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This would bolster the efforts of the investigation and escalate a battle with the Justice Department. This is a serious concern to two former National Security offici officials. This is bad all the way around. This is a very negative development for lots of reasons. It represents an assault on the institutions and it is certainly bad for the fbi and the department of justice. I shudder to think of the morale of the organizations. I actually didnt think it would happen because of the affects that jim described. This crosses threshold that we have not done before. Chris wray was allowed to review the memo and raise concerns. One source says the president erupted last week when he learned of the Justice Department efforts to stop the release. Publishing it would be extraordinary reckless. For more we turn to manu raju on capitol hill. Reporter good morning, christine and dave. A house intelligence kmcommitte voting along party lineses to release the memo of fbi and Justice Department abuse. Suggesting that warrants obtained during the Campaign Season over the adviser carter page were improperly obtained and information given to the fisa judge to approve the warrants. The judge not given the full picture of why the Justice Department was seeking the information. This is according to the allegations in the memo drafted by the staff from the House Intelligence Committee devin nunes. Whoever viewed this document. The president will have to decide whether or not to objectobjec object or approve its release. We expect the president to approve its release. Something that democrats yesterday were saying could cause grave harm to National Security. The white house has made it abundantly clear they want the memo published even though they have not read it. That should tell you all you need to know about the president s priorities. Without reading it or without hearing from the agencies or the fbi over the damage it could do with public release. Reporter the republicans running the investigation, mike conroy pushed back, saying they are prepared to release the democratic memo that was drafted by adam schiff. It comes to the different conclusions than the nunes memo. They want to follow the same procedure that the full house has access to the classified memo and read it and later the committee can decide whether or not to allow for public release. The democrats wanted the schiff memo and nunes memo released at the same time. They want the Justice Department and fbi to brief the full house about the memo before agreeing to its release. There are a lot of questions of the future of the russia investigation and if it can proceed among the fury over the two competing memos and apparent focus of the investigation looking into the Justice Department and the fbi actions in 2016. Christine and dave. Manu, thank you. Lets bring in jackie kucinich. Great to have you, jackie. Great to be here. Republicans have a memo. Democrats have a memo. Do you have a memo . No memo. You know, this is fascinating whats going on in terms of the partisan rancor which is at a new level overnight. The russia investigation into the house, what can you say at this point . It is just in tatters in terms of what nunes has done here. It really is. This was a committee that never really or hadnt been touched bipartisanship. At this point, you have to wonder if they can get it together to get the investigation done in any way that anyone in the suppopublic accept. Forget about bipartisanship with this house intel committee. We used to at least take time and patience with such sensitive information. Why the rush to get this memo out there right now . A really good question. Im guessing it has to do with the president. The president , this is something he wants out. He indicated it is something he is going to approve. He really wants this investigation over and done. The fact of the matter is because of the partisanship in the house and senate, muellers investigation is the only game in town and the president really doesnt have any control over that at the moment. Lets talk about state of the union. The president is having a unifying speech. That is what the white house is saying. At least that is what the script will be in the teleprompter. Remember american carnage . We have gone from the president speaking to his base as president of the United States. Now he has to give the state of the union. Who will he be talking to tonight . It depends on the speech. In terms of immigration, it will be the thing that im most listening to and that democrats and republicans are listening to. Democrats are not pleased with the white house proposal. Particularly the changes to family reunification and the visa lottery program. They all made their peace with the wall for letting the d. R. E. A. M. Ers stay. The other pillars will be a problem. The other side of the coin, immigration hard liners are upset with the president and the idea he will have a path to citizenship or amnesty for 1. 