher Report. The knicks play in london today, but they will do so without kanter. He dnlg maid not make the trip e he feared that he could be kidnapped or assassinated by members of thekanter has been a critic of erdogan. And turkey has put in an extradition request and requested and interpol red notice for the arrest of kanter stating that he is suspected of being part of a terror organization. Kanter immediately responded to this news on twitter saying turkish government cannot present any single piece of evidence of my wrongdoing. I dont even have a parking ticket in the u. S. Ive always been a law abiding resident. Kanter then actually poked fun of the news tweeting the only thing i terrorize is the rim. The knicks play the wizards today at 3 00 eastern. Rockets james harden with another record setting night. 58 points against the nets. It was his second straight game where he scored more than 57 points. But the rockets, they blooe this o blew this one. The game went to overtime. And in the extra period, dthe basket plus the foul. The nets stun the rockets in overtime, 145142. And maybe it was the shoes, these custom beyonce themed sneakers paying tribute to the p was quite the clutch performance for continue widdy. And megan walker at uconn single handedly outscored tulane last night. Walker ended up with a careerhigh 34 points. Tulane scored just 33. Is n this is not 9 firthe first time thises that happened, but the First Time Since 2002. Sunday well have one of the coldest games in nfl history, expected to be in the Single Digits around kickoff. And patriots head coach Bill Belichick gave a great answer when asked if the cold temps would affect his team. Were preparing for the chiefs. Whatever it is, it is. It will be colder sunday than any point this year, so have a little mental toughness, a little physical toughness. And just deal with it best you can. Playing in the championship ga game. Love Bill Belichick. And good sign for the patriots, tom brady 51 in games that were played in sub 20 degree temperatures. So well wait and see if he can continue that success on sunday against the chiefs. I recall covering a playoff game in gillette, 10 below windchill in 2000 will a4 and b pretty good. Patrick mahomes, that is who we have to watch. Thank you, my friend. 26 past the hour. Two years of collusion denials and now the president s own attorney cant say if the campaign colluded with russia. I never said there was no collusion between the campaign or between people in the campaign. I said the president of the United States. A new defense tactic to insulate the president , will it work. Daddy diaper duty. I cant say its the highlight of fatherhood. But id rather be here with my little man than not be here because of migraine. I have three words for migraine. I am here. Aimovig, a preventive treatment for migraine in adults, reduces the number of monthly migraine days. For some, that number can be cut in half or more. The most common side effects are pain, redness or swelling at the injection site and constipation. Talk to your doctor about aimovig. And be there more. The best simple salad ever . D great tasting, hearthealthy california walnuts. So simple, so good. Get the recipes at walnuts. Org. In the time it takes to brew a cup. Heres the story of Green Mountain Coffee Roasters costa rica paraiso. First, we go to san marcos, costa rica. And meet sergio. Thats his daughter, maria. Sergios coffee tastes spectacular. Because costa ricas land is spectacular. So we support farmers like sergio. Who use natural compost. Made from coffee pulp. It helps keeps the soil healthy. And the coffee delicious. For the future of his community. Thats sergios neighbor, leo. Sergio wants grandkids. Which is making this very interesting. All for a smoother tasting cup. Green mountain Coffee Roasters. Packed with goodness. I never said there was no collusion between the campaign or between people in the campaign. Yes, you have. I have not. I said the president of the United States. The president s lawyer admitting members of the campaign may have colluded with russia . Astonishing shift in strategy that would insulate donald trump from his entire campaign. Coast to coast the pain grows from the Government Shutdown. Workers, contractors and their families struggling. Now a power play by the House Speaker could cancel state of the union address. Could set in motion enthusiasm by the enemy were fighting. The president proclaimed isis in syria was defeated. Now four americans are dead after a terror attack. And the president at Michigan State has resigned, he recently said some of nassars sexual Abuse Victims were enjoying the spotlight. He is out. Welcome back to earearly star. It is almost friday and teye have it, check out the look on the face of chris cuomo when Rudy Giuliani says that his claim about collusion. And look at giulianis, as well. It is quite an evolution in eyebrows. Two new yorkers who have argued and tangled before and there is just a two second good stuff. Also day 27 of the Government Shutdown. Well get to the effects in a moment. But we start with collusion evolution. Authored by Rudy Giuliani. President trumps lawyer deploying a very new strategy that would insulate the president from possible crimes by other Campaign Officials. Last night giuliani told chris cuomo he is not ruling out the possibility that other members of the campaign colluded with russ russia. I never said there was no collusion between the campaign. Yes, i have. I did not. I said the president. There is not a single bit of evidence that he conspired with the russians to hack the dnc. So giuliani claims he never said the campaign did not collude with russians. Two problems. One, his client has said otherwise repeatedly. There was no collusion between the Trump Campaign and the russian people. There was no collusion whatsoever. There never has been. The last thing i want is help from russia on a campaign. There has been no collusion between the Trump Campaign and russians. Second problem, giuliani himself has unambiguously denied the top Campaign Officials colluded. Is it still the position of you and your client that there was no collusion with the russians whatsoever on behalf of the Trump Campaign . Correct. When i say the Trump Campaign, i mean the upper levels of the Trump Campaign. I have no reason to believe anybody else did. Only ones i checked with are obviously the top four or five people. So he says he checks with the top people. One might assume that would include the Campaign Chairman who was Paul Manafort and last week we learned that manafort gave secret polling data to konstanin kilimnick who is thought to have ties to russian intelligence. Day 27 of the Government Shutdown and nancy pelosi is trying to take away the president s tv air time. At this point the president still plans to deliver his state of the union speech as scheduled january 29 even though pelosi sent a letter to mr. Trump asking him to move the date or deliver the speech in writing because of security concerns caused by the shutdown. Hundreds of people working on the logistics and security of it, most of those people are either furloughed or victims of the shutdown, the president s shutdown. But that isnt the point. The point is security. Make no mistake, it is ultimately speaker pelosis decision whether President Trump delivers the address to a joint session. The house and Senate Must Pass resolutions to green light the state of the union. Neither has done so and pelosi controls whether the house will pass one at all. That has House Minority leader Kevin Mccarthy all fired up calling on pelosi to act like a speaker and claims that the request is motivated by pure politics. Kirstjen nielsen says that the department of Homeland Security and the u. S. Secret service are fully prepared to support and secure the state of the union. Secret service of course, treasury department, but no official comment from either regarding that. Lets bring in rachel bay live in washington this morning. Hi, rachel. Good morning. So to reiterate, Rudy Giuliani to chris cuomo, quote, i never said there was no collusion between the campaign or people in the campaign. Has he effectively moved the goal posts and narrowed them as well . Moved the goal posts absolutely. And hes done this before, right . Clearly they are concerned right now. There is a report just a couple da days ago that Paul Manafort gave internal polling to an oligarch licked to russian officials and that is scaring them. He is saying i can speak for the top echelons of the campaign. Well, Paul Manafort was the top echelon of the campaign. So they are trying to put distance right in you between t the president and Paul Manafort or others who may find themselves in muellers cross hairs. And this is after we saw reports that the president was under investigation by the fbi whether he was a secret russian a little. Thi agent. Think about this. Fox news was asking him if he worked for russia and now today or last night we should say we have this extraordinary statement from his top lawyer. And it is mind boggling. Weve had mind boggling conversations with Rudy Giuliani before. And i want to sort of rewind to may 2, 2018 when he was talking about paying Stormy Daniels and how that was not a Campaign Finance violation. Listen. Im giving you a fact now that you dont know. It is not campaign money. No Campaign Finance violation. They funneled it through a law firm. And the president repaid it. Oh, i didnt know he did. There is no Campaign Finance law. Zero. Correct me if im wrong, Michael Cohen is going to prison for almost three years for Campaign Finance violations related to just this. Yeah, tell that to federal prosecutors who have basically brought in the president with this and said that he was involved in this. Look, i mean, as this sort of works through the court, we cant see a lot of what is happening because a lot of this is private, but you know, it is about to be cracked wide open both the russia front, the Stormy Daniels payments. I know that oversight chairman Elijah Cummings who is the chairman of one of the top congressional committees doing oversight in congress, he will be bringing cohen in in a couple weeks and they will be asking him about all this stuff from the payments to any financial interests that the president had in russia, trump tower in moscow, et cetera. Just extraordinary to me because there is so much that they can look into. And Elijah Cummings was interviewed a couple days ago and he said we cant just start right away, we have to hit the ground running an sprinting because there is so much to investigate here. Lets get to the latest power play by nancy pelosi effectively saying not in my house, related to the state of the union less than two week away. She writes this letter to President Trump saying really the point is security. We cant secure the event. When effectively she could have d disinvited him. She did not. Kirstjen nielsen essentially fact checked miss pelosi and said that the secret service is fully prepared to secure this event. She is the perfect foil for donald trump. But was this the right play . She could have pulled a complete power play and disinvited him, effectively killing. She could have said it is a shutdown, why are we having a speech to congress. But she didnt. She went with the