8 Million People. So he managed to tick off both sides with that proposal. He will be trying to pressure democrats into buying into this. He has his problem on his right flank as well. He will talk about infrastructure. The infrastructure plan he has been pushing. He will have problems on his own party with spending. Frankly, were in a mid term year. Democrats will be hesitant to give the president any wins going into the 2018 election. You talk about the right flank. There are some who want him to be more of the guy they elected. Not the guy who spoke at davos who made concessions and did not talk about a trade war and the like. You wonder. That guy doesnt get reelected. The daily beast reported they are trying to keep him away from Chuck Schumer who may be inclined to make a deal within terms of immigration. You know. It is always the last person the president talks to is the one he agrees with. See who is in the room last. Chuck schumer has an interesting oped in the post this morning about the state of the union. Suggesting there is Common Ground with infrastructure. He did layout the case with their vision of infrastructure is different than the white house is proposing. I want to ask you about the speech versus the rhetoric and tweets that follow. Ari fletcher says he has little message discipline. Every time he moves the ball down the field, he seems to derail with a tweet days later. How important is the speech versus the 24to48 hours that follow . You know, with a normal presidency, you would not have to worry about the 24to48 hours that follow. It is important that the president stay on message. He has an excellent track record of saying something and getting praise and stepping on it himself by a tweet or something happens and he reacts to it on his twitter feed or verb abally. Whether the president he is not planning on doing the travel sweep that a lot of president s do following a state of the union. Maybe they are hoping that he continues to stay on message. Whatever that message is. And you mention afghanistan. The third president in 17 years of presiding over american troops in afghanistan. Three terrible attacks recently. One wonders the National Security component. Jackie, thank you. Some tickets for the state of the Union Address with a typo. Inviting people to the state of the uniom. Unclear how many teickets had typos. The sergeant in arms reprinted the affected tickets. Those who have not picked up pictu tickets have been swapped out. Senate republicans failing to pass a bill that would criminalize abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy. That came up short of the 60 votes needed. The opposition mostly from democrats. The bill passed the house in october. It includes exceptions in cases of rape and incest and when the life of the mother is at risk. The president called the vote disappointing. Ahead, the white house says there is no need for new sanctions against russia, but in the middle of the night, the United States put 200 oligarchs and officials on notice. We have live reaction from moscow next. New year, new phones for the family. Join tmobile, and when you buy one of the latest Samsung Galaxy phones get a Samsung Galaxy s8 free. Yahoooo ahoooo plus, unlimited family plans come with netflix included. Spectacular so, you can watch all your netflix favorites on your new samsung phones. Whoa join the uncarrier and get a Samsung Galaxy s8 free. All on americas best unlimited network. Luckily, office depot®not officemax® is hereeart. To take care of you. Taking care of business with print Services Done right. On time. Guaranteed expert tech support. And this week all dell pcs are up to twenty five percent off save even more when you purchase a dell monitor. And make sure you protect your investment. Office depot® officemax. Officedepot. Com taking care of business ayep, and my teeth are yellow. . Time for whitestrips. Crest glamorous White Whitestrips are the only adaaccepted whitening strips proven to be safe and effective. And they whiten 25x better than a leading whitening toothpaste. Crest. Healthy, beautiful smiles for life. This is the story of Green Mountain Coffee Roasters dark magic told in the time it takes to brew your cup. First, we head to vermont. And go to our coffee shop. And meet dave. Hey. Why is dark magic so spellbindingly good, he asks . Let me show you. Lets go. So we climb. Hike. See a bear. Woah. Reach the top. Dave says dark magic is a bold blend of coffee with rich flavors of uganda, sumatra, colombia and other parts of south america. Like these mountains, each amazing on their own. But together . Magical. All, for a smoother tasting cup of coffee. Green mountain Coffee Roasters packed with goodness. The Trump Administration missing another deadline to impose sanctions on russia. The administration taking a different approach. Just before midnight, the Treasury Department released a Russian Oligarch list. It names more than 200 politicians and business men with kremlin ties. For now, the people on the list are on notice. No new sanctions yet. Lets go to moscow and Fred Pleitgen. Fred, what is the reaction there . Reporter christine, the reaction is building up here in moscow. In fact, the spokesman for Vladimir Putin came out with new comments saying the russian government believes the list declaring all of the russian government as enemies of the United States. There was criticism it was more harsh from other senior lawmakers. One saying this jeopardizes relations with the United States and russia if they could get any worse than they already are. One of the reasons why there is a harsh reaction to the list in particular and it seems strange is because it doesnt involve new sanctions. A lot of the oligarchs are the list fear being on the list will make it difficult for them to get create banks and do business internationally and could land them on the sanctions list in the future. Christine, we have to recall all of this is being done by the Treasury Department because of russias alleged meddling in the u. S. Election in 2016. The current director of the cia doesnt believe it is a oneoff. He says the russians are still at it. Here is what mike pompeo had to say with the british broadcaster bbc. The russians have a long history of these information campaigns. That part of it is not new. That technology that enables it is now cheap and plentiful and the capability of transferring information around the world is simpler than it was in world war ii or decades ago. This threat will not go away. The russians have been at this a long time. I expect them to be at it. Reporter as you can see, christine, a lot of friction and distrust with the