security angle. This is very pelosi. Kind of like she is firm on something, but also like does things with a ladylike mannerism. And this is her not just going out and twisting the knife publicly, but trying to sort of soften it saying i suggest perhaps you write your state of the union or we delay it. But, yes, make no mistake about this, this is a power play on her part. She has not only denied the president his wall, she has privately questioned his manhood to a group of house democrats. She has sort of poked fun at this wall, what is it, a fence, what is it, a beaded curtain. And now shes taking away the thing that the president loves the most, which is a National Audience speaking to the nation. And he is not going to be able to do that. I dont know how he thinks that he will be able to address the nation, maybe he does it from the oval office, but the white house responds saying that he will do it anyway particularly interesting. How you say privately nancy pelosi tells people that there would be a citizens arrest for average americans. So clearly a tangle between these two. Make no mistake, it is risky on her part. She is not the most beloved figure in the democratic party. 48 this week told a poll that they did not approve of her and only 35 did. And this could backfire on her. Well just have to see how the American Public sort of reads if, do they see it as her being too unwilling to compromise because democrats of course stood up at the white house this week, does this backfire on them or does it make them look strong and make the president give in. It is notable, no tweet from the president after pelosi wrote this letter. And nothing from sarah sanders. You wonder when that will be coming. Rachel, great to have you here. Thank you. Four americans are dead after an attack in syria. Isis has claimed responsibility and overnight u. S. Officials told cnn there are no plans to reverse President Trumps decision to withdraw u. S. Troops from syria. A few weeks ago he justified that decision saying isis was defeated. We have won against isis. We have beaten them and we have beaten them badly. Republican senator Lindsey Graham is an ally of President Trump and has been critical of the president s strategy in syria. He says that he is concerned that the president s statements about syria have emboldened isis. My concern about the statements made by President Trump is that it could set in motion enthusiasm by the enemy were fighting. You make people who are trying to help wonder about us. And as they get bolder, people were trying to help are going to get more uncertain. I saw this in iraq. And im now seeing it in syria. Some of the video were about to show you may be disturbing. Cnns jomana karedsheh is live in istanbul with requethe very latest. This military convoy of u. S. Military members was targeted near this restaurant where they were going to eat. 19 People Killed overall, four americans. What is the latest . Reporter truly devastating attack. As you mentioned, isis claiming responsibility saying that it was one of their suicide bombers who carried out this bombing, that they were targeting coalition forces. Of course the timing of this as we have seen in recent weeks, Administration Officials with President Trump at the forefront pretty much declaring victory over isis saying that the group had been defeated, and even on wednesday around the same time that this faek took plaattack tu had mike pence speaking at an event saying that the caliphate had crumbled and that isis had been defeated. And that is not entirely true at least part of that statement is not. The caliphate has crumbled, isis has lost the territory that it once controlled in iraq and syria, but that does not mean that isis has been defeated, something u. S. Military officials and Security Experts have been warning saying that we are seeing isis morph into this insurgent terror group still capable of carrying out devastating attacks. And if it was indeed responsible for that bombing that is still being investigated by the u. S. Military, some say it is perhaps a message that they are far from defeated, christine. Jomana karedsheh in istanbul, thank you for that. We head to the uk where theresa may survived another no confidence vote, but can she find a way to get the uk out of eu unscathed . Were live at 10 downing street next. Hgreatness of an suv . Is it to carry cargo. Or to carry on a legacy . Its show of strength. Or its sign of intelligence . In crossing harsh terrain. Or breaking new ground . This is the mercedesbenz suv family. Greatness comes in many forms. Lease the glc 300 for 479 a month at your local mercedesbenz dealer. Mercedesbenz. The best or nothing. I felt i couldnt be at my best for my family. , in only 8 weeks with mavyret, i was cured and left those doubts behind. I faced reminders of my hep c every day. But in only 8 weeks with mavyret, i was cured. Even hanging with friends i worried about my hep c. But in only 8 weeks with mavyret, i was cured. Mavyret is the only 8week cure for all common types of hep c. 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A get your questions answered by awesome experts store. Its a now theres one store that connects your life like never before store. The xfinity store is here. And its simple, easy, awesome. British Prime Minister theresa may still in power but severely weakened after bury surviving a noconfidence vote, that vote coming just one day after mays brexit plan was crushed by an historic margin. The Prime Minister must now deliver plan b by monday. Lets go live to 10 downing street and play whose government is a bigger mess with hadas gold. Good morning to you. Your dysfunction not your, but the uk governments is front page news every day here. Is our dysfunction front page news there . Reporter honestly in the uk all the focus is what is happening in parliament because political observers havent seen anything like this in decade, probably in modern british political history. 