u. S. And russia. You know one of the things that President Trump has been saying over the past couple weeks and months, basically since he came into office, he wants better relations with russia. Judging by what were seeing today, it seems it is not going in that direction, christine. Thank you, Fred Pleitgen for us if mosct in moscow. A Russian Military jet performed an unsafe intercept of the u. S. Plane over the black sea. The american pilots say the jet came within five feet of their aircraft. Intercept forced the navy plane to end the mission prematurely. This is the latest in the series of unsafe actions. The Russian Military says the crew flew in with international rules. And the state of the union is tonight. How much credit does the president deserve for the state of the economy . The answer is next. And if you have Heart Failure, entrusting your heart to entresto may help. Entresto is a Heart Failure medicine that helps improve your hearts ability to pump blood to the body. In the largest Heart Failure study ever, entresto was proven superior at helping people stay alive and out of the hospital compared to a leading Heart Failure medicine. Dont take entresto if pregnant. It can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. Dont take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren. If youve had angioedema while taking an ace or arb medicine, dont take entresto. The most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. Ask your doctor about entresto. And help make more tomorrows possible. 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Im urging the american people, seize these new opportunities to produce, to save, to invest and together well make this economy a mighty engine of freedom, hope and prosperity again. The economy has been a primary focus in states of the union dating back decades. Expect more of the same from President Trump who used the economy to tout his success in the first year. We were fortunate to book our chief correspondent on business. Christine romans. Glad you are ann early riser. Every president wants to take credit for economic gamein. He will brag about it. The American Economy is booming. He will take credit for that. Lets talk about the stats he has to back him up. Stocks and jobs and corporate profits. Gang busters. These were strong when trump took over. His probusiness attitude flipped a switch. Consumer confidence and optimism at alltime highs. The cheerleader in chief bragging his way to an economic boom. There are spots in the strong economy. Unemployment rate at 17year low. That doesnt include the americans not in the labor force. 95 Million People who are not working and not in the labor market. The majority of them are retired and some in school and taking care of a loved one. That leaves 6 million workers unaccounted for here. What about jobs . There were 2 million jobs created during President Trumps first year. That is a great number. 2 million jobs. Lets put it in context. This is important. That pace is the slowest in six years. That is not unusual after years of expansion. You hear employers say they cannot find workers. Jobs are growing. Wages are not. Because of globalization and parttime workers keeping wages in check. Lets talk about the sizzle stock market. Great news for the 401 k . This is good news for anybody in the investor class. That is only about half of americans. The wealthier you are, the more likely you are to benefit. These are all numbers that im sure the president will use. Look, he bragged his way into economic boom. He really has. The one characteristic of donald trump that his detractors hate is his big mouth. His big mouth is good for investors. It forced companies, maybe in cases, make investments in the u. S. Exxonmobil announced 50 billion in additional spending over the next five years. Is that additional or are they advertising . The switch has flipped. Companies want to show how much theyre spending in the u. S. Do you think he will name check individual companies . I think he might. I think he might. Interesting. Christine romans, thank you. We will get results of the state investigation into the false missile alert in hawaii. The probe has now wrapped up weeks after the mishap that sent the islands population running for shelter. There will be actions announced within the hawaii Emergency Management agency. Officials said the employee responsible was disciplined and reassigned, but not fired. And the president delivers his first state of the union tonight. Instead, washington talking about the fbi and Andrew Mccabe and the russia investigation. Well talk about that when we return. Wiback like it could used to . Neutrogena hydro boost water gel. With hyaluronic acid it plumps skin cells with intense hydration and locks it in. For supple, hydrated skin. Hydro boost. From neutrogena one is the only number that youll ever need staying ahead isnt about waiting for a chance. Its about the one bold choice you make, that moves you forward. the one and only Cadillac Escalade. Come in now for this exceptional offer on the Cadillac Escalade. Get this lowmileage lease on this 2018 Cadillac Escalade from around 879 per month. Visit your local cadillac dealer. F[seen it. Covered it. N. H. We know a thing or two because weve seen a thing or two. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum when you have a deeply flawed person in the oval office, that flaw can infect the whole of government. Campaign to blunt the russia probe is picking up steam. The president can now release a classified gop memo critics say can do lasting damage to the fbi. Did the clinton email investigation cost Andrew Mccabe his job at the fbi . Details on what he told his colleagues after the deputy abruptly left. Mr. Speaker, the president of the United States. Donald trump delivers his first state of the union tonight. Planning a message of unity. Can he keep that promise once he walks off the house floor. Im dave briggs. Carl bernstein, who said it is the monday night slaughter. Im christine romans. 31 minutes past the hour. State of the union tuesday. The clock is ticking to decide whether to release a classified republican memo alleging abuses by the fbi. Voting along party lines to release the memo drafted by devin nunes. The memo was delivered to the white house starting a fiveday period for the president to decide whether to release it. The release would bolster republican effort to undercut Robert Muellers investigation and escalate the battle with the Justice Department. The disclosure is a concern to two National Security officials. It is bad all the way around. This is, i think, a very negative development for lots of reasons. It represents, i think, an assault on the institutions and it is certainly bad for the fbi and the department of justice. I shudder to think what the morale of the organization is right now. I actually didnt think it would happen because of the effects that jim described. This crosses a threshold that i dont think weve crossed before. Before the house intel vote, chris wray was allowed to review the memo and raise concerns. One source says the president erupted last week when he heard of the Justice Departments move to stop the release. Warning it would be reckless. We turn to manu raju with more on capitol hill. Reporter good morning, dave and christine. Voting along party lines to move forward with the release of the republican staff memo that details allegations of fbi and Justice Department abuse over its russia investigation. Suggesting that warrants obtained during the Campaign Season over the donald trump adviser carter page were improperly obtained. Information given to the fisa judge. The judge not given the full picture why the Justice Department was seeking the information. This is according to the allegations in the memo drafted by staff from the House Intelligence Committee devin nunes. Now the committee has voted along party lines, the president will have to decide whether or not to object or approve its release. We have been told by sources in the white house, we expect the president to approve its release. Something democrats were saying could cause grave harm to National Security. The white house has made it abundantly clear that they want the memo published although they have not read it. That should tell you all you need to know about the president s priorities. Without reading it and without hearing from the intelligence agencies or the fbi over the damage it would do with the public release. Reporter the republicans running the investigation mike conroy pushed back on schiffs assertions. They are prepared to release the memo drafted by schiff. It comes to the different conclusions than the devin nunes memo. They he wawant to follow the sa procedures as the nunes memo. They want access to the classified memo in decide to allow for public release. They want the memos released at the same time and they want the Justice Department and fbi to brief the full house about the memo before agreeing to its release. A lot of questions of the future of the russia investigation and whether or not it can proceed among the two competing memos and focus of the investigation looking into the Justice Department and the fbi actions in 2016. Christine and dave. Duelling memos. That is the state of the union. The memo cites the role of Andrew Mccabe overseeing aspects of the russia investigation. Now mccabe will watch the rest of the probe unfold from the sidelines. Mccabe left the fbi ahead of the planned retirement in march. Mccabe is one of the president s favorite punching bag over the russia investigation. Press secretary Sarah Sanders says the president was not behind mccabes departure. She was asked if pressure contributed. The only thing the president applied pressure to is to get this resolved so we can focus on things Americans Care about. That is making sure everybody gets the russia fever out are their system once and for all. Former fbi director james comey responded to the early departure of mccabe with this tweet. Andrew mccabe stood tall in the last eight months when small people were trying to tear down an institution we depend on. He served with distinction. I wish him well. Chris wray hinted to fbi staff about a report on the clinton email investigation played a role in the mccabe departu departure. Lets bring in political analyst jackie cucinich. Good morning. How are you . Good morning. Carl bernstein who knows a thing or two about washington scandal . Listen to what he said. I think we may look back on tonight as the monday night slaughter by an obstructive, irresponsible, partisan gang in the house of representatives that has put the interests of their party and the president of the United States and his personal fortunes above the national interests. Wow. Those are some strong words. Has it come to that . I dont want to question carl bernstein. It certainly is staggering what is unfolding here. I have not seen the memo. I just read the leaks about what could be in it. Certainly the fact that the president is again pitting himself against the fbi and the department of justice, both of which he oversees, and it looks like he is going to dismiss their concerns about the memo and release it anyway. It really is and continues to erode the faith in these important institutions. Its more than note worthy and astonishing. There is another way this memo can get out there. The president can do nothing and sends it back to the house. The full house can vote to release it any way so he can say i didnt do it. We heard Sarah Sanders there is a we want to get back to what there say we want to get back to what the Americans Care about. She said russia