19 votes, that is the difference, that is by how much theresa may survived that noconfidence vote last night. And kept her in power. Immediately after, she came out here and spoke to the nation and she said that she was going to be speaking to members of all the Political Parties trying to get them to come to her and tell her what they need in order to be able to come to a consensus on that brexit vote. If you remember just a couple nights ago, her deal failed spectacularly by 230 votes. Now she has to come back with a plan b. But a really important person that is refusing to meet with her is Jeremy Corbyn okocorbyn, the labour party, and he shenando says he wont meet with her unless she takes the no deal option off the table. We continue to be in sort of the stalemate situation. But it is moving but the clock is ticking down 71 days to go until that march 29th deadline of brexit. Sounds vaguely familiar, only you countdown, we count up. Day 27 of our shutdown. Thank you. Chinas chief negotiator heads to washington as they look for a way out of trade war. There will be two days of talks in d. C. Starting january 30th. And wall street journal reporting that federal prosecutors in the u. S. Are pursuing a criminal investigation into huawei. Probing whether huawei stole trade secrets from u. S. Business partners. It could complicate talks by the u. S. And china to reach a deal to end that trade war. Just yesterday jamie dimon says that the u. S. choois relatiina p is the most important for the next 100 years. Microsoft announced a 500 million commitment to preserve existing Affordable Housing and spur construction of new units in seattle. 25 million of that will go through philanthropic grants to address homelessness. The peugeot sound regifuge regi seeing a 21 increase in jobs, but only a 13 increase in housing units. Sad news today in the investing world. John vogel died wednesday at the age of 89. Vogel created the First Index Fund in 1975. He founded the vanguard group. I would argue he has done more than anyone else in history. 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Big storm out weather could turn into a major snowstorm for the east coast. Here is derek van dam. Good morning. Yet another powerful winter storm slamming into the west coast. Look at the radar lighting up like a christmas tree. We have heavy snow across the Sierra Nevada Mountain Range and heavy rainfall for the rlower elevations including coastal areas that have been struck by recent fires, so the potential for mudslides and debris flow exists. Flash flood threat today. 1 to 3 inches. Higher amounts in the foothills before it changes to all snow. We have blizzard warnings in effect for much of the Sierra Nevada mountain rake, winge, wi could gust and the potential to measure the snowfall in feet exists through the rest of thursday and into friday. Now, this storm system is a series of two storms moving eastward. The first one bringing a bit of snowfall to the new england coastline. The secondary storm system currently over the west coast will dump a significant amount of snowfall across upstate new york and into maine easily over a foot possible as we head into the weekend. Here is a look at your seven day temperatures. Quite a cooldown on sunday. Thanks for that. John engler has resigned after claiming nassars sexual Abuse Victims are enjoying spotlight. He said survivors who havent been in the spotlight have been able to deal with this better than the ones who have been in the spotlight who are still enjoying that moment at times. Awards and recognition. More than 150 victims testified about nassars abuse. Some celebrities offering to feed the Clemson Tigers who got a fast food feast at the white house this week. Michael strahan offering to foot the bill. The lobster, whatever you want, well take care of you. Well give you the proper meal that you deserve. Also celebrity chef curry, wife of receive churr steph cur tweeted and invite. No word from clemson if they will accept the invitations or if they even want them. They seemed okay with the food. Id accept all the invitations. Thanks for joining us. Happy 97th birthday to betty there has been no collusion between the Trump Campaign and russians. I never said there was no collusion between the campaign or people on the campaign have some he knows that there is very strong evidence of collusion and he is trying to get out ahead of that evidence. The government is closed because of President Trump. I think its a good idea to delay it. Not for the speaker to say we should reschedule and to disinvite the president. I dont understand why we are being penalized for a wall that we have nothing to do with. Announcer this is new day with Alisyn Camerota and john berman. We want to welcome our viewers in the United States and around the world. This is new day, it is thursday, january 17th, 6 00 here in new york. And new this morning a remarkable statement from President Trumps lawyer Rudy Giuliani. Last night he conceded that he cannot say whether Trump Campaign aides clued with russia. Listen to what he told our chris cuomo just last night. I never said there was no collusion between the campaign or between people in the campaign. I have no idea. I have not. I said the president of the United States, there is not a single bit of evidence the

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