fever. It will be interesting if, jackie, they decide to release this memo. How will Sarah Sanders say this is what Americans Care about . The process of obtaining a fisa warrant, which is what this memo is about, on a guy that americans dont even know who he is, carter page. How would this be good for the country . How do they make that argument . It never fails to surprise me how the Trump Administration decides to turn the argument into the opposite argument they were making the day before. Maybe they are right. Americans are not into the minutia of the daytoday scandal. They will care if it undermines the institutions and interfere with the 2016 election. That is what this is about. The president made it all about himself every single time. Foundationally. This was about how russia may have meddled in the 2016 election. The cia director says they still are. They have not gone away. They released the memo which was retweeted by russian bots. It is almost comic, except it is not. It f this is a script, it wod have jumped the shark three episodes ago. Lets talk about the state of the union. He will talk about immigration. He will talk about the economy. I have no doubt he will take credit for it. He is the cheerleader in chief. Loves to brag about the economic numbers. He has been here a year and deserves to say the economy under my watch has been doing well. What do you expect with the tone . We are hearing unifying. The white house is hoping it is unifying. It is hard to think given the state of our politics at the moment this is where everyone walks out high fiving each other. The president is going to try to bring everyone together with the speech. Particularly on the issue of the economy and tax reform. He can talk all he wants on the economy, but until the americans see it in the paychecks, that will actually matter. I assume describe in how he made their take home pay a lot more. Christine, you mentioned afghanistan in the last segment. That is something the president is supposed to speak about. However, i would recommend everyone read the piece in the New York Times with a laundry list of how many commander in chiefs and subordinates will say the war will be over right around the corner. He is the third president to say that. Lets lead to that. The optimism in the afghan war. The Afghan Military is on the brink of taking control of the country. Three administrations have said that. It hasnt happened. How will it impact the National Security and isis being on the run . Right now, it is rhetoric. He can say all he wants. As christine read in that lead, two other president s have said very similar things. Particularly about afghanistan and the United States is still there. They make another point in that piece that men and women who are heading over there were in diapers when this war began 17 years ago. That is context. Staggering. Jackie, we know you will be working hard. Thanks. The tickets for the state of the Union Address printed with the typo inviting people to the state of the uniom. The sergeantatarms office reprinted them. Those who have not been picked up have been exchanged out. A collectors item. Senate republicans failing to pass a bill that could criminalize abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy. It came up short of the 60 votes needed. Opposition from mostly democrats. The bill passed in the house back in october. It includes cases of rape and incest and when the life of the mother is at risk as exceptions. The white house says there is no need of sanctions against the russians. In the dark of the night, the u. S. Put more than 200 russian figures and oligarchs on notice. Why is moscow concerned . We are live in moscow next. Samsung galaxy phones get a Samsung Galaxy s8 free. Yahoooo ahoooo plus, unlimited family plans come with netflix included. Spectacular so, you can watch all your netflix favorites on your new samsung phones. Whoa join the uncarrier and get a Samsung Galaxy s8 free. All on americas best unlimited network. This is the story of Green Mountain Coffee Roasters dark magic told in the time it takes to brew your cup. First, we head to vermont. And go to our coffee shop. And meet dave. Hey. Why is dark magic so spellbindingly good, he asks . Let me show you. Lets go. So we climb. Hike. See a bear. Woah. Reach the top. Dave says dark magic is a bold blend of coffee with rich flavors of uganda, sumatra, colombia and other parts of south america. Like these mountains, each amazing on their own. But together . Magical. All, for a smoother tasting cup of coffee. Green mountain Coffee Roasters packed with goodness. Luckily, office depot®not officemax® is hereeart. To take care of you. Taking care of business with print Services Done right. On time. Guaranteed expert tech support. And this week all dell pcs are up to twenty five percent off save even more when you purchase a dell monitor. And make sure you protect your investment. Office depot® officemax. Officedepot. Com taking care of business after decades of protests and complaints, the Cleveland Indians will drop chief wahoo logo. We have andy scholes with the bleacher report. Chief wahoo logo has been used for more than 70 years. This season is the last one it appears on the hats and jerseys that the players wear. Critics have argued for years the logo is offensive and racist. Rob manfred says the image goes against the games efforts to include diversitdiversity. The team will still sell merchandise featuring chief wahoo so Major League Baseball and the team can keep trademark. And new England Patriots arrive in minneapolis for super bowl lii. Bill belichick says the hat belonged to his dad. He said he chose to wear it because i saw the hat this morning and thought it is minnesota. It is cold. So i put a hat on. Nfl Opening Night where the team meets with the media. Nfl network had a smile counter for belichick to count how many times it happened. The goal of many reporters was to find a way to make belichick laugh. They asked tom brady what would work. I have no idea. To get him to smile . To say maybe lacrosse, lawrence taylor, bon jovi. Tom said if i mention the words are lacrosse . Ill tickle you . You can skip that. This is an adult show. Not ticklish. The power couple were together at Opening Night. Zach ertz and julie. Her video of her getting emotional when the eagles were going to the super bowl after her game went viral last week. She was having fun last night interviewing her husband. Julie. Whats your favorite meal i make . Favorite meal. Unbelievable tacos. That would be my answer. She doesnt make them all the time. Im upset about it. When she does, they are off the chain. Agent ltheir kids have a lote up to. Does Michael Irving hijack that . She is used to getting the questions asked of her. She had to ask and she was jittery. Facebooks news may hit closer to home. The local news to prove it can have a positive impact on society. It is more than looking up old boyfriends. We have cnn money stream next. Go. Yes go. Yes nice play. Still buffering. Mine too. What happened . 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Love that stuff. The Trump Administration missing another deadline to impose sanctions on russia. The administration taking a different approach. Just before midnight eastern, the Treasury Department released a Russian Oligarch list which names more than 200 politicians and business men. Many with kremlin ties. For now, the white house is putting those on the list on notice. Frederik pleitgen in moscow with reaction. Fred. Reporter angry reaction here from moscow. We heard from the spokeman from the kremlin. He is also on that list. He shows the list shows all of the russian government in their mind is the enemy of the american state. Angry words. Other russian politicians, dave, have come forward and says it jeopardizes relations with the u. S. And russia. If those can get worse than they already are now. And the entire russian government and a lot of oligarchs are close to the putin government. All of them each worth over 1 billion. All of this, of course, dave, is in reaction to the alleged meddling in the 2016 election. The current director he director of the cia believes they are still at it. Here is what mike pompeo has to say with the bbc. The russians have a long history of the information campaigns. That part of it is not new. The technology that enables it is cheap and plentiful and capability of transferring information around the world is simpler than it was in world war ii or decades ago. The russians have been at this a long time. I fully expect they will be at it. Reporter some clear warnings there that we are hearing from the cia. One of the things that President Trump has been saying since he took office is he wants to improve relations with moscow. Judging from what we have seen from the last days and weeks and on this day, that is not happening at this time. Dave. Fred pleitgen. Just about 2 00 p. M. In moscow. Thank you. We get the investigation into the false missile alert in hawaii. The investigation wrapped up that sent the islands population running for shelter. The agency will make changes. Hawaiian officials said the employee was disciplined and reassigned, but not fired. Lets get a check on money stream. Stocks fell from record highs. Wall street saw the biggest decline so far this year. Stocks might fall again today. If you look at futures, they are lower. Global stocks are down. You can blame rising bond rates and apple. Apple fell 2 on news of weak sales to force it to cut production of the iphone x. Wall streets longest serving ceo staying on longer. Jamie dimon will lead Jpmorgan Chase for five more years. Dimon has been ceo for 12 years. He is credited for steering Jpmorgan Chase through the mortgage crisis. Two of his deputies were proper protested to the joint roles of president and chief operating officer. With the soaring stocks and strong labor market, americans are spending more, but it means they are saving less. House savings hit the lowest rate since 2005. That was during the beginning of the housing boom. Debt is not to blame. Low savings will leave americans vulnerable if the economy takes a down turn. The lowest savings rate since 2005. Facebook news may hit closer to home. Promote more local news. The third big news feed change this month. Including showing more content from your friends and rating news sources so you can have you know, faith in what you are reading. This is facebooks latest of effort to prove it can have a positive effect on society. It faces lots of criticism for enabling fake news and a positive impact on society, indeed. Thats what i think of when i think of facebook. I was just spinning through the hate and nastiness. Thanks for joining us. New day from d. C. Starts right now. Well see you tomorrow. Early at 3, 3 00 a. M. Eastern. They had crossed from dangerously dealing with intelligence to a coverup. When you read the memo, its going to be pretty clear why democrats did not want it to come into the public light. We had votes today to politicize the intelligence process. Theyre going to release that memo, then they have to release the democratic memo. The house hasnt had a chance to look at the minority report. You have not seen the intelligence that its based on. Were not permitted to see that. Doesnt that concern you . The latest turmoil in the russia probe comes adds the president is about to deliver his first state of the union speech. This decision was made by that of the white house. To say they had no influence on the part of the Deputy Director is a little disingenuous. Announcer this is new